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Las Vegas shooting thread 7
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Check out the shooter's earlobes. Guy's a pedophile.
58 killed and 515 injured as of writing. How can he keep getting away with it?
He looks like the type, but where is the proof?
We have his name. His birthday is : 4/9/1953
If anyone can find out the last four of his social or drivers license # we can find out some more info.
No, no it was Samir al-Hayid that did this.
WHO TOOK THE PICTURE! Where was our shooter in june 2016?
Can anyone confirm he was registered a Democrat? I'm seeing sauceless claims on other sites
You're going to shit up this thread too? Filtered and reported.
That's why we need to figure this out
It's close enough. Spread this to counter-meme the inevitable pro-regulation shilling.
I have no information confirming this but something this massive and premeditated usually comes with a manifesto.
Suppose the cameraman was the shooter. Why does it matter?
Whoah. Maybe the Religion of Cuck™ic State claiming this as theirs isn't so far fetched after all?
It means he was in Dubai and may have converted there. Assuming he had converted in the first place.
In before RevComs "discover" the manifesto like they did with Roof.
He's a registered democrat until proven otherwise. Furthermore he was a member of antifa and was motivated by hatred of white culture.
What the fuck
That would put him in Dubai. If there are more trips to the middle east it could be interesting.
His brother is a furfag.
No proof is offered in the article. Jones better deliver.
Just wanted to come here and point out a few observations. Polite sage for minimally off topic.
Point 1. This is how fucking brazen people are getting. This tier of shit is VERY common among my clientele and coworkers.
Point 2. This is a HIGHLY educated, and highly paid arena. These people are future/current doctors, lab assistants (scientists) and medical leaders. This is a big deal because the science filed is 100% pozzed. I observe this shit EVERY day. Meanwhile our ilk are scrapping by, OR work a trade. Thats not good. We need to start infiltrating higher tiers of work.
Science (already is) going to be used AGAINST Europeans in the future as a vehicle to make more "rational" laws/social policy to destroy us.
It's going to be swept under the rug if there is any substance to the ISIS connection.
I assume those are true, but it would be nice to have proof.
We need to dig while the evidence is still there. Don't let the earlobe shill distract you or derail the thread. Ignore and filter him.
Any reason he would post it on that thread?
Jet propulsion? Who does that remind me of…….
So what far is about that gunman known?
Anything more?
And yet his wife still seems very fishy…
you are pointing out the ears, but what about the #13 tattooed on his throat. That seems like a gangland style type tattoo.
Be a hero season with rat poison
She was plastered all over the news this morning as a person of interest. Then nothing. Is she supposed to be out of the country?
That's his turkey waddle.
I'm sure (((Jones))) will get right on validating that claim
may I have a tl;dr version please
Grab this, I can't get it to DL
How the fuck do you get pedophile from an earlobe?
No reason in particular but I found this interesting while you're on the subject
Ricin is a poison protein found naturally in castor beans from the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis). If castor beans are chewed and swallowed, the released ricin can cause injury. It can be in the form of a powder, a mist, or a pellet, or it can be dissolved in water or weak acid. I believe it has a short half-life as well making it difficult to detect by coroners.
I know he's cancer, but no need to sage.
just proves how fucking insanely POWERFUL the shit ass entertainment/media world is … these people are legit high IQ types and they can so easily be brainwashed by the idiot box
Jones is there to discredit everything we do.
You should know this by now.
It's a maymay meant to ridicule the notion of race realism/HBD. Ignore it.
You're right on the money.
DO IT user
(((Reddit))) being cancerous as usual
OSI Systems ticker: $OSIS, notable that it is up 6-7% since last week. That's not insignificant movement. I'm considering moving some long holds into this. While I don't believe an internet larper 100%, I do believe that the feds will push more security regulations on us plebs.
Cool, now find a different fact, with more substantial matter.
Not FUCKING earlobes.
Muslims on Twatter were false outraged over this
The longer you spend in the educational system, the more brainwashing you receive.
wtf? She just says "hi" I didnt here any "Steve"
wtf? She just says "hi" I didnt here any "Steve"
Ah. I figured it was shills.
It's not the same guy you fucking retards.
Don't fall for the degree == intelligence meme. I know a number of people with PhDs that are absolute retards. A degree means you can sperg out and complete difficult, protracted tasks over and over. It doesn't indicate much about intelligence or rationality, believe me.
The guy in the pink also has a more thick beard with more grey, and a more pronounced chin. Not the same guy at all.
At least he killed a bunch of Christcucks.
I don't really care if the majority of them were white, the only good Christcuck is a dead one.
Pic is too small to see…. need more analysis. I think it's him.
what an total ass clown this shooter was.
Hotel had free WiFi…. and he could have livestreamed it all from inside his hotel room and yet, didn't.
or did he?
It is well known.
Look at the earlobes.
You don't need a bigger picture.
Uncle Ted Kaczynski was right all along. More Holla Forumsacks need to realize this
I see you watch Breaking Bad you larping faggot
Then why is his earlobe completely different?
Reports of an active school shooter in USC 38 minutes ago.
Not all pharmacists are backwards libtards don't worry *coughs*
reports source or get the fuck out
doesnt look detached from this side
So what you're saying is that non-whites are more intelligent, more educated, more numerous, and more wealthy than whites. Why do you people even bother?
Ricin has been around long before Breaking Bad, just because it was your first discovery of it doesn't mean it was mine.
I also didn't create any such plan, leftykike.
Beards can change.
Earlobes cannot.
I will give you the tl;dr only because of those dubs.
- Someone went on a shooting spree from a Casino hotel room (or maybe two different rooms) firing on a large (20,000+) crowd at an outdoor concert
- The police/media have pegged a boomer named Steve Paddock as the gunman
- He killed and wounded a bunch of people before he was taken out by a response unit
- Early reports are that he was a convert to I slam recently
- InfoWars etc. are reporting that he's actually a big time Democrat/antifa/commie cuck trying to start a civil war
- No one actually knows what the deal is
- Retards are here sliding about earlobes and videos of people who proximally look like him but aren't him
Don't know how to embed because I'm retarded but interesting video analyzing brother's interview
Take this (you), and cherish it. It's the only one you're getting itt
Hey faggotss I just caught a glimpse of kike sen Feinstein on the tv IN THE ROOM of the 32nd flr from a video that was taken 1 year ago from a person (((Dr. Jason Huffman))) that went to the concert last year & recorded video of the room for whatever reasons. Feinstein is the most anti gun sen we have in this country! Coincidence I think not…. It's not a great pic but I know for certain its Feinstein.
Use your brain for 2 seconds.
Just because you find an angle that minimizes his earlobes doesn't override the other angles that clearly show detached earlobes.
Vegas Shooting: LVPD requesting citisenz NOT to post videos online
I'll take affirmative action for $1000, Alex!
You serious, niggah?
Whenever there's a major happening the Redditors and shills can't help but to drown us in as much faggotry as humanly possible.
Good to know brother. Sieg heil.
This Jason Huffman also provided the video from the "rooftop" (actually just higher than the shooter in another suite) which is on facebook, but his facebook profile is deleted. Need a source on what you photographed.
it's one guy guys
for real, so sick of hearing about jones, he needs to be on medication, hes a fuckin idiot
No but seriously, all the high-paying fields are completely dominated by Arabs, Asians and Indians, who have no qualms about taking advantage of kinship networks to advance people like them. The few whites who do manage to crack the upper echelons will be forced to submit to ethnomasochism, while the whites on the bottom will be picked off by hispanics and blacks, unable to defend themselves by threat of the state. Whites have no future either in employment or politics, and will go the way of the Dodo bird within the next hundred years.
This is the future, and you know it.
seeing as USC is in South Central LA no big deal , there were probably a few shootings last night that went unreported
No goy, it's obvious that the earlobes are different! Just forget all about this you stupid goys.
Yes, because we are wasting our time looking at the wrong guy and the earlobes are the clincher. You seem to have shit-tier analysis. Go read up on earlobes and get back to me.
There's still plenty of intelligent white males in the sciences but the affirmative action and diversity push most assuredly artificially inflates the amount of shitskins and women in the sciences.
Wait, the rooftop video is "Jason Hartman"
Please remove yourself
what other angles?
there are only these two pics which contain view of ear.
disgustingly obvious.
Why do you purposely want people to look at the wrong guy, Chaim?
This is what the cia does to get those commies in catalonia off the news.
No shooting at USC, per LAPD
Kill yourself
Every thread since the first one has been shilled. See false flag etc.
Are you retarded? Look at the pic in the post you are replying to. Is your potato even turned on?
Another thing, this guy managed to kill 50+ and injure 200+ with just 31 seconds of sustained fire, and now it turns out that two different rooms were shot out of and used as vantage points on the same floor. Does anyone really believe that this guy managed to get 250 casualties from blocks away firing ~300 shots? How does this square with the fact that two rooms were used? Are we supposed to believe he fired ~300 shots with near perfect accuracy while running between two nearby hotel rooms? Bullshit. There were multiple shooters, I guarantee it.
Aka Judaism
only two pics from the rally so far available for comparison
Not if we actively resist and form kinship networks of our own.
reported for being a kike talking about ears.
Are you stupid? Or jewish?
Hahah 8pol is so fucking subverted. Amazing.
Fuck off Chaim, you boring fuck.
Someone posted his Voter Registration in the last thread that showed that he was voting democrat while in Florida, anyone have a damn archive of that? Poster sucks every last cock and didn't post his sauce. Florida voting records site isn't giving me sauce either.
Throw in some archive links, fucker.
>univision and spicxico's news programs keep shilling for gun control or are fence-sitting faggots about keeping weapons but asking for (((background checks))), but being obviously pro-gun control
But sure, look at how peaceful nogunz paradise Mexico is, or how no one ever talks about banning or controlling guns in Israel.
This. It's obviously multiple shooters with this guy as the patsy CIA/Mossad joint op
oh that explains his score, thnx user
It's possible. There is no footage that I know of of the shooter during the attach, it was just "shots from a hotel room". Paddock could have been used as a Patsy and the real shooter(s) could have escaped. We don't know how he had access to automatic funs, ISIS involvement could explain that, as would it being a deep state operation.
obviously degrees dont equate to intelligence. BUT degrees equate to job opportunity. Dont let people tell you otherwise. I believed the whole meme of
its not fucking true. Just trust me on that.
