>Route 91 Harvest country music 9/11
>Saturn Moloch/Osiris sets behind the Western horizon at the same time
How do you feel when you know that the whole place was built for this sacrifice alone?

The Babylon mystery cult conducts now open sacrifices for all to see. inb4 9/11
Seeding division and dissent as it always does.
And the fall guy already has all the background details presented.

Other urls found in this thread: road to mandalay zombie island&source=bl&ots=LTc7fE8SLM&sig=ebAxXfgMeWifpaF2t25ithqVcCc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF843z-dXWAhUor1QKHYyMCC4Q6AEIUDAL#v=onepage&q&f=false

I wonder if this was an introduction into something, a starting sacrifice for something more to come.

It is close to the Yom Kippur War 45th anniversary, Israel wants an Camp David Accords expansion

This sounds like something they'd do, but it's so esoteric that it would fly over most of the people's heads.

in this thread to see what else comes up - feels semi far fetched but at this point like stated nothing seems out of reach with (((them)))

Fuck off fringe.


zohar kikes, kabballists, thelema, masonry, all the same shit. KYS simp.



We have his name. His birthday is : 4/9/1953

If anyone can find out the last four of his social or drivers license # we can find out some more info.

Is the main thread #7 up yet? someone make a thread. I need bed.

How many pedos have attached earlobes, again? Does the FBI say anything about it? More kikely that he's a heeb.

dumbass newfag.

The elites practice the rituals and spend the time and money to make it real.. that Alone should cause you to pay attention


Another white terrorist.

I will say this it was probably MK Ultra activation.

Las Vegas literally means "the meadows" in spanish, genius

fertile, bearing offspring, fruitful; abundant.

Just going to leave this here.

You were corrected in a previous thread that the shirt is referencing a happening in NK that did not actually happen, and yet you continue to post this image. Why?

I will say these extreme conclusions are deliberately made to cover up the real truth of the situation and distract you to the source of this crime.


The real crime is this man's relations, his job, his potential connection to government agencies, the police radio discrepancies. The other one is the connection to a fugitive father. But I think that might be another red herring.. I've seen links to that man, but no clear identifier that he's connected to the shooter.

Oh and pyramids are always used for human sacrifice.

Route 91

- R - 18
- O - 15
- U - 21
- T - 20
- E - 5

Total, 79

Coordinates 79, 91

It's too close for coincidence.

Post better facts that are clearly logically connected. These loose connections are just so far fetched it's hindering the dig.

What about the elites are devil worshiping satanists that do human sacrifice don't you understand.

Its covered from head to toe in occult sumbols.

Hillary and her purple revolution were going to reap the harvest of American souls after her election in a communist revolution and she was robbed of that, so they are coming to collect the harvest of souls of sinners, they believed they are owed.

So they cook up a shooting next to a black pyramid which is a port for souls to the afterlife, carry out the attack from Mandalay bay, which if I remember correctly was the shore the grim reaper comes to pick you up in his boat to carry you to the underworld. This attack comes from floor 32 with 2 windows smashed out, 322, which is the Skull and bones term which is tied into Bohemian grove camp Mandalay. Genesis 322 talks about knowing good and evil and eating from the tree of life. The tree of life being transcending the physical reality, or if you a satanists they think feeding off other humans is the tree of life.

And then you go and spew a bunch of nothing.

If he was MK Ultra which has not been ruled out it explains why he "suddenly snapped" one day as all the reports are parroting.

Then post what we DO know! You sound like a fucking cop "W-well we don't know. W-well we don't have enough info."Instead of just shitting on everything and whining about how it "hinders the dig".

You should add in about the Skull & Bones angle, as someone pointed out in the last thread, it was the 32nd floor and there were 2 broken windows. 322. That image only shows one broken window.


That loose circumstances don't make the necessary causal chain to be used as evidence of something.

Link the dots more substantially.
Note the sources.
Make it so average joe HAS to agree.

I have a better explanation.


