Las vegas thread 8

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

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Thread 5

Thread 6

Thread 7

they found ammonium nitrate in his car and tannerite at his home

Other urls found in this thread:,-115.172864,3a,72.6y,182.43h,53.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNl_tRYUHT4rSwIvoJwglt-pJ3ai7VTwj8eWbAg!2e10!3e12!7i12000!8i6000


Seeing you spazz out and shriek over a label is really depressing. Call yourself whatever you like, if you attack the System, you'll be called a terrorist. Thinking otherwise is beyond retarded.

I can't wait to see someone fall for this

I didn't have to wait long.

Earlobes say pedophile.

sounds like he purchased some of the guns via private sales in AZ (meaning no dealer, off paper). this is what I'm inferring from the Sheriff's press conference, but it wasn't explicitly mentioned
Hotel security caught a round in the leg outside of the room.

filter all earlobe shills

Are you the same shill pushing the bullshit British red herring?

Remove the date range from your search you'll likely find pages from years ago.
It's just how jewgle generates webpage dates (or doesn't bother to) for some reason.

Explain, kike.

Still no link to the registration just the picture.

Really activates my almonds how this was known a couple days beforehand.

Next Presser @ 7pm local

Police scanner highlights

how is it possible to hit so many people in a crowd with an automatic rifle?


10 suitcases in room

Is there any explanation for this? I don't know much of hackering.

Reminds me of Breivik's attack and how they memory-holed the several-shooter reports that came in early.

The trajectory would bring a lot of headshots

Remember these shill tactics and reminder on the official narrative the (((MSM))) is giving

recap: deathtoll 59, 527 wounded, ammonia nitrate in car, 19 guns found in the home, 16 in the room, electronic devices but they dont know whats on them, ten suitcases, they are raiding another home owned by the guy using swat and bomb disposal unit not sure why, shooter fired through the door at hotel security and 6 officers with them but was dead when swat arrived

Tannerite isn't odd, it does bring into question his brother's belief that he wasn't much of a shooter, the real interesting thing is that fertilizer. He may have had several plans but chose this one.

Websites don't use HTML in solid words to say how long ago something released, so that way everytime someone googles it they can see it say "30 minutes ago," "5 hours ago," or whatever. Often the script fucks up and gets the date wildly wrong, getting results like articles being released days before they ever existed, or in somecases it will even say the article came out "tomorrow"

Headshots confirmed by eyewitnesses


Report every single fucking earlobeposter for derailing

Bad journalists, editors, admins, etc. can change the publication date of the article skewing search results in order to get clicks.

I am more much more convinced that there is more behind this than it merely being a case of "man shoots people for reasons". Of course, I am not yet certain of the details of how this event went down or exactly how the yids are involved (if Adelson is involved, then perhaps Netanyahu and hence Mossad are involved too). However, if this is an important step for the yids in actually establishing a police state and whatever lies beyond that, my question is this:

Since the yids are speeding up their plans, what can/should you US guys be doing to counter this?

Also the entire place was lit up by concert lights. So it was a real killing field.

Show us the pictures

didn't help that they all laid down and made a virtual human carpet for him to rain down death upon.
it would be almost as easy as shooting the floor

Updating sidebars on old news articles screw with Google's ability to accurately date pages. Happens with everything.

Listen to the interview with the brother, his fucking lying or hiding something. And he slips a line about having 5 cellphones. Who the fuck owns 5 cellphones that can ring at anytime?

If all of this shit is in his house, WHAT DID MARYLOU KNOW?

Jewgle can change dates on demand. Like how they change dates for timezones. But instead they can set a predefined time for articles being archived. Check the actual websites.
Also reminder that some websites are autocreated by a A.I at amazon to trick goyim. These websites generally follow this pattern and have either digicert or lets encrypt certificates.

Digits confirm. High Incident Project is go. Sheldon Adelson, OSI Systems and Chertoff are completely suspect.

Dig you faggots.

I'm under the assumption she was in on it. Remember how one person interviewed mentioned a "Hispanic woman" saying they were all going to die here? Marilou could easily be confused for hispanic.

Hitler trips confirm that lying down when in the shooter's line of sight is not an effective strategy for avoiding death.

He seemed shifty as fuck. I think he knew his brother was a radical and didn't do anything about it, so now he has to hide that he knew something like this would happen.

Sup, SPLC. We know "what are we going to do about the Jewish police state" is doublespeak for "which one of you wants to be the next Dylan Roof."

she is still overseas, they are waiting for her to return to question

And not a single footage of security cameras…

It’s real, but it’s Google’s shitting up their own results. If you visit any of the pages, the real date shows up.

except FBI say she is not even in the country right now, or then

I heard she'd be located on vacation flipland or similar. I may have been misinformed.

Bombard Body Language breakdown of brother's interview. Her conclusions: he didn't like/wasn't close with his brother, and/or he was aware of his intentions.

My conclusions: he's a fucking lunatic



if you hear gunfire run away until you don't hear it anymore, americans have really been pacified.

Disseminate pro-White propaganda.
Some anons think you're an anti-White shill. Prove otherwise by helping awaken racial consciousness among the White masses.

I just posted this here when this user posted this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FACT (see left)

What I posted:
That's the narrative.
And the likely inference they'll try to force.

But why kill so many people?
In anger?
It makes no sense. The issue here is why his motive doesn't add up with his targets.
He should have targeted politicians.
But he killed innocents.

That's either because:
>Blackmail, threats, hostage situations

Apparently they found a card belonging to his wife who should have been overseas.
That suggests that she was actually there on the night.

Or many alternatives to that scenario.
This completely throws EVERYTHING out the window.

That's the date the site (not page) was crawled by GoogleBot.

Why do you think this is unusual?

they found HER debit/credit card and a hotel loyalty card in his room. Apparently she's in Japan

Well then, Google are even more of niggers than ever for being this lazy.

Don't attribute your own stupid inferences to my post. I'm asking a legitimate question.


What a pleb.

This might not be a visa issue at all.

This sounds like a flat out hostage situation.
Is she still in Japan?
Is she safe?

All the CIA-niggers in the last few threads

How much stock can you put into a cuckchan poster that was way off with the timeline? The claims are suspiciously close, but why claim 9/12 when it doesn't happen until 10/1?

Lazy, or deliberate? It's (((alphabet))) we're talking about here.

Holy Shit guys!

But seriously there's never a point to relying on Google for dates. They actually used to disallow their webcrawlers from indexing content in Javascript-controlled parts of pages for exactly this sort of reason, but had to give in as popular websites became nothing but densely interwoven shitnuggets of JS.
Off-topic, but hoping the explanation will prevent further derail.

I've been to Vegas, the streets are well covered by cameras as well and especilly the casino hotels. Whay aren't there any footage of the suspect inside the hotel?

Was Sandy Hook a false flag too? Charlie Hebdo? VT?
If the cia is behind everything, then all hope is lost because that means that no one is angry at the sick society the Jews have constructed.

wait what oh shit. Normally I make fun on Holla Forums's theories but holy shit. This is real.

Sandy Hook was a false flag. Charlie Hebdo was not.

Don't forget that Adelson has connections to goons. Joka (Darin) from GNAA you know I'm talking about you heeb.

Sandy Hook was not only a false flag, but a full hoax. Not a single person died that day, Boston Marathon neither. I think Vegas is "just" a false flag with real victims and real deaths.


But it does show a potential motive for all of this now. The indiscriminate shooting now makes sense.
Otherwise, it makes none.

Then you add this:
a card belonging to his wife who should have been overseas was being used
Where is she right now?
Is she in Japan?
Because I bet she has no traceable evidence of her whereabouts.

Lot's of people say otherwise. I've heard that everything is a false flag. There's nothing unusual about people going nuts in a sick and dying society.

In times of HAPPENINGS sometimes cuckchan delivers. Check out this thread on "AZflyguy" and his maps from 2015 that show this might have been planned since then

Why would the Mandalay Bay Casino or authories release such footage at this time?

Audio of police breaching his room.

There is now a thread about the OSI/Chertoff/Adelson prediction by halchan John:


Nah. Some random dude snapped. These things do happen, sometimes.

Is what is being used nowadays? I've never seen that used until now. It's usually or am I being rused

Why hasn't this yet been posted?

Sandy Hook-nose as it was called
Indeed Charlie Hebrew too
Don't know what VT means.

Still doesn't explain why there is so far no evidence and Holla Forums is being pressured by CIA-niggers to accept the jew media narrative as fact, without a shred of evidence to prove its claims so far to date.

I'll remain sceptical and you can brush up on the jewish false flags of Charlie Hebrew and Sandy Hook-nose

Is there a law against not taking your CCs and loyalty cards on holiday with you?

Attention: we can get high profile leftists fired by baiting them into saying they're either glad or have no sympathy that "country music listenin', Trump votin', Republican rednecks" got killed

His "target" was a huge crowd. It was fish-in-a-barrel easy.

Is it normal they take so long to release such things?

Why do you think your word is law on this shit.

Not sure what to make of this.

Don't drag boston into that.. there were way too many witnesses.
Also Hook wasn't a flat out hoax, but I do doubt the shooter that was suggested… the motive makes no sense, the temperament makes no sense.
None of it made sense.

And this case also makes no sense.
Why would a person deliberately kill civilians for political reasons and not people potentially detrimental to that person's political position?
The answer is because they had no choice. Or they were forced to do it.

And the identification cards may be crucial here.

Too lazy to make webms but not enough of a faggot to link youtube-vids like a goddam retard.

can anyone archive this google results please?

VT = Virginia Tech.

Welp, if nothing is real and the only conflict in the world going on is CIA false flags, all hope for change is lost because that means no one is very unhappy with the current state of affairs.

Or perhaps he just snapped - things like that happen, too.

No, only events that don't conform to his narrative are false flags dummy.


Fuck off braindead nigger.

Operation Decloak the Cucks

It's the same website using two different domains. Sometimes will give you a .fo link. Presumably it's some sort of nigger-rigged load balancing.

That's the truth. Economic collapse after economic collapse to the point that I admire how the Chinese execute corrupt political and business figures. On so many levels I worry about retiring in this shit-hole, and everywhere I would go in the world will hate Americans nowadays anyway. And many places I do go locally I'm on the receiving end of white hate.

Please, take a time to watch this.


1). Jewgle any random newsworthy event.
2). Order results by date.
3). Click through the results pages to before the event happened.
4). Find reams of news sites reporting it "before" it happened.
5). Realize that's just jewgle being shit at generating correct dates for the pages it crawls.

So it sounds like the news reports that he was already dead in the room were the correct ones.

What was that about sending a strike team to the Tropicana?

Full scanner audio rip from:

in last thread.

it's an hour and half so i had to play games with the codec to smash it into 12mb, but using some crazy HE-AACv2 codec with ffmpeg the audio is surprisingly audible at 18kbps.

Name one.

it has thread 4 or 5

Having guns at the concert wouldnt have changed shit, unless someone had a fucking sighted rifle. 200 drunk retards with 9mms peppering the hotel would be a horrid sight.

My word?
The least any user should expect is evidence to support any claim or belief they ever had.
You and others here seem to want to deny pol/aks any opportunity to examine the facts and instead blindly go along with the jew narrative as all the CIA-niggers insist we do.

None of it is my word.

Either show some evidence to support a claim or we're back at never examining the holohoax because of bullying peer pressure to never look into it.

