thread six reserved for vegas happening overflow from thread five.
thread six reserved for vegas happening overflow from thread five.
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything's a false flag is repeated by real fags.
Reminder that ISIS threatened the city a day before the attack
fox is all like "this guy has given a blueprint for soft-targetting"
durrr, anybody with an IQ above jamal could figure that blueprint out easy.
i see new regulation coming: emergency exits every X feet of wall/fence.
Can someone explain to me when and how "False flag" started meaning "Fake and gay" and not "The perpetrators are not who they claim to be??
fuck you OP you raging faggot you had all the time in the world to make a proper opening post
It hasn't you're talking to a shill.
six is the number of the jew. the sixth thread deserved to start out shit.
a cuckchan thread worth looking into. People are searching Paddock 's family on social media and they are some weird fucks. Also, his father was a bank robber?
OP is reaching faggotry levels previously unimaginable
Good, we cleared that up early
Picture taken moments before dude severely sprains his ankle.
Hillary supporter confirmed
thanks, i try
So any footage of dead and dying dozens yet or is this pretty much confirmed another hoax they'll get away with?
When the victims are fake the psyop creators get to control every single aspect of the story forever.
Not him
Hurrrrlurrry Rodurrrrm Clinturrrrrn, everyone.
Capturing the pulse of the American people as only she can.
> Never mind that, I'll just grab it through a (((downloading site)))
You're an actual mess of a person
use jdownloader, they have a one step download and convert option
youtube-dl you fucking mongoloid. I fucking swear I'm the only Holla Forumsack that can actually use a computer. You fucks make us all look like retarded luddites.
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread 4
Thread 5
I'm trying to dig but I haven't done this much. Any help would be appreciated.
Looking for social media accounts prior to the shooting that indicate the person was at that concert. If we can track any of them down, we can monitor them for what they post, if anything. The radio silence thing seems really off.
i literally just woke up and saw this in the news, what does Holla Forums think his motive was?
Since retarded kikes decided to adopt the shill narrative of:
Not saying that kebabs don't explode, they certainly do.
This is what happens when you fucking mix with an Asian. These blackpill retards who tell white men to fuck yellow are actually Jews
how dare you imply that the chosen would ever do such a thing you vicious antisemite
Yom Kippur war 45th year Anniversary
Or Flashgot, or Youtube-dl (works outside of youtube).
fuking bumplock on last post
also, he has no eyebrows in the later pic.
maybe he had some kind of sickness (besides being a lib)?
I'm still not convinced the pic of the pink pussy hat is him although I am leaning that way. I do want it to be him, would be great.
any mention of medial issues that anyone can remember? i know there wasnt a lot of social media for this guy
To be fair last the OP, and the one it copied before that, began by naming the wrong suspect and consisted entirely of some faggots'
Couldn't she even pretend to care about human beings for at least a day before pushing for the disarming all law-abiding people?
Watching Info Wars live right now, and there's pics of the shooter at an anti-Trump rally.
Inb4: Holla Forums spams this thread with their hoax shit
It tickles my autism hard. They see something fake and say "false flag" instead of "hoax". Ffs use proper terminology or no one will know what you are saying. I want to say it's a subtle shill tactic but I'm the only one noting the differences in levels of dishonesty, the only one consistently at least.
youtube-dl you quadruplebrainlet
you and me both
Just found this
Gunfire confirmed from the 10th floor, not the 32nd floor.
No there isn't ffs, it's clearly a different younger man from MD
but dude the normies we need the normies lmao
stop derailing faggot
This thread is about the Las Vegas shooting not whatever angle of NASA you are trying to derail/shill with.
Fuck off.
It is easier, the point is all of those variables are just shit you made up.
this isnt reddit no women allowed
Either berniebot boomer doing what marxists do, or false flag patsy who got murdered and dumped in a hotel room to cover for a psyop.
Just remember that if it is a false flag, it doesn't matter if he was a lefty faggot. The truth is what matters and benefits us, not lying to suit an agenda. We know there's a real good chance for any of these commie faggots to go postal and if that turns out to be the truth, that benefits us. But if that's not the truth and this is another work of fiction, that truth also benefits us.
Either way, we only benefit by pursuing the truth. Anybody trying to push a narrative regardless of the facts is a shill faggot jew piece of shit double nigger.
Have we seen frame one of muzzle flash?
from the live updates
02 October 2017
16:33 GMT
The woman, who knew the shooter and is considered a person of interest, is out of the country. Sheriff Joe Lombardo said that the authorities would try to speak to her when she got back to the US.
16:02 GMT
The CIA, for its part, said that it was aware of the IS claims, but advised against leaping to conclusions.
really makes you think
It started with crisis actors. When people found out there was such a thing, suddenly everyone was a crisis actor. Remember jews are manipulators; hamas fires rockets at fields instead of cities right before a long planned Israeli intervention. There are plenty of muslims in Hamas but, the jews have infiltrated hamas.
Another happening ruined by nothing ever happens! faggots.
gas yourself chaim
Ignore derailers, all that matters is digging into Stephen and Marilou
there was a tracer round spotted in one of the videos on the other threads but I forgot which one, other than I haven't seen muzzle flashes yet
room info
fuck off kike
Source me
None of those are "inconsistencies in the narrative".
Bean counter for three years
Lockheed Martin
There is no record of him every living in Maryland.
I'll do both you tizzy haired pedokike
I watch mainly for entertainment.
Anons believe he works for Nasa, however no confirmed addresses at the time, however addresses end at 1993.
Declaring war, they've done so officially, even a blind man can see
Seriously fuck off.
you'll do both what? why cant they get decent shills for shit like this you faggots arent even fun to spot anymore.
After an attack of this magnitude there should be dozens of videos of dead or dying people, gunshot wounds, blood covering the ground. Do you remember after the "coup" in Turkey how many videos of dead soldiers we saw?
The rest of your points are reasonable, but my God is this one complete bullshit.
read before responding and do your own digging. I think it was thread 3
How about both of you niggers shut the fuck up and get to digging.
What is the media narrative looking like right now?
Haven't bothered to turn on a tv an check nor do I really want to.
You must be a real-life fucking shill or a goddamn retard. All the faggot posted were half assed nigger-tier NASA ain't real kangz were the real Afronauts meme images.
You're a monglet, making a mass of people accessories to a plan, or making one person easy to manage and clear up loose ends would be far easier for anyone. This case is bizare because to wait this long for the narrative (and gun control despite what Alex Jones thinks) is not nearly profitable enough to justify, as a war in Syria or terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 would be.,
found a video of a body
It most likely did happen. It was not organic. Atleast one kike had a hand in making it happen with the intent of fulfilling ulterior motives.
That not getting through your thick skull makes it very apparent that you need to return to trs or get your boss to teach you how to blend in better.
Seconded. NASA bunny boomer fits profile trend in generic, but photo does not fit known photo nose tip nor eyebrows nor jaw/head proportions (admittedly, shadows and jpg compression algos throws off accuracy of match assessments). Also, photo of bunny suit does not match profile generic. Paddock likely does not go bunny.
Paddock's obessives will be with the mental state he is/was stuck in. This involves the obsessions of selective arrested development 10-12yo boys. Clothing will be genuine female and or stolen female, to a sterotyped degree of female (icon sex female denied forlorn). Clothing will not be external made for men or sized-male articles.
Nuffin happened come together
must be a leftist since they gave up on blame the right.
Waiting for Trump to turn gun control into a "bargaining chip"
Ok, this is getting weird
"NBC News
✔ @NBCNews
Las Vegas shooter made gambling transactions worth "tens of thousands of dollars" in recent weeks
Remember the other attack by an indebted gambler, earlier this year?
"MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine police on Sunday identified the gunman behind an attack on a casino that killed 36 people as a heavily indebted local man addicted to gambling, ruling out any involvement by Religion of Cuck™ic militants.
The gunman was named as Jessie Javier Carlos, a 42-year old Filipino, who stormed the casino in Manila on Friday, setting gaming tables alight and killing dozens of people who suffocated in thick smoke. Religion of Cuck™ic state claimed the attack, but officials insisted it was a botched robbery. "
You've been on imageboards too long, you've forgotten what it's like to be a normalfag. Any normalfag that accidentally caught something like that on video is probably at home curled up in their bathtub puking their guts out. Uploading it to the internet is the last thing they'd do.
In normalfag western countries, gore is almost always uploaded by people who've been desensitized. Mostly uploaded by first responders like police and EMTs who often see gore at car accidents or when responding to murder scenes. In other countries like mudslime countries or asian countries, all bets are off because their daily lives are far more brutal so adults in their population are desensitized by default. Hence videos like webm related being released.
Why are some people just casually standing?
I believe there may have been 2 shooters
100% confirmed
Woman 1 - "Hi Steve"
Woman 2 - "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
Looks like they had two rooms.
They concrete divider on the flat side of the outside of the building marks the divider wall between apartments.
IDK balls of steel, drunk, or maybe they think everyone is over reacting… or maybe they are suicidal but too pussy to do it themselves.
die on your feet, not your knees user
wtf, it's my birthday too.
why am I not seeing anybody actually getting shot, ffs.
It is one room, see my earlier post:>>10695373
Image two you can tell which two windows are involved, far left and far right windows used.
We probably won't see much muzzle flash. The strip id pretty bright even at night, and if he had any brains at all he was firing a little bit back from the window. Muzzle flash is actually not particularly bright, it's just that you're usually only a few feet away from it. In the lights of the strip, the muzzle flash will probably get drowned out pretty easily.
That being said, someone should check that the rate of fire in the audio and video matches. They won't be synced, but the period should be the same.
