Remember what happened to Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack? We have to make sure the same thing happens to every leftist and centrist website that mocks victims at the Vegas massacre. They must be erased from the internet.
CBS already fired a Vice President for saying the victims don't deserve sympathy. There must be other Tweeters and websites that deserve to be banned.
Everyone who mocks the Vegas victims must be banned from the internet
Other urls found in this thread:
You won't be able to erase them from the internet. But you can cost them their jobs. Start with people who are the most vulnerable like healthcare personnel and work your way down the line to teachers and food service, retail, etc.
I'm in. Where do we start?
nice thumbnail, OP
Fuck you OP, these degenerates were enjoying a shitty cuntry music concert in a city built on gambling addiction. There are no innocents and free speech is free fucking speech. I probably hate at least half of the victims there and I know this based only on their shitty taste in music. Fuck off.
While I love free speech, at this point its time to make liberals eat what they have been dishing out. We cant just sit here and go "oh its their freedom" while they use their freedom to take away ours. They are changing the narrative. We need to fuck with them. Also who do you think we are? Fuck rules, this is Holla Forums.
You're advocating being holier than thou now? At this point in the culture war? Really?
You want to know the real reason Hitler lost? Hitler was weak. He let them get away countless times and acted like the "gentleman race" (ubermensch) of his dreams. The white race's fatal weakness was always its kindness that gets taken advantage of. No more.
choose one
Adding to this, Hitler let the British and all other allies go sparing them multiple times when he should have crushed them. He said no to chemical weapons. He even said no to nukes and called them Satan despite the Germans being the first to detonate a nuclear weapon. Hitler was weak and you are weak. We can't be that weak again. The current vanguard of the right the cuckservatives are weak and they always give into the demands of leftist loonies with nothing in return to show for it and eat away at our civilisation and way of life. We will never allow this again.
We wouldn't be in this mess if he won. He had multiple chances to, he could have just listened to his generals but nope. He had multiple weapons of mass destruction or extreme advanced aeroplane technology he could have used on the British and Soviets but nope said it was inhumane. The awful truth about Hitler, he was too kind for his own good. His own fucking personal private home videos he showed to no one else except Eva proved it. A goody goody vegetarian animal loving WWI war hero who sympathised with the suffering of his people after they got fucked over by the Treaty of Versailles and who was the greatest speaker of all time, made into a monster by propaganda, that's it. But people create their own monsters, you must become the demons to win like those Jewish rats. It is the core of every superpower in history; Britain, China, USA, they call it "real politik" but call it what it really is. Being a demon, a real monster, and demons and real monsters win. Americans and Israelis created a fault flag to start multiple wars for example and murdered millions, they do it to this very day like what is happening now in the middle east. Winning is the only thing that matters.
that's not how it works, chaim.
I support free speech, but I hate wigger pedophiles like Andrew Anglin. I'm glad his site suffers.
I'm surprised by no mention of this.
she was alread b& by her peers
You don't know shit about Hitler, clearly. That's the reason you are ignorant.
Go home shill.
You sure are bothered by the idea of leftists getting fired
those double trips do not lie holy fug
Greg Morelli
Greg Morelli
Soon as I heard it was country music, I felt relief. White people shooting white people isn't terror…it's community outreach. #LasVegas
Owns Max's Deli in Highland Park,Illinois and wrote article in 2009 defending Roman Polanski. He essentially said that being Jewish trumps the child rape and that the mom is to blame. Read the comments section of him defending Polanski. It's sickening.
Why do you think we fight for his memory still? Because he was the good guy. Truth will prevail, for truth is not bogged down by the weight of lies.
And in the end, we will crush the damn kikes with truth in our side. The history books will be glorious, and will tell every single detail of what they did, do, and will stop doing forever.
Because we're the good guys, and always were.
This woman is a Jew. Why is nobody saying that? Jews commit false flag then Jews mock victims. Why aren't these people burning in hell screaming out in excruciating pain already?
Freedom of speech only extends as far as the government is concerned. Private businesses have the right to terminate any employee that gives them a bad image
She's also got some connection with Take-Two Interactive. Kind of surprised the vidya contingency hasn't been all over that.
Oh great I've been mocking them relentlessly though and I'm Holla Forums incarnate.
Sure go after leftists but don't engage in any friendly-fire plox.
Pick one and only one, Mordecai. Get gassed.