It probably was too early to suggest you are a shill. However, it smells like you are trolling for some "Day of the Rope" type response to these attacks.

would have been kek worthy though

You only accept facts that support your preconceived notions and will accept anything that supports you no matter the source. If some fucking hobo from halfway across the country makes a claim that the CIA were involved or something you false flag niggers will jump on it and hold it up as the word of God.

yeah its easy, they were all in a big ass group, the guy probably didn't even have to aim, just point and spray. You can see in some of the video's taken that many of the people weren't just grouped together but they were laying down not moving. Usually laying down will decrease your target area making it harder for you to be shot but that only true if the shooter is ground level. This guy was above them so laying down really didn't do shit for them. With 500+ injured i highly doubt the guy was making precise shots. He was likely aiming at the biggest groups he could see and dumping mags into them.

the distance the guy was shooting really wasn't even that far away. Check out the imbedded video for comparison.

Where could they have even taken cover?


checking these dubs

Pardon a near-normie who just got home from work, and barely saw a mention of this early morning.

Do we have any up close graphic webms of people with cell phone shots or anything?

Apologies in advance for not going through the threads yet, I'm tired as fuck.

He probably just got bored with old life and decided to die a mass murderer.

Yeah, but I'm guessing far more rare than we're being led to believe. At this point we're getting a new high score every year or two. That's kind of absurd if these were organic events.

God, I wish your redtext was the actual title of that article.
White people only exist when the media wants to blame something on us. Had those faces been non-White, they'd be screaming about race. But White faces? Not a peep about race.

I only accept facts the evidence presents as true.
You feel we must comply with the jew media's demands and give in.

Anyway there's so many angles to attack this story, it will always come back to the jew.
You can play along with the jewish media narrative and leave Holla Forumsaks to investigate and see what comes up.

wow it is almost like most shitskins dont like country. who would have thunk?!

Jesus Vegas is an unaesthetic shithole of plastic.


seriously. I can understand false flags and manipulations. But those "Omg the riffle sound is nor real it's all a hoax no one died" is ridiculous.


There was a stage and shit set up there during the shooting, it wasn't just a vacant space. They could have taken cover in plenty of places. I think the biggest issue was that people didn't know where the shots were coming from. The smartest thing to do in a situation like that would be to get away from other people and large groups. The guy stopped shooting several times, thats when i would have got up and ran.

Nothing happens!

That is only because the Dailymail is owned and run by liberal kikes. What more and more people are coming to realize is this is the direct result of the fucking Jews.

Like this only with country western playing instead of nasheed.

that should be the drudge headline

I don’t understand what that thread is saying or the implications of it. So apparently you can make “photospheres” in Google Maps (which is just QuickTime VR from 1998; thanks for stealing that, google)… but you’re saying the vectors on this particular sphere were drawn in 2015? Or the sphere was made in 2015 and the vectors drawn later?

Yes of course, why bother to evaluate the situation and think rationally when you can point at any possible extremely tertiary connection to some random Jew and call it a day.

Hope they're all shooting blanks or rip some innocent a mile or three off.

there was a kid that died in the Boston marathon bombing, my co-worker did the autopsy on that kid. It was real, maybe a false flag in the sense it was allowed to happen, but real nonetheless. I was called a shill for mentioning it earlier because I have no proof to provide (other than this pic of the kid) and wouldn't be able to post proof due to maybe losing my job for doing so. but I'm sure I will get called a shill anyway

That much is true, user. Never before have I seen so many people open to the facts. I can talk about Jewish domination of our society with just about anyone under 30 and not a SJW.


So it's all just a trick to make us hate commie loving boomers? Those diabolical bastards.

yea liberals love country music

imagine the kind of casualties inflicted on the hotel. The whole hotel being lit up

This is an odd video. The guy seems shifty. Like he's hiding something.
At first I thought he was crazed, but I think if this happened to me I might act that way too. Just gob smacked and clueless. But maybe he's gobsmacked that there really is "nothing".
i.e. no temperament


He's definitely hiding something. That's a clear contradiction to the facts about:

I understand the suspicion, though I still resent the accusations.
I am simply interested to see if anyone has any decent ideas for countering the yids and their plans for what looks to be a police state.



Had pedophile typical earlobes.

Did Trump hold a rally there during the campaigns? It's right next to the fucking airport and Trump did several rallies near or at airports.


wew lad

previous thread has him registered Dem in Palm Beach county Florida. Is this Debbie Wasserman Shultzs district?

I just watched the full thing. I had it on but scrolled up. I just saw people with guns and heard the gunshots. I'm a fast replying retard with no attention span.

Is there a legitimate source on the kike ear theory or is this just a perpetual derailment?

I am finding their is no limitation on who is aware of it. Older people are less accustomed to saying it publicly but I was out off having a guy come right out and say it in a restaurant who I didn't even know. Including middle aged women.

the boomers in my fam and work are waking up to it also, i was talking about the kikes and saudis and how they own ISIS nobody disagreed with me or even showed any signs of being annoyed or upset

Now you really are playing the cunt
The graphic was just a tweet I just read,it had little to do with anything.

Have yiou any evidenceof anyone actually being shot, with the 10s of 1,000s of cameras on hand and most people happily filming the scene (I've posted and converted at least 10 of them today) from what we have so far, no evidence just sounds and hysteria, but we do have a heightened number of CIA niggers insisting posting that we must not dare question ZOG.

Unless there's a way to fake dates in google's image/map thing this is smoking gun shit.

Stop the LARP. You need to have skepticism or you're an easy target to get played.

post more dead people

Derailment of course. Fucking retarded as hell.

great picture. Was there any reports of gun shots in the hotel?

Not calling you a shill, but I don't know if I can trust your statement. As far as I know, no one died.

Hotel Security even took one in the leg, apparently.

If I hear one more thing about the 32 pedophile earlobes I'm going to punch someone in the fucking cunt.

Ever. It's all a simulation. A matrix.

There are videos of people getting shot and convulsing on the ground and pictures of people bleeding out. They're not hidden or anything, there are even some in this thread.

thanks for not letting me down

Its a coordinated red herring from the pizzagate "researchers" asspained that they have to share sticky space with a topic their narrative doesn't coincide with.

And as has been suggested, a good idea is to continue disseminating (perhaps to a much larger audience or much more frequently) pro-White ideals and knowledge to everyone and anyone. This can be in the form of posters, stickers, memes, conversations, book recommendations, videos, social media, etc.

There's pictures of that kid's corpse circulating on the internet.

Why would they be glad?

Pure Cohencidence.

Getting shot doesn't result in some spectacular explosion like in the movies, retard.

A false flag doesn't mean it's a hoax retard. It just means considering the possibility of there being more to a story than the official account


There was no prior indication. No temperament.
There are odd connections to a criminal father that appealed for perjury and prejudice in court.
There is no clear motive or indicia of intention to want to cause harm to civillians - just the plausible scenario of "he snapped"
There were identifying cards with the shooter that belonged to his wife that should not have been there.

There is now a reasonable doubt that he simply "snapped". There's the smell of a cover up, the smell of threats, or even the smell of a hoax. Only this time, I think they dun goofed big time.

Find the contradictions.
Say it in red

I never even implied that's what it meant, maybe try responding to my actual arguments.

these digits have been checked

I'm wary of boomers. I've had bad experiences with their ability to handle new information. You must live in a good area.

Like which?
Seeing as there's so much evidence ,as you say

500 victims, and all we get are sounds and hysteria, but nothing else shown.

But what the fuck is this. I have been seeing this more and more. The victims after an attack are treating like complete fucking shit. I wouldn't stand for this bullshit.

What is the motive?

I dont know anything about that but I know my coworker had nothing to do with leaking them. sincerely. he is a stand-up normie kind of guy. he actually quit after that, it kind of fucked him up

Does anyone have this old fuck's email addresses? I'll see what I can dig up.

Las Vegas police sweep through a convention center area during a lockdown Monday, Oct. 2, 2017, at the Tropicana Las Vegas following an active shooter situation on the Las Vegas Strip

see .

It's derailment.

Just like those satanic people.

A substantial portion of those 500 victims were probably trampled rather than shot.

The world doesn't make sense every moment of the day, retard. We don't live in a fucking movie.

This is what someone who's spend his entire life in his basement and never experienced anything in reality looks like. You think if someone gets shot blood spurts from their chest and they scream and flail like a fucking animal. This is what it looks like when people really get shot dumbass.

The "identifying card" was a credit card that he was probably using.

yea the pile in the photos makes it seem that way


Oh and:

The problem I see with the whole, "everything is a false flag attack unless it pushes my narrative " is that if people aren't snapping, that means everything is fine. And we know things are certainly NOT fine. This society is sick and dying. Seeing people snap under the pressure of a collapsing social order is not unusual. In fact, frankly I'm surprise that there aren't MORE mass shootings, as William Pierce predicted. And the problem I see with the idea that this being a false flag is it literally accomplishes nothing even if we ignore the state of society. Gun control is out of the question because Republicans control congress and even the Jews know that trying to confiscate our weapons will likely trigger a full scale uprising. So what would be the goal of a mass shooting anyway other than to frighten people?
Even worse, if I were the CIA or whatever, I'd make sure that the guy who did the shooting was some "Neo-Nazi White supreeeeemacist Trump loving racist"
Yet instead we have some rich loser without a political motive.


and then when a victim is pictured covered in blood they discount it and call it FAKE

There is a video of the fans standing there and you can hear a guy say clearly it's FAKE gunfire. And he say's that because he has been saying FAKE to bullshit on the internet since childhood.

It bothers me how much this fuck looks like "nevah been don befour".



also the key point is that there are contradictions.
So whatever narrative is spun, needs to be crushed with these contradictions.

And any circumstantial chains we have so far have broken with these contradictions.

Came here for info- now I am just writhing in pain.

Not just that, but lets ASSUME for a second that until this he was a normal guy, no setup, no links to isis or any other stories, just your random joe blow on the street.

He "just snapped" and happened to have dozens of weapons, modified to be automatic in one way or another (or bought as such), modified to take larger mags/feeds than the average person would ever have on hand, and isnt his gf/wife thing somehow connected to the hotel or something in some way?

He just happened to have all of that shit on hand to "just snap" and "just do this" out of no where? Bullshit. Something like this takes time to plan, gather supplies, prepare, and pick an appropriate venue for the attack. He "just snapped" with all of this shit in place and went for it? Bull, fucking, shit.

Fuck all thats not even getting into the fact that banks flag your shit for review to watch what you're doing if you withdraw large sums of money at once, which is what it would cost if he just illegally bought all this hardware after "snapping." And if he bought it legally, you're talking the governments dick up your ass for months on end to get by all the red tape.

The "just snapped" narrative has absolutely zero basis in reality

This seems plausible but don't you think someone would notice cianiggers running around that area of the hotel? Maybe the other reports of shooters at different hotels were a distraction? I agree the official story makes absolutely no sense..

unless we're reading way too much into this and it literally was just a boomer who wanted to go out GTA style

So you elect to not show any proof of your claim
Still early days, all those hi-res cameras around and all the footage to come back, we'll see in time.
So far however, there is none.

I am also surprised more and more people are not snapping. I know I have been highly stressed daily with this (((white supremacist and nazi label))) that has been applied to me and it empowers the minorities to often attack me verbally or mocking me openly.

I respect that, it's good to be skeptical and you don't know me (regarding my co-worker). however, you really think nobody died at the boston event? anyone that says that event didnt happen is either a shill, emotional unstable and easily susceptible to propaganda or.. dumb. no offense.

Until the motives of the shooter and the repercussions are known, I feel we should hold judgement

I know it’s asking too much of Jim to actually add good features to the site, but getting early support for HEVC video and audio would go a long way in having HUGE file lengths in tiny file sizes.

Yeah he hit 6million people from two windows with 10 guns.


lt's not a picture from the morgue, it was taken at the scene. l have it if anyone's interested.