Posting the same image again isn't an argument. You're spreading disinfo.

You're reaching faggot. Route 91 does not equal 9/11. Post this shit on halfchan.

(other thread)

(other thread)

This. This is too similar to Lanza. Probably 2 shooters that killed him in the hotel room.

No you retard. It's the jewish mass media that brainfucked this goy hard enough to kill members of his own blood. You shizos need to fuck off back to infowars.

How much tinfoil are you going to try to get us to wear today, OP?

Absolutely, I think they've been framing people and covering it up for a long time.

Lanza just seemed too abnormal. Not really a motive, kid had too little temperament to just go into a place with a gun.
Nothing like the other school shooters like cho or Dylan or Eric who had some evidence of aggressive temperament.

That said, they did know about Paddock's guns. But his government/fbi connection is suspicious in this case.

The thing that bothers me, is why didn't they frame him to be a white nationalist or a trump supporter? from what I've been reading he's completely neutral, and just looks like he got pissed off that he lost a bunch of gambling money. Not that I believe it, it's just weird the guy is neither left or right.

because that would be too obvious

Same here.
That could only be to bait the left I think.

But I also think that might be another potential misunderstanding intentially made to happen. I think evidence is being planted and certain connections are being forced on us.
But by who?
The CIA?
The Left?

Or perhaps a salty whore?

I was wondering why it was the 32nd floor. Skull and Bones makes sense. Probably means the CIA is involved, although I'm not sure how much influence Bushes/Bones still have there. The Clintons are CIA btw which made me realize the other day that Clinton was after Bush then Bush after Clinton. 12 years they had a president, probably Obama after as well.

I don't find that weird actually.
Because he's a very very good swimmer.. has attention to detail and can boldly break new ground

I think both are being deliberately d&c'd by outside forces.
And I think I know just who would hate them both and who would bring up the "jew" issue too.
Someone who could pretend to be their ally perhaps. Someone perhaps with an alleged background of a specific type.

and its shaped like a crescent

be less obvious

well how do you do

Reminder: "lol fukin /x/ / /fringe/" posters are the bluepill incarnate and/or shills. Pic related.

To shills; Sunrise hospital is real.
Good info user! Have a golden Pepe! Also, please tell me the souls will be okay.

Yeah, nah. Objective scientific proof or get the fuck out. That's our motto.



Ah, so you're just shitposting. Thanks for confirming.
Nice strawman, YOU FILTHY FUCKING YID. The self-fulfilling prophecy of jewish actions based on their own, invented gematria has nothing to do with the independent existence (lol, I mean nonexistence because you have no evidence whatsoever for it) of your metaphysical delusions.

Yeah, leave.
Your point about "proof" was that there's no proof of occult rituals. There is. I didn't say that that proof is also proof of any metaphysical thesis. You should be less emotional and learn to parse the English language better.

And just like that, consecutive dubds. Remember you dumb fucking mouth breather: meme magic isn't real.

Wew lad, meme responsibly, you've got the touch today.

I'm checking alternative paths.
Because it's too convenient of a narrative.



No one seems to care in the main thread but some halfchan poster predicted the attack. Gets the wrong date, but he says Las Vegas specifically. Lays out a motive and some predictions for regulatory reactions:

Shoo shoo pseudo occult shill jew.

It's the kikes. It has always been them. Not the Reptilians. Not the Freemasons. Not the Smurfs. Fuck off.

Shills are trying to poison the well by using Illuminati xd memes and fringe theories with no evidence.


Look again user. I'm one of those "shills". If you don't understand the importance of the occult at this point you really should not be here.

If you click on the links, the stories have today's date… Could the September dates be references to other news stories? Click on any of the links and the date is different.

Maybe Trump sold out to the deepstate.

Because, it's looking like this character is meant to keep things bipartisan. If Paddock's belief system hasn't surfaced by now then they scrubbed everything before they offed him. Whether he did it himself, had help or was just the patsy, we'll never know.