Im back in school now in my very late 20s. Its not a bad investment either. A degree raises your marketability. PLUS dont you want to be a ubermensche? Get a fucking STEM degree, get a solid job if you wish, and help infiltrate high tier work because currently high tier jobs are PURE buzzfeed.
attached earlobe masterrace here, genodice the detached earlobe untermench when?
I can't find it right now, but this seems to remind me of the clip of Breitbart getting harassed in Nevada by Reid supporters(?) back in 2010ish? I need to find the clip, but I'd be interested to see if Paddock was there. I remember some irate people.
Name one thing I said that wasn't accurate.
kike identified and reported
Don't bait him.
The science study suggested that abnormal face features are linked to certain traits. It's interesting if true… but I think it's a misrepresentation of something completely different, like relationships between the evolution of behaviour of creatures and the evolution of their bodies.
A bit like how rhinos are aggressive? Might even be linked to their behaviour and appearance through evolution. Like body hair and testosterone and aggressive men. Interesting.
But only a mild fact at most to this case. Will dig later though.
Are you also left-handed, by chance?
The pics are so low quality that (((someone))) could have shopped the earlobes to make them look detached.
This may or may not be him. We should hold off on conclusions until we get more details about his activities from ZOG jej.
Tom Petty trended way stronger on twitter than this event. Shooting psyops are so 2012.
Either multiple shooters or this guy is mechanically savvy enough to rig multiple guns to fire as a sentry.
More likely =/= all
Oh wow propaganda that demoralizes people work? Who knew. The fact you insinuate it is because of our race is telling.
Have fun being "physically removed" in the future, commie scum.
Not the same guy. The shooter's middle name is "Craig", whereas that voter registration dealt with a man with a middle name starting with "G".
Is it being paranoid to be suspicious of the possibility of false flags? Or am I conspiracy nut?
Left hand path murderer spotted
Even simply clicking through to the citations…JUST ONE EXTRA CLICK user, would show you that all the citations concerning ear lobes are only referring to schizophrenia.
(((Jones))) sure likes making anons believe things through confirmation bias.
But tbh confirmation bias is why the chans find unexpected results.
Their mind is too broad with this.
They're lumping in trampling and stampede victims to boost casualty numbers (and TV ratings).
Don't listen to user and see my post here:
Being suspicious is fine, but plenty of retards here seem to think that nothing bad has ever happened in the last 60 years that wasn't planned by some evil cabal of CIA Jews. The fact that you think to question your ideas means you're not a delusional fuck
Libs and their media masters don't want to look bad, so they're keeping it hushed up
yeah they are, I wonder how many bruised elbows and sprained ankles are in that number
LOL, looks like google fell for the old "Sam Hyde" trick.
way ahead of you user
Yeah, why would anyone suspect he's a pedophile???????
As Bible prophesy has predicted could this Las Vegas shooter be considered "The Wolf with the Bloody Jaws" as having come?
Dont fall for the "unite the right" tier false movements tho.
I reccommend the Asatru Folk Assembly.
Imagine working and knowing you have 3 other people who are dedicated to you through your common indigenous religion that empowers you?
That networking is essentially what jews and all other races have. White fucking need that asap.
Also, they only said a passing mention about Catalunya's referendum, because don't let the goys know about this.
Some facts:
Beyond a certain flooring, it's all suites, not just one single room. The distance between the two windows indicates a single suite was used.
It's impossible to specifically request a room, you need someone on the inside to arrange a room.
There was a mexican lady that rushed to the front row of the concert, saying that everyone was going to die. Indicating that there was at least a group of shooter.
Police scanners were talking about pursuing multiple suspects, they only got the one who "suicided".
It's normal part and parcel for casinos to cover everything up. They won't talk about how homeless people get roughed up, the in-house escorts (aka sex slaves), the basement torture cells, the in-house drug dealers, Luxor suicides, the rainy season homeless bodies in parking garages, all of the suicides, all of the rigger deaths, and so much other crazy shit.
So what happened most likely was a deep state op, Paddock being a fall guy that provoked by an agent, arranging a hotel room with an employee in on it, and having multiple people with him. The hotel will not release footage of people with him, and the media will play ball because casinos are VERY powerful.
Here is the proof of multiple rooms being used btw.
Remind us who wrote the bible again….
fuck off
Keep in mind they will classify a sprained ankle from running away as a injury related to this event. They say he had multiple weapons in each room that was adjoined into a double suite. He used furniture as a platform to fire down on the mass of people. 1 shooter or more, it was easy picking from that room.
Game over shill.
Any reasonable person can clearly see this. I'm not asking anyone to believe anything - it's clear as day.
You are the subversive kike, obviously.
Making an infograph because this Lockheed Martin shit is shady as fuck. maybe I'm just being hyper tinfoil, I'm still digging
not an argument
I don't think she was Mexican, user. The asian lady who was a person of interest could easily have been mistaken as "hispanic"
Except that it is now coming out that multiple rooms were used, multiple shooters confirmed unless the perp is fucking flash gordon and can run down a hotel hallway in a fraction of a second.
Make a thread, faggot.
your D&C is not welcome here. reported again
It's already confirmed as a false alarm.
They are reporting it was a false report. No shooter
mestizo and flipapino women can be easily mistaken for each other
Modern country music fans are the softest of all targets as far as right-leaning people are concerned. But still, if you do the numbers, antifags/BLM have proven to be much more dangerous than we could have imagined.
The BLM Dallas shooter was able to systematically off a group of police, and not this guy was able to hit over 500 people.
When are we going to stand up to this domestic terrorism?
Sup /k/ what's the best AR-15 bumpfire stock for muh AR-15?
Did you look at the image?
Specifically what is your problem with the image?
This is the smoking gun, WTC 7 shit. It makes no sense why he would rent 2 rooms. Why would he risk running down a hallway just to get another vantage point? And that guy does not look fit either.
Underrated post
reported again, go back to isreal kike
She was in the Philippines.
Mandalay suites have a connecting door. Remember how I said it was difficult to get one specific room? It's even more difficult to get two adjoining suites. That more or less confirms the employee connection.
They're probably connected via a lockable door. Ever been in a hotel room before?
Hotel rooms sometimes have connecting doors.
pretty sure those are just the leftmost and rightmost windows of a suite. Rooms aren't limited to one window, especially not large vegas suites.
The rooms are adjoined to have a double suite. Just a door kept open in the room and he can walk to next window in under 1 minute.
Flash Gordon moves as fast a regular in-shape man. You're thinking of "the Flash," a totally different character.
The super advanced scope angle doesn't really work. You can hear the rate of fire, there's no way you'd be able to seriously use a long-range scope with the gun jumping like that. In a crowd of tens of thousands, you can basically just aim at the center and dump the mag.
Actually, I still believe that features do have correlations with behaviour (the chemicals, hormones etc connected to growth of parts of the body also affect behaviour… there has to be a connection, but it's likely mild and unrelated to this case).
But skitzophrenia is now a bigger issue… because that gives evidence of psychopathy with his temperament.
Add the criminal father and bam, end of case - that shows a person like him is likely to snap and cause harm.
BUT… you would need a psychiatric or psychological analysis first to confirm this. You can't make such a deduction on the fact of fucking earlobes. That's outrageous.
End of discussion about earlobes.
This is obvious Jewish subversion of 8pol, folks.
Here, have another copy of the image, Schlomo.
Okay, that makes more sense, I assumed each window or two was a different room.
is there confirmed pics of him wearing a watch like the one in that pic?
Have you seen that thing in action? It's designed to lock onto one target and deliver an accurate shot. This guy sprayed into a crowd.
Why do you fucks refuse to realize that "500 injured" does not mean 500 shot"
What happend to /pol? The threads about the shooting are the worst on a happening I have seen in a long time…
I can't believe I made that post.
What have I become.
How do u sight a rifle for 500m?
killyourself ear fag
Thanks for the recommendation user, the process of establishing networks is actually a lot more simple than most anons realized. Mostly because none of us grew up with anything like that, so while we understand its value in principle, it's still an alien concept to us.
It doesn't matter if there was one shooter or two, if this guy was a pedo, or if this was real or a falsesflag
All that matters is the motive they attribute to him and what they'll try to accomplish by exploiting this event. Fucking bakas arguing about earlobes, I swear.
What the fuck?
Did nobody ever teach you about earlobes?
You are a complete liar and faggot rolled into one cucked package. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that. Gas yourself and stop derailing.
Newfags like you happened.
Thanks, better hurry up and buy one b4 they get (((((banned)))))
Denise Salmon Burditus, 50, was among the 58 people murdered at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas on Sunday.
Well these got flooded by some fucking kike who is obsessed with earlobes, so that's going to take the quality down a notch.
We can't write Religion of Cuck™ but we can debate earlobes, airplanes and the number 32.
Jessica Klymchuk
It means there is too much prejudice against the attached earlobe community.
I for one condemn this outrageous injustice.
ok let's stop getting distracted
The earlobesfags (like me) are the only ones making any fucking sense in this thread.
Quinton Robbins
Well, there were go. November 4 was a red herring. The war's already started.
So if it was 2 shooters, why would they frame him to be a leftist, and if this guy was the legit shooter, why the fuck would he have that shit in his hotel room? None of this makes any sense. Alex Jones is probably just trying to get clicks.
I never liked Lockheed, all their projects have been retardly expensive and somewhat secretive. Doesn't surprise me a former scientist went MKULtra and activated. Apparently Lockheed also stole technology and skematics from tesla.
Harvesting corpses amirite?
Jordan McIlldoon (left) was reportedly among the 58 people who lost their lives during the mass shooting.
Is he the one that spread this autistic meme?
jfc why are kikes so annoying
Big if true.
Lisa Romero
We used to have a nice balance of conspiracy theorists and normal redpilled people. The conspiracy theorists would throw out plenty of zany shit that everyone would investigate, and then after some digging we'd have an idea of what happened. Now we've got a huge number of retards shouting
Adrian Murfitt, 35, was confirmed dead by a close friend
Where are the pictures or videos of the dead bodies?
Married mother-of-two, and kindergarten teacher Jenny Parks was also killed in the carnage
in b4 "muh normies don't post gore"
I got annoyed and began taking the piss at earlobes.
And your anita triggered me
Susan Smith, an office manager for the Simi Valley Unified School District since 2001, was also killed a spokeswoman for the district confirmed
Show Dan Bilzerian The Truth
Redpill him make this chad feel rage
Yes but still I am all Right.
Dana Gardner
You obviously want us to waste time digging up shit on the wrong guy, kike. The proof is right in front of your face.
Its been 7 years since they've developed it, Lockheed could have put more advanced tech into the thing or whatever.
