WALL → Fence → metaphor
Trump's wall is gone
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The wall was inside our hearts all along…………..
who could have seen it coming?
How delusional
Since when is John Green a member of the Trump team?
wtf i hate trump now
I'm looking forwards to the metaphorical internment camps Pence told Kelly about.
he's metaphorically part of it
I'LL PUT YOU IN JAIL → Crooked Hillary → nice people
We should have seen the writing on the wall!
I've typed in the wrong thing when searching for this image and found out there's a porn star that goes by the surname Marx
w-what h-happened?
I'd put my surplus in her, if you know what I mean.
his whole campaign is basically this poster
Difference is, the X-Files was actually watchable
Holla Forums gets cucked again! The only question now is, "will Holla Forums's constant cucking at the hands of their big daddy continue to be this funny throughout his presidency?"
See, if we had a real nationalist worker's revolution, we would've had a long trench with plenty of bunkers on the border. And, I mean bunkers everywhere mate. It'll be staffed by the militia as they gun down the hordes of strike-breaking scabs to protect our jobs. Imagine armed union boys beating the shit out of spics in the factories/fields and tarring and feathering the sorry piece of shit employer who hired them, before seizing his workplace as theirs. Imagine minutemen death-squads cleansing America of the globalist-capitalist scum.
It will be glorious. THAT is my border protection plan. Build bunkers and attack the employers and their scabs with unions and militias.
He's already chosen a bunch of neo-cons for his cabinet
He's just going to be Bush 2.0
:^) You got it, mate.
Make America Hoxha Again
But seriously, I really think that would be the best policy.
I'm sorry how is beating the shit out of the actual working class who need Unions a good thing?
Kek, you're going to be the first one guillotined, cunt.
Technically true though, but seriously, no tolerance for strikebreakers. And, immigration is glorified strike-breaking.
What makes a "scab", not working class. Hispanics, mostly throughout the early 20th century, to today, and immigration yada yada the past 20+ years, are the working class.
At this point currently, whites are the scabs, and are not the working class. You want to make them the working class again, at the expensive of those who need unionization support.
Nothing your saying is making a single lick of sense, it's all ideologue political posturing.
Obama was Bush 2.0. Well, not really. Obama was Reagan 5.0.
I love that he's proving to be everything that the left always wanted and they still hate him :^)
So the radical left always wanted a lying Capitalist?
Not how it works bud. On every level, unless you're a reformist, nobody wants Trump or wanted Hillary.
They came during the 70s, not the early 20th century.
Unless you count the small minority who were migrant workers back in the 30s, but those already had a union in the UFW. (Who ended up being as anti-immigration as I am.)
Also, it's good to decrease the supply of labor in the market to increase wages. (And lower housing prices.)
Even legal immigrants should be kicked out. All immigrants belong in the trash. (Also, unions are mostly white/black, aside from the UFW.)
And not just the 70s. They actually been swarming America up to the 2000s.
I'm in medschool, particularly psychiatry. I arrived here in the states, or was born here, because my family, Nationalist mostly, just came over here. I don't appreciate the fracturing of our family (besides the point), but eventually I went from nationalism in the Vietnamese sense, to understanding that really,
Ripping apart the academics and the working class, IE not whites at this point is pointless. You just become the bougie.
You sacrifice majors and jobs because of racial characteristics you do not understand, watered down into their most basic early 20th century understanding.
I think immigration was bad when the Irish came here, I think it was bad with slavery, I even think it was bad that countyfolk were forced into the cities. Immigration is the life-blood of capitalism.
Non-whites aren't the working class btw. The vast majority of the working class are white, most blacks are lumpens, spics are scabs, Asians tend to be professional-managerial sorts.
You really think that 40% of the population is laboring for 60% of it.
Grow up and look outside of your urban hobbit hole to see the real word, nigger.
Also, "the academics"? I didn't even bring them up aside from college students, who AREN'T academics.
I worked my ass off in a shitty public school to get to where I'm at today, judggeled two fucking jobs in junior college. Now I'm in four year. It's so, fucking depressing you think that every single communist is pasty, white. Upper middle class.
It just isn't true.
As for everything else I just skimmed. You don't understand nationalism and all your "policy" is short sighted idpol nonsense.