Interesting post from previous thread

I don't know how to post duplicate images already post on here


Where are my Irish pagans at?
Did Lugh fail to stop Crom from taking the harvest? Are we FUCKED now?
I felt good about lughnasadh this year, but it's like as soon as August 2nd came around everything went back to shit, and even worse.

The occult is how they deliberately instigate your hysteria.
It's a trick user.

It's part of the plot - to blow your mind.
To get away with the crime it's better to have a hysteric population.

Logical facts first. Esoteric facts come after.

Another thing, the shooter is most likely to have a motive of "anti-immigration".
That's the narrative.
And the likely inference they'll try to force.

But why kill so many people?
In anger?
It makes no sense. The issue here is why his motive doesn't add up with his targets.
He should have targeted politicians.
But he killed innocents.

That's either because:

Apparently they found A CARD belonging to his wife who should have been overseas.
That suggests that she was actually there on the night.

Fuck off you fucking nigger. If you don't want to add anything useful to this thread close the tab and move on.

You are in wrong thread, there is another sticky you should go to


Pic has a (((coincidence))) from the first released video.

What about Leviathan? I've been reading pic related and Marrs is convinced they worship the serpent. Anyone know if this is bunk?

Tinfoil shills btfo.

He just gave your delusional ass a dose of reality. He's brought more to this thread than you did. Better be thankful.

What about Papa Smurf? Do you think the Freemasons worship him? Did they sacrifice these people for the smurfberries?

That's literally a misquote. The line is quoting someone else, the speaker is actually talking shit about heathens.

I have no idea. That's why I asked, you armadillo-rapist.

The serpent is a predator. Rats would never worship a serpent.

he was a leftist we have his facebook accounts

They're ultimately deceived by it.

The vatican does. This is the Pope's official audience hall, and the sculpture that sits as the backdrop of the stage. Not so subtle snakes.

And that is exactly what these esoteric shills are trying to keep us from doing. Spreading the fact that he was a leftie far and wide. Because the media is already saying he was "unpolitical" and that there was "absolutely no motive". Let's get to it and prove them wrong!

Holla Forums messed up my pics. This is the second pic.

Looks like the bottom of the abyss in "made in abyss"

Pretty sure this picture only looks like that because it's shot with a fish-eye lens.The "teeth" are a bit peculiar but the "tongue" is just looking that way because of the placement (it's a long corridor between the seats).

Do you know the official story of this statue? It's supposed to depict jesus getting nuked. Not shitting you.

It's not shot with a fish eye. The whole geometry of the building is curved, including the walkway being curved vertically which creates the "tongue" effect when viewed from the side.

Paddock means "toad"


It's just a (((coincidence))).

I think what he is implying is that hillary, and her lot are the ones who have made lies their refuge.

I think what he is implying is that hillary, and her lot are the ones who have made lies their refuge.

Didn't happen. Learn how to read.
Nope, never said anything like that at all, you strawman-riddled KIKE.
Sure did.
lol irony

This might still be in the cards. I noticed several fake white nationalist accounts following his twitter shortly after the event but before it was shoa'd. They may have already lost that part of the narrative.

fuck off

Truth be told.

Hail Kek, destroying angel. green fire supreme most fearsome. Your madness drive them all.

Contract man who was used to disposing bodies, including children. Spent a lot of his time and money on alcohol and women in countries where traffick passes thru.

This event has been orchestrated to test your skills. The alphas are curious just how good you are. They appreciate your rapid work, which makes getting the right warrants for all the little pieces of the web he is stuck to SIGNIFICANTLY faster and stealthy. We have the damn hardest time getting to any hard evidence before its shredded. You have to realize how difficult it is to drain this motherfucker. These bastards control so much and keep many agents under threats of physical and social harm, unofficially.
We put a lot of pressure on, but we didnt realize this rat would come out of his hole in this way. This is a major failure, but likely one that will repeat itself or escalate. Our country is infested with monsters worse than this punk, but of course you all know most of this. Please keep the efforts up, we were hoping you would have gotten further by now. Countering media narrative is not the highest priority for us right now, we will win in the courts decisively. Let them continue to play out.