The fuck, you're going to adopt the ways of the leftists? That's fucking sad. Protect your fucking first amendment, seeing how you're so lucky you got one, instead of hopping on the SJW train to censor and punish people for wrongthink.
I'm guessing you're not a burger, user. That's not how the first amendment works. The 1st protects you from government suppression of speech. It does nothing to protect you from the social consequences of your speech; if it did, that would be kind of retarded.
You love losing.
I know that. But it's a point that resonates with your population. And everyone else really. Most people feel you shouldn't have negative consequences for expressing opinions.
Why do you think the movements spawned in opposition to the system even got traction over the last decade or so? It's because your enemies do exactly what you advocate doing now. You think "the end justify the means," but I can't into that. If you become your enemy to win, did you really win?
Funny then how the side you want to emulate is actually losing. Because, among other things, the specific behavior you want to emulate. Perhaps it's you.
You showing weakness and courtesy to your enemies is going to make them stop getting you fired for saying tranny, in fact it just cements their positions of power over you. While you're relegated to samizdats like this board, they're holding all the keys in their hand because you want to show principals to people who would murder your entire family for not thinking like they do. Who are you trying to win over?
I will grant you that fighting fire with fire is not always a suitable strategy. However, our people don't mind giving enemies a taste of their own medicine. We are nuanced and sophisticated enough to understand that these cunts deserve negative consequences.
P.S. Do you really think a gang of spics or niggers can ride up on a party of white Americans and begin insulting them with no response? Do you think that if the local pedo happens to be the elementary principal and he's promoting his pedo bullshit, that the people will simply accept it without mocking him? I'm afraid you're not entirely clear on just what resonates with us burgerfolk, in our glorious, principled hostility towards faggots.
Fucking how? We can't be openly right wing at work and they're allowed to fucking wear hammer & sickle attire while we can't even mention the most lukewarm opinions like maybe we shouldn't allow so many immigrants in or objecting to people breaking the law(illegal immigration). They also have(are working on) completely censoring the entire internet and the way information is available and you want to extend them courtesy they would never show you for muh PR. Fuck off.
"White people who were out having a good time deserve to be murdered for it because I don't like what they were doing"
D/C shill, reported.
Underrated post.
Still, almost everyone hates the leftist establishment for that very behavior. They own the media and can frame perception of group think, and extreme leftists are on board, but they are a tiny minority really. Most normal white people sympathize with resistance to their behavior. I think joining them in this validates their way of doing it while losing a moral advantage for us. I might be wrong, but that's my opinion.
But you lose the moral high ground as I say. Most people I've seen redpilled became so through "look at what you can't do" type memes. "Why can't you criticize immigration?" "Why can't you criticize Jews?" They are awesome questions without answers and give our side a moral upper hand. I don't want to lose it.
I don't know. I've stopped hiding power level to an amazing degree over the last decade or so. Most people I speak to are sick and tired of being forcefed bullshit and being afrad of wrongthink. I spoke to an old lady on the bus the other day about a Swedish childrens book being banned because it uses the word negro (I'm norwegian) and she worked herself up into a RWDS frenzy right then and there.
I don't have the answers, but this is what I feel at least. We should continue memeing their bullshit as beneath contempt, not join them in the wolf pack behavior. The west have a strong inheritance of letting people speak their mind without consequence. This commie bullshit is pretty new, only reaching peak intensity in the last 10-20 years or so. And people don't like it. Even normalfags who sit on the fence and doesn't have the courage to speak out.
Mate, I…
Absolutely agree with the sentiments here. Anyone with tact can say almost anything they want. Socratic method is also very helpful for backing people into logical corners, forcing them to see the shadows on the wall, take the red pill, and burst forth into the truth.
No no no! I'm not saying don't call it out. I'm not saying not to capitalize on it. I want you to be pissed and I want you to share your pissiness. I'm saying don't do the same thing they do. Just show people how disgusting they are, don't pursue punishment in the way they pursue punisment for us. I think there's an important difference there.
