Las Vegas #5

TLDR; Libtard Marilou Danley's husband enraged by media goes on shooting spree in vegas with facebook page deleted soon afterwards. (((MSM))) and kikes blames stephen paddock for said event and claims a 20-200 injury/body count. The sound from the gun was probably a modified 100 round ak-47 . There haven't been many confirmed injuries on video other than and which look faked but might be real.

Links to streams vegas

Thread #1: |

Thread #2: |

Thread #3: |

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 we need sensible restrictions on firearms, 99% of the population agrees.

Las Vegas Shooting Predicted by Alex Jones 2 Days Before it


Las Vegas Shooting Compilation October 1st, 2017

Las Vegas Shooter Terror Attack Eyewitness: Hispanic "Your

all going to die tonight."

Las Vegas Shooting Compilation 8 Angles, October 1st, 2017

this really isn't going to convince cowboys that they should have less guns

Pedo spammer is trying to derail the thread like thread #4.
Obviously 3someone3 want to shut down the investigation. Report and ignore!

Now it seems like the (((media))) is saying that Geary Danley is fake news. So is the shooter a Geary Danley?

Horizontal distance is what matters. People pay big bucks to get rangefinders that calculate actual horizontal distance instead of the straight line distance from shooter to target. This is because when shooting at a steep angle, it's the horizontal distance that matters.

I didn't know there was a connection. Please, go on.

Marilou Danley's roomate you dumb nigger. She's married to the guy. She's not even in the fucking country. Holy fuck.

Every time something like this happens, gun sales spike

it's stephen paddock


Good morning Holla Forums
What's the TLDR.

shall not be infringed faggot.
Concerts should not be going on at 10:00pm on a Sunday night.
The poor man simply could not get to sleep

Could this have anything to do with Paddock being a boomer?

Do we know anything about him?

Did anyone find any social media presence at all of this guy?

shooter's brother being interviewed on fox

He just keeps getting away with it

He's a boomer.

It's in the first post, dipshit.

is that pronounced steve-en? or stef-en?

does anyone have a picture of this guy?

Brother interviewed in FL…said he was a good boy who Dindunuffin…brother is shocked - "how could he do this?"

Almost nothing which is suspicious as hell. Not even a photo.



eat shit Alex.. This is a tragedy, not an opportunity to say "told ya so".


what are his pro-nouns? Why is the MSM assuming his gender?

I listen to him every day and I like AJ but he "predicts" things like this constantly.

Well if my brother did this that would probably be the first thing out of my mouth too.

webm it

he's going to have a field day on this one

I want to know how he blew the windows open without anyone knowing.

Anyone who has been to vegas knows that there are many rooms where the windows cannot be opened, except for a crack at the top.

It wasn't very long or very interesting

There are plenty of photos you triple fucking nigger

Can some burger-fags explain somethings to me:

I hope none of you had loved ones affected by this incident. God bless you all.

Eyewitness say their were two shooters.

Would you then go on the record on FauxJews for money?

i've been wondering that too, maybe he shot them open? how tough are those windows? can you throw a chair through or hit it with a bat?

Why censor?
Confirmed Paddock?

64 year old. Lived in Texas, New York, Alaska, in addition to Nevada. Had Hunting license in Alaska. Lived 70 miles form Las Vegas in Mesquite. Checked into the hotel on the 28th. Had 10 guns at least. Shoot from 32nd floor of Mandalay Casino. Killed himself before they could get to him. His room mate the Filipino has been out of the country, but they located her and don't think she's involved.

This fucking retarded OP again.

Sounds more like they were just faceplace buddies

So 99% of the country is in favor of firearms?

This is pretty much all I needed to know.
So we thinking CIA or FBI?

when you nutted but she still suckin'

I don't think media pays people in my country for interviews m8


why does the news keep censoring this despite the flip being all over the news last night and vegas PD looking for her

It's not even hard. He was only 300 yards away. Even with .223/5.56 that's relatively easy on a man sized target while using iron sights.

ISIS is saying this guy converted to Religion of Cuck™ two months ago and they did it.

I don't know about Mandalay Bay specifically, but no they are tough windows. I presume they exist to prevent drunks from tossing themselves to the floor.

Apparently, she's indonesian with Oz citizenship. It was all the world's greatest collaborative shitpost.

Why are the bullets not hitting people in any of the vids????? They are just screaming and running in panic. FAKE.

And here are those shill faggots pushing that it was a false flag.

Vegas has these things called "lights"

400 injured. Most probably from being ran over by other people

Kike agents tying an event that happened to an actual false flag

There have been 10-20 videos posted already

Oh. Have they already interviewed the people in the surrounded hotel rooms or are you making shit up?


Because they found the flip already, she's not in the USa right now.

That flip Marilou is Paddock's roomie (or g/f or wife) but "out of the country?" Fuck that, drag the gook back here and interrogate.

also of note, the singer was the last act of the night, Jason Aldean. His most recent album, They Don't Know, has such songs as This Plane Don't Go There, One We Won't Forget, The Way A Night Should Feel, and When The Lights Go Out.

certainly need more info there

these people don't mind actual killing in order to make their goals.

Whether or not there's something (((strange))) going on behind the scenes, it's still being used the same way. Bickering over the specifics is what is intended, instead of looking at what isn't being said or what isn't happening. I wonder why nobody is talking about an autopsy, or why there are no images of the triage effort going on at the concert venue, or how after 10 minutes there was still shooting going on in a heavily patrolled city, or the timing of the event (oct 1st, "harvest festival", end of jew holidays etc)

"Tough" vs human-sized objects hurling themselves at human velocities is much different than "tough" vs machinegun bullets.

It's possible to be the first and not the second (and it's also possible to be the second but not the first). Momentum and kinetic energy are different things.

It's officially open ANTIFA season now. No bag limit any weapon allowed. Extra point for creativity. Make them shit all over themselves on their way out.
I'm calling it game on right this exact second

This should be in the OP instead of the wet turd description.

Thats' what the Jews want you to think, do your civic duty for free Goy. Exclusive with the brother following the highest mass shooting in American history….on FauxJews has to be $25K minimum

Who keeps making these shitty OPs with false information?

Now deleted

jew tube version

Maybe in America.

checked and keked mein sides

Are you legit autistic?

yeah but it's not like her face wasn't all over the place was my point

That's a parody account you mong. The boy who cried wolf applies to Holla Forums just as well as lefties.

None of this adds up, Paddock goes to Vegas with Danley supposedly and it was confirmed through her FB she was at the Mandalay Hotel and took part in a game there a couple of days ago, meanwhile Paddock is supposed to have set up an entire shooting gallery in their room in order to launch what seems a pre-meditated assault on the event and she is not a person of interest and some reports saying she wasn't in the country at the time.

Meanwhile Paddock has no political affiliation or reason to launch this attack yet Danley's husband seems a far likelier candidate for a Leftist outrage against the event, but he's not the one found dead in the hotel room.

You are the shill. You’re the type of person who pushes decades-old conspiracy theories about your precious Democrat POTUS getting headshotted by a literal Soviet defector. That couldn’t have possibly happened. It had to be a conspiracy of shadowy, rich white males.

Somehow it’s hard to believe that a young man with military training and high-level marksmanship could get a shot on a single target. But it’s totally plausible that an ailing, elderly man with zero training or experience could methodically execute hundreds of people in a 5 minute span from a 32 story bird’s nest in the middle of the night.

Look up Charles Whitman if you want a realistic scenario of what allegedly happened last night.

compilation of the shooting

You are missing a very important point. We are assuming that the distance given is 3d. He should be about 1250ft away from the crowd at 35 storeys up, at least. That's over 4 football fields away and starts to cut into the max range of aimed fire… but this guy was firing full-auto.
Do you fuckers really think he was some kind of special forces guy with Finnish training? There were way too many guns in the room and this scrawny ass boomer terminator would have been able to easily take out the police allegedly yet chose to kill himself as they bust in? Guy was so beta he had to trade being white for an ugly flip girlfriend. Totally suspicious.

Hand crank

Some quick math and the distance if he was shooting from the ROOF would be around 415 yards or 380 meters. I'm not sure of the height of the 32 floor.

I cant wait for Jonestein to slowly move towards "well maybe we should ban some guns". Controlled opposition golems have a tendency to do these things.

Tough as in, i'd like to see you look around the room for something to break the window open with.

And if you brought it in with you, i'd like to know what it is if the window is "blown out".

If it was cut out with some kind of specialized device i can understand that. But thats not what the reports have implied.
According to the Independent, it's a fucking ISIS convert

Oh my.

Fox news right now:

> Nevada is one of the few states where you can get a gun full auto, there are several like it, (((I DONT KNOW WHY))), but scurry black rifles in semi auto can also be converted.

Every gun "expert" on so-called right wing media is all of a sudden fence sitting the 2nd. Didn't we have a white house or Congress user get called a larper for warning of a gun-grab worthy event that Trump would participate in? His actions in the next few days are of paramount importance. This could be their attempt, like charlottsville, to paint him and thus the narrative into a corner and force a split along the right. Time to remind your representatives that "shall not be infringed" really means "molon labe".

Really makes you think how one old man can kill more than mudslimes in one attack

Came just to post that myself. Thank you. Also he's using a hand crank and has an awkward placement of his hands? Give me a break glow in the darks.

He fired into a gigantic crowd from above!


Interesting. Now to find out whether they are just claiming for propaganda or that they really had a hand.

Those guns are lethal from that height and range youi fucking mong, he wasn't trying to hit individuals.

You're the first one I've seen say that. Citation?

lmao at that lip syncing. keeps going even after he's run off stage

Really makes you think, unless you're a normie.

found it

Mandaly bay the name of the Hotel shooter aimed from. Interesting connection to Myanmar. The scene of the slaughter has the name Harvest Site.
In front of a pyramid. In conjunction to a "sacred" kike holiday. By a goy communist muslim convert. confirmed? As other anons have said. It's seems like a ritual slaughter. Mandalay, is the second-largest city and the last royal capital of Myanmar (Burma). Burma has been in the news recently. The media is playing the genocide card on them over their righteous and correct treatment of muslim Rohingyas. There seems to be a lot of synchronicities to be found in this happening. I'm not /fringe/ or /x/-tier but we know enough about kikes and previous happenings that (((they))) care for this shit.

>The large hotel/casino/convention center Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas is named for the city, despite the fact that the city is 500 kilometers from the nearest bay, perhaps in reference to the line in Kipling's poem, "An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay! "

Kiplings poem:
>I love the Burman with the blind favouritism born of first impression. When I die I will be a Burman … and I will always walk about with a pretty almond-coloured girl who shall laugh and jest too, as a young maiden ought. She shall not pull a sari over her head when a man looks at her and glare suggestively from behind it, nor shall she tramp behind me when I walk: for these are the customs of India. She shall look all the world between the eyes, in honesty and good fellowship, and I will teach her not to defile her pretty mouth with chopped tobacco in a cabbage leaf, but to inhale good cigarettes of Egypt's best brand.

>George Orwell was stationed at Mandalay for a time while working for the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, and his first novel, Burmese Days (1934), was based on his experiences in Burma. He also wrote a number of short non-fiction essays and short stories about Burma, such as "A Hanging" (1931) and "Shooting an Elephant" (1936). John Masters wrote a book about his wartime experiences in Burma called The Road Past Mandalay (1961).

I'm not /fringe/ or /x/-tier but we know from enough about kikes and previous happenings that they care for this shit.

ha, didn't catch that one, #fakeconcert

you're just saying that because that is something they would like to ban


An infinite, open-air barrel with no sides? A barrel that you’re hundreds of feet away from? A barrel that the fish can/will jump out of within minutes? Interesting theory.

Just admit that you kikes are getting lazy.

