half chan guy named "John" predicts the Las Vegas attack weeks before, and gives a clear and cut motive for the attack.
Why is everyone ignoring this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because of the above links. Most posters are robot shills with the occasional (((human))) shill stepping in for wrongthink like yours. Also see >>>/polk/ for human interaction.
But really OP, did this deserve it's own thread?
Out shill this is huge if true.
Do you have a counter argument to the information presented?
Need more magic for confirmation
WEW we've got a John Titor over here!
OP does dubs…
Thanks for posting user. The fact that ISO and the Chertoff Group are named specifically means that we can actually watch as this develops to see if we can confirm it.
that was a quality thread, nigger.
t. Wong Fu
It's true. I remember when it was posted. I made note of the date, assumed 9/11 was a little cliche, and thought "wow, fucking nothing" the next day.
Down the rabbit hole we go!
Mr. Incense and Windchimes runs a security company?
Not the same guy apparently.
Those are auto generated botnet links. Take them with a grain of salt.
Everyone wants to ignore the usual boring answer for the epic memes Illuminati pyramid earlobe bullshit.
Holla Forums is dead.
I've been doing TA on charts for a long while. I'll open up OSIS in Trading View and post back if I notice anything abnormal.
how often do you want to spam this?
Fuck off, schlomo.
Look for long positions going in prior to the incident *that conflict with common TA patterns*.
Ignore and filter the obvious shilling.
I'm the OP you dumb faggot. Why is this thread not stickied?
Starting to see a theme with things Adelson is involved in, including donating to the GoP, casinos… and something else.
Do you suppose anybody has pics of three black vans parked together within walking distance of the shooting?
Stop being such a faggot then.
Mundanes are always so intellectually shallow.
Apparently the occult thread on the shooting was just deleted. What the fuck.
next they'll attack san francisco
Sounds too good to be true.
My mistake. It wasn't deleted. Anyone who wants to discuss the occult aspect can go here:
Yeah, he definitely predicted it weeks before.
He predicted it would happen on the 12th of September as the screenshot clearly shows.
>b-but he said it might not happen!
In that case you're saying he didn't predict fucking anything.
your dubs confirm it false then, I suspect somewhere in the midwest
In any case, we can track this going forward because he named OSI and the Chertoff Group. Maybe it's a nothing LARP, maybe not. We'll see.
They are off by less than a month so it must be
Fuck off J or I'll dox you.
eat shit schizo
t. robot
Why does he include this specific detail? Although if we can find proof that there were these vans around at or before the time of the shooting, it would give this post some credibility.
Linking to post because it's easily as important as the John prediction and even more incriminating. user found a diagram on Google maps from 2015 laying out the attack :
The Google link: google.com
By J do you mean
Whatever you have to tell yourself, dumbass.
You fucking cock-tease!
Let me explain the logistics of this and why OP is a faggot.
Casinos have a fuck ton of entrances and exits. There's no chokepoints like in airports, these are specifically designed for ease of foot travel.
Another side effect of metal detectors in casinos are the long lines. No one would come to Vegas if they had to wait an hour or two to get in the fucking casino and put their bags down. And this completely shits on the idea of inter-casino travel, because you'd an hour to your trip to include the metal detectors and long lines. Travelling up and down the strip requires you to go through casinos. Like if I wanted to go from Luxor to MGM, I'd have to leave Luxor, go through excalibur, go through Tropicana, and enter MGM. That's three security checkpoints, six if you count the way back. Millions of people visit Vegas in two weeks. It's complete underestimation of the scale of the amount of people that visit.
Long security lines are not just tedious but dangerous. In the summer, it's not uncommon for the low to be 95F. So you'd have long stretching lines in the fucking heat, which is just asking for heat strokes and the subsequent lawsuits.
The strip is fundamentally dangerous, the dude could have easily spray and prayed in the hotel lobby and take out at least 100. He could have walked into the New York New York upper entrance, mag dumped and killed more than 50. City is full of high vantage locations, able to rain down hot metal on unsuspecting people. Locals hate the strip because if shit goes whacky, you're basically trapped.
So what? He got everything else right. That's enough.
Hence the terror attack to make them accept it
Correct. And people will accept it
They go through TSA when they fly to Vegas.
Airports didn't have chokepoints until they were retrofitted after 9/11.
All true, but
has never stopped the TSA before. Why should it now?
On its own we can't do much with this map. It's peculiar for sure, but if we can't link that Google account with an identity it'll be useless. Unless there's more information in that map or account that we haven't found yet. Some questions:
Does this mean that this attack has been planned for two-and-a-half years? If so, why leave potential evidence sitting in plain sight on some google account?
is a faggot and can't into (((coincidence)))
This gets my almonds twitching. Is it possible (((they))) had several potential events lined up for this and just skipped the 9/11 one in favor of this? Were there any large gatherings there on 9/11? Or in Henderson, which was also brought up as a location?
If they got lazy and/or the perpetrator knew he would have a fall guy/kill himself so he didn't care about leaving behind evidence
>This gets my almonds twitching. Is it possible (((they))) had several potential events lined up for this and just skipped the 9/11 one in favor of this?
It's also possible that different people are told different dates, such that if there are any leaks in the operation the mole can be identified. It's also possible it was rescheduled at the last minute for any number of reasons. Perhaps the planned target had some jewish senators son in attendance or something. Who knows.
The date being wrong is of little consequence.
Hey some anime is much less pozzed then all the talmudvision you could ever show me.
There is nothing abnormal about the 1D candle chart that I can see. The only thing that sticks out is the big money entering the market on November 9th and 11th last year. Could be from speculation / news, but there hasn't been that much daily volume since 2010.
If someone RECENTLY went long they know something that everyone else doesn't because this shit is super oversold on the RSI and is about to retrace the FIB I drew unless it can surpass the 2015 all time high within the next weed I'd gauge. Also, it looks like it's at the peak of an Elliott wave on multiple timescales. Nothing stands out to me on smaller time scales than 1D candles. It looks like any other chart. Basically, every form of TA says that it is going to go down in price for a correction very soon so if it doesn't do that…something's being manipulated.
Technical analysis can only tell you so much. Looking at the fundamentals and shit in the news regarding OSIS is going to get you a better idea of what's going on.
I meant to say OVERBOUGHT on the RSI (purple line). Which means that it's overvalued (due for a correction).
Every thing (((they))) do indicates that they're following an old script, a pre-written order of operations that is carried out.
On the same night that this guy predicted this shooting, September 10th, US Senate user was posting on 4chan about Sheldon Adelson using his hotels for blackmail. There were four threads, all reached over 300 replies, and all were deleted.
This whole thing is more kikery. They're even rolling out gabby giffords again.
Good work user, keep watch.
From cuckchan:
"It is pretty fucking weird how a pyramid was on site for this whole attack though, if you look at Google Maps and figure out where the sun sets the shadow does actually fall across the area where Route 91 was."
Check out pic related, it's beginning anons.
Okay I posted something in the other thread, but I realize now that I might have been wrong. It was clear to me "john" was writing as John Titor, a supposed time traveler who posted on the Internet in 2001. He is of special interest to us, as he claims a civil war will take place resulting in the collapse of our society and government. I first thought that john's writing style was too different from Titor's, but on further inspection, the differences in punctuation might be explained by posting on a mobile phone. The sentence structure isn't too dissimilar, so I can no longer rule out that this is the original John, just by that alone.
What do you user's think? Where is the information for "john's" posting history, and are there anymore connections to Titor?
old post:
Someone is larping as John Titor. Look up his forum posts, it doesn't match. Either John has been shitposting among us for all this time, and he's adapted accordingly, or it's somebody having a laugh. Or maybe his shift key broke, hell if I know.
Sample of John's writing:
TAanon can you confirm OSI Systems stock move info in clip from cuckchan: "Michael Chertoff is the former US Secretary of Homeland Security. He's also the co-author of the Patriot Act under George Bush.
OSI Systems stock has been steadily increasing since September 13th as they've been recently getting a lot of huge contracts.
Here's a summary of another user's post with some good information:
Speculative Theory
Sheldon Adelson is using his hotels to blackmail powerful people, but politicians are now avoiding his joints. Sensing his power slipping, he has now killed huge numbers of people to shock Nevada/the feds into forcing all casinos to install his company's surveillance equipment. Soros is on board because he's King of the Jews and gets a cut of the action, or else it doesn't happen.
>Sheldon (((Adelson)))
The odds are greater than 0 IMO.
Sorry, not sure what you're asking.
"OSI Systems stock has been steadily increasing since September 13th"
Can Confirm?
OSI Systems Stock symbol OSIS
Downgrade then Upgraded a few hours later
More Titor posting
spooky shit
Is this the guy who went by the name "TimeBro" from the halfchan days, b4 the great migration?
I remember reading his threads.
Yeah, the big box is the price and time range from September 13 last year and the smaller overlapping box is from last Sep 13.
the concert was called harvest
I don't even know what to think about this.
Checks out.
Now you do.
Does anybody have an archive of the thread where that guy from Alaska who crucified mice and flew a plane posted a timestamped image and he had dirty finger nails?
I think he might have been Paddock.
Not aware of a "TimeBro." Titor would have been before his time, if that's post 2004. I don't think he claimed to stay in the same time for that long. But, if he's back in 2017, who knows.
From what these half-chan posts suggest, Titor's timeline was not at war until at least 2020, since he mentioned that they're still pushing legislation at that time. Of course, our timeline is divergent now. He described las vegas casino attacks, and was wrong by a matter of weeks. If he is who he says he is, who knows how much things will diverge.
Because of these dirty finger nails
and the fact that he hunted and flew planes in Alaska.
archive of titor posts
It's well known that Adelson is one of the biggest Zionists around and probably the single biggest republican donor.
Why is it numbers EVERY fucking time? This is like one of those twilight zone stories where a man knows everything & is always right & ends up killing himself.
HRC was supposed to happen, but didn't.
What's the story on lactose tolerant tacticool guy?
Timebro is largely considered to be a larper, but there was once a post on /x/, who said after his stop in 09, he was going to 1998, included a photo that had a solar powered back pack, a tazered brass knuckles, floppy discs, cd's, ect. Both would be period correct.
Found it
Hands look different. False alarm.
The media has already been working that angle. "How did he get the guns in and why isn't there more security?" Its something we will need to continue watching.
Hmmm, cross linking isn't working.
no dubs no dice
See, like this.
Also, to all the newfags staining this thread with their hamfisted niggerty, Holla Forums is always right except when it comes to dates. This case is no different.
Next thing you know the news will be saying this boomercuck was a freemason, but that would just be a wild coincidence goy :^)
still haven't addressed this bit.
Real shit, we live in chaos. Kek is all around us, and is inside all of us. We are Chaos
Chaos just is, infinitely, eternally. But we are also the Order inside the Chaos. The Chaos is merely the fuel for our growth and expansion, the very process of Being. We have seen what our collective will does and is capable of. In a world of falsity and deceit, there are real men of Truth on this board. Men who honestly want to right the evils of the world, and blast off into the fucking stars and do what we as men are destined for. And because of that, the very "Being" that is existence tips the odds ever in our favor. "Kek" Is the "tohu va bohu", the dark waters, the face of the deep,which The Spirit of Love, Light, and Truth hovered over, Kek is literally Anything and Everything that ever Could Be, Anytime, Anywhere bound in singularity. And our Righteous Will and intention aligns with the Logos that began Order, and we will Triumph. We affect reality, we affected in on election night, we are affecting it now, and we will continue to do so until we are victorious. I believe that user in the OP img thwarted a more immediate attack, a shill who keeps eyes on the chan alerted the deep state of the attack, so they called it off immediately. Some wanted to call it off completely, but others wanted to go on with plans, so they bumped the date down the road. The hubris of the people we are dealing with is almost indescribably immense. These people view themselves as Gods among men, believing they can control destiny. They are fucking up. They are losing power.
some more of his posts. question, why is he making sure that we know his name is John? We have IDs, so I somehow suspect there is a reason behind it.
Incidently Trump likes to use the name "John"
There is also John Titor coming to my mind, but well, its a bit far fetched even though there is the theory Trump is actually John Titor
Because he's pretending to be/is John Titor, you incomprehensibly stupid FUCK
Fourth post.
More complete version
How many bogus warnings were issued about 9/11? This is junk.
Was just about to mention this
Sounds like intentional vagueness, but it does correspond to Titor's "world-line." I'm skeptical, but predicting a las vegas casino attack is a long shot, so I can allow a window. Sounds like he's gone for now, so nothing more will come of this, but we should dig through the archives and see if anything matches up.
The generation war just went hot.
Boomer shitlibs tried to vote for communism, then they tried to import mud "people" to drive down our wages to support their decadent worthless lifestyles while voting for communism, now the immortal starchild philosophers are old and their mud pets have first dibs on the social security and medicare, they know everyone hates them and wants them to die, and they lash out.
First it was Republican congressmen voted for by better, younger men. Then it was those better, younger men themselves.
Some day the Boomer shitlibs will be beaten to death in their nursing homes with their own Howard Zinn books, and then the White race will continue to exist on this continent.
Why won't they bother people in Arizona?
What he is talking about takes more than 1 incident to really get rolling and it's possible the event in question was planned but then canceled/moved last minute. It's a lot like gun control, they just keep bringing it up every single fucking time something happens. In fact it might even been seen as a reasonable compromise for a lot of gun advocates. It's such a passive form of giving up your 2nd and 4th amendment rights that most people won't even smell it for what it is. I can already see people saying stupid shit like, "Oh, well as long as we can keep our guns then ya I'm fine with having more metal detectors at certain places like hotels/casinos. Afterall, I care about people's safety too, that's why I want to keep my guns."
