WTF!!! 1250 Middle East Refugees + 10K Family Members to Begin Arriving to U.S. from Australia


I'm so fucking sick and tired of this fucking bullshit. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF EVEN FUCKING VOTING?

Other urls found in this thread:

Time to lace up the boots


You're about to be enriched. Look at it from the bright side though, they will most likely settle them in Commiefornia and other welcoming communities, so the majority of the victims will be spics, niggers and coalburning libshits.

I honestly would of rather voted for Hillary at this point

No, they are most likely going to stats like Idaho, wyoming, ect. All part of 1488 d chess.

except when they dump them into majority white areas of middle/northern states for the sake of diversity. a city about two hours westward of myself took in a huge number of invaders in lower class white neighborhoods and the exodus was quick. now the city is more ghostly than it already was with no future in sight. it isn't always subhuman neighborhoods getting flooded with these monkeys m8. plus, even if it is only "muh ethnic areas receiving rapeugees"- these parasites are masters of recruitment (especially with retarded american niggers) - the black population in america are going to be fighting on the side of mudslimes in the (((endgame))). they are easily subverted and molded into authoritarian images hence why blacks are perfect vassals for abrahamic religiosity.


Welcome to reality.


shill thread
Trump is an ok guy

Our goy



Wow, fucking based!

Based Trump! It's 4D chess to let the enemy in your country!

The fact that so many here are surprised despite what you know of the power (((they))) wield tells me that you have truly learned little at all.

The joke is that he's pretending to robotically defend trumpstein like an r/ledonald faggot.

He learned from the best!


holy shit it's retarded

Nigger king still manages to fuck things up with his legacy after leaving office.

I-i-it's obama. Trump had nothing to do with it goy!

I forget which episode but the other day Tucker had someone on his show yelling that DACA dreamers had to be deported because if they get amnesty then they'll have 20 million family members get allowed into the country due to family member bull shit.

Yes, it's an Obama policy. Trump should halt it completely but, indeed, it is Obama.

A portion of my taxes goes to government shilling on my favorite board. It's certainly not the worst thing I've spent my money on.

Why didn't Trump stop it then?

No one thought voting would do anything. You're too obvious. Get a new act, kike.

Well, yes. The article does say it's an Obama policy. What's your point?

sucked in ya yanks.

We struck a good deal. Well good for us anyway.

Because he doesn't have the best interests of the country in mind


He's either complicit or useless, at this point our shitty democracy is fubar. Eventually when we're overrun by fucking turdskins the worst kikes will have taken complete control over our government and there will be no way to democratically repair it.

But there is no point in voting. It's literally futile. Anyone who thought that Trump would make a difference was merely deluding themselves or drunk on the memes.

It was an obligation to Australia.
He said over and over again that it was a terrible deal.

We fucked you yanks over.

holy shit you're retarded

Because the US has been best friends with Communists since WW2 at the least? That's a lot of swamp to drain. Whoever thought Trump was just going to waltz in and undo 70+ years of subversion just like that was delusional, to be honest.


no shit spics bring anchor babies and their relatives.

Ironic retardposting is still retardposting, you faggot.

What does that have anything to do with 1250 niggers he could have stopped from entering the country? The President of the United States can't stop 1250 from coming in because of some bullshit "obligation" to Australia?

We only elected a President.


Trump hates White people and wants them dispossessed and permanently extorted by jews until they are nothing but a halfbreed mud race.

You didn't do shit.

Trump is a smart man. So smart in fact that during the conversation regarding this deal he predicted his own future.

How do i download minecraft mods with my shekels?

How cute. No refund.

first time you've been useful to us, cheers mates! aside from keeping us being invaded by indo-china and all that that is, about time our alliance worked in our favour for once!

Turnbull is probably the best Machiavellian in the business.

i was scared about WW3 occuring within a week of her winning, we cant inherit a world ravaged by nukes imo, whats the point?

You fucked up. You sure have wished for ancestors that weren't murders, rapists, and degenerates.



i recall a wikileaks leak where Turnkike was begging on his knees to Trump to have them take the terrorist invaders, in return we'd take even more poz-loads in the future or some shit.

Frankly it's a lose-lose for both countries imo with no good options that either side will actually take.

But he didn't. Well at least he tried guizz XDD

It's a lose for every country on earth right now.
Everyone's drowning lately. Everyone.


t. buttblasted yank who is angry that an island of swarthy criminals built a better civilization than yours

Dont let that blackpill consume you brother…..

And Turnbull is good at "laying it on with a trowel".
While I hope he's tougher, he's great at stopping a lot of the migration without letting the lefties in on it.
Plus he can turn around Question Time pretty well - which is good for avoiding a greens cucked labor party.
Labor needs to return to it's roots.

nice post user… forgot one really damning fact….
Trump tried to appoint to his labor administration Alexander Acosta(D) who made the deal for Epstein that cleared him of the worst charges to avoid a life sentence.

Labour are filling up the lower ranks with communist sympathizers and at best cucked neutral alignments and both parties employ niggers for groundwork, there is no saving the 2 major parties you boomeresque cunt.

t. Unionist observing from the inside.