That's the problem. The kikes have worked up the scum of society into a frenzy, they have absolutely nothing to lose because they were destined failures anyway. Mentally ill freaks, degenerates, 50 years ago they would either be in a padded room or sucking dick for meth, instead they've been turned into political agitators. Our side is full of mostly well-functioning moral people who have a lot to lose, and this is going to continue being abused and is going to further entrench the kikes and radicals into positions of power unless you have some people who are also willing to get their hands a little dirty otherwise these fucks will continue saying shit like this: until it gets more of our people killed. Then when we're so dwindled in numbers and powerless the at least I have the constitution meme will become a dreadful reality. If I have to become scum to ensure my people can live comfortably, I'm willing to take that burden. I'm on this board after all.
The ends justify the means. It's a tough nut, I agree. I'm trying to be a bit careful in my presentation, because I don't claim to have the answers to that timeless and difficult question. Personally I land on the side of no, I won't do it. I find my redpilling benefits from this because people perceive me as having integrity. But if your path works for you I won't say it's wrong. I'm saying what I feel and what I think is right.
I definitely agree that we should have tact and should endeavor to maintain moral superiority. I think you and I generally agree on tactics, but we come from a different perspective in expressing them, in this case. I much prefer to ignore people who say shit I don't like. However, in the past couple years I openly renounce anti-white sentiments. As far as I am concerned, she should have never had her job to begin with.
is good advice.
Allow me to ask, then, what is an active measure you would encourage to address this particular case?
I hate that this needs explaining.
Leftists removed the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. Leftists aren't going to remove leftist because a "nazi" told them to. If you want them gone, you're going to have to do something yourself.
This is very useful, user. I can relate to it. People come to me for my opinion on all sorts of matters, including politics. My balanced views attract a lot of quiet onlookers. However, I have also learned that this is a strength that we must apply. At some point, we must use our integrity and pivot our positions toward action. They see you as moderated (not moderate, necessarily), temperate, so when you say "this is vile" they will take you at your word. Just use your word sparingly.
nice try, schlomo.
The right-wing is not about upholding "individual rights and freedom," a false paradigm meant to stymie us; it's about preserving our nation and civilization. In order to accomplish this we must oppress our enemies.
If getting leftists fired from their jobs fazes you, then you do not have what it takes to achieve and maintain power in the years ahead. Our enemies must be purged and normies must fear and respect us.
Our Jewish friends join us in purging the anti-white degenerates. Just as I have always told you, they are our biggest allies. With Aryan undefeatable willpower and Jewish superior intelligence, nothing will stop us once we unite. It is time to leave behind anti-semitic hate and usher in a new era, the era of the real ubermensch.
Leftists are oversocialized people, they are beyond reason afraid of loss of social status. Therefore creating a perceived group consensus that they are doing something wrong is key to reaching their psyche. Note, it doesn't have to be the real group consensus, only that they perceive it that way.
Now, the fortunate thing about this is that most white people hate their bullshit, so doing this is not as hard as it seems. The only group cohesion they have is among their own and in the media. But that's a tiny minority really. The key is to expand the frame of reference to include normal people. This is why they are shutting down comment fields in every newspaper and the like.
In real life it's easy, you just dominate the situation with humor and fun, make jokes on their expense and get the majority to laugh. Then they feel ashamed (and an oversocialized man's shame is something pathological and intense, they actually feel physical pain from it.) But in the internet sphere it's a more subtle thing. We've been doing the exact right thing for now, just pointing out their behavior and how it's immoral. They retreat to their echo chambers to insulate themselves in the idea that "they are doing the right thing" but they notice that everyone disagree with them everywhere. This is why youtube and the like are starting to shut things down.
I'm saying hold the line. Keep pressuring them. Youtube starts censoring? Tell everyone. Tell them why it's wrong. Leftists laugh at victims? Show how disgusting you think they are, like they are wayward children that needs gentle correction. Most people have a good innate sense of morality. This is a slow revolution in the depths of the people. What happens in the kike media sphere isn't really that important.
You're repeating exactly what snarky leftists say about freedom of speech whenever a rightist gets fired. There is no need to practice their deception.
Freedom of speech is more than a negative right, it's a general principle that we might be able to have in a homogenous ethnostate where political disagreements are purely intellectual and peaceable, without civilizational consequences like now. But for the moment we should just seek to hold leftists to their own standards.
Well, I disagree. I think individual rights and freedom is an important part of our heritage. But be that as it may, I'll concede to you that totalitarian nationalist repressive state would be better than the totalitarian marxist repressive state we have. But are you really in a position to start that repression now? I don't think so. All you do is lend credence to their system. Like when some token woman is arrested for rape and all the commmies go "seeeeee, it's all equal!" But in reality they still hold the fort and all it does is justify them.