What matters is the narrative being pushed, and it is indeed being pushed. Fox pretty much started the day talking about putting metal detectors in hotels. We'll probably see more and more of over the next few days. The next logical step would probably be to see certain places put up metal detectors on their own accord and then have articles written about how safe it makes everyone feel. Every time a shooting happens people mention how metal detectors are preventing them in other places and blah blah blah. The long game is watching for OSI to pick up more fat contracts.
Why won't they bother people in Arizona?
you need 3 >>>
Getting very freaky.
Anybody else want to discuss this
This sounds like a prequel to Logan's Run
Oh fuck I'm late to this all I didnt know OSI was involved. I know a lot of inside industry rumors on OSI/Rapiscan and more on AS&E. I'm too scared to get sucided tho.
The mudslime attacks are pretty organic user. I get the feeling that these are the guys with no patience who were told to build sleeper cells but just couldn't wait for their 72 virgins so jumped the gun.
Oh fuck I'm late to this all I didnt know OSI was involved. I know a lot of inside industry rumors on OSI/Rapiscan and more on AS&E. I'm too scared to get sucided tho.
are there any cheaper stocks that will profit from this?
you need 3 >>>
Cuckchanners and their fucking garbage "prophecies", I tell ya hwat.
im not even sure if those are real. i mean wouldnt they want to get some high profile target from time to time to show how powerfull they are?
but no. its always just random plebs.
NDAA amendment hr5736 legalized spreading fake news in 2012 just before sandyhoax. Since then mass shootings have averaged once every few months. Been a gap since Trump took office, thought he would put a stop to them but looks like nope.
nigger you can't say that and not tell us.
We all die user. Just do it.
Why is that second pic relevant?
Michael Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His father was Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B'nai Israel in Elizabeth. His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), an Israeli citizen and the first flight attendant for El Al.[2] His paternal grandparents are Rabbi Paul Chertoff[3] and Esther Barish Chertoff
you don't blend in at all kike
Because its the wife of the flip bitch that was GF with stephen paddock
You're talking about low IQ fanatics, don't give them too much credit. Most high profile people's movements aren't exactly transparent outside the context of venues where there is real security.
Michael Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His father was Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B'nai Israel in Elizabeth. His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), an Israeli citizen and the first flight attendant for El Al.[2] His paternal grandparents are Rabbi Paul Chertoff[3] and Esther Barish Chertoff
Also might be the king of the kikes.
Michael Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His father was Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B'nai Israel in Elizabeth. His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), an Israeli citizen and the first flight attendant for El Al.[2] His paternal grandparents are Rabbi Paul Chertoff[3] and Esther Barish Chertoff
Also might be the king of the kikes.
I don’t see the logic in how a guy shooting from a window = needing metal detectors at concert venues and I don’t see why anyone would need a mass attack to shill for metal detectors at concert venues, federal buildings, etc in the first place because that already exists and most people are pretty okay with it.
I expected better from you guys. Weak larp/10
fine fine digits
The source for that second pic was created today, probably as b8 for media to blast muh right conspiracy theorists.
why are the links inaccessible now? at least for me.
From halfchan:
Modify Date: 1/23/2015
Record Date: 1/20/2015 8:43 AM
Number of Pages: 3
Book Type: OR
Document Type: (D) DEED
Grantor PN II INC
Total Value: $369,022.00
Parcel #: 002-01-613-004
Stephen's house was purchased in the same month of the same year that this fucking document was made.
Link is dead for me as well.
He's talking about legislation mandating it in all those places throughout the nation. Think of the shekels.
John specifically referred to casinos, the hotel he shot from was a casino hotel right? Either way he had to have some way of getting weapons into that building.
photographer deleted his account
I'm currently watching GROLIOUS NIPPON TV via a Kodi plugin, and they reported the distance from the Mandalay room to the concert as "400m." I had to scratch my head at that, and Googled what the effective range of an AK-47 is. Pic related.
Shitty reporting, or was that the actual distance from the gunman to the crowd?
There will be more I’m sure don’t you worry about that. Trump made us take the ((deep state)) less seriously. They are brutal, and they’re not all on the wacky hard left side. They made the left the punching bag but push and pull watch legitimate nationalism get enslaved for Israel. Wasn’t adelson a huge trump guy?
Some tard made a comment or message to AZ Flyguy so he probably removed the 3d photo that was the basis for the map. After looking into it I'm pretty sure the guy who made the map is not AZ Flyguy. He just took the picture. He takes a lot of 3d aerial pictures. Would have been good if tech-anons could have extracted some kind of data to get the identity of the actual map maker before it went down.
The effective range of a round is generally because of the rate at which the bullet drops due to a combination of velocity and ballistic coefficient. Where this is not relevant: shooting into a crowd with full auto from a high elevation.
company is full of poo in the loo
The Chertoff Group (TCG)
formed by Michael Chertoff (his father was a rabbi)
2nd United States Secretary of Homeland Security
In office February 15, 2005 – January 21, 2009
attended the Jewish Educational Center, hired as a prosecutor by Rudolph Giuliani
I won't lie, I don't own guns, but I know enough that shooting 1200 ft (almost a quarter of a mile) from a higher-floor hotel room into a crowd with an assault rifle and hitting 600+ targets gave me pause.
He was the only United States Attorney who was not replaced due to the change in administrations
Secretary of Homeland Security during Katrina
Despite his friendly relationship with some Democrats, Chertoff was appointed as the special counsel for the Senate Whitewater Committee studying allegations against President Clinton and his wife in what was known as the Whitewater investigation. No charges were brought against the Clintons.
Clintons again.
Michael Chertoff has been an advocate of enhanced technologies, such as full body scanners.[24] His lobbying firm Chertoff Group (founded 2009) represents manufacturers of the scanners
he stated that "projected climate change is a complex multi-decade challenge. Without action to build resilience, it will increase security risks over much of the planet. It will not only increase threats to developing nations in resource-challenged parts of the world, but it will also test the security of nations with robust capability, including significant elements of our National Power here at home."
So as far as we can tell, the motive for all of this is=
More gun control
More police state
OSI kikes get rich
well, i would assume the first 2-3 mags are hard to miss as no matter wher you shoot you hit someone in the crowd which should be 60-90 hits depending on the luck. depending on how long it takes for the mass to disperse after the first shots everything after that would be pretty skillfull i assume (also someone who never shot a gun. feels bad being a europoor)
newfag reporting in the archive brout me to porn
what in the fuck m99
I would look at that Chertoff group. There seems to be obscure connections to Vegas.
Yeah I noticed that too, lol. Try this one:
So, theory time. What if this guy, supposedly a high stakes gambler found himself in debt hell? He looses a little too much money and has a few too many loans and gets caught up in this "high incident project" as a result?
Am I watching too much TV or would this be a plausible enough scenario?
Also, where's the Hotel security footage? I want to see this guy carry 15+ guns plus ammo through an elevator over and over again.
that evil kike face, yikes!
I was wondering that myself. Mandalay Bay is going to get dragged over broken glass by survivors and the deceased's families for being lax.
I really want to say he was just a meat sack to them. As in a body they could leave at the scene. I don’t believe he even pulled the triggers. I have nothing but intuition to base that on, but I still feel that way.
ISIS isn't fucking real. They have a bunch of shooters in Syria, and then everything domestic is handled by local IC agencies.
Speaking of Jews has anyone spoken about CBS vice president (((Geftman-Gold))) being fired over saying "not even sympathetic because country music fans often are Republican"?
Looks like a literal potbelly goblin vampire
And I think I had to read it out loud to see how dumb it sounded. It would be unlikely for someone to be motivated to kill that many just based on debt. If there were a gun to his head on this, I'm sure he only would have went for the bare minimum, unless they paid him per head. Even then they would have to have some sort of assurance he were able to kill like this if this were the goal.
Nah, there has to be something else at work here.
Not really buying the patsy angle either. This guy was busy during these events.
Something about this whole thing just reeks, though. There is a ton of disinfo out there and the only thing we can really be sure of is that lugenpresse will be lugenpresse.
Are you sure you're not a kike yourself?
Found some info on John Titor's timeline. According to his account, the civil war began in 2004, and had actually ended by now. With a short WWIII in 2015, him stopping by now at the tail end would be understandable, but makes his confidence in his predictions questionable. Not really sure what to make of half-chan's "john."
Interestingly, he mentions an increase in violent monthly happenings, which we are starting to see now. If he is correct, it's possible that the war has only been delayed by a decade.
One of the sponsors of the show is literally a TSA Prescreening program.
Does this explain Israeli's claiming Religion of Cuck™ link too early, throwing off the narrative?
it is the Harvest Moon - so country folks know all about that, being outdoorsy types. Add in the the soul harvest under the gaze of the black pyramid, tho. :/
If you want to know where Stephen Paddock and Marilou Danley's money come from then read this, I'll make it very simple:
1- Stephen Paddock is dating Marilou Danley
2- Marilou Danley has a daughter named Sheila Darcey, Sheila's father is Geary Danley
3- Sheila Darcey is married to Micah Linton
4- Micah Linton is son of billionaire biotech CEO of Promega; William A Linton
You can check this and confirm this for yourself by just going to their Facebook profiles
"Geary Danley"
"Micah Linton"
William A Linton goes as "Bill Linton" on Facebook.
So the question is:
Was Stephen Paddock just some crazy dude with a rich sugarmommy who got her money from her rich in-laws? or was he legitimately connected to deep state billionaires?
Jesus Christ I thought I couldn't hate Jews more
We already had the Fag Culling in Florida, it didn't change shit.
not even sympathetic about the holocaust because kikes often are ovenworthy
looks like it came straight from the pit of hell
the moon was full and huge here last night. this reeks of sacrifice.
Okay, I'm going to revisit the theory that Stephen Paddock was our very own psycho-who-tortures-small-animals-user from Alaska, as found in this thread
Things the same:
Both fly Cessnas in Alaska
Both have disgusting fingernails, as seen here
cross-linking doesn't work for that thread
One states
The other had tannerite stashed in his home.
Psycho-Alaskan user kept implying that the day of the rope was fast approaching and he would strike back, while Paddock shot a lot of people on Sunday.
Psycho-Alaskan user claimed to have a white wife and children, as well as a militia of esoteric Hitlerists, and Paddock had none of these things, except a Philippine gf.
Psycho-Alaskan user's hand looks younger than 64, but Paddock's hands look young for his age (check the drinking photo).
Paddock killed mostly white country fans, while psycho-Alaskan user had it in for Jews and rodents.
What does Holla Forums think? I'll leave you with this
Instead of fighting, is it time to invest? It's the most jewish thing ever but I'm getting lazy and want more money.
Millionaires tend to have residual income and practically regenerate money.
>we will slaughter them from the sky brothers
Also, if it really was dirty nails user, god damn, is this a new high score or what?
WTF Kamphy why can't we make new threads?
I think we need to be looking closely into Stephen Paddock's past here. While originally we all thought he may have had ties with Antifa and ISIS, I believe that its possible that Paddock was planning a heist on a casino.
We have to look at his past. His father as we all know is Benjamin Paddock, a notorious bank robber back in the 60s who was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list and was on the run for years. We also have to assume that most likely Stephen and his brothers were being raised by him while he was on the run. Most likely their father taught them everything he knew about bank robberies and the criminal lifestyle, and Stephen was the one who was probably most enamored by it.
Now flash forward to today. Stephen Paddock is a multi millionaire despite being unemployed, even though he apparently was an accountant. Lets also assume that Paddock Sr. secretly hid money away for his kids, and that Stephen and them both inherited it. Stephen gets addicted to gambling, since his father was a gambler as well. However he eventually started losing money, and soon was close to pissing away everything he had inherited from dad.
Luckily, he somehow hits $40K at the casino, but he's still desperate to get back everything he lost. Considering his father had mental health issues, Stephen probably was suffering from them as well.
Now here is the question Holla Forums: Did Stephen Paddock originally plan a heist at a casino? He obviously still had the money to get the weapons, and learned everything about robbery from his father. Now it is possible Paddock was hired, since they knew about his past and knew he was desperate for money.
You;re fucking retarded.
Underrated post. Does anyone have a confirmation on his connections?
>>>/shekelgoblins/ (come here and poast moar)
Holy kike batman
Also, where's the evidence that paddo k was tye shooter? How could this not be a setup from the start?!
it would make more sense if it was a Hilldawg that went rabid. Heists don't pay-out too much.
Boston Siege.
too soon?
Good comp user.
Also watch TSAholes and their Papers Please Programs. (pics related)
Save the cockteasing for the homosexual tourists you pleasure in Thailand, nigger with AIDS.
This. If you don't get suicided (and take a few traitors with you) you're not trying.
What did he pay for the house? Was it another Sandy Hoax free house?
More or less. It's a scatter shot op with TSAhole main thrust.
I C what he did there.
Where's LV #9 for $350 Alex?
Ice Poseidon is not a virgin.
What's backstory on pic? Was he caught trying to plant the racist milk?
What we do is simple. We hit the ground running. We have been given the Prima Guide to what the fuck the jew is trying to do with this. We can shut it down. We need a plan. A campaign. We have a shot to shit on the jews plans. We'd be foolish to pass up this opportunity.
Here's my ideas so far:
-Email/call rep spam campaign
-Mass propaganda
I was born and raised in Alaska. That does not exist to my knowledge. I don't see the link unless CIAniggers did something to him.
I did put that in my 'differences' category, but if he was insane
He might not have been thinking clearly, maybe from that distance the concert looked like vid related?