Just not true. You're a barefaced liar. Here's what it says:
Can you read, liar? Relevant part:
One lie, all lie. GTFO, kike.
Just post a fucking link to all them, nigger.
Rhonda LeRocque
Exactly, it's the 7th thread and this is all we got.
All we see are posts of people with no links, no evidence of their bodies, no testimony, no backgrounds and immediate preceeding whereabouts to confirm they were there.
That's he's a degeneracy-promoting kike bankrolled by kike bankers?
John Phippen
lots of (((shills))) today, more than I have ever seen here. they accomplish nothing. report and hide their post
Hands up!
religion of peace?
High stakes players get comps and room perks. Depending on what Mlife card he had, he would have access to events and rooms well in advance of others.
Were they killed by the shooter or were they stampeded to death?
How does die saving his strong independent woman's life from a shooter 300-400 yards away who was firing indiscriminately at a crowd?
Bailey Schweitzer, Bakersfield, California, was the 13th Vegas mass shooting victim to be identified on social media
If America i gonna be great again then Trump needs to get rid of the fucking CIA, I can't help but think they have had a hand in this. How the fuck did he even managed to sneak in those kinds of weapons.
These aren't simple retards.
They're fucking shills.
Deliberate disinformation tactics.
We need memes to keep posters aware of disinformation tactics.
Like lists of tactics.
Tom Petty
At 57 seconds and onward. This faggot thinks there is multiple shooters. I also think I hear 3 or 4 guns going off. Could this be echoing? Sorry for no webm.
It's possible for it to be the same suite.
Here, take this crudely drawn paint. The grey represents the the grey columns from the outside. Blue represents the broken windows. Just based off what I remember from Mandalay suites on other floors.
kek beat me to it
Why are you deliberately maxxing out this thread?
And why did this only start AFTER we found the plausible FBI connections.
Spoiler that you fuck.
Mike Brown
I know … sorry user.
show earlobes or gtfo
heres 3 bodies but apparently it doesnt count
A lot of dead White people. Attacking a country music festival. Implicitly White and implicitly conservative.
It's not that they couldn't have developed one that he was using, it's that it's highly unlikely and, from a practical standpoint, likely cost prohibitive. Plus, with a kill rate of 58:22,000, with some of those being trample deaths, it just doesn't look surgical to me. Again, not saying he did or didn't, just saying the most logical, probable reality is that he just dumped at the crowd.
indeed. for now, report and move on. we already found out the shooter was a pink pussy hat wearing faggot, thats more than the shills wanted to get out. they lost already and they will continue to lose.
In fact, thank you for proving my point for me: the shooter appears to be left handed AS WELL AS having attached earlobes.
I call pedo.
he didn't necessarily actually hit 500 people, and regardless, when you fire into a dense crowd, each bullet can hit multiple people
Hey nigger-brain, stop spamming pictures.
Becuase I am drinking bad coffee and just got here. Maybe you should see a doctor for your paranoia and stop reading old Tom Clancy novels
From what we found it was the FBI, not the CIA.
Though I think this is a deliberate attempt to discredit either and hide the real culprit pulling the strings.
Lots of deaths and injury's will end up coming from stampede and crushing.
Fox news roughly 3:15 central time Neil cavuto. I tried to post a vid I took but it wouldn't upload.
dubs also confirm he planted the rice and made others pay the price
Every single booboo that gets reported to an EMT goes towards the casualty count. People were tripping over each other (the ones smart enough not to lie down like cattle, at least)
There's no reason to believe ANYONE there guessing how many there are. Normies in the moment often swear one shooter is actually up to 10 guys.
(filtered) you fucking Jew
A lot of detached earlobe butthurt in this thread..
jews here at Holla Forums don't even own a rifle user. they haven't got a clue that you can bring them to hotel rooms if you don't live in trucuckistan/commiefornia
Yeah does anyone have a screencap of ISIS saying he was their guy?
Filtered, nigger-brain.
I missed the earlier threads, what specifically proved the connection?
Is that what started the earl- I better not say it actually. :^)
body under sheet next to EMT's
is this true ?
That's the part that makes me think Jonestein did actually get something leaked from cops gib proofs filterman, or he did actually convert. Target was chosen because of those reasons, and number.
Sure, left-handed earlobe-attached pedo.
it's an image board, what a douche
I've done it plenty of times. Hell, we had a fucking armory in my room at the last event I went to. It's not hard to slip shit past people if you don't act like you're doing anything wrong.
It's not paranoia. It's annoyance.
Post it in groups of 4, add links.
Otherwise it's a mere shitpost.
The only source so far is from Alex Jones, s it's no more probable than if the source was my wishful thinking.
Smart people wouldn't be in that situation in the 1st place. Large events like that are death traps.
33rd floor if you count the ground as 1, as they do everywhere else but the US.
There are videos coming out there's muzzle fire from the 10th floor, however, which would still be the 11th floor.
Fucking creepy shit. Feels bad man.
This feels like a CIA op to me.
Imagine this scenario:
This actually makes more sense than what we are seeing in the media right now. Everyone who knew this guy said they never knew him to be political or religious at all. Even the FBI came straight out this morning and said "he has no affiliations to any extremist groups of any kind".
We all know what the end-game is here:
The Jews want to disarm White Americans so they can Merkel us.
any chance of her coming back
Reminder on how shills work to concensues crack.
The automated A.I at amazon is autogenerating shilling arguements both for and against itself to throw off the arguements of humans. It is very human like in it's responses. Sometimes goons come in to correct the robot. Mods come in to ban wrongthink that is too blatant. Otherwise mods leave the discussion alone.
like how this whole thing could have been a hologramed shooter to the witnesses and the sound faked via the speaker systems and hacking all audio capable devices in the area at the same time
eat a dick bro. I am posting them as I find them for the convenience of others. so fuck off
Investigators load bodies from the scene of the mass shooting on Monday
Have we confirmed:
It may be ridiculous to say he "snuck it in" or whatever.
really? scroll up.
LURK MOAR, we been over this already.
Alex was right on the frogs, water fluoridation, vaccines, Trump and 9/11. Shooter being antifa is the first motivation I've heard, let's run with it.
Confirmed for never been in vegas. Floor 1 is just the Casino floor. It's usually that the first four or so levels tend to be the cheaper and handicap rooms with access to the pool levels or whatever the fuck. From there until around the 20th floor is the normal ass rooms. From 20th on up is suites.
Posting images isn't good for credibility user.
If you put the effort in to posting them, then you should put the effort into citing the source correctly.
err, the FBI? What is this, 1958? The CIA has a hand in everything at some level these days, but this reeks of the DHS to be honest… they love a high kill count and they can't resist the esoteric flair when it comes to hoaxing false flags.
Or it could just be to sell more guns since they make a fortune off these mass shootings.
They given us no information, other than
-10 guns
-Shot himself before police arrived
-Was a long wolf
Guess we have to bring them up to speed. Nofunz: get a glock and AR-15, then take a few gun classes under some tacticool trainer. Lots of outdoor ranges have carbine/pistol classes from guest instructors, or you can go to an appleseed, or you can look up the thunderranch/sig/etc operator schools and go there
Why would a hotel have connected suits if it were impossible to use them?
Let me sum the day for you: an antifa just killed 58 white american conservatives.
Those statements are general. It groups several effects and several causes all in the ABSTRACT.
When you examine the citations individually it refers only to ear lobes in the context of schizophrenia.
media is saying the type of weapons found in the room. On the top is an Ak-47 and on the bottom is an AR-15. AR-15's are typically semi-automatic, while AK-47s can be either fully automatic or semi automatic.
not sure, but pic related could come up with some new leads for the anons who are good with searching property records here instead of arguing over fucking earlobes.
Possibly. If this is really an ISIS attack (or rather an ISIS wannabie attacking at random), it would explain the target selection.
Shame really. The Caliph ordered his followers to attack media infrastructure & personalities. This guy clearly had a head on his shoulders. He planned this out well in advance. And yet all he did was kill random civilians.
Fox just said they confirmed he used at least one AR-15 converted to full auto.
antifa doesn't have literature
Say it with me folks radical Alt Left terror!
The elites who are destroying Europe and the USA are playing a much longer game than that, my friend.
A day that will not be forgotten
An massacre that will be avenged
I was the user in the other thread posting the floor plans. After seeing that fox video from a year ago of the same room it is CLEAR he had two rooms. I think fox is reporting this now.
That being said
I'm not usually a conspiritard but if they don't show us footage of this guy clearly carrying in large cases that obviously have guns in them then it's an obvious setup. I'm starting to think user in a past thread had it right. This is just some random guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mossad agents came in, offed him then carried out the wet works.
There is NO WAY there aren't two dozen cameras that show this guy carrying in guns.
-t. real estate development director who develops casinos
Where's the evidence that shows him being a leftist?
he is a democrat
Not suspicious at all.
In the USA, ARs and AKs are generally both semi.
1) class III license holder (rare)
2) illegally acquired
3) illegally modified
Ashley Jones just confirmed as 14th known victim
Fuck off already
There is none.
77 dubs of truth user. Bless you for posting these for the anons who need it.
dat ass
good work user. now we know one of the morgues involved
reported for being a kike shill
This is infuriating.
the windows
I don't work for you nor exist to please you so you fuck off.
4) bump fired from the hip
You can hide a lot of stuff in an otherwise normal looking suitcase.
kek, Sam Hyde must be distraught.
derka derka?
Or you ask for a double suite and they give you the two adjoining rooms because that's what that means.
Yes but the rifle still isn't auto in that case.
if you go now you can have it before they embalm it
If it turns out that it's antifa, everyone MUST start calling antifa terrorists.
Fox is reporting AR15 was used which was modified for full auto.
CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans 'often are Republican
(((Hayley Geftman)))
SHUT THE FUCK UP IF YOU'VE NEVER HAD A GUN. I could fit two rifles in a god damn backpack depending on their model. The guy was there for four fucking days, he had plenty of time to get 10 guns and a fuckton of ammo in his room even if he was only using a god damn purse. He had that much time to prep if he wanted. Him not having a giant car sized suitcase doesn't mean fucking ANYTHING.
Just stop with the lies. Enough. Here's the full study:
Read it. Says pedos are left-handed, have attached earlobes. Like – cohencidentally – our enigmatic shooter.
Don't deny the science.
my family growing up always had adjoining rooms. I don't know what that faggot is talking about
NASA is the real secret government by the way. The whole space thing is just a cover.
Sounded like a gat crank in the footage I watched.
Things must be really really bad there for such a thing to happen.