Wasn't that the rally the fat white leftist charged him on stage before getting choked by secret service?

checked. are there any actual photos or video evidence?

You are seriously dense man. I guess it's exciting to feel like you're the only one who knows the truth. Or something.

The area needs to be secured before anything else can happen. You can't just send in medics while there's the possibility of the shooter or accomplices coming out and continuing the assault. The people there most likely weren't so gravely wounded they couldn't wait a bit.

The world also isn't complete uncontested chaos even in the age of Kek. There's more to this than the guy waking up in the morning and deciding "I'm going to buy a very expensive hotel room, sneak weapons up there, and shoot people because it's a sunday". The world isn't THAT dystopian. There's more to this.

Some people take the "long snap." It's like a long nap, only people die in the process.

[email protected] seems to be a bogus lead:

Stephen L Paddock age 44
Also known as: Steve Paddock From: Woodstock, IL
660 Silver Creek Rd #F,Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 337-7541 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Previous Addresses: 13307 Hickory Ln #14, Woodstock, IL 60098,
421 Marshall, Normal, IL 61761
Associated Names: Stephen Padock
Other Phone Numbers: (815) 337-7541,
(773) 338-8178


yeah they did:

Possible motive: He was a real estate investor and gambler. Maybe he made a bad investment or a bad bet and had nothing else to lose? Is there any way of finding out what he invested in? Did anything of his go BUST lately?

it's all fucking noise it seems. can't get any intel to work with


So anything new regarding his motives?


That is a good idea

He worked for Lockheed. Thus, a professional snapper.

I won't tell you what to do. I'll let the dubs speak for themselves.

Quick question: do you believe Charles Whitman was a false-flag/staged/whatever?

You can't enforce a narrative if there is a clear contradiction.

I have no doubt investigation will make the card discrepancy make sense. But this is intriguing:
That contradicts many of the facts floating here and narrows it down.

Brother didn't know that he had any guns
So anything suggesting that the gun was his gun based on "the brother's statement" goes. Apparently they've just broken into the house of shooter though.

But more interestingly:
Brother said he didn't have a career in defense
What the fuck was Lockheed then?
Did he just not know about it?

That's a very peculiar contradiction

Have a webm

your digits have been observed

jim only wants your data to sell off. he will only put in new stuff to get more data out of you

They let anyone work at those companies, like that horse fucker.

The brother lived on the other coast from him and didn't know him at all. He was just payed to talk about shit he knew nothing about.

With 30 rifles some NFA range toys. All aimed at the crux of the conservative image. This shit is a freak show occurrence. It's so fucking weird that no one sane would put this as reason for legislation. I live in Vegas and that's a fuckliad of guns to bring in to a high bar resort


Possible motive: He got fed up not being able to live his life long dream as a lumberjack so he snapped.

did anyone find his social media accounts? this guy seems like a fucking ghost

If that was the case why wouldn't he shoot an investment firm or a casino instead of country music venue?

I'm don't know how much more of this shit I can take. All the happenings in the last couple days are making my blood fucking boil.
When is the white man launching his counter-attack?


A white man did it genius

Sounds scripted.

There was more shooters and they used this guy as a patsy. Only logical explanation I can see for doing this is to kill whites/conservatives as a ritual revenge and try to impose more gun control laws

Looks like he may have planned it for a long time:

Father was a bank robber and certified psychopath. Psychopathy is very heritable and they'll go out of their way to hurt others just because they enjoy it.
Just saying.

Tbf based on my amateur experience of watching shit on the internet the amount of bloody carnage involved in gunshot wounds seems to depend on what weapon you use, the amount of bullets you put into the victim and the distance from the victim. Having said that I don't think this whole thing is fake.

Maybe some one at or some thing related to that event also played a part in a "bad investment"

What is a White man?

The user who kills Soros will die a legend.

And you assume the brother is correct?
He apparently worked at Lockheed for a few years in the 80s as an auditor. It's entirely plausible that the brother either didn't remember that at the time, or thinks his brother does financial shit not defense shit.

Shit man, I couldn't tell you all the companies my brothers have worked for in the past 10 years, let alone the past 30.

White Boomer with asian GF that was tired of waiting for the race replacement and decided to speed it up.

Hi, I work in the mental health field. I can tell you from experience it doesnt work that way. Why do you think you've never seen anything like this from some "just snapped" person before? Because it doesnt happen like that. You dont "long snap" there is no such thing you fucking shill. People who have breaks with reality like that DO NOT FUNCTION well enough to plan something like this. I know, I work with these people every day. Its why people who "snap" do so in an instant, they may plan short-term, take a gun and go on a shooting rampage in a mall or government building or something. They don't methodically plan, build, buy, etc all this shit, because they are not capable of it. If you are thinking logically and coherently enough to plan all this out without obtrusive thoughts derailing you constantly, then you arent actually "snapped" by any means.

This is not fucking hollyjew you faggot no matter how much you want us to think it is. So please, take your kike nonsense elsewhere, your shilling will not work here

That's precisely what they wanted. Some mad man that got guns and just decided to go moonman on las vegas.
That's a push for gun control.

But is it at least confirmed that he was Antifa or a muzzie convert, or both? (I do find the muzzie thing highly unbelievable though)

It was from a 32nd floor window to the ground, no way it's going to cause any kind of splash.


lol, the first swat guy sounds like a shitty video game actor.
I still think it's legit though, real life often sounds awkward.
I still wonder how they know Mr. Paddock did it if he was dead when he got there though…

Whose gonna get Sheldon Adelson, Kushner and the rest like Kissinger as well

your dubs decree a bounty on king puppet jew

Explains the other broken window.

People have episodes, even long ones. Happens a lot. Also, you're fired.


Still a white man. The majority of white men nowadays are absolute degenerates. Sure makes you think huh…

"Nothing has been evac'd"

Hey why the fuck didn't they evacuate the whole hotel right off the bat? The police just decided immediately that there was only one shooter and "they got 'em" and "it's all over folks"? I don't remember hearing any reports of people being instructed to either stay in their hotel rooms or for people in the area to evacuate in this or that direction.. All we heard was "Don't go to this side of the strip"..

Want to do something productive while you wait? Help raise the racial consciousness of our people by disseminating pro-White propaganda in your neighborhood.


Anyway, looking up email [email protected] shows some 44yo rando in IL. is there an archive of his facebook? I looked at the archived threads, didn't see it in most of the OPs

I'm thinking Paddock didn't do it and he is the fall guy who just so happened to be renting the hotel room next to the set up room.

A Trump supporter would not open fire on a country concert dumb ass.
Spray and pray on a rap concert and there's a greater chance it's just a part and parcel drive-by by the negro community.

I think the hotal was evac'd

I think your right.

You're trying to get me into a corner to say "well this is just like this other thing, and that other guy just snapped, so clearly this guy could to," but that didnt work like this. He had a gun or two, and was experienced enough to use it with professional training. He also acted on impulse with no plan to cover his ass, no methodical shit like cameras or multiple platforms and such and moving between windows across more than one room… none of that planning. Additionally the weapons he used were not tightly controlled or exceedingly expensive, they were shit we could buy for a few hundred bucks in an afternoon.

THIS event is nothing like this. It took at the very least months of planning, tens of thousands of dollars, and all done by a man with zero training or experience? Bullshit

You didn't read all of my post. My point was that this doesn't seem all that odd. Society is in a state of collapse. I'm more surprised that there aren't more mass shootings, bombings, and race riots.

Checked out AZ Flyguy's profile (the user who made this map) and found images of his plane. Can anyone get anything out of this?

and here's the actual link since no one has posted it:,-115.172864,3a,72.6y,182.43h,53.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNl_tRYUHT4rSwIvoJwglt-pJ3ai7VTwj8eWbAg!2e10!3e12!7i12000!8i6000

Also, made a thread:

So snap became """episode"""?
is more likely correct.
They can work together though, you have a patsy that you plan something elaborate for, then you trigger them into snapping and putting your plan into action.

Sad if true. Making him watch as they gun down hundreds of innocent people, and then killing him and having him take the fall for their heinous crime.
Hard to believe anybody could be so cruel.

>>>Holla Forums

Even the normies are questioning this

Do you think the cops would rather have normies running around like roaches allover the place with an eye chance of being killed by possible crossfire?
The safe procedure is to keep everyone locked till threat is terminated.
Then general evac can go on.

not like this they dont. You dont just have a psychotic break for months on end with no one noticing, while you spend tens of thousands of dollars on weapons that take shit loads of red tape to get or massive amounts of money to buy illegally, while planning and practicing so you know what you're doing, all while acting perfectly normal in the rest of your life so no one knows a thing, it does not work that way.

You dont "just snap" and do that shit. I'm sorry schlomo, but YOURE the one who is fired.

Looks like a Cessna. The type I often see flying in the sky. Very common.

How long was the response time for them to determine the shooter's location and reach the room? Anyone that was listening to scanners feel like filling in here?



Another user made a good point that Casinos are sketchy as fuck and owned by some shady characters with ties to the deep state so you can bet it wouldn't be hard to get them to play ball.

Why the fuck aren't we seeing security footage of this guy hauling his fucking armory of ARs into his hotel room from 20 different security cameras?

It kind of fits with the idea that Mossad/CIAniggers burst into some rando's hotel room and killed him and then did their thing and left or hid in other parts of the hotel.

Big uncle throws yanks a bone in free guns so they can take away their real right in mass surveillance

It's more likely the shooters motive is something they don't like so they're trying to write it off.

^just keep filtering them

The fuck would be considered a normal mass shooting?

only useful post so far.

doesn't the roomate flip whore work a "gambling professional"? maybe she worked there and got them in that way.

is it possible to upload an HTML doc on Holla Forums like you can with webms?

A long snap = episode.

He was wealthy by all accounts.
Gun ranges exist. He didn't do a tactical sweep of an enemy command base - he lay on a desk and shot out a window at a large target well within his weapon's range.

Casinos have thousands of cameras. Both visible and non-visible. They also have plain clothes security. So there will be many angles to see him. But they won't release the footage until the investigation is closed.

Nigger they're active in almost every fucking country in the world, what kind of fucking proof is that?

No you moron this is odd. Just because it seems like one person out of 7 billion on the planet is killing people every day because for the first time in your life you hear about it every day doesn't mean that people unloading into concert crowds for mass killings is "normal."
Wtf is the blackmail here?

Scalise shooter liked every crazy leftist group on Facebook. Paddock has no interest history of indoctrinated commie and his family is total perplexed how this happened.
Alex Jones saying reports that there was antifa material all over the hotel room makes it obvious it was a set up, they needed to provide "motive" for someone who has zero history of a motive.
Wealthy guy, decent looking waifu who was probably a QT 30 years ago, he has no reason to go ape shit.

just ss wat you want to show

Could we please at least push that this was a trump hater who wanted to mass murder trump supporters after the who Dodge Charge Fiasco?

We must compile infographics of the """coincidences""". Normies are ready for penetration.

We need more, many more.

You = faggot.

when they said companion/roomate they didnt mean at the house they meant at the hotel room
the real husband is GEARY DANLEY
and now his face book is deleted
paddock is a no social media presence patsy geary was straight up ANTIFA

If you would sit out being involved in a major terrorist attack? Why would you sit it out in the Philippines which has some of the shittiest jails and authorities in the world?

I saw a post earlier about how that specific hotel had its hallway/elevator camera's conviviality removed sometime last year, over some lawsuit/policy or something.

Ill see if I can find it.



30 years ago she wasn't his waifu.

Alex Jonestein needs to go away already. He's been exposed so many times for being controlled opposition that the only people who watch him are window lickers.


Or maybe he put them in a container. You know, something squarish. Perhaps opens and closes.