They're mudslimes living in a mudslime country. Completely incomparable to white suburban normalfags in America. See:
I never claimed to have such evidence. What I pointed out is that none of the following is evidence of the contrary:
shit, nigga ain't hitting shit with an AK 47 762x39 at 460 meters.
no way he racked up 50 kills at that distance
When DallasGoldbug, who was mentored by the jew Robert Groden, came onto the scene in 2011, following the Giffords shooting, probably as a way to draw attention away from her relationship with Laughner, which to this day hasn't been explained.
Because in a crowd of 22,000 the odds of seeing 50 get shot are pretty fucking low?
Does anyone have a source that shows ISIS claiming this murder for ISIS?
I get the feeling the MSM are trying to muddy the waters with ISIS claims.
Other points I might add:
Let's piece it together:
Too many people are looking at minute details like ear shapes and other loose connections.
We need:
1. a short bio of his background generally - birth, life till today, careers, connections to government organisations
2. perhaps medical documents,
3. info on those guns and perhaps his training,
4. info on his immediate relationships,
5. info on his whereabouts leading to this mass murder, especially the immediate hours before it
dammnnnnn!!! I've seen a lot of sick shit but this has to be the biggest kill count ive seen in one vidoe outside of military shit
listen, im on board with the "jews control media, porn etc and are degenerating white society".
I get that.
in the modern age you can't pull off this scale of false flags anymore. this was an actual shooting, motives yet unknown. some cunt fired bullets its some other cunts, who cares. this has nothing to do with "1488"
after watching this, I no longer think
was the muzzleflash.
In look how it keeps going well after the shots are done. What is strobing?
That, and most people who caught it on video wouldn't even think of uploading it.
"Cant take no pictures lying down there sunny"
youtube .com/watch?v=w3fA6uAc9dU
Its not like the movies, if you get shot normally you just rag doll to the ground if its a central nervous system hit, then blood starts leaking out
or you get hit and don't notice because your nerves get blown off, or it does not register to your brain because you are in fight or flight and have adrenaline pumping. So some of those walking around may have been hit, and died later not realizing they were bleeding out.
"Deer in headlights" syndrome, most people in an unknown situation simply freeze.
Shock does weird things, disbelief it's happening. Also tells me that they need to learn to get down and duck for some cover. That lady is standing, just pointing. No I'd be down down down, army crawling to anything to use for shelter. That's odd. But those victims are genuine. Hearing those young girls scream, having girls of my own, those were legitimately scared girls. This makes the blood boil
Sociopaths always seem normal. Remember the Cleveland guy a couple years ago with women locked in his basement for a decade, his neighbors said he was nice and seemed normal.
He has about as much social media presence as I do, which is none. So some anons with connections are gonna have to get to work.
That might be a crucial point if he's involved in the government..
Pirate KeepVid, you fucking idiot.
We all know people shot with shrapnell explode like on the tv like pumpkins.
There is still no evidence even a single person died
We need government forums then.
Forums that keep track of employees.
Does he have things like LinkedIN?
Depends if that greeting was directed at him but it gets more plausible that that's him
I can’t watch the video but his firing set off the fire alarms, could that be the strobing?
The world should know their job is to work for us.
Keep pulling shit out of your ass. The kikes have been egging on these tards.
I feel like I'm replying to cartoon characters.
there was an instagram video of it, where is it
the only evidence that is needed that this event is highly likely a play made by kikes using murdered whites as a way to get whites to fall back in line is this:
Kikes still exist.
The fact that there are kikes, on this earth, breathing, means that kikes were involved in this attack, with direct involvement in either planning, execution or funding it.
If you think what I just said is a false statement you need to go back to goybook.
It seemed far fetched at first, but details about his background changed everything again.. this act was not a mere madman with a bunch of guns. He's clearly a professional connected to the government.
111 mudslimes killed, 394 injured.
The ancient god Ba'al did it, in retaliation for ISIS destroying his temple a few months earlier.
agreeed. likely not a a 7.62 variant or a 300memeout.
I'll bet a dollar it was a bumpfired 223 AR. Highly unlikely it was a binary trigger or third pin conversion.
Guy sounds like a fudd, or he hid his powerlevel like a pro
my dick would be diamonds if he had a PKM though
Everyone must learn to expose the truth before it gets twisted.
Another gun system that they want to ban, what a coincidence.
There is. Reported.
You faggots are really killing the vibe
kek, seriously.
I’ve been checking these threads sporadically since this morning. Am I missing the videos / pictures or are there no bodies? All I’ve seen is one girl laying face down which doesn’t confirm gunshots and a video which you hear gunfire but don’t hear anyone screaming they’ve been shot etc. panic doesn’t seem to ensue until the second round of gunfire.
I’m just trying to get caught up to speed here.
probably. The strobing in those videos are definitely not from gunfire. Still strobing even when there was no gunfire for up to 10 seconds.
That's fine and all, but that's none of the specific points I refuted so quit sperging out.
This is the one. Steve was a pro Obama, pro Clinton pussyhatwearing democrat who have overdosed on the lügenpresse.
What did he mean by this?
Seriously, there isn't.
Describe what i am looking at
big if true
What the fuck does this even mean. What a fucking cocksucker. This comment better not slide. Such fucking bullshit
Get out.
Archive or kill yourself.
10th floor tard
A rifle bullet will easily travel that far, nevermind that the 460m number is bullshit since you just aim high to account for predictable bullet drop.
A 20,000-strong crowd is a big target to aim for and rifle bullets will penetrate multiple targets and fragment.
Many of the dead are likely hippopotamus people having heart attacks or trampling others in the stampede.
Oh its the 10th floor now.
So they're admitting motive now? Crazed lefty or end of life boomer convert.
niggah, when you're shooting down, you aim low.
connect him to the alt left meme
spread it
we need this to hurt them bad
Stop being a faggot, this is all that sandnigger wrote.
pre-positioned a strobe to distract from his real position? Whatever it is, it's fucking weird
Fuck this place sometimes. Sigh
This totally won't backfire.
I suspect it was a team of muzzles, or Russians and this faggot everyone keeps spamming his facebook is a fall guy, they kept him and when they were done, shot him in the head and got out.
see even a muslims first thought after an attack is that the attack was by muslims
Fake and gay.
Pure coincidence I'm sure
Reported. There is.
cont; retracted
I am willing to concede you may yet be correct. Anyone have img src that's not jpg compressed?
Nigger are you fucking retarded? That look like the tenth floor to you:>>10695373
Holy shit, those are fighting words.
Fuck off Hillary.
>youtube .com/watch?v=w3fA6uAc9dU
What movie that?
I'll admit, I've been in a situation where I was confronted by a pack of niggers once that wanted to fight me, and my response was almost stoic or something. I didn't really cower and I didn't really get the adrenaline to fight, I just kind of went blank. I think since then I've become really phlegmatic towards every intense situation I encounter. I'm sure I probably come off as autistic or something, or like I'm uncaring towards others.
Hoax. Report that faggot.
he apparently owned 2 planes, if so he could afford legit FA
archive link or bust
I think you meant "fuck off CIA."
a bunch of meat curtains with their hands on a dead guy as the duck more bullets
It's fake idiot.
Yes, as we all know the kikes want to frame leftists for violence against fellow whites and all the suppression of the info is due to them wanting to hide the truth. In reality this guy blogged about being CIA and they are only now getting around to constructing a narrative after their planned event.
where is it being reported that he shot the crowd "because of the noise"? Source?
Yeah. In vegas, on the vegas strip. Not so weird.
Source? What happened to "BREACH BREACH BREACH"
I'm sure there could be an organizational force behind it, but why is it insane to think he is the only shooter?
What's the difference? Everyone knows the Clintons glow in the dark.
Weird. You think it was the two groups kikes are pushing us to war with? Convenient, Moishe.
Seriously. What is happening?
I keep missing that part, what were they?
Russia certian has its interest in breaking up the USA, the northwest front was their idea.
Aim for the puppeteer rather than the puppet.
Confirmed - He's an FBI Patsy
Faggotry. At least it stands out.
huh. Interesting angle, I didn't think of it that way.
This wouldn’t have anything to do with us calling bullshit on the physics of it all morning, would it? How could a detail like that go misreported by every single news outlet for the entire morning?
Shills going wild and derailing the thread
I don't get it. Why is this sort of this going on? It is gay as fuck. Soros?
fake and gay
His twitter feed is fucking funny though, almost 100% apologizing about terrorism
God damnit user's ARCHIVE EVERYTHING
Well which floor are the blown out windows on? That would be a hard thing to change. Can we verify if there are windows on the 32nd and/or 10th story blown out?
Clearly not 10th floor.
There is absolutely nothing physically implausible about shooting 7.62x39mm down at people from a 34th floor.
How else would he have ten guns fully loaded and ready to go in succession?
@ 450m or 500yds you would have 100" of drop from a 16" barreled 7.62x39
that's a lot of fucking drop for an inexperienced shooter, not to mention almost a full second of flight
5.56 would drop about half that
We have photos of the blown out with, you mong. Is that part of the hologram?
i'm aware is fake you cross-eyed fuck.
I'm asking for your source on the claim he had 10 rifles dumbfuck.
For the love of god and all that is holy
Please use full image.
Privacy, of the damned, is rescinded.
I do not offer it, nor will you.
(checked and kek'd)
A timeline graphic would be hilarious if you feel so inclined. I cannot stomach that site outside the occasional screenshot or archive or I would myself
Could just be trolls or Holla Forums or Holla Forums faggotry. Doesn't seem to be the usual outsider shill type of post, more knowledgeable of board culture than that but also more retarded and gay.
Sunday night, you boob. Today is Monday, which means yesterday was Sunday. Try to keep up.