Everyone knows CERN is the real shadowgovernment, using time travel to manipulate things to their own ends.
Thats total bullshit. I get connecting rooms (I do all the booking of hotels and air fair for my company) and joined rooms all the time. If the rooms are free they will give them to you at check in. Joined rooms have double doors that connect adjoining rooms for large groups/families.
Companies and weddings get whole blocks of rooms next to each other.
A good hotel will do simple things like this to keep their customers happy. LV is a highly competitive hospitality market. Some of the websites even let you pick the rooms like picking seats on an airplane now.
So is this the pedo uprising the pedos from Holla Forums have been warning us about?
Good this will be this whore legacy
3/10 people have attached earlobes
1/10 people are left handed.
What percentage of the population are pedos? Enough with this nonsense.
Yeah, no kidding. What a moron.
Get fucked, kike.
Anybody get the RPM off the audio ?
Any gun nuts here that could theorize what weapon used?
Some talking about BumpFire a device that can convert a semi to Full ? Anybody familiar?
Does not work fir normies since shooter was white. better off with the most recent nog that shot up the church in retaliation for roof
(3/10) * (1/10) * 100 = 3%
Were they smuggled in?
They look very difficult to smuggle.
I heard 10 guns too.. where did that come from?
If it's 10 rifles then how the fuck was this smuggled in? And what about the ammo too? That's a fuck ton.
That's a big discrepancy.
Went from 10 guns, to rifles, to one single rifle…. no mention of bullets used and how much storage it would require.
Also what guns did the brother confirm that he knew about?
I didn't know I was hivemind
They are not the same species . . . Habiru cannibals.
According to Jonestein the room is filled with Antifa shit.
Expect media blackout
nice try, sincerely, but the normies will not digest that in the way we want them to. their response will be "wasn't the shooter white?"
hmm lets see how many jews, muslims, atheists and faggots are in the population? hang yourself kike
checkout the last thread there was video closer to the building
Only thing I've seen on the news about this are (((politicians))) and (((social science))) types using this as an opportunity to blast the virtues of hating evil Whitey. One of the largest mass shootings in the country and all I see is kike agenda being shoved hardcore
VEGAS SHOOTER'S Brother Looks Like The Worst Crisis Actor Ever
The general consensus is that he was using a hand crank on a semi-auto. Doesn't sound like an AR. My guess is 7.62X39mm
Wot a piece of shit
there seems to be a lot of shit heads from foreign countries in this forum that don't know shit about anything other then being assholes online
I never travel without a fucking gun. Even in states that are less than friendly, as long as you conceal well and don't give the police a reason to take a closer look at you nobody is going to notice.
Any evidence yet of an actual shooting yet or is it still the same "pop pop pop" sounds and hollywood trained crowd mass hysteria?
Scanning this thread so far my favourite is
When that is what normies do every single day on the internet, especially when you imagine the hits they'd get.
Until such evidence appears, one must remain sceptical of the usual kikery foolery and obvious CIA-niggers shilling the MSM narrative.
Some conservatives stay home in Ohio or other places, like "other losses". Sometimes we know who is really conservative..
Of "people," if you include non-whites. Among whites, aka humans, it's not 1/3. Seriously - do 30% of the whites you know have attached earlobes? Are you retarded?
Learn to think. It's not common for WHITES to have attached earlobes, and having both attached earlobes and being left-handed is especially statistically unlikely. Unless you are a pedophile, in which case, statistically very likely.
Math says: guy's a pedo.
link pls
1 in 30 humans having the genetic predisposition to be pedophiles doesn't seem impossible - it's like 3 out of 4 in subhumans, isn't it?
A 60something year old ex-nasa, LM employee could make anything full auto. Making guns is not rocket science.
Guess you're right. Thanks for the criticism.
Just trying to figure out how we could meme-spin this, but I guess we better wait until all the details come out.
Im Asatru, and this comment infuriates me. Get the fuck out schlomo.
We can't possibly tell you what weapons were used based off audio, but we could possible tell you calibers. But I would have guessed 7.62 rounds, and they've alrady confirmed an AK was used which uses it.
All these beautiful, wonderful White people lost and injured… Anyone besides filterman confirming the antifa link?
NASA is part of the Air Force which is part of the DoD you fucking retard.
These kikes are too confident now
Literally every fucking time, these things are the most repugnant, atrocious, asinine, narcissistic, and daft creatures to ever live. They can't help but extol their virtue of hating Whitey no matter fucking what or when
I did read it. That's why I know you are an idiot.
If you CTRL+F "lobe" the article it doesn't say a damn thing about lobes meaning pedo. It uses lobes and whether they are detached or not as a POSSIBLE INDICATOR.
That's all. It's a fucking example of something that MIGHT indicate a certain disorder. It doesn't say it does. It doesn't even specify a disorder.
Has any body considered the real possibility that second broken window was result of rounds passing through multiple hotel rooms and then exiting second window? Any confirmation of firefight in hotel?
This was of us who know a little about guns know it's not out of question for rounds to pass through multiple walls if they don't hit anything other than drywall, etc…
His source is the rescue team that broke into the faggots room, yes yes Alex is a faggot but he's the best we got.
Allen Dulles is credited with the 'primary and final' debunking of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in 1921.
Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA just after its creation in 1947, from 1951 to 1961.
CTRL+F 'zion'
Or, someone wants us to eliminate the US secret service and subvert the US?
Think user.
Foreign countries would love a US where the citizens attacked it's own secret service and federal investigation service.
What a chance to destroy their ability to regulate the US.
You're fucking deluded if you actually believe that. Normies slam their laptops shut the second see gore.
The flashing light is a reflection. It keeps flashing even when there is no shots.
It's actually perfect. Lefties are so desperate to publicly virtue signal they can't help but post all of their anti-white anti-american views on social media eventually. All they're doing is outing themselves and redpilling more people about the true extent of the (((problem)))
Only if you have an aftermarket trigger.
>He CLAIMS his source is the rescue team that broke into the faggots room
Instead of claiming he's a shitty actor by comparing his response to fictional characters, can someone find footage of a sibling of a mass murderer to compare this to?
I'm think police sent multiple teams to breach and they took out two rooms with flash bangs for reasons they are aware of
I swear to god, how many times do people have to say that getting the guns in is the EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD. THEY ARE NOT THAT BIG. Depending on the rifle types, I could put up to fucking 15 or so in one medium sized suitcase, and that's without disassembling them. If He took them apart, he could have literally brought them all in in a backpack. Two suitcases would have been PLENTY of space to carry everything he needed, and that's not a suspicious number of suitcases. THIS IS NO SPECIAL TRAINING REQUIRED FOR ANYTHING HE DID.
I found 1 possible Business entity match in Nevada for Stephen Paddock (no c initial) for Paradise Ranch 21 LLC. I'm not 100% sure its him due to no middle initial and his address being that of the registered agent, but its looking promising.
But what about that father connection.
All i could find was a court case, I still don't know if that person is related at all or if it's total crap.
It could still be a full auto gun. Cyclic rates can vary temporarily when you are putting hundreds of rounds through something as the gas tube starts to clog up.
thats always a hard call, take advantage of the moment before people forget and risk putting out inaccurate info or wait until all the info is out there and present truthfully but at that point, your audience has moved onto the next (((tragedy)))
I commend your patience
sounded like a cranking device to me
Citations for statements demanded. Please.
THE AMMO user.
His father was a robber in the 1960s. Hardly a hot connection.
One of our comrades from our Las Vegas branch has made these fascist Trump supporting dogs pay.
What gun was he using?
And if the 10 guns thing is true, that's a ridiculous amount to carry.
I see you've shifted the goalpost from "it's all about schizophrenia" to "well, uhh, it might indicate pedophilia, b-but…."
Read the data, dipshit. No "CTRL F." Read the whole damn thing. Data says that it substantially, meaningfully points to much higher prevalence among pedophiles.
Enough, kike. You are both a liar, and a disingenuous changer of goalposts. Gas yourself.
Must be Gene Rosenburg's long lost brother, or the insane Doctor guy who claimed to have done all the autopsies
So nobody would grab the chance to make the biggest news story ever and capitalise on it because "normies"
Right you are squire
So still no evidence then, like the holohoax.
I have both features, and am not a pedophile.
Heavy, but not bulky. A single airplane-travel sized rolling luggage bag could fit and carry many times more rounds of ammunition than he used.
this dude is worse
We all know that's a parody account.
Nice try, but you won't make Holla Forums cry wolf.
There is no need to spin it. He was white he shot white people as the fired jewess pointed out they were likely conservatives Trump voters so no pity is deserved. This is all people need to know. If more comes out great if not oh well.
The most important thing is he was American and he got dealt with. Liberals are already pointing out he was a white terrorist. This is where "so what" should come in. Just because there are white American murderers does not mean foreigners should be allowed in to the country to commit the same or worse acts.
Kek maybe moot selling out to that data mining jap wasn't so bad. Now cuckchan Holla Forums gets prime listing on jewgle.
People sneak kegs, hookers, and other crazy shit in to LV hotel rooms. Putting a few rifiles in large suitcases is nothing. He may have even pulled the old 1920's guitar case gag.
Truly a vigorous question, and not to put you down in a way, but were you sexually abused at a young age? Did you have a handler?
A normalfag doesn't accidentally film people being murdered and think to themselves
>this is great, I can become rich and famous if I upload this to the internet!
You plainly have completely lost any connection to the reality of normalfags if you believe they think that way.
Obviously from the same Sandy Hook[nose] school of acting
thats what I thinking, maybe a flashbang took out the other window.
Even archive baleeted the link.
Oh boy
It shows it's in the blood for one.
And either:
Plus that case had perjury issues.
That's incredibly important given what we say last year with Clinton..
Who is Stephen Paddock? Multimillionaire Las Vegas shooter, 64, was a hunting enthusiast, licensed pilot and gambler with no criminal record who owned a $400,000 home in Nevada retirement community
The man suspected of killing at least 58 people and injuring 515 when he opened fire on concertgoers Sunday night has been identified as Stephen Paddock
His dead body was discovered by police in a room at the Mandalay Bay Resort after he took his own life, with 'over 10 rifles' discovered on the scene
Paddock, 64, lived just 90 minutes outside Las Vegas in the city of Mesquite, where he bough a home in a retirement community back in 2015
The retired accountant and multimillionaire lived at the $400,000 property with girlfriend Marilou Danley, 62, who is currently in the Philippines
Paddock had hunting and fishing licenses as well as his pilot's license, and worked at Lockheed Martin as an auditor for three years in the late 1980s
He had no criminal record in the state of Nevada and officials said at a press conference early Monday that they are still looking into his possible motive
Paddock's father was a serial bank robber who was 'diagnosed as psychopathic' and spent eight years on the FBI Most Wanted list after escaping prison
t. random youtube comment
Anyone know what they meant by this?