Possible for a crazy or drunk person.
Chertoff. Talmudic deep state. What’s interesting to me is the sort of lack of a narrative. With other ones it’s very strongly pushed, but with this they said no motive at first and let different people and shills come to their own conclusions. Even the gun control one is kinda weak tbh. Maybe people just don’t care anymore. I’ve seen more normies mention Tom Petty. There needs to be digging but I almost hope people tune out. Forget this fear they’re trying to paralyze us with.
Fuck, I meant has the good comp, not
Nah, Right on time.
Yes, I'm pretty sure he was shitposting about that aspect of his life.
Probably about the white wife and children too.
Fantasy posting really.
Just thinking this. If we can predict what the Jews will do next, we should be able to fleece them of their money.
A hashtag would be nice.
Unless he was desperate enough for money and wanted to be just like his father. He most likely learned everything about robbery from him, so he clearly knew what he was doing. The fact that this was seemingly planned months in advance tells you he was getting ready to pull it off, and might have been trying to recruit people to join him, hence all the guns.
However, something went south real fast.
You're probably right.
We push the idea that we should be able to defend ourselves, and not left defenseless maybe?
Anyone else have any better ideas? This one feels middling.
I'm thinking man. We need a full area denial. Something to shut down the idea of putting absurd security measures in all areas possible. Obviously, the feds were behind this. But what if we push the idea that nobody can protect you as well as you can? If we can get self-reliance to take off it would be an effective bulwark against this nanny state bullshit about to be rammed down our throats.
I think you're on to something. If we take the initiative and attack them when they are about to attack us (ala operation barbarossa) then we could very effectively throw them off balance. We showcase over and over again how inept they are and poison the idea of something like that being put in every school, post office, federal and state building… we could put a bad taste in a lot of mouths.
Damn that boy's a player if that's the case.
Michael Chertoff and the Sabotage of the Ptech Investigation (he may have shut down Green Quest too)
Chertoff helped shut down Robert Wright's investigation
If this guy was shutting down terrorist investigations after 9/11, I wouldn't put it past him to be involved in something like this.
Never forget those two age-old world-shaping concepts.
Also never forget good mental health.
Why is everyone ignoring his wife?
American exceptionalism is a real phenomenon, and thank Kek for it.
Something about Americans not able to *stand up* for themselves and instead were reduced to *kneel* helplessly? Tie the TSAhole bodyscanner shit to the anti-American niggerkneelers in the NFL? There's something here.
TimeBro was just a LARP, he said we were going to love the iWatch (which doesn't exist, it's the Apple Watch, and we certainly don't love it).
forgive me, I've been working my ass off all day and just got a chance to hit pol
I think I got it. (((They))) want to expand TSA type security, and as noted here they made certain that a lot of people would show up unarmed because of the hassle involved with getting guns on a plane. I'm sure (but not certain) that security at the gates would have kept anyone with guns out. Instead of an attack on TSA, why not the hashtag:
With this we emphasize how people are defenseless unless they can take care of themselves. Without a way to fire back, they are sitting ducks. Metal detectors and scanners don't stop a bullet, and neither do guards. But you can throw them back. Americans shouldn't kneel and cower, we should shoot fucking back.
Would check if angles are created per that Goggle diagram form anything with the adjacent buildings/triange (Mason sigil seems most likely)
The machines would be most cost effective to scan luggage *within the Hotels*, and/or to have at the thresholds of an armory/safe for guest's firearms; partitioned high-stakes gambling areas might be done after that, and the most pricey penthouse floors that have extra security as is.
Add him/Anthony Weiner to the Trump-Pence time traveler fanfic per
The Arkansas connection is intredasting, would like to see what Larry Nichols has to say on it, if from former Clinton thug circle.
There was a good 10-15s delayed reaction from the performers on stage, big head start; then over penetration hits/ricochets; then the asshat showrunners - if not in on it - LEAVING THE STAGE LIGHTS ON faced toward the crowd – the numbers would stack up. That, and in the morning there being two clear shot out windows, double the fire rate for putative two fire teams (or individuals). Sons of bitches.
It's semi-plausible. Have the Maylaysian THOT set him up/drug him. Contriving to have him lose would be the easiest part. His political leanings ring the most false, as though they wanted to avoid over-doing it (a Trump voting latter day CSA nazzi would sound scripted - or the reaction opportunistic/alienating - to normies at this point.)
Degrees of separation out the window. wtf
It's more likely he was contracted to do them to pad black budgets and/or punish XYZ mafia or foreign power.
Potentially vulnerable financially, mentally and hereditarily; preexisting relationship with security servicies, in a family line of such; lady pal with 1 degree of separation from a corporate 11/09 profiteer.
Sounds patsy material to me.
Arkansas born and bred. Larry Nichols needs to be shown/asked on all this.
Her daughter is more intredasting. The Dubai trips abroad could just be ruses to lend credence to the Religion of Peace Cuck State
This was my thought when I saw the OP
so… ive done a ton of research on staged psyop falseflags since way before 2001… and this one stinks to high heaven in several ways, starting with the appearance of familiar crisis actors on the MSM coverage. just now on the local snooze one "Vanessa" and one "Shaun Hoff" were spewing into the microphone, both of them instantly recognizable from other similar events I have researched in the past. i am most certain that at least one of the people included in this post's embedded video falls into this category.
4pol link 404'd, here's the archive on 4plebs and archive of the archive
Our targets are liberals and 2A cucksservatives mainly. Why? Most likely to support more gun control. Believe it or not, the far left wants gun rights to, but for different reasons. But this is where we appeal to the left-leaning.
Nail these points into their head:
I'd rather see liberals go far left and have the country keep its guns than have our gun rights fizzle out to a bunch of milquetoast liberals.
I like it.
Do we have anons with contact with him?
"Gun rights ensure progressives don't have to use them. Support gun rights or support fascist Drumpfluter, you decide."
A full spectrum assault. I like it. Let's make this go nuclear.
'tis but a start if we do this right.
Speaking of which, I know if I discuss this with a normalfag they'll go
How do I stop them from being retarded?
Because they want you to think it was someone else doing the killing.
I mean, the truth is obviously that the jews flat out don't give a shit about the lives of the people killed, to them it's just a bonus. But you know they won't believe you, there.
There is very little Trump can do about rogue CIA niggers, they answer to no one and won't stop with their shit until you hit them with your car.
At least they glow in the dark, making them easier to find.
why do jews always look like literal vampires?
What do you think vampires were based off of?
FAKE! HOAX! by Egypt worshipping baby dick suckers!! Why do you believe this shit?? Some people just running around.I see NO massacre.
a few scenarios are possible here. it was predicted from early on that eventually they would stop throwing dummies in the streets (nice france) and start actually killing people. if paddock was indeed the sole shooter which i highly doubt, it also serves to reason that perhaps he may have been operating under a MK/Monarch "alter" having been switched on and triggered to action by one of likely several handlers.
i expect this trend to continue
CIAniggers could've known about the attack and simply stood by and let it happen. Which would be why "John" was iffy on whether or not it would actually happen. Its obvious the attacker was politically motivated and his affiliations with political groups are readily evident. The event was targeted specifically because it was country and it would be all white republicans, more or less. You should also notice how heavy theyre hitting these threads with disinfo to cover this blatantly obvious motive up. It doesnt have to be as convoluted as a lot of posters are attempting to make it out to be.
apparently the shooter wasnt in the 32nd floor
Video #1: youtube.com
Video #2: youtube.com
if this checks out, we have the book depository window patsy 2.0
Thats a strobe light, rifle fire is yellow, and it doesnt even sync up with the shots. You can see it go when no rounds are being shot off.
i have a hypothesis that yesterdays las vegas shooting event was a psyop and a patsy was blamed and killed while a team of shooters did the actual killing, likely mossad. running up yesterdays date, the time, names being used, etc into gematria calculators to see if i can find numerological significances. if anything pops up, i will share. any number crunching anons are invited to give it a go.
you cant expect a phone camera to catch the light accurately. especially in the dark most cameras quality go downhill. the sound not bein in synch is due to the distance, at least in the second vid.
Watershed Moment
His neck looks odd, – faded tattoo?
Took in double the annual kiddie fiddlers in the first three months of office, which could be affecting [[[their]]] ability to do just that; mad dog or just new revenue?
Without the ability to carry unscanned luggage, these types are reduced to keeping it in their vehicle and/or mule-ing them disassembled to their room - and that's IF there aren't scanners in thresholds on the way. At least that would be the rationalization for implementing those measures.
Angles meaningful, to either other structures or with astronomy would be ideal (Pentagrams, Masonry, ect.)
Also – notice the twin pillars on the construction site in the adjacent lot.
Desert demon-worshippering fundamentalist theocrats with thermonuclear weapons in a geopolitically untenable position surrounded by hostiles Would do something like this - and the twin towers - to force their end times chilliastic bullshit. Sad.
The AK has iron sight settings out to 800m. You don't have to be that accurate with 100 round mags.
we need to ban iron sight weapons of war
Nobody hunts deer with volley fire!
As l said in the other thread, where is the broken window? Windows in high rise hotels like this do not open. lf they do, it's only a few inches. Which would hinder the ability to move around the muzzle of a rifle from side to side. And from the angle that room faces, you would have to face pretty far left to be able to shoot at the crowd. Not only that, from the fourth floor, l feel like you would have a hard time hitting the crowd because it would be obscured by the stage backdrop.
alphabetniggas probably have some tools with them with which they can make the window open completely
l feel like if that was the case, he would just shoot up the casino he lost his money in. Not a country music concert.
that's the most likely alternative explanation we've developed so far.
i think we need to remember they will push the same agenda regardless and we know what that agenda is. by all means continue investigating imo false flag or not is irrelevant, shaping the narrative is more important and normies will never believe in false flags. control the mind of the normie and you control the universe.
Sharing your name with a recognizable public figure effectively renders you invisible to 99.9999% of the US internet using public. Fun facts.
You're late. Just hit ctrl-f,
Someone found Voter reg on twat.
Correcting myself now, the windows here do not open. They are floor-to-ceiling windows that are just single panes of glass. Tour of hotel room that interestingly faces the venue is embedded.
Jewtube video related.
Do we know if Stephen Paddock was a muslim convert? I'm gearing rumors that his ex was a muslim, is that true?
And here's the view from the Double King Suite, the exact same floor plan our shooter was staying in. With another view of the concert venue.
You tell me dubs guy.
Retards, he predicts the attack to happen on Sept 11th, not several weeks after. He got the date wrong off almost of month and you still think it's relevant? Also, warnings like these are posted pretty much in a daily basis on the chans.
Focus on the right stuff, ie proving to normies this was a anti-Trump attack.
WebM version.
and these
I'm not sure how deep this is going but was finding it odd his only recent photos have him with his eyes closed and awfully relaxed. Possibly either drugs or something more off.
I've seen absolutely no evidence that an actual NFA firearm was used. It's moronic to assume he used a M240B when a modified AR-15 is such a strong possibility due to the ubiquity of ARs.
Would species mix.
Bullshit. Tips from who? Who is this jackass anyway?
I guess you didn't see the last few threads, nigger. The kike in question had fuckloads of cash to blow, it's easy to get a hold of such weapons when you got that kind of cash to play with.
Eyes also closed in sandy hook photo. Does the FBI keep a bunch of real dolls around as crisis actor stand ins?!?
No but seriously, they probably gave some MK Ultras mega-autism so they never look up away from the floor. It makes IDing them by eye color impossible.
this is correct. the windows in las vegas all open, but they are locked with some sort of mechanism.
If you have these indicators available on your platform, add money flow index and accumulation/distribution to the chart. Also true insiders will accumulate over long periods of time, it's hard to detect money flows just from a chart. You need order book data.
I found it the video from Reno w/Andrew Breitbart. It's from 2010. They're some irate white boomer reid supporter, but I don't think any are him. Idk if there would be video of the event anywhere.
Race traitors go first even before jews. If I had just one bullet and I could shoot a jew or a traitor, it would have to be the traitor, then I'd try to proceed to beat to death the jew with my gun if possible. Traitors undermine us and give power to the enemy.
Stephen Paddock received money from dubai to buy his arsenal
There is ZERO evidence he had NFA firearms. If he had, the jews media would be screaming about it since it would be their golden opportunity to ban legal machine guns.
You don't have to be a time traveler to figure that one out user.
They're doing that shit right now.
Where did you hear that then?
the rate of fire sound almost exact. How likely is it that an AR15 or AK variant is going to have that *exact* rate of fire?
'Titors' time line has always been divergent from ours, he told us this flat out. 2000 was a big thing in his time line, remember y2k bug, and how it ended up effecting almost nothing because so many people worked so hard to fix so much? where he is from things where much different already then.
So how about this Chertoff theory aka "The Motive"
A little far fetched. Why would Adelson want to make it harder for people to piss away their money in his casinos? Imagine lining up for security screening every time you come back from the parking lot.
People only go through those annoying scanner machines because flying is a near necessity. Even then, many have stopped flying because of the TSA.
Stephen Paddock
Does anyone have the original image? In the 4chan thread there looks like there's metatdata attached to it and I'd like to confirm for myself.
Shit wrong thread.
They ought to be able to determine that for the forensics, no? Machine ought to have more control than a pensioner.
The numerology cohencidences there are interesting. Combined with the Paddock Etymology cross referenced with the Sponsors lends itself to it being part of the planning considerations.
listen to what Gowdy says compared to user's prediction. http:// www. breitbart.com/video/2017/10/02/gowdy-vegas-shooting-difficult-believe-single-person-done-without-detection/
That is because we are the fucking best and love our funz.