It's also coincidence that the Yom Kippur War happened 45 years ago, jews are celebrating the death of Americans
It’s not this guy. It doesn’t make sense to be. I’m guessing he was just some normal schmuck staying in a Vegas room, then some group of CIA/Mossad/whatever special ops people came in, suicided him then took over his room to do their wet work. Makes no sense that this guy had access to this weaponry, that he ‘converted to Religion of Cuck™, or was some antifa lunatic. He just got the wrong room on the wrong night.
no kidding. roll that impromptu sandbag over and get small. although, at that distance the direct hits would probably just icepick through him. they were well outside the frag zone.
Fucking this. What a clusterfuck of a thread.
I hope this is a shoop.
It was reported early by Fox that this guy had called down to the hotel desk to complain of the noise.
It is.
I spat my drink.
if this was a false flag the guy would be a young white male, far right, pro gun, pro trumper
its real, deal with it, now lets connect this boomer cuck to the alt left and spread it
Claims source from Reuters, posts
(if I put trust in the domain this will seem legit)
This word filter shit is getting absurd.
8 feet of drop into a crowd of 20,000 people.
It doesn't require pinpoint accuracy to hit someone.
But we need to ban assault rifles and extended clips to save lives!
It's not "privacy" here lol, it's a zooming in on the face to show the earlobes better. No need for full pic if you want to focus on the face.
I had a friend get shot through the forearm, missing both bones, he heard the crack of the shot but didn't think the bee stinging his arm was a gun shot. Only until the blood began to run down his fingers did he acknowledge he had been shot, it comes as a surprise if it happens.
that drop is only like 1.5 people tall and he's aiming at 22k people from a high perch.
Did you just wake up or something? Go read the earlier threads, at least. Do I have to fucking hold your hand and teach you how to google?
Is anyone in Las Vegas able to try and get some photos of bullet holes in the surrounding area? He couldnt possibly have put every single round into the field.
When his "target" is a huge crowd of thousands of people, 100 inches of drop is irrelevant.
What's more, a large component of the distance was vertical so the drop calculation isn't so trivial (the difference between true range and actual horizontal range.) See embed.
Video from sounds more 5.56x45 or 5.45x39 to me. More sharp, staccato fire.
The fuck is this link?
Another site for Reuters or just a con?
Also is it possible to spread total crap through SSH spoofing ? I read about this the other day and it made me realise that it might be fairly easy to convince somebody that a news source stated something as fact. I don't know too much with this shit though..
Horseshit you've been on image boards too long, you have lost sight of the true magnitude of the narcissism. Millenials upload shit all the time with medical gore, and if you check LiveLeak you'll see they do it with violence too, even uploading their own crimes and getting in trouble.
Ironically what you posted is what we will never see from one of these hoaxes, damn near slam dunk footage.
Let's make sure we get it right either way. If they chose a leftyfag antitrumper deliberately to make rightwingers buy into it easier, we should know about it.
ONLY the truth benefits us. But yeah, if it does turn out to be a legit berniebot shooter or something, running with that will definitely be fun.
Lies are jew tier propaganda. We peddle truth, wherever it's found, whatever it is.
How do you know he's dead
Prove it or fuck off
goblin wife haha top kek
He may have brought ten rifles with him, but he certainly didn't use 10 rifles. Why would he?
I'm not able to find any registered aircraft owned by a Stephen Paddock. I looked through all aircraft owned by anybody with a last name Paddock.
Cmon Satan you should know how to archive.
Yes, I know, I know. I agree with the application. Applied application is applied. My complaint is with the wind, on how it blows clipped and reclipped narrative photos into more kike controlled transition states.
I agree. I will still whine. Ignore me.
IMPORTANT!!! look at :28 & :29 you can clearly see where the shooting is coming from and it is def not where the tv stations are telling everyone (2 broken windows) ,. the shots are being fired from mid building 10 - 15 stories up
Its easier to pick up another rifle to let it cool after automatic fire than reloading and waiting the barrel to cool.
The other issue is that it's burned off so much of it's energy that it's not going to be reliably fragmenting.
further making my point that he probably wasn't shooting x39, but likely something quicker with less drop
I mistyped that, but it's the same shit. It's a concert on a weekend in Vegas, of course there will be a huge turnout. Have you never been to Vegas or something?
And what exactly are you trying to suggest, that the CIA conjured 22,000 crisis actors out of thin air and fabricated the entire concert? Absolutely ridiculous. How can you take yourself seriously?
There is no proof that would satisfy you niggers.
That is strobing even in periods of no gunfire up to 10 seconds+
Definitely not where the shots are coming from
I wonder how much ammo he brought. He or the porters must have been pretty fit to bring up all that ammo.
This shit is the fakest thing i've seen since the last one. Good luck digging.
Nice, I was wondering when the numerics anons would hit the scene.
I see the flashes, but as others have pointed out in previous threads, you cannot open these windows. also, as evidenced from here:
Pic 4, there are no blown out windows on that floor.
a 5.56 round at 300yards isn't going to be bleeding that much energy. Its still speeding up after 150 yards.
I really doubt he'd be concerned about the long-term integrity of his barrels. For the amount he mag-dumped, one barrel would possibly be damaged but would still be functioning.
Look up rifle meltdown videos on youtube. It takes a great deal more to actually make the barrel fail such that you can no longer shoot.
Sorry I’m on my phone and user is pissing me off with his lack of knowing the basic details when we already have 5 other threads detailing everything that is being reported.
Instead of typing so many words, explain why showing he had pedophile earlobes is illegitimate line of inquiry. You can't, shill.
One "bullet hole", that doesn't look like anything at all.
Fake and gay. Kol Nidre night amirite
top jej
"All vows [], obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called 'ḳonam,' 'ḳonas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."
The leader and the congregation then say together:
(Num. xv. 26).
"And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them, seeing all the people were in ignorance"
This also is repeated three times. The ḥazzan then closes with the benediction, : "Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who hast preserved us and hast brought us to enjoy this season." In many congregations Num. xiv. 19-20 is recited before this benediction. After it the Torah-scrolls are replaced, and the customary evening service begins.
No worries satan. But you can archive on mobile too, helps to be on weefees.
A lot of these people believe that EVERY SINGLE event like this is a false flag. If you think any of them are real, you're a kike shill, apparently.
Well considering he killed himself right after, dont think he cared all too much either, but he could have had enough agency to know the limits of his rifles to prevent jamming from the heat expansion.
Remember, Mandelay is an occult term and their is a camp at Bohemian grove called Mandealy
We need to find which floor plan is on that floor. On some of the floors that would be one room.
This is the most plausible conspiracy IMHO.
Hopefully somebody leaks the camera footage. There are cameras EVERYWHERE. And IIRC most keep the recordings for a month.
You are more likely to blow the gas tube than melt down a barrel at that point you have a single shot rifle.
I don't know if it's legit, but it seems to be related to this.
A subsidiary of TR? type "" into google, I think it's legit.
We won't see one because there was none. Even in dusk light a machine gun looks like a strobing flame thrower. Y'all are being taken for a ruse cruise, the KIKES didn't even bother shooting anyone just like pulse.
Reported. It’s in all five threads.
So again, is anyone able to be on the scene in Las Vegas? Find a walgreens or CVS and buy the little ten dollar telescope and see if you can find any bullet holes around the area of the shooting. You're not going to be able to get close, thus the telescope (Because I also dont expect you to have thousands of dollars of photography equipment nearby for long range clear shots).
Someone needs to be there to look into this, call a friend who is the city visiting, fucking someone has to be able to find if any rounds can be seen to have made major impacts.
I was referencing x39 at 500 yds.
incorrect. the bullet is rising in altitude, but it's speed is dropping the moment it passes the muzzle tip.
can a math fag get a correct distance from the 32nd floor?
Its def not a AR15, could be 5.45 out of an ak74, but the sound gets distorted at that distance so its hard to tell.
30% of humans have undetached earlobes.
Occams Razor, the simplest thing to have had happened would it just being a deranged leftist going ballistic on a crowed of probably trump supporters. The media will use this as a false flag, but I believe that this event actually happened.
7.62x39mm would have been perfectly sufficient. The drop was negligible for that scenario. Shooting from a raised location such that your true range was significantly longer than your actual horizontal range means the drop was less. Watch the video if that somehow isn't intuitive to you.
Don't be a moron, it stops accelerating as soon as it leaves the barrel. Your chart doesn't show acceleration, it shows drop. The bullet goes up until 150 yards on that chart because of how the rifle is zeroed. The bullet decelerates the entire time.
Adjacent suites often have a connecting door that can be unlocked for when degenerates want to have larger sex parties too.
Explain the lack of damage to those floors windows then?>>10695709
and quit being such a fucking faggot. The gunfire did not come from the 10-15th floor, you idiot.
Hold up.. are they just making this shit up?
I’m sure the Mandalay Bay has no security cameras either, so we won’t ever see how he (they) hauled it up there. Or maybe it would be too “traumatic” for us to see it.
You are clearly mentally stable.
While I agree that the victims and witnesses in about all of these stories look fake as fuck, what that strobing on the 10th floor in the one video? Isn't that supposed to be muzzle flash?
Looks like the reflection of a strobe light at just the right angle to me.
You're not likely to blow an AR gas tube with how much he was shooting. And if he were in fact using an AK-pattern rifle, he's not likely to blow a gas tube at all……..
I'm just off today, I guess. Damn.
I will accept this shame.
But this time only.