Can't believe this garbage is what gets posted on Holla Forums these days.

and the booby prize for the worst thread on Holla Forums goes to….


Betting that girl is Angela Merkel, current leader of Germany. All in the Bloodlines.

I doubt it. That girl probably died in the post-war rape of Germany.

Inside LUXOR is the all October is the ' Bodies ' exhibit . Corpses dipped in plastic on display.
The spirit cookers look across the street and laugh at the blood spilled on Ashura Day.

Sounds creepy

Just one of you make a new Vegas thread already.

Check the weird shit and geometry of the UN meditation room. Similar.

Isn't that usually done to help with acoustics?

Stephen Paddock

not when it's a miniature fucking kaaba in a truncated pyramid shaped room.

He was on the left, his fb account was grabbed in the beginning. I have a feeling the shooting was a way for the left to inflict damage to Trump and the right on multiple levels. More gun control, more policies, more division, and more blame. The mainstream right can't call it like it is, and the left will ignore it, hence why the VP of a CBS station was fire. Of course the occultist coincidences is damning. Did you know there are huge lines of people outside blood banks donating blood all over vegas.

Why is there no Thread #9?

order of the black stone?

They are the same religious zealots as the Westboro Church is.
It isn't instigating "hysteria" if only people that can read their clues are ones that looked into these things objectively.
It only clarifies things further if your follow the breadcrumbs.

What do you think normies think about this sacrifice? Muh guns, muh children, muh senseless violence. Like headless chicken they'll gobble up the politician's preaching.
Discovering motivations is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, despite your suggestions.

But who watches the watchers? Ever thought of that? What are THEIR motivations?
The shooter is a helpless pawn. And he did it at the bidding of people that planned this for a long long time. Maybe as long as Las Vegas stands.
2017 is a very special year in their calendar.

Saturn set just as the sacrifice started.
And it was on Sunday, Horus's day

For some reason my computer isn't letting me upload the images, but I can't help but notice in this poster, the black pyramid just happens to have it's top illuminated (does it actually do this in real life?). Also the supposed shooting position on the 32nd is there too. That isn't the least of it all though. First, here is the image to which I refer:

Ok so notice the surnames of the headliners.
Well that's weird. Church hunt? The whites there were probably mostly Christians. But what is Aldean? Well according to Kabalarian Philosophy, which is like germatria…

Wew, anons. Was this a signal?

I'll bite. How about you give us some tips faggot?

Checked. Good post.

I'm not clicking your honeypot links faggot, learn to archive.

But those are just jews baiting outrage so they can sue people. Those aren't real zealots user.

user you faggot, the onus is on you to protect yourself, not everyone else. If you are so worried why haven't you got a VPN yet? Obviously insincere.
Nonetheless, I'll indulge you this time.

Changed it up a bit, no one care about Hillary so I added some other stuff instead.

Heads up in 2 or 3 days the kikes have another special day. A week after another one.

Be warned, they are probably gonna do the same again. It's all done by the commies/kikes using antifa drones.

It's not "the Occult," dummy. It's the criminal clan called Jews. There is no black magic involved in loaning money to governments at interest, destroying the morals of the host society by promoting all sorts of degeneracy, or creating false flag attacks to trick the host nation into fighting your wars. All of this is mundane activity that has nothing to do with saturnine cults or kabbalah and everything to do with dominating the world.

Gemmatria-fags need to go.


No, 9/1, September first. Nothing happened on 9/1. Further more, if you want to murder a bunch of people in front of a pyramid, it has to be at route 91 because nowhere else in the USA is there a giant sphinx in front of a pyramid except at the tacky Jewish tourist trap of Vegas.

Okay, so approximately 10:08, which could be 10:07 or 10:09, at which point everything falls apart.