Horizontal distance is what matters. People that hunt from trees pay big bucks to get rangefinders that give the true horizontal distance. There is nothing impressive about this man's marksmanship.

And even if he was, it's still not particularly impressive marksmanship. Now that the sun is up, the nofunz idiots are out in force.

Sounded like a slidefore to me. The way it depends on your body to keep the automatic fire going means there is often some variation in the sound.

Here is an Embed MP4 of the Crisis Actor from the facebook link user posted here

Trump, the zionist jew choice and is the false flag President to usher in the jew world order

He's a controlled op kike shill and fucker, no surprise.

and right as I'm going through this thread

Go look at the video and see how fucked up your hand placement is while using that thing. You would have been more credible claiming the 'HyperGat' system which has no crank and doesn't fuck up your grip. Fucking shills, how can he both be cranking and have perfect Finnish full-auto aim while being a fat, scrawny boomer fuck?

Pythagorean theory ain't hard. It's about a 315-330 yard shit depending how tall each story is and where on the concert ground he aimed. Pointless because I still ain't seen shit as for video. As user pointed out in the last thread, a quarter to half of millenials videotape entire concerts, where the fuck was the up front video showing cranial impacts? Where was any impact video? I call shit upon shit upon shit. Not even false flag, hoax. Now watch the jidf call me shill

Ya god forbid people come to think of Holla Forums as a place where we entertain notions like Jews lying to us in novel and fundamental ways.

ISIS have claimed it

Watching CBSN. The guy's brother is absolutely baffled, his eyes are huge with shock. Says no signs of mental illness. Never said super political things. Never had anything to do with weapons, said "where the hell could he have gotten automatic weapons?!?!?!". When their phones started ringing, he thought it was his friends playing an elaborate joke on him. This whole thing is very weird…

Therefore it's confirmed to be another jewish false flag?


Not a single mention of it on the front page of plebbit.

THINGS YOU SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION TO AND AREN'T of Cuck™ic-state-claims-responsibility-vegas-attack-says-paddock-converted-Religion of Cuck™-months

KIKES PUSHING Religion of Cuck™


Pay attention.

Trump's actions will change the course of American History if the wrong (((people))) give him the wrong (((advice)))


This 1200 ft.
Full Auto.
At night crowd lit up by lights look like a bunch of Ants from up there.
Angle from room to achieve target, did he build a platform in the room?
Was the weapon mounted?

>(((ISIS))) have claimed responsibility

Thread #4

Haha, that's right!
And you gotta love it too, because now the CIA can shill the SDF openly



the right (((man))) in the wrong place can make all the diff-erence in the world

The governor seat was much lower compared to Kennedy and was twisted which put him in the path of the bullet.

You might as well be wearing a paesis. I like how 9/11, Orlando, and every other Muslim attack is a “false flag”. But when a white man shoots, its real.



Red text won't make your asshurt about being asked simple questions less obvious.

he had a 30 degree arch to shoot at, it wouldn't be that fucking hard


>Trump's actions will change the course of American History if the wrong (((people))) give him the wrong (((advice)))
You mean any one of the countless zionist neocon kikes that he brought into his office to advise him…

In a bizarre development, the Religion of Cuck™ic State's news agency Amaq has claimed responsibility for the Las Vegas concert attack, alleging that Stephen Paddock is one of its "soldiers" and that he converted to Religion of Cuck™ "months ago".
To be sure, there is no evidence for these claims, and the statement comes after the Las Vegas police stated earlier that there is no link to international terrorism.

Fox just confirmed he converted to Religion of Cuck™ 2 months ago, thought it was just twitter hearsay until this, #REMOVEReligion of Cuck™

Also Trump is about to speak.

Archive everything

Trees aren't 350ft tall and the horizontal distance is within ~10ft of the distance given by a laser rangefinder. Do some math you fucking kikes, aren't you supposed to be better at it? Military snipers have real accurized single-shot weapons and engage at 400m at most on a regular basis. This guy had full auto and wasn't Dolph Lundgren crossed with Carlos Hathcock. Please.