You might be disgusted at lolbert ideals and to a degree I do agree. But use the tools you have. Most people don't like being told what to do. When you're in opposition you use that for your own purposes.
Anons aren't the ones firing them. They are merely spreading truth and providing an opinion. What you are advocating is censorship. If a person makes a statement publicly, then there is no moral issue with informing others. It is asinine to argue there is a moral or freedom of speech issue with communicating information.
You are a fool who confuses freedom with appeasing your opposition. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Perhaps we can have freedom of speech and liberty in our revolutionary society, when political disagreements are held in good faith and all parties have only good intentions for our people. But not in our current predicament, when we have fierce enemies in power who want to totally eradicate us and will use all manner of deception to accomplish this. Your ideological consistency puts us at a distinct disadvantage to the corrupt hypocrites in power.
Our only end goal should be revolution, and this will require bending principles for the sake of achieving power.
We are in a position to hold leftists to their own standards. Ideally, all leftist and rightist political radicals should be unemployed so we can reach a point of polarity where violent brawls are occurring in the streets, the precursor to violent putsches.
You got it all wrong. Individual rights and freedom are leftist shit. Right wing is about upholding the status quo, whatever it may be. If you're a nationalist in this day and age, you're third position.
I must be bending the rules when I complain about bad service, because someone may lose their job. Anons in this thread have been conditioned to sit down and shut up, and they do not even realize it.
Was the first thing I had noticed, didn't think it needed saying. This is Holla Forums.
top post + bizarre roll - good shit bro.
painful shameful feelings for all the normie cucks
Don't complicate things with semantics. For all practical purposes we are right-wing, and instead of disassociating ourselves from the leftist ideological contamination of the right-wing, we should confront it head-on.
What have you been huffing?
You're talking like a drooling imbecile!
Fucking cucks in this thread
Have some country.
He's allowed to say stupid shit and he is being judged for it. Simple as that.
People need to stop bickering over morality and pursue the good work. No playing nice in a world ruled by demons. Let the libertarian cuckolds negotiate with Satan, but those who have been aware long enough know how little that does.
Jeff Zeleny of CNN
It is rather agreed that, not everyone, not necessarily vegas nor victims, nor banning as so pointless an activity, nor the impossibility of the internet at large as I have other work to do.
It is however absolutely agreed that, this one, this whore, who fulfills all terms and requirements of (5), shall in fact be fired. She shall be excommunicated, this time only, to try her whoring again elsewhere, just not there, and not here.
Also, she is ugly. And old. No forgiveness on any counts. Forgetfulness is not permitted.
I think OP has struck a nerve, lots of sniveling merchants in this thread kvetching about how real whites don't turn the tables on their enemies. Stop arguing and start pushing the narrative that right wing conservatives are being erased from the internet for making fat jokes while left wing are allowed to do much worse. Find every single comment made on social media and have those users banned. Write articles about this hypocrisy. Find prominent people that have made negative remarks about the victims or positive remarks about the shooter(s) and get them fired, get their websites shutdown. Call domain registrars and complain about left wing sites promoting hate. Those faggots aren't stopping their attack on us until they are destroyed with their own weapons.
She got fired via board of directors which is a common thing when you're up there. She will be picked up by another company and/or moved to a different job position, this happens all the time.
If and only if your work kills communists, and documents it, such so as to hold your own ledgers to your own proof of work, fully focusing and self correcting, fully committing ledgers to memory, so as to cast mindful reminders to the mindless, then I will agree.
The purpose of War on Drugs was not agreed because drugs, it was agreed because race is real, and the ungrateful unagreeables who are otherwise net losses I agree to kill, and defend you when you kill them, and them only, without prior approval or guidance affirmation.
Likewise, the war on coiners, or bankers, or any other such war. Those who misappropriate do so in fact misappropriate. Do not be that. Going after that, when you have no other work to do, is permitted. You will document action.
There will be expenses. I cannot avoid them. I agree to pay them. If her image rises elsewhere, let it be killed soon enough in due affordance of time.
A white country is part of your heritage, the only things freedoms are good for is abusing the system against whites these days. Free speech and such only work in racially homogeneous societies.
I use whatever tactics I see fit to use. I don't care about your principals, only winning.