I know from a person who works at the strip that at least some of the casinoes/hotels went into lockdown and nobody was allowed to leave until 6am today.

Guy had a long "episode." Not statistically impossible.

Someone is larping as John Titor. Look up his forum posts, it doesn't match. Either John has been shitposting among us for all this time, and he's adapted accordingly, or it's somebody having a laugh. Or maybe his shift key broke, hell if I know.

Sample of John's writing:



Trips of confirmation; see

I'll take that as "Charles Whitman was not a false-flag"

Charles Whitman "snapped". He also snapped in such a way that he methodically planned his sniper rampage. He hid his guns, dressed himself in a clever disguise and successfully fooled several eye witnesses, and chose an excellent shooting platform.

You're assuming, with no evidence whatsoever, the machine gun[s] used in Vegas were legal. If he used a modified AR-15, it indeed may have only cost a few hundred dollars.

Charles Whitman brought with him a shotgun, three rifles, and three handguns. He had a great deal more supplies beyond that too. He had binoculars, a radio, food and drink, toilet paper, etc.

The fact is, snapping and planning are not mutually exclusive.

Earlobes don't match.


Where can I get these?

Well shit, clearly you've proven me wrong and Paddock acted alone.

In a healthy society, they aren't. But we aren't in a healthy society, are we? Why wouldn't we expect people to strike out in anger, blindly when they live in a society run by Jews? We have a racial soul and it needs a society catered to our soul. We become unhealthy and angry. That is why there is so much directionless anger these days. Our civilization does not reflect the truth nor does it cater to what our racial souls crave.

Possibilities of why he did it:
1) He Snapped
Unless he lost it all gambling I doubt that could have triggered his attack.

2) Political Motivation
maybe, depends if she was affected - she was meant to be outside so maybe the reason was she has immigration issues

If only we had some way to void all of those oaths.

If this is the mess people make during such events then it's good that they are being shot.

What a sea of filth.

Could we please at least push that this was a trump hater who wanted to mass murder trump supporters after the who Dodge Charge Fiasco??

At the very least the Democrats should fry for 50+ deaths. We might even save the SHARE and SAGA act that way.

This goy at least gets it

lf l remember right, he was found to have a brain tumor as well.

Not helpful but related on a personal level: a hyper-lib I work with, who called me after Charlottesville and was FURIOUS and demanding to know if I was a "notsee sympathizer", reporting that he had been in trauma all day and couldn't work or even think, well I spoke with him today and he seemed overly happy without a mention of this event. He's a normie childless libtard but I seriously think there are a lot of liberals today actually happy about this. They have been conditioned to want anyone who opposes their Sodom utopia dead dead dead.

inb4 b-b-but why you work with libtard. 20 fucking years of steady revenue cash cow client.[spoiler] Surprised he's still working with me tbh, since he's over-the-top indoctrinated.{/spoiler]

but was he left handed?

That'd be great.

Hillary railing on NRA and silencer bill.

you fucked up your spoiler nigger

C'mon, everyone could snap randomly. A long snap is called an "episode," it's not uncommon, and sometimes it ends up very badly - depends on the nutter's retaining of competence and general mental faculties during the "episode."

When Anglin made some dumb fat joke, he got kicked off the internet. This woman will get away with far less.

A small minority.
Most are horrified that gun control is doing nothing outside of the US with attacks.

It's like realising "there's no solution to this".
People die either way.

This is why we should at least push that this was a trump hater who wanted to mass murder trump supporters after the whole Dodge Charge Fiasco.

Why did Clinton talk about suppressors right after the attack?

Correct. Presumably it was his tumor that made him go insane and rampage. He passed himself off as normal until he started shooting. Even as he walked through the campus with his trunk full of guns, he deceived people who looked at him and saw nothing out of place. He was doing the "act like you belong" routine.

I get you like to LARP as a heartless swashbuckler but pulling the trigger isn't that easy.
Clearly the best way to enact your revenge on the Jew is take aim at a country concert full of attractive young white women. That will show the kikes who's boss.

It's too late for the meme circles to work. You could all have prevented this by taking Oathbreaker seriously, but no, you had to shut him down and call him a forced meme. YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS!

She said something like "imagine the casualties if they had a silencer" as if a suppressor works on high volume full auto fire.

No, betas snap randomly.

Nice Guys are controlling. A major priority for Nice Guys is keeping their world smooth. This creates
a constant need to try to control the people and things around them.
Nice Guys give to get . Though Nice Guys tend to be generous givers, their giving often has
unconscious and unspoken strings attached. They want to be appreciated, they want some kind of
reciprocation, they want someone to stop being angry at them, etc. Nice Guys often report feeling
frustrated or resentful as a result of giving so much while seemingly getting so little in return.
Nice Guys are passive-aggressive. Nice Guys tend to express their frustration and resentment in
indirect, roundabout, and not so nice ways. This includes being unavailable, forgetting, being late, not
following through, not being able to get an erection, climaxing too quickly, and repeating the same
annoying behaviors even when they have promised to never do them again.
Nice Guys are full of rage. Though Nice Guys frequently deny ever getting angry, a lifetime of
frustration and resentment creates a pressure cooker of repressed rage deep inside these men. This rage
tends to erupt at some of the most unexpected and seemingly inappropriate times.

if your going to donate to anything as a result of this donate to the NRA

This isn't about muh ebil Whiey or Muh guns you fucking faggot Commie asswipe, there's no guns in Britain so the "terrorists" there (your beloved Muslims) just run people over with vans and shipping trucks and throw acid in people's faces and rape every white girl they can find while a government following something pretty close to the political ideology you want to force on the world tells everyone with a loved one murdered or raped by brown people that they'd better not say anything or they'll go to jail for being racist. The world today is shit now because of you and people like you, and this shithead here (assuming he wasn't a patsy for the CIA) was one of yours. Kill yourself.

i'm already just telling people he was a libshit.

Whitman already had all that shit on hand, and had a reason to have it because of his background/history. This other guy would have needed much MUCH longer to plan his shit out. His method, despite zero training, was also more methodical and elaborate than Whitman the actual trained professional. Makes SO much sense doesnt it my hooknosed friend?

Look, you don't "just snap" and do what the LV shooter did, does not happen. Whitman's case is lightyears apart for this one in every way, from the men, to their histories, to the actual weapons used, to how or why they'd even have those weapons, to the actual planning (whitmans required no where near the planning/timing this one did), and so on.

I'm sorry my merchant friend, but I'm not buying what you're selling. You're just trying to detract from us finding out what was really going on with this man. with your "dont worry goy, he just snapped, it can happen to anyone, best to just give us your guns now incase YOU snap and hurt someone, also let us control all your medical treatment and information and declare you insane if you disagree with us on what we tell you to do with your health, oh right don't forget goy that we're going to need to give you anal exams everytime you walk into a building now to make sure you arent carrying anything dangerous… this is all for your protection to make sure YOU don't just snap as well, we are your greatest ally you know, we would never lie to you"

Fuck off kike, no one believes your narrative here

She really us full of shit, and leaking constantly.

That's KEY right there. Right before the Share act that would have legalized off the shelf purchase of suppressors were to have passed, this shooting happens.

We also have the SAGA act upcoming that voiding assult weapon bans, and bans such bans as well.

Behind every Jew, is a Boomer

just got here. What was the official death count?

over 58 million

I fucking know right. And here I was, thinking that SHARE actually had a snowballs chance in Hell of passing. RIP.

That's so fake even the media wouldn't run with it.

hey guys please don't bully but I made this
I do appreciate any helpful criticism though while I have the editing window open to requests
I think its good

Either that newscaster is fucking retarded and doesn't know that the audio is truncated, or the audio is not, in fact, edited (by this I just mean the violent shit for TV) at all and it's bullshit.

If you use an explosive charge, there's going to be dust, you're going to be sweeping that room, calling out deadzones, checking bodies, etc.. You're not going to know you have one suspect down literally half a second after the charge goes off, let alone be in a position or mindset to call it in immediately.

t. someone who has cleared a lot of fucking rooms.

Would think more anons would see through the bullshit but nope.


good concept, needs work

They are scared af about suppressors being deregulated/decriminalized because they know they can't continue leftist domestic terrorist riots if patriots in camper vans with suppressed funs give riot police cover.

Here is what you must do. Just download these.
Print them out on regular sized paper. I made them specifically for regular printed paper. Use LASER printers because ink, when wet will run and that's just ugly. I printed out hundreds while I was in college.

Here is how to post them;
Mix Tackey Glue (cheap and effective) with water at about a 40% 60% ratio. Now you have a paste that is far better than wheat-paste, it doesn't wash off in the rain, and is fantastically difficult to remove. Trust me, I tried as an experiment & once it dries, it's tough to remove.

To post them, find a flat surface and paint over the entire area you wish to affix your poster to. Place the poster and THEN paint over the poster to seal it in and make it waterproof.

Scout out your target areas first. Always imagine yourself as a random White civilian. Is your poster visible?
The higher you post things, the longer they'll last. For vehicle traffic, use posters with larger font and simpler messages. The
is perfect for intersections, the backs of signs, etc.

If you have any questions, ask now. I wouldn't call myself an "expert" but I certainly have a lot of experience doing this. After my first run, I grew tired of juggling items and decided to sacrifice an old coat of mine to turn it into an "activism coat."
It has several pockets for my tools and posters. Makes doing this MUCH more enjoyable, believe me.

Following this post will be a bunch of posters.

17 Guns, 59 Dead, that is a lot of guns to carry.


Obviously fake, the bullets don't feed into the gun as he's firing. I call bullshit.

Charles Whitman had a few rifles and a few hundred rounds of ammunition. So did this guy. Whitman planned on continuing his rampage for several days at least, judging by the supplies he brought with him. In that respect, Whitman planned his shooting to a greater degree than what we know of this Vegas guy. Whitman probably had more senses about him than the Vegas guy.

Are you European? No special training is necessary. More than adequate training exists online or at any shooting range.

You have poor arguments. Calling me a jew won't disguise that.

What a disgusting Jewess

Then his wife is a very big fool.

If this happened randomly, it's a one off.
The lack of precedent of similar behaviour suggest this event was purely caused by the circumstances immediately preceding the event.

The only reasonable guess to that catalyst is "gambling bankruptcy". But if he had such a bad gambling attitude - why did the wife give him the cards? Seems not only illogical, but even beyond the woes of love to a reasonable person. Like she'd have to be a full on whipped bitch to do that. Or just a complete idiot. Or both.

Any news confirming her current location?
Any what weaponry was there officially found at his house?

Nice guys don't become millionaires user.
This guy is clearly hiding the real truth to why he did the act.
I think he may have been dirty.
And perhaps manipulation of the wife explains how he got her cards.
He wouldn't.
There's no need to have her cards. The fact nearly doesn't make sense. Unless the wife was the breadwinner?
Wew… that now gives the shooter a less "pristine" temperament

How the fuck do you smuggle 13 long rifles into a 4 star hotel and ammo boxes

Don't switch from one audio track to another. You need to keep the music going for the concert scenes.
Also, don't show the cop cars getting hit as it doesn't match the concert.

Tucker right now: "No links to any religious or political group" according to authorities. Motives unconfirmed. HAHAHAHAHAHA no.

Absolute nonsense.

We could push an anti liberal narrative potentially with this whole thing, but we won't because we want the fucking truth. I hate lies.


Look, I'm all for looking down on the kikes as short sighted idiots who jump the gun constantly. But on this issue they are VERY methodical and take their time. You think they'd really pull a feinstein and just say "hand em over goy" to us? No, they're not that stupid.