They are basing it on ISIS saying that

When the Muslim is white, even if a boomer, he becomes 10x more lethal.
Should be illegal for white males to convert to the religion of peace.

compilation of the shooting>>10694166

Oh boy.. the shills are getting FIRED UP about the Alex Jones prediction.. look at all these fresh accounts coming to weight in on it with 0 points and no profile pic

top kek

What does this matter, goy? We have it all figured out. It was a white male using legally-purchased automatic assault guns that need to be banned immediately.

Thank you user, just to let you know, honest legit user comments/investigations are appreciated here by some of us not of the jewish religion like retards like this —

Wow fox news is going there, speculating that he was an isis member


Religion of Cuck™ic state CLAIMS he converted to Religion of Cuck™

But that's not proof

Is there more evidence than that?

The horizontal distance is what matters for ballistics, not the actual length from muzzle to target. You sight your weapon the same way if the horizontal distance to the target is 300 yards wether you on the ground or hundreds of yards in the air. You can shoot a man sized target with an M16/AR15 at 300 yards fairly easily with iron sights.

Wow. You are just plain full of shit. Also, I said yards, not meters, but still, stop making shit up.

fox news suggested posting TSA style security at hotel checkins, everybody and everything getting x-rays

Annoying filter

ISIS tweeted that the shooter converted to Religion of Cuck™ and that ISIS takes responsibility for the shooting. Fox is only speculating based on that.

some random on fox seems to think the president will know

Reminder , this is the crisis actor user posted in the other thread, save for future after mods gas this evidence.

Hotels are private enterprises, there's no way in hell that would ever happen even in a small amount of hotels.

Anyone have a stream for the president?

They could be falling for Holla Forums memes themsevles.
I think we'll know the truth by this afternoon,


Excuse me, did you just say that his machine gun lagged? As in like how counterstrike lags? Or are you confusing something like the Doppler effect with sound transmission from a static source that is supposed to be coming close to you?

Bullets are supposed to have a Doppler effect when you hear them whizz by, they are also supposed to spark when they ricochet and make loud ass harsh "krang" noises on concrete. This was such a badly done fake I wish I could have been there. My guess is the front rows where all the "casualties" were supposed to be was conveniently set aside for (((contest winners and Vip's))).

Since his whore was Indonedian, there might be an ISIS connection. I've heard that Israeli media is reporting that he was a Muslim convert.

Makes sense that they would need a white man's brain power to pull off something like this, given how shitty their other attacks tend to be.

so are airports and airlines

Nevermind, I found The official white house one fairly easily


So what things are the lugenpresse running with/pushing?

Bet the flip is one of the muzzies pissed at Duerte and convinced her cuck to go bonkers.

There were 22000 players on the screen while he was firing.
Think of the bandwidth that would hog. Lag was inevitable.

"Religion of Cuck™" attack done just in time for the new word filter of "is-lam"

i bet the mods had something to do with this.

Hillary just tweeted this:

"Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again."

Are you sure that wasn't a 33 degree arc to shoot from user?

lel, white boomer isis convert. Nice going CIA, your shit just keeps getting more and more lulzy. So what now? ZOGTUS signs off on another big war in the middle east? Sad.

Am I now? Math for 20ft tall tree with much thanks to Pythagoras:

20 * 20 + 1000 * 1000 = 400 + 1000000 = 1000400. Take the square root and obtain 1000.19998

Which is so much longer horizontally that I need expensive equipment to calculate it right? Kike.

Not unheard of since the shooter is from Melbourne, Florida.


Fucking disgusting beast of a whore.