I will not, and will never, fuck overt the working class based on identity politics.
We're already reproducing lower than replacement rate, and that's all fine and dandy with me.
Trump is going to build the wall. Don't take this 3rd hand horseshit seriously, really. Why is the left in denial about this?
Anyone who voted for Trump for his outlandish moon reach policies and seriously expected him to do them literally are retarded.
Trump vs Clinton was the greatest non-choice of the century. You were selecting between a corrupt Neocon and a buffoon that is too politically inexperienced to avoid putting neocons on his team. Wow. It's fucking nothing.
I voted for Trump for one reason only: To drink SJW tears. And they have been absolutely delicious. A Trump presidency may be exactly what we need to wake people up to the reality that identity politics is a bunch of bourgeois first-world nonsense. At the same time, his failure to do anything may awaken many of the alt-right to realize that you can't put trust in greedy billionaires to fix anything for anyone who doesn't make at least 500k/yr.
These 4 years gonna be good.
Listen. Somehow, during the Ice Age, Africa went through severe drought. And I mean, complete desertification. It killed humanity off into becoming "Critically Endangered".
And yet, among all these people you would consider subhumans, managed to survive off as little as possible. On stone tools, and fists and screaming. I'm not talking about anything else than Homo Sapiens. We almost went extinct. Yet, for some reason, from this 2,000 or less group. We managed to survive into a population hundreds of times larger . We adapted and survived.
If we could do it then, we can do it now. There is nothing to say that human beings aren't capable of problem solving sophisticated action to ensure our survive. We are a problem solving animal, something Earth has never seen before.
Less whites is hardly as catastrophic as you make it out to be.
Why are you in denial when his transition team is literally telling everyone he's not going to?
Hell, he said himself.
since always
I didn't claim that all communists were "pasty, white, middle class"
There's plenty of minorities in the middle class. Asians are, on average, wealthier than white people, gook. In fact, it's that very perception that white people are all upper middle class that pisses me off.
No, you fucking gooks aren't the poor exploited working class, on average. (You seem to be working class gook who was born here, so you'd be my comrade if you were patriotic. Your patriots can be as well if they join a union and enlist into military service.)
No, white people aren't all upper middle class exurbites who live in mcmansions.
Incidentally, the white people who DO fulfill that description tend to be liberal faggots. Material conditions matter far more than race. Lumpens, scabs, professional-managerial cucks, and porkies are the enemies of the working class by virtue of contradicting material interests.
Also, I understand nationalism perfectly well, in fact far more than the racialist fuckwits who want to divide the Union. Nationalism is a revolutionary ideology, born from the fires of the French Revolution. It fits with democracy and socialism like a glove in a hand. The ideals of nationalism are mobilizing the citizenry, uniting against foreign enemies, and a populist form of militarism, all of which go hand in hand with republican and socialist ideology.
I just mentioned that most blacks are lumpens. It doesn't mean that I think they're biologically inferior. There's historical reasons for this. Maybe, you should stop being such a triggered emotional cunt and actually know about the kind of shit I advocate for.
And, I was literally saying that the lower reproduction rate is a GOOD thing, if immigration is limited. Apparently, for someone who worked hard in college, you can't seem to read for shit. "all fine and dandy".
I was saying that lower populations are good for labor, but someone you needed to morph it into a Holla Forums-style rant about muh "white purity". Get out of here and learn to read, junglegook. Why didn't we napalm-bomb your country hard enough to roast your parents?
God stop citing your sources from fucking Holla Forums and look at things through actual material analysis and not recycling Breitbart shit.
You talk about all the fucking workers and unionization.
The fact is, you just don't care about workers or unionization.
I-It's gonna be a 4 Dimensional wall
I don't like where this is going
You used to be subtle, when you were shilling for reactionary shitheads like the Oregon militia. You were obviously Holla Forums with a coat of red paint, but at least you put effort into the paint job.
Now, you're so blatant about being Holla Forums I can't believe anyone is wasting their time being baited by you.
I don't really go to Holla Forums. At most, I troll /liberty/ and recently posted on /k/ to the consternation of everyone there. The one time I went there, I was hacking and slashing Holla Forumslacks.