Sources and calculation have been posted all over. Search them ITT.
It's a parody account retard.
Maybe by no guns sitting on their couch. It sounds exactly like a standard retail AR-15 modified to fire full auto.
Yeah, I'm kind of flabberghasted by that. But not because of how many he carried or anything. Like, if I had enough money for 10 automatic rifles, why on earth would I do something like this? I would just go to sleep happy and content every night because I HAVE 10 AUTOMATIC RIFLES, HOLY SHIT..
To any anons that might be reading through this thread. Consider why not a single shill, robot, or user if there are any left has responded to .
Parody account you dumbfuck. Do you really think they'd be THAT brazen?
Can any video artists splice this with the concert footage?
nice, hooktube.we need to utilize this more. enjoy this collectable nigger
>some people(or (((people)))) use science/tech for bad things so we should get rid of all of it
Get the fuck out shill.
Christ, first earlobe autism, now some astroturf shill trying to make a happening about his book.
Casinos need to be shut down. Eliminate the dens of vice and usury. No corporation should have that power.
It's no more a meme than capitalizing alphabet agency names.
Inspire terror: check
Attack a "bad" group of people a.k.a. Whites that don't live in a suicide cult called leftism: check
Fucking nigger, use .is doesn't shoah archives.
based on fucking what do you propose that the dhs planned and organized this?
so the shills are trying to get us to blame the federal government because ?? why to make us look stupid? this tactic is so retarded that it almost feels like theres something else at play here.
can somebody tell me what's up with this earlobe talk?
there was some match in the room numbers also
3332 or 3323←– something like that, maybe he changed rooms at some point also.
I don't know what intelligence the police were operating on.
Shooter has attached earlobes, is possibly left handed. Pedophile telltales, scientifically proven.
i bet it was room 3333
That's not good.
The earlobe thing might be more important than we think…
Now we have two facts that may suggest skitzophrenia.
We may need more, but now it's a little more likely.
fair enough
basically I was just saying that the FBI has denied all connections to extreme groups … which I think is interesting to make such a claim on the morning after the shooting. Seems too soon?
Its a slide technique by shills.
There is no reason to suppose they were all automatic weapons, or all rifles.
For that matter, there is no real reason to believe his automatic weapons were legal in the first place.
Again, you are going to have to come up with something better to stave of the what happened, there were tens of thousands of people, filming the whole scene live. It is impossible for none of them to have captured any evidence of actual shootings.
How did the guy get all that heavy ammo to the room and nobody else knew?
There are hi definition cameras all over Las Vegas, so we'll see everything, just like they did open examination of 9/11, Sandy Hook[nose] et al
Let's see some evidence forst, before jumping to the illogical conclusion of just blindly believing what the CIA-kike media tells us to think.
Looks like Paddock's father was on FBI's most wanted. Also does this have anything to do with the Scalise shooting? Who is behind these leftist attacks?
Tell him to seriously kill himself.
The guy didn't just waltz into a hotel with a few bare naked rifles user. And besides, have you ever looked into the people who write songs for country music? You know, entertainers?
Ah fuck, is it?
Why did it get deleted then :/ Why would a parody delete
Also how the fuck did you guys know it was a parody account?
Doesn't look like a parody account to me
After two weeks of rioting and tearing down statues it's hard to tell anymore.
Tell him that jews are the original middle eastern terrorists and really watch his head spin.
I use humor to mask my pain user, pray for my sins
I don't. Everyone made the assumption in context of world issues.
People are more surprised there isn't a group connection.
How many people where machine gunned during those riots? Get some perspective and use your critical thinking.
Typical alt-kiker that gets all his opinions from youtube but still refuses information that might seriously change his worldview.
that is quite a lot of unbelievable crap right there.
People who watch CNN actually believe this is possible.
Nigger I own dozens of guns, I've been shooting and re-loading for 30 god damed years.
I get your point about breaking down guns, we would still see him coming and going with an unusual amount of bags. The point is there is fucking cameras everywhere that SHOULD prove the official story IF they are released. Which they wont be and why it must be demanded that they are released.
Goal posts are the same.
But, you fucking moron, they used it as a general example of something that COULD indicate SOMETHING in the abstract.
Actually, psychopathy and psychosis are two different things. I think the whole family are a bunch of psychopaths, and the shooter possibly a pedophile based on attached earlobes and possible left-handedness.
It all seems to connect.
not sure if coincidence but Marc Dutroux has un-detached earlobes too.
picture related.
Got proof of that?
… and what about the Captiol baseball shooter?
… and what about the Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater shooting?
… and what about the guy that blasted that White reporter live on air?
… and what about the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona?
… etc …
The vast majority of shooters have been on the left, but everyone has been brainwashed by the Jewish media to believe the opposite.
looks like the doorway goes straight to where the other window would be. swat (whoever) prob threw a FB upon entry and it flew across the room and hit the window, then went off next to it.
no there are a couple that hard but not that one.
They are really afraid of us spreading the news that this guy was a commie and serves as further proof that all commies must hang
Anons, this user is proving a point. CRIME SCENES have legit death photos..
Touche, friendo. But why choose a fucking country music festival? Like, I understand the idea behind committing a mass murder like this, but country music seems to be the most innocuous thing to shoot up. Clearly the guy was most likely a hard core liberal, but even then, Country Music is, "Kinda rightwinged, I guess." He didn't shoot up a clan rally, or a neo-nazi meetup, or the RNC or anything. Choosing a country music festival just seems to make so little sense.
pic related
He lived at the $400,000 property (above after the police search on Monday) with Marilou Danley, 62
There's very little blood considering these three people have all apparently been shot to death. And going by the fact that all three are laying in very close proximity to eachother, but not on top of eachother, or tangled in any way, they would have to be shot quite a few times each, in a short period of time. You don't just drop down instantly from a single gunshot. Unless it's a perfect shot through the heart, which is very unlikely to even happen once. Three times in a row would be a statistical impossibility. And there would be WAY more blood from heartshots.
It's also pretty suspicious that the picture is taken from an angle that don't allow us to see any injuries. And of course it's blurred in the back, making it harder to scan for traces of blood or guts. Or any sign of actual damage.
(((You))) always forget to add the fucking blood and gore to these hoaxes, fucking amateurs. I thought (((you))) of all creatures would know better by now how much blood the human body actually contains, and how rapidly it flows from major wounds.
And by the way, are there even real people on this board anymore? Seems like Holla Forums currently consists of 90% kikes and 10% niggers. The amount of sheer stupidity has reached unprecedented levels. A person with even the slightest glimmer of intelligence should be able to see right through these fucking fabricated events.
How will this affect the next free speech rally? With the right firmly pointing fingers at the left for this shooting and antifa always trying to escalate things, the next rally could be interesting if 2nd amendment people bring their guns.
Maybe you missed my point.
How can the FBI rule out any and all extremists connections in a few hours?
Seems like it should take a least a little time to work on this before making such a conclusive claim.
where did you find that. Its not showing up in Nevada business entity search
The housing market is so over-ripe for another bust that I can taste it.
I caught a press conference at like 4am saying "bring your videos to the lvpd station that we may TAKE CUSTODY OF YOUR VIDEOS". Essentially if you are dumb, gib camera goy.
and that photo of trayboon wasnt released until the trial
>everyone I don't like is a
Where x is Jew, bot, shill, leftist, nigger, mod or GamerGate depending on who you are… not compelling. Best way to separate the men from the bots is probably creating an image with instructions which differ from your text and observing the response.
Paddock was married to Peggy for six years before the two divorced 27 years ago
So does Jeff Sessions….
They found higher prevalence of left-handedness and attached earlobes among pedophiles. Why are you still arguing? That's the data. That's what they've found.
And lo! Look at the known pedophile on the right image. Look at those attached earlobes.
You're not winning at reality, here.
Haven't seen this posted here yet.
It's not in nevada but Texas. I'm using Bizapedia
I am curious on why our friendly neighborhood man-cuck never took the opportunity to hose down the guy "singing" on stage.
He had the element of surprise and if he was a terrorist, hitting the singer would have scored some points at least.
I aint calling false flag but man-cuck DID have the element of surprise. Even the bataclan (((terrorists))) shot at the band when they were on stage
Northern Nevada: Paddock purchased a parcel of land in Reno back in 2012 that he sold earlier this year (above) after putting a house on the property
Complex: The same year he bought the parcel of land, Paddock also bought an apartment in Reno
Former community: Paddock owned a home in a Florida retirement community (above) for two years between 2013 and 2015, but only visited a handful of times
Why is there a big pile-on to the right? Did they think they were tackling the gunman?
Are you blind?
I mean left.
iv seen planty of videos where people drop after one shot, most do in fact. Yes, I have seen a few where they dont go down right away, so please feel free to cherry pick and post, that will not legitimize your opinion.
have you never heard the term "internal bleeding"?
reported. take your D&C back to cuckchan
FBI is retarded, they claimed the Pulse Shooting had no terror motive despite Omar declaring allegiance to ISIS on a 9/11 call, and ISIS taking responsibility. Not to mention them covering for Fast and Furious, shillary's emails, etc. I would not take anything from the FBI at face value. ISIS did declare responsibility for this one.
Nearly 500 victims and still no clear evidence it happened as the kike media says
All any user would expect is to see some evidence at least before leaping to any conclusions that the jewish media would have you believe.
Here's the most conclusive evidence shown so far to date
Shaky blurry camera footage circa 2001, some weak pop pop pop sounds, mass hysteria and not much else, a bit like that shit Cloverfield hollywood movie.
Examination Results: Inconclusive
Liberals hate anything white culture and that can be the slightest bit conservative. Country music perfectly fits the left's stereotypes of
These are relatively detached.
you should greentext so the autismos know you're being a wiseass
Attacking civilians is stupid. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. The whole "terror" meme is dumb.
If you really want political change, don't kill people who have no power. If you want political changes, start targeting economic centers and government infrastructure. You can kill thousands of civilians and the politicians will literally not give a shit. Hell, George Bush LOVED 9/11 because it kept the lemmings patriotic and scared.
If you really want change, start striking terror into the hearts of the politicians.
Arrest those survivors for littering, holy fuck
Obviously mannequins /s
Yea you have a point.
Target doesn't really make any sense even if you consider the guy might be "insane". Tired of events like this with no motive. Only thing I can think of is if he was trying to kill some other poker player that pissed him off. One of the witnesses is some semi-famous meathead druggy gambler for example. Still the full-auto method wouldn't make sense then.
I just watched a video on BumpStock ,think this might be it. The handcrank/ Gatling AK' s didn't impress me as much as this device (no I ain't a F-ing shill) check it out
Are you autistic? That was sarcasm.
if you notice the video footage of the band when the shoot first started, a bullet hit one of the view screens putting a huge crack in it.
The leftists can't help but show their hatred for whitey.
Pretty sure the hotel room faced the rear/side of the stage too.
boards.4chan. org/pol/thread/143745295
It's not gun control this time it's bigger, TSA faggotry everywhere.
When the casino footage is released we'll see how much luggage he had.
No, wait. Not really detached, from other pics of him. Hmmmmm.
Strong correlations…
The only interesting part I found was:
Those listed on the paper were fairly against immigration.
And considering the shooter's wife's background and ethnicity, perhaps it shows common ground of immigration issues.
The thing is - both circumstances of the shooter's relationship and the list on the paper could be exploited to deliberately infer that these shooters were hard left and pro-immigrant extremists.
I think there may be a chance that these bits of evidence may be planted though.
Firstly, I am sceptical that the shooter of this case is the actual shooter, too many discrepancies were observed at the time of the shooting and in the reports in the aftermath. I also suspect that there may be foul play with regards to either blackmail or even murder (then carrying out the shooting with professionals and getting rid of the evidence that makes it seem "too unrealistic". That was a lot of ammo, a lot of people killed, and I think we need to look into how hard it would be to shoot people from the hotel)
Secondly, I think that note (in Scalise's murder) was planted in his pocket or he was forced to shoot and keep that in his pocket.
BUT. Both appear to have some left connection. The Scalise shooter went to Bernie rallies. The LV shooter had a foreign wife (perhaps there were legal issues which is why she is out of the country).
Shit. In SoCal, that'd go for 800k in a decent area.
this isnt hollywood, people dont explode in a shower of blood and fly back 10 foot
and by the way most heart shots dont produce that much blood, when the heart is shot it tends to stop pumping blood, most of the blood stays in the body
for what? its obviously legit
Were you born on 9/11? The US, at least, has fundamentally changed as a result of terrorism.
Fuck. This is so distopian it can only be real.
Green text next time. It's hard to tell with the sheer number of shills saying exactly the same, you know.
Someone said something about handguns.
Where did this rumour come from?
Great trips!
Kikes fucked them selves!
Probably from the brothers interview where he said he had handguns and one long gun.
Yes. We all know about confirmation bias.
But I'll still watch anyway :^)
But those names stand for things. Antifa is just "anti" and "fascist" slapped together. Anything other than "antifa," "Antifa," or "AntiFa" is wrong. I'm sorry if I'm being autistic about this but it drives me nuts. Don't get me started on all the people here who reddit (paragraph) space or use 2-3 (non-paragraph) spaces in between their sentences. They're clearly cuckchan rapefugees because they've been getting far more common over the last year or two.
Did I say it wasn't legit? I'm asking where the pic was downloaded from.
I used to live in this fuckers building. That place is called the montage and is in the heart of Reno.
I don't think a man with 10 guns and who knows how much ammo would just shoot himself rather than take as many cops as he could with him. Maybe he knew too much from his Lockheed Martin days.
Nice one, the CIA-niggers will shit a brick at that being posted here
wouldnt he rob the casino instead of shooting in the crowd?
the guy had all the time he needed, all he had to do was fire in the general direction. When the round of fire comes down, he seems to content shooting at the screen. My guess is, that if was going to jail, he might as well shoot the crowd. I may understand a bit better if someone posts that image of location and the shooting
looks like the video just proved nothing fucking happened. not one shot impacted anywhere near the concert if that audio is even bullets and not just some type of kike speaker technology.
On a related note, I got strange synchronic numbers during/before the shooting.
I saw 1:33 repeated then literally the post right after was about the shooting.
This happen to anyone else? Just curious.
t. MemeMagician who created the Trump and Pence Refererenced in Bible Mandela Effect thread.
So? No one attacks the US because they hate our freedoms. No that's conservative tire stupidity. So the whole "the terrorists attacked us to destroy our faith in the Constatuchan" narrative is idiotic.
Intelligent terrorists attack Wallstreet, not people. People have no power. Wallstreet does.
And a really intelligent terrorist attacks media outlets and banks. That's real power.
You must not travel with friends much. It is purposely made easy to get two suites together for families or bands or whatever to stay together. You are not the detective you think you are. The lack of skepticism here is appalling. Tomorrow the Sandy Hoaxers will probably say 10,000 crisis actors were in play.
those people are clearly tired from the concert :^)
It's will be between 55 and 65 before the day is through.
Considering how many false flags there have been, and considering how the red-pill was always about seeing through the jewish lies, pol sure has got a lot more jewish media narrative friendly than it used to be.
With pistol rounds, only two things will drop you instantly with one shot: CNS damage or a psychological stop.
I haven't combed all 7 threads, but has anyone brought up that this guy's dad was on the FBI Most Wanted List for bank robbery?
I had posted all sorts of links to bank robberies in the Orlando area (and area Omar Mateen was from) that occurred before the Pulse shooting because I had found some connection to the memoryholed would-be shooter out in CA being connected to a robbery. Or something. I can't remember now what prompted my search with bank robbery connections, and it seems that the thread may have been shoahed. And my old device crashed with the archive links. I had hypothesized that the bank robberies were being used to fund these guys while they were organizing/planning/training. I also noted the correlation to the old Black Panthers (BLM=BP 2.0) and Weather Underground (Antifa=WU 2.0) committing robberies back in the 70s. Many of the bank surveillance robber pics in the Orlando area looked like Afro-Centric Militants and Muslims. I think there is a connection here we need to dig into, Anons. Always follow the money…
It was all a Vegas Knights publicity stunt for their first season.
There's a reason Bane is so heavily meme'd here.
Another thing, how hard is it to hit targets from his room?
Could such a rifle do the job?
And how much ammo would he need?
And lastly, why were there people at a Jason Aldean concert?
That fact is the MOST peculiar.
You have no idea how guns actually work or you're a shill. Anyone who has ever been hunting knows this. Bullets don't cause the victim to be blown up into the air, or to start bleeding profusely all over the place. I've shot deer before and they've run off, I don't find the blood trail until they'e laid down and died about 30 feet away.
It was a spray and pray.
Nigger, you've obviously ==never== seen a liveleak video. I suggest you up your game, shill.
Lmao. You think there are just holes in them? You can see injuries in nearly all these pictures. Your entire concept of victims of gunshot wounds comes from Hollywood you stupid motherfucker. If you had ever shot an animal, or even watched actual shootings you would know this.
Can't help that projection, can you, kike?
CIA happens on occasion too, on here, doubly so…
That's not the 1st of October now is it user?
In the FBI reports it would be interesting to see the spray pattern, I'm guessing bounded ovals.
The feds have been trying expand TSA for years
in the previous threads some one made note that it was around 300-400 yards which is perfectly within operation range of ar/ak
FBI and similar organizations will claim there is no connection to a terror group if they don't find a membership card in the guys wallet. Testimony of the perpetrator himself? Pfft, that means nothing. If we can't find a passpord issued by ISIS, there is no connection!
Evidence, if evidence ever need be, that the CIA needs Holla Forums to remain completely devoted to the jew media narrative in every event
6,000,000 GUNS
I literally posted the authorised legal report…
Sorry cops if you're browsing, I know that's naughty :^)
I agree with asking this question, there are videos everywhere. We should see him walking in and out with either a small bag or several large bags X number of times. One trip with one small bag isn't enough to get 10 rifles into the room, for example. Let's see if he made a reasonable number of trips with a reasonable amount of baggage each time.
9/11 was an exceptional terrorist attack. Look at what muslims have done since then. Running people over with trucks, throwing acid in people's faces, and little bullshit with a few kills.
If it was a leftist, they did it because they hate whites and white culture. Country music is a staple of white American culture.
If it was a muslim, it's just another case of some psycho thinking he'll get virgins and other bullshit if he takes out infidels while he does allah's work.
You should be comparing this to terrorist attacks like trucks of peace, not 9/11. It's a different animal, for reasons most of you know and they're not worth derailing over.
Wow what is with all these fucking shills thinking this is a hoax?
Probably counting the knives in the kitch drawers as well.
He was just donating them to the police.
Is this the Beta Uprising?
But was that his gun?
The brother just said a rifle didn't he?
Was it that sort of rifle?
Unironically this.
Where are the souls?
Show us pictures with heads blown off>>10697568
Why was it called harvest?
He was (laterally) 300 yards from the target. Accounting for height, guessing around 500. To hit a single person at that range, it's juuuuust doable for most trained marksmen, thought plenty can hit well beyond that. However, his "target" was a huge tightly paced throng of people that was half a mile wide, not a single person. So for him to miss, he would have needed to be Hotwheels himself to fuck up that badly.
We are and your shit don't fly here
Not all the earlobe stuff in this thread crazy. Let's not get confused here:
There are two kinds of earlobe shit in this thread
There is the weird pedo-earlobe stuff in this thread, like this:
Then there is the fact that the NASA Pussy Hat guy is a different person than Stephen Paddock, because the earlobes don't match between the two men:
I don't know about the pedo-earlobe stuff, but the NASA guy's earlobes don't match Paddock's earlobes, which means they are two different people.
You've contracted schizophrenia or brain GRIDS.
But, if you follow the money far enough it always leads to the same place. Rothschild/Bilderberg. I don't expect they'll release anything major until prime-time or just before it, if not tomorrow altogether.
my bad brother, long day
I didn't say he had handguns. I pointed out that you don't know all 10 of his supposed guns were rifles. Why would you assume they were? They very well may have been handguns. There is no evidence for it, but neither is there any evidence to the contrary.
I'm going to guess there's a bit more to this.
Because it's October (end of the harvest) and it's a country music concert (rural aesthetic)
Allow me to explain further. Conspiracy theories aside, Al-Quieda's gripe with the USA is its support for the terror state of Israel. They may have thought "Oh you know what will stop them from sending money to Israel? Maybe if we kill 3000 of them, that'll show them"
This kind of nigger tire thinking is what "justifies" the random truck attacks.