Not even going to bother with this asininity. You could split the numbers however you want to get 3. Or just throw in other algebraic operators like multiplication, division, modulo, hey why not do bitshifting while we're at it.

Go back to /x/ and never return.

Wtf are you even on about?

while much of marrs' arguments are valid, he is known buddies with jonestein and headquarters himself nearby to jonestein's offices in austin.
therefore i dont trust his motives far as he can be thrown

rosh hashana, human sacrifice
let us not also forget purim



Didn't Churchill say that Hitler was worshiping Moloch?

ha I knew I heard an AR

Churchill was just projecting his literal Rothschild masters who did making sacrifices for their Balfour Declaration.

so how come pics of his body leak this easily but no one can tell us if this guy was a registered democrat

Is there any official cause of death for Heather "communist cow" Heyer?



Not bad. If he would set some explosives near the camera too to detonate them and then set the room on fire ,, he could escape

If that gets leaked like the photos are, then I will be impressed

Can't make a new thread yet so enjoy.



Link the thread of downloadable pictures please

Nevermind, found it


We need the high res versions of these, I've seen high res crops of parts of them

I just did this in Microsoft ICE.

what's the snorkel looking thing?


Another Show In Vegas - It Ain't The Thunder From Down Under

US Dept of Homeland Security Training Consortium

This pic might change the entire narrative about Paddock

It makes sense to me that he was a multiculti democrat considering the event he fired on.

What did pussyhat do to you? Where did he touch you?

The Official Narrative Just Got Destroyed with 2 Shot Out Windows

Vegas Police Shielded Civilians-The Same Police the Kneelers Protest

Does he expect the police to return fire 32 floors up? How does 2 broken windows imply 2 shooters when it's from the same room?

This is half a mandalay bay suite.

Notice that there was no return fire from Hotel Security from INSIDE the Hotel either.

Notice no bullet holes anywhere, and both windows were broken out from the INSIDE.

LVPD Sharpshooters must have been told to "Stand Down" during this false flag incident.

At the ends there are two of these bedrooms.

It's weird how the only suite I've seen with the correct carpet is the (((media))) suite.
It's weird how the Mandalay bay is shaped like a (((fidget spinner))). That's light hearted but they are fucked up enough, nothing would surprise me with their symbolism. It's a bizarro world.

There were 2 shooters, one fired an automatic rifle, and the other shooter fired a machine gun, both fired in bursts together. Sounds like one CIA shooter got away, and Stephen Pollack was the fall guy.

What the fuck?! What compels these cunts to advertise so boldly? Arrogance, or the "evil carries the seeds of it's own destruction" thing?

So is he non-Holla Forums? Because I thought I got that book from the Holla Forums library dumps, but I can't remember for sure.


The gunfire is too loud over the concert, it was happening at the concert . Windows are easy to kick out later.

HERE IS THE KEY VIDEO THAT DESTROYS THE LIE. This is just a file on this site, which you can right click and save. This video is evidence, there is no way the official story holds up against this. The gunfire was simply too loud and too local in reference to the concert for the official story to hold.

1. If it was originating 1500 feet away at Mandalay Bay, it was not close enough to totally blast over the concert loud enough to cause the performers, who wear monitor equipment to block all sound, to stop playing. The concert was LOUD when the shooting happened. You simply can't outdo a concert from that far away, no one would have heard it over the music, especially the performers, who have equipment that is designed to block the sound of the concert and let them hear only the sound of their instruments, as they are played in reference to the other instruments. The failure of this system is what did Mariah Carey in on New Years, when you are playing that "big" you have to be directly piped to the mixing board with all other sources of sound blocked. This would have prevented the performers from hearing anything. Why did they stop? ANSWER: Gunshots from above them on the same stage would have been loud enough. What happens on stage in the video is a supreme bust of the official lie.