Have my repost instead:
I unfortunately must agree. Reference for background found is below. Keywords are effectively: boomer, retired, never served, race traitor, divorced, kids didn't know, florida property holder, nevada property holder, boomer-meme midlife 'crybaby' crisis, divorced, conjecture: dreamer of owning a bar when older, conjecture: dreamer of being world traveler, just starting to use entitlements that were promised, rejected serial attempts at multiple entitlements withdraws to the point of staging some at a casino for disability benefits, cucked-i-want-to-be-a-femboy-and-get-fucked face/eyes/submissivity-salvation-syndrome. If all of these observations are correct, then this type of individual is the white cucked globalist boomer father - a very dangerous configuration hipster grown up and thrown into old age with stalled mental development. Extremely similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger, but crucially minus even minor accomplishments of real, minus funds and retirements, and rejection by State with jewtit robbery and entering the "State Experience" of all-pensions-failure.
http heavy com/news/2017/10/stephen-paddock-las-vegas-route-91-mandalay-bay-shooting-shooter-gunman-suspect-photos-motive/
This will not end well. Pic related is Rob Reiner. This is effectively the mid stage arch-kike-alike/imitator prototype. Look for this to protect against and identify subversion mines.
Okay whatever, point being, there wouldnt be that much drop if he were shooting at 556/223 at that range, so the people saying that would be a difficult shot are idiots.
The man was 64 years old. With 8 to 10 rifles as reported by the media. You act like it's some 20 year old antifa cuck picking up a rifle for the first time. Shooting that distance, by someone who has had decades of shooting experience is child play. 100" of drop is crazy, most people have their long guns sighter in at 100 to 300 yards. Be it 300 yards the amount of drop is significantly less and still you're talking about shooting into a crowd of 22,000 people. This guy was buffalo hunter and it was 1812
Y'all niggas need to learn ballistics and shooting at angles.
Fucking lost my sides. Do I need to fucking microsoft paint this shit for y'all?
Among whites aka humans, the percentage of people with attached (non-detached) earlobes is NOT 30%. C'mon, look around you.
It's a pedophile tell-tale.
Actually I’m not a big fan of the false flag theories, but like Sandy Hook and Port Arthur, this one fucking stinks. And it seems to be in service of the same agenda as SH and PA.
800 yards its will start to lose a lot of its energy
It took me around 2000 rounds over several months of slidefire use to blow my gasblock and tube. If he never used his rifles before i might agree
Fuck off, nigger.
Here's the sound from much closer.
Sandy hook is definitely false flag.
But what about this stinks like sandy hook?
Okay lets not get derailed on this ballistics bullshit, we need to focus on digging into this assholes wife and connections in business
How did he get "10 or more" rifles, "bipods" and hundreds rounds of ammo up to the 32nd floor by himself without anyone noticing.
In every large vegas hotel there is at least one security guard at the main elevator. Sometimes they check room keys or just eyeball you.
attached lobes are nonkikes
DEtached lobes are kikes
that's about the extent of how much lobes matter
The location is 350 meters away. So not 800yards or even close.
5.56 Won't fragment, and has lost much of its energy at this 250m to 600m range. It'll have to be a higher energy caliber.
Checked and keked, cheers.
That doesn't mean he owns an aircraft that just means he can legally fly them. All costs to get a PPL is like $8,000 nowadays, not that much.
-t. Helicopter user
Reported for lying and derailing.
Be sure to add a little rocket engine to the bullet.
I don't think the dude was even in the room, smacks of hoax to me, but if they do push the a file of "look what he had" I can easily see the "multiple platforms" used to just demo what they want taken away.
have you never seen a jew charicature
Try again, just a drunk southerner in a town that's 30% black.
Here's the difference between line of sight and bullet trajectory. /k/ is gonna learn you all today.
That is an AR-15
I'm no gun expert but that sounds like a crank fire, like it speeds and slows down when you turn the handle.
Its actually not that easy to evenly turn a crank.
SSH spoofing is usually performed by an attacker on the same network as you. It is possible to use malware to modify what the browser displays, but that wouldn't display on computers that are not infected.
tl;dr not SSH spoofing
I'm not asking for any ballistic clarification. I'm telling you to fuck off, nigger.
Nope. Vast, overwhelming majority of whites are detached. Pedophiles are attached (non-detached). Fuck off shcloms.
Well I think he's relying on himself being the primary source for the news.. I can't tell if he's legit. But:
It's odd that the only thing I found for Arwa Gaballa was this
With Ahmed Aboulenein.
And Ahmed Aboulenein only had like 3 other articles on a Lawyer in Italy.
I think the most likely explanation for why he had so many rifles is because action movies like Commando always showed the hero getting dozens of guns and mass murdering retards are meme-loving fucks. How many guns did the columbine losers bring with them? Quite a few as I recall.
Or alternatively, the scenario was orchestrated by the jews and the jews had multiple guns involved because jews love their own hollywood memes and because multiple guns furthers their anti-gun narratives.
10 guns actually being used is ridiculous.
Fuck off kike. I'm not a nigger.
I think you need to start paying more attention my flappy lobed friend
sauce or you're a kike
This is just how a magdump sounds.
Reuters had to start using the domain because people trust the MSM so much in 2017.
Bullet drop doesn't matter when you're firing into a crowd of over ten thousand people all packed together. ~9 feet of drop is meaningless when your target is hundreds of feet across on all sides.
The news source claims legitimacy, but the writers seem odd.
Only one has other articles.
The others are very new.
No it's not. Too rapid for an AR-15, which is not fully auto. Even with a two stage trigger you can't shoot that fast.
My guess is the guy was totally unhinged and brought everything he had with him /just/ in case he would have multiple malfunctions to ensure that nothing would stop him from doing what he planned on doing. Or he was just so crazy that he wanted the exact option of what sort of weapon he would want to use depending on his mood at the time. Most likely only used two of the firearms he brought, just alternating between the two to let one cool while shooting the other. 10 minutes of sustained full auto fire can certainly generate some heat.
shill reported
Nigger, you need to learn it. Shooting "downhill" at an extreme angle means your drop is less than if you had the same true range with zero drop.
For a given true range, the greater the angle downhill, the smaller your actual horizontal range will be.
Watch the embed you stupid nigger:
Reported again.
Was just curious, but thanks for clarifying.
Checked, and same here user. I had to watch it again it was crazy af.
Source for pedophiles having attached earlobes:
Source for whites (real humans) overwhelmingly having detached earlobes: look around you.
Great, now I'm worried I'll be purged on the day of the rope because of my fucking earlobes. Thanks a lot Holla Forums, as if I didn't have enough shit to be self-conscious about.
Sometimes I think the mods post these screenshots themselves, to make themselves look good.
Reuters literally uses teams of poos to attempt to scrap together their very basic articles, then if you're lucky, it passes by another shitskin but one that actually lives in a western nation and they attempt to correct all of the errors.
Far easier than what? While you were busy colonizing the same pub your whore English mother drank at to give you fetal alcohol syndrome I learned how to speak like an adult, and more importantly how to spot a Jew. Jews do things openly and brazenly, their strength is not cleverness but pure lack of emotion.
Think of 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, the false flagging to get into WWii and the federal reserve. In all these cases they just plant people all over who got addicted to their brand of pedophilia (or were raised in it). But along the way the cover-up effort is littered with bodies, I think something like 150 died closely connected to 9/11, similar for the Kennedy thing. They try to hide but are shit at it.
EXACTLY, when you shoot down hill, you aim low. It's not fucking rocket science, but tons of fucking anons don't seem to understand how zeroing a rifle works, so I was trying to explain that to them.
I think you think I'm calling you a stupid nigger, but I was trying to bring up the whole "this is how we zero a rifle" thing.
Fuck me, should I just MS paint this for the mouth breathers?
Fuck off, pedo.
Sounds just like an AR-15 with a slidefire stock right down to the speedup and slow down. Do this several times a week with mine.
Everything. The conflicting reports. The lack of physical evidence (ie footage). The improbability of the physics. The immediate reaction by gun-grabbers as if it were coordinated. The story we have so far stinks to high heaven.
What’s this guy’s motive? How does he pull this off alone? How do authorities determine within a few hours that nobody else was involved? That’s some crack fucking detective work right there. Why did police go door-to-door asking for people’s names? Did they know the shooter’s name? Did he plan this or was it spontaneous like early reports indicated? What about the “Hispanic” woman who yelled out “you’re all going to die” 45 minutes prior?
That would mean it's like that shooting on the Comet Pizza…
Quite likely.
It's not hard to overrun an AR with a binary trigger.
Still sounds too fast for bump stock to me.
fire a few shoots into the crowd
notice bullet drop
wew rocket science, need 18 calculators and PHD to figure this one out
stop derailing with this shit. it's a discussion a high-angle, intermediate range shooting, not babbys first day on /k/
Overwhelmingly != exclusively. This is some divide and conquer bullshit.
Fox News apparently said it was multiple AR-15's that were converted
I'm searching for sauce
Dumbest shit I've ever read.
Stop shitting the thread.
sounds pretty damn similar.
Still sounds too fast for bump stock to me
I think that because you did.
forgetting about jews supporting/encouraging isis, the thing to remember is that anyone who claims to do it for them and kills people is accepted by isis because it encourages more lone wolves. They would not probably claim an attack on israel or a synagogue
thank you. His medical ran out long ago, not sure about his medical history but a lot of people lose interest. Unless he flew light sport and didn't need it. Many airplanes are in the name of companies or don't get updated or in other's name. It's not really relevant to anything but generally you can get a better idea what kind of person someone is by what he flies
Do people not shoot rifles in nevada? I've taken loads of cased rifles into hotels in tourist towns when there were shoots nearby. Don't know about vegas, but if there are any ranges for competitions nearby he may not have even had to hide anything.
oh wow your sample size of 3 totally convinced me despite all the kikes I've seen
Video inc
Fuck. Looks like I'm dead wrong. Thanks for that video.
guitar cases
Which is why, retardo, my argument wasn't that he must have been non-white, but that he likely – likely – was a pedophile, as attached earlobes are a hallmark of pedophiles among the human species (the white race).
Gook female and derka-derka religion also increase probability of pedophilia.
It would be far stranger if there weren't conflicting reports.
Normalfags don't upload gore.
There is absolutely nothing implausible about the physics.
