Tom Petty about to die

Found unconscious and not breathing.
The curse of Trump strikes again.

Other urls found in this thread:

The ironic death strikes again.

another dead pawn of judas
good riddance you petty faggot.


Tom Petty had some good tunes tbh

The best part about all these fags dying is that they're the last legitimate celebrities. All the younger celebs are literally whos with zero talent, so nobody will take them seriously. The (((entertainment))) industry will collapse in on itself entirely in short order once these fucks start dying en masse.

Hell. What a ride.

he hasn't made much good for a long time user. his time's come

fuck off kike. listen to real white mans rock and roll.

At least post something good faggot.

m8 sorry our tastes dont match. just sharing white power music for the anons that might find it interesting.

Still one of my favorite singers from preRed Pill even if he was a liberal Jewish puppet. RIP.

It was just bait mate. Keep posting.

hail victory bro! sometimes you gotta grab the lure and stick a really stinky fish on the fucker…
RIP Joe Rowan - we salute you! Until Valhalla…

He's a fucking awful singer though, ruins the song. Now Cash does it justice.

I think hell be fine

Am I supposed to know who this is?

Why have meme magic if you're not prepared to use it.
Petty will die, Kek wills is.

I might be biased since I'm from Michigan so his accent resonates more with me. Johnny Cash does every song better though I won't debate that.

literally who

He went into cardiac arrest is unresponsive and they are pulling the plug user!

Probably did lots of coke to stay active

he ded

Sounds like a convenient distraction from all the Religion of Cuck™ic terrorist attack and the Las Vegas attack.

more RAC to wash away the shitstink of tom petty

I don't know who he is.

boomers are a wreck, get the fuck off earth.

You are a fucking nigger who is probably 14 years old

Thank you Kek, another Jew puppet bites the dust.

I always knew Tom Petty was trans. It’s a shame because he made some decent tunes back in the day.

Good. One more retarded hippie baby boomer down. Those boomer hippie fucks can't die quick enough.

another Trump curse victim: Marilyn Manson breaks ankle, cancels tour:

Well this thread turned in to pure, insufferable /mu/tant faggotry, to absolutely noone's surprise.

He ded

They really are. My own parents are boomers and I love them, but it’s just sad to see. That entire generation is hooked on one drug or another, they never saved a penny, they’re all too old/tired or too brainwashed to even stand up for opinions they had when they were younger (ie casual racism, homo hatred, etc). They’re all trying to still look young, never even adopting an mature person’s outfit. They’re consistently voting for cuckservatives and liberals. Just pathetic. Put them out of their misery already.


It's because they killed classical education before the boomers were educated.
Take a person through 20 years of school but never make them sit through a logic course. Boomers are the result.

cash is garbage too, don't fall for the hype.

King of the Hill

feels ok, man

Confirmed that he's dead.

wtf no I actually like Tom Petty

get into natsoc punk rock now that he's dead, user.

It's just proportions.
The generation of adults 1905-1920 gave us:
Federal Reserve, WW1 and Communism

The "lost" and "greatest" generations gave us WW2, the brother war that killed millions of germans and russians, the cold war, and spread communism worldwide.

The boomers inherited a cucked world, and instead of fighting, they decided they had not yet cucked hard enough.

I'll shit on boomers, but gen x'ers more or less gave up on anything and they're the blackpilled generation, so no meaningful reforms can ever happen under them. Millennials are either Holla Forumsacks or SJWs, and it's all looking like we're going to take this all into a hot war sooner than later.

As always, it's just percentages and proportions of the population that fuck it all up for everyone else. You could even go all the way back to Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Cromwell, since they let the kikes into Europe. Hell, go back to the Romans who didn't kill the kikes down to the individual when they had the chance.

If we ever get the chance to end the kikes, do not hesitate.

Confirmed by msm, Tom Petty dead at 66.

your dubs can't deceive, Tom Petty was always overrated garbage.


Great contributions to thread.

Trump curse?

what do you think of his spirit cooking video?

The prevalence of the Trump curse makes me wonder: is there a Trump blessing?

Kek that was fast, usually this shit takes a day or two.


who gives a shit
good riddance faggot.

I knew there had to be some joke here that I was missing.

Seger > *

I guess he's free falling into hell .

i guess his heart broke huh?

Trump curse is the best curse.


OK, I don't even want to know what he said. I love Tom Petty music. God damnit.




get better taste fag

(twice as check'd)

That fucking filename.
Pic related.

gr8 b8 m8

This is fucking awful

Oh, should I prefer to "songs for twerking"? Or "generic starlet-type bitching about men"? Or, I know, "group of androgynous boys crying about said starlett while landing their choreography marks"?

Tom Petty had legit good music in the day.

So, anyone willing to dump their Trump Curse collages? We need to add Petty to the list.