Are you saying it isn't true?

If anyone really wanted to stop this they'd kill those sandniggers before they can Allahu Commander Ackbar instead of singing to the choir and circle jerking and depending on someone given a fancy desk in kike central.

kek. you pretty much did.

It's like you guys think anything can be fixed without bloodshed. This can only be stopped through oceans of blood.

Don't worry lads. This is another chess move.

Didn't know that. Thanks for that. Just another (((coincidence)))


They'll collapse the economy on his head and blame Trump too. The only solution is to kill every kike and shitskin on the planet.

The overton window still has to be shifted far enough along that white policemen and feds will stop opposing what needs to be done.
You can accomplish exactly nothing when you have a nation of traitors at your back.

we need the economy of the world to collapse frankly, it's our best shot for all the small white nations to shrug off the US/EU globalist poz and push for true nationalism.


why does he hate white people? what are his ultimate motives for such things?

Thanks for confirming you're a goon-kun.


this has nothing to do with trump, but if you're that weak we don't want you

Never change, imkampfy.

Yeah exactly Trump is creating a illusion of change

No one would have thought it was "ebin chess XD" though.


Do you fucks have the memory of goldfish? Or do you literally notr go anywhere else but this one site, thus being completely removed from whats happening. I know for a fact that nobody actually posts anything about the wall progress so at least half of you thinks the wall isn't being built right now and days old to weeks old news is what is current or relevant to happening right now.
All this attitude because one of a myriad of Obongo polices haven't been removed yet. Trump has been doing nothing but removing Obongo policies since he's been in office. He's got more things to do besides just undoing Obongo's policies, since he's the president.

I can't tell if you're just pretending to be dumb or just having a giggle.

Because there's no way you could be serious.


It's clearly bait to slide.

Go cry to your jewish kushner bought mods, you mongrel dog.

I don't report anyone because I'm not a soft skinned faggot.

no proofs

at least we got the voting out of our system with trump. with hillary in we would have delayed our "savior" to another election and been disappointed just the same, but 8 years later, and in an even worse demographic position.

At least convince us the two are connected or something. That's the only inkling I could possibly have for thinking your statement wasn't a troll.


fake news, trump has massively cut down on refugees, don't listen to those people who actually pay attention to what he is doing
ps: we're already over this years ceiling and we might as well figure an average of 50,000 per year for the rest of his term

it would have at least united the rightwingers against the government, rather than having tons of morons who now think the fbi and trump are on our side

fair point

Well done, the only reasonable response.

He gets off on subjugation and extortion and Whites are good targets for it.

I wish Bernie Sanders won instead of Drumpf.

Kill yourself

Fair enough, that was the only reason I voted for Trump, was that he would likely be less catastrophic than Hilcunt.

This. The country is, today, October 2 2017, less white than when Trump took office in January. Until this trend is reversed, we've won absolutely nothing. We are, in fact, losing.
also glad to see refugeesettlementwatch gets some attention, it's one of the most valuable sites around

You'd get a jew either way.



I see now why the red text underliment was needed in the first place, do you also need a giant arrow and a red circle around it so you know what to read? The rest isn't necessary, you retarded faggot. Take your cognitive dissonance back to reddit.

Your evidence is fucking garbage m8. It's funny how you use fake news when it's convenient, but ignore it every other time.


Now "proofs" what's disinformation, your turn.

Boy, I sure am feeling demoralized. I guess I'd better give up!

Go back to Facebook for comforting lies, mongrel, Holla Forums is about the truth.


Retard detected.

Yeah, I agree.

Waiting for elections to vote sure as hell isn't enough. Spreading redpills to people who are only interested in politics or their country come election season certainly won't help. So yeah, give up on a failed strategy

Fucking BASTE! What's the next brilliant move in this MADMAN'S 666d chess game!?

The ZOGbots in the weimar republic fought Hitler's rise every step of the way, all they cared about was getting paid. How is shifting "le Overton window" (shifting it to cuckservatism, not any firm of racial nationalism) going to make them disobey the people that write their paychecks and give them their orders? Also where are you shifting the Overton window? The only Overton window that I have seen moving is the one on Holla Forums shifting from National Socialism to cuckservatism.

I'll assume that you are actually an user and not some goon. I'll also assume that you are young. Let me explain what is happening.

In any Hollywood movie where a regime is overthrown it is done so by a group of organized armed men. What they never show you is how this force came into existance. Lone men have to come togheter, get finances/equipment and work towards a common goal. This can not happen if too much pressure is put on them by their enemies. And it can not happen in secret either.

Look at how antifa/BLM/sjw's were treated last year. They were allowed to do anything. Here in Europe they can get away with murder. They can openly organize, threaten and attack, and there are no consequences. On the other hand you got us "nazis" who can not even critizise them on social media. They have the freedom to oppose us and if we resist the government will strike us down. What we need is for the pressure to be put on them rather than us.