Please fuck off with that. Always notice after one of these psy OPs the top jewtube results that aren't age restricted or scrubbed are the ones about numerology. Basically a big red flag to normalfaggots "nothing to see here but crazy tinfoil people."
thats crazy mister tinfoil hat person to you. im not here to placate noobs. they shouldnt be posting anyway.
ariana grande was clearly a staged falseflag or are we forgetting that as well. 2014 Jared and Amanda Miller (kike names). or have i made my point. i will bet lunch theres numerological tie-ins that when figured out wont be so far fetched after all as is usually the case.
so take your tinfoil hat kikery and stick it up your ass.
in order to beat the jew, one must learn to think like one. that does not mean i am one. nor does it mean i am "focusing" on the numerological aspect - only considering it as a kind of force multiplier shall we say.
keeping the mind open to all possibilities until disproven has worked in the past
gematria and numerology disqualifies itself by it's very essence. It's bullshit through and through like reading tea leaves you use it to come up with any result you want.
common numerology maneuver:
nevermind that
a) the numbers 1 and 2 have nothing to do with the quantity 12. Twelve is twelve. It's only relation to 1 and 2 is if you use the base 10 system to represent it for convenience as 1 group of 10singles and 2 singles
b)you chose inches for your measurement. how does it have some metaphysical significance using arbitrary measures for your number game?
Numerology is a con believed by fools with limited cognitive abilities, the numerologist can choose his numbers and manipulate them in any manner he sees fit to come up with the result that he wishes to promote. You're a piece of human waste for promoting it, and you've got mental issues if you can't see the con in it.
With 3 posts some random informant cost these cunts billions of dollars. Its not like they are going to go through with this now. The power of the internet.
Am I the only one who thinks the festival is super far away?
Why 20 guns and how did they get there? German media reported two guns, which were insufficient to kill so many people.
I'd also go with the patsy way.
If there were really 20 guns maybe an arms deal, although you can buy these things legit in the US right?
ITSA NOTHING BURGER, FOLKS! whatever he was talking about was unrelated to this event
and if he was as informed as he claims he is he would have known the attack would be on the 1st. it's just a coincidence this larping faggot said Las Vegas
or better yet a shill trying to misdirect people from the truth
How's the weather in tel aviv chaim?
Look at options. No one smart is going to buy stock directly.
Another evil bald guy with a shaven face. We need to start profiling any and all politicians with this exact description.
We have your playbook, kikes. I repeat, we understand every single move you make, before you make it. meme this it makes them piss their pants
Yeah, once on the way there and once on the way back. Not once for every time they want to enter a hotel/casino.
That's just an outright lie. What changed after 9/11 was who was allowed to go through security and what was required. In every airport I've been to, the security setup is pretty much the same after 9/11 only they've added naked body scanners and require you to have a boarding pass and ID, and have more limits on what you can bring through.
I suppose the next thing you're going to tell us is that there's no way that pedophilia could ever be normalized. Go fuck yourself.
The AK has an effective range of 800 meters . At least that's what they told me during my military service. You can also adjust the sights from 100 to 800m if I remember correctly. RK-62 was our service weapon.
I've been traveling on planes since I was a child. There were always choke points for security. The main difference is that back then, anyone who could get through the metal detectors could go to the gate. Whole families would go to the gate to see their loved ones off. After 9/11 you could only get through if you had your boarding pass and ID. But the physical security layout hasn't changed.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said? Holy shit that's a schizophrenic tier non-sequitur.
In thread 4 or 5 an user worked out with trig it was 350m or so not including the length/size of the venue (e.g. 100m long etc).
Within max range for a 5.56 and easily within AK range.
why meming it when its true? their playbook is quite simple even
look what this expert said!
lol you have to be a retarded shizo to believe that
you are a faggot if you think this is true
its just a coincidence!
i know it seems fishy, but we dont have any real proof for this. it could mean anything.
did i forget anything?
Nobody here cares. WE don't believe you. Go back to ___ and leave US alone.
Good goy on Tucker Carlson asking for increased security for hotels and casinos such as bag checking and metal detectors, similar to how they do things in Israel.
Starts at 29:30
Right before 9/11
Fake and gay
They are based of jews and the things they did during medieval times and beyond. Kidnapping children, raping them, bloodletting them and so on. Vampires a simply jews.
Iron sights are often hopelessly optimistic. In reality the bullet tumbles too much by 400m to do much.
Q: Why is everyone ignoring this?
A: Because larpers on halfcuck do it every day. There's probably 3 announcements for tomorrow already.
from bloomberg just now- talking about new security measures. sounds pretty similar to John's prediction.
I get the arkansas connectoin; but where is that pic screen shotted from? I dont recognize the layout/format
well, here too. but it was kinda obvious this happens
I know it's true, that doesn't mean it isn't meme-worthy. Always be aware of what lurkers might be thinking.
someone posted this floorplan, but it doesnt match up with the windows that are broken. the video shows a room which is a flip of the floor plan in the image.
And then this was in the news today.
Looks like John was right.
oh my fucking god
your kids will have to walk through metal detectors to get into school
is it just me or dose that sound like a M2 Browning?
found out the motive
You’ve clearly never been to a school in any city of a significant size.
Seems someone els noticed and suggested a more accurate gun to the sound of the shots
How easy is it, to buy a belt fed machine gun like this in the US and how wouls he get it?
Yeah, compartmentalization can explain it. It you have some military operation coming up, for example, you don't tell exact details to everyone involved. And you need to tell fake info for counterintelligence purposes, in case you have spies.
But just getting the location and motive right within a month would be a big coincidence.
Nigga he fired hundresds of rounds, this thing was belt fed.
AR drum mags typlicly hold 50 rounds 100 at the most.
Dumbass me
Hey you're the traderfag who keeps popping up with cool shit. Can you hit up this burner email? Would like to pick your brain and maybe get some resources on where to learn to do what you do.
[email protected]
In case cloudflare blocked it it's
tessierashpool (at) guerillamail.de
Bill Gates body scanner company to begin pilot at Union Station in Washington, DC, Los Angeles subway system, Denver International Airport,
Evolv is demonstrating the functionality of their product during a pilots at various locations including Union Station and a private facility in Washington, DC, at Denver International Airport, and LA Metro rail station.
18 million dollar investment by Bill Gates.
pic related - archive.is
paddock (n.1)
"a frog, a toad," c. 1300, diminutive of pad "toad," from Old Norse padda; common Germanic (Swedish padda, Danish padde, Old Frisian and Middle Dutch padde "frog, toad," also Dutch schildpad "tortoise"), of unknown origin and with no certain cognates outside Germanic.
paddock (n.2)
"an enclosure," 1620s, alteration of Middle English parrock, from Old English pearroc "enclosed space, fence" (see park (n.)). Or possibly from Medieval Latin parricus (8c.), which ultimately is from Germanic.
Pepe, KEK, Chaos
Event happens in enclosure in front of pyramid, obelisk, and sphinx
Ordo Ab Chao
For Race Horses.
Oh and was yesterday the only time the stock market was up following a National tradgedy ?
>nothing to see here, pure (((cohencidence)))
yeah, those tools are called guns. he just shot through the window and it was gone.
Independent.co.uk article confirms new metal detectors.
That'd be hilarious if true. Every single fag posting about the event BTFO when it's just a cranky old cuss.
this timeline is advancing too fast
Every goddamn time, like clockwork.
It's too fucking bad we can't see who is a BLACK NIGGER on here
So far there's no evidence of the shooting actually happened as the jew media says.
I'll be happy to revisit the evidence of videos shooting the shooting happened as claimed, but with the interesting info in OPs post, and the sudden swarming control of the resident jews and CIA-niggers demanding Holla Forums only plays along with the jewish mainstream media version,I'm comfortable in accepting this is just another jew false flag until proven otherwise.
PS - most gun experts I've spoken with say an LMG was used in the attack, at least the sound of an LMG was heard.>>10699595
>Stephen Paddock attended college, his family said, and worked for a predecessor company to Lockheed Martin, the aerospace contracting company, from 1985 to 1988. Lockheed Martin confirmed his employment but did not identify the company for which Mr. Paddock worked.
Seems like smart investment advice.
Dubai = United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates = U.S. Dept. of Defense and C.I.A.
Palm Beach County, Florida?
Oh, that's where Don Black (the owner of Stormfront) lives.
probably just a coincidence
You know what CIAniggers did to the last one who tried to stop them from turning the US into a tyrannical Jewish hellhole, right? The same sycophant families still control the country ever since, Bushes, Clintons and then king nigger gradually gave more and more legal rights to do whatever the fuck they want during their reigns. Before 9/11, they acted illegally at varying degrees so they couldn't do those things which are meant to curbstomp any and every remaining liberties in the US and finally turn everyone in the world into slaves to the Jew as often, hence their focus for years in external affairs. They simply are applying all the things they developed over 60 years to control international politics inwards far more often in the past 16 years.
ht tps://mega.nz/#!kjgRAJ6L!RW3yJdRZEymd153VKjXJhkYIL3-ho5vb1uboGe92FhY
In Russian, "chert" is another name for the devil. Chertoff literally translates as "of the devil".
was this festival announced 2 years before??
wew, so this is what a shill looks like. Never saw a monster so close.
Do you this how he is talking anons? It feels so weird to see this person and how he is operating. Does he even know? Is he using some handbook of things to do when making a comment? He must rly hate humanity. Or a specific group.
Not exactly devil. That name is known from pagan times and it meant an evil spirit, or an imp.
Looks like a kike to me.
That picture with the shooter looks staged. It looks like a real dead person, but the bullets and gun being scattered around looks incredibly fake.
Posted on 2017/10/03
Robert Steele: Las Vegas False Flag? — Treason Most Foul? — Sheldon Adelson, Michael Chertoff Central to Largest Griftopia – Zionist – Two-Party Tyranny Scam? UPDATE 1
07 Other Atrocities, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
I have no direct knowledge. I do, however, have some understanding of false flag operations, media influence operations, covert operations, and high-level political and financial crime networks. Las Vegas appears to be a classic false flag operation with both financial bonanza and political subversion aspects.
UPDATE 1: Adds crime scene photo showing ZERO blood — not a drop. Adds three pieces from Jon Rappoport.
UPDATE 1: This photograph is in my opinion conclusive evidence that this entire event was staged. There is not a single blood pool to be seen. While it is hard to believe that blood pools were not planned for, in my experience this is how patriotic law enforcement professionals passively help the public see that this was a false flag event. This may be the last one that is strictly theater. There is every reason to believe that the next one will be more carefully developed and include hundreds of real people killed by real bombs. I pray that the FBI will stand up and tell the truth on this one, starting with a publicly posted diagram of the forensics for every bullet striking the kill zone — or a public declaration that this is outright treasonous theatrics.
and this
Paddock was a multi-millionaire, worked for ‘Lockheed Martin’ in past, a gambler and private individual. The thing that stands out here is ‘Lockheed Martin’. Who are they?
Lockheed Martin is one the largest defense and aerospace contractor in the world, who has the most advanced technology known (and unknown to public). They are very closely connected to the most secret group – Majestic 12 or MJ12. MJ12 was formed after WWII to control and manage human-critter relationships and the public false "ET" narrative that goes with it.
Paddock was used because he was an easy target and likely fit cabal’s profile for patsy. However, in doing this his connection to the company became known to public.
Back to Lockheed Martin. They are associated with cabal. Cabal is desperate because they are losing. They needed to move quickly to generate Loosh. Cabal has reached a point, where they no longer have the luxury or need to hide their intentions, methods and objectives. The orders rather come from their higher up powers i.e. critters and other Negative groups. Loosh is the form of energy generated by suffering of living beings. This is the same energy generated when people are tortured i.e satanic rituals and sacrifices. Yes, we are talking about the thing that Wikileaks exposed in October 2016 in Podesta email – ‘sacrifice a chicken to Moloch in backyard’. Higher dimensional negative entities feed on Loosh. It makes them stronger. Think of it as their protein shake.
That bitch is in another interview about the Vegas shooting as well, she is without a doubt a Crisis Actor
In the other video of her, she is with a cuck manlet standing next to her while being interviewed, just like this one she is reciting lines given to her. It was from an earlier thread Vegas Shooting thread #3 or #5 i believe. They are getting sloppy. I remember her because of her hair and hooked snout.
Check out those returns
Just look through battlefield photos you fucking tard. There's hardly ever blood. Unless you get a headshot or blow open an artery, most bullet wounds just bleed internally.
Haven't you ever been hunting? fucking children.
Well this would've been perfect if the endgame is stricter gun control, without furthering any kind of political tensions.
Seriously now, so this guy didn't have any kind of online presence on social networks?
A hotel security guard was shot in the leg
How to stock market?
What's the connection to Varex other than the security industry?
OSIS acquired AS&E
Insider trading aka be a kike.
If you trade based on macroeconomics you'll get a steady return, somewhere along 6-8%. The big trades you have to have impeccable timing, and if it's too big of a loss for the kikes, they close the market and roll back the trade. Even holding your money in the same place as the kikes is no guarantee because they'll crash a billion dollar company to ensure 1000 white stockholders get put in the poorhouse, then they write off the loss and get an interest-free loan from their brethren.
The solution to the stockmarket is a whole lot of bullets in kike heads, starting at the central banks.
That is the connection. The kikes knew about this beforehand. The trading volume and structure totally gives it away.
t. user who makes a living off trading macros
I've averaged 30% returns before trying to pick stocks, but almost always get wiped out because the kikes run a previously good company into the ground on purpose. Between that and (((fees))) the stock market is basically a casino without the big titted female dealers and free booze.