Since when are gun-grabbers slow to jump on current events?
If anyone is in vegas, buy a fuckin cheap ass telescope and start looking at the area of the concert, examine for bullet holes and all that, try to confirm multitudes of rounds being pumped into the area. Look at surrounding buildings that may have taken fire, try to image what you can and respond back. If you are seeing this message do not reply to state you are going to do so, just fucking do it.
Fake and gay. I just checked his twitter. You dont need to make up bullshit like this, it doesn't help in the long run. See Goebbels on propaganda.
youtube-dl isn't even hard to use (neither is ffmpeg for that matter). youtube-dl "link" and you're done. You have to be a literal nigger not to understand how to use it.
Ar 15 have that sharper sound, the one in the vid is a lower sound with a slower rate of fire, even for a bump stock.
I suspect I probably have some Jew in me from generations prior due to a big nose and now attached earlobes, even though there isn't a single person in my family now living who is Jewish and neither were my grandparents or their parents. I can't tell if I just have weird genetics and am 100% gentile, I'm terrified about having some Jew. You fags better not fucking purge me.
No problem user, you can get a surprising high rate of fire that sounds very similar to the rof that was heard in vegas.
I see. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you knew. I fucked up.
Lets get back to the topic on hand.
Shots from the 4th floor?
bumpfire sounds very even
vegas shooting is very uneven
You're right, only CIANiggers could possibly type out a short response that fast!
Are you retarded or something?
Well in every single happening of this nature, due to the panic, there are conflicting reports. The "multiple shooters" report could be pulled from the echoes of the gunfire off of all the buildings, making it hard to pinpoint where/how many were shooting. I don't think conflicting stories is really all that suspicious, especially this early. Now of course, that depends on what those stories are, but I haven't seen anything sandyhook tier.
I've watched at least 25 different videos on twitter. Just wait, more could be uploaded
They weren't very improbable
These opportunistic fucks do this any time there is any shooting anywhere.
This is a good question, not sure. Probably indoctrinated leftist faggot, we shall see
Not sure about acquiring the weapons–perhaps there is external organization and he is not a "lone wolf nut." However, doesn't require a lot of support to break open your window and start firing, you don't need a team to do that.
Yeah, interesting, but still super early. I'm not ready to put this into the sandy hook camp yet, lets see how this story develops. That hispanic woman story is fucking BIZARRE. I wish there was some sort of footage of her doing that.
I do not know why the sound/speed changes i just assume it is because the slidefire technique relies on the user to exert a certain amount of force.
The unevenness actually leads me more to believe it was a bumpfire with 2 stage trigger. Fully auto would be less uneven.
He probably already had a good idea what the distance was, and was familiar with how his gun handled the ammo he was shooting. He wasn't trying to shoot dime sized groups at 300m, the target was 20,000 people
This is fake but look at his Twitter feed. The last three posts are about PART AND PARCELS. Better encourage more (((diversity)))
I'm using it as a general term of companionship, not as an insult, relax.
I should also clarify that in addition to being able to confirm there are no Jews in my family for at least 3 generations I don't know of any prior to that either. Now this earlobe shit has me paranoid.
I'm just saying he had means:
>Eric Paddock said his brother often
gambled in tens of thousands of dollars. "My brother is not like you and
me. He plays high stakes video poker," he said. "He sends me a text
that says he won $250,000 at the casino."
let's get Holla Forums to argue about ear lobes, pedos, bullet drop and not dig into the guy's past or people that know him
I read 10 handguns somewhere.
All the sources are saying different shit. None of it is likely without some third factor that's not mentioned being involved.
Radical shillpost, Schlo.
What would happen if White men grew a pair of balls and killed niggers, kikes and commies at this intensity?
You're all up in arms since your pedophilia is easily spotted. Get a plastic surgery, like the kike you obviously are.
Either it was slide fire, or it was regular automatic fire and the rate changed as the gun heated up, or it was regular automatic fire and the apparent rate change was an auditory allusion caused by echoes overlapping with the actual gunshots.
Everyone seems to be in agreeance here though. What thread are you reading?
Radical sage technique, shill.
The media is shilling the kike narrative despite everything pointing to a left winger. The actual event doesn't fit their story
Just make your own schizo thread already.
Other white men would kill them.
It it was anything other than a gun designed for full auto, you will get the rate of fire speeding up as the gun heats up.
Most military copies are not designed for full auto fire, because they are civilian versions of the military gun.
What is heretical, my earlobes? They may be attached but my mind and soul are Aryan. Hell they might not even be attached, I don't really know what the difference is. They aren't hanging but they also don't look like those pictures. They look like pewdiepie's in this picture tbh (my beard grows the same as his as well and I have Swede in me).
I'm trying to dig into Stephen but he doesn't have much of a trail.
Confirmed retard.
The 4th reich.
Which is why we are in the mess we are in.
Okay guys, we need to DIG on this guys past and his goblin wife!!!
yeah that is not the normal cadence of auto fire, definitely sounds like a crank
.t carbine classes
It's already done.
Everything was scrubbed before they released his name to the media.
We're only gonna get what (((they))) tell us on this guy.
To be fair a highly skilled player can reliably win money in amateur poker since he's playing against drunken rubes and the House is just taking a cut of everyone's entry fee.
Attached Earlobes Say Pedophile
He has no social media presence, she has already the bulk of what we can find revealed. We have forgotten about her husband though, we need to explore him further as well.
What is?
Are pewdiepie's lobes attached or not? What about Sam Hyde's? Do they have to be hanging to be detached, because theirs aren't and mine look like theirs (most like pewdiepie's).
Remember kids
Is this to negatively condition people from digging in these threads?
Go fuck yourself.
Checked. Absolutely confirmed
I dont think Norman McNormburger was the shooter.
I think his room was raided by the terrorists and he was the first to die.
They shot him, shot out the windows, shot everyone, then ran away. Easy.
The shitposting.
Seriously stop responding to these faggots with the ear lobe nonsense, its pointless and is obviously bait to try and derail.
There has to be SOME information about this guy out there, he cant be glowing in the dark that badly.
Her ex husband would probably give us a good profile on what Steve was like, some women find men that are similar to their ex husbands (depending on the situation ofc, but political alignment would be similar.)
@ 0:03 right before the elongated "hiiiiiiii", a woman says "Hi Steve", and he turns his head to greet the two of them.
The fact that Alex Jones "seems to predict it" (haven't actually checked that, because it's alex jones) makes it even more suspicious.
But we need some proof of the victims, like twitter results or something.
I don't like the lack of victims we've found so far.
Are we close to civil war yet? A couple more years?
I don't know if this has been posted in this thread yet.
An add for crisis actors in Vegas
This is from cuckchan. Watch the vid, he's the shooter.
So the earlobe shit is all just shitposting? If so I'll stop posting about it and not worry about it anymore.
How did you find that?
user, the official story now is that this 64 year old man was holding two AR-15s in each hand, Rambo style, and massacring people from 4 football fields away. Mag dumping and then picking up the next fully-loaded rifle to continue his rampage.
In all likelyhood if this guy is a deranged libshit he was trying to kick off a civil war so his commierads would be able to seize power in the chaos, classic for him to try and cause a gun confiscation that would lead up to a civil war.
But has anyone seen him do any shooting? He's just the dead guy in the room.
They can put those adds up after the fact (altering the timestamps) to send people on wild goose chases.
yes his name is the same but we believe it's a different person. wrong job and wrong location.
It's not difficult, you can get a travel crate from Wal Mart, $20.
Marilou was a known far left bitch, married to a guy on the far left, and paddock is the son of a guy on the top ten list. Like attracts like. He's a boomer that fell for the lugenpresse's lies.
It was more than him though, because you can't request specific suites. My friends tried during EVO, you simply cannot go up to the counter and request what room you want. The hotel staff can't even get a guy I know 2 adjoining suites, despite the ease of arranging it. There's also the issue of the mexican lady screaming at the concert that everyone is going to die. The media will say he's a lone wolf, but police scanners were saying there were more suspects. Moreover, casinos have pull over the national media to hide shit. Few people know about the Luxor suicides.
If you can't put two and two together, there was an inside employee that gave him a suite. That many specific guns would indicate months of planning. You won't hear about this because casinos want to cover their asses big time.
October 2nd is also my birthday but I'm not counting this as a birthday happening since it was still October 1st in Vegas.
Funny post just deleted by the kike-jew mods
It's numerals dictates I C&P and post here
jews run, manage and control Holla Forums
Here this for starters :
imkampfy mask slipping
Board log
Mods supporting porn
imkampfy being a faggot again
For the archives:
mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings
Evidence of narrative crafting
Other kikery
They're really stepping up their makeup game.
More fanning of our balls I guess. (((just waiting for the right time))).
True, but it confirms. Easily could be a CIA psyops and he's the fall guy. If that's the case how the he'll will we ever know?
Attached earlobes.
Gook female.
Haji religion.
Taken all together, indicates he was a pedophile.
No, it's from here. Reposted at cuckchan. We're just being slid really hard so people failed to notice that the puzzle is solved
Maybe not a false flag as in trying to force a political narrative, but one simply to deflect eyes. This guy was just there. He has no military, nationalist, or terrorist affiliation. I do NOT believe he converted. I don’t think he’s a lefty nut. A pic of him at an anti trump rally is sketchy evidence of literally nothing. This was a desperate deep state MCE designed to prompt gun control. Sloppy work that will see the memory hole soon enough. That old geezer was just another unlucky sap in Vegas that night. I say forget about exploring the character/life of this guy. We need to expose the actual event, 9/11 conspiracy style. This is totally fake.
Ignore these faggots trying to derail, if it were really that important they would make a thread about it instead of using currently useless information to try and derail this thread.
Can you post examples of unattached lobes? His ears do look fucked but I think I might have the wrong conception of what attached lobe means.
