We haven't had a video game thread in a while.
So let's talk about video games.
We haven't had a video game thread in a while.
So let's talk about video games.
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I have done nothing but play Super Hexagon for two months
Send help
sorry, you are autism, no cure
Rabi Ribi is very good. I think I like it more than any Castlevania(of the metroid-type) I've played. Music is neat too.
Sounds like he is blessed.
Fuck you faggots, I didn't play games in ages cause I'm using all my time to learn Japanese so I can play Japanese games and call them out for being shit.
Video games are made by jews to control morons like you to do their bidding.
So I'd like to ask recommendations on a few games.
Anons I have a place where you'll feel right at home.
Ripetitive, but different enough from the usual shit Koei does, if it sells enough (and it is) the sequel will be pretty good it they improve on the basic concept they've got going on.
Horrible, stay away from it.
It's alright, but wait for it to be on sale on discount.
Dead on arrival.
I'm not even that good
I've been playing god eater resurrection. Pretty fun.
Jesus christ how do you record an mp4 that big yet still have shit quality?
That's not video games, user…
Help me, I've been binging on anime for the past week.
I don't even usually like it, what the fuck.
What's the best version of MAME?
And what are the best SNES and PS1 emulators?
Any user still hyped for Awesome Game 5?
no check'em
that is the only game released this year that hasn't disappointed me
Maybe you should watch the animes instead of going on shitty search engines
I'm excited for the new Zelda game
I hope Nintendo doesn't fuck it up
I stopped playing video games.
I am adrift, searching for new hobbies.
You're a cheeky cunt.
Me too. In other news, I'm looking forward to Automata, Nioh and Shadow Warrior 2, but only if I can find somebody to play it with.
I've picked up WoW after stopping during WotLK again lately. It's fun; there's a lot to do, more so if you bring friends.
I'm glad they made Brewmaster Monks a thing. PB was my favorite Hero, design-wise, in Warcraft 3, since he's cute and punches people while being drunk.
I'm playing Divinity 2 Developers Cut. I maxed magic missile, did some things out of order, and the game is now easy as balls.
ORS is fucking trash.
Volgarr the Viking is surprisingly good. Very reminiscent of Rastan but with some juicy new mechanics. Between this and Robot Unicorn Attack I think Adult Swim games is pretty cool. Duck Game looks fun too but I don't have anyone to play it with and the price is ridiculous for what the game actually is.
You can set streaming and output(recording) quality separately. With which bitrate did you record this?
Just finished stage 2 on hardest in EDF4.1 because I heard it had some good weapons. I was ignoring the splash damage on one of my bigger guns and didn't realize until it was too late that my squad got wiped out. If I wasn't a Wing Diver I would've been fucked because holy shit ants move fast.
I think I might finally get this because it's probably the lowest it's going to get right now.
It's been on my wishlist for a while and it's finally on sale.
I'm gonna get it
Like 5000/kbps, I think?
I really have no clue how to use the software, I've only used it two or three times before.
When was the last time you cleaned it?
Got into MH4U
I sure do hope I don't decide to sink more time into grinding than studying
I need help, Holla Forums.
Since i got a gf i can't enjoy singleplayer activities anymore.
I can count 7 videogames i utterly love, in my room, at this moment.
All of them were unwrapped, tested to see if they worked, and never played again.
I have books in my room i wanna read, anime i would watch, movies, anything.
Instead i self loath, shitpost on imageboards, do push ups, call my friends over to play card games.
How do i neet again?
**Is me the normalfag?*"
Yesterday. I think I need to put thermal paste or something on the CPU
I'm gonna put a gun up to your fucking head and kill you
You can change the bitrate in Simple mode via Output -> Recording -> Recording Quality.
I think "indistinguishable" is somewhere around 10k.
Advanced lets you set individual ffmpeg parameters. If you're serious about this, I highly suggest you take the time to learn something about the framework.
Lucky little shit. Mine is a complete normalfag but at least she's okay with me living the neet life. I just wish I had people to play vidya with at all. Playing with the gf would be much better but basically anyone would do at this point.
Surrounded by people and I'm so fucking lonely.
I'm not sure we're using the same software, user.
Anyway, I don't intend to actually use OBS very often, like I said I've only used twice before this.
Fuck yeah video games
Post your top five Recently Played, faggots.
Now that's some g8 b8.
I have come with your dosage, friends.
I'll bite.
Are you using OBS 0.15.4?
SupCom JA
activate plebian taste
All the generals day in and out disagree with you. As for what I've been playing recently, I've been enjoying TMNT's arcade game, Mother Russia Bleeds, Streets of Rage Remake, Golden Axe, Doom, and Mount and Blade: Warband.
As you can tell, I really like oldschool beat em' ups. Can anyone recommend some good ones? I've played: Golden Axe 1, 2, and 3, Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3, Altered Beast, Final Fight, TMNT, Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara, and Comix Zone.
0.651b, actually.
My nigga.
I found her on Holla Forums.
We're meeting next week.
I'm so fucking scared.
Polite sage for blogpost.
PAYDAY 2 isn't great, but that fucking OST, man.
Oh, so you're using classic, then. Didn't know it's still maintained.
How is that? It looks bretty gud, but I'm not sure if it looks 35bux good.
Been playing Deus Ex HR. It's actually pretty good and ghost-mode is viable with save scumming. After playing IW, this feels like heaven
I will have extremely limited time in the next couple of years of my life. Are there any games which I can just start up at any time, have a blast for a couple of minutes and go back to work again?
I want to fuck that soundtrack.
Shit taste tbh fam. Warband is love.
This tbh. There are many shit games out there with an A+ soundtrack.
Isn't it the guy behing flash-player TBoI's OST?
No clue. Go look it up I guess.
It is
plz nobully
The King of Dragons was a favorite. Also Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.
Could be worse.
I've spent a lot more time in EDF and Dragon's Dogma than this pic would lead you to believe. EDF was all I played for a week while offline when I moved into this apartment, and Dragon's Dogma has about twice as much the total playtime and 10x as much in the past two weeks if you count alt accounts that I used for pawns.
Also there's only 4 because I don't play most games on $team so while I do have more, I haven't touched them for over 2 weeks
How is Helldivers and what the fuck is 100% Orange Juice?
kys fam smh
Why did you give Rockstar your shekels?
Others are mostly fine though, Scholar of the first Shekel is pretty jewy but it was a decent alternative to buying the $eason Pa$$.
You… I like you
The fitgirl repack is legit so try it for yourself.
What I really wanted was wipeout3 with modern graphics but it didn't live up to it. It has a pseudo career mode where you earn cash and experience to unlock ships but the races themselves are mostly just regular races. Damaging weapons have been removed entirely and powerups are selected in your loadout before the race rather than given randomly on pads during the race. and for some fucking retarded reason they're all locked even in the quick race mode so you have to grind through the career Boost doesn't take away from your health but instead has a boot meter that refills over time. Health regenerates if you haven't taken damage in a while and the only way you can take damage is by hitting the walls or scraping the floor. You have to pitch up and down as you go over bumps to avoid red/blackouts but you're glued to the track so you can't go flying off if there isn't a jump ramp. This means some tracks have you going around the outside of a loop and defying physics. Wipeout3 also had a feature where if you lightly scrape against the wall, you'd get a speed boost but outright hitting it will slow you down and bounce you off. In this scraping and hitting the wall just slows you down, drains health, and doesn't really bounce you off that much either. They also got rid of pic related.
It's really stripped down and shit compared to wipeout3 and reasonably badly optimized (there are warp gates which take you to a different course of the same theme map and it lags whenever I get near them despite being fine everywhere else) so I wouldn't say it's worth a purchase.
Complete fucking garbage quality webm I just made.
i played A LOT of gta online on the 360 and wanted to port my character to pc, also i got it on sale
ive purchased worse like assassins greed brotherhood and
assassins greed 3 indian genocide edition
CS was because friends wanted me to play a new co-op map that was released on the workshop, L4D2+SDK was because I'm working on a campaign, and Payday 2 was because I just periodically check to make sure it still works. The only game I've genuinely been playing was Blood Money, which I'm doing a pro-run on.
I need to play games longer.
Homefront 2 is better than the original but that isnt saying much since the original wasn't great, GTA3 is still pretty fun today, having fun with EDF but I hate it when those bugs get too close up in your face, shit spooks me. I'd like RtCW a lot more if the gunplay felt a bit better or if it didn't have this one issue where it chugs from time to time, and REmake is pretty good so far, I especially love the addition of crimson heads.
I wish more than anything that they would just make a modern game exactly like Deus Ex or System Shock 2 as far the gameplay mechanics go. I fear games shall be dumbed down for normalfags forevermore :(
Good on ya for finding someone.
I'm sure you'll be fine. Just try not to be the world's biggest autist.
Good luck.
I know it's Japan and all but why couldn't they come up with a better name?
I mean Rabi Ribi? I must not be the only one that thinks of this.
Kermit can't be Jewish because you KNOW that nigga be eatin' that pork, naw sayin?
I got over 100 hours out of it, and at the higher difficulties it gets fucking intense.