Instead, stuff like this could easily be used (even if not planned) to force gun control in subtle but pervasive ways. Tighter regulation on what you can own, more red tape to get even that, registries to know who you are and what you have, laws requiring guns be turned over to the state on your death and not handed down to family members (maybe with some red tape they have to jump through if they want them back, but are you really gonig to do that for your dads SKS? Maybe for some antique gun but the kikes dont care about that) thus slowly reducing the stockpile in the hands of civilians.

meanwhile they push harder and harder for "guns are scary goy" narratives, how people who own guns may "just snap" and go kill people, so gun ownership slowly takes on a negative social stigma and people start to question if you are sane or might hurt them, so they distance themselves from you and socially isolate people who own guns. Doing this by attacking the right wing will cause those more towards the middle on guns to move hard to the left in a hurry because of "how close to home" this hit. Giving them more political currency to work with to get these measures passed over time

Give it 30-40 years and gun ownership will be minimal because of things like this and unchallenged narratives and laws. Which, knowing this is their goal, you have to ask, did this really "just happen" or was it planned/forced to happen in order to get their agenda through over time.

We know full well the government is on record at different points with high level admins admitting they want certain things to happen so they can do what they want, and even things like, oh I dont know, pearl harbor or the shit that got us into ww2 against the germans, or into vietnam, all being either very obviously, or out right stated as, faked in order to give them political leeway to do what they want.

Do you HONESTLY think they arent still pulling their same old tricks?

Yeah and why so many? Even half would be like wtf


Thanks, I like vinyl stickers a lot, but I doubt a company would print these up for me. I have a friend with a vinyl cutter, however.

Another possibility is that vaccines, lobbied for by Big Pharma, gave Stephen Paddock's NOWAG Hapa son Down Syndrome. (Hard to tell with the mongoloids) Anyway, after his son had died of terminal Down Syndrome due to the vaccination, Paddock was relieved – who wants to raise a drooling tardo? – but then he realized that he himself contracted the disease. Possibly while disposing of his Halflip son's body in a forest, alone. Be that as it may, he decided to struggle against the "creeping retatartetness" (sic) by going berserk at random people. Watching his brain cells going Down-wards by the day, he amassed tons of weapons in his hotel room, and waited for the right moment to take revenge against people with a "regular" immune system.

It was a hate crime against normies by a victim of the Aesculapian pharmaceutical-medical complex. Lesson: learned.

I should add, that doesn't mean you should cut out the concert track, just include both.

The shooter bought into the kike's materialistic lifestyle and was consumed by the soulless, unfulfillable vices it offers. I guess banging elderly Filipinos and losing his money gambling wasn't enough, he had to take it to the next extreme: hunting people.

With luggage bags, dumbass.

This is a real testament to how many important people lurk here.

Rich people carry several steamer trunks around on their travels.
Nobody would bat an eyelid at a swanky hotel.

I got one of those at my work. he tired to passive aggressively square off with me one day and when I stared getting closer to his face while he was talking like a dick, his voice got softer and his stance kind of shrunk. it was fuckin hilarious

new info

I'm guessing he was expecting his guns to overheat, so to get the most firepower out you need either a gun that has quick replace barrels (usually only legit light machine guns have this capability) or you bring multiple guns.

Why didn't he just crash one of his planes into the concert if his only motivation was a theatrical suicide.

Why did Charles Whitman have so many guns? Why did the Columbine kids?

An impractical irrational number of guns is common when people do this sort of shit. Looking for a rational reason behind an irrational man's actions is pure folly.


What's the odds this is a radicalized left wing nut?
This guy did open up fire on a country music concert. He could have considered that as an act against "Trump Supporters" since, ya know, all Trump supporters are just country music loving rednecks, right?

Yeah I remember last time I had an "episode" and spent weeks purchasing long guns and sneaking them into the 32nd story of a hotel in Vegas so I could methodically shoot up hundreds of people. Gosh darn did I have me a little episode alright!

Maybe he thought the guns would be more fun. Fuck knows what goes on in crazy people's heads.

Exactly. One day a normies, another day - a nutter.

Absolute Madmanism strikes randomly.

this was planned for a hrc presidency….

How would that result in firearms legislation?

Ok, I haven't followed along, can't into 7 fucking threads. But is the consensus here that this bullshit is real? It's so obviously fake it's ridiculous.

Some episodes are long, and their sufferer retains mental faculties. Not uncommon.

How so?
If there were any precedent of similar behaviour(snaps) then she would not have supplied the cards, because she'd know he has the chance of going on one of those episodes.
So the conclusion has to be there was no preceding snaps.

Then what caused this snap?
He's a millionaire, it's unlikely he'll run out, but I'll admit not impossible.
He's rich, with a wife that loves him enough to apparently supply cards, living in las vegas.

It's a bit early/late for that

Welcome to shit people figured out and theorized back in the first thread.

maybe he was butthurt because he couldn't get his final promotion.

You've got three white cucks sitting with their submissive asian women…what's the big deal?

why do you think that it's fake, brother?

I'm willing to be it was a Muslim convert. Nobody is more willing to die for Allah than a convert. The planning that went into this terrorist act is substantial too and makes me think the ISIS connection is real. Especially since a few months ago ISIS said they are targeting Las Vegas

test gate test

Go back to earlier threads and read lazy nigroid.

Beta uprising?

You just said something weird.
And now I might have nightmares…

Nah, dude had a "long episode" and went nutz. Things happen.

any kikes in there?

I just watched the footage of the event. Looks and sounds like someone popping off some blanks scaring everyone so they run away while some CIA niggers stand around idling. Haven't there been enough of these bullshit hollyjew ops that people don't buy into this anymore?

According to the (((news))) he apparently had dozens of weapons

Shows very obvious disjointed, illogical thinking. After a few minutes the area would be cleared and controlled with no one left to shoot. There would be zero point to continuing for days as there would be no one to shoot.

So no, he DIDNT plan his shooting "to a greater degree," as his plan was very obviously flawed in a very crucial way. If theres no one to shoot, there can be no shooting. He can take pot shots at police, but what would that accomplish? Obviously they werent going to let it go for days on end, they would bring in armored vehicles and shit if necessary to get to him, and even if they just let him sit up there they'd stop anyone from coming into his range. Hence, his plan was massively flawed, and any sane/rational person would realize this. So no, it was not planned "to a greater degree" than someone who had dozens of weapons, platforms, multiple positions to fire from, cameras to alert him to cops, and so on.

I didnt say the actual mechanic itself is, you're shoving your filthy kike words into my mouth. But guns themselves require training, and automatic fire weapons require their own experience and training. You ever fired a weapon on full auto? I'm sure you've at least done it in some video games, ever notice how the fucker pulls up hard constantly making it very difficult to aim? yeah, thats a thing, and without training and lots of practice, you'll end up hitting nothing. His shots would have ended up going way the fuck over the crowd judging by how much he was firing and how much it would pull up because of it. Sure, his target was huge, but its also a target 400+ yards away and even tiny changes in his aim as the gun is moving would change where his shot would impact by a huge amount. Just unloading with zero training, he'd end up shooting off into nothing even over the crowd constantly.

Bull, fucking, shit. And EVEN IF he could, you telling me he thought logically and clearly long enough, while in a psychotic state, to not only buy all this shit, plan all this way more than any other shooter ever has, set it all up, but ALSO think clearly enough to go practice for enough hours to be able to account for his lack of experience… ALL OF THIS while in a psychotic state?





What if we take the "extreme conspiracy" point of view though and consider

Then think about programming a person…
Maybe that's why none of it makes sense.

What should rifle shots sound like from 450 yards?

You can see the bullets hit trash on some of the videos.

Gun Store in Mesquite, NV said they were the ones who sold them the guns.

wew lad, post photos or screencaps (if they took any)

why does he always have a facial expression like he's getting his dick sucked

Hi Steve,
I thought you were dead?!

Some people act sane while their brain's on fire. You can never know. Long episodes, like mini-snaps, can and do strike randomly. He was a geriatric boomer so who knows what was cooking on his mind. Weird people do weird shit, from time to time.

Ok, that's the old "what temperature does steel melt at" discussion. Whatever, it's just obvious it's fake. What I really wondered about was what the consensus here leans towards through all these threads. I just want to know how far the bluepill cancer have spread around here.

That is a good question.
Same with Lanza.

I just saw this on another site. I guess it shows Paddock was in and out of the hotel a lot recently.

Wouldn't it be great if we had real news with real journalists who would be digging hard into ALL those little details and getting to the bottom of it

INSTEAD of building narratives and pushing political opinions?!? God I hate the Jewmedia. I come to Holla Forums to find out what's going on, not CNN.

I live near an army firing range, about 2 miles away from me. When they practice it sounds exactly like the video, only a bit fainter obviously.

Should still be other footage of him.
But there's nothing.

Is the hotel keeping in under some confidence agreement or something?

Good job
Also tighten up opsec one can see your state

He's jewish, like his father (((Benjamin))) before him.

Just like that user from Alaska who liked to fly planes and torture small animals…

I don't care about the Jewish/Pedo/whatever narrative.

The most important thing we can do now is salvage the SHARE and the SAGA act!!!!!!!!!!

The Share act gets rid of the sporteraztion requirement for imports, legalizes off the shelf suppressor sales, and legalizes AP hand gun ammo.

the SAGA act practically voids AWB and bans future AWB!!! That means CA would be forced to become a Yes-Guns state as in you can buy regular ar-15s.

Right now we need to push,push AND PUSH that it was an anti-gun & anti trump person who wanted to kill as many trump supporters as he could!

link to raw footage at the end of your vid? form the mandalay bay or delano looking down please

He could have packed it with explosives and been a missile. That cult in Japan that gassed the subway could have loaded sarin into crop spraying planes and gassed Tokyo during rush hour. That would be awful :^) if it happened at a pride parade

Some many crazy SOBs out there, like user and Paddock R.I.P.

Oh fuck off. Guess you think movies are real with the same makeup quality as well. Nothing like the guy without a leg sitting there for almost 10 minutes waiting for cowboy doc to stop playing with his flag with no blood on a white blouse of the nigger next to him.

So do we have a motive yet?

I guess the Vegas Anons will have to go after Adelson.

I think there's a possibility that many of the guns are Frankenstein'd together, but we haven't seen anything from the police.

He probably had a range rest- thingy Completely forgot what they're called

Rifles can easily fit into fucking suitcases user

>Right now we need to push,push AND PUSH that it was an anti-gun & anti trump person who wanted to kill as many trump supporters as he could!
This needs to emphasized.

Honestly, who cares? This event will go no where. No one is going to ban guns. What will be their argument:

Yeah, good luck with that. More people die in accidents. No one will care in a few days. After the massive slaughter that was 9-11, and monthly mass slaughters committed by muslims, this is nothing and people are more concerned with what's on netflix or whatever distraction they're into.

So you're talking more like a "saga" and less of an "episode"? Sort of like the Frieza Saga in DBZ?

You're the only one who has mentioned that word. It would indeed be difficult to do much while suffering serious mental illness and not knowing you're insane.
A psychopath on the other hand can do all sorts of Machiavellian shit for an entire lifetime with total self-awareness. They also typically get off on hurting others.
Think people who rape their own children for 10 or 15 years.

You have thought WAY too hard about these things.

This guy must have known the political ramifications for this. Why would someone that's going to kill himself go out of his way to erase all political affiliation?
This reeks of a leftist loner, he went after a country concert full of right wingers for a reason.

If this was somehow staged by (((them))), why did it go against predominantly white people? This makes no sense to me.
I really hope that user wasn't him. That would mean he was a lurker here and would not be good for Holla Forums

He was an unconventional Animals' Right Activist - turning people into dogfood.