Now look at what has changed in USA since Trump got into power.
As a non-burger this is just from the top of my head. I'm sure you know more.

The point is that you need 2 groups to win. One who does the dirty deeds, and one who has political power and makes life easy for the first group. THEN you will get DOTR.

Trump can't usher in DOTR alone because he has to go through the senate or whatever you have and THEY are not interested in what Trump is trying to do. They obstruct and resist everything so that he will get no legislation done, appear weak, and not get reelected. The only thing you should expect from him is to shift the Overton window and give you room to do what is necessary.

Had Hillary won Holla Forums would be dead, you'd have no guns and the sole focus of CIA would be to combat "the evil gnatzis".

And you accuse others of shilling rofl.

Full damage control!

Haven't you seen the one where normalfags everywhere have been memed into thinking the presodent of zog is now the "far right?" The overton window has been blasted way into the left. The american government would be considered raving, lunatic, fringe leftists only 50 years ago in the western world, but half the population is actually crying and wailing about how extreme rightist it is.

gj jews.

Lot of shills or dumb fucks in this thread

This, he stopped a lot of shit in the early months like the TPP but as time when on less and less of his very limited control remained and congress doesn't let him pass shit now so he is endiing up having to do shit like this and the DACA stuff either to pay off something else for the ZOG or just to stay afloat. Anyone that says trump has only the ZOG's interest in mind is delusional as anyone could see by cataloguing his entire campaign to election to presidency in relation with what he has done and hasn't done at what time.

Don't try to reason with them, I see to late I joined a thread full with shills and demoralized shits with no critical thinking whatsoever.

Where are your thoughts then, shill fag hypeman.

Trump was mad as hell at the Australian minister in one of the 'supposedly' leaked phone conversations and yet he conceded to taking them because it was a king nigger agreement that had already been made retroactively.

I guess you are right, they probably are shills. They seem to be only interested in insult throwing matches and nothing else. AND their memes are repurposed old memes. If the last few years have taught me anything, it is that the left can not be funny or original.

citation needed

he started going downhill immediately and surrounding himself with jews, tpp and gorsuch are the only positive things I can think of that were of any consequence. WLP quoted jews saying trump was their guy nearly 20 years ago. He is acting like their guy right now. Wake the fuck up. He cares about himself, his fame, and his money. The last time he didn't discard someone when they were a liability was Lewandowski. He has betrayed us and his word many times, and even for pragmatists, any form of amnesty and things likes upping the rapefugees should be a line in the sand for anyone who understands the demographic problems.

Name one fucking reason to trust him. To excuse him. Anything that helps our race survive.

What's worse is no one is going to protest and tell Trump to stop this because of the mass shooting, so these pieces of literal shit will come in on the backdoor.

Trump didn't have to go along with it.

That's business as usual and I think a lot of it is just jewish media trying to use reverse psychology to convince the bad goyim that they have "their guy" in the Whitehouse so they don't have to actually do anything. Lots of his former supporters are calling him out (they are still slurping his cock here though which makes me think they really are paid shills) on his bullshit and the common leftist acting like a melodramatic child is nothing new. The ideology of this board shifting towards cuckservatism is definitely new (and forced) though.

>so they think they don't have to do anything

Prove it. I'm digging right now and trying to find text and signatures and everything is obfuscated as fuck. Supposedly the deal is part of the UN 2030 Agenda that Obama "adopted" but I can't find shit in terms of actual paperwork, signatures or force of law.
If you have more luck wading through that morass, have at it. Every news article is vague as fuck on the actual details.

You really enjoy working this hard to ensure the destruction of all humanity, don't you, you shortsighted piece of shit?

Why are they coming from Australia?

Trump should stop this with an executive order it would only solidify his base politically.

Refugees from the latest spider invasion?


Not an argument. You retards and/or only ever have your thought stopping memes to fall back on, it's so transparent.

*and/or shills

The question is whether or not he even could. The details of the actual deal and legalities involved are hidden as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the assist, morons.

oh btw, you two moronic kikes just scored an "own goal."
Go ask a manager and he'll explain it to you both.

Are you a liberal too because you're using mental gymnastics?



Ha! The left being unfunny and unoriginal is mental gymnastics now? Did I touch a nerve? Seems like the thread has returned to shit flinging.

lol kill yourself


How did you even find this place and more importantly why do you think you can police the content of the board? If someone is supporting jewry I will call them out.

Stay mad, kike.

Seems like no matter who you vote for, somehow you're going to get fooled again

Protesting the federal reserve would actually be doing something productive.

We need to bring back the peaceful and armed silent protests at the different Federal Reserve spots. There were a couple of those that happened back in 2015 or 2016. I'm worried that may have been memory holed

They were memory holed because THREE FUCKING PEOPLE showed up. Nothing short of an assault on one of the federal reserve buildings would be able to wake people up. Our hostages would be the DATA on the computers and in the papers stored therein. Far more valuable than any people.

