Soul Reaver

After the fifith "flip the blocks" puzzle I can honestly say Im dissapointed.

Im currently playing it on my PSP, and in addition to that the slowdown is getting on my nerves, should I start over in an emulator or try the PC version? I dont have a dreamcast sadly, so that port is out of the question.

I see a lot to like here, specially after finishing Blood Omen first, but the silent cathedral is killing my drive to keep playing.

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It's the best game in the series gameplay and area wise, but I'm sure it's fucked up in some way on PSP.

SR2 is more of the same but with more polish and better draw distance, and every game after that the story is magnificent but gameplay is just utter tedious shit.

Just power on through and know it will end in a cliffhanger never to be solved.

The elements that make SR memorable are:

-dialogues (not all of them, but some specific memorable ones)


The gameplay is just ok.
The puzzles are shitty and, at the time it came out, the combat was just ok with the idea of impaling enemies and picking em up and throwing them against things being kinda cool but it didn't stand the test of time as a main gameplay draw.

I listen to it's music basically every day (not even the OST, but the actual gamerips, there's tons of music and especially theme variations you won't find in the OST), but i don't really replay the games all that much.
It's one of those series that everyone fondly remembers but it's more fun to experience all the media, music, concept art and everything surrounding the games than to revisit the main games themselves, the gameplay hasn't aged terribly well.

I'm not gonna shit on you or anything, but I don't remember a single piece from the entire series.

It's more of a niche /mu/ type of soundtrack, for people that are really into semi-dungeon synth.
Aside Ozar Midrashim, which is a pretty easy listen and everyone remembers.

Okay, I got chills from remembering that one, although I think Defiance version got into the meat much more quickly.

I can't locate the trivia, but there is this thing about the director asking the team to come up with new puzzles every day.

By the way just as a side note, SR1 originally wasn't meant to be connected with blood omen at all.
It was originally a new, separate IP called Shifter.

I wonder how things would have played out in the original.

Would have been pretty gay, since the reason why the Legacy of Kain games are so good is because they cancelled every second game they intended to make and so each time they already had shit to work with.

But with worse world design and awful upgrades.

Well you get to explore the pillars pre-throne in 3D so that's a little cool, i guess.
Good ambient music in the place, too.

But he looks edgy. Holla Forums will instantly love it.

Raziel isn't that edgy until he becomes a sword, then he has a literal edge

Come the fuck on. Why be so dishonest. Just admit it.

fuck off

The PC port is shits for the birds. Graphics barely improved over PSX, busted controller support, and lots of annoying bugs abound.

Emulate the Dreamcast version with NullDC or something.

edgy or not, hes pretty iconic

I expected so much more of this game, I havent felt this dissapointed since Ocarina of Time

maybe Im just not into these types of games

yeah, the game was pretty good (for its time) on Dreamcast, I can't imagine the PSX version being good.

The main appeal to the game is the story, worldbuilding and quality of voiceacting. The gameplay isn't really that bad but certainly not why you see it get the praise it does.

It looked fantastic on the Dreamcast. PSX version was playable but not the definitive version, the PC version disappoints since it's a port of the PSX version and not the Dreamcast version.

You went into this looking for gameplay, and the gameplay was decently entertaining…at the time.
But that was a long time ago, it's just not that fun to play anymore these days compared to similiar games.
I mean just enter any LOK thread and it's not like people say to each other "oh wow i really loved doing that block pushing and pulling puzzle for the 50th time".

posting best deleted stage

I PLAYED that stage as a kid.
Well, part of it.

It was in the original SR demo included with a magazine back in the day that i played over and over in anticipation for the game to come out.
It was this indoor location inside what indeed looked like a lighthouse of sorts.
Lots of metal shit everywhere and impaling points to throw vampires in.
The enemies were 90% Melchahims.

It wasn't anything special but it's kinda cool that i got to play cut content early on without even knowing it would be cut.