I too think it's meant to increase sentiment towards the government… but there are some fishy facts still.
That's the relevant thread, numbnuts.
For a false flag this would actually have been one of the easier ones to pull off. And the crisis actors are the least convincing they've ever been. Out of all the false flags don't tell me you faggots are going to fall for this one.
The people saying shills want you to believe it's a false flag ARE REVERSE SHILLING YOU!
Reminder to filter and ignore all people ITT claiming no one died.
This might get used to help push muslim bans, without ethnically blaming sand niggers
No one fucking cares. Ignore him.
False flags can have real injuries, its cheaper to just use some deranged libshit and have him fire into an actual crowd. All false flag implies is that it will be used as a political stepping stone for legislation such as a gun ban.
With all the footage and the huge number of victims taken so far one would have thought that some evidence would have been shown, only now we have CIA kikes swarming these boards insisting the jewish narrative is the real story
All the other anons who worked so well showing the media are lying have gone, as though they all got banned and the CIA-kikes moved in to replace the now-banned anons…
Its video poker user, not that circle jerk texas holdem shit.
Decent ID too
Holy shit that fucking furfag
Filtered and reported.
There's some bullshit going on for sure and I'm not going to claim there are no crisis actors, but unlike Sandyhoax and the Boston Marathon shit, I do believe from the videos that people were shot. That shit seems way more legit than any of the other complete frauds.
Doesn't mean there isn't shady shit going on, just that (((somebody))) did open fire on a crowd, whether from those windows or not, whether that bernout did it or not, etc.
I don't think Stephen Paddock was the actual shooter. I think the guy was framed.
Look at the evidence surrounding him.
A namefag at voat posted it.
Do you remember when there was a thread here about the exact same link?
Attached or unattached?
Hardly any pictures or social media updates from concert goes
Any footage showing a single person being shot on camera, you know what with the high death count and all those cameras filming there…
@FBILasVegas is asking anyone with videos or photos from the 10/1/17 Las Vegas shooting to please call 1-800-CALLFBI (1800-225-5324)
I assume that the evidence of him being a shitlib has been forwarded?
Unattached/detached. No pedo here.
post them. id like to see if i come to the same conclusion from the same videos.
He was just ‘there.’ The real professionals offed his old ass ‘HRC foundation suicide style’ and then got to work. He was probably a pretty random patsy too. There doesn’t seem to be any prior narrative push except for anti gun.
can you explain a bit what you're getting at?
There comes a point where you face death in the face. Where you let go of your fear of it.
Either that or "stunned goat" syndrome :^)
This is the first thread I found. Best to continuously post threads to other digs actually.
In the middle of Las Vegas strip and next to an airport, where there is tons of wifi.
Why are there no people postings pictures or updates except for a a couple of videos. Everyone knows when you go to a concert, half the people have the phone out
I think he strip is still blocked off, heard on the local news first responders where still in the area like 2 hours ago and that certain streets where closed down still
This shooter certainly was. His DOTR was yesterday.
It definitely sounds legit with the super sonic cracks, but the camera person not moving just seems weird.
shit picture, clearly unattached.
No they have kinda LAN party vidya poker versus human players instead of sitting at tables.
It's not the % payout one-armed-bandit style "poker" fruit machines.
I might have posted something rather complimentary about you to the effect of saying you sound like a really sound honest goy, and not in any way an obvious CIA spook, shaping the jewish MSM narrative to be repeated on here as well
holy fuck will you spastics stop shitting up the thread with this earlobe bullshit?
Link to profile?
I'm not saying people weren't injured But for as many people that were harmed there seems to be just as many liars. We already know there are crisis actors, particularly the ones being interviewed on TV. Same thing happened in 9/11. This was planned in advance for some political goal in mind and that's all that matters.
Here is the post.
please stop posting multiple random pictures all the time, or at least find a different folder.
because nobody is getting hit around them
Yeah I realized that, need a cheap ass telescope and a room near by, or roof access near by to be able to take a look.
the 1st pic just sold it for me, thats him. in the mid pic (obviously the most recent) he looks like he has cancer or something, he doesnt look healthy. I mentioned this before, he has no eyebrows. another user noticed his thin beard in the most recent pic.
Fuck off. Stephen Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Together with consorting with a gook female and converting to derke-derka, makes it likely he was a pedophile.
Lots of anons got gassed for posting evidence that seems to show this is another jewish false flag
Then along come 100 odd CIA-kikes to shape the narrative on here to being in line with the jewish MSM lying version of events and now earlobe bullshit is being thrown into the mix to add to the effect.
Essentially all the wide awake goys from the earlier threads were banned, replacing them with CIA-kikes and the usual rabble of jews that are paid by Kushner to keep Holla Forums strictly kosher
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
Stepehn Paddock had attached earlobes.
shit what you talking about , they had the installers 5 feet away watching shitty cable porn ready to install new window the second the shooting stopped
That seems the most likely explanation of what we've seen, why it was so ruthless and why it was so timely with the other attacks. Remember, if people get angry at Religion of Cuck™ and rise up - they're fucked too.
Otherwise nothing adds up other than the FBI wanted list connection. But that connection works perfectly with what you just said if they have somehow found a way to exploit that situation. I think the FBI have some traitors amongst them. But be wary that that could just be the intended inference. I also think the FBI aren't exactly "tight" with HRC and (((them))) and especially the bushes (and those investigations that disappeared in the WTC.. wait was that the FBI?).
Agreed, that is certainly him at the protest, 100%, need to be working on a narrative to push to normalfaggots before the MSM can craft a counter-narrative that will take the blame off of libshits.
While we all love to band together against Pedo's, this earlobe shit is a slide, ignore it and hide the id's with the earlobe shit in their posts.
Thats not crazy at all. But I dont really buy it. Something really fucking stinks and we might never know what it is because we got the an entire shill army trying to cover up details, the msm misreporting all over the place to confuse people and a commie mayor and police chief making sure investigations are diverted and delayed
The first victim identified
Need source.
Need to clarify legitimacy… or if it's just a cunt trying to boast an unrelated scratch… or if it's just a fake.
Yes it is obvious they want this derailed as much as possible, they being kikes or just regular Holla Forums retards trying to make sure we can't put the blame on libshits where it rightfully belongs.
elevation changes things quite a bit.
Grand master fedora fag has spoken.
How convenient.
Fuck off shill, there's no contradiction between being a shitlib and being a vile pedophile, on the contrary, there seems to be strong correlation.
Why do you need to say this 50 million times?
What are trying to do?
Distract us?
wew lads
We need to spam the shit out of this guy being a fucking commie all over goybook
what is wrong with him?
Open up a line of inquiry that may well lead up to the truth.
didnt the guy that shot scalise have something about him that implied he diddled?
Very good news report.
Neutral and just facts.
When I was first reading about this I read that the suspect was already dead when officers entered the room. But If I look around there are a lot of articles saying
Which one is it?
go on the antifa social media pages. They are celebrating dead trump voters.
Exactly, need to make some infographs or macros that are easily digestible by normalfaggots to spread on twatter and goybook.
Can someone post a complete collection of pics of him at the Pussyhat rally?
Well then I guess you CIAniggers are a bunch of paedophiles.
reported for chronic shitposting in redtext
Wew. Sandy Hook is to shootings like Gamergate is to vidya; one can't be mentioned without the other in the normiesphere.
is this some kid of pedo ingroup lingo or something? only person i've heard use it IRL turned out to be one
In an age of psychological warfare, we're fighting on the frontline. Information is the ammunition, and the media is the weapon. Becoming aware of the situation is the first step to combatting it.
Isn't it odd that 4 years ago, everyone was worried about FEMA camps and distrust in the government was at all time heights. And now, we're preparing for the upcoming race war/ political strife. It's not a coincidence.
Not sure, but it wasn't fucking earlobes.
His death was definitely suspicious though considering the cases he was covering.
But I don't see how he's connect to this shooter.. unless he's connected to these cases…
Hold up.
He seems to have been using the curtains to shroud the muzzle flash. That's a military shooting technique, if I'm not mistaken.
both and neither. every detail of this shooting has conflicting reports.
I hope someone recorded the police scanner
Well then I guess you CIAniggers are a bunch of paedophiles.
What if he was a CIAnigger pedophile?
What if he was a CIAnigger pedophile?
Woops, thinking Scalia…
how long until they ban bumpfire stocks?
this is the motive behind this attack
It was popularized by an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philidephia
LIsten to the sounds of the weapon used in the videos and compare it to footage of an M60 being fired on YouTube. Early reports suggested he was using a belt-fed machine gun.
What do you think?
because studies show that up to 80% of the population lacks the ability to think laterally. Once some of the mega autists finds all the details a bunch of normalfags will realize their story fits together better. even here
Guess he didn't stab himself with that cork screw sticking out of his ass
Filtered for shitposting. Gas yourself CIAnigger.
if you fucks arent spamming all over the fucking place that it was a commie that did this then this entire war is pointless
Sure thing Saul.
Yeah its TOTALLY surprising that people who are traumatized aren't wanting to relive that trauma by uploading gore and shit to their normalfaggot facebook account
The kikes are out in full force.
The joke will be on you when it turns out he was a pedophile.
why do you kikes ALWAYS have to make it sexual? i wont apologize for demanding proof before going along with kikestream news.
Only if you can easily see through the material. When shooting from a building: set back from the window/opening so that your muzzle is well inside and hang a screen(think pool screen/screen door) around the opening or in front of your muzzle. You should be able to see through the material to engage your target and the screen will help to block muzzle flash.
Anyone record the police scanner?
Please include archive urls within your screenshots.
God someone needs to rope that kike. How fucking typical for kikes to jump all over dead bodies demanding gun confiscations.
he is triggered that we dont buy into talmud tv right away
I'd bet that the police closed the curtains to keep people from seeing in.
