Somewhat tech related but fighting back against the techjew is also pol related!

20 days left!

Put in $20 or $100 at least! If it doesnt get funded then you pay nothing. If it does then the price goes toward a 100% open cell phone.

Also, most of the devs are white guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope your ban never expires

As much as I would like phone that at least pretends not to have been specifically designed to track and create records on me, what are they hoping to achieve with the goal 1.5 million dollars? You can’t develop and manufacture a mobile phone for that price. Is this a marketing method or are they scammers/ naive fools?

If they make this phone then I will buy one but I don’t believe it’s ever getting made, if it does then it will be because someone else has come on and funded them properly and not thanks to crowd funding.

You can build yourself a phone right now - single board computer, battery, touch screen, sim module. Sounds like a fun project.


lol if you dont see the value of this you are a fucking pleb or butthurt cianigger

Horseshit. You can manufacture one for half that. Top notch pcb layouts and injection molds aren't cheap but they are not over $50k either. The screens and cameras and shit are all commodity items these days.

I ran an SMT line for 5 years in a facility that also had injection molding machines. It's really not voodoo science shit man.

If it's legit, then I see the benefit, but you're just begging for shekels, your OP is so low-effort, low-energy, shit quality thread.

Not begging, just saying. 20 days left. Check out the info on the link to see the value

Holy shit this OP is pozzed as fuck and a blatant shill for his own product.

You came in like a beggar, OP. Prove everything you've said, including that you're all White, and don't beg so hard.

Then someone might take interest…

this looks more interesting than this shitty op and thread, i'm going to look into that

Im not involved with the project you stupid nigger. Its already half funded so its already been noticed. Want botnet? Fine keep botnet.

We have Talos 2 as an open source PC, all thats lacking in terms of hardware is an open source phone.

Totally TRAD and ARYAN, BASED 14/88


I want to shill my own project in Holla Forums to fight back against fucking jews, but everything you do is just wanting some shekels while not being a jew.


You can't convince me these guys won't sell out to some Jewish conglomerate when the phone is a financial success. It happens every time.

t. tranny who works on libreboot

Basically, Purism/Libre products don't fucking do anything that you can't already achieve. The best you can do is get Samsung Galaxy phones with Replicant on them, and have to deal with using a usb dongle for wifi. Bootloader is always comprimised with a phone. Purism is a bunch of fucking Jews who want to mislead you into thinking this is better so you buy their shitty phone. They did this same thing with laptops.

Want the most libre usable hardware? You get a X200 or X60 with trannyboot and install a FSF endorsed GNU/Linux distro. Even that is shaky because the only usable distros have systemd. Want a libre phone? Best you can do is something with Replicant OS. Want to escape the botnet? That is up to good practices with internet browsing, what software you install, and what information you give out.

What's the best SBC for this?

I have no idea, I haven't built one - it didn't dawn on me to search for the idea until I saw this thread.


without a completely open SOC you aren't getting much value from a SBC. Binary blobs, undocumented microcode and many other kinds of kike shenanigans are deeply embedded in most production silicon. If only we had an open FPGA, then us autists could build our own, from scratch.

Can this do iMessages?

user, Holla Forumsacks are fucking tightwads.

Why the fuck is this thread still up?

This above all else. Baseband processors run NSA software. If you want privacy, start by throwing your cellphone in a burn barrel.

I don't even know what the thread is supposed to be about. has the right idea, most
Who makes up the rest of the dev team?

That one's new

Sage the fucking thread.

What do you think, cockfuck?

not when gnome kills a full charge in less than 2 minutes.

Bumping because this is actually important. Phones (and I know almost all of you fuckers have one) are slave devices. If all you do to further our cause is consume like an edgy brainlet, at least consume something that is less of a jewish mobile prison.

>>>Holla Forums

20 / 5 ( 2 * 2 )
20 / 5 ( 4 )
20 / 5 * 4
4 * 4

What OS would you use? Is there a linux distro designed specifically for making phone calls?

user, I hope you're trying to understand how common core works, instead of how arithmetic actually works. Parenthesis are first in the order of operations. As they act as a substitution when variables involved, you must solve the side of the equation with the substitution first. The parenthesis don't magically disappear when you solve everything inside the equation.

20 / 5 ( 2 * 2 )
20 / 5 ( 4 )
20 / 20

The Common Core way tries to denote another standard of solving these, but does not take into account how machines and machine code works without assistance.

t. someone that spent his free time today doing WireMod/Expression2 stuff in Garry's Mod


the chinese are bugs


KDE is a pile of shit could just be wayland on my desktop, can't imagine it on a mobile device.

