I remember a /soc/ stats thread here some time ago. I changed the template a bit to make it more politics-centered.
I'm not FBI btw :)
I remember a /soc/ stats thread here some time ago. I changed the template a bit to make it more politics-centered.
I'm not FBI btw :)
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
Sorry mate not im the mood atm
I made one but I don't want to be first
the part with the macroeconomics book was supposed to say fiction but I accidentally covered it up. :(
Why is there six space for music but only one for theory?
Then change albums to theory
Because OP isn't smart enough to fill more than one space for theory.
I mean, he posts along with us.
Did the whole thing. Give me an award please.
Fuck you.
And I thought the template threads on Holla Forums were cancer.
Yeah, nah, fuck off.
Please kill yourself
what why
its the youlisses of the internet
make me fgggt
No thanks.
Almost as bad as the diet coke monster.
Ew no I'd never wear those, I'm nowhere near THAT gay
That was a problem with mspaint i think, where those pixels are a "different" white and don't get filled
It's an excuse for bored people to get someone to post "epic nice i like it, +1, upvoted, shared" to your giant steaming dump of preferences and personal information. I know the perfect place for you to do just that, Facebook.
Yes, there are opportunities to be social during actual threads or on other boards. Template threads are to "being social" as consumerist culture is to actualy culture.
As far as most material/physical favourite things go the template covers everything. Do you have a favourite metamorphic rock or something? Maybe a favourite kind of mollusk?
post chart
I probably could be identified through it, I've got some obscure (that means good) taste.
fuck the state!
right guys!?
fcking epic xD
these are always fun, just don't give too much info thats important about yourself
Maximum poser!
Why though
how can you be maximum anarchist and maximum state?
by thinking they can both work. I support DPR and Rojava. Tito and Mao. Catalonia and Lenin.
I've never met someone who was that unironically left-unity. I appreciate your optimism.
rate me fam
this is what fun looks like
you gotta r8 other people first. your political views get a 1/10
for real?
In china red is seen as a good colour. (stock prices increasing has a red colour not a green colour). I just thought I should make sure people understood
7/10 user, least you put a little effort in
how about my other stuff fam
what, you do you not like the beatles?
just because you want to be like stalin, he had a good mustache
beatles are fine, nazism is not cool though :🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
you got to get over the little things fam, however will we as people judge things objectively if we let minor differences effect our perception
True. How can one speak of tolerance if he himself cannot tolerate the intolerant. :]
I'm not even intolerant, I'm far nicer than other Holla Forums anons.
Am I cool?
very good user, is it safe to assume your a fellow initiate?
i am fucking awful
also this is cool
post template
queen's pretty good even though he is a bit reddit. Beatles are cool. You need more romantic-era music imo (not only is it just the best, but every self-respecting nazi should love Wagner). Also jazz (although given your politics I guess that would be a stretch).
Billy and mandy was the shit.
overall 6.5/10 maybe 7/10.
good. how does evola work into your politics tho? I'm interested. Are you traditionalist and socialist?
i put so much effort into this
better someone wanna be my bf now
political spectrum is stupid, used it anyway
give me attention pls :(
u seem pretty cool for a tankie. 7/10 pls don't gulag me :)
I'm not opposed to jazz musictbh I don't know that much about music
But I don't really go by genres of music, If I like how a song sounds that's all I care about.
i don't think i've seen anyone of such weird composition of things as you and i've seen too many things in the left already
one can only wonder where you end up in the future
6/10, i guess?
I spent too long on this.
you what
YOU are fucking awesome
Red is Leftypol, Green is Buzzfeed
his book Prometheus rising is something that helps me better understand people & social interaction between them. I don't believe it is contradictory to my personal politics.
I have yet to read his illuminatus series though.
RAW woulda thought you were one silly asshole
r8 me
well ya, he was a very left leaning individual, doesn't mean I can't learn something from him
does anyone have a less shitty template?
hello FBI :)
I'm broadly sympathetic to traditionalism, if only because its "spiritual" aspect, its aesthetic, happens to strike my fancy; I think it's cool, and so I don it; I put it on, like a costume. It's a hobby I indulge in. Whether or not it is the first, ultimate Truth, I cannot say; it hardly matters to me, anyway; God is real so long as I want him to be.
n-no bully ancom-san
thx :D
8/10. but I'm curious about your religious views. How can you be a Marxist and be religious? Marx's views on religion were a central part of his philosophy weren't they?
I feel old tbh
anime 10/10 in my top 5
everything else 2/10
I know it's /lit/ af but there's a reason they love it. finally gave in to reading it and knocked it out in a day. gave me feels, man.
my dude
I think I read it before it got popular on /lit/, it was really hyped when it got translated here. One of the books that got me more into literature. I still have to read his other works though.
Just socialist enought to guarantee left-wing market anarchism bby
I'm too lazy to fill a new one
take this shit I made 2 years ago in half/co/
I don't know what to say
Sad that the one show got cancelled though…
I feel so old. Are there anyone in this board who is +25?
They don't have the time to make this
I'll be twenty nine in three months
nice meme!1!
yeah nah fuck off
not what a blog is though
You know that social is part of the word socialism and community is part of the word communism, right?
"The transformation, through the division of labour, of personal powers (relationships) into material powers, cannot be dispelled by dismissing the general idea of it from one's mind, but can only be abolished by the individuals again subjecting these material powers to themselves and abolishing the division of labour. This is not possible without the community. Only in community [with others has each] individual the means of cultivating his gifts in all directions; only in the community, therefore, is personal freedom possible." -Marx
industrial or """industrial"""
I want award i spent an hour on this
had to fix gril is maoist qt
is yes an answer?
the flag took way long to make
it was really hard choosing a fav drug too
maki is a boy
what's that dark facey album?
You realize that any universalist project (e.g. communism) pretty much depends on metaphysical underpinnings? We want a world that not's here, and want to talk about what's possible. You can't do these without metaphysics, you dork.
found the wooswoos faggot
*coughs heavily*
This might seem like a noobie text choice, but the Manifesto is one of the most powerful texts ever written, so I can respect it.
you'll get there
for your health
i spent an hour on that i deserve a reply
enjoy an original /o/ meme in return
why onfray ?
come on
he's shit
Here's your reply :)
What anime is this?
ty fam
took me 2 hours to do the blogchart and mememap
please tell me I'm a good boy
thanks, appreciate it.
I need validation from online anonymous strangers. gib me more brothers
u seem neato
& I like the blue on your anar flag my friend
T'es au MILI mec ??
nan je suis pas sur paris ça servirais à rien
mais mon groupe les connais et on relais leurs actions, vu qu'elles ont souvent une bonne portée nationale, si on pense que c'est approprié au contexte local on suit. Et puis c'est les seul-es qui font l'unanimité parmi les frères ici donc c'est une bonne base même juste en terme d'information.
Après je suis pas spécialiste vu que je monte jamais sur paris.
mdr désolé de décevoir btw
Ah dacc !
Je suis pas de Paris non plus de toute façon, mais c'est surtout que de voir les schlagzers du MILI/ de la page Blocus Paris traîner ici ça m'aurait fait rire
Aucun problème mdr
haha en vrai je préfère des vrais schlags aux bourges de centre-ville que sont, bénis soient-ils qd même, mes camarades actuels.
Mais franchement je sais pas non plus trop ou ils vont le mili. C'est le problème de toutes ces organisations de circonstances. Y a plusieurs appels qu'ils ont lancé qui ont pas été suivit d'ailleurs à ce qu'on m'a dis.