No one is banning guns. That's not what these fake terror things are about. It's about making people think it's dangerous to go alone take daddy government.




As far as opsec goes, whoever posted that image originally gave away their name, or at least the name of whoever was logged in to that terminal at the time.

"Cashier Summary Report - Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas"
"Cashier: Paul Fairchild"

consistent with and , it would be relatively easy to break down and stow rifles in luggage. Bringing two suitcases a trip would not look suspiscious (only ever having 2 bags) in Vegas, and they had no reason to carefully track him specifically otherwise

wew what?
How would it be possible to fake such a thing in a public event with thousands of people?

Exactly. A "mental saga" spanning months or even several years.


Nothing official.
People have been looking into all of this friends from the nightclub photo's, they're all radical leftists and racemixers.

His guns had mounts to help steady the aim


this place would end up like cuckchan with all of the exposure

It was in the first archived thread as a mp4

That's why we need to nail that it was a never trumper who hated his supporters.

Liberals would drop the story like hot shit.

Needs a lot of ammo for that many people.
Oh and it looked like it missed a fair few times.

If there's no footage of the man with suitcase - then it's total crap user.

It was hours after most of the runners had already passed the finish line. It would have been easy at that point to have only controlled people there. Some other late runners reported being diverted to an alternate finish line.

Can someone match up side by side audio of this m240 and the sound taken from last night?


This. If it's about anything, it's convincing the voting populace we need more security, tighter controls, more law, more control. Fear will induce people to give up their freedoms.

kek and he put all that effort into taking a pic at a weird angle so the cameras at work dont see him.

The more I stare at the hand, the more nervous I get.
Did anybody archive that thread? The one in which some Alaskan user with dirty finger nails/unhealthy looking hands who crucified mice and flew a plane?

It already is user. pic

Isn't that /ourguy/? If so you should delet.

who? I must have missed what youre refrencing

Usually things would heat up pretty quick prior to the election, but everything is pretty stable right now.

Besides brownells pulling promo codes/free shipping (I think they increased .223 prices not sure) but I've been on ammoseek checking all day and it's all fine so far.

I don't have tv but in all seriousness someone has to do it.


Unless the hotel committed the crime itself…

Hey where was the last place this guy lived?
What if the hotel uppers were in on it.
I bet they have a lot of dirty laundry.

Also is this near where the Bernie rally was attacked (or something like that)?

Registered to a DENNIS J VEGH

Not convincing, since nutters lack a "genuine" ideological commitment - they're just bonkers all up inside.

You can find it pretty easy on jewtube. I'm just listening in the BG for keywords.

That's ridiculous.. I don't see how nobody could notice it?

how do you even breathe?

Bush did 9/11, Trump did Vegas.

Any buyers?

Oh fuck off. Guess you think movies are real with the same makeup quality as well. Nothing like the guy without a leg sitting there for almost 10 minutes waiting for cowboy doc to stop playing with his flag with no blood on a white blouse of the nigger next to him.

Fuck, what a place for a mass sacrifice. A sphinx, an obelisk, a pyramid.

Any way to check previous owners?

Revised Ann Coulter law: The longer they take to announce a motive the more likely it is to be left wing extremist.

It sucks that anons can't track phones (yet). Get on it, nerds. We have a lot of the same tools the NSA has now.

archive it.

Jesus fucking christ the kikes on fox are using this opportunity to praise Israel.

Yeah lol, but he was trying to keep his voice low so the faggot in the room didnt hear the plan.

oops toolate

heres second try
someone do this better than me please this is actually really hard to do

15 fucking Steamer trunks at are large and heavy totally don't arose suspicion at all. Dude had like 19 rifles in there. This shits rigged.

For what purpose?

Fuck off and die, disinfo shill.

CIA niggers got a team of people doing the act, they control the scene completely. When all civilians and regular cops/medics have been sent packing they do some photo ops with blood and flags and mom's apple pie. It's not rocket science. Go watch the pictures from the event, it's completely ridiculous.

For what?

He had a protracted "saga" according to thisfag

I think about them for the books I write. I'm an action novelist :^))))

The kikes in Israel are showing their solidarity with us, how sweet of them

Have you retards ever seen guns before? You are as terrible as hippie liberals. Two normal sized suitcases probably would have been able to bring all the guns and ammo for what he did.

Security protocols.

oops toolate

heres second try
someone do this better than me please this is actually really hard to do

I doubt even normalfags would buy this shit.
A millionaire just loses it in a hotel and takes it out on civilians? A millionaire with his wifes card?
A wife that should be japan?

That's without considering the meaning of codes, etc.

I was thinking the same thing.

No, the rampup sounds more like a cranked gun rather than rhythmic machinr

Worth noting in the other thread it was more or less decided that he was just the person credited with the 360 photo itself, and not the creator of the trajectories on the map.

I would like to know if you can trace the creator of the map, though.

i'd prefer we just stop sending them a trillion dollars a year

The one I've highlighted is going on about implementing Israeli security protocols and everyone's going "I love Israel" in response.

So much fucking rage right now

wtf i love kikes now

they forget to mention that isreal racially profiles and has a big ass wall seperating them from muslims

A millionare under oaths who doesn't want to be buried under the seafloor at low tide.

It only sounds that way in 1 video Ive seen, the one where the camera is like right under the Mandalay Bay.

Gun control.

Ok, so the "muh gunshot sounds" are the way you CIA niggers are steering the d&c here. Who the fuck cares about gunshot sounds.

Nice hoax, but you guys glow in the dark you know.

Who said it was CIA?

I get the feeling every security/intelligence agency is being taken on a giant ride by some "unknown" party.

Yeah that was my first thought when I heard Israeli security protocols. That and the gassing of sand nigs in gaza.

sure, let's see it

aka the one that's closest to the actual weapon firing

Better footage here

some white nigger would post pics of himself torturing small animals


Have you any idea how big a hotel suite is?
The one the shooter was supposedly in would put most 3-bedroom apartments to shame.
Bringing huge boxes of shit to a swanky hotel room is completely normal. He would have need 1 or 2.

Or a millionaire with a vehicle (or a chopper) waiting for him down back to escort him away to his new paradise home and a new identity.

That brings back the whole "Soros shares" thing said earlier in the thread.
… sounds like something out of ocean's 11 or something..

Yeah, that'd be the one video with the most accurate sound, because you're not hearing the echoes.

Millionaires are their hunts

You're the one defending the kike media narrative and I'm the disinfo shill. Cool story, CIA.

>ignore all of that (((adelson))) (((chertoff))) evidence goy we friends
The propaganda almost writes itself.

The strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is a theory that Western governments during the Cold War used tactics that aimed to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions in order to achieve their strategic aims.

''''Book 3, Chapter 18 of On War pertinently describes the psychological and sociological effects of fear and their relationship to the furtherance of military objectives, "If a state of tension exists, the effects of the decision are always greater, partly because a greater force of will and a greater pressure of circumstances manifest themselves therein; partly because everything has been prepared and arranged for a great movement." Further explanation by Clausewitz lends to the idea that officials were alluding to this section of the book, "Now the real use which we derive from these reflections is the conclusion that every measure which is taken during a state of tension is more important and more prolific in results than the same measure could be in a state of
equilibrium, and that this importance increases immensely in the highest degrees of tension." These effects are immensely important to the development of public policy, which makes a "strategy of tension" a highly effective way to manipulate such policy.''

The weird thing is that if this is a Gladio-style terror attack it didn't get immediately blamed on a specific political group..

Maybe it's two rival intelligence agencies trying to fight to control the narrative (a la the "antifa shit found all over his hotel room" from AJ), and so one side wants to neutralize the political effect of this being blamed on the "alt-left" by just saying the guy had an episode..

Maybe they're still trying to form their narrative (if they are it seems to me something went in a way that the deep state wants to cover up or that goes against their agenda like I said)..

Or maybe the "political target" is just "crazy white lone gunman with 6 gorillion ARs and guns are evil.. So now we need metal detectors and body scanners everywhere; the state needs to protect you protect themselves from you !!

I'm leaning towards the last thing. Also I think the "he snapped" line is incredibly retarded.


Oh, maybe we were rused then.

They'll send us the bill tomorrow.

Fuck off, go find some other thread to shit up.

…. see the thing is, disorders like what you're TRYING to talk about, don't just "happen," you're born fucked up like that. It may take time for symptoms to manifest, but we're talking early life develop, not "oh I'm almost 70, suddenly NOW I'm going to turn into a psychopath." You're talking about needing a life history of shit that would very obviously show signs and symptoms that would lead us to this end. We're talking huge histories and records would exist on this man for all this shit he got up to leading up to that point. And before you say it, shit like dementia doesnt work like THAT either, yes it develops later in life seemingly out of nowhere, but it disrupts normal thinking, long term planning, and ability to focus, it doesnt kill your sense of morality even if it causes you to lose control and lash out at people around you at times and by the point its causing that to happen anyway you're so far gone you would be physically incapable of doing any of this shit to begin with.

Once again, there is no "muh just snapped" kike narrative that works when you actually understand mental illness and don't just take all your lessons from jewlywood movies. Meaning, no, he didnt "just snap" or "have an episode." I've seen both of those in real time in the people I work with. Would these people be capable of harming others? Yes, most certainly, even spree killing. But THIS level of planning? Nope, not for a second. ALSO people I've seen go down that road who have a normal moral compass, yet the voices are telling them to hurt others? Yeah, see, those are the ones you have to watch the most, because they're more willing to kill THEMSELVES than they are to kill others, and they will in fact do it to get away from the voices screaming at them to hurt others with some kind of plan.

Reminder that the kikes killed Tesla for his advanced knowledge and gave the technology to Lockheed, the libcuck shooter worked for Lockheed.

This is also worth noting.

There is an anal shit ton of disinfo right now.


nothing to see here


Found it >>10599213
Hands look different.
False alarm.

We are talking about a disgruntled Democrat or a Religion of Cuck™ convert, not a full on Jihadi aloha snackbar.


Las_vegas_PD_radio_shooting_at_Mandalay_Bay on liveleak. 19min mark or so, one of the police officers says, "there's at least two shooters".

The Tropicana keeps coming up.. A few threads ago there was a screen of Police reporting that EMS took fire at the Tropicana.. SWAT went straight from the Mandalay to the Tropicana.. Has the Tropicana been mentioned much in the media?

Our biggest weakness is getting rused by some (((FBI Agent))) who posts one stupid screencap or picture that throws off the whole investigation.

Fear is their primary tool. It's always been. The left/right spectrum doesn't matter much to these kikes as long as people are afraid.

Sure is summer in here. Where do you faggots even come from? Was 9/11 done by Bin Laden's sandniggers too?


Thanks. Used to be dozens of vids about orlando on jewtube but almost all pulled now.


/fringe/ at least pretends like they know what they're talking about. You're just regurgitating Alex Jones tier disinfo like a fucking retard.

First contact assumptions are notoriously unreliable, and always will be. I remember when the Dallas cops went underfire, they thought there were upwards of 4-5 shooters.

Or you know you cram them into cases and don't worry about muh scratches. Yep, each one needs a large wheeled pelican case.

Or you know you cram them into cases and don't worry about muh scratches. Yep, each one needs a large wheeled pelican case.

Or you know you cram them into cases and don't worry about muh scratches. Yep, each one needs a large wheeled pelican case.

So if he has a pilots license, and there is a chance that there are "secretive business deals". What if:

If not "fly away" then some other form of escape:

This is so farfetched… but it explains the meaningless murder motive perfectly, plus all the inconsistencies. I'm fucking done with this shit.

Nigger its October.


So if this was a false flag what's the fucking political motive? I can't see a single agenda that this can drive other than gun control.