What are you talking about? The only thing he promised I can think of that Trump has not done or set in motion is the imprisonment of Hillary.
You got a travel ban, ICE go into sanctuary cities and nab tacos, the wall is being prototyped, jobs are brought back, TPP, reforming NAFTA, tax cuts etz. Not to mention that his election has made an impact here in Eu-rabia as well and that antifa are being seen as terrorists.

You think the cruize missle or plz clap would have done that?

You're talking about "Either/or"
What if I told you THERE IS NO CANDIDATE who will get you what you want

you destroyed their countries, it's only fair

He did a 180 on his entire foreign policy, for starters. He actively promotes shit that he campaigned against. Remember promises of better relations with Russia, end of US involvement in middle east, or labeling China a currency manipulator? Trump clearly doesn't as he's doing the opposite of all those things

Oi! Cunt! Go fuck yaself, ya fackin galah!

True, although as I remember it the democrats/republicans tried to start ww3 with Russia right before Trump took office. Didn't they kick out all the russian diplomats from the USA? And I think USA has stopped attacking Syria. Which means they won't attack the Russian forces there.

Happened during Trump presidency

Kurds are getting more US military support than ever before and US is building illegal military bases all over Kurdish territory and even in rebel-held al-Tanf. All under Trump's presidency. All that happened was that Trump threw rebels under the bus due to them being useless and instead doubled down on Kurds as the force to destroy Syria

But user, what about my pixels indicates to you that I'm a mongrel? Am I mistakenly typing like an individual with an overabundance of non-adaptive melanin?


Don't be so hard. I'm sure he's the best the boomers have to offer.


Since you seem in-the-know, what is happening nowadays in Syria? Haven't heard anything except bombings by Israel.

this was why the FBI set up that one white guy to bomb the Federal Reserve office in OKC. Gotta keep that well poisoned. Same reason the silent protest threads were hit so hard by shills and e-celebs

the first one had more
not gonna happen, and would be useless for convincing anyone not already convinced even if you could access it.

don't believe the hype. If you were hear you would see that nothing has changed. TPP was shot down, we got Gorsuch, that's basically it. The travel ban is pure loophole if they're not interested in keeping people out, which they don't seem to be by our rapefugee numbers.

y halo thar shills.

There sure are a lot of you itt!

My almonds are so far beyond activated that they're roasted in cinnamon.


ISIS is collapsing and throwing everything they have against Assad, while Kurds advance to secure key oilfields facing minimal resistance. Majority of rebels signed various ceasefires with the government so there's not much combat there. Assad is currently focusing on beating back ISIS counterattacks and purging ISIS pockets. With Iraq on the verge of civil war, it is possible he'll attack Kurds once ISIS is done for west of euphrates.

(wasted dubs)



Just because It's Obama's shit why the fuck can Trump not stop it?????

what are you trying to show us?

What? I mean in retrospect it doesn't look as bad. At the time I thought buying more time for ourselves was more important.
you know that 3 republicans sponsored an amnesty bill for DACA in the senate the day after trump pushed the NFL bullshit.

I guess he'll start sperging and proclaim Holla Forums being compromised by Jews, again.

I hope they kill every last ISIS member. Don't want them coming back here and getting social security.

Oh don't pretend like I rustled your jimmies, commie-kun. You know you giggled.

There are certainly elements within the alphabet which continue to keep an eye on things, but we're no longer their primary focus, and appropriately so. We're not the ones trying to destroy the country. If we were a major focus, why would they be posting things like this
and trying to convince Trump that we're super dangerous ultra-commandos? Why are kikes far and wide kvetching that Trump is being negligent toward da ebil natzees?

If nothing is happening, then what's all this about?
It's kind of hard to take you seriously, claiming that he's getting nothing done, when your side is constantly screaming about how he's a closeted white supremacist that's going to execute anuda shoah.

THANK YOU, I was wondering where you guys were. It's absolutely awful today.

Not to intervene into your little spat, user, but isn't pointing out that Trump fired Bannon working working counter to your arguments?

The shilling is just going to intensify from here on out, user.

There are some other post histories and IP collisions that are quite interesting itt beside the obvious shills.
Very interesting indeed.

collision.jpg is an 'user' caught in a ban intended for the other shills.
Interesting.jpg, well, think about it.

.png, not .jpg.

Interestingly selective interpretation you have there.

Are they just straight up shitposting to clog up threads? That's what it looks like to me.

I have assumed that all that stuff is rhetoric (meme us as a threat, most people will see us as a threat) or ADL/SPLC telling the FBI what to do. I wouldn't worry much but the FBI, cops, and others think they are credible sources. But regardless, none of that shows that the feds have stopped targeting white or rightwing groups. We have been the bogeyman for more than a generation now.
I have no idea how much attention we receive. I just don't see any proof that it has decreased, which is why I was asking. And with the recent unanimous vote that the senate wants more attention given to white nationalists, I have no reason to believe we are not still in the crosshairs

>If nothing is happening, then what's all this about?
what the fuck are you even talking about? That because some nigger politicians said something about trump it's true?

ok… still, putting me on the spotlight feels like some exhibitionism

Thanks mod-kun. Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to school tomorrow.
I'd tell you to choke on a nigger dick, but I know all you kikes are closeted coprovores.