Shitty casual game that is story centered

Exactly the kind the turbo homosexual casuals that browse Holla Forums like to claim as masterpieces

Remember, if Holla Forums likes it, its garbage

It's not one person. It's a hivemind. Group think, etc. If you're not aware of that by now, there's no hope for you.
kek. just proved my initial edgelord claim.

somehow he is yeah. People seem to like him and I remember back in the print magazine days he would often be used when representing the psx with a character.

Maybe, i dunno, play the games and find out.

I did. People seem to like him.

That menu always gave me the chills.

Right let me get this straight.

You played the BO games and the LOK games, seen the entire evolution of Raziel as a character from his sarafan origin, to his vampirization, to his destruction and rebirth.

You've seen him reject Kain, and then reject his former life, and then in the end partially reconcile with Kain, sacrifice his own life to work with him towards a common goal in the end.

And your final judgment of the character is "he's edgy", that's it.

You do realize this is like playing PS:T and summarily describe The Nameless One as edgy because his past Practical Incarnation was rutheless, manipulated and killed people.

The lighthouse demo you remember playing didn't include the music, which originally came from Turel's deleted territory. (of which there's no trace left in the game besides a blocked off path in Dumah's land)

The aforementioned lighthouse does exist in the final game as a glyph area, behind the cathedral.

I think your disappointment is understandable OP. I'm not really sure why so many people throw it in their recommendations, it's a flawed vidya.

Yeah, that about matches my memory of it.

Anyone have the first two parts?

This game is a game that rather than using gameplay to weave into story, they're using it as a way to pad it out. That's not always a bad thing, as is the case with LoK in general, but it means those looking for gameplay are gonna get nothing but disappointment.

This, the Dreamcast version is great. The audio quality is good, the render distance is huge compared to the PSX version.

Now I want to hook my Dreamcast and play some old goodies.

Should have stayed that way. The games were better when they were about Kain and not the fucking Deviantart original donut steel.

Get the PC version or emulate the Dreamcast version if you have an i5 and a 750ti+ using demul
The PS1 version runs at 15 fps on average and slows down to 10 fps in more intensive areas on top of having a shitty draw distance, 16bit color depth and the complete inability to render straight lines.
If you truly are tired of the block puzzles then drop the game. The abilities in SR1 aren't even close to being as cool as the ones in Blood Omen which leads to the gameplay feeling very barebones and the fact that there is so little spread so thin makes it all a chore especially if you get bored of the gameplay in the second dungeon.

Heavy puzzle games are just dull to me. One or two puzzles in a long game are fine, but if I have to spend more than 5% of my time solving your dumb puzzles in a game that isn't advertised as a puzzle game, there's a problem. When you spend half your time doing stupid puzzles it gets really fucking tedious really fast: if I wanted to play with blocks I'd bust out my legos. Vagrant Story is guilty of this too.

Did you not play vidya during the 90's early 00's or are you a 360 faggot.

The hell. There's definitely not many block puzzles in Vagrant Story to even elicit that post. Must be bait or you were some faggot who went into Iron Maiden B1 and couldn't get out.

Can you even read? Is there anything in my post that has to do with the bullshit you just spewed?

There's a LOT of puzzles in the first 15-20 hours. And they all suck.

So the former. tip top kek

I know, let's create a game with a heavy emphasis on combat, story, characters and atmosphere. And then let's make sure to bore the player with 5 minute long puzzles every hour that serve no purpose other than to slow down the gameplay. And to make the puzzles even worse, let's make sure they're incredibly easy to solve but time consuming to finish. That's sure to keep gamers entertained, everybody loves pushing blocks around, right?

And before I realized it I ended up finishing it.