At most, I posted a bit on /turdpositionist/ before that place got converted to a forum which I still post on. (And, I'm actually the only one who doesn't believe in muh Autism Levels)
Citing sources from Holla Forums? It's literally from neutral sources (The average incomes of people by religion.) and LEFTYPOL that I found out about that. Hell, even some SJWs are putting up affirmative action stuff against Asians due to them being wealthier on average. This doesn't mean that Asians are better though or that blacks are inferior. It just means that we have an immigration policy that is overwhelming pro-immigrant. (Visas are basically institutionalized scabbing.)
And even besides the sources that show that Asians are wealthier than whites on average, I literally have anecdotal experiences with rich Middle-Eastern immigrants who scoff at "white trash". (And equally are the same sorts who are wary of poor blacks stealing their shit.)
To deny this is to deny reality. I'm not saying that solution is white separation or any such garbage, but immigration was and is a huge fucking problem. Plugging your ears and shouting "look at actual material reality" is blatantly retarded.
Honestly, if anything, this imageboard has changed for the worse more than anything else. I have been against immigration from the moment I entered leftypol. In fact, I was the one who first talked about immigrants being scabs on here. So, to say that I changed somehow would be just as reality-denying as the other crap you put up.
Also, I was shitting on Trump instead of saying that he's playing 4D Hyperdimensional Quantum Chess like a typical Holla Forumslack would do.
Why are you guys so retarded?
There is no connection to Trump in that video, some random guy provided his thoughts on it and suddenly that is Trump's words, why are you so delusional?
The wall is in his 100 day plan, so is the take on muslim immigration, literally nothing has changed for over half a year on any of those positions.
Why don't you wait till Trump is actually in any power before you judge reality? Because your reality is obvisouly filled with leftist tears which clouds your mind, it can't be easy being this bad at losing.
Now, go back to taking care of your wives black son before you tear up.
tbh I just find his supporters going "IT WAS JUST A METAPHOR BRO!" over all his claims hilarious
Nice butthurt induced damage control
Salt was meant for Holla Forums though, maybe i should have said that.
My mistake, Comrade Jimmy "Enjoying porky gore" Dore!!
I honestly haven't seen many people claim that, it's mostly the left trying to find room to mock because they are hurting after the loss, I don't blame them, Trump supporters would have done the same thing and made up stuff about Hillary, heck, the entire election was like that.
But it has literally zero effect to mock someone based on nothing, it's only pathetic. You are all acting as if he is the President already, (in a way he is, Putin talked to Trump over Syria instead of Obama, and the next day btfo of Obama's jihadists in E-Aleppo). Trump even made all world leaders bend the knee before he has even taken office, apart from Merkel I guess. But none of his positions has changed nor has there been any indications of that, his 100 day plan still stands and realistically he will maybe be able to enfore 20% on that.
People who thought he was gonna ban all muslims were equally as retarded as the leftists posting in this thread and acting as if Trump has changed his opinions, when it was some random guy talking about his own views.
If anything Trump has so far done more than people hoped for based on the positions he's announced, many of these people have been hugely celebrated by the right wing nationalists.
The good news is that it is entirely possible to build a metaphorical wall in 100 days.
kek. We laughed at the liberals, and now we are laughing at you. The election could not have possibly turned out better for us.
Uhh Trump said it would literally be made out of concrete.
From what I've read of Evola if we believe the wall is real it will be real.
Baudrilard would call the wall hyper-real.
Denial has become Holla Forums's only defense.
in what universe?
tfw mexico still won't be paying for it
Remember to screenshots all posts in this thread, so it will be easier to do a confront when Trump will build the wall
Just in time to watch your son get sent to die at the hands of an angry Russian and your wife to get torched in the Dresden firebombing
This just gets better and better all the time
ctrl + S
what happened to the bbc lover?
I was about to post this.
Great minds think alike
What's that about the wall?
Can't wait for the US economy to tank for trying to build a wall.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Anime is fascist
it's a fence, bud. and you'll be lucky to get any more
Wonder what comes after the "v. Stop"
>>>Holla Forums8321092
How exactly would building a wall tank the economy?