I like embed related, but you know, never meet your heroes.
Once you dig into the life of an artist the work of which you like, you'll get disappointed 98% of the time.

News is now saying he's not dead.

kind of old, don't know if it's been updated

Vito Corleone moment

Necromancers at it again, I see.

Can i get one of these in a size that wont glue my eyes shut for squinting too long?

Can any Tom Petty fans name a song that I have likely heard before?

Oh never mind It's perfect if i view it and zoom.

Free Fallin
Won't back down

no fag. how about this?
punk rock, RAC type
classical music
national socialist post-punk or darkwave
traditional folk
other natsoc metal
so shut the fuck up. that's real music, nigger.

Running down a dream

I might have heard Free Fallin once, first time hearing the second one.

Come on. Can't even listen to those tonal abominations (no matter the fucking period) without getting a headache.

It should have been the theme song for Zimzam.

He had a lot of songs about disillusioned American women. I don't know how to embed here and am dealing with keyboard issues.

Good thing, the brainwashed masses are losing their false idols.

kek, what a shame. at least appreciate the rest

Why are you posting this? Who gives a fuck?


14/88 dubs confirm

thanks m8 likewise!

kek petty is dead good shit lads.

Footage of rocket hitting the domed firmament, causing a rippled effect

goddamn autism, sorry anons. delete. (sage)


Go listen to your rap, nigger.

Nice false dichotomy, homo.


Is Karaoke degenerate or virtuous? It seems like some of the Midtown Bootboys songs would make good Karaoke fodder. Why no karaoke tracks for those?

As much as I liked Petty, we are in a cultural war right now, any heathen who hinders our progress and works for (((them))) deserves the curse tbh.

That's one of the most blatant MK Ultra music vids I've ever seen. Petty confirmed moloch worshipper. Honestly, how else would such an ugly dude become a famous for mediocre soft rock songs?

As much as I liked Petty, we are in a cultural war right now, any heathen who hinders our progress and works for (((them))) deserves the curse tbh.

I apologize for the double posts

The shills slowed the site today. It caused me to double posted earlier too.

Well…at least all his problems are over.

Come on, he had some good tracks.

He's still not dead tho right

Pretty sure at this point that Trump is Satan and he's claiming the souls of those with whom he made deals. They don't realize it's him until he shows up at their home while simultaneously giving a live speech. I'm okay with this idea.

i-is Within Temptation ok music, user?

honestly, were any of the musician puppets ever truly alive?

they seem to be good.
try bands like Arcturus or Therion, should be similar-ish (symphonic)




MSM just announced his "spokesperson" moments ago made the formal public anouncement of pettykike's death.

oh yeah, petty was a kike.
its all in the nose

better version, even if it is from TRS.

thats a delusional statement with little relevance in todays society, the jew-media creates whatever they want to create and shove it down gullible morons throats.

Amazed at all the Tom Petty hate. He is classic Midwestern White America Heartland Rock. Coastal libfags and darkies do not listen to Tom Petty.

Whenever I meet people who don't know anything by major artists like Petty, The Rolling Stones, and everything in between I always wonder, what the fuck did your parents listen to when you were around? Shitty 80s hair bands?

Because there was once a time when musicians were successful based on their ability to write songs, sing them, and play the guitar.
You'd think Holla Forums would admire a time when guys like Petty and Mick Jagger were rock stars instead of processed MK ultra Chads like Justin Timberlake.


Why would we admire people who are making a world where rock music ruins lives before being completely replaced by crunk.

If tom pettys fans refuse to vote they way he wants them to, what chance do people like TI or nicki manure have to influence political discourse? The age of celebrity endorsement is coming to a close because it's impossible to look up to celebrities any longer.

No thanks.


You probably think the 60s were a good thing.

hes not a spic, hes a pajeet

Are you alive? Praise KEK !!!!👌

Life expectancy has been falling in America for over a decade.

You can make your own with audacity and the karaoke filter.

You're going to live a shitty life only listening to Mr. Bond and Moon Man.

Time to leave.

Sea shanties are a superior form of music. It is our heritage and out right!

Best Tom Petty song right here.


Did he got a visit from the police?


Bet how much he dies on the 6th?

Not the same and there are multiple boards for each. Fucking mods are pieces of shit. Let her rip Mr. Petty.


fuck off with your porn, you pathetic degenerate faggot.

no that's the wop from G.I. Joe

pedo's get the gas

suck my dick

kek nigger you're fucking gay

i unironically mire his facial aesthetics

Tom Petty made good, normally wholesome, middle American rock (although he was Panhandle cracker, not a Midwesterner). Mick Jagger is an overrated old Nancy though. The rest of the Stones aren't bad, but fuck Mick.

Checking these double dubs.

I respect him, but I didn't really enjoy his music. His voice bugs the shit out of me.

Hitler dubs confirm user's shit taste in music