Learn to communicate like a worthwhile human instead of some nigger or Holla Forums-tard. Because there are valid issues along the lines of what said. You can get phones that attempt to mitigate some baseband processor issues but that part must always be deemed compromised if you're using it for phone calls. Mobile Internet, as long as you tether it through USB or wifi, probably not much worse than using your own ISP connection.

>yes goy, i like my (((android))) botnet provided by (((jewgle))), if i don't like it i will switch to (((apple))) or (((microshit))), fuck linux goy

user I

Both of these are true, and proof of the paradox we live in

I thought that was a dead meme, ubantu is going full gnome now anyway

Once again Holla Forums proves they are a bunch of luddites that don't understand technology.



If this is that "russian privacy phone", it's owned by the jewish communist (((Kaspersky)))

Awww, you're so cute, thinking that's gonna make people take you seriously.

What did expect? If Holla Forums were in charge of technology, we would denounce all forms of electricity because it's jewish magic made to corrupt the souls of aryans.

It's four both ways. Think of 20/5 as one unit. The four on the parenthesis isn't below the division line.

this is both wrong you retards

I thought this phone was supposed to fight the ZOG, not help it.

Hello fellow GMOD wiremod enthusiast!

Wow common core is subversive, thanks for letting me know we'll have to reteach the white race order of operations.


I want to smack you so fucking hard.

imagine being this blue pilled

Raspberry pi works. They have instructions on how to do it on

Also, fuck whoever posted the dog snake vid and I hope whoever filmed it gets eaten by funnel web spiders.

Checked. Fuck you snakeposter

The CIA/NSA will still have a backdoor you stupid fucking cunt


This is going to be the first completely spook-free phone. They have been working on reverse-engineering Intel CPU firmware for years and releasing laptops with their custom firmware. This phone, the Librem 5, will be their first, and will run standard Linux platforms. Iirc, it comes with a custom Debian-based OS, but you can install the Aryan Gentoo later. Massively exciting, except expected delivery date is early 2019. If you care about privacy, then you must support this because large companies in with the spooks won't do it.

Alright, I can see you faggots don't understand math. Don't worry, I'll teach you.

You didn't solve 20/5(2 * 2), you solved 20/(5(2*2)). Your qualifications are very impressive, put them in the Name field.

Once you've solved the bit in parenthesis you have two operations left, division and multiplication. Those have equal priority, left to right. Nigger.

Do it faggot.

They have been making laptops for years, which you can buy right now. This will be their first phone, and it will be 100% open source and customizable, and will run most Linux distros, not Android.

Kill yourself

Shill spotted

Companies are forced to sell out because parasites refuse to but anything without expensive marketing. Even if they get bought, it still have no impact on your phone. Kill yourself.

Replicant does work without non-free firmware, but not every single little gadget. Some Replicant users choose to compromise their phones for extra 'features.' In any case, $1.5 mil affords a lot of code monkeys. The CIAniggers are in full force in this thread, even more than the Vegas ones.

This is not Stallman affiliated.

There is a Gentoo one, forget the name.


Electronics were invented by Aryan and natural philosopher Michael Faraday. Aryans Maxwell and Heaviside then streamlined and improved his work and set everything in motion.

That's how it has always been done in Spain.
Left to right, parentheses have priority, Multiplication and division before addition and subtraction.

QT (which is what KDE is based on) was made by Nokia, phones were a target from the beginning.




Obvious shillpost but I'm intrigued. My stepfather was telling me about a phone you can get custom built from some company. Is this it?

Why even use a mobile phone? Letters works better and are bound by law to not get opened.

That would defeat the entire purpose, you monumental jackass

What's wrong with rpi?

stfu nigger. answer is 1.

I've actually been working on that for better part of 2 years now.
None of you FAGGOTS remember my MIMAS threads?

Right now I'm looking into getting custom CPUs made.

bump because pleb with no tech

le epic bread. brah


during gaymergate it was shown that rpi organization is run by some colored hair fat pig SJW

Is it so hard to put one more set of parenthesis to make things clear?
(20/5)(5(2*2)) or 20/(5(2*2))

*mistyped (20/5)(2*2)

Kill yourself moshe.


It's 92.44% funded and has 15 days left. Looks like it's happening. All money gets refunded though if it doesn't reach 100%. Thanks anons for helping.

They posted a prototype they have working already, hardware runs fine already. Pic related. My only concern now is if it will require systemd to run. I'll be pissed if it does.

Is it even possible without the poz?
AFAIK all basebands are poz'd.

Triple nigger explain why your multiplying the five and four before dividing.

You do the operations with equal priority left to fucking right.