If this orchestrated by powerful people I can only think of occult fuckery as an explanation.

Yeah, and?
People torture animals, piss in their coworker's coffee pot, cheat on their spouses, get colleagues wrongly fired, shit on whores and all sorts of nasty stuff and live long, healthy and prison-free lives.
Most CEOs and senior company executives score huge on psychopathy tests - it's what makes them successful.

Why is it so extremely important to you to believe that the kike media is telling you the truth?


This might be our in.

This may also be a motive, a country concert has a different clientele, and so far signs point to this old lunatic being a leftie.

wew this thread is lagging hard.

lel, sweet summer newfig


That's why it works.


So if this was a false flag what's the fucking political motive? I can't see a single agenda that this can drive other than gun control.

Someone said potential markets caused by the backlash to these things.
Like growth in metal detector stock.
I just think that's fucking ridiculous if that is the case.

It means we're dealing with professional con artists the likes the world has never seen before.

Dig on this gun store immediately and archive

God that would be fucking hilarious

Welcome to Holla Forums, newfag. Gonna get rough going forward.

This might be the most retarded post I've seen in any of these threads yet

Soo….. who has the graph from the other day that predicted 10/1 to be a tragedy symbolized by a pyramid? (It was actually a picture of the Pyongyang tower, but the symbolism is there)

So if this was a false flag what's the fucking political motive? I can't see a single agenda that this can drive other than gun control.

If this orchestrated by powerful people I can only think of occult fuckery as an explanation.>>10698728
That's not enough of a motive to orchestrate something like this.

In my opinion it's either occult sacrifice or the guy actually did it all on his own.

Reaction. The same reason we have faggot feds that come here to tell us to commit terrorism. They're trying to force us to act so they can use it as casus belli to clamp down on us/guns hard.

They were just talking about Israeli metal detection on (((Fox))).
Also, see:

Seriously how the fuck did you even find this board you fucking shill? Get lost.

What have I to gain by pointing out that media kikes lie? That most terror attacks are false flags and fakes isn't really any radical fringe notion like you try to make it seem like. Most people understand 9/11 was a false flag. Even normalfags see the sandy hook bullshit and gets a strange look in their eyes. That your zog intel community is behind most "terror" events in post patriot act burgerland isn't some crazy notion.

That you try to spin it like it is means you've either haven't managed to stomach babbys first redpill yet, or is an actual CIA nigger. I go with the first because you don't seem intelligent enough for the second.

They're actually going with that.

Read all of this. This confirms in my mind that Stephen Paddock was a result of being raised by a career bank robber on the run from the FBI who's father taught him all the tools of the trade.

If we don't see Stephen Paddock *On Video* carrying multiple guns & cases to his room. He was a Patsy that was killed before the shooting ever started just like the Sandy Hook Shooter.

I went down the path of trying to see an alternative route.
Then bam.

Straight back where you started. Full circle.


Imagine TSA but even gayer. That is what we are looking at.

Modern country music is controlled and sponsored by jews

I know it's retarded.
Which is what they're counting on..


If anyone listening to John Batchelor on boomer am radio he has experts on isis who are willing to entertain the idea that paddock was isis. Only person in old media giving it any credence.

I think it may possibly be the only explanation.

We've just discovered a heist people.
They're deliberately fucking with our heads to not see this shit.

he wasn't a patsy. His father was a violent bank robber who was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list. No doubt he did this. Question is, did his girlfriend or his brothers have any involvement? This guy learned everything about crime from his daddy, he's not an idiot

It's sad modern day Holla Forums is so fucking tinpilled. A shooting can't be a shooting, oh no. I'm sure 22,000 actors were all hired on Craigslist to go to some hick concert and fake getting shot at.

It's about time that a white man reclaimed the high score in the US. It was shameful that a shitskin held the high score in a white country.

It was likely that there were at least multiple shooters and multiple people involved in this shooting and the official story is a cover.

Also daily reminder NDAA amendment hr5736 legalized spreading fake news in 2012 just in time for sandyhoax.

If anyone listening to John Batchelor on boomer am radio he has experts on isis who are willing to entertain the idea that paddock was isis. Only person in old media giving it any credence.


Now comes the real question: How much did his brothers and his girlfriend know?

OK so why did he decide to shoot up hundreds of people if he was a millionaire criminal genius? Maybe he was just connected with people who wanted to make use of someone like him who knew how to pull off something like this and get away with it? Like a contractor for cianiggers. IDK

It’s like they’re not even trying anymore.

Not a fucking Suitcase, you nigger. Have you tried stuffing a Mosin in a suitcase? Have you ever seen a M240L, that shit isn't carry-on, faggot.

And now we know why they'd be so desperate to shut down and shill this place.

Gig's up cunt, there's no explainable motive other than something to do with other underbelly activity and potential "hidden in plain sight" activity.
I think we just caught a rabbit.

Here is a guess.

It is known that rich libtards/kikes buy up machineguns as "investments" due to the current laws in place. They are worth thousands, usually tens of thousands of dollars. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that they're his.


every time i take a piss and come back they up the # of guns he had in that room.
8, 10, 17, now 19?
highly trained swat team seriously how hard is it to count
literally a kindergarden-tier task

more like the DNC

That whole story is retarded, it's some leftist retard trying to make this sound like it's just some expert criminal with no motive other than being insane and raised by a psychopath.

The left is doing everything they can do make it seem like this had nothing to do with them. They could sweep Scalise under the rug, it was just a few people being shot. But this is too big. They can't hide it. So they're going to do everything they can do divert it to something else. Whining about guns, mental health, etc. Even if this guy's FB was plastered with ISIS and lefty bullshit, they'd never admit it. And the vast majority of media is lefty, they'll work to cover it up.

The whole thing.
Look at him in the interview. Look at how he describes the girlfriend for example:

All things that people would say when they lie that they know them.
Oh and by them I mean their personas.

The whole things a con from the start. They're trying to exploit this "extremist crisis" to score big time in some way, be it the market or the publicity or "getting rid of some potential threats". But they think this will frighten us too.
It just pisses me off.

Typically with these type of mass shooters. They know. They always know. Columbine, DC sniper, Virgina Tech, Dallas shooting, etc.

Most shootings are just shootings. This is a sloppy false flag ala Sandy Hook.

You actually believe a 64 year old man was holding two AR-15’s in each hand, Rambo-style, shooting people from four football fields away, mag-dumping and then picking up the next rifle until he went through 10 of them? The police determined nobody else was involved within a few hours. How? Also the police were allegedly going to door-to-door asking for names. Why? Did they already know who they were looking for?

The Case as it stands dosen't help that much either considering how fucking strange it is.

Fuck off leftypol.

Possible theory


I'm confused, are you saying this whole debacle was actually a heist plan, or what?

And if for some reason he used a fucking mosin then you can be suspicious, but every gun they've mentioned is easily packed.

Implying that ever happens, all of the mass shooters had a thread of logic behind them.

Once more, fuck off leftpol.

Sad so many shills and Holla Forums faggots are out in force. Go back to your quarantine thread, abraham.

I think I give up. Guns are gonna get slowly banned and phased out, you're gonna have to have to submit to a strip search before you can walk into a grocery store, and there will be complete invasive monitoring of all civilians, 1984-style. And I think I'm just gonna lie down and accept it. I don't even know what you can do in the face of something like this. Maybe I'll join a commune or something and then I can live away from the bureaucracy a little longer before they shoot me into a shallow grave along with everyone else I'm living with.

they'll just completely ignore any isis or left wing evidence and the next two weeks is going to be nothing but gun control propaganda and anti-trump shilling because le ebil trump won't ban guns

Also, they broadcasted the breach over an open channel not an encrypted one. All he needed was a smartphone on broadcastify and he'd have prior warning.

Implying all the major mass shooters did not have a well established thread of reasoning to motivate them.

Fuck off leftypol

But a false flag for fucking what?


Politics doesn't come into it.
Plain and simple - this is a heist.

The guys a son of a fucking bank robber for fuck sake. He probably doesn't even look like the photos.
He's a professional agent.


Ok. Have we determined how large the mag was before reloads? I heard 3500 rds approx fired. That's 35 100 rd mags. That's a lotta cubic footage. Plus wouldn't the barrel have melted?
OK. He had 15 aks and 4 glocks. What would be the drop time between rifles if he was shooting and dropping?

No, I thought the one in Vegas was when the illegal britbong attempted to take a cop's gun and assassinate Trump with it.

So TSA only staffed entirely by gay niggers instead of staffed entirely by normalniggers.

Not entirely farfetched. I don't think his dad's history is a red herring; it could even lend more to the happening than your theory suggests.

You fucking fight it. Unless you want to be a waste of white genes.
Take 100ug LSD-25 (test your shit) and meditate on what you can to do better secure the existence of the white race. It helped me to hone my focus.

Fuck off shill.

Get out shill. cianiggers die on DOTR too.

Having lots of cameras around, but not seeing any footage is the usual.

Funny, how the drunk guy on the right of the group in the middle is blowing smoke into the air, just to get almost hit by a bullet a couple of seconds later.

Damn, Satan.

Yeah, what the fuck was up with that? I thought all SWAT teams used encrypted radio channels.

He's supposed to own several apartments and properties. Unless he lost all of this recently it doesn't make sense.

Find a video of him shooting. Count the shots. I hear enough to be within a 100 round beta mag.

Shills spreading disinfo to create disorder and turmoil spotted

Read the OP genius.

Cohen act when?

there's no way he dumped that many rounds into that crowd or there would have been 500 casualties


9/11 happened, dumb nigger. The collapse was caused by intentional controlled demolition instead of planes, but it wasn't fake CGI shit like your entire posting history implies.
You're a useful idiot. You're the person rolled out every time a major event happens so you can paint everyone that looks into it as tinfoil crazy. If you were around in the Kennedy assassination you'd be spreading the idea that Kennedy was an android and the shooter was cloaked and riding on the hood of the car, while the real Kennedy was dancing in Antarctica.
Come on, keep posting facebook "dat boi" CGI frog on unicycle-tier shitmemes made by ecelebs about even more irrelevant ecelebs, you aren't trying hard enough to look like a complete homosexual.

I'm confused, are you saying this whole debacle was actually a heist plan, or what?

And if for some reason he used a fucking mosin then you can be suspicious, but every gun they've mentioned is easily packed.>>10698796
I feel like leaping this hard to assumptions should be ban worthy.

I'm still lulling at the idea of an old bloated white boomer joining ISIS

I still can't believe what I've just seen.
But we took apart the facts and I think this is by far the most likely reason.

leftypol blackpiller…. kys

Anybody have the video?

Yeah whenever they do building sweeps they switch to an encrypted channel. We saw it the other day with the airforce academy incident.



i'm suprised all police don't use encrypted channels by default. is there a law forcing them to use public?

Yeah and Vegas is a place where people from all over the country go, so potential random anons could be reported dead from around the country whether or not they ever existed.

It's shameful that the high score now consists of mostly decent, right-leaning white folks. 50 dead faggots was something to be proud of, no matter who did it.

Damn user , checked

I think it was their (dispatch) own recording, not someone listening in.

oh ok, i see why the singer didnt take a hailstorm of bullets. I too am hoping for a "leak" of the gunman's footage

I don't think the motive for the potential heist necessarily has to be him needing cash. He could have spent his life secretly being a criminal following pa's footsteps.


Damn, Satan.


It is to restrict / lower the maximum amount of bullets a single person can buy in the future.

Just wait.

There will be caps you can't imagine today.

If there will be any guns allowed at all anymore.

That old cunt is dumb as shit. You're literally quoting a queef.

I read Australia. Another user said flipland. I bet she turns up dead.