So like currencies, eurodollars, and commodities, or what?
criminally unchecked trips
He alludes to multiple attacks in the pipeline, the vans may be for something later, like a carbomb?
oil, GDP shit. Currencies are at the whim of the central banks, but you can profit if you're liquid and have good timing. Having enough liquidity at the right time is tough, because to see any steady profits you need to buy and hold for those sweet sweet dividends. Not to mention getting assraped on fees and taxes when you're not part of (((the tribe))).
Easy to tell that the Euro economy is not going to do fuckall while young girls are getting their throats slit in train stations. Tourism down, factories gearing up for more gibs and less tech, welfare rolls increasing, etc
EU zone is failed. America's in bad shape but it's still the cleanest "dirty shirt."
I'd strongly suggest investing in Russia somehow but it's more or less impossible if you're not a citizen. They're the real rising star, China's going to implode because of all malinvestment, hence the massive rise in bitcoin over there and the flight of wealthy chinese to north america.
It's basic shit, just know what to avoid investing in, then invest in things that make sense. All the (((mystery))) of the stock market is the same (((mystery))) of economics. It's all common sense and rational thinking except when the kikes decide to fuck it up.
Recommendation: check out the Capitalist Exploits blog. Chris Macintosh is a wizard. Really helps you see the big picture, his trading strategy is akin to a 19th century British imperialist moving pieces around the map.
oh btw, all anons
Current oil prices:
WTI Crude Oil (Nymex)
USD/bbl. 50.45 -0.13 -0.26% Nov 2017 2:44 PM
Brent Crude (ICE)
USD/bbl. 55.98 -0.14 -0.25% Dec 2017 2:44 PM
"Ultra high net worth individuals" are the people who move markets and make governments invade and sanction countries, aka kikes.
So sure, I'll just depend on the advice of some guy who has high end connections and hope he doesn't think his e-mail list are his "muppets."
Yah nah.
Read a couple articles from the last year, he makes perfect economic sense. It's not all strategies that only the rich can benefit from.
Recent post on China's 'One Belt One Road':
Recent post on Mexican hotel REITs:
If you read those and conclude he's dumb or trying to kike us, your loss, my dude.
I wonder why he stopped shooting so soon
Also holy fuck, he's suggesting that you invest in mexico? A failed state? When the wall is going to go up and their main source of income (remittances) are going to skydive into the pavement?
this is sticky?
fake and gay
Context for fags who don't know:
Read the thread before posting, tard.
There's always opportunities to make money, even and sometimes especially in shitty countries. This concept shouldn't be that hard for a big brained nibba like yourself. When that article was penned the peso was getting crushed by Trump making Mexican vacations cheaper for foreigners leading to *tah dah* an opportunity for Mexican hotel REITs to look good, particularly in lieu of how cheap they were at the time.
Thus far you've made compelling arguments for your own strategies though so by all means, secure investors and start your brilliant hedge fund already.
totally not isis u guise
>why don't you filthy goyim have big (((investors))) like I do, see I'm rich!!!
yah nah
is that a pen and paper on the coffee table? I wonder what he wrote there?
If he was using an m240B, then the pauses and the delay of the rounds at the end of the burst would match up, because to continue firing like that you'd need a quick barrel swap
lel, checked
how about you stop spreading that zero effort, larping shitpost, you retrard?
So it's just a corporation conspiracy? Or do people in those corps have also (((connections))) in politics?
He's right about controlling debt though, and China using unpayable loans for political leverage is a pretty simple and good move.
All wars are bankers' wars.
it's like you didn't bother to browse the thread and just jumped in with a reply
The only leverage china has is their manufacturing advantage due to cheap slave labor, which is being replaced by robotics.
What the fuck is china going to do with their two shitty aircraft carriers when the USA tells them to get fucked on the portion of debt they hold? The power of the purse is always subservient to the power of the gun.
The US is due to a market correction on their own currency, and once the oil barrens in the middle east abandon them then China can just offshore their own debt on to poor desperate countries.
They don't. If you took the most accurate G98 ever produced and mechanically fired handloads with machined bullets from a bench rest while using a high-powered scope you might be able to reliably hit something the size of a trampoline from 2000 yards but with irons, commercial ammo and no rest you'd be lucky to reliably hit a football field. Anything beyond volley fire is getting into custom rifle territory at a thousand yards, much less twice that.
What is good free software for making webms? I have a bunch of streams I want to edit down so I can post them up.
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody's talking about the bird!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird
Surfin' bird
B-b-b aah, aah!
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa oom oom oom
Oom ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa a mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody's talking about the bird!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird
Surfin' bird
B-b-b aah, aah!
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa oom oom oom
Oom ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa a mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mo
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a
A well a everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody's talking about the bird!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a bird
Surfin' bird
B-b-b aah, aah!
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa, pa pa pa pa
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, papa oom oom oom
Oom ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa a mow mow, papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Papa oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Oom oom oom oom, ooma mow mow
Ooma mow mow, papa ooma mow ow
Papa ooma mow mow, ooma mow mow
Well a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A well a ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Papa ooma mow mow
Too bad the >>>/caw/ containment board isn't around anymore, these crowposters need an aviary
how many football fields would that crowd have covered? You're not wrong though
I want to believe this is true, but he specified it would happen on the 12th. He also didn't post anything like a ZIP, which makes me pretty suspicious.
He also stated he couldn't promise the date but that vegas was in their sights.
Is that another body?
My point was that the effective range of a rifle ends either at the distance at which the average infantryman can no longer shoot minute-of-man under field conditions or when the projectile becomes ineffective. Theoretical accuracy means nothing when you're actually trying to kill someone at range.
Well we're clearly on to something with this brazen slide
Looks like a couple of of throw pillows from the couch to me.
If "john" had good intel, I think he would have been able to provide something more than what he did without compromising his identity. He could have also come out as a whistleblower directly, like Snowden, unless he had reason to suspect that every route he had to expose this (other than 4chan, for some reason) was compromised. It doesn't add up unless "john" was stupid, panicked or both, in the event of which "john" was likely compromised somewhere along the thread, my guess would be between 21:28 and 21:55. Alternatively, and more likely, "john" was either a larper or a crypto-shill, probably for osi and/or chertoff, trying to get people to invest.
Looks like a body in the fetal position facing the wall to me. Hard to tell.
Alright, first look at the room plan that someone else posted earlier:
Now compare that with what looks to be the other body in the corner w/the position of the dead body of the released shooter:
They seem to match up for two shooters. That certainly looks like a dead body to me.
If "john" revealed himself as a whistleblower Mossad would move heaven and earth to kill him, they wouldn't care if everyone knew it was them. That's how bad they want to kill "john". He's been a thorn in their side for two decades at least.
He was just giving us a heads up before his next stop.
I don't know if you're memeing, but none of the posts even match Titor's style at all.
Surprised to see Foetus here! Great album.
This must be important. Look at these kikes trying to derail the thread. And to all of you faggots saying this is nothing because he got the date wrong, even though he said he wasn't sure on the date, you couldn't be more obvious.
said this on 9/11. not related to anything in oct. cheers -john
disregard this i suck cocks. cheers. -john
(check'd anyway)
Uh huh…
I agree. Shooting various calibers and rifles at 1000yds is quite instructive in this regard, especially if you have targets that allow you to see the effects.
Thanks. I'll try to have them up tonight.
I thought the same thing. Try reading it again, imagining he's using a mobile device for the first time… leaving out capitalization and certain punctuations. Maybe a stretch, but it's more similar than I thought.
Deepak Chopra is the CEO of ISO????
whiskey tango foxtrot
this thread was anchored pretty fast, maybe thread is worth checking
Alright let's do it this way so you guys can see what I am talking about:
1) Feet/Shoes
2) Knee (fetal position facing wall)
3) Arm draped over body
4) Rear end
Seriously am I going crazy here? That looks utterly like a damn body to me and the position lines up perfectly with that fucking open window which positions itself perfectly as the other broken window considering the position of the Paddock (at the other broken window).
Because politicizing stuff worked out so well for Rolling Stone in general.
This could be CIA-nigger propaganda [see: kike host], if so the mods will let it stay, or if true, they will delete it…
Anyway FWIW
Here is the neighbour of the alleged calling into Renegade-kike Savage radio show.
Ex-Military, neighbour of the shooter for a few years knew him well enough to drink and chat, says guy was a Trump supporter, reckons they are making a patsy out of him.
Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Shooter’s Neighbour Says it Was a False Flag Event Saying ‘He Was Set Up’
Amazing this thread is pinned considering what's happening here, good stuff.
I guess this confirms, pay attention to every little shitpost on cuckchan and here.
Every single Trumpkike a cunt.
Some wigger oil drilling a negress isn't the same kind of "traitor" as a glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger and you know it.
Disregard that. I fully intended to alert everyone to this plot, and I do NOT such cocks. You have to work quickly, or all is lost.
Daily reminder (((ISIS))) are israel controlled wahhabist mercenaries.
Gambling is a degenerate vice anyway, who gives a shit if there's increased security in casinos. No white man of pure mind goes in a casino.
You bumbling fucking retard. They'll start with casinos and gradually increase it to everywhere.
And I'll fight back when it gets somewhere that actually matters. Putting more restrictions around a leftist degenerate pozhole like casinos is only a net benefit.
( checked )
I'm pretty sure that he's aware that we'll end up calling him some permutation of the designation "user" as we've done with FBIAnon and SenateAnon. So he's probably thinking ahead going for a unique call sign he'll appreciate. ie John the user or AnonJohn.
I'm pretty sure that he's aware that we'll end up calling him some permutation of the designation "user" as we've done with FBIAnon and SenateAnon. So he's probably thinking ahead going for a unique call sign he'll appreciate. ie John the user, AnonJohn, Johnny Anonic, etc.
Are we sure John is Holla Forums material? I've been dehumanised since >>888888.
The real issue is there hasn't been shootings like this every single day. But we can hope for more. PAYBACK is a bitch nigger
The date was wrong because the shooter or the people framing him couldn't get the original suite they wanted, at the ogden over looking the life is beautiful event a week prior
If you saw the Arizona police/SWAT in reactions to lefty protestors ever since they started protesting in cities around America you would see that something is different about Arizona. They don't seem to dance to the same (((tune))) as other States where protests have happened were the States just bends over backwards to accommodate (((Soros'))) lackeys. I've seen a few other states respond like Arizona, Texas to name an example, he probably said Arizona because it was the nearest state that wasn't pozzed. Unfortunately, the kikes are starting to get a sizable foothold in Arizona.
Who is this John Titor? I didn't start coming to Holla Forums until last year during the election cycle, forgive me.
Poster who claimed he was a time traveler from the future, gave us a few warning about events. Most believed he was simply a LARPer until his warnings started coming true. You can look into it for more details (which there are a lot), kikepedia has a page on it I believe.
Supposed time traveler that made posts in 2001 claiming that civil war would break out in america destroying the nation. He was also made a major character in the STEINS;GATE series in which his posts played a big role in the story.
in "Urban" schools in the USA students often have to walk through metal detectors.
are these detectors accompanied with an armed guard?
Someone who saw a public suburban highschool in 2013 reporting in. Basically they had a metal detector at the entrance along with an armed fatfuck police officer who would stand by it each morning and then patrol the highschool throughout the day. We're probably less than a decade away from deusex.wikia.com
possible FBI user says
"shit isnt what you think.
the truth will come out"
so far only 1 post by this ID, but did post badge with gun and timestamp
I looked for mass gatherings of people on Sept. 12th in Vegas and found this, another concert:
The theater has an impressive capacity. Possible cancelled shooting venu?
Yes they are.
t.. went to a nigger infested high school when I was younger
And they had these as far back as 2008, I remember one getting installed around that time and it was my senior year of high school.
"as far back as 2008"? kid I had a metal detector in my middle school in the 80s.
yeah, I really really hate niggers.
Does anyone have a full recording of the scanners at 11:50-12:10 Vegas time? Around 11:58 there were gunshots on the scanner which was after ~40 minutes of the swat breaching the room
Look it up.
It already is everywhere.
Gas Stations.
Public Parks.
Shopping Malls.
Grocery Stores.
Communism = Wolf
Capitalism = Sheep Cloth
shill are trying to convince people that the guy was not left handed / had detached earlobes. watch out. i think if you're going to give more proof then good. otherwise, beware the shills. the reptilians are trying to convince people that anyone who owns an automatic rifle has ties to pedo circles. thankfully we know that this guy was, in fact, working for the reptilians. no matter what you hear from anyone on these boards, make sure you realize that he was left handed and had attached lobes. it's all part of the plan.
He had a "pedo breakdown."
Gee what a surprise the rate of fire(s) in the audio is literally impossible.
Yes it did.
Are they still trying to push the "attached earlobes" and "desperate pedo" narrative?
The gates investment is a real circumstantial piece of the puzzle, the pedo point (while possible) still doesn't have the proof.
Clearly an insider on the plot.
I still can't tell if this is deliberately made to bait us to dig and crush them.. but it does look like it has been coordinated at the least.
Where do you think you are?
Fuck me these threads are getting hit hard.
if no false flag, pic-related is a likely explanation. the guy hated rednecks with a passion, and this could become the next trend among aging hedonistic boomers.
I vaguely recall hearing on one of the mainstream outlets last night that he had stayed at another hotel with a concert outside of it recently, and that he might have either done it as a dry run, or he decided not to do it at that point. Obviously that would need more looking into.
