You can help the white race right now
Sitting at your computer in your underwear!
This is a war of information and belief, and the truth is the most effective weapon of all, a weapon that is on our side and our side alone. We must do everything we can to propagate the truth and give our people the means to express and defend their own interests.
Enter Wikipedia, the most popular source of historical information.
In our circles, it is constantly criticized as being heavily compromised by Jewish/plutocratic interest, and rightly so. Subjective weasel-wording, over-embellishment of particular aspects of certain events, and the occasional outright lies are readily apparent.
What I propose is this: we take it upon ourselves to remove this intellectual muddle from the most popular source of information that is "educating" our people about their own history. We remove subjective wording and keep the facts straight and above all else, resisting the temptation to get our revenge by tactics similar to those our enemy uses, and let the truth burn away the ignorance forced on innocent truth-seekers.
We crawl the pages concerning WW2, nationalism, modern politics; everything of direct concern to our movement, and clean them up, improving the quality of writing, increasing the bulk of information, adding objective references and replacing subjective/biased/false ones.
Not only will we be removing the obstacles blocking the vision of our people, but there is great side effect to this: we will be reading through all of this information with the sharpest critical eye, fleshing out our own understanding and increasing our ability persuade others to understand the truth.
The bottom line is this: This does good and (((they))) can't stop us.
Wikipedia doesn't have the resources to censor us, even if they ignore the rationale for every single edit we make, which they can't anyway, because they depend on their community of editors that believe the site has integrity, and this community will hold the organization to neutrality.
This is a soft spot to push against, with a very real benefit to us, so let's do it
Everyone can do their part, even if they don't feel comfortable with rewriting and editing in a proper manner.
For example, we can remove every usage of the word "Nazi" with a reference to the NSDAP, with the justification that it is a more precise term.
Subtleties in wording like this trigger people into an unreasoning state of mind.
Learning to use the Wikipedia editing interface is extremely easy, and the complete history of every edit is available complete with the reason for each edit, so we can see the efforts of like-minded people who were censored and try another way around the censors' reasoning.
Click the edit tab at the top of the article to edit the introduction, click the edit link at the head of any section to edit it, type "[[xxxx]]" to link to other Wikipedia articles, ==and above all, hold yourself to a standard that towers above the behavior of the subjective-minded Jewish/plutocrat supporter!==
Here is an example of what I have done: