You goyim owe me shekels.
Mossad False Flag
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Oh right forgot this gentlemen right here.
fugg, rkived?
Wow, congrats OP, you really blew the lid off of this whole conspiracy.
I'm an autistic faggot who suffers from face blindness just like the OP so I agree that those two women are definitely the same person. ;^)
The one on the right isn't clearly a mestizo ;^)
We have IDs you know.
CNN uses a batch of paid actors for when they don't have anyone when covering big stories and when they want to make shit up, the fact Paddock isn't being paraded around at all tells me that yes this is a false flag.
Oh and the police scanners weren't frantic in narrowing it down to one man, the group they were tailing was shooting at them when they were being followed.
The two women on the left in OP's pic are not the same person. Check any of their own vids, they only bately look similar in particular moments.
Does Cherthoff's company have a stock? Might as well buy-in and profit, not like we can stop them from implementing more bullshit security devices anyway.
I didn't claim to be a different user.
The police didn't sound frantic on the scanner, therefore it wasn't actually a frantic situation with conflicting information coming in. :^)
I listened to the scanner and heard no such thing.
I mean JESUS CHRIST! Can't they just get different crisis actors? How shitty and Jewish do these people have to be to hire the same person likely to save shekels?
If this is real they'd do it deliberately for two reasons:
But I think someone has been trying to meme this shit to cover up the REAL secrets of this case, like the connections to the government of the alleged shooter.
I think it's an attempt to hide in plain sight.
Kikes count on confusion. Whatever happened, all narratives must be focused on kikes being a toxic influence in society. Have any given any condolences BTW?
They police scanners talked about 4 suspects acting suspicious
2 of these where female "passed us walking and took off running"
Cameras may distort the faces somewhat.
I think they're similar, but they do look different likely due to the camera angles, lighting and focus.
They are building a maximum security prison
Bumping for this.
Different shirt, different girl. Nice try though.
This crisis actor LARP is just as cringe as the flat earth shit
Thanks for giving a non-argument that will make an opposing narrative more equally considerable. Adjectives are kike poison.
kill yourself kike-baller. do your fucking homework.
Never understood this disinfo.
It's worse. The average person doesn't have the resources to really verify the shape of the earth, but everybody should be able to tell faces apart and understand that people react differently to tragedies/trauma.
wrong nose shape
It's crazy what makeup, lighting and camera angles can do
How can anyone with eyes to see think this woman is telling the truth?
Yes a Talmudic one. If the normies can’t be woken up quicker I will seriously consider leaving. I’ll go live in some irrelevant place rather than a Jewish prison.