In Ireland, the people who take action these days are often in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s.. I think some over 80 have been in violent news stories too. People live a hedonistic life, and then when its just about over, they have nothing left to lose.
care to elaborate, fellow user?
How do you know that? Did anderson cooper give you the lowdown?
Yup makes sense. MSM narrative 100% confirmed. Thanks for the redpill fellow Holla Forums channer.
just speculation
I posted a video earlier
of his neighbour stating the accused shooter was a Trumpsupporter, his neighbour believes he is being set up as a patsy.
It was an interview on the Savage radio show, now deleted, but there will be other copies made available no doubt
Feel free to explain how a 64 year old antifa killing right wingers because he neared the end of a long life is the media narrative. I bet you came from Reddit at some point.
The previous video was gassed, then along came anons claiming the exact opposite reinforcing the jewish media narrative.
Here's a re-upload of video
12 (((coincidences)))
Sandy Hoax was a thing, this is not Sandy Hoax. pls kys.
>(((alex jones))) said so makes perfect sense
Nice Holla Forums tier OC you got there too, faggot.
:) Interesting meme
"once we update the fbi goys, we'll update y'all on the shooting"
Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Shooter’s Neighbour Says Accused Was A Trump Supporter and that it Was a False Flag Event Saying ‘He Was Set Up’
The dozens of responses by jews talking openly amongst themselves extremely upset about this video being posted up on Holla Forums is rather telling
Sharia Bureau of Investigation right?
Stephen Paddock Las Vegas Shooter’s Neighbour Says Accused Was A Trump Supporter and that it Was a False Flag Event Saying ‘He Was Set Up’
Stephen Paddock lived in a retirement community. This guy doesn't sound old.
the FBI is a meme, the CIA sort of replaced them some decades back…
i make better gains with magic internet money
Everyone is ignoring it because its bullshit. "john" predicted something happening on 9/11/17. Nothing happened. He extrapolated data from headlines (ie "ISIS may be targeting vegas strip") and readily available info.
Its the lamest troll I have ever seen on any chan and the thread is still going bc cucks, niggers, and fags
This sticky is a slide.
>ignore his prediction about casino owner (((sheldon adelson))) making billions off this
Hope they're giving you kikes extra pieces of silver for the overtime.
Reported for not even trying.
I think you have it wrong. His name is "john".
John Martinson Jr. , Yawn….
wew look at the focus of the banner
Lol you don’t know how to use the words used here. Everyone, Chertoff talmudist false flag confirmed. You guys give yourselves away when you tell us you study that horrible book.
Radical Zionist Terror
Seems relevant:
He's old. Plenty of old people haven't. Then again his whole life is and all the stories surrounding him dont make sense. I think he's an agent.
This is facebook tier shit, come on.
Just watch them. They don’t care if only a few hundred (if that) people are onto them. That’s why there was no motive pushed. They’re letting everyone muddy it all up with their own speculations. Chertoff himself is the sketchiest dude in this country. But they’ll just call you racist or anti Semitic for pointing it out. Spread this as far as possible.
It's not bullshit when the Deep State is involved.
Anyone who thinks anything about sandyhoax was legit needs to fuck off back to facebook.
Except this video doesn't take into account
A) that he could have had 20 guns lined up and chambered and just tossed guns aside and grabbed the next one
B) that he could have used 100 round drums
C) that he could have done A) and B)
Casinos often have pizza, so no funs would be very very convenient.
He's king kike. I pegged him about ten years ago. Get him and you collapse the beast.
DWS is linked to him.
The whole point, which you've missed, is that it's not legit. A pedophile was used by the Deep State, as in the Lanza hoax.
Maybe ol' Steve was alive and well in the original timeline?
But then the next point of "failure" to reign are ridges and vantage points across valleys and high traffic areas…
This never stops, does it?!
They at least do what you tell them to.
The FBI is in dire need for some sjw type diversity.
The shooter guy is a manly man type, certainly no pedophile, you can tell by his fingers that he was doing an office job and no hard physical labour because they stand in contrast to his mesomorphic frame. And the way you did that picture probably means you are a fed. A you the waiter for the idiot table?
I cant help myself to think that his GF did play a role in this. They have a certain smile and prefer a certain type of man with certain expectations.
I assume she was send away because she had kids, he didnt. I assume.
I dont see any real reason why this guy would should that many people other than to prove something, they probably both did want to prove that they are still young or some shit along those lines.
If most people have the need for more savety because the akbar next to you might akbar or the friendly guy next door could be a mass murderer than, yes you will always have people calling for action to "prevent" stuff like this.
He was an unmarried race-mixing with a gook beta that wears pussy hats and spent his entire life as a public servant. The FBI just used the fool as a gun running mule patsy he was such a little bitch that's easy to get rid of.
A Sandy Hoax every week for a year?
They miscalculated the zeitgeist.
Oh boy.
Pretty logical to question the GF of the shooter isnt it? Doesnt mean jackshit.
In a case where someone kills 50+ people i would even question their pets if they had some.
FOX and CNN have been pushing body scanners, bag searches, etc in hotels and casinos ALL DAY LONG. This user was 100% correct about everything he said except for the date which he said could change.
John has been identified.
I hope that isn't him for his sake.
Date/venue for shooting is known to have been changed at least once:
Implying motive was not kill Trump supporters.
Plenty of blood in this footage of aftermath:
No. How would he know all that about a big planned company merger. Guarantee ‘john’ works at either Chertoff or osi
"Aware: Watch, question, learn and think.
Sheep: Obey, submit, fall in line, thank you for your service.
I have always and repeatedly told my readers to verify, double verify and trust no one but your own gut. That includes me."
Trust your own gut? A wolf has one gut, a sheep has many.
I don't quite get it, are you claiming Johnanon is John Paddock the """""shooter"""""?
House of Lords member John Reid? Extensive experience in Counterterrorism and ((international crime)).
Fuck me, I meant to say: I don't quite get it, are you claiming Johnanon is John Paddock a relative of Steve Paddock the """""shooter"""""?
this makes more sense to me than J. Paddock, honestly
Jerry can shoot a semi auto at like 600rpm, this mechanism is a clunky gimmicky toy for anyone else.
I have no real reason to believe that John Paddock would have any more information on this happening than any of the other family members through which he was somehow connected to the original post. John Reid, however…I mean look at his credentials, also he works for Chertoff. It is his literal job to know about this shit.
He was also a communist when younger and has significant political experience. Does anything in the prediction look like an English guy wrote it? Can you tell? I just think the ‘prediction’ needs to be taken more seriously. Ignore paddock for a bit. He may as well be a prop.
Are you fucking high?
He does handle cyber ‘terror’ related things specifically it seems too. He was a commie then stopped when he learned better. Says he was fascinated by the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich on wiki. Though that may be irrelevant.
I agree. there wasn't enough info on him from from the start - the narrative was sloppy, and there were too many holes to treat him as someone with a clear motive, or even enough skill to pull off something like this. the lone wolf thing isn't holding up.
not seeing any clues about johnposter being english, except for the condescension ("I feel sorry for you") and the formality of signing at the end of his post
I do think there's something to him mentioning Chertoff by name, also Adelson and the merger with OSI that is supposed to take place. only company insiders would know about future merger plans.
Plus paddock would never know about big company mergers like john claims to. In fact idk how big a company they are but I would expect only a few big wigs to have detailed knowledge of these things. John is not an outsider, and he’s definitely not the janitor.
What is amazing that his guy at the his age preserved his cunning intelligence if you blank out any partisan ship or any affiliation.
Where is that blood coming from? Like the smudge on her arm it's coming from nowhere. Not a head wound. Maybe shot through the lung and the blood came out of her mouth? Where's that wound?
Also: do you believe kids died at sandyhoax? That cops declared them dead, snuck them out in the dead, the parents got laws passed insuring nobody could ever see death certificates or forensic pictures and then the same kids showed up to sing at the super bowl? If you think those deaths were real you're misinformed, if you know they weren't you concede the precedent in a "mass shooting" event where deaths were faked. Just sayin.
Also tbh yeah a little high
*snuck them out in dead of night
He worked for G4S. Now I know people have mentioned them here before.
good to see we're on the same page
what john was saying about the nature of these two companies checks out, and a merger/uptick in screening tech would make sense
If he dies soon we’ll know for sure.
When the dude filming presses the woman's neck with his fingers in an attempt to take her pulse, blood trickles out of the corners of her mouth, which is exactly what you would expect if her mouth was full of blood while lying on her back.
user filming isn't going to go looking for her entry and exit wounds. He's trying to find out if she's alive or not, then decided she's not.
Also pic-related may be her.
45000pounds a year does sound a little bit of a gutter doesnt it?
Also used to call himself a ‘Leninist and Stalinist.’ Was reportedly obsessed with self publicity and promotion, so it makes sense he’d like to be some kind of hero. All the fucking communism has me thinking honestly.
Ok I consider myself a normal, productive member of society. I have a high-paying, full-time job that I’ve held for over 10 years.
I have a wife and children. I own a home. Pay my taxes. Vote in local and national elections. Have friends etc.
I only mention these things because I feel like I’m becoming a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
There is something going on here that they are not telling us. I don’t think it’s for money - people with Alphabet Agency connections literally have access to pallets of federal banknotes whenever they want - but this shooting is not some Boomer going nutso. Even these evil fucks don’t gun down 59 people without a goal.
What are they up to?
If I had to put money on it, I’ll bet they find an Antifa or a Muslim connection that they do not want us to know about.
From most likely to least likely, in my opinion:
1) Leftist
2) Radicalized by ISIS
3) ISIS actually doing the deed and fleeing the scene.
4) Alphabets falseflagging to pass gun control laws.
5) Foreign government agents trying to disarm Americans/start Civil War.
6) American agencies trying to start a Civil War.
7) FBI gunrunning shit.
999) A degenerate gambler Boomer millionaire going nuts and assassinating 59 people because reasons.
I feel like I’m the one going crazy with the media not noting how obvious this is.
Gunrunning - eh, maybe. I guess.
THIS IS WHAT I THINK HAPPENED. no need to spurg if you do not agree
Paddock, the FBI/CIA gun smuggler meets up at the hotel thinking he is gonna wiretap Antifa/Mossad/? purchasing illegal firearms
Antifa/Mossad/? catches wind of the sting operation, and plans accordingly
Bringing more men then needed for a gun exchange Antifa/Mossad/? quickly take down Paddock and set up the frame. Also they shoot the security in the building
Using some men firing on a crowd of innocents from mandela bay (planned in advance for the meeting to take place during a rock concert to seem discreete) the Antifa/Mossad/? use the time while the whole police force is distracted to rob every casino in the area, and take as much fucking cash as they can
With paddock dead they have at least a week before its seriously looked at.
The greatest heist ever conducted in the world
i am defintly missing some information, but i definately want to consider the other acts of violence that night that went unreported. Also serious meme wizardy was afoot to consider somewhat seprately
When is this movie coming out? Sounds incredible.
Nice plot for your new Ocean's Eleven script. I'll pay you $6 million for it
They all escape in a plane afterwards
>can only conceive of (((ISIS))) muslims being responsible
>even though (((ISIS))) are wahhabists not muslims
Lurk more?
That would be very interesting.
Is Paddock important in any way beyond fall guy?
Thats the only thing that is wrong. Salafi/Wahabists are still muslim.
Anyone got a mirror of the aftermath video posted on 4cuck earlier? Fucking vidme kikes took it down already
All nonsense. I think John user is telling the truth. I think he really knows.
Public wants to know how someone can kill 50+ people for no fucking reason.
I will tell you: you just have to open up something and then it is like childs play.
For muslims they sure seem to love jews and hate any fellow Religion of Cuck™ists who threaten them. Love them some green screens too.
Which one vague nigger?
You're leaving out the part where they get members of local law enforcement to cover for them + insert crisis actors like this faggot.
Welcome to how a lot of us have felt since 9/11. I feel for the people who have been trying to sound the alarms since JFK and Waco.
I'm not saying this to chastise, but only to point out that you're far from alone in feeling this way. You're not going crazy. There are a lot of reasonable questions that the media is deliberately ignoring, and that's by design. Keep questioning the narrative.
damn. yeah, these long-term commies find always seem to find places as elitist politicians or government advisors who aim to subvert/control society and degrade rights through sabotage and policy…merkel, clinton, obama, soros…
anyway, wanted to see all these pics in one go, posting b/c autism
I think there’s a chance it’s him I really do. He has a colorful personality and extensive political experience. Also worked for G4S, the ‘security’ company at pulse nightclub.
Why Lord John Reid would "feel bad for some of you on this website" is beyond me.
yeah, private global contractors making money on purposefully catalyzed foreign policy change…makes an awful lot of sense to me, and that's not the tin-foil talking. it's creepy that he worked for G4S….can you give me sources on the commie stuff and G4S stuff? i can add that too
ha, that's that elitist brit realism, I think he wants us to feel it from across the pond
No, the John that posted was related to Stephen Paddock.
what proof do you have, other than that infograph? what does John Paddock do for a living? How do you know he's actually the one who posted, other than the fact that Stephen Paddock happens to have a John in is family? did you guys even prove that this John is related? this is what I'm questioning.
I have no reason to believe that John Paddock knows anything more about this other than his relative just did something terrible. same as all the other paddocks in that chain - first of all, any of them could have posted under the alias "john", second, I really doubt a hostess at TGI fridays, or anyone to whom she's related, knows more about security, foreign policy, screening tech, and future business mergers than Lord John Reid
There's a John that lives in Las Vegas that has been proven to be a relation of some kind to Stephen. It's conceivable that Stephen told this information to his relative John who got spooked and posted the warning. John could have been told the information from Stephen. John doesn't have to be an OSI employee.