POINT TWO: Audio recording equipment (even on a camcorder) automatically sets the level of the audio to optimal. The concert was LOUD, it is obvious because the crowd cannot be heard when the music is playing. Then gunfire clearly is louder than the concert, even though according to the official story it originated 1500 feet away. The automatic level control in the audio recorder proves the gunfire was simply too loud in relation to the music to have come from Mandalay Bay, it had to have originated above the speakers. That is the only way the automatic level control circuit would not have had the recording level choked back so far that the gunfire would not be heard. The recording should not have had the sound of gunfire so prominent, IF it even managed to record the sound of the gun at all. Obviously after the music cut the recorder would pick up the gunfire from that distance because it would automatically turn the record volume up.


Watch the video. The stage crew cuts everything to black, and then takes the stage lighting, points it directly out at the crowd, and turns it back on to illuminate the crowd. The shooting does not resume until this process is complete. This was a deliberate act that no one would have thought of off the cuff unless it was planned ahead of time. Without a doubt, someone on the stage crew was involved in this shooting. Interesting it is that the concert was called the "Route 91 harvest" and took place on route 91!

Here is what I think happened. The shooters were actually situated above the stage. The windows on Mandalay Bay were kicked out for the story line. I have a video that shows it all unfold. I do not think the singer knew what was going on. I believe it was people planted in the crew that did this.


There were only two buildings - Luxor, which was far away and would have echoed upward due to its pyramid shape and smooth glass, which would make echoes be inaudible on the ground (to any significance, especially over a loud concert,) and Mandalay Bay, which is unlikely because the shooter was shooting away from any surface that could echo (especially that loudly) if the official story is not a lie. There are no echoes, it is two guns with choreographed shooters. They occasionally screw up and you can hear one gun stop and the other start.

They are saying it sounds like multiple guns because it was echoing off "all the buildings". PROBLEM: There simply were no buildings for there to be any echoes off of. This was multiple shooters, who happened to predominantly shoot at the same time.
Once I was able to go over the scene clearly, it is obvious such a shooting was not possible as stated. Additionally, the concert footage in other videos is clear, clearly showing Mandalay Bay and there are no muzzle flashes coming from Mandalay Bay, and no apparent broken windows. The lights above the stage were too bright for muzzle flashes to show if they originated in the same area.

Beginning of Shooting- Las Vegas Massacre.mp4

So are demons.

They might if they thought they could keep the serpent fed on a diet of mice. Maybe it's less about worship and more about quid pro quo.

he was streaming to someone.

From zero hour one

9m9 minutes ago

Several WIFI cameras at the windows recording via fox news
7 replies 36 retweets 43 likes
Cindy Somerville- @cindy_csomer37 23m23 minutes ago
Replying to @

AND finally the MSM is now admitting he was taking live video of himself while he killed ppl. Yeah something big going on here
4 replies 3 retweets 5 likes
1h1 hour ago

I guarentee he ended up converting on a trip.
7 replies 35 retweets 79 likes
17m17 minutes ago

he filmed the shooting spree he sent it to ISIS real time. ISIS will drop a video of this even on us soon.

__0HOUR1_ 2m2 minutes ago
ABC news is now saying he made several wire transfers to overseas accounts indicative of terrorism-sponsoring,

Zero hour is reporting that ISIS has released a statement claiming to have video of the shooting.

He has been wrong about stuff before, but he also has been right a lot.

Millionaire Vegas gunman who killed 59 people and hurt 527 took TWENTY THREE guns in TEN bags into Mandalay Bay sniper's nest where he put legally converted full-auto assault rifles on tripods

Cops recovered 23 guns, some with scopes and military-grade ammo, two with tripods, at least one full auto

Other semi-auto weapons had been modified with legal bump-stocks that simulate fully automatic fire

"I'm not aware of any transmissions but there was cameras, there were cameras inside the room and outside of the room"

The FBI took all digital and electronic evidence into custody and we are evaluating it. said the sheriff

PHOTOS have leaked online of the dead body of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock – and he appears to have left a note.