"Oh maybe if we just run over a few more civilians, that'll scare em into submission!"
But no one in power gives a fucking shit about their people. If they did, the media Jews would be arrested and executed in one glorious night operation and the invasion would end the next day. So if you want to get the attention of the System, start hurting the System. You'd need to kill upwards of a million civilians to even make a dent in their power. But if you kill the right person, or blow up the right buildings, you can bring them down.
Yeah. I think that's fair.
dunno tbqh
my bad bro, long day (as you can see from the dbl post)
Holla Forums is shit
He also implied that certain parties had an interest in Las Vegas, it was clear speculation as if they knew the intent but not the specific date.
Fuck off leftypol.
That's all the guns he has ever bought through dealers over his whole life, though.
59 ded now.
I bet the next thing you're going to tell me is that all the obvious crisis actors that don't show any type of human emotion at all when they get interviewed, are in reality grieving parents/friends/lovers even though they're incapable of producing a single tear from their empty, soulless eyes.
You may think you've got the narrative under control, and that everyone believes your bullshit, and to a certain degree that may be true, but for each day that passes, more minds are freed. The light shines brighter for every moment that goes by, and there's nothing you can do to stop this glorious awakening.
We are coming for you.
It would be great if the nigger who posted the picture also posted an archive of that thread. Anyone can edit HTML and post screenshots.
We know he had an AR and an AK, don't know what else. Also, 300 yards is perfectly reasonable for basically ANY rifle, unless it's a fucking .22 or something.
Maybe because the people that are against pantyfags might have a thing called morals and realize joking about a murderer isn't a good thing to do?
You might have noticed that suddenly 90%+ of (((anons))) all think the jewish media narrative is the only conclusion one can make otherwise "they've obviously forgot to take their meds or something oy vey" etc.
You know the mainstream jew media version that so far has provided us with about as much proof shown as the holohoax has.
Are you some sort of european faggot or something? ARs and AKs shoot intermediate cartridges. Excepting kid shit like 22lr, other rifles have greater range.
That's funny. I know plenty of crops that harvest at different times other than October..
That he worked for Lockheed Martin? And I would appreciate an archive of that thread.
Savage just had a guy on who said that SWAT teams were distracted on the other side of town when the shooting happened due to another murder. We should look into that.
You think it will hit 88 so MSM has totes 1000% proof of the shooter beinga Nazi?
Because his Dad was a bank robber who claimed perjury against the system.
Because the circumstances make no fucking sense or are too convenient in other ways.
Because the scalise attack (I said murder earlier, that was a mistake) also had sinister circumstances.
18 guns found at one of his homes. Swat about to enter another home.
(press conference happening now)
I dunno.
This. I can comfortably hit a 2x2" steel target at 300yd at a local range with any of my semi-auto rifles. It's not hard to control a gun as you're just spraying in a general area.
No you dumb faggot, it has nothing to do with the shooter. Motive is everything.
i think we found Neo guys!
The USA has been being sold out for a long time now. All that has occurred has led me to believe 9/11 was a staged event and the priority there after has been fear, and then security. The USA is going to be the worlds melting pot, for a very steep price to maintain and control that melting pot, that is why part ofTrumps agenda has been, allow immigration, but only to those who are worthy of it.
This is also why I really don't give any credence to the brother's interview, who kept insisting he "wasn't really into guns" and didn't have a lot of guns. The guy had fucking 30+ guns. You have to be into guns just to dedicate the room to store 30 guns + ammo. Sounds like his family doesn't know him that well so I'm not really interested in their gudboi narrative.
Are you able to read?
No it's fine lad. I didn't make myself clear when I asked. It's just frustrating to see so many anons alphabet agents willing to accept the official narrative so easily and actively discouraging investigative efforts.
Screenshot of a post I have no way of verifying if real. But, user predicts Nevada attack, says the goal is roll-out of metal detectors and back-scatter x-ray at casinos and eventually all over the place - schools, universities, hospitals, etc. to make money for OSI, The Chertoff Group, and Sheldon Adelson.
Go be autistic someplace else.
How were the weather conditions?
The post you're crying about is about the fact that Religion of Cuck™ists don't attack us because of our freedoms.
Watch this video, retard.
But he just outed himself as an mudslime lover.
It wouldn't be terrorism then. Destroying the enemy's supplies and propaganda is overt warfare. Terrorism is just killing civilians for the sake of awareness. Its as logically flawed as thinking changing your Facebook picture will stop dictators in Africa.
The Charlie Hebdo attack walks this line pretty firmly. Yes it was an attack on a media outlet, but the motivations seem to be more for awareness than a real attempt to stop the flow of propaganda.
Either way it would be called terrorism by the MSM, but it was a valid target unlike aloha snack baring a crowd for no apparent reason other than to promote your gay little club. And honestly who even here is sad that a bunch of left wing propagandists ate it in that attack? On the other hand I'm sure lots of us are struck by the outright stupidity of this attack. That is the difference between a military target and terrorism.
Yeah kikes hired crisis actors that were so purposely obvious for someone like your faggot brony ass.
This thread makes it so easy to tell the little weebs who have never seen gunshot wounds or people killed from those who have.
People like you are so fucking stupid it makes me feel we need another board migration because you sound like Holla Forumstard 4chan faggot.
Oh, my dude, relax. I wasn't saying terrorists have achieved their goals, only that they've changed the country. The shit they pull only rarely affects good targets.
This poster has basically spammed earlobe nonsense throughout, on the other Vegas threads people posting the comical interviews with witnesses had their posts removed for posting what looks like evidence of a fishy CIA psyop, yet these earlobes chaps are allowed to stay and shit up the discussion, maybe to give the mods an excuse to later gas anyone sceptical still posting in the midst of all the CIA-nigger crosstalk, no doubt.
Oh John you forgot about the power switch nigger
Mods, for the love of God please remove these shitty filters. It was never funny to begin with.
Ok fine, refute my points then. The whole thing was a hoax after all.
This is undoubtedly going to be pushed as "NO ONE NEEDS THIS MANY GUNS! its time for a gun registry, if you won't let us take them all, then at least let us make it so you can only own a SINGLE pea shooter, you dont need all those scary military assault rifles!"
I'm not saying out right this is a hoax or false flag or anything yet, I havent seen enough evidence to make a conclusion about what went down. But without question this is going to be inflated to all hell and used to push not only gun control, but a massive increase in the surveillance state (now even normies at a concert are "in danger" and so people will be scared and go with it, the fruit is ripe for the picking… if the kikes and (((deep state))) planted the seeds and grew the plant themselves, or shipped it in a fully grown tree with fruit ready to pick, or if its a wild plant that grew on its own - I hope you get the metaphor here-, doesnt matter as far as the narrative pushing is concerned), and again normies will now be way more willing to go along with it
Ultimately this works for their agenda which is more big brother watching everything we do constantly. Hell his "lack of an online presence" will probably ALSO be used to push the narrative that "people who don't have social media are crazy" or "people who try to hide their identity online are crazy," I'm not sure how successful those narratives will be, but they'll be pushed as well to try to force everyone into their systems.
Of course none of them will mention that despite all the NSA spying on us and mass data collection, and all the fucking surveillance state shit already in place it didnt stop jack shit.. nope, wont matter, need mo money fo dem spy pogroms
Is this a bot or something?
Friendly reminder to not engage people who are saying obviously stupid shit. Filter and report, don't bite the b8 and feed into the derailment.
what do you think the "explosives" were? Tannerite?
why cant you type normally?
Anyone knows if he got or modified it illegally?
You're butthurt, and for no good reason. Wait till they find out he is a pedophile. You'll look very stupid then, user.
Tannerite or fireworks. Although if that ANTIFA post is proven to be true, he may have even got his hands on the Anarchist Cookbook.
It's real
>not the specific date
Literally gave a specific date that's nearly 3 weeks ago you illiterate mongoloid.
Poor gun-less Australian zog slave here.
We only have boomerangs.
earlier in the thread, i believe there was a source confirming at least 1 fully automatic AR-15, meaning he at least got or modded that illegally, rest of the arsenal probably follows the same pattern.
Shills trying to fit in too hard. They overplay it and end up sticking out like a sore thumb.
don't get discouraged though, we are succeeding. today, i have seen more shills here than ever before. the comment count kept going up like a kikebart article.
We accomplished three things that the kikes were trying to keep us from today:
1. the fact he is a pussy hat wearing libtard
2. pictures of the victims bodies (very powerful)
3. undermining the media narrative (even if only for a handful of people)
there is still more work to be done but we have been successful today.
Confirmed for shill.
They haven't said yet; it was reported as converted to full-auto, whatever the fuck that exactly means. It could be a legit(illegal) FA conversion or some media/cop faggot not knowing that cranks and slidefire stocks aren't FA "conversions".
surely we will get HD footage of the hundreds of bullet impacts on that concrete surface
Does anybody here have a solid link from him to antifa?
Saw a lot of people saying it was probably a bump stock or trigger crank on an AR-15. They noted the odd rate of fire. Look up vids, makes sense.
Yeah and no planes hit the WTC, it was all a hologram by the jews to unjustly hate our muslim brothers, so don't worry about that 3rd mosque going up in your neighborhood.
Whether this is a legitimate attack or not, you are going to have vulture gun grabbers jumping on this as an excuse to take firearms away.
But instead of wasting time talking about how it could be a false flag, why not spend some time highlighting the fact that a bunch of super shitty politicians are exploiting the largest mass shooting to push their political beliefs.
And you'll even get bonus points if you show people that they're complete hypocrites for going
Also the next question is firing rate.
Did the firing rate observed at the crime match the gun?
You may need to take into account overheating but I have no idea how that would affect an AK.
Any idea as to why they would choose the state of Nevada?
T.all these guys
Damn. Okay. I'm trying to spread verified info from here to the kikebook communities I run as rapidly as possible, but I want to make sure everything I'm posting is verified.
Not American, but isn't Nevada a region where Ameriyanks love their guns more than their own mammas
Something I just noticed, I've been asleep (overnight job, so sleep during the day) and have been trying to catch up. So Trump's speech said he'd be in LV on wednesday… anyone wanna bet someone "upset/hurt" by this tries to off him JFK style? At least, thatll be the (((narrative)))
Happens every time.
Every time there's a happening, faggots pour in to throw out red herrings. Even if one happens to be right, they will be drowned out by a murder of cawing faggots.
Sure it would be. Terrorism is whatever the USA defines it as. We could also call it freedom fighting. Anyway, it's all asymmetrical warfare as far as I'm concerned.