On him being a communist:
h ttps://www.theguardian.com/politics/2006/sep/23/labour.uk
On him taking a job at G4S.
This all hinges on the guy using his real name, I know. But it is definetly someone who knows things regarding chertoff. A brother of this guy isn't going to know shit if he doesn't work there. I'm not even certain stephen paddock would know anything. We're basing this off connections to chertoff, as named in the post. I'm totally ignoring paddy for this. He is a prop to me.
My opinion, but I don't think Stephen even knew everything. Did he know he'd be dying on this project? If he got spooked why didn't he tell someone to get him out of it. John Paddock probably doesn't know fuck all. It's a stretch what I am proposing too, but facebook connections are even sketchier.
Here's my theory
1. Mossad thinks it's time for another big USA attack so that they can get more involvement in Syria
2. Get their ISIS stooges all set up
3. ISIS stooges can't be trusted so the hire a "professional" from the mob.
4. Paddock is told by his mob bosses to do the job (family crime connections and gambling plus lack of social media make him the perfect profile hitman).
5. Mossad figures might as well make some bucks off it so ropes in OSI clowns. John gets tipped off through OSI.
6. ISIS stooges no-show
7. Mossad says doit anyway
8. Paddock heros like a good soldier
9. ISIS HQ still thinks they did it
10. OSI and mossad profits
11. No Syria involvement thanks to unreliable ISIS guys
source? also my point more along the lines of
on it's own, John Paddock happening to be in vegas at the time is decent circumstantial evidence. it fits the lone wolf narrative because usually these solo types end up spilling the beans to SOMEONE…even serial killers love to leave a signature.
but why would J. Paddock know anything about chertoff and OSI merging without being a part of the company, at least at some point? can you link this? this is super important, and yes, it would absolutely mean John Paddock would HAVE to be or have been an employee of either Chertoff or OSI to know that information. otherwise, you're riding on a wild fucking guess posted by the 2nd cousin twice removed of a lone wolf killer who, as of now, didn't have a motive.
source? also my point is more along the lines of the end of this post
on it's own, John Paddock happening to be in vegas at the time is decent circumstantial evidence. it fits the lone wolf narrative because usually these solo types end up spilling the beans to SOMEONE…even serial killers love to leave a signature.
but why would J. Paddock know anything about chertoff and OSI merging without being a part of the company, at least at some point? can you link this? this is super important, and yes, it would absolutely mean John Paddock would HAVE to be or have been an employee of either Chertoff or OSI to know that information. otherwise, you're riding on a wild fucking guess posted by the 2nd cousin twice removed of a lone wolf killer who, as of now, didn't have a motive.
Certainly had a motive, and usually none of your faggy company business.
Gun control is a slippery slope that doesn't do anything to help. All it does is enable the same people to make false accusations that gun violence needs to be taken down by controlling guns more and more and more until we just don't have guns…
…only criminals, the government, and the criminals the government WANTS to have guns.
You live in an age where the governments word means jackshit other than more the expansion of unjustified power. You have bots and social engineers that influence your opinion, now usually people would beat your head in for that kind of shenanigans but naw we have some cunts that would criminalize the content you view.
Anytime they want to ban new gun parts or types of guns, a security company or some agency will just gun down like 60 people or so then nobody can say no! What a glorious future we have, goy! I bet Libshits callfor sweeping band, then trump comes in and enacts some “common sense” laws banning the things used in this attack. Because surely ‘nobody even needs that kind of awful firepower! Think of the children, etc. etc. and our rights take another hit. Even cucked rinos will champion trumps compromising, because none of them can conceive of hunting deer with a bump stock or extended clip AR. God it’s so obvious when you just realize the types of weapons he used. Stuff they bitch about often.
Anytime they want to ban new gun parts or types of guns, a security company or some agency will just waste like 60 people or so then nobody can say no! What a glorious future we have, goy! I bet Libshits callfor ridiculous sweeping bans, but then trump comes in, ‘talks them down,’ ‘compromises,’ and enacts some “common sense” laws banning just the very weapons used in this attack. Because surely ‘nobody even needs that kind of awful firepower! Think of the children, etc. etc. and our rights take another hit. Even cucked rinos will champion trumps compromising, because none of them can conceive of hunting deer with a bump stock or extended clip AR. God it’s so obvious when you just realize the types of weapons he used. Stuff they bitch about often.
yes, this is the hegelian dialectic in a nutshell. problem, reaction, solution.
here is an update on "the other john" s profile
It's all ogre.
Hold on…..all these photos (along with the entrance/bathroom photos) are missing something…..the cases used to smuggle all this shit into his suite
Someone with a 50+ stealth skill will just walk in and shoot Benny, though.
well this is getting fun, now all we need is reports of chertoff or OSI in action
There are shows coming on tonight all about conspiracy theories and what not. I’m seeing commercials for them.
It was time to eat a bullet?
Or false flag?
FWIW, those pics look like video game screencaps to me.
Shills are trying to derail the obvious. Chertoff and Adelson are implicated. Period. Exposing the Johnanon who gave us forewarning helps nothing but burns a leaker and wastes our time. Beware the shills.
wastes time, from what? and who's time, (You) and the shills'? there's nobody to 'git' right now, so the investigation must be thorough. learn to think critically. if you're that distracted by multiple investigations going on around you, maybe this isn't for you.
see, the biggest problem I have with you idiot teenagers is that your brains haven't developed to see the big fucking picture yet. knowing who the leaker would explain more about why the fuck this happened in the first place. why would you defend someone who works for a company that aims to get rich off of the slaughter of innocents? who "feels sorry you"?
oh yeah, that's (((brilliant))), you fucking victim. Oh, I'm sure you think he's a fucking saint for 'warning you'. god damnit, this is like protecting anthony weiner. he's a commie, and he doesn't give a fuck about you. he should quit working for them if he doesn't wanna get burned. stop trying to derail good leads.
whoever your "leaker" is knows something and has named names, and is most likely involved at a high level. for real, you don't even care HOW you know chertoff and adelson are implicated? you don't want to think about the context? we're trying to figure out why this happened, you run along, do your homework now.
Fuck off Rabbi.
we can actually find out something good out of him you fucking retards.
do you really think John is just a good guy who tried to warn us? he's probably one of them who used his anonymity to get his plans out of his chest, if that's the case we could prove this was a false flag
lol, the shills are right on cue
I'm trying to expand the suspect list, and gain understanding of who chertnoff is, why john called him "mr" and jump to other leads. I'm getting to chertnoff and adelson while you chimps nigger it up in here. you're welcome to ignore me, I knew more than I did before, and it wasn't by protecting some commie security contractor. btw don't see any of you faggots going after chertnoff or adelson, just me
a word of advice: don't all come at once next time, spread it out, it'll be easier to hide your big noses
What do we do with this information? The only thing I can think, is invest in the companies heavily up until the merger and profit so we're not poor sheep but rich sheep. Then take the profit and relax while being smart enough to know everything is fucking fucked, but incapable of doing anything, so we just keep our sheepish heads pointed down at the grass grazing.
I have an idea, you can kys kike.
Brock Samson's a big guy.
What's your bright idea? Money is power and You need both money and power to accomplish anything significant. Killing people who orchestrate events like this won't do much aside from killing you or putting you in jail. Then they'll recruit new members if they don't already have people waiting to take over once they're dead. You might as well have money to enjoy life of you can't stop what's happening. The old saying goes "if you can't beat em join em" and the plus side of joining them is you'll have some influence on them. Which coul impact future events. I mean if you can sit there and tell me you wouldn't take 10's of millions of dollars, live like a god, and influence world affairs, of offered the chance you're a liar. I'm just honest with myself about it. If I was approached for something like that I'd accept. Btw Not the shooting, but being a puppet for these people that orchestrate events to influence world affairs.
if you're still around, he was delivering groceries to families stuck in their homes iirc.
Thx, that was pretty nice of him.
It was a sacrifice, and gungrab. Silencers being pushed to get larger kill count in nov. 2-4th. Antifa. I dont tjink (((they))) know how hard america will fight back.
America won't fight back. Like some other user said Trump will "compromise" on gun control laws and only implement a few. Boomer cucks and alike will all support him because he's Trump and they're brainwashed into thinking he is actually on our side.
This thread's topic is mentioned over at
Don't know if this has been posted yet but.. uh….
Trump met with Sheldon Adelson after the Vegas attack
And here is Chad Sweet, CEO of the Chertoff Group (Chertoff mentioned in the - John posts), on CNBC the day after the shooting advocating for increased use of "screening technologies", i.e., back scatter x-ray, etc.. Relevant part is from 12:43 to 13:32: youtu.be
In the early 90's I actually walked past security and in thru the out doors at JFK. I dropped off my brother, who was drunk, and wanted to make sure he got on the plane. It was even funnier because at the time there was some bullshit in the news about JFK enhancing their security.
Summary of it here
Oops you already linked it :^o
Yuge. We need to compile (and safely archive) all video, audio, and article text sources of these niggers trying to roll out their body scanners. I'll compile an overview and links to the sources for easy big picture distribution.
original chad sweet and article and video
it's important to note that he was formerly the chief of homeland security in Nevada, and he used to work for the CIA. also talking about prevented measures, establishing perimeters and needing to lose freedom in a 'free society'
That is interesting, this entire thing stinks of gefilte
Seeing as you appear to be a legit user, if you haven't seen yet, these videos are worth checking out.
Thank you! The digging should be focused on chertoff. I know this place and especially halfchan get a lot of larping misinfo, but I do believe Mr. ‘john.’ Michael chertoff is literally a Talmudic ‘scholar.’
also the "not being able to completely eliminate risk" matches the "high incident" logic
we should look into Investigative Management and Robert Strang, also featured in this article.
did anyone notice the article says that the Las Vegas police do regular drills? remember they were doing drills at boston, sandy hook, and san bernadino
already on it. i will continue to update this as we make connections. anyone have more leads from adelson and chertoff
note: if you're one of the posters who don't like that I'm burning john, remove it from the infograph yourself. filtering and hiding posts that complain about it without providing more research on chertoff or adelson. John shoulda quit if he didn't want to be involved.
yeah, it's weird how much we got from one a few brief posts. gonna be looking into chertoff, adelson, and a few other things today, keep digging y'all, and make sure to provide sources!
did not mean to reddit space here
but lol u guys, check this out
Internet says Adelson owns a fucking Israeli newspaper, although his lawyer says it's actually owned by one of his relatives.
archive of the wikipedia article: archive.is/eJSUz
the lawyer's disclosure (published by Times of Israel, so who you gonna trust??): archive.is
You know, looking at that post from "John"… it really is pretty damn accurate in terms of the after effects of an event in Las Vegas. Eerily accurate.
Here is the thing though. We know that intelligence agency types (international really) both read and sometimes post here. No normal person is going to sign their exact name (of course). However, the players they mentioned, the after effect and the location has come to pass exactly as stated. The only missing element is 2020 but no way to know that.
Point being, what if that is someone, who knows most of us very well in terms of how obsessive we can be about finding things, gave us the tools to follow the breadcrumbs and do the exact thing we have began to stumble upon. I mean, seriously, is it fucking coincidence they sign their name "John" and we find out a "former" Commy with the same security company who also was a consultant with G4S?
I know this may sound far fetched but I am starting to see that post not as a warning but more so as a means to get information to people they knew would look into it thus assuring they could not need to be suicided for coming forward. That is how it is feeling to me at this point. Every fucking thing has panned out… what else could it be?
Even the date adds to my theory on that. They put it out a month ago. If we would have jumped on the issue then and there it may have changed things and made it harder for a plan to be executed. I may be going tinfoil here, and I rarely go down this hole, but that is what my gut is telling me. That post was to obtain the help from the one source that poster knew would obsess over an issue, uncover it, and, at the same time, keep them safe due to them not needing to publicly come forward.
We had a fucking months heads up on that and everything has turned out pretty god damn exact as mentioned so that is how I see it at this point. This "John" is either an insider at OSIS who didn't want that issue on his/her conscience so did the only thing they thought would both protect them/get the info out… or… that is an intelligence operative who stumbled on information about a possible action and, due to the deep state situation, same as above.
Makes sense to me but, fuck it, I'm an autist.
What if John is Steve?
bumpity bump bump.
This makes the most sense so far my friends.
Why would Steve say anything about a metal detecting company?
I don't believe it was Steve. I said "fuck" because even the mere implication was pretty mind blowing. However, shit, what do we really know about the guy? Usually by now we have a complete dossier on someone but this fucking guy was a ghost.
Well, correction, I see nothing to point to it being him. However, I guess come to think of it…
Someone leveraging to do something, him wanting to leave intel to be discovered on a site that routinely exposes shit. I don't know, that doesn't sound plausible on its face. At this point I think there is no doubt, at all, that "John" had inside knowledge of both the event and what would happen after.
So either Steve was secretly connected to OSIS or it was someone else who had high end access to knowledge. In my eyes that comes off as CIA, FBI, NSA, or HLS who discovered intel, knew it would put his/her life at risk to expose it, and left it the only place they knew would comb over it until they found it out. That makes the most sense to me but, shit… I just don't know…
yeah, probably because he is a 64 year old fag, I doubt he knew much about the internet besides normie book. The only way that this really makes sense is if he somehow was already tied in with OSIS, they found out he ratted them here and decided to use him as their scapegoat for revenge and to take care of their loose end. I feel like that's a stretch though, unless we find evidence that Steve had any ties with this company high enough that he would know about this .
hmmmm… now that I think of it someone should dox OSIS. I would but I don't have the skillz. Steve being a high stakes gambler could easily be a cover for some kind of Intelligence job. Even if Steve turns out to not be tied in with them at all, finding any info that ties OSIS to Route 91 could be huge….
