Google Map from 2015 laying out LV attack found

Map made by Google Username "AZ Flyguy"

Originally posted on halfchan:

The map:,-115.172864,3a,72.6y,163.72h,48.29t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNl_tRYUHT4rSwIvoJwglt-pJ3ai7VTwj8eWbAg!2e10!3e12!7i12000!8i6000

Does anyone know a way of archiving/preserving this map so it can't be memory holed?

Other urls found in this thread: J-Vegh,-73.384253,3a,75y,301.95h,96.77t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMM1tsTgfMWZh1n9s3roi5vXKnWtRF_J92ErLdZ!2e10!3e11!6s!7i8704!8i4352,139.5293547,3a,75y,107.86h,71.23t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN8yF4xg6uQpa_lqYn3qOgGzcaJsEZSVFfzvwmM!2e10!3e11!6s!7i13312!8i6656
You can't archive the google maps URL for some reason, but you can the google plus post it's attached to. Doesn't look to work. This system deliberately or not is unarchivable.

Checked out AZ Flyguy's profile. Found multiple pictures of his plane. Can anyone get anything out of it? Is the number on the side like a license plate or is it just a model number?

License plate equivalent. Don't know what to do with it, though.

What connection, if any, is there to the mil plane that """disappeared""" at the same time as the leftist shooting?

If the tail is to believed, then it is someone else. However, it has been owned by a "John". Possibly the same John that told us to go to AZ back on cuckchan in september.

It's a license plate. Pic related is the lookup.

Just google it. The ownership history doesn't include a Paddock

There's also an AZ flyguy youtube channel with one video of a cessna

Makes it more suspect, not less.

Kill yourself.

Dumb nigger I was summoning planefag because he obviously has a hardon for planes and we can use his energy on this.

you sperg

The worth noting thing on the registration history so far seems to be only one of the owners was from Arizona. A quick search of his name gives us profiles that tell us this individual has made a business of the patents he has registered and works security at a hotel.

Would make sense since this guy has areal imaging patents, but if the AZ Flyguy is credited for the areal photo, who made the map?

Hmm, interesting question, my guess would be Stephen Paddock

Nice digging user. The most recent owner "Vegh Dennis J" is also a possible "john".

Looked up Dennis J Vegh and found this: J-Vegh (second pic)
The page can't be archived some reason. I get a "network error". Someone else please try to archive it also.

Also found this Dennix J Vegh in Mesa Arizona: (third pic)

Dennis J Vegh is listed as a contact (or owner, depending on the site) of Digital Video Imaging LLC in Mesa Arizona:
Also can’t be archived because of “network error”.
(fourth pic)

The website for Digital Video Imaging LLC is: according to this site:

The main page on features a youtube video explaining the company’s zipline filming apparatus. AZ Flyguy commented on the video:

This could be a possible alternate explanation / added dimension for the diagram: it could be a diagram of some zipline camera work they were going to do for the festival.

you're wasting your time

Fair point. I guess the question I'm really getting at is, "Is there a way to link that map to its creator?"

At this point it looks like Mr. Veigh is the person CREDITED FOR THE 360 PHOTO used for this map.

It is not likely he has anything at all to do with this, other than his work being used by whoever planned the shooting.

Forget about AZ Flyguy, the major question still remains
Is there a way to verify it was created prior to the events? It's possible some random sperg made this to calculate trajectory etc. after the fact.

This exactly.

Anyone with greater google-fu care to chime in?

I'd imagine it would be possible to get some kind of metadata out of the map using the GoogleMaps API, but I'd have to look into it.

I mean, the date helps. MJ's One started in 2013, so it at least can't be before that. You can go on street view and see different photos from different years.

To expand a little further. Google's latest photos are from February '17. It absolutely could be a sperg having some fun, but if it was the real deal wouldn't the most recent photos be the ones "he" uses?

Shooter was a confirmed pilot with 2 planes, pretty sure its the shooter.

>posts halfchan link


Some cuckchanner, this afternoon, probably.
We really need to find out if these things have timestamps on them or this is probably a waste of time.

I sure hope you guys apologize to this poor man.

fly guy deleted his youtube page but not before he responded to me asking if he was the shooter….

he must've known something.

make sure you can't just edit your google map. this was done with the dallas shooting in regards to the craigslist ad.

kek plz


user, i….