Remember user, ends are means period. Separating them is a meme by (((academic))) ethics departments.
The end justifies the means?
Rope yourself kike.
What did Aristotle call this again? Philia, was it?
To think we were warned thousands of years ago by the greatest intellectuals and very fathers of our thought and civilisation …and we didn't listen.
Absolutely. Getting a lefty fired from their job is relatively mild compared to what should be done.
Anything is justified to not live in the hell hole they have planned for us.
You need to go back to reddit, you can come back when you wake the fuck up.
extreme autism or just trying to be funny?
Really OY's my VEY's tbqh fampai
everyone who mocks whites should be fired while it is easy to hurt them, but not censored. let them out themselves so we can show people who the jews and traitors are
that's odd, I didn't check her maiden name because I thought the hyphens were hers. the man had the hyphenated name?
Is Lattman a crypto name? She doesn't look much like a standard jewess,but it might just be the angle
Katmann sounds jewy, but I guess the spelling is off.
>(((Latman))) v Latmann
yeah, just saw latman and lautman, both jew names, she's gotta be a blood jew, not that it matters.
I suggest you read the accounts of Hernan Cortes. From the perspective of the Aztecs he was violating their customs and beliefs as he waged war against them. Should he have only fought in the appropriate season and only at daytime so that his opposition would feel better about how he conquered them? Your opposition is defining the rules of engagement while simultaneously ignoring them. It allows them to attack you without reprisal. In this case, they are also using their method of attack to silence you. You now fear speaking out when your opposition spits on the corpses of your people. You have been disarmed.
What does matter is that we've SOMEHOW gotten the drop on an alpha-tier Jewess and we need to try and make sure we don't let anything slip by. This woman is a literal media boss/video game exec/lawyer & a gun grabber… a giga kike if I've ever seen one. She may have been fired from CBS, but what about Take Two Interactive? Will they drop her before the normies get distracted again? Wtf is she doing working for them if she's so opposed to Republicans "gun nuts"?
It really makes you think
The West, specifically NW European countries and their colonial-era satellite nations (USA, Canada, Australia, NZ) are the only bastions of individualism in the world. If you enjoy collectivist bullshit, feel free to move into an ant colony somewhere in the Far East. In the West, however, we seek balance in all things, including the balance between individual freedom and collective duty.
It's always worth calling a kike a kike, eh?
They fired a kike even. They are definitely afraid of the turn of events.
Nothing wrong with dead normalfags. Their sacrifices gave us entertainment and memes.
So he purposefully lost WW2 to have germany end up in the state it is now?
1488D chess
Fuck the kikes sliding this thread, have a bamp. Found a pic of the sick kike's family.
You don't fight. You shitpost on a containment board moderated by a Turk and filled with shills.
Have I been living under a rock?
Are there Las Vegas Shooting Jokes out there now?
tbqh I'm not exactly looking for them either
the whole shooting incident was, in my opinion, a distraction from the Benghazi investigation being re-started, or however you want to word that.
>Have I been living under a rock?
>Are there Las Vegas Shooting Jokes out there now?
>tbqh I'm not exactly looking for them either
>the whole shooting incident was, in my opinion, a distraction from the Benghazi investigation being re-started, or however you want to word that.
hitler did nothing wrong
Because Hel doesn't take non-Whites, silly.
Fuck that. "Leftist" traitors need to fucking die. "Rightist" traitors need to fucking die. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Everyone in the way of that gets slow-fed into a meat grinder, shot, decapitated, faces deconstructed by Teutonic gauntlets, etc.
More like ideology X is for practitioners of ideology X. If they want our protection they must join ideology X. Everyone else is fair game. The enemy doesn't get the benefit of X without being a member. All enemies must be discriminated against and crushed mercilessly in every manner we see fit. If you're not a shitlib, you have nothing to worry about from me.
begin removal protocol 34
I bet you're a leaf.
They've been WINNING with their tactics. The Cuckservatives have been LOSING with their stuffy, 'grown-up,' everything must be scholarly level or it doesn't apply… cuckiness.
The left didn't start losing recently because "gee golly whiz, the average person realizes that they're using bad ole tactics, see this is a just world!" The left has started losing because the younger, fresh blood on the WN right have looked and seen their tactics with unbiased and clear eyes, and seen how EFFECTIVE they are and have adopted and evolved them to suit us.