3 Photos Merged Photo of Stephen Paddock Weapons in the Hotel Room

Could just be the way they they are stitched but the broken windows inside don't match the outside. Distance apart and placement.
Whoever leaked these is going to get sacked maybe imprisoned (unless they were meant to be leaked). You can id a trouser leg and shoe on the left, so that person was facing the cameraman.

/x/ is the friend of Holla Forums
always was, always will be

Any cryptography anons decoded the message they displayed on their vertical black monolith adjacent to the "Harvest" banner and directly in the line of death? Maybe just a broken screen but looks a lot like a code. I wouldn't put it past them.

Also, I saw a post showing that those "screens" were just flat surfaces for projection, not actual screens which means if they were hit by bullets they wouldn't break like that. The projector would have to be hit.

How new are you faggot?



but it's true. Our friendly neighborhood tinfoilers have tipped us off to a lot shit that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. /x/ entertains every idea, Holla Forums exists to rip it to threads with autismal logic, and the real stuff survives to be spread as a red pill.

Aren't all mass shooters?

dildo. proof he's Antifa

I am pretty sure footprints as well as fingerprints can still be gleaned from the room in the hotel where the "shooter" is holed up.

They better scour the area for fingerprints. Security cameras should also be looked into. (((They))) might have chosen a "path" that would not let them be caught in the viewrange of the security cameras, those possible paths should be checked for prints. If it is true that the "wife" of the "shooter" was used to force the "shooter" to shoot, then it is possible that she might have left some inside the hotel.

See that ginormous black pyramid ? Thats the code.

See that ginormous black pyramid ? Thats the code.>>10703923

First post since 2008 apologies. road to mandalay zombie island&source=bl&ots=LTc7fE8SLM&sig=ebAxXfgMeWifpaF2t25ithqVcCc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF843z-dXWAhUor1QKHYyMCC4Q6AEIUDAL#v=onepage&q&f=false

* sorry

either an absolute fucking retard or a shill
It's an obvious false flag

Another thread found the plane belonging to the shooter. It's registered to a defense intelligence contractor.


135 is the room number from where it was done.
If this doesn't trigger some alarms nothing can.
A fucking pagan sacrifice for the whole world to see.


The pyramid is a red herring. The number of sides on a Black Cube very specifically corespondent to the most baser aspects of the material world yet it belongs to the sphere of the most unnatural entity one could imagine. Is the Cube a means of subjugating the material? Is it only meant as a spiritual trap for the worshippers of Yaldabaoth? I'm not sure.

the gunfire is coming from the helis.

Or the "gunfire" was played over the concert PA system like some observers noted.

I care about the part on here with Hillary tbh. But, I am a christ fag and The versus leading up to the one she said are some of my favorite in the whole book, I reread them almost daily to remember to stay in check. so to me it is eerie having Hillary of all people quoting the bible and in such a seemingly obscure place about harvest…. I have been in many churches and almost none of them actually seem to cover this section of the Bible it is usually skipped over and missed. It was something I discovered myself in self study. It's not the kind of verse someone who didn't regularly read would come up with unless someone else told her to use it.

Trips checked

And that second pic… cops in action poses while dummies on their phones stand around

Sonic booms (there's some question of whether subsonic ammunition would've been used by the gunner(s), which might've attenuated the bodycount/ability to puncture the airfuel tanks.

Arguably lowered trampling injuries, but also served to ruin everyone's night vision (and definitely would obscure shots from up in the lights)

The Singer's tattoos match the Vegas Illuminati Card, complete cuck calling for gun grab in interview thereafter


The answer to who benefits is an easy one.

I'm some things are just coincidence, occasionally. And the scene of the attack is packed with symbolism but I couldn't help but notice another little thing.

Do you think the sphinx in vegas has a gender? It's not the same face as the one in Egypt at all. The female over the male. Putting all his parts back together. But she could not find the penis. So she made a false one. The female over the male. And her name?

That would be Orisis, not the Sphinx.

It's not the Sphinx. Not the same one. It's a woman's face.