Or he's in delete everything mode because he doesn't want a bunch of internet autists slandering him as the Vegas shooter!


Praise Kek

or he's just scared, which is understandable.



Imagine his state of mind

I feel bad for the guy tbh

Well why the fuck did his photo have that map on it? The original posted image by him has the lines and setup.


It didn't. Someone drew the lines and then linked the map. It was probably some sperg from 4chan who did it yesterday. The original pic was taken in 2015, it has nothing to do with the added lines.


that 404's now

Wrong. It was on the original google+ post too.

in 2015? How can you prove this?

This thread and others like it is classic red herring to take the heat off the real perpetrators.
Those behind the hoax will be very concerned that it's largely being rejected, so they're throwing out false breadcrumb trails.
Watch the pilot appear on television tomorrow as an example of how "the Internet gets it wrong" and "conspiracy theory nearly costs man his job."

Has it been purged? OP's link doesn't get that kind of result. I was going to make a WebM of the map while rotating it or something.

Don't be an ass. AZ Flyguy did nothing wrong and you know it. Don't ruin this guy's life.

Did you even look at the fucking post before it was deleted? Jewgle makes archives not work for some reason, but before it was shoah'd the original google+ post had the exact same timestamp.

The original timestamp was when the picture was taken by AZ Flyguy in January 2015. The lines were added in by Google API. Anyone could have done it at any time. The link was generated after someone added the lines in.

You're an idiot.

is this a recurring festival? in the same location? it could be completely impossible to pre-meditate this over 2 years in advance, if not..

Or are you (((Levi Smith))) from that kosher Holla Forums twitter? Who else would be THIS angry and defensive over this suspicious map?

The location no doubt has a variety of performers coming and going on a regular basis. It didn't have to be a plan for a specific concert, just any one that happened to be running.

confirmed recurring festival since 2014 in same location

What's to say this map wasn't made after the shooting using a pre-existing photo of the area? Serious question, not trying to be retarded.

I already covered this, he failed to respond to me.


It was tied to a google+ post from the exact same time, now deleted with the rest and (((google))) made it so neither could be successfully archived. Some people in this thread have claimed it was somehow modified through "the API" but no proof has been given as to how that could be accomplished.

Kill yourself faggots.

You have zero proof that this mystical API can alter existing content with no change to posting date and editing date.

You find a map and then add in shit. It's basically a program that allows you to modify google maps.

The reason the link in the OP no longer exists is because of one of two reasons.

1). The link expired or the creator deleted it
2). AZ Flyguy deleted the original map created in 2015, so the API modification can no longer exist.

And you have proof of being able to do this, and proof that this modifies the original object without changing the creation/editing date of the object?


The proof is in the pudding. AZ flyguy has a patent on his work. He has the right to delete it. His work was timestamped in 2015. If someone modifies it, there is no timestamp that shows the modification. Just get API and try it out yourself. The timestamp is when the creator originally took the picture.

Why am I starting to see echoes around your ID?

I'm not angry about the map you fuckwit. I'm angry at you harassing a plainly innocent pilot who didn't have anything to do with creating the map.

This is a nothingburger. Call me a shill if you want, you paranoid kike. This is most likely a misdirection. Unless you can prove the pic with the trajectory lines was created before the shooting you're freaking out about fuck all.

Freaking out about fuck-all, and probably giving an innocent man stomach ulcers in the process.

You are the one backing google here, I am trying to back a private citizen. The guy took pictures and google decided to use them. The guy is being paid by google because of his patented pictures which he took in 2015.

Jesus, (((You))) seem to really not want people digging into this. I wonder why.

No, you're the one harassing the private citizen AZ Flyguy. We're the ones backing that private citizen.

Who gives a shit about the pilot? Fuck that fag, I've shit on people for less than accidentally taking a well placed picture. It's about the Nigger being paranoid about a pic that a fellow user most likely made within the past 12 hours.

Sorry, mistook you for the other guy. Similar ID colors…

Spoken like a true jew.

For once in your life try not being such an antisocial edgelord.

go ahead and dig into it. Keep chasing unicorns, I don't give a fuck.

TLDR for thread so far
What we know about he attack:
-We know when it happened

Fuck off faggot. There's you and one other faggot defending a nobody. You guys really have something up your ass about digging into it.

If you don't care why do you keep responding to anyone looking into the matter. You're constantly trying to steer people away. Nothing to see here, hm?

I know you don't want to believe it because you'd rather dehumanize him and wash your hands of any sort of guilt, but he is somebody. You're fucking with an actual person.

How touchy-feely. Nobody gives a shit.

Because it's obvious that AZ flyguy was just a pilot who took a picture. This argument has been going on for a while and you just joined the thread starting shit. Scroll up.

I started prank calling people for lulz when I was a kid. I cam to chans for lulz, just because im older doesn't mean I've grown up. If this wasn't 8/pol/ I would advocate fucking with the dude, but it IS 8/pol/ so I think it's best to just let this thread go.

On the other hand, one of our anons ITT outed himself as Llama Guy. I honestly do want to fuck with him because that is the gayest myspace-teir name of all time. But whatever.


Trying to slander a guy as a mass murderer the day after it happened is a long fucking way off from prank calling people, you dumbshit.

You seem to be continuing despite "not caring". What vested interest do you have in people not investigating? Curious.

Why do you care?

Because unlike you, I'm not completely depraved.

Yes, you're right, I am a CIA agent. You better look into this incident harder. Dig deep and expose the conspiracy. I have faith in you.

(((Levi Smith))) or AZ Flyguy? Which one are you? You're clearly not from around here.

In what way, nigger?

You have ZERO proof that someone else edited it through some magic API.

Why are you still here? You seem to be really intent on people looking the other way. Go back to your shitty office CIA-fag.

There's so many fucking shills popping up. Convenient timing. Means we're on to something they don't want looked into.

I am trying to get you to dig. Dig deep. Waste a bunch of time trying to make connections to stuff that has nothing to do with the original thing that you were trying to disprove.

Pick one, faggot.

yep, don't look into it
look into it

You're not harassing somebody who involved themselves. You're harassing an innocent bystander for no fucking reason whatsoever. That's depraved behavior. You act like a sadistic kike.

You've just basically outed yourself, kike.

Escalating things to outrageous levels is the only way to chase that original high, dude. In 10 years we will be retroactively blaming the ancient Egyptians for the holocaust, gaslighting low level schizophrenic jews to justify assassinations of negro bishops in the catholic church for high caliber banter.

It's the natural progression of things.

Oh shoot, you caught me. I am trying to suppress reality. You better prove me wrong.

You're the faggot on the internet crying about a random nobody. You're obviously not from around here. Kys, kike.

are you on meth?

You're not even making sense. Good for you. So, you totally don't care, right? That's why you're still here. Still responding. HA

Oh, you're new, now I get it. You're not a shill, you're just unfarmiliar with the way things work here. Fuck off faggot.

yeah, please don't try to prove me wrong

Prove you wrong about what? Hm? All I'm getting out of you is that you're sad about some internet guy's fee-fees.

are you on stimulants?

Are you? Why are you still here if you don't care?

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

You're still here. A moment ago you were crying about harassment. Now you claim to not care. And now you're not even addressing anything relevant. Being this (((obvious))).

yep, I am changing the subject, I must be trying to subvert this thread. Now answer the question, do you prefer cats or dogs as pets?

Ok who the fuck made this

who is sure about an API being used for diagram? what if it was just a quick PS job over a screenshot of the google map

Wow, kike. You're just out of ideas, aren't you?

because it was on the google server and you could move within a 3D environment

yep, I am an Israeli citizen, now answer the question, do you like cats or dogs?

Don't listen to this faggot. Go back and look at his posts. This faggot is clearly not from around here.

Anyone recall the Cesna that went down carrying 'fireworks' during a Constitution Day celebration around the time of the Bataclan stuff in ARIZONA? Video's pretty horrific, thing just pops off and dives like a flaming moth. Wasn't a Religion of Cucks associated event, alleged to be an accident at the time.

How's the weather in Kikeland? It's clear you don't care. That's why you're still here.

and you are clearly hyped up on meth. I remember posting like you

Oh snap! Back to the drugs again. Ha. How about them cats and dogs? How do you do my fellow pol guy. You're shit at this, you know that right?

you're definitely on uppers or you are naturally stimulated by some sort of mental illness

1 Selside Ln, Bella Vista, AR 72715 Current Address
Geary Danley


az flyguy is the key
find who this man is

Very obvious. You're out of ideas. The question still remains. If you don't care, why are you still here?

i don't know but it should be saved and spread

yep, I must be hiding something. You better investigate the things that I am against.

Where you at 7854f1? You finally realize you're an obvious shill? You give up?

It's gay as fuck. The "chad" character looks like a gay weightlifter

Shooter was a race mixer and with a muslim no less. Really says it all.

yeah, I gave up

Is this on your list of talking points? Pets, drugs, investigate/don't?

Oh? What's your goal?

So if anyone's interested, this is a video walkthrough of the hotel room floorplan that the shooter stayed in, but a few floors higher. Has vantage point of concert venue.

Is everyone going to forget moldylocks?

well, I am obviously wrong and you are right. You better look at the things that I am claiming to be right. They may be wrong.

wtf is even going on i just woke up. did snackbars do this?

What am I right about?

you are right about me being wrong, right?

What are you wrong about?

good question

Do you like cats or dogs?


Are you on stimulants?

nah, just the liquid jew

And finally, you stated that you don't care. Why are you still here?

why are you still here to state that I am still here?

So, you don't care. Right?

what makes you think that I don't care? Because I am on the liquid jew?

Ha, you're bad at this. Why do you care?

I care about responding to your posts

When asked why you're attempting to defend a no-name online you stated, "I don't give a fuck." And yet, 20 minutes later you're still here. Why is that? I thought you didn't care if people looked into this man. Why are you still here if you don't care?

When asked any question you refuse to reply. So I ask again. Do you prefer cats or dogs as pets?


Stephen Paddock's Voter Registration

Party Affiliation: Democratic Party
Registered to Vote In: Palm Beach County, Florida
Registration Date: 04/11/1984
Voter Status: Active
Precinct Group: 0
Congressional District: 22
House District: 89
Senate District: 29
County District: 4
School Board District: 5


I've been following since this morning and I still don't know. Everything is a confusing mess. Somehow a white guy killed 50ish people and injured 400 more or so. ISIS wants credit. MSM is a mess as usual. Someone drew lines on a picture. Niggers are fighting about some old faggot from AZ ITT. It's all fucked to shit and anons are so paranoid around here we can't accomplish sick because everyone is a kike.

I'm sure whether I like cats or dogs is really important to the subject matter of this thread.

You read the thread? We know his name and the name of his business already.

After reviewing further I think AZ Flyguy / Dennis J Vegh is pretty suspicious. There's no way to draw lines/diagrams on existing 3D photos on Google Maps as far as I can tell. Unless that feature has been removed (Google modifies their shit constantly as I'm sure you've all experienced) this means the diagram in the photo was there when he uploaded it. If the map was indeed on the Original photo uploaded by Vegh/Flyguy, there are only a couple possible innocent explanations I can think of. He may have made that diagram as part of his work for his company Digital Video Imaging LLC, which does filming via drones and zipline rigs. The diagram could be a diagram for setting up a zipline filming rig for the festival. Alternatively, his company could have been hired by CIA, Mossad, et. al., to produce this diagram and gather this spatial information.

Did anyone manage to get any tech-user data from the page before it was taken down?
Anyone know if there was a feature on Gmaps for drawing diagrams on already uploaded photos?

why didnt anyone make vegas bread 9?
this bread is trash

yeah, i'm just a shill, out me. I am protecting AZ flyguy, he must be the true culprit.

Anyways, off to bed.

Go make it. This thread is for this lead only and has been up since thread 7.

And there it is. Thanks guy. You made a valiant effort to shill. But in the end I bested you. It's okay, better luck next time.


Are you saying AZ Flyguy is Geary Danley? He's not. Did anyone read the thread? Is this laziness or disinfo shilling? AZ Flyguy is Dennis J Vegh as far as we can tell. Dennis J Vegh is the owner of the Cesna featured in Flyguy's photos and is affiliated with Digital Video Imaging LLC, a company that does aerial video.

Did anyone read the thread?

== Read this post if you haven't: ==

you just got snagged by b8. No worries. It happens to the best of us.

Seriously, why do you think that was drawn on the pic using the Google maps application? Some user probably found the picture by googling pics of the casino and did a rough estimate of distances using simple mathematics, drawing the lines with PS or MS paint. What evidence is there that this photo WITH THE TRAJECTORY LINES existed before the shooting. Jesus christ.

RED TEXT==Stephen Paddock==RED TEXT

I think thread making stopped working some time around the last thread was ending, user that was bunkered in what remained of thread VI said they were getting errors making a new one.


What? Do you understand anything about this? Holy shit. READ THE FUCKING THREAD FROM THE BEGINNING. Were you even here when the link was working? Are you just operating with ZERO INFORMATION? FUCK.

The photo with the lines was listed by Google Maps as having been uploaded by AZ Flyguy (probably Dennis J Vegh) in 2015. Unless it was possible at some time to edit photos in the Gmaps application, then those lines were there in 2015 when AZFlyguy uploaded it, and he drew them.

Boast Broofs. Link wasn't working when I joined the thread, near the beginning. Why are you the first person to address my concern? I brought this up ages ago.

It's in the OP you fucking homo. The image was made and uploaded TWO YEARS AGO. (((Conveniently))) google's sites didn't work with the archives and the suspicious uploader went full damage control and deleted everything.

weird. same thing happened during the cleansing houston flood last month.
really makes you think

This person immediately addressed your question but you ignored it or failed to understand it:

I can't post any "proof" now because the photo has been deleted by AZ Flyguy and no longer exists. You can see his Username and the upload date in the OP pic for what its worth. Every user who was here when the link was working knows the OP photo is legitimate and the image was indeed listed as having been uploaded in 2015 by AZFlyguy. Not sure what you're even doubting. That I made this photo myself and created this thread to trick people? Fuck off. There are other screen shots of the 3D photo with the diagram here and on halfchan if you want to find them for yourself.

Still no proof, but I reckon it's worth looking into. Image searched it when I opened the thread and that does about shit ass. What do you expect to find? It may prove that there is something larger than a lone gunman. What's the next step?

Gee thanks for your explicit approval uncle retard. Filtered. You're the kind of person who makes the world of conspiracy research unbearable. Go hang out on GLP you fucking swamp goon.

Because he typed like an asshole and no one until you mentioned that the photo WITH THE LINES was uploaded in 2015. You can't assume tone or context over the internet, my dude. You really do have to explain yourself.

This ones better


I'm saying I'm game, Nigger. Don't be a cunt because of your weak communication skills.

Nice job m8. You're on the road to becoming an SJW.

Hang yourself.

the fact that this person deleted youtube account is suspect. they may be innocent but they made a mistake in tying to hide themselves instead of being more open and sharing data to prove themselves innocent.

someone should tell the authorities, but which group isn't compromised?

I agree with his opinion (that this is "worth looking into" IM THE FUCKING OP YOU RETARD). I Don't disagree with anything he said. I find his attitude, that anyone should care whether he finds this worthy of inquiry, 100+ posts into the thread, when multiple people have already spent hour contributing, after multiple people have already explained his asinine misunderstandings to him only to be ignored, to be a pretty fucking clear case of 50 year old loser conspiracy "researcher" who thinks his opinion matters because he's old as fucking dirt and a loser. Therefore I don't need to see anything else he posts in the thread.

Thank you for being the only other poster with an IQ over 100 in here.

That's so petty. You are like some uptight fag who doesn't like negative attention and can't handle anything that makes him feel uncomfortable. I have seen sissies like you in real life, they often dress in tight pants and wear makeup.

He's filling the thread with irrelevant posts originating from his failure to understand what a screenshot is. He's derailing and now so are you.

Whine some more. Jesus fucking christ. I miss Holla Forums back when it was full of trolls. Now it's full of hipsters like you that don't want to be made fun of.

you fuckers derailed something that could be real. this place is officially infected by retards

This thread has been filled with derailing, shilling and trash.



that guy took a picture in 2015 in cessna. He has nothing to do with the Mandalay Bay faggotry. Some fag using google API made a chart with lines and then posted the link on 4chan, which made the OP make this very post.

>still ZERO proof that muh api changed the original post without affecting the upload/edit date of the original google+ post AND the google map image
(((Pure coincidence.)))

What a crybaby faggot. At no point does it say it's a screenshot and we were only 100 posts into the thread because two niggers were arguing.
Pussy doesn't know how to explain himself properly.


Many have made the Google Map API claim. None have explained how that would even be possible or provided any evidence that it actually was what happened. Please show me that you can do this. Here's a random 3D photo on google maps, just like the one posted by the AZ Flyguy account:,-73.384253,3a,75y,301.95h,96.77t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMM1tsTgfMWZh1n9s3roi5vXKnWtRF_J92ErLdZ!2e10!3e11!6s!7i8704!8i4352

Draw a smiley face with yellow lines and distance markers on it.