Time to buy wall stocks at wall street.
they get cucked out of a wall, #drainingtheswamp, get a cabinet full of jews and lobbyists, and we're the ones supposedly butthurt?
So nothing a Hillary presidency wouldn't do then.
I was exaggerating in a way. I don't think the wall alone will tank the economy, but spending roughly $20 billion on a wall seems kind of silly if you ask me.
you already got butthurt when your socdem candidate lost the primaries.
Well, it's less money than the Israel package of 38billion.
But Mexico is going to pay for it
Into the trash.
so hillary's better? lol
Keep telling yourself anyone here supports Hillary and maybe it will make you feel better. If anyone actually did/does they need to be gulaged.
I'm not American in first place, and voting is for retards lmfao
Is spamming memes all Holla Forums can do?
good and good, stay the fuck out
No, but if it does the job, it does the job.
Leftists can't make any compelling or funny memes. That's why you lost the meme war and Trump is president-elect now.
You guys are fucking retarded.
it's great
Memes aren't an argument kiddo.
Besides,you should gas trump since his border policies are cut and paste from Hillary. Sorry you got played.
Being proud of being retarded on purpose is so fucking sad.
[citation needed]
It's called "trolling", it's old but people still do it.
Trolling got stale like 10 years ago.
Hillary voted for that border fence trump is planning to complete you silly gullible moon.
even trump called her out on it
why is Holla Forums so fucking stupid
H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006
Hillary agreeing with it changes nothing. Holla Forums has their own agenda, if Hillary were pushing for it they would vote for her.
Stop being such a bunch of fucking morons.
I don't think you understand.
You missed the point.
Don't make it look like I'm samefagging!!!!!
The funny thing is this is good for us too.
Look up what accelerationism is, faggot.
I truly don't care about the future
This is the Golden Age
The vermins will be exterminated
Hail the God Emperor
he started a scholarship fund for straight white males then ran away with all the money.
Turns out you can't trust a professional internet troll, who knew?
Enjoy your fence
Protectionism isn't acceleration. Jesus christ this board has been consumed by memes.
the fence will be in already hard to trespass mountains, faggot
I'm sure wasting 25 billion bucks on a fucking wall and deporting millions of immigrants would cause problems, lad.
600 m of the border is a fence, half of it is steel prefab walls, its a real wall, a fantastic wall
5 to 10 bilions (paid by Mexico)
Illegal immigrations causes dozens of bilions of losses to the USA and it's been supported since Reagan only for bread and circus and idpol
Holla Forums is always right
See you in 2024
I'm not seeing where I'm wrong. He's just rebranding the fence a wall.
Only placed where it is impossible to.build segments of the wall will be fenced, and due to theie territory only a few people will pass in there
The rest will have a great, solid wall
Illegal immigration will.be reduced by 95%
That isn't proof that Mexico will pay for it though.
Seems legit
Nope, the wall will be moved back if it doesn't work there, he plans to imminent domain to build wherever the fuck he wants.
You're making an implication that they have a choice
Why do you require a "proof" since the case?
Dude, he said it, not me
He said fencing and wall
I know. Reread my post
Where are you getting this number?
How can Trumpcunts be such pathetic lapdogs?
He's clearly playing you dumb asses.
This wall is great, now we can piss on the Mexicans trying to climb it.
Fascism is all glamorizing the artificial hierarchy imposed by capitalism and the state. Being a lapdog is expected.
Freeze on remittances
Either he builds a shitty wall or the plan doesn't get approved and we laugh at Holla Forums or the wall is built and it helps accelerationism.
We win either way.
Pretty much
Hahaha you're going to get your cold shower eventually
God you people are pathetic.
Anything to be able to pretend to feel smug, right?
Accelerationism isn't causing problems, it is: a)Technical Advancement which increases automation and the falling rate of profit and thus Capitalism's colapse (original meaning)
b)Making the environment more propense for class consciousness and Revolution, either by worsening living conditions for the working class or by dismantling distractions.
Trump's wall will do neither in the short term, it'll strenghten nationalist rhetoric and lead the US towards class collaboration. But I'm sure that's something we'll have to cross at this point.
Except for the fact that nearly half of illegal immigrants arrived in the US legally. You'll need 24/7 deportation forces and much heavier screening.
b) (Holla Forums's bastardized meaning)
Heard the Patriot Act could let him do that.