In real life they gather a mob and stand outside their target screaming their heads of. This drives people away. What they are doing here might be the chan-equivalent. They inject shit to make it a bad browsing experience.


but for real you guys probably saved us a couple "lindt seiges"

I have a feeling that it's a good time for anons to brush up on the intel sticky. There's a lot of information there that is routinely overlooked.

You're all naked to us. Pic related



10,000 young White American Men just made a mental decision to>>10695116
fuck asian whores, get money unethically and pull a Stephen Paddock when the bottom dropes out

I can understand mods wanting to point out obvious shills, and rightly so, but I do however think that almost 12 thousand muds set to be shipped over here is pretty important news. Has there been any word from Trump on this? Was he involved in this or was this purely Obama? Regardless I think we can see another possible motive for that Vegas shooting now, hardly a coincidence that it happened at the same time Kikebart released this article. Kikes and their puppets get their chance to further their anti-white agenda through the shooting and through the import of more murderous savages. Plus I hardly doubt the demoralizing effect from both being combined into one was a mere happy accident.

aussiebros I trusted you, what the fuck man?



Shill-kun, you need to check your privilege. Everything that those precious people of color says is true! Did you forget your place in the pyramid? Don't make me alert your supervisor. of Cuck™-sources-idUSKBN15G5VO
It's HuffPo official, baby.

You mean australistan? Every capital city here now looks like sweden. Jews just LOVE this country.

Trump saved us from the TTP nightmare, but obviously the human trafficking network that is immigration and foreign policy cannot be brought to a stop. When Kevin Rudd (de Vere minion) was taken over by CIA asset Julia Gillard, he was promoted to the ministry of foreign affairs, who are basically the ZOG lobbyist controllers of Australistan govt.

> of Cuck™-sources-idUSKBN15G5VO
Ran into a filter. Here.

australian behavior is disgusting.. why joke about this? Why is Australia known for literally nothing? You guys are like the chinks of white people - you copy the society but contribute nothing to it and seem to have no characteristics besides being automatons

Wouldn't gassing them be more humane rather than shuttling them from place to place? What kind of people just decide that others are going to decide their destiny? I guess I just don't get the "refugee" mindset.

Oh, so, now that's Hotpocketx? I thought that was kampfy. Oh, wait, you still haven't proven that.

They are poor as fuck living in slums and want gibs and free white rape.

The leftists want to eradicate the Midwest as a white majority stronghold to destroy, forever, through intermixing, white ethnic societies

Powerful leftists provide funding, lobby for govt support, and use other methods to entice them to resettle.

Why do you think they're putting them in all these isolated white areas?

It is an attack on the white ethnic race and an effort to dismantle it socialyl and then genetically, a Jewish style of Hitlerism

What's not to get?



Upon coming to Washington, he realized he couldn't stop DACA either, after specifically pledging to undo the unconstitutional order. It's Trump against the deepstate. He's in a pickle, completely isolated.

Big fucking deal, ah thousand rapefugees arrive DAILY in europe.

>get my identity right, stupid user!

Alrighty then.

But that's not it you dumbass. Once they're in they act as anchor to reel in their fucking families through any number of absurd amnesty deals and more and more of the human waste will accumulate in 'flyover states' and suburbs and rural neighborhoods until nowhere is safe from getting CULTURALLY ENRICHED.

Remember when a group of immigrants raped a litle girl in Idaho? I sure as fuck do but no one else seems to want to remember.


uh user don't you know Holla Forums is a now a right-wang based jews neo-con zionist propaganda network?

Oldfags who bought into the election psyop deserve permanent exile to reddit. Your minds are trapped in the abrahamic matrix of politics. This entire thing is run by Israel and their criminal enterprise in Switzerland. The fact that so many things came down to whether or not Trump got elected is proof that USA is cucked beyond reversal.


your point being?
I know the procedure, works just the same over here.

Not to belittle your problem in general, US is barely majority white as is, but 1k? 10k? sandniggers, whatever.
Thats like a weekend in sicily.

Top Tier Shill, here's why.
Assuming authority as a group on a 'settled' topic
Our great and fearful leader has determined this to be a long concluded fact, 'settled' beyond challenge. Nevermind that true facts can stand up to scrutiny, just don't comment.
Compare this to that above. As here below, you'll find a contrast between the nature of Right vs. Left, 'We're more cohesive and stable than you will ever be'. Sound familiar?
Concede things that you'd be forced to agree with while in a strong shill position anyways, and it looks like you're cooperating with the board and its faggots.

kek, you're one of the t_D fags who think civnat is okay as long as the economy looks good. I didn't say he hasn't done anything, but that the important shit was early and since then very little helps us. Us being those trying to ensure the survival of the white race. I could give a fuck less about 1000 jobs to make shit for Saudis or whether a kiked city like miami gave up sanctuary status to keep their money flowing in.

the ceiling for this year was 50,000 (which we have exceeded, apparently they're just guidelines) and trump set the one for next year at 45,000. I have no idea how much power trump has to stop the ones already being moved in, but he doesn't seem interested in drastically changing it.

these filters are shit
yeah, he was doing better than. What I read was that it was a recommended name change and that neither the department nor white house commented. Worth looking into, but just as likely it's like the Iran sanctions that were mostly against Russia. It's not like their partners like google won't keep giving them the information.

just because you are a decade ahead of us in being destroyed doesn't mean 50,000+ per year isn't serious

I still can't believe, even with feds and political correctness police swarming the town, that no one got killed up there.