The interview with his brother. His brother is completely in disbelief of this. The way he describes the guy.
I think this dude got setup.
I've been on imageboards long enough to know that gore is sexual for half you fucks.
I'm honestly not surprised that this happened. Normies are at a breaking point right now. People are being aggressively stupid and reckless with their behavior. With the NFL shit and now this, I think that solar eclipse might have triggered something in universal consciousness on earth that might have been not too pretty.
Lefty Politifact claiming the suspect was not a lefty. Did anyone screencap the guy's Facebook before it went down?
where do you think we are? is your shift of spamming cuckchan Holla Forums with interracial threads over? you get reassigned for happenings?
His brother is a complete weirdo. Just watch him fidget around and pull faces. Also, apparently their dad was some bank robber or something.
This is why we need eugenics programs.
video from top of hotel
because statiscally that is false. Per white male ratio to deaths is lower, than muslim per ratio.
If I have 100 cats and 1 cat attacks the dogs or if I have 20 cats and 1 attacks the dogs.
Is it the same>
Everything was scrubbed evidently right as it happened, these pictures prove otherwise, though.
Kurt on point with posting high tier pornography.
They fed souls to Molech and took pictures?
On a sidenote, is there any actual evidence that the guy was Muslim except (((ISIS)))?
Thanks user, we need more like this, good work, could use some archives though.
Actually, he did deliberately try to target republicans against immigration.
Maybe this is similar. Also that seems very suspicious that he just happened to have names in his pocket.
Why would need the names in his pocket.? Surely you would remember them all if you're gonna hit them…
Don't tell me the FBI is doing what I think they're doing…
Hi, from Vegas and this was a false flag. The gunman white, was never in the military, only (((recently converted to Religion of Cuck™))), and never was a problem for the cops. Also a pedo cuck.
There everywhere on Twitter! Heartless cunts! Great thing Trump won't obey them. (pic related)
They're useless otherwise.
Weird, you can go to this video but the jason.hartman page is removed
Yeah, the pedophile was probably blackmailed into it by the FBI.
Yeah, likely story.
Things haven't even started yet.
>only (((recently converted to Religion of Cuck™)))
You say that like it makes it less likely he'd kill people. In reality, recent converts are always the most fanatical.
Religion of Cuck™ - means the Muslim religion. Fucking fliters!
Fucking newspeak.
Has the brother confirmed the shooter's recent conversion to Religion of Cuck™?
Does anyone have an archive of his FB page before (((they))) deleted it? Or a URL to check archive sites? Long shot but hey.
Well it's true, mudslime pedo goatfuckers ARE all cucks.
user in a previous thread said the only one of the name that turned up was some canuck.
thanks updated with new pics
if you provide archive links i will update again
Video ieo of
Bull fucking shit
The only suspicious fact is that he had an immigrant wife, worked for the government (need to clarify that again), had many guns, and had a brother on the run from the law.
We need links on that last fact, I haven't seen sources, just images.
But if real, that fact means a direct potential FBI connection.
And if you see
Then we've got bigger issues than ideology.
I can't help but feel like the FBI is being set up here though.
Is the FBI digging into the DNC? HRC?
Other scandals currently?
They need to watch out for traps if they are traps and not evidence of their connection.
>Las Vegas shooter made gambling transactions worth "tens of thousands of dollars" in recent weeks Were not letting NBC run with embittered gambler.
Watch this video. His brother was lying, his body language shows all the telltale signs. He knew about his brother's issues, but probably didn't think he'd do something this horrific
Fuck off Schlomo
Considering he was supposedly a degenerate gambler perhaps he'd have a history on related sites and forums.
The FBI and friends are either incompetent or corrupt. Same result either way.
father, not brother
he might also have gambled a lot if it didn't really matter, knowing he was going out
download this video before they take it down
>The network announced that Hayley (((Geftman-Gold))) is no longer with the company following her comments that she is "not sympathetic" to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting.
Totally weird right?
I take back the FBI connection I said .
There was no source posted. Just pictures.
Stop throwing a dog a ball.
What were the comments?
Where was the source.
If it's real.
Woah boy.
I'll give CBS credit, at least they had the balls to get rid of the problem
Brother said he had no religious beliefs and the only guns he had were handguns. But they lived in different states, so…
That is SICK
If you say so, agent Smith.
why would you lay down when there is a machine funner firing on your position?
stupid vegas normalfag sheep niggers
A nigger protests she shouldn't be fired, half a dozen others protest that hate is hate.
keep spamming this, someone might eventually believe you
Why is it so hard for people to think that a family with criminal and mental problems would produce a leftist mass-murderer? I want to know how best to use this to turn the targets, white/conservative/workingclass/redneck/joesixpack/tards who like pop country music against jews and leftists targeting them rather than letting the media focus their anger against muslims which can be easily deflected to foreign targets.
wake the fuck up
True but I still don't think this guy did this. A retired 65 year old?
Someone posts images on here suggesting that..
But I haven't seen a link yet.
Just saw the clip again, brother also said "no political, no religious, you know"
Happy birthday!
No shill, that's Muslims that don't want to go to Hell for drinking. ISIS is losing want another excuse to kill more of the Middle East for Greater Israel.
Also typo.
I will try!
Spics are not white. Spics do not behave as white people behave.
Your nose has been exposed Schlomo.
Article offers no proof. I guess we'll have to wait for it.
It's both. Recent converts think they have much to prove. Sinful muslims also feel they have a great deal to prove.
Recent converts are dangerous, there are no two ways about it. Converts are dangerous and prone to violence.
Except I saw a bunch in the videos. Not my fault you're a dumbshit city kike.
Found this on 4chan. Supposedly the court case of the father. (need confirmation)
I thought it was an attempt to get dirt on the left wing.
That's the part I now find suspicious with the FBI connection.
Why would the FBI do that?
Or is it to push for gun laws?
For those who cannot fathom what the motivation might be stage a false flag or a hoax like this:
1. The gun grab angle
2. Keep normalfags in fear and confusion. On one hand the media is saying you cannot blame Muslims, but on the other there are always Muslims killing people, and sometimes other people are go on shooting sprees as well. It encourages people to be passive, focus on kikey consumerism and just believe what the government and corporate media say.
A possible reason to stage a shooting might instead of actually killing people might be that whatever alphabet agency is behind it, is that they don't have the legal right to kill citizens, but they do have the right to push all sorts of narratives onto the people. Also if you kill somebody's loved ones, some of them are likely to investigate the circumstances that lead to the deaths themselves and possibly uncover the agency's involvement. When there are no bodies, there are no obsessed relatives.
Go back to buzzfeed, faggot
can u share
Filterman has CIA gooks all over the place leaking him info. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
Link good videos, chum.
Go gargle an electric mixer.
This fucker deserves another seizure.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh carbine classes, looks like we got a REEEEEEEEEEEAL experienced operator here.
Big if true. Would make sense considering he targeted an implicit white/conservative gathering.
Could be nothing but here's a recent article regarding security at Mandalay Bay.
Dubai, perhaps? If that were the case our little Indonesian/emu friend becomes interesting again.
He was not by himself. There were multiple shooters and the rest were niggers and spics. He was meant to be the fall guy, so they had a "white male" to blame."
meant to toss in a few vegas pyramid pics
A thought, who took that picture of her in Dubai?
That's the Luxor Casino. The shooting did not occur there.
Doesn't this kike faggot pretend to be a Republican? Or has he dropped that charade?
Predictably, we are being raided.
What about military normies who not only upload gore, but produce it? Also, why would JIDF/CIA/sharepink be arguing against the legitimacy of this happening? How could you think for a second this is legit after Sandy, 9/11, gulf of Tonkin, operation Northwood, and so many others? You're not making any sense. What is it you think happened, exactly?
thank you user
word of advice - when you hear gunfire and are unarmed run away from it until you don't hear it anymore
Paddock was gone for 6 months on a vacation. This could be the middle east trip
yes it was right out front, I'm screen grabbing good shots from the videos now
Was she out of the country because deported?
The pacified masses.
Youknow, the same tribes that practiced human sacrifice, like the aztecs, ALSO practiced circumcision!
No you got it all wrong, the proper thing is to drop about ten water bottles on the ground then stand there using a smartphone.
>trained by (((ISIS)))
well we had WAY MORE less victims in boston and tons of gores.
The shooting occurred at the Mandalay Bay Casino, dumbass.
You're trying way too hard to associate occult symbolism with this event.
FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found with Antifa Literature, Photos Taken in Middle East
Weapons named so far .308 & .223
Lots of MSM coverage of that event, though. Lots of photographers at a marathon.
Australian/Indonesians who married an American don't get deported to Dubai.
Pretty logical explanation from Scott Adams on why ISIS story isn't likely, but why it IS likely he was left-winger
nowadays events are fullfilled of smartphones. I am pretty sure there was a suficient number of professional photographers.
but not a single clear photo?
It pretty obvious it was a radical lefty trying to make a point about gun control.
Alright, then mine are also unattached. For whatever reason I thought they had to be hanging to be unattached. Thank kek.
Las Vegas is for lovers
Where did he get this info?
Either radicalised, or murdered.
Do we have proof he's alive?
this vid is from the mandalay bay yes? isn't the in the #thirties floors like really close to the top of the hotel? shouldn't the shots be a hell of a lot louder if they are suppose to be coming from those 2 blown out windows??
there was automatic gunfire, occams razor, people were scared shitless and didn't feel like taking the time to snap photos of people bleeding to death. Think less like a fucking robot.
Fucking retard.
Good, now let's focus on the actual pedophiles like Stephen Pedock.
They have been trying to find a way to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters. Him signing a control bill would be a pretty big wedge.