Why is everyone here so fucking paranoid?

go to bed

To help new people out, I found the thread OP (master of faggotry) is referencing. It actually explains things rationally and doesn't assume that you, the reader, knows what's going on inside his head.

Why no response? Come on user. Use the Google API to draw a diagram on this 3D photo:,139.5293547,3a,75y,107.86h,71.23t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN8yF4xg6uQpa_lqYn3qOgGzcaJsEZSVFfzvwmM!2e10!3e11!6s!7i13312!8i6656

you have to create a google account to use google API, I don't want to create one because in order to do that, you have to give out your phone number.

fake and gay

try it yourself
his birthday was 4/9/1953

(((Pure coincidence.)))

I'm sure that's why user. But you can definitely do it. I believe you 100%.


Stephen Paddock


It is why. I have never created a google account in my entire life.


Paddock has nothing to do with this thread.

Once again this thread is full of derailing and shilling. For anyone arriving here now:


because I have seen them before. I never claimed that I created one.

You're doing great tonight moshe!


Finally, good info right? I swear, I forgot why I stopped using 8ch. I thought it was because the UI was shit. Turns out it's because the user base is shit.

>I saw it before ignore my never being anywhere near the technology that totally exists believe (((me))) goy

I'm going to laugh when you get this poor guy arrested for nothing. You fucking retards are connecting dots to non-issues.

(((Levi Smith))) give it up already, you've outed yourself on multiple IPs and you're not going to shut down the investigation.

Keep sleuthing along Sherlock. You'll eventually solve the case.

(This is going to blow his mind, teehee)


oh shit, am I on camera? lol I got goof'd



Whoever added the lines did so after taking the photo, fucking obviously. You are now repeatedly shitposting in a digging thread and should be banned.

Yeah, that's my fucking point, you idiot.

What? What is your point? Neither the poster you responded to or anyone else in this thread has said anything about the photo being altered in the air.

Here, Ill describe it to you with greentext:

Yes we all know what you're shilling. You've posted it multiple times. Once again, you've never provided any reason to believe it's possible to alter photos posted to Google maps by another user or even for a user to alter their own photos, let alone to do so without changing the upload date.

Why were you posting about altering the photos in the air? Are you confused?

That is what I thought because OP doesn't into explaining things well, but think that's debunked here>>10699796

And you have never provided any evidence to the contrary. It is possible to alter the maps, just get API.

How retarded are you?

There is no reason to believe it's possible and you've directly refused to produce the proof when challenged and offered a chance on multiple occasions. You're the one who's proposing the thesis. You need to provide the evidence.

I told you why I don't do that shit. I don't make google accounts because I hate jews. I don't like to surrender myself to jewish control. If you want to make a jewgle account and prove me wrong, you are free to do so. I have already seen google API graphics in the past.

Absolutely retarded.

"prove a negative"

Explain what you mean by this. I honestly think you don't know what it means.

You're asking me to prove that it's impossible to alter photos that are posted on Google Maps. That would require me to do literally everything that it's possible to do and record the result. Unless there's a finite number of "things you can do" in the universe, this is not even logically possible.

Gas yourself

Thanks for contributing. New IP again?

Haven't seen this much shilling since the initial pizzagate threads.

Once again this thread is full of derailing and shilling. For anyone arriving here now:


you are retarded


I saved the original Image Sphere (~13mb):

Looks like you poked the little snake before it slimed away.
But we've got his flight plan.

Why are there 50 posts about drawing lines on a google map? What a retarded thread.

Because this thread is being shilled to shit.

I honestly half suspect the retards replying to purile questions like "cats or dogs" is the same shill on a different IP just trying to fill the thread. Hope so at least.

When people tell you to stop looking. You should keep looking. If anything, people should be saying "KEEP DIGGING GOOD JOB ANONS"

Not…. "Oh it's nothing, stop looking here."

I came to check

Exactly. There's an insane amount of shilling in this thread. It's obvious there's something happening that they don't like.

>connect your google account with this thread goyim

Yeah, that would be pretty stupid.

inb4 google spoofed the date or fabricated it as a whole

What are you even talking about?

Nice compilation of actual information. There's a lot of shill faggots trying to make this disappear.



gets dubs checking these digits and dubs on id.


There's really nothing to find he's registered with the FAA which tldr; means if you have a tail number you have his dox.