Furthermore, the low IQ niggers also lack an understanding of how mathematical notation is translated into text on screen.
20 / 5(2*2) = 20 / (5*(2*2)
The reason why there is a disparity in answer values comes down to optimization of algorithms, programming languages, accumulators, Texas Instruments, and other shit TL;DR history. t.old fag - which is why many, many people would now read the notation as ambiguous, and why many would arrive at the other answer.

* corrected to
20 / 5(2*2) = 20 / (5*(2*2)
Too much rage-mode about this Idiocracy I end up making a typo (getting infected)

…and finally….
20 / 5(2*2) = 20 / (5*(2*2))

Kek. Anybody still thinking the so-called "moon landings" were real, with all the evidence we have available today, is by definition a bluepill normie faggot. Step your fucking game up, this is literally babby's first red pill.

Thanks for proving my point, but I already knew. Anyone intelligent enough to get to the moon can comprehend how it is done - however most are retarded fucks lapping up the kike juice to tarnish Western civilizations' greatest achievement.
Only white men walked on the moon, nigger.

Wow. Not even CIA pozzed firmware? They are gonna ban these things so hard and call everybody who uses one a terrorist.

Seriously bumping this shit?

It's 100% funded, I expect to see this thing on the market fucking yesterday. Need a new phone.

How the fuck do shills appear as first reply in every post.

Never said that.

More blabla. I'm a scientist by training (not working in my field anymore, though) and go strictly by evidence - and the "evidence" presented by nasa niggers is so laughable, it boggles the mind how it can be taken seriously by anyone. But you probably know that, right? I smell your masonic bullshit from a thousand miles away.

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

And nobody gave you a (you) in this otherwise shit thread?
More info. Clock? Caches? Arch? Instruction set? TELL ME MORE, FAGGOT.

shit, wrong image

if it can run wihtout systemd, i would buy it


newsflash retard: the entire OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY INCLUDING GNU is infected with these retards, doesn't mean you have to drop off the fucking tech radar like a caveman while Schlomo Shekelberg warms up the predator drones to turbo dildo you from orbit.
God you retards are worse than fucking luddites.

Fucking THIS, thank you. I thought I was the only one who noticed.

Given that even Blackberry is now producing shitty Android touchscreen phones rather than their own OS with a proper keyboard, there's a definite opening in the market.

After saging every post I made in this thread, the one sage I missed because it shoah'd during a page refresh you sperg over. Sperging over the bakery not producing bread rather than this stale bread would be more helpful.

Media science isn't real science, (though you type more like someone from a biomed area). NASA today isn't the same as the ones that made the name famous.
Why use a fucking proper telescope and see what they left on the moon when you can shoot up a brain vein on kike 'science', eh? Look into the history of (((who))) was behind doubting the moon landings it would come as no surprise.
Yes, there are people at NASA that outright lie because there is a literal shit ton of things that are far more advanced than moon landings FTL comms tech for example that would fuck up most of the dumb apes on this rock - but putting a primitive can on the moon and returning it with its contents to planet of the apes wasn't a LARP.

After saging every post I made in this thread, the one sage I missed because it shoah'd during a page refresh you sperg over. Sperging over the bakery not producing bread rather than this stale bread would be more helpful.

Media science isn't real science, (though you type more like someone from a biomed area). NASA today isn't the same as the ones that made the name famous.
Why use a fucking proper telescope and see what they left on the moon when you can shoot up a brain vein on kike 'science', eh? Look into the history of (((who))) was behind doubting the moon landings it would come as no surprise.
Yes, there are people at NASA that outright lie because there is a literal shit ton of things that are far more advanced than moon landings FTL comms tech for example that would fuck up most of the dumb apes on this rock - but putting a primitive can on the moon and returning it with its contents to planet of the apes wasn't a LARP.


You will not survive the happening. Dehumanise yourself, and face to bloodshed.

They've already reached their funding goal, and 12 days are left. Looking positive for an IRL product tbh.

Kikestarter isn't exactly known for successful projects. It seems the only projects that come together are incredibly basic vidya like FTL, which was essentially an animated choose-your-own-adventure.

Any competition against Google or Apple hegemony is a good thing. And a Linux based mobile phone with built-in user controlled kill switches on hardware elements sounds pretty nice to me. It'd be a big fuck you to the (((intel))) backdoors on their chips too.

Yeah you dense motherfucker, but you already simplified the parenthesis and forgot how they fucking work.
Means you multiply you god damn retard.
Its 16, you dumb fucking stupid retarded cunt.
Kill yourself.

You can't just add parenthesis to an equation for no reason, user.

Not even going to look at anything else. Not worth my money, fuck off.

Just fuck off.

parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction..

It's called the order of operations you negroids


It will constantly spy the shit out of you.


The provider will still rape your ass.

Also: Do these jerks seriously believe, that they can somehow magically protect these devices from getting pozzed by NSA injections/exploits?