Oh well, we'll see what happens.
Plot twist, there is a wall
You can't come back anymore, ya blew it, you're fired, tell your friends so they won't commit the same mistake
read that again. Here's the source
Oh wow I had no idea of this lmao
You didn't read again what I said
A lot of people who get deported, doesn't matter if they came legally or illegally, come back to the US.
Good luck doing that with The Wall®
For all they accuse leftists of being emotional they have such laughably nostalgic and romantic views of the world.
Also rather amusing that they call people cucks when they worship a strongman.
I know Holla Forums doesn't read but come on. At least bother clicking on the link the other guy posted lol
You do know they still have to use paperwork on their expired visas to do anything right? Its just the president for the last 16 years hasn't done anything about it.
man you truly have got bad reading comprehension skills. I understood that bushit since he first mentioned, reread it again
Oh and just FYI his immigration plan includes a %75 to %90 reduction in visa admittances
Nice caps.
Healthy young man goes to anime website, gets pumped with right-wing propaganda, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases! Sad!
Wouldn't actually forcing mexico to pay for the wall sour relationships between the two countries for a very long time?
I also doubt the rest of the world will look at the US essentially bullying mexico into giving his lunch money well, I mean, America pulls this shit constantly, but at least they tend to be less blatant.
No, I got quads. >:)
What is your opposing source? hard mode: pick something that's not an alt-right thinktank
Genepools mean nothing to Holla Forums and immigration is generally worse for the emigrating country than the immigrating one. your friend up there said the wall would be enough and I said it wouldn't
Might is right. The other nations, Mexico included, will bow down like the cowards they are. Don't forger that now America is supported by Russia.
This will only get better and better. A new future, a golden future, is upon us. Embrace the Emperor or die
Don't use an anarchist flag if you're going to suck a president's cock.
The fact is that politifact is biased like any alt-right think thank. It's a CTR base
Force me
anyone got some more Trump porkies/merchants to troll Holla Forums?
If you weren't so blind you'd notice the article has links to videos not related to politifact.
Or that he didn't only link a politifact article.
stating economic facts doesn't mean you necessarily agree with them
You're retarded, Holla Forums. You can't even false flag correctly.
I'm not falseflagging. I added flags to my post because I like them
I said it's bad for both. Look up Lenin's national policy.
makes sense
makes sense>>1074436
someone's feelings are hurt
Ideological coherency is a spook
He isn't the one shilling for Trump and making all caps posts m8
If you actually want to be coherent, it isn't. But that's never been Holla Forums strong suit.
We won lmao
This thread will get to 300 of pure Holla Forumsyp butthurt
The wall is gonna get built. The madman said it himself and he's gonna solve that faggotry about visas that user what blasting about.
We physically cannot be butthurt because we're winning more every day
citation needed
Would you like to bet with me about it?
tbh I don't see the wall getting built
even if it was built I don't feel it's going to solve many problems
Does anybody have a source for comrade Sanders' speech there?
it's an audiobook.
so that when he doesn't construct a massive wall all across the border and juts raises a fence you claim victory? lel
I said wall with fences on the mountain
Brick, marble, concrete like wall.
Now it's not time to fear. That comes later
That was low energy, fam. You just went from sad to pathetic.
Remember that time Obama said he'd close Guantanamo Bay? How about that time Bill Clinton pretended to be pro-worker but then signed NAFTA? No?
That's right, for most polyps this is their first election. Have fun getting bent over and fucked, kid.
Yeah but Mexico's paying for it. It might tank their economy, but if so who cares they're just Mexicans lmao
If they really gave a shit about not facing the consequences the government wouldn't be printing documentation on "how to safely inhabit the united states illegally"
oh and heres my fucking source
If they spics didn't want to do the time they shouldn't have done the fucking crime
Does anyone have a source for that?
Why am I supposed to be shaking? We won by a landslide
I'm high energy and happy even know
For a group of people that supposedly hate postmodernism, the aut-right sure does love the post-truth aspect of postmodernism.
Not such thing
Also, straight up bullshit analysis
Then SJWs don't exist either.