Really? America bombed the fuck out of German civilians and yet very few people call that terrorism. It's "bombing" when states carry out attacks on civilians and terrorism when non-state actors do it. When we start killing traitors, we'll also be called terrorists. And hell, when the System strikes back and starts murdering us, we'll call them terrorists. All's fair in love and war.
Besides, the government defines media Jews as civilians. As you say yourself, the MSM will call it terrorism. That's enough for the lemmings & I think the word asymmetric warfare is kind of clunky.
Isn't it wonderful that our glorious mods prevent us from having frank conversations by fucking with our words? I mean, who wants to post what they originally write?
Remember when you couldn't even write "black sun?"
Fucking mods.
That was an excellent example of successful "terrorism/asymmetric warfare"
Large amount of theives and liars i.e liberals, niggers, and kikes who would be payed to do this ala crowds on demand. Clear sky for possible radio shenagens. Easily bought off police. Easily corrupted settings. Literal kikewood tier movie sets for use.
Since no one has gone this route yet, here is the song Aldeen was singing:
Some days it’s tough just gettin’ up
Throwin’ on these boots and makin’ that climb
Some days I’d rather be a no show
Lay low ‘fore I go out of my mind
But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby
Some nights I come home fightin’ mad
Feel like runnin’ my fist through the wall
Is it even worth what I’m fightin’ for anymore
Feelin’ torn, oh the hell with it all
But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby
Everything gonna be alright
Just lay down by my side
Let me love you through this life
She’s a perfect shot of faith
When every bit of mine is gone
Somethin’ I can believe in
A best friend, a heaven sent
Love to lean on
But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
Registered Pedophile
Earlobes Don't Lie
Only link is wife.
And she's overseas (?) so that might suggest things like visa issues, illegal immigration issues.
But why this concert?
Was there anyone particular there?
The indiscriminate nature of the shooting is the most complexing part.
No politicians, no key celebrities or government personal. Just people with REALLY shitty taste in music.
I think the shooter was doing them a favour preventing the torture of a Jason Aldean concert.
bc casinos can function as their TSA foot-in-the-door. It's supposed to roll out like this
they called for gun control before the bodies got cold
Okay, you're clearly retarded.
Filtered for being a triggered idiot
Nothing has been confirmed. People are making wild guesses based off of shitty cellphone video sound.
If the guy really was a millionaire with no criminal record then buying legal full auto would be very possible. Spending $30K+ would be nothing for him especially if he had a deathwish.
Usually I call bullshit on these but, damn…
anything else you need clarified?
The majority of your posts consists of replying to anons with "reported", "reported for D&C" "Reported for being a kike shill", etc. You are also not interested in having a discussion of any kind, your only interest is in controlling the narrative.
This is extremely neurotic behaviour typical of jews, but very atypical of actual anons, and believe it or not, this really shows you're not from around here. You must be a bottom level merchant to believe that kind of basic fucking subversion tactics work here. Please try harder, it's genuinely sad to see you make this much a fool of yourself. And I, along with many others, genuinely like being challenged. Helps to fine-tune our jewdar, so please turn off your computer, go to your rabbi, and ask him to teach you the next three levels of kikery before you return.
it's plausible that a black ops team entered the building, set up the patsy (killed him), took care of business (the killings), and took off
Fuck off with the autistic earlobe bullshit, it's utterly irrelevant
stop engaging this retard. filter and move on.
Anyone have a diagram yet of the concert and where he was shooting from?
Also, was the concert a gun free zone?
Higher rest up here.
The hotel was a gun free zone.
You guys are just faggots, really. Because nobody would ever do anything ever with their own free will. Break news hotshot, people do get off their computer and do things outside of their homes unlike you, without reptilian ZOGbot HARP microwaves controlling their brains.
Thanks user. Here are all of is posts from the thread for anyone who's interested. He gets the date wrong but he does say Las Vegas specifically.
Junk information from last night; there was a pedo with the same first and last name but, he wasn't even american and this guy bought guns legally so he can't be a registered sex offender.
Confirmed Pedophile
Earlobes Don't Lie
And here's a great example of a shill. Note his "logic":
Ask your boss for some training.
Huge amounts of Nevada are federal land civilians aren't allowed to access, so testing government things makes sense there.
Pic related.
Congratulations, you don't know what words mean and attempted to start D&C.
Is this a serious question? Virtually everywhere that is a mass gathering is a gun free zones. Guns are illegal in movie theaters, malls, concerts, sporting events, etc.
keep telling yourself that lobelet
stfu about his earlobes you fucking degenerate twat.
Thanks user. This is the smoking gun, and the motive all in one.
Are you saying Saudi Arabia dindu nuffin?
Confirmed Pedophile
Earlobes Don't Lie
lucky 7s
Yes, if you don't count all the Californians and illegals that keep moving in swinging the state. We can have guns a lot of other states can't have. So it's a pretty good place to make an example of.
t. Las Vegan
Yeah, could you explain why you take something a 4cuck LARPer completely failed to predict as some sort of verified prophesy? Because you could predict just about anything that way.
As all the CIA-niggers ITT would reply:
Get the fuck off my board and go back to 4chan.
There is no fixing you. You can call out a shill (see earlobe guy) but you can't fix stupid.
It was too long and I wanted to find out about the shooting more than I wanted to read 5 pages of how shills operate. I saved them though.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.
from the shooters room
That is as stupid as saying "feminism is whatever feminists define it as."
No, you fucking shill. You aren't going to get me to call legitimate and justified attacks "terrorism." Fuck off to whatever gay leftist corner of the internet you came from and kys.
< HURRR I'm sure if I call things they agree with terrorism we can label them terrorists in no time!
Can't seem to find that tweet…
No, only you have said that, you are quite simply a retarded low rent kike, determined to shill the jewish narrative on here
A GRANTHAM man who downloaded indecent images of children as young as six-years-old was shopped by a neighbour, Lincoln Crown Court was told this week.
Stephen Paddock, who had previously been convicted of an identical offence, downloaded hundreds of illegal images on to his laptop.
Phil Howes, prosecuting, said the offences came to light after a neighbour overheard an argument between Paddock and his wife and, as a result of what was heard, contacted police.
He said: “The neighbour heard the defendant’s wife appear to accuse her husband of being a paedophile and of looking at images.
“The police attended and seized the computer equipment.”
A total of 1,928 indecent images of children were found on the laptop together with images showing bestiality between adults and animals.
Paddock, 45, formerly of Cheveley Park, Grantham, but now living in the Bristol area, admitting five charges of making indecent images of children on dates in June 2011. He also admitted possession of indecent images between December 12, 2008 and June 20, 2011 and possession of extreme pornography.
The court was told that Paddock was previously given a six month suspended jail sentence by Boston Magistrates’ Court in November 2007 for ‘carbon copy’ offences.
Judge Sean Morris jailed him for seven months and placed him on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.
The judge told Paddock: “I cannot ignore the fact that this is your second identical offence. A prison sentence has to follow.”
Sunil Khanna, defending, said Paddock was supposed to have been placed on a sex offenders’ treatment programme as part of his punishment for his previous offences, but this never happened.
Found this on normiegram
I guess the shooter didnt get the memo. But of course all the victims who could have shot him followed the rules
I missed this earlier: they found his chink lady friend's debit/credit card in the room. odd considering she's out of the Country.
Really gets your almonds activated thinking how they knew who the shooters was days ago.
It's 6am and I haven't slept though.
I should be completing an essay and drowing myself in apathy and student uni debt. Be gentle.
It's relevant to the identification of the man, not what that poster is suggesting.
Another odd coincidence.
I think these are deliberately targeted for hysteria instigation.
you're a red herring retard.
Every fucking time.
Statistics, common sense and logic show that more guns = less crime and less guns = more crime, but hey fuck facts right? My feelings are more important!
Confirmed Pedophile
Earlobes Don't Lie
Years, even.
Need confirmation whether this is real or fake, lads.
Tannerite at residence
Ammonium Nitrate in vehicle in Vegas
Is this as easy to shoot that crowd as people are suggesting.
I think that's a far distance.
That's a britbong with the same name for fuck's sake.
too many bloodstains to tell tbh
OSI stock symbol OSIS
Harry Reid was angry with DHS Dept. Secretary Michael Chertoff taking Vegas off of the high risk target list in 2009. Idk what to think of this, just adding to knowledge pool.
France 24 English has a bunch of videos out on the Vegas Shooting Story.
I haven't watched any yet myself.
It's still primarily time for gathering and archiving info, but many anomalies and coincidences with this.
The lone 68yo dotard suspect, the names, the connections, the digits, the date, the apparent symbolism.
Parts of the story seem to be very fluid. For instance I read and heard both that the suspect was killed in a shootout with cops and alternatively that he took his own life. I suppose both could be true.
It looks, not sloppy but deliberately, meticulously and braggadocios.
A belated Happy World Communism Day or whatever.
those tire marks from pulling down the garage door… what ghetto rig trucks are they using in vegas, shits just sheet metal.
bill clinton, check.
Fuuuck yes. Post it.
t. FBI
non-emotionally dominant individuals (sociopaths)
under developed brain
Just visit the most influential newspapers.
You will directly see what this is all about.
More / stricter gun control.
experienced ex mil fag here. your video actually proves that the killings are real. while the op itself may be a false flag with a patsy for whatever fucking reason. Those are real rounds and real hits.
Close your eyes and listen to the audio, tune out the idiots talking. You can hear the rifle pushing full auto, you can hear the echo of the rifle in the background as well. both are rather dull and muted, which comes from distances of 300+ meters. But if you listen carefully you can hear the sharp snap of the rounds hitting close. If you notice they come in close in groupings while the shoot is ongoing, they pull in and then out in sharpness. This is as the guy is moving the rifle back and forth over the crowd.
While not ideal to judge based upon video audio. I would hazard a guess that at least three of those rounds punched past the person filming within 5-10 feet of him. If you listen hard you can actually hear the plink of several of the rounds hitting and ricocheting off metal, likely bleachers which I would assume are directly beside or behind the cameraman. A very distinct sounds some of us never forget. if they were experienced they would have been able to zero in on the direction and location of the fire and point the camera in that direction just off of that, but clearly they were not soldiers whom have taste the shit.
These people were not hysterical in the slightest and likely didn't even really understand how fucking close to death's door they were until later. Their slow and almost calm response shows that. It is an sound not a single movie ive ever heard has gotten right. If you want to know what it sounds like to be shot at, thats it right there.
>When your father had attached earlobes and was left-handed and a pedo