People who upload gore are almost always people desensitized to gore. Police officers, surgeons, nurses, EMTs, soldiers or combat veterans, etc. Or people who've watched lots of gore on the internet (imageboard users, and other sorts of oldfags from before the rest of the internet was sanitized)
Insofar as they're desensitized, they're no longer normalfags. If an EMT who's responded to many brutal car accidents had a video in that crowd of corpses, it's plausible they'd upload that video and think little of it.
Take this webm for instance. By imageboard standards, it's tame. Mildly amusing, but it hardly makes anybody here feel uncomfortable. Unless your mother works in a hospital, she's probably fully normalfag. Show her this webm and see how she reacts. She'll probably be horrified and disgusted. There is a good chance she'll lose sleep over it, and become very concerned for your mental well-being. That would be the typical normalfag reaction to gore. It's how people who haven't witnessed lots of gore in the past respond to seeing gore.
No doubt it's pure coincidence that jewish circumcision rituals involve cannibalism!
not a single aftermatch pic
las vegas is the sandy hook 2.0
Just to let you guys know. The Jewish backed Boris Yeltsin sent in the Alpha Group to hold a TV Station in Moscow. This was a high priority. They killed to control the flow of information.
In fact, what happened in Russia in 1993 is indicative of the tactics they're using now.
It's in the background of all the videos man, are you blind?
Also read this
I think this is red herring.
We might want it to be that, but I find this FBI link odd.
I think the whole thing is a farce.
The shooting happened, but not from this guy.
Will need to see more evidence though.
what if there was only 1 shooter but on the 10th / 15th floor and police accidentally killed some guy on the 32nd and they just rollin with it because wrongful death, and meanwhile shooter on the 10th / 15th got away.
was it danley or paddock? this could explain the confusion.
except there fucking are, posted in this thread, and in previous threads. Fuck off with your "hurr durr nothing ever happens" bullshit.
No the shooter was shooting from inside the room, the sound waves would have been projected outward along the path of the bullets and not upward, backwards. The fact that they can be heard as well as they are indicates that they are close. Notice how the camerman pans looking off into the distance to locate the shooter not understanding that he is above and behind the shooter below.
makes sense, he used to live in Melbourne, FL… very close to Titusville & Kennedy Space Center. A lot of nasa / military aircraft stuff going on in that area.
The guy in the hotel might just be some pizza boy and the killer could still be on the loose.
if you are referring to the blinking lights, it's not muzzle flash. that is a reflection of a emergency siren.
dude we have 50 victims. 12 hours ago.
How can NOT A SINGLE PERSON take 10-15 pictures of the aftermatch? Where is the blood, corpses, etc?
Trump wouldn't dare.
Also here's the supposed case according to cuckchan involving his father.
I shook hands and used westlaw though. There's 5 pages.
okay so it sounds like he definitely had a machine gun, that really thickens the plot. Automatic weapons are definitely not easy to get access to, certainly not legally. It doesn't sound like a hand crank or a binary trigger, I have both and they don't fire that rapidly or that consistently. From what we've been told he did this shit within a few months, and buying 11 guns in that time frame is not exactly realistic. If this machine gun was legally acquired then it'd be impossible.
My bet is the dude got his shit from ISIS, seeing as they're claiming credit on top of the fact they were making threats beforehand, on top of the other attacks that happened in short succession of each other. That's a lot of evidence pointing in the IS direction, not a lot pointing to leftist, especially since the average leftist doesn't even know how to buy a gun let alone the ATF paperwork to get a machinegun, or the 10k to get one legally.
i live in vegas and ive never seen security guards at the elevators. you just put the guns in a big and go in. shit we have the SHOT show here every year, it's not like people care if you walk through the main lobby with a rifle case. spread it out over hours or days and its pretty easy
Sunrise Hospital
Except there ARE pictures, some JUST posted, people got the fuck out of the area because people just got shot, they wouldnt stick around to snap pictures of dying people. Think like a human.
The killer fled north on I15 my man. Or shooters or several of them. Watch out slcanons
10-1 was predicted before it happened
Seems when Paddock was registered to vote in Florida (where the rest of his family lives) it was as a Democrat
I am a human searching for those pictures. Looks like NO ONE can help me here
So the claim is that Paddock shot automatic firearm(s) from a nearby, high-story hotel room into the crowd, then shot himself. That narrative doesn't provide any proof that Paddock was the one doing the shooting. (((Somebody else))) could have done the shooting, made it look like Paddock committed suicide, and escaped.
Some possibilities:
1) Yellow fever boomer leftist goes on anti-Plumpf rampage
This looks really bad for the left.
2) Boomer married to Muslim woman converts to Religion of Cuck™ and does terrorism for Allah (potential ISIS involvement- or not)
Looks bad for Muslims, but that's normal.
3) The attack was performed by a deep state agent and Paddock, who 'committed suicide', was used as a patsy
To push for gun control or resist potential relaxations of gun control? To reinforce "muh white people can be terrorists too" argument?
4) It's literally fake, there was no shooting, no hundreds of injured, the 2 smartphone vids were professionally made, they signed a contract to be silent for $
It's an automatic weapon. The man is rich. He can afford +25k for a full auto registered. The thing though. It doesn't rule out he didn't just get a converted/smuggled an automatic.
There you go. If you want to find the gore, figure out the social media accounts of EMTs and cops. Nurses and surgeons also sometimes upload gore, but usually they're more professional than EMTs (who have relatively little professional training compared to the others and are typically quite young) and cops.
So, what gun was he using? Was he a zionist?
so you mean the CIA right?
fucking drunk morons won't even turn their music off, las vegas is full of dipshits every night of the week.
you mean mossad right?
There is no way a 64 year old lib would have such good marksmanship.
Also interesting that the Jerusalem Post had an accurate description of bodycount/casualities at 1:30 in the morning.
5.56/5.45 caliber rifle, full auto. Although I'm leaning towards a 5.56 M16 because of how fast the cyclic rate is. +800 RPM, faster than an AK.
The dust being kicked up and the lack of a "boom" leads me to it being a 5.56/5.45.
he should have shot all those chinese dipshits.
I tried to make this point in the last thread and (((shills))) just came into derail and shit all over trigonometry. They had the same shill idea too, "you have to learn ballistics" fucking kikes.
He was firing into a crowd of people densely packed, wouldnt be that hard of a shot.
Please put the fucking link in the image and archive NOW.
You have a very specific definition of normalcy, user. I maintain that normies will use any excuse to get attention and their 5 seconds, especially if it earns them victim points. It also behooves greedy people to gather legal evidence if they want to sue concert organizers for putting them in danger, so there is monetary incentive to record what happened. Furthermore, without any footage of anyone getting dropped, or even lying in a pool of blood in a sea of video phones, I don't believe it. I require evidence to believe things, it's not such a bad strategy.
Source of this pic?
Knew body count/death toll before the LV sheriff's dpt.
Literally three words for the same thing.
They were told by retards to "stay down".
Trips of truth.
Witnesses in the video here are claiming there were men on the ground herding and shooting. Sure there may be confusion, and the lack of proper video remains but that's what these two both report.
I've read every thread and not a single mention:
In the Alex Jones interview where he predicted a mass shooting/psy-op, he is interviewing Matthew Bracken. In Bracken's first book of the Enemies trilogy, the event that kicks off gun confiscation and the eventual dissolution/ethnic separation of the US was a sniper attack on a sports game.
Seems relevant.
This proves it then.
I don't think they'd fake a hospital.
Assuming it is a real hospital :^)
In fairness, it's a sound tactical decision, when you aren't expecting machine gun fire from 30 floors up.
That loosh is being saved for the superbowl :^)
Fuck definitions, understand this:
The vast majority of the population is not desensitized to gore.
Do you really dispute that? Are you so disconnected with reality that you don't understand that among white Americans, desensitization to gore is unusual? Do you really think your reaction to gore is a typical one?
It's about NK not fucking Las Vegas. Do the pyramids look the same? The pic is the unfinished hotel in Pyongyang
Depends on the time in Israel and if they used that in the article.
i will never know
Cuckchan user predicted this in September.
those little nigglets are ashy AF
i'm leaning more to 5.45, the sound it was making sounds a lot more like an AK cyclic rate than an AR. If it's an AK-74 then the chances of him getting a legal transferable is fucking zilch.
my stance is that he got his shit smuggled in, which leads me to believe he has connections to a terrorist group. Why the fuck else would he just start shooting into a crowd. Even crazy people have motives.
No it's not. You don't lay down and die.
Watch the videos. Barely any people running at full speed, just jogging like the drunk fatasses they are.
Are country going music listeners even good people?
What the fuck does having attached earlobes even mean?
So it would have went from the USA to Israel or Saudi Arabia (as aid), to ISIS, and back to the USA to a white male boomer muslim convert long wolf terrorist?
Why is Arizona so special?
Does this mean that he's a kike, or…?
If you read it it's a pro gun article. If you read the post he even says "read the article or look dumb" you fucking retards
holy shit that was exactly the narrative that MSM pushed right after it happened
I'm speaking from military experience, if the enemy takes a pot shot you get down and assess where the shots are coming from. If people are dropping left and right it's especially important. You don't immediately think "Look up" if you're literally in an open field.
A pedophile.
Not the Luxor, pic related.
Not close at all, you fucking retard.
Get down and get to cover. The plebs forgot about part II to that little "not get shot" plan.
Wew, lad
More is needed here, great find user
I keep getting the Too many threads error message
It's an AR-15 with one of those silly crank triggers that looks like a jack-in-the-box
You're overlooking possibility 5)
5) The reason two windows were broken is because one shooter fired indiscriminately into the crowd, while another with a more precise weapon chambered in the same calibre and with optics put a bullet in the head of one specific target; Paddock was the patsy, a hostage, and suicided as (((they))) left the hotel.