So long as tabs are properly kept on the migrants, so long as they're maintained as 'refugees', they can be sent back. That's the point of refugees.
Unless his power base in government is properly swamp drained, he can't do everything at once, even if he wants to. Remember when they tried to strangle him out of the infoloop?

Unless his power base in government is properly swamp drained, he can't do everything at once, even if he wants to. Remember when they tried to strangle him out of the infoloop?

how about he grows some balls instead?

Do the zogbots think we're retarded or something? Good to see the mods handing out bans like candy.

USA fights side by side with ISIS the next war for Israel. As result Trump loses support from Holla Forumsacks and you faggots are surprised?

this is a lie. This figure would imply full employment, yet full employment would necessiate growth of wages (which isn't happening) and increased labor-force participation (which is decreasing). Libshits are currently using this figure (which, again, is a complete lie) to justify supporting a bill to permit the states to give 500,000 work visas to foreigners (proposed by senator Ron Johnson).

88D CHESS!>>10695901



learn to fucking read nigger

the true facts is that the ceiling doesn't mean anything if it can be exceeded. It might as well be called a goal.

If you want to make thrn argument, that if a civil war brewed AGAINST the government, then the rightwing would be more united against Trump than Hillary, feel free. I won't hold my breath.
NO, I agree with him because I thought we had gotten voting out of our system. Apparently neither of us counted on idiots like yourself.

just fucking kill yourself

ZOG servant like the rest of his family


And nothing of actual value was lost.

These , , , are not examples of leddit spacing.

These , , , , are examples of leddit spacing.

Sure thing schlomo, but only from your perspective.

It's like JFK all over again, except this time Israel are the ones with nuclear capabilities and jew shills are working directly for jews now instead of via CIA and the WASPs. Any notion of there being a higher authority or source of power than POTUS is gaslighted by you jew shills.

Irony: Obama, the most corrupt president in US history, was less tolerant of Israel than Trump in 2017.

At this much autism per character, I know I will. Not soon, not later either. It will be some time, though I am certain that it will be within the next year or two.

Shoot shitskins when you see one. That's the final fucking solution

If you want to save your country you have to do it yourself.

Nice try kike. Who the fuck do you think you are fooling?

Reddit spacing is when you talk like this.

And make a new paragraph for every sentence.

Because this is how redditcunts are used to keyboard-warrioring.

Making a line break between the post link and your reply is not reddit spacing.

This >>1069776 is reddit spacing


And here it is.

So are they actually being sent to the whitest fucking states in the union?

(1) You are a lying piece of shit. Surprising.
(2) Whoever fights your kike-ass is supported by Holla Forums. You are welcome.

Yes. Sometimes the main cities get them, sometimes towns. I think it has to do with whether they are more suited to working or just getting gibs. There are lists of churchs and orgs in each state who make money to take them, I know at least refugeeresettlementwatch has lists. I don't know that they are the best site but they always pop to mind, and you can keep tabs on your own state there.

This. They all work against him. I'm surprised he's manage to accomplish even as much as he has with the rest of those fucks rowing in the opposite direction.

Motherfuck. They better not come to WYoming. Admittedly, the combination of the winters and being the most heavily armed state in the union, will likely lead to all of them being dead pretty fast, hopefully before they can breed.

You know what to do.

Illiterate sandniggers like you will hang themselves

Well, at least he repealed Obamaca-

Actually you did reddit space, but not because of the reasons you gave. If you don't know what reddit spacing is, I'm not going to point it out. GTFO and go back to the fucking Donald.

Anyone who fucking says that stupid fucking word "based" needs to get banned.

owo is this a "bad goyim get banned" thread? watch this

how does it feel to get cucked by australians?

when will you start to recognise australian hegemony and bow down before us, fats? even the mods agree, america is a dying state and they're banning you pathetic americans.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


You clearly are.

so what Obama was doing?

Nothing is gonna change until the economy collapses.

I fucking hate Australia

Australia is just England's bitch nigger.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Australia is also much more pozzed than the average of yanks. Not including leafland… they take the poz cake.

Get protesting this for fucks sake.


kampfy, I know you're next-level retarded, but this is next-next-level retarded.

Seriously we'd be better off with Mark at this point and that is fucking saying something

Are you retarded?

Really artichokes my asses and elbows. [sic]

Mark even actually allows political discussion WHEN the OP is about video games and the politics thereof. It’s amazing how (on the surface) fair that kike is.