Dubs confirm….I think this is exactly what happened user.

| #5
| #4

I unfortunately must agree. Reference for background found is below. Keywords are effectively: boomer, retired, never served, race traitor, divorced, kids didn't know, florida property holder, nevada property holder, boomer-meme midlife 'crybaby' crisis, divorced, conjecture: dreamer of owning a bar when older, conjecture: dreamer of being world traveler, just starting to use entitlements that were promised, rejected serial attempts at multiple entitlements withdraws to the point of staging some at a casino for disability benefits, cucked-i-want-to-be-a-femboy-and-get-fucked face/eyes/submissivity-salvation-syndrome. If all of these observations are correct, then this type of individual is the white cucked globalist boomer father - a very dangerous configuration hipster grown up and thrown into old age with stalled mental development. Extremely similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger, but crucially minus even minor accomplishments of real, minus funds and retirements, and rejection by State with jewtit robbery and entering the "State Experience" of all-pensions-failure.

http heavy com/news/2017/10/stephen-paddock-las-vegas-route-91-mandalay-bay-shooting-shooter-gunman-suspect-photos-motive/

This will not end well. Pic related is Rob Reiner. This is effectively the mid stage arch-kike-alike/imitator prototype. Look for this to protect against and identify subversion mines.

Marilou is Filipino, not Indonesian, according to a neighbor

This Religion of Cuck™ narrative is shaky, hold off on running with it

Boomers rarely convert to Religion of Cuck™

His connection to the server was shit, he was getting microspasims.

Of course they would.



If he had two rooms, the IS angle looks promising.

He was a Muslim convert which means him being white is irrelevant.

People using typical shillspeak upset that their false flag narrative for a real event isn't working.

fucking netcode


i hate that cunt so much

At the very least they will security check ins for 3 months like they did at every single movie theater

The Wordfilter is so fucking gay it's reddit tier.

Hurrry up and die you old cunt.

slimy opportunist cunt

Yes, the large crowd makes it even harder. Unless I’m supposed to believe that he went 10-year-old-kid-playing-a-video-game mode and just started randomly pushing buttons. Still doesn’t explain the reactions of the “victims”.

Meanwhile I shouldn’t believe that a highly-trained, young marksman could get a headshot in broad daylight from a 2nd story building.

Semi nomadic professional gambler becomes Isis convert at age of 64 and goes full Ali Snackbar…seems legit.

Possibly just a few more airstrikes. Hopefully Trump avoid this…I'm thinking DPRK shit will happen first. Kek is a God of Chaos.

Well why the fuck not Bavaria banned any and all backpacks at the Oktoberfest.

Getting your indepandance a little at a time.

>Implying every (((musilm terrorist))) attack hasn't been orchestrated by the kikes


What you talking about, reddit is Republikike Trumpcuck territory, Holla Forums doesn't worship Trump like reddit does… oh!

thought the shooter was Paddock?
why is danley important when Paddock was the shooter?

She also tweeted this:

"The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get."

Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the Muslims, and work together to try to start the FINAL CRUSADE followed by the FINAL SOLUTION.

Marilou Danley doesn't sound indonesian, it sounds FLIP

Checked, all boomers are muslim at heart.

Eat shit doublenigger. Try to learn a little about ballistics. Like I said, a man sized target at 300 yards with an AR is nothing. Snipers are doing just that, sniping. They are going for super accurate shots. This guy was mag dumping into a crowd. That's a fucking trivial shot.

Trump going to speak soon

- A few lights ain't daytime conditions, and firing a machine gun even with flash hiders will blind your ass pretty quickly.

- 400 frags
That is a lot. It didn't sound like he shot much more than a g spot worth (didn't sound like real shots anyways), 400 hits is high, 50 kills if it was anything smaller than 7.62 is actually insane.

- kike agents tying an event that happened to a real false flag
Oh of course. Arabs really snack barred into the WTC, wonderkikes from mossad just planted bombs and waited, the opportunity to link up those events and have nothing to wrong in between was in no way a stupid pipe dream and actually happened. KIKES didn't think up the plane angle at all. Really we should thank KIKES for dreaming up this demolition because the area really needed real estate redevelopment.

Shoo shoo Jew.

MSM will let you all know that he purchased them legally and very easily. Time to finally do something about this, goyim!

HEIL! Kek is trying to tell us something.

there has been talk on the federal level for a few years now advocating for a huge expansion of TSA. Even to the point where we would have random checkpoints on highways and public transportation.