You're triggered because you know it's true
His first appointments that are confirmed so far
Neo-con-ish, but has been critical of Israel and Saudi Arabia throughout his career, so neocons don't like him.
Hes a neocon, but not a prominent one. Can't comment on this because I don't know what the criteria is for hiring one of those.
Sjw is a derogatory term, like calling you a metalhead or a faggot.
Alt-right is the attempt to define people who supported Trump to polarize it and make it easier to defeat it
It's actually just an ironically PC way of saying neo-nazis. Which is what they are.
Haha you don't even know what a nazi is hahahaha
question to leftypol:
lets say that a wall was built spanning the entire border, but 15 years later, there's a socialist revolution
would you vote yes or no in tearing it down?
Honestly it makes me laugh every day that I am just now finding out that my opponents are actually as fucking stupid as you. Its shocking.
You should disassociate yourself from these people while you still can. History is going to crush you again.
Socialist revolution on which side?
But tear it down regardless. No borders.
Or alternatively this will happen
Wow, this is idpol as fuck. You dweebs are worse than SJWs.
what, a capitalist CIA puppet will pop up? How anti-establishment of the alt-right
lmao, cringey as fuck
the alt-right are all oddballs in person, for all their pretence of being alpha Aryan ubermenschen
You mean like the nazis?
You're forgetting the best part
They're trying so hard at being politically incorrect it's fucking embarrassing.
Of course a guy who caused an economic crisis and stole all the money from Chile would waste helicopter fuel in throwing commies to the sea instead of just using bullets.
Kek. Hey how's Hillary's eventual trip to prison and the drainage of the swamp coming along? Or are we just sweeping that under the rug now because Trump won?
Call me back in 6 months when he signs the TPP live on C-SPAN.
Trump didn't say barrier, he said WALL
he even refrenced the Great Wall of China (which actually failed to stop Mongols lol)
cool it doesn't matter what you say
Just fine, Sessions is attorney general and there's going to be a 5 year ban on gov officials being lobbyists after they leave office and a lifetime ban on foreign lobbying by executive officials as well as there being a total ban on former lobbyists from Trumps administration appointments.
The part where he was a globalists, pro stablishment that followed the ideas of a jew
lmao, Holla Forumsyps really suffer from cognitive dissonance
top kek
This is the first time I've ever heard him speak, and it's a bit jarring. I always assumed Spencer would sound more, you know, comfortable and not awkward as fuck like this. What a fucking loser. Hitler he ain't.
Fucking lol go back to bed kid.
Oh no class collaboration!
Jeez its almost like you people want to divide up the country until it becomes a materialist shit hole with everyone pointing fingers and calling each other porkies.
its almost like that D&C was created by Marx (Loxist) to fracture an white industrialized Europe along the lines of militant materialism, rather than solve economic problems peacefully on a national/regional level in a civilized manner (like one Mr. fuhrer, who wasn't perfect) . It's almost like your ideology's relevancy has greatly diminished since there is no self interested white nation to DnC now so the Loxists are now more focused on strait up deeply triggering and problematic Eugenics rather than give their Peons of Color any ideas of revolution.
Good thing your side has been funded by the dole of Jewish bankers then and now otherwise you might have actually figured out how the world works and taken out someone important like soros or the tavistock group.
Should have been "A.N.T.I. White" but i guess you fags like to filter yourselves like that
yes good prole, it's all da jooooz
did you get triggered?
The filters aren't for us. ;)
Well, which is it?
why are right wingers so delusional
This is what happens when an anti-intellectual movement tries to be intellectual.
It's scary but also quite amusing.
Oh look, purposely leaked document to placate the right of the party.
This shit is amateur hour Holla Forums, everyone who has followed politics forever knows when Politicians want to leak something, they let it "slip" through visible documents in a photo or whatever.
And no, it's not going to be built, at most it's will be a fucking fence and I doubt even that.
Trump's wall is a 4 dimensional spook
so is alt-right
He should start that applying that to his own cabinet then. Flynn was a foreign lobbyist. Also, maybe he shouldn't be shilling for his own companies in a public position.
What about NATO? Has he said anything or changed is position about ending with NATO?
ffs Trump, don't you dare not ending with NATO.