I really fucking hate aussies. Pic related is how we deal with them.
This. Absolutely this.
Okay now you really are just being jewish by not adding anything to the topic at hand.

Three years, buffalo queers.

The aussie leadership is kiked to hell and back. The average aussie is fine, if a little cucked.

i dont even understand how anyone halfway into the redpill (let alone those who have the full redpill) could think "voting" is a method for anyone other than international bankers
and their ends to the method is to make people who arent in power back off because voting tricks them into thinking they have power

Jesus christ.
Can we just stay at the topic at hand and actually figure out what's going on you faggots?

boy you sure are a cuck

xd great meme, my friend

simply ebin

the shittier the meme, the easier it is for you goons to understand. A bunch of lifelong losers who worship garfield and trade CP. How pathetic.

Bullshit, they'll be settled in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, or some other farming red state. Kikes are using sandniggers to subvert the corn belt.

God damn this is the funnies image I've seen all day.

Whoa he said he wanted his daughter blacked when in fact he got her a jew. 4D Chess indeed my fellow centipede


Remember when Congress outright wrote North Korean sanctions into law and putting a leash on Trump and on every president that succeeds him in any attempt to remove them?
Remember what happened to JFK?
One out of three.

That's probably why.

Mods are jews who trip on the only real sense of "power" they'll ever have.

He's a false-flagging shill going off about muh voting like anyone gave a shit about voting. Fine, don't vote. Fine, don't support trump, but bring your own plan other than kikey Culture of Critique.

So start your own board with the other 3k legit WNs who agree with you? Mate, you're just asshurt because some mod banned you and you can't let it go.

Fuck muslims and fuck ZOG.

What does that even mean, imkikey? Three years intl has tried to spam here, yeah. Other than that it doesn’t mean anything.

Is Trump ever going to actually follow through on a single one of his campaign promises? At this point, Trump can be put down as either a pawn of the kikes, ineffectual, or a straight up coward and liar. He's not curtailing free trade. He's not stopping immigration. He's not building the wall. He's not building relations back up with Russia. He's not keeping clear of the Middle East. He's not draining the swamp by investigating and prosecuting people like the Clintons. He's not doing a single god damned thing he promised he would do on the campaign trail. At what point do we call a spade a spade and hold him accountable for not doing a single thing the people who elected him were promised?

Why are people being banned for being anti-Trump. I'm not anti-Trump yet but it's not an unreasonable/jewish opinion at this point.

How do we repay Australia for this bullshit?

What the fuck is wrong with this faggot mod? I'm beginning to think leftists have taken over this board and they are banning anyone who wants a president that isn't anti-white.

Considering how chaotic this day has been, I shall take that as a compliment with high regard.



Are you daft? Can you not see the shit happening around you, idiot?


It's called "Critical Theory". Now, I'd wonder of (((who))) exactly uses this method?


If only. I'm certain there's some pseudo shadowbanning mechanism at work behind the scenes. There's all kinds of trigger worlds that basically won't allow you post and the site won't tell you what they are.

If the unspoken rule is you have to be a cuck then I'm not going to be a part of that system.

Leave this shitty jewcracy while you can, plebbit spacer.. There's nothing but misery and shills here.

bout time you bleedin yanks did something for us

Stephen Paddock

Shills were right and he's a total Zogbot from the start/

Which would mean that the presidential position has little meaning.

America's existence is sustained by zog poz and eternal petrodollar wars.

What do, Holla Forums? Would an actual collapse fix this mix?

You might be right. I got banned for calling out a Lauren Southern "diaper" thread that was stickied. I might've been exaggerating when I argued that she did nothing wrong, but it was already proven that it wasn't her and stickying it was pure D&C.
Unban and formal apology still pending.

>banning anons for not supporting (((Trumpenstein)))


Yeah, Trump has done a lot for us. Killing the TPP and Gorsuch are enough to make me feel like I got my vote's worth. I'm just salty that this bullshit slipped through.

So is this really happening?

The wording, the emotions, the titling, kikebart…
You should know better than to react like a whiny leftist bitch to information like this.
It's an Obama deal, it's not being swept under the rug, and the dude is going to be held accountable. It's almost as if the news is sensationalized to stir a reaction from his core voters against each other, yet repeatedly (DACA, AMNESTYYYY HE'S KIIIKED GOYS) shit is out of fucking context or just plain wrong.

Keep an eye on this matter, but this thread is nothing but proof of a raid and a mod that should be ashamed of xirself.

banter kings till the end

It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. If the liberals want their own utopian living space filled with all the tolerance and diversity they can handle, then so long as they maintain their independence from the working whites LOL then fuck it. Divide us up, give the communists their little slice of multicultural heaven and cut them off. I don't want to my tax dollars to support these parasitic oxygen thieves any longer, but I'd be all for my tax dollars being used for mass separatist initiatives. Why be forced to pay tax to fund and live amongst people that actively hate you and wish for your death? Fuck this bullshit.

White ethno-megastates when?

Nothing of value was lost.

Doubt it.

So, instead of getting checked, the Kek-faggots decide to ban it this time.