This is just another scam, aimed at all of those people who avoided smartphones so far and are therefore of relatively high value.

Amen, brothers.

You didn't solve the problem as it was written, you assumed it was written incorrectly and solved a different problem. You have no reason to make that assumption. I already addressed your brand of retardation -

Can you find me a single piece of software written to solve algorithms which gives the answer you obtained?

Then open it up and physically disconnect the front facing camera.

20/5(4) does not have equal operator precedence between the multiplier and divisor.
The absence of an explicit multiplication after the 5 means it has a higher precedence than the division.
Due to the translation of mathematical notation into text less nuanced readers (you) retards will pass over this point as you are entirely unaware of it.
If you don't know this your education was deficient, so go cry me a river kid.
I already explained why people have ended up with such nonsense in their brain. history
(You) short pants air heads can carry on being obstinate, but this just confirms your grandfathers' generation was smarter than (you). Slide rules rocked this world, literally.

Furthermore, we would also write 20/5(4) as 20/5.(4) (a slightly less abbreviated form than the original)
You retards today would read that as 20/5.0*(4) because you don't know any better.
As people started to write more code, robustly translating mathematical notation to text for programming became more important. Misunderstandings where very costly. As groups started sharing code it became conventional read "necessary in order to stay on budget" to use more and more parentheses to avoid ambiguity (more braces the better as your pants don't fall down, either) . There was some reluctance to do this earlier as lines of code had very limited maximum lengths, so you couldn't just put in as many braces as you felt like. This was good in a sense, because it led to optimization of algorithms for computers - a whole new field in it's own right. Totally undervalued today though. Anyway, I'll stop my old man ramblings, you kids probably don't even realise someone had to decide a * character meant multiplication and /, not \ was chosen for division. pic related smdh


Never said that.

Well done, good profiling. Yes.

Masons then; masons today (and lots and lots of easy manageable contractors, about 90% of all nasa employees).

Always asserted, never provided evidence, and I spend quite some time verifying the existence of those alleged "moon mirrors".

That's not the main reason, but yes, Nasa is a very important part of the high-tech MIC.

Realising how dense (you) are, that will probably require more explanation to (you)…
20/5.(4) would be read as whole numbers with the dot representing multiplication at a higher precedence than ("x" when handwritten, or) the "*" multiplier (on a punched card).

20/5(4) = 20/5.(4) = 20/(5*(4))

Reached 100% funding! It's happening!

It's expected to be available in 2019.

This company has been manufacturing laptops for years and has several models out right now. This isn't some random kike promising a machine that makes your gas mileage double.

This company is reverse-engineering Intel firmware. They announced months ago that they managed to get Intel processors to run normally with 92% of the firmware deleted, and they had made progress reverse-engineering the last bits. It seems like they are on the verge of reaching 100%.

This phone is deliberately designed for the user to easily physically disconnect hardware at will. Also, custom open-source firmware = no NSA/CIA backdoors. All systems can be hacked, including the NSA's, but there's a huge difference between having a direct connection to the NSA built in and only being vulnerable to targeted hacks. Eliminating the automated mass surveillance and the backdoors fixes like 99.9% of the problem. Also, don't forget that anyone can use those vulnerabilities, not just glow in the dark niggers, so added protection pays off anyways.

Put some fucking blutak on it. Good enough for cuckberger.

baseband modem

Does anyone have an answer for me? Is it a fully in house built baseband? If not, it's poz.


I wish these engineers success for what they are doing. Yet, back in the day, we would solve this differently.
If it was a meant to be a phone we'd make it the smallest, fastest, and most endurable phone, and carry a separate mini computer device for Internet, email, camera, etc.
All cell phones track you anyhow, via triangulation between cell towers. The old phones used to allow you to see the data in an engineer's menu. I'm not sure how/if the present ones do.


Go to the stickies right now if you want to actually do something, we need to investigate and bring down the Hollywood house of cards before the try to memoryhole this massive tear in their veil of illusion. This isn't lounging and shitposting time, all hands to battle stations.



Also, almost forgot


I don't know if you're trolling, but order of operations clearly indicates 20/5(2*2) = (20/5)*(2*2) and has since before Common Core was a thing.

Polite sage.

its 1 you dumb fucking nigger

>Defending (((Common Core))) as right on Holla Forums
I've seen anons banned for less grave errors.
Your education is deficient.

"Order of operations" is a method to apply to notationally ambiguous arithmetic. However, what (you) see as notationally ambiguous is not so for those who know better.
The writing is a translation into text of an actual math expression. The correct translation to proper mathematical notation is as correctly stated.

You should be smart enough to realise that when the answer has "the old way" on it, it is the right way, not the (((Common Core))) trans-answer bullshit.