You're either some old cuck or you don't belong here, cuck.
Prussian-style schooling is a bitch, ey?
Hopefully we will alter the one big weakness we have: our altruism.
It must be altered in this way: altruism for in-group race, contempt for out-group race.
Everybody says "good always wins in the end," or "the light always overcomes the darkness." That is feel good self-hypnotic jewshit. Look around in nature. Is it good or evil that the younger lesser-alpha wolf defeats and kills the aging alpha? Is it good or evil that the spider must capture a blood meal in order to reproduce and thrive? Is it good or evil that all living things exist as such because of the laws chemistry arising from quantum mechanics, and also must destroy and consume other life forms in order to replace the components which become disordered per the same laws?
The darkness always envelopes the light. Each doubling of distance from a point-source light results in a quartering of light intensity. Intensity drops with the square of distance. It is plainly obvious to me that neither good nor evil are actual components of nature, but are constructs of desire within the computer-like brains of homo sapiens and any other mammal species not yet known to have social code/moral systems.
That's because ImKikey doesn't like competition. He's the board's John Rockefeller, and competition is a sin to him.
This post is a whole lot of gay, user. It's not right or wrong, its just fucking gay. Your pic is spot on, chum. You nailed it.
There are no souls, there is no free will, we are machines. Jews know this, and jews use it against us while supplying us with more and more of our various cultural illusions.
You can't address my position but to slap a DISAPPROVE stamp on it and call it a day.
Jim, I sure hope there's a jewel of where you come from hidden in this rough heap of yours. The vast majority here are obviously not initiates nor am I, and obviously have little clue as to the systems at play. Hypnosis is a tool of choice.
You can't address your position, either, retard. Holy shit. If we are all soulless machines then there is no fucking point to virtue, lawfulness, or anything else. FUCK. OFF. KIKE.
She is a lawyer, you are not going to do any damage to her earning potential without getting her disbarred. She was probably not a direct payroll employee of the company that "fired" her in the first place, but if she was they will likely just bring her right back as an outside consulting attorney.
Does not follow.
Ad hominem.
Still unaddressed.
Only if it's not true, golem.
F - 12/100 - somewhat knows what ad hominem means, needs to study more.
Nigger, what part of
don't you understand? I don't care if I use ad hominem against someone who claims to be a robot. lol
It feels so good to win arguments by default.
I'm not getting involved in your argument or blackpilled shit. Simply said, your statement is gay.
Why are you such a genderqueer, user?
Baphomet, plz. Why are you projecting your androgynous, soulless beliefs onto me?
P.S. baited into ad homs kek
Ok, this was funnish but I'm bored now. Enjoy not having a soul.
It's more liberating than you realize. There is nothing eternal about you that can be threatened. Such a mindset should release you from your bonds.
Every non-nihilist thinks nihilism is either about dick-in-dirt depression or absolutely degenerate hedonism. It is neither. Nihilism is about being released from the bonds of the memetic structures you once grew up in and were ruled by, and finding a deeper drive to better understand Nature I mean science, not some *.:Gaia:.* horseshit.
There is no inherent purpose to life, at least not one in a sense where an engineer designing something gives to what he is designing. Certain physical and environmental conditions must be fulfilled in order for such a natural system as mankind to persist and thrive. It is he who buys so deeply into his memeplex of birth, who ends up paying the costs of that memeplex's failure to address a future set of competitors it's unfit to face: the costs will namely be his fortunes and familial lineage in many cases.
cool idea but im not touching it simply because you linked it to Anglin. he's cancer just like the other zionist stooges. too bad it was a good idea too.
Now this is D&C bullshit.
This is an actual argument/position, user. And I won't respond to it like a douchletoggler. I respect your position. Alas, we both must recognize that whichever position we choose, be it eternal/temporal, soul/soulless, or whatever, it is a choice. Neither of us can prove our position in a complete and logical system. So, based on whatever set(s) of factors, we arrive at our individual positions.
I would counter, however, that belief in the eternal can also free you from your bonds.
By the way, I do not mean to imply that pic related is "true" or anything, but it is interesting.
but it's true. Anglin is cancer.
Good and bad are terms used by theists to justify actions outside the realm of nature, it's an idea that highjacks our natural "us vs them" and sticks a moral system behind it.
In reality there is no good or evil, only reality itself.
You're full of shit.