You're a faggot. I write for The Goldwater and I can write whatever the fuck I want.
Nobody tells me what the fuck to write you fucking homosexual heeb shill.
You're assblasted because we're exposing you're international pedophile ring.

It was Kushner's work that completely subverted this and many other right-leaning boards online since the beginnings of the 2016 elections.

I think they're simply trying to completely break apart the community now.



Kushner is a low energy kike and controls nothing.
He follows the same Chabad Lubavitch connections that the majority of New York Kikes pursue.
The faggot little fairy isn't even that wealthy to control anything.
There are pawns, and there are Predators.
He still gets gassed but you endkikes get the rope first.

I guess it's time for Holla Forums to turn on another one of their 'former' heroes now. No heroes exist, only YOU can fight degeneracy on your own, politics ain't shit.

What in the fucking FUCK is going on in this goddamn thread? Why are people being banned for calling this shit out? Someone better fucking explain.

So it's Trump's decision whether or not to end DACA and of course he cucked which would affect millions of shitskins…
But he does NOT have the power to end a dumb deal with kangarooniggers for just a few thousand shitskins?
Bullshit. Where are the proofs
And why is everyone getting banned in this thread? Are we seriously getting banned for saying anything negative about Trump now? Like is this thread just a giant honeypot or something? Why was it stickied/edited only to ban half the fucking anons that bothered to post in yoru shitty thread? That is somethingawful-tier shit hope you mods are proud of yourself
Between this and the gay ass word filters you can keep this place

Just want to express my appreciation for the mods staying vigilant and keeping leftypol btfo.

You know why, faggot. If not, lurk.

You reap what you sow.

I don't remember this happening and I followed the election pretty closely, do you have a source for that?
Also he is stopping DACA in 6 months.

Sure thing, faggot. You know as well as anybody that you're not allowed to say no to this question, the only mistake he made was going on a Jewish radio show.
But if he said now you'd at least have your madame president that is paying you.

There is nothing wrong with showing some mod presence once in a while and pointing shills out. Even if it makes your (((job))) harder.


And you are ours.

Why was OP b&?????


>you're only mad because we're exposing 'you're international pedofile ring
Yea, I can tell you write for that shithole alright, how's the pay? One of Jim's pigs for you to fuck on occasion? Or does kushner let you have one with (((Ivanka))) instead?

Guess that'd why he'd get into a record 1.2 billion dollar debt for 666th ave in Jew York? How's he planning to make it up, plus more obviously, to live as he does? Here's your (you), go buy yourself a tootsie pop with the penny you've earned.

Great arguments.

You absolute faggot.


Clearly there's no shill invasion going on here! :^)

31% up of the couple dozen, if that, under Obongos rule? Great, a couple hundred spics leaving in a ~55% white country.
In 2007 you could be as politically incorrect as you wanted to be, in 2011 we had the sjws. America might not even exist by 2027.
How would they know, why aren't they tracking it, or stopping it beforehand?
Not muh dreamers though, while Trump embarrassed himself in public on twitter about this. His conduct gives it all away.
wew lad seems like my exaggeration was bang on the head. In a country of 360 million, good luck, you'll need it with your head so far up your own ass.
So you cut off the sandniggers (only half of your refugees, evidently) but full blooded niggers who are, again, evidently as much of a problem immigration wise, are still free to come. Why couldn't he group them all in, if he can ban African violent nig cess pools like Chad from coming over? Creating a narrative of "fight Israel's wars against the sandniggers goyim!"?
Okay, so if 500 people getting arrested by ICE is "massive" what is this, catastrophic? Apocalyptic? Give me a brake.
Not at all dependent on Trump.

Neck yourself, you filthy kike.

more gr8 arguments m8

>Trump continues to put pressure on North Korea - de-escalate or face destruction
Fucking based!
I'd rather have fellated Kim all that time.
Let's pretend this isn't tard babble for a second and give you the benefit of the doubt.

Four buzzword word salads in one? Woah, calm down there, exhausted your whole narrative already, mongoloid.
Remove yourself newfaggot boomtard.

And Charlotsville NatSocs are equally as bad for doing so little, gee, amazing, we're BOTH going to prison.
It isn't already? Voted? The results being?

Based Trump

Thank you mods.

Thank you

this really pacinoed my als

suck on it, seppos

Cops and feds come down hard on any threat to rapefugees, whites doing anything is a hatecrime and examples have been made. Somalis in Cheyenne are just as safe as in Texas or Kansas or Idaho. Read something like and realise that all the local news in these areas is the same.

It will go through congress and he will gladly sign it.

Don't waste your time countering it point by point unless you make a detailed rebuttal that is as easy to share as the_Donald's pasta. That's the point, make you waste time, you can't hit every point, so they "gotcha!" about whatever you don't address or you agree with.

We're hitting election-tier levels of shilling rn, user.

except now there is no reason to ban people for not liking what trump is doing and the shills are working for the other team

The shills are working both sides, are you blind?


really boggles the mind knowing how retarded shills are.

because mods=kikes