That's what you conclude it would mean? You aren't a very smart man.

Let's meme, 'Jew control' then.

Trash. Don't post for 12 years nigger.

Yes, AND antifa. They need to be declared a terrorist organization and it's members rounded up by the FBI.

Yeah but you aren't buying a SAW. The semi auto they sell is shit and not convertable.

This was CIAniggers. Old dudes are full of aches and pains and have dinner at 4pm. They don't give a fuck about the world. This guy had cash and gook pussy so he was set.

You STILL follow that gimp because of his empty pedowood comments months ago? You never bothered to view this Jewtube channel? Go now if you haven't and see how batshit insane the guy is. He makes TempleOS man seem normal ffs.


unless he switched guns 2-3 times 3500 rounds cant be right. Your average AK or AR15 will disintegrate and fail after around ~800-1200 rounds of full auto fire with no breaks


Could be Yuge

I'm going with John's forewarning that an attack on Vegas was coming in order to help push metal detector/TSA legislation on Vegas and high traffic events.

This is suuuuuuper fucky, like they did it on purpose


oh ok, i see why the singer didnt take a hailstorm of bullets. I too am hoping for a "leak" of the gunman's footage

Fuck off shill.

Why do you think he brought over 6 million guns?


I do not support the >muh falseflag meme but,
They used the JFK assassination to push for the 1968 GCA, citing that his ability to purchase the rifle mail order directly lead to JFK's death.

Why aren't we seeing tons of photos and footage from people in all the high rise hotels?
I think there's 7 clips max of the whole event?

Jim confirmed involved

fuck being a nazi you faggots want me to do it for free

wew lad

top jej


Because Holla Forums is so autistic and is so detached from society they think that the average person is going to stand still, pull their phone out, and start recording while scanning for a suspect whenever they hear gunfire.
You guys are utterly retarded sometimes.

The story about how there were 20-some odd guns in the room leads me to believe they will be going for weapon ownership caps as well.

>Oy vey why does a civilian need an arsenal to protect his home

In order to facilitate a weapon cap, that requires universal registration to track who owns what. It's a twofer.

Is anyone else feeling down that 59 mostly white right people where just gunned down?

Shots from 4th floor?

what ever gets this race war started


I do not support the >muh falseflag meme but,
== They used the JFK assassination to push for the 1968 GCA, citing that his ability to purchase the rifle mail order directly lead to JFK's death. ==>>10698913
except that is what happened. you dumb faggot. look at the vids so far.

read faggot


Now besideds soros:

I didn't know people could be this evil..

Country concerts have all the cutest waifus too in their daisy dukes and cowboy boots.




I think you're onto something user. What better way to advertise gambling than to say

Hey retard who is completely detached from the real world, people in a hotel room are not going to pull out their phone and stand at a fucking window while gunshots are being fired. You are so fucking moronic thinking every 60 year old couple in Las Vegas is going to record videos of mass shooting.


fuck off Holla Forums

This. Nothing about this makes sense even in regards to the narrative of "oh hes a psychopath of a psychopath, obviously it dun ned mek sense! dont bother looking any further into it! no political connections! no professional connections! dont look for those!.. seriously.. dont.. you're w-w-wasting your time.. stop.. plz stop"

Fuck the left, fuck the kikes, this whole thing reeks. Did his dear daddy go fucking spree killer? No, he didnt, because thats not what psychopaths do. FFS he talks about dahmer, but even the kiddies who watch fucking "criminal minds" could tell you that psychopaths dont just murder randomly in random ways just to kill people. They do it for other reasons, be they sexual or sadistic or w/e else, they don't just murder people from 400+ yards away in large groups just for lulz or "cuz dey ebul." Thats not how these people function. And those same people dont "just snap" and mow down as many people as possible.

Again, look at the likes of dahmer, methodical, calculated, planned, merciless, and these people didnt do shit to get themselves caught and killed, so they had no suicide plan as an out. The people who take suicide as a way out at the end are people like durkas who do this shit for ideological or religious reasons or who are truly psychotic but even they arent actually thinking about suicide, they just arent thinking that far ahead and its how it ends. Even fucking niggers who end up in standoffs with the police almost never just kill themselves, they usually end up giving up or fighting and dying in the process, but almost never just flat blowing their own brains out.

But again, this guy doing this makes no sense. Supposedly spends his life amassing wealthy and staying off the radar… so that.. he can enact his ultimate plan of .. senseless mass murder to draw massive attention to himself, the very thing hes avoided his whole life and is a professional at supposedly? Yeah, doesnt add up.

This is just the left and the kikes trying to derail investigation or public interest in his actual motives and affiliations because they're afraid of what will be found, and want to concentrate the discussion 100% on guns and ignore everything else. So dont let them do it.

your wrong though that's exactly what people do on a regular basis

I'm completely desensitized. In fact I've been waiting for a large sale happening.

2nd shooter on 19th floor

Now thats false flagging with style.

I now get the urge to purge for some reason.

Hotel window footage and happenings usually go hand in hand.

It would be nicer if we had the actual video they were watching, since we could see things in more detail.
Plus they sound retarded, which increases the probability they're being rused.

Country music is implicitly white.

An attack on country music is an attack on white Americans.

And some country music is absolutely fucking great.

Bluegrass is the shit

at the freaking "Harvest Festival"

You out yourself so easily.

Frankly I'm surprised there haven't been shills claiming they were gay/racemixers/actually jews or spics with zero proof like they do every other time something bad happens to a white person.
Whites gunned down, they aren't going to care or push anything but police state security and gun control because it was whites that got killed. Feels bad.

Yeah, just ignore all the videos from people that did exactly what you say doesn't happen.

October 5th is the Harvest Moon. That is why it is Harvest Festival.

They are going to frame us anyway. Jonestein and co been calling this out for half a year.





OOPS that was directed at


they had to go out of their way to way to insert the whorest niggest spicist victim pictures out of the 50+ deaths, assuming these are the one's that died and not just injured.

Hannity pushing anti nazi pro immigration shit. Fucking kikes.

What if Paddock found out he had a terminal illness and wanted to take a bunch of people with him?


Goddamn it guys




Jeff Rense is having Dr. James Fetzer on tonight.

Show starts in 5 minutes.


I mean I always knew old stupidass boomers were responsible for white genocide but fuck..

So what does the CIA do. Set up in the same area of the target they want to frame / kill?

Thats not a strobe light but muh ebil conspiracy in a tragic time, no one should question this. This is the most damning evidence ive seen that the narrative we've been given is bullshit.

What did you think "woodstock" was about?


For fucks sake.

I go on facebook and all I am seeing is commy niggers and mexicans celebrating this shit. This particular spic has a white mother and a half white/half bean father making her 75% white. Yet she identifies as plays the race card all the time always being oppressed. I tried calling the home depot she works at so they know the type of genocide loving people they have working there. Manager didnt seem to care much though.

Damning evidence?
It's like you imagine the worst about your world, then you discover its exactly as bad as you thought it was.

it's a video of a video on a monitor it's hardly conclusive and it could have been edited.

You bastards, if ReviewBrah really dies you're going to look back on your pranks and probably still laugh

I need to get to the bottom of this and figure out if they're highlanders or something.

Quick what should I invest in?

We moon now.

no. that strobe was strobing even in long periods of no gunfire. That strobing is not gunfire.

Invest in that company that does body scanners or whatever that people were talking about.

Wow two more things that they want to ban along with

Get that fucking nigger off my board

A side operation is that we track down these people and get them fired for their comments. We already got someone fired from some company, forgot though.

The dead shitskins take some of the sting out. As well as the thought that some of them may have been Jeb voters, but it's still breddy bad man

Same. I'm completely desensitized to this sort of thing, the only thing that gets my blood boiling now is violence against white children.

I've mostly come to accept that whites don't care at all for each other, and that 50%+ of our population is hopelessly brainwashed, and would gladly die before doing anything "racist". Strategies to ensure the pure survival of our bloodlines is all I care about
now, because a race war or revolution is never happening.

Same shit, different day.

You just fucking know that the majority of the dead were Trump voters user.

she works at the La Crosse Wisconsin Home Depot according to her facebook. They acknowledged that she does work there when I called this number to ask. (608) 392-1400

Police are still saying Paddock acted alone

anonymously forward a screenshot to her employer and say you lost a loved one and cant do business with a company that employs people who celebrate your family members death

That's the utterly unnatural effect of brainwashing. It isn't an inherent trait of being Aryan and Holla Forums is here to do the deprogramming.


How long have I got, I need sleep for now.

Do you think normalfags will believe this shit or will they believe the tulmudvision?

jesters most likely did this.

LMAO, does not match at all

Confirmed CIANigger glow in the dark operation

Leave them to it, non-White racial aggression helps to undermine jewish narratives, and it helps push more Whites our way.

Honestly I don't care.

If anyone is bored and wants to post on their twatters

remember that scene from star wars where Luke watches his rebels get destroyed and is tempted by the darth?
This is that situation.

I think line gets drawn now. We need to actively and publicly take action or else just stay the fuck out of the way.

what are they saying about the woman who told the crowd they were all going to die before the concert started?

Honestly the dead shitskins don't make me feel any better.

If anything, this is just continuation of the Jeri Ryan timeline.


But where is the broken window? Windows in those high-rise hotels don't open. lf they do, it's just a smidge. You might be able to fit the nose of a rifle through it, but it would be very difficult to move and angle it around to widen your firing range.

Chapelle is hilarious say what you want about nogs nogging but they're good entertainers.

it's the reflection of the cop's lightbar you fucking mongoloids.


put Sam Hyde in there and see if we can meme him into being both the perpetrator and a victim

Problem is it wasnt a nigger. If it was, this thing might be in full swing.



so have we found a motive yet or are we convinced its a false flag? i need a tldr

Sheriff kept trying to dodge questions about how Paddock got the guns inside the hotel and the fact that they found a computer inside his room that might show why he did this.


Sherriff saying "only one assailant" in official update. Still at 527. Mostly talking about the resource centers. Some gofundme page. No further updates tonight. "We know of no known threats[…] If we did know we would tell you immediately".

$2.2 mil in donations(?). Pretty much just talking about help.

23 firearms at manderley, 19 at house.
Singer should have yelled to take cover(wut?)
No timeline on shooting timeframe.
Shot a security guard on 32nd floor, not saying anything else on shots inside.
No comment on motive.
No examination of computing equipment found on scene so far.
Found all guns. Confident in number.

Its all a fake, nobody died saw a craigslist post hiring 22,000 actors no way this is real false flag false flag ran by the jewish media & rothchilds & hillary I'm driving to Vegas right now to get footage of the dummies they used to stage the shooting

Asparagus and Egg salad faggot go home. You're not wanted here ever.

No one asked that question. All repeated the same shit that everyone knows of by now. Only thing different was that the computer inside the hotel room was legit. So that is the key to finding out why he did this. Also they refused to acknowledge that an explosive was found at his house.

Oh yeah, he was definitely a Muslim.


I'm leaning false flag with motive being to increase TSA style screening at lots of locations other than airports. One of the sponsors of the concert is a company that provides TSA Pre-screening. They would benefit as much as backscatter/xray companies.


top jew

Remember to kill all cops hwite man
They're soulless zogbot machines

It's important to remember that the faggot shot at a mostly white audience. You don't just cheer at a pipebomb of peace that kills 5 whites just because it also got one coon obliterated.


It's a pure coincidence that this isn't a top priority :^).

Don't forget he seemed to be dodging the question of how exactly the shooter got all those weapons inside in the first place.

How many of you retards are there that this idiotic question KEEPS BEING ASKED

finish your threads, fags

jews did 9/11