Or Steve was thinking that this might start a Civil War and got cold feet.
Then being a boomer he posted to the chans from his work computer or cell phone.
His employer not being completely retarded or incompetent tracks this or is alerted
to the leak via some 3rd party.
He then reschedules the massacre.
Steve thinks he got away with it.
Until they invite him to another party at Hotel a few weeks later.
Steve gets a room with his wife but secretly loads her on a plane with 100k to somewhere she'll be safer. Steve's employer set's him up to be the fall guy of a massacre.
11million total money seems like patsy/mid management level. Paying the family seems like guilt/hush money payments.
You know here's another thing that just struck me that I think we are overlooking - the false flags at (at least) four other places at once. We had an initial report of shooting at Bellagio, Motel 6, Luxor and Caesar's. None of which turned out anything after so I can only conclude one thing - distraction.
We see this often with the use of firecrackers (ANTIFA does this) at various locations in a city to push the police away from where they want to go and we see this with also through bomb threat calls/false shooter calls to police as well.
So we have several floors in MB strobe lighting (police scanner reported this), we have the security guard reporting contact on the 29th floor (police scanner) and we have (at least) four other areas on the strip all pushing active shooter scenarios at the exact same time interval.
I think the security guard is key as well. Apparently he was shot in the leg. However, the room wasn't breached until the police breached it. In other words, either the guard entered the room, was shot, left, closed the door, etc… or… the shooter shot him through the walls… or… there was a sentry on the 29th floor which is where the contact with the security guard took place and exactly how he reported it which was exactly what the scanner relayed to boots on the ground.
this makes sense especially with the timeline of him being at the Mandalay a few weeks earlier for the Lorde Concert. Would explain why he was there and why nothing happened then.
Doesn't matter if he's a "good guy" he did warn us. Fuck off rabbi.
I guess 10c/post doesn't pay for decent grammar or logic. You're here to get goyim to find the leaker so your handlers can torture him in order to dissuade others from leaking. You're fooling noone, rabbi.
He was with Lockheed in the past. I don't see why OSIS would be out of the question. The guy was obviously much more than we currently know.
The problem is lots of things make sense, but there's not enough information and an active disinformation campaign.
Former president of Martin Marrietta who merged with Lockheed now board member at OSIS
You know, we have discussed gun runner, drugs, trafficking but we haven't talked about the potential that this guy was a hitter. Off the grid for all those years, worth a lot with several shell looking companies through the years, literal social media ghost, worked at Lockheed, seems to be (if him) very well trained for someone with no background in such things.
He may be 64 but that doesn't account for many years of training beforehand. Might of grew disposable? I wouldn't even bring that option up but the guy had some very clear tactical training and especially weapon knowledge if it was indeed him. That isn't something you can get good at from the internet, that takes training. So if it was him he either was trained in the past or more recently. I don't see many 64 year old's going through tactical training and given his blind spot on the grid for a long while I think we need to consider the potential he was a hitman along with the other things we have discussed.
We need to work to identify those other men in that photo (at that club/bar). He rarely took photos with people and those people look chummy. We should check Xi, Academi, and all the others… sigh..
The guy running the leaf post office? He's also named Deepak Chopra.
My real name is very bland and also shared with a few spooky people. I like it.
The 13 tattoo is another fucking thing as that nearly always coincides with MS13 body tags either being a 13 or a XIII.
Apparently there is a lot of shit up in British Columbia these days because some low level MS13 idiot pissed off the 'Ndràngheta.
I don’t even think an intelligence asset would necessarily know details about a private company’s future plans. When I started working where I am I had to sign a huge non disclosure agreement. That was pretty recent so it’s fresh on my mind. If he knows about a planned merger worth ‘billions,’ and he is not outright lying, then he’s definitely a company man! Lord John Reid fits the personality imo. He would love to think himself a ‘hero.’ Look up what brits have written about him. And did anyone catch the poem that Borris Johnson was singing out loud into a mic when he visited Myanmar? It was apparently a Kipling poem with a line saying something involving a ‘road to Mandalay.’ Look it up. Written sept 30, literally one night before. I think some limeys know something.
People are too docile for this stuff.
looks like we broke a wandering kike
Sure thing, Chaim.
from the last thread 16 someone make thread 17 im too stupid:
Can we find who was responsible for the turning on and off the stage lights prior to and after the shooting?
I think it was 4chan, second hand knowledge from a former usmc now security, was guarding a VIP, somehow was related to the shooting, but blackwater killed the shooter then left prior to police presence… any info on the VIP?
Yeah it's amazing the only guy with balls to stay was the light guy.
Find that dick and interview him and ask him what was going through his mind.
Remember (((they/he))) shot the 2 Jetliner tanks and made a couple of punctures too. But what if (((they/he))) were not dumb as media portrays it - Jetliner fuel does not ignite without a spark or in this case "Ammonium nitrate" found in his car. This probably explains the reason for explosive material in his vehicle. Ammoniim nitrate with fuel can make instant kaboom.
But :
- is it really his vehicle they found the Ammonium nitrate or (((they))) planted/set him up
- if the Ammonium nitrate is for the 2 Jetliner tanks then, has the MORE sinister (((plot))) failed and if so ?why
- does it explain why the initial rounds of fire were not at the harvest people?
i dont believe its related to skull n bones. the number most likely refers to genesis 3:22
thus standing either for the desire to be god or aquisation of knowledge (probably the first one knowing those guys).
however the numbers in question are 3 and 22. 32 doesnt really fit it.
as for the masons, 32nd is the highest rank everyone can reach through study and work in there. however the highest rank (from what i know) is the 33rd and you can only get it if you are recommended by others of the 33rd degree and you will never get it when asking for it. in generall 33 seems to be really important to those guys (think of the 33 children silsby stole from haiti. as for the meaning behind that one:
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day.
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life (trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation.)
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promises.
in fact i am wondering the whole time why its the 32nd floor and not 33rd
Reminder that the Kabbalah is stolen.
Security guard most likely a shooter imo. Deffo should be looked at. FBI doing their coverup thing tho. Shit stinks.
while we were at 33
makes me think
That means without a doubt Trump knew this was going to happen and he did nothing to stop it.
That's one sweet Chad. Our arch nemesis metastasized into one human bean.
The harvest was ripe for the picking
no, this can't go any further.
it's Johnonymous
On Hannity, dude says he seen muzzle fire from lower in the hotel, 'around the middle' that he thought aligned right up and that is when he was hit. Hannity glosses over the possibility of another location. 28:43 in video
Same John?
why didn’t anyone return fire?
Has anyone here talked about the fact that Paddock appears to have a tattoo of "13" on his neck in the one major image, but our patsy does not have that tattoo? Or is that just an illusion from boomercuck neck fat?
I wonder what the note on the bedside table says.
Haha WTF good find. I highly doubt that's neck fat.
When you push your chin against your chest, do you see horizontal round globs or vertical lines? No, it's always vertical lines, even for the fattest motherfucker.
To me, that almost looks shopped on there. It's really blurry.
im interested bro, can you elaborate?
It's not shopped - it's on every version of the picture I can find.
Meant "horizontal." I really need to go to bed.
I wasn't accusing you of doing it. Does that "tattoo" appear in any other picture of him? Brings to mind the masonic numerology and ms13.
Why is 13 a significant number in freemasonry?
Same poster here, switched to mobile. It's funny because no, I can't find the tattoo in any other pictures of him. That said, there aren't many available and this one of him with the gook looks like the most recent one that's being published. Hard to say though.
It's all Khabbala/Talmudic VooDoo
You mason chasing idiots are shitting up the board. You are literally "hurr loominarty confirmed" when I guaruntee 90+% of you have never even said hello to a mason knowingly. You are literally red herring the kikes; You guys might even be kikes. You are this tier
Most powerful global brands are indeed part of the club.
Most powerful businesses got big from collusions and monopolisation.
Illuminati/freemasonry is just a jew friendly name to protect and shield the jews from the goys gaze.
judeo-freemasonry is just one of the clubs the jews created to control powerful goys to do what the jews want
ok bud whatever u say
you niggas are still looking at the implementations of satanism? learn to think on higher and lower abstractions, a world will open for you (assumption is that youre a intelligent guy)
You realize masonry is christian; and from this you get large judaic influences. There is nothing wrong with judaic influence (there are exceptions) the eye is on the kike. masonry is sort of like a messianic judaism club. its used as a scapegoat to get heat off the jews back. You should know this. it just gets blamed over and over and is portrayed on the history channel as loomynarty globe controllers. You think anything as kosher as history would show that shit? Use your head man. You're falling for a psyop.
Also, hitler was retarded
Yes it is, it's a club for successful goys to be manipulated to advance jewish goals.
Whatever the organisation involved in destroying the West, it's got jews at the heart of each and every destructive force.
No its a club for christian type people who seek brotherhood and seek to do good in the EYE of the LORD.
Weird how a red herring and totally off topic "argument" starts moments after the tattoo inconsistency gets highlighted….
If you think that's a tattoo you're retarded. That's wrinkles on his neck.
inb4 shill. This was definitely setup by the government.
Relative of Elie Weisal?
How come every photo of the patsy being blamed for this psyop has his eyes shut?
PS- why hasn't anyone else pointed out that the patsy photo of him dead in the hotel room looks more like Molynjew more that this Paddock bloke.
neck deep in ugly gooks and smiling…..
Deepstate did Vegas
FBI GREETING CARD!!!!!!!!.pdf (421.47 kB)
No need to sign or write anything, just print this FBI Greeting Card out on cardstock, and mail off to your nearest friendly neighborhood treasonous FBI special agent!!!
yes goyim eat the fruit that feeds the chaos and grows order!
Its how the kikes work they take our believes and flip them around a couple of times until it resembles the same thing but serves a different meaning.
yea, I'll click that alright
Rather than look for religious shit we should be looking for inconsistencies in the stories told by the Vegas PD and the FBIs conferences and figuring out who was there, outside of the shooter, and why? The recent presser was FBI dudes and now the narrative is heading towards ISIS involvement with mass media, which is an obvious cop out and weeding through LARPS and actual informants
It's ignored because (i) the time is wrong; (ii) this shit happens there every fucking hour with a new time and location – what is confirmation bias?
And, sorry, but calling it "cuckchan" and yet still spreading its shit-tier LARPs here doesn't give you a free pass on being a fucking dumb cunt who needs to go the fuck back.
this. Listen close to the sound militaryanons, there's an LMG in the mix of things.
And putting the name "john" to it is completely fucking unnecessary on the part of a legitimate insider. Its only purpose is to make the dumb burger niggers draw connections to Titor. Wouldn't be surprised if it's another Holla Forums doing and they're sitting on their servers posting shit like pic related and laughing at you dumb fucking niggers who are intellectually inferior to a bunch of commie trash.
I thought it was a sex club and way for illegal pot dispensaries to stay open because all the cops are members?
This pretty much confirms the LVMPD user's story. This must be why (((they))) were trying to get Tor banned.
Paddock was not running guns to Vegas, He's been caught in multiple states trying to rent rooms over looking concerts.
Paddock hired Jeses Compos and other hotel staff to help him. Paddock got double crossed and killed by Compos.
*Why no pics or interviews with "hero" Jesus Compos ???
Adelson has been a big backer of republicans. I'm not sure his power would be slipping with trump in office, especially with (((Kushner))) so close to trump.
He backed the wrong horse. During primary season, he gave Newt Gingrich at least $20 million to never-Trump him.
Among whites (humans), attached earlobes may indicate propensity for pedophilia. This is a scientific fact.
Other races are irrelevant, and may well be assumed to be all pedos.
came to say what i've weirdly neither read here nor on 4chan's Holla Forums:
the first pics of Paddock shows him with
Eyes Wide Shut
So maybe those portrayed in the movie will finally go down, maybe they'll release the missing segments and we do find out about ritual sacrifice in the elite, kennedy, 9/11, but tbh i doubt it. If theres another "big one" soon, it could be a lead to the contrary
came to say what i've weirdly neither read here nor on 4chan's Holla Forums:
the first pics of Paddock shows him with
Eyes Wide Shut
and then theres this guy, just chillin in front of the mandalay while shots are fired from above
It's beginning.
all handshitters are named either apu or deepak chopra.
yt link of aftermath vid. super fucky
So what if we die. Dying fighting against this wickedness would be an honor.
You speak like this because you are a shameless coward with no honor. Honestly just kill yourself.
holy shit, if those tanks went kabooma all the people would have been forced to go on the street close to the mandalay bay. imagine if they had the whole concert funneling back. towards him.
Low iq fanatics are the ones that would blow themselves up in parliment or assasinate the president, they jsut want effects regardless of consquences or risk
stopped reading.
i can give an ear to the idea of a conspiracy, but the idea of bringing the same kids to sing is not evidence. no one who used someone as murder victim would then a short while later bring them out as a group to sing during another "acting gig." It is unreasonable and doesn't actually make any sense.
Yes that guy in front of the Bay definitely was odd to me as well.
he predicted it for September 11
This guy is a larper and OP is a retard.
I had a family member at this shooting. She wittnessed people die right in front of her. I too have my doubts about sandyhook. This unfortunatly was real.
So should I invest in OSI systems Holla Forums? I'm banking on the kikes being able to get away with it.
they didn't