From other thread

Pics related from a different J. Campos
No known connection to the security guard but Apparently pure coincidence but spoopier every time you look at them.

Trump curse?


We all know that Zyklon Ben did this. His relentless memetic attacks on her foot finally got to her.
This is just the beginning of her long hobble to hell.

Numerology is retarded. Stick to verifiable facts and/or extremely suspicious observed occurrences. Anyone can play with numbers and then assign them meaning to whatever they want. Pseudo-mysticism shit only serves to hinder actual investigation and shroud it in ridiculousness. Might as well divine from chicken bones what their plans are because they believe sacrificing chickens (and more) to moloch will help them.

Some motherfuckers always gotta ice skate uphill.

Y'all know that in terms of the occult a symbol has as much power as you given it, right?
What if threads like this just contribute to the power feed by subjecting our consciousness to how the opposition wants us to think?

It's everywhere

Nah, the bitch has seizures constantly and probably has since her traumatic brain injury years ago. Not saying she isn't cursed though. Pretty sure she is actually.

Post modernism is truly the result of deranged minds that abhor beauty, symmetry and as a result, God.

It's kundalini brah.
or some jewish letter

She tries so hard to be the goodest goyim.

Had to post this.


The big blue dildo is a cart bumper. Bumperanon in a previous thread laid it all out.

Speculation is that he took apart a cart for materials used to screw the stairwell door shut.

Standard procedure for emergencies is lights full on so people don't get trampled. Even with that, most people who were injured weren't shot, but instead just stepped on/trampled/hurt themselves while running.

Gunfire is fucking loud. You're talking 156-158db. Your average country concert is maybe 100db, a loud rock concert is around 120db at most. So really, the country concert WAS NOT THAT LOUD.

Here's my silver bullet, a modern passenger jet with high bypass turbofan engines is 118db, and you can 100% hear a jet flying over a concert, and it's much, much further away than 500m. If a jet flying over is audible, with significantly less DB output, a gun is going to be very, very noticeable.

Sound isn't a single point vector, it's a wave. The echos that came back could easily be off luxor, off Mandalay itself (because it's a tri wing hotel), and other buildings. The pyramid shape wouldn't reflect ALL of the sound energy.

I get the impression that you've never been around gunfire before, and probably haven't tried to film said gunfire. It's very, very difficult to film gunfire, and most of what you see in hollywood is added in post for that reason. The lack of flashes is 100% in line with what a standard shit-tier phone camera can capture.

In closing, guns don't work like they do in the movies.
Guns are really fucking loud.
Suppressors are still fucking loud especially when used with non-subsonic ammo (which we have sonic booms in the footage and can rule out).
We have a fairly low death count given the nature of this shooting.
If there were other shooters we have no footage of them despite the numerous camera angles, and the death count for a full auto shooter on the ground would be much, much higher. (see other incidents with full auto civilian mowdowns).

If this was a m'satan blood sacrifice, they did a shitty job of it, and ol' lucy is probably pissed. More likely all of the (((satanfag))) bullshit here is just to make the idea that
look like it came from some insane conspiracy nutjob reveling in their mental illness to any normie who comes across it.

Sure it's nice to think about, but not every tragedy is some satanic blood sacrifice. Jumping to that conclusion makes you look like a faggot.

I don't give a fuck about "average joes". This stuff is by definition not meant for the masses, and that includes a good chunk of Holla Forums-tier people as well.

Jews and Freemasons are emphatically NOT identical power groups. From the early 19th century onwards they partly overlap (especially in Anglo circles), but many very powerful players in the world do not have an ounce of Jewish blood.


No contradiction there.

As if THEY are in any position to judge true ability… the average alphabet member is a priory a person not smart enough to get initiated into the inner circles.

How new are you? There is MUCH worse.

Yes. Traditionally, demons don't get worshipped so much as bargained with.

Very true. A shame that an /xpol/ board never took off.

where is his neck tattoo