Overall yes, I was extremely dissapointed, but I just had this weird change of heart, I made the OP fucking yesterday but the game grew on me somehow.

gameplay? fuck the block puzzles, fuck the platforming in some sections, and fuck the boss battle before Kain,

I expected to have a vampire clan for every pillar for some reason, part of my overinflated expectations I suppose, but its a blessing in disguise honestly, no more block puzzles.

story? Eh, despite what some anons said, it was alright, the intro sequence is top notch, but given how short this game is there is not a lot to go on, even with the cool reveals.

But credit where credit is due: the athmosphere gets a solid ten, It really pulls off this brand of Moorcok/Lovecraft dark fantasy, maybe its worth playing just for that.

just remove the PS1 version from any reccomendation chart, and if you havent played it yet dont be a retard like me and stay away from the PSP eboot, the graphics glitch every time you die and return to the chamber with the elder god thingy.

On to Soul Reaver 2 because I will never learn.

When I played everything through the end of Defiance a decade back I was almost begging for a sequel. Now, I don't want Square Enix Europe to even touch the license. I want the industry to have some sort of collapse or realization before they should even touch the license.

People seem to forget this game was released almost 20 years ago.
If you complain about the gameplay go play some games from the same era, stuff like Medievil or Tomb Raider for example, and you'll see Soul Reaver has a decent gameplay compared (those were considered really good games back then).
It was also released in a time when playing a game for the story was not considered a bad thing and the story was good, Raziel may be considered edgy now but in the 90s we were okay with edgy stuff.
It also had awesome music and a kick-ass atmosphere, felt more Lovecraft-esque than any other game I've ever played.
And about the block puzzles, I beat the game twice (once when I was a kid and the game was new, and another time a couple of years ago) and don't remember ever having trouble solving one of them, but I guess having the right amount of chromosomes is a rare thing in neo/v/.

Someone actually thought putting block puzzle after block puzzle in a game about a vampirish ghoul was a great idea.

I know its a gaf post, so im likely to catch some shit, but every time I read this post, it depresses the fuck out of me. Huge post, but worth the read.

Medieval alone has more weapon variety than Soul Reaver and its not like good action games did not exist on the system

Weapon variety does not equal good gameplay and the controls in Medievil were way clunkier than Soul Reaver. I'm not saying Soul Reaver was a great action game, I'm saying it had decent gameplay for a game released in 1999

Variety is essential if you want to have a lasting game. Soul Reaver is rushed and lacks real content which is highlighted by the complete lack of variety in anything. Medievil is a 6 hour game while having thrice the variety of Soul Reaver which wears itself thin in the 10 hours of its existence.
It may be good for 1999 but its [CURRENT YEAR] and there are dozens of better action games available from its time period.

SR 2 has much better gameplay in my opinion. You'll probably like it more.

If you complain about the gameplay go play some games from the same era, stuff like Medievil or Tomb Raider for example, and you'll see Soul Reaver has a decent gameplay compared

Its no excuse. Games like Crash still hold up if you ask me

The block puzzles are not hard. They are an annoyance. Specially when the game drops vampires from the ceiling every time you flip one to keep you busy

If you think Crash plays any better than Soul Reaver you're stupid

SR2 is a bit more polished but the sword mechanic is retarded in my opinion. Still a solid sequel. Glad to see you've had a change of heart about it, OP.


I looked into it, found the combat passable at best and the main game largely just block puzzles and was honestly confused until I realized the only reason people loved it so much was the admittedly great story, dialogue, setting and atmosphere.

In truth, Soul Reaver would have done better had it been adapted to a RPG tabletop setting.

I'd this shit in 3.5

That's not what the pillars are there for.

You'd have one vampire clan for each Sarafan except Raziel, as well as vampire worshippers (you've seen some in Zephon's lair) but the game is literally only two thirds finished. Eidos jewed us out of three locations, forcing a sequel to be made. Then they did it again, because they figured out it's more profitable to not let CD ever finish their work.

You should reload your save and 100% the game if you haven't, many of the locations are entirely optional and you could've missed them if you were just trying to get through the game.

SR2 is a lot more linear, while the first one could easily be called the PS1's Metroid.