The content does peter out eventually, but for the price I bought it at $25 with all the dlc thanks to sale magic it's worth it.
It's also notable, as far as I'm concerned, for doing dlc weapons reasonably well, with all of them being more situational stuff than the usual money-powered jew superweapons.
100% OJ is a game for people with a fetish for being shat on by RNG.
It also has cute girls.
Met a guy from 8ch not too long ago. Great guy, he even took me home and let me see his waifu pillow.
You'll be fine.
I don't know what 8ch girls are like so rip maybe. Just remember the 21 foot rule if you plan on bringing protection.
Truly an underrated Jewish game.
How the fuck do you get a girlfriend while you're a neet? I work skilled labor and go to school and I'm not fat or ugly and I still have to pay girls to fuck me :(
I'm stuck on Jetstream Sam because I never got good at parrying multiple attacks in a combo. I can always land the first parry but I don't get how to do the subsequent ones.
Is Senran Kagura Versus worth buying for the pc?
I really just want to play Kenka Bancho 2, or Uppers but neither are out yet.
Why aren't there more good games about being a delinquent?
I wasn't a neet when I got her. I just came onto one of my female friends that he anxiety issues. Not being a socially incompetent robot and living with her helped.
Looked at that game and it reminded me of embed related (main part starts at 1:30)
Is it worth a buy if I've never played any metroidvania/castlevania games before?
thanks for reminding me I have to get around to playing bully at some stage.
Not weeaboo enough.
I had fun for what bit of it I got to play though.
My god, I'm having so much fun watching shit spiral into insanity. Finished Space Funeral and Murder Dog IV yesterday, planning on playing Mouse Corps, Goblet Grotto, and a few more I can snag off the website sometime soon. Their newest game looks really interesting too.
I would wait until it costs $20 or half price. It's fun enough but the lack of variety will leave you waiting, especially after 10 hours when the game takes about 25 hours to beat.
Thanks. Anyone got any opinions on Mother Russia Bleeds?
I thought it was going to be like a hotline miami beat em up, but it looks grungy as fuck and kinda disgusts me to be honest, and the soundtrack doesn't seem that good.
Started emulating PS1. R4 Ridge Racer is awesome, any suggestions besides MGS1 or Tenchu?
Violent Storm
Battle Circuit
MRB is underwhelming, the soundtrack is nowhere near the quality of Hotline Miami and the gameplay is sloppy and broken, msot of the challenge is down to cheapness like guns and stunlocks. I'll admit I started to enjoy it a little more towards the end and the bosses are generally a challenge and rewarding to beat (particularly the last one) even if they are all cheap as fuck, but it's definitely a pirate, at least until it goes on sale for
I'm enjoying things, even with the flaws that are already starting to become evident. Playing Lord of the Clans on the side too. Although I'm probably retarded, I haven't gotten past the crossbow guards yet.
Alien vs Predator, The Punisher, and Battle Circuit from Capcom.
Sengoku 3 is also good.
Denjin Makai is awesome with a friend.
What was that one action RPG with vikings in it? Rune? Does it run well on W7?
Idolmaster is pretty fun, although some of the mini games you do to raise stats are bullshit.
Makoto is the best idol.
if only I wasn't a lazy cunt
Stop right there, criminal scum.
Meant to quote holy shit.
What's wrong with the tweet? If a fan translation already exists then I see nothing wrong with using it in the actual product. No reason to do the same work twice and waste time.
I have no reaction image
AG3 wasn't even that good, face it user the series is dead now
>Dota 2 is a good game and anyone who can't see why people like it doesn't understand it well enough to get it
user this is disgusting please delete this post and kill yourself I have half of those games fucking kill me why was I a consumercuck for so long?
I pity you for not knowing such joys.
my only experience in nether is hiding on a roof top watching others get eaten by demons. I saw a guy going after others and tried to give him a warning shot, but missed and actually hit him. I watched him limp along bleeding before attracting demons and getting both groups killed.
I use RetroArch but past that I've heard good things about Snes9x and Mednafen for SNES and PS1.
boys>tomboys>shit>regular girls
I tried to actually pay for DraStic (didn't want to spend time pirating it when i have money to waste, or risk installing spyware)
And fuck me, Google Wallet needs me to send a picture of my real ID and Billing Address Proof before i can use PayPal or even giftcards (you can claim codes but the balance in your account can't be used)
Fuck these bastards sons of prostitutes,as if they don't get enough data out of you already.
From now on i will pirate every single paid app i want.
regular girls > traps > shit > tomboys > boys
get out homo also in case anyone is curious, traps are gay unless you're a girl then it's technically straight