It's WTF because that's where the last record breaking mass shooting happened. Pulse Nightclub.

Archive that in case the majority of deaths turn out to be from trampling

Waiting for him to cuck after Ivankas muh babies routine.


Great comment. He definitely fits the profile. Boomer scum needs to die already.

Danley has the political motive
Paddock is the Padsy


opinion disguarded

Boomers are not fucking around anymore. They've taken enough shit already. I love it when a Boomer snaps

Daily reminder that ISIS is actually (((ISIS))): a CIA/MOSSAD joint venture to destabilize the middle east, flood Europe of rapefugees, and make it easier to expand Israel's borders.



I'm telling you man , belt fed machine gun. 7.62x51

FUCK FUCK FUCK I've been in commiefornia far too long. Moving soon and the first thing I am getting is a silencer. Might as well go whole hog, cash out some stock and get a full auto. Every comment stream or section I am seeing has shills clamoring for a full on gun ban. FUUUUUUCK

(((ISIS))) funded by saudi arabia and isreal

Got bless you perfect Heil Hitler dubs posting user
Retains my faith there is still one or two goys that can still see here

ANOTHER DUB, checked. Kek is with us!

Just woke up, they are blaming this on only one guy? I thought the cops killed one and captured another suspect. and wasn't there like 3 women involved also?

There are shills right now on Holla Forums who will read this tweet and still pretend like there is no agenda that lines up perfectly.

How I imagined this took place.


Boomers will convert to Religion of Race Traitor.
They have, and will, convert to the pussy halo holder's race and cause. They also -will- convert to a lesser degree to ISIS, jewry, and Chriscuck.

This will not end well. Pension plans are due to be going down soon. Medicare can't hold out when Obamacare gets rolled into it.

Machine gun is the correct term dipshit

This always seems to be the pattern.

What a cunt. I just got my FOID and I wanted to buy something cool next month.


400 injuries from a crowd doesn't mean 400 hits, could also include stampeding or any other number of things. same thing for the 50+ count not all of those had to be from boolets

no the little crank on the AR is the mashene gun

This is injuries. Remember they will tack on any injury to be related to this. Got a sprained ankle? IT'S EQUAL TO IF YOU JUST GOT SHOT BY A BULLET.

anyways this happened right when anti gun control measures would be put into the house of representatives and senate. guess not now.

first post every fucking time



Can't wait for him to tell us to do exactly as his in no way neocon jewish elite buddy Kissinger tells him to respond,
Next stop war with Iran?

InB4 a rash of unique ID posts suddenly appear all stating that

When have you ever run into a Boomer with allegiance to the Religion of Cuck™ic State?

what sort of properly cycling fully automatic action sounds like a goddamn toddler reeling in a toy fishing rod?

We ban concerts because the sound can hide gunshots now?

She's an Indonesian/Australian-citizen

Archived shillary tweets:

Yeah they've gone quiet a bit now.

Could you make that shot if I starve you to look like that scrawny fuck in the pictures? Full auto?

why is this hag being posted? she has nothing to say, never did never will


So why didn't they shoot back? Oh yes! They didn't CCW because "ebil guns"

meant to quote


All fucking shootings have the same agenda ffs, they don't give a fuck they would say the same thing.

Footage of Stephen Crowder when he was 18 yo soldier in Nam.

I mean paddock

Interesting theory the kikes are pushing. Must have been some heavy sleepers. One too many ambiens, I suppose.



Imagine how many deaths there would be if he had used a silencer. :^)

Holy crap, someone actually convinced a Russian news outlet that Sam Hyde did this. This legit happened on Russian TV. My sides are gone.

President Trump is coming out soon; camera has switched to the podium

Isn't she in jail?

It should have been HER

He's about to go live


Never. Not specifically the label of {is lam}.

But uncounted, depressingly, and enragingly number of times, I -have- run into Paddock Clones. I know his face. I know his story. I've seen it. I've been trying to plot against it and figure out how to unwind it. I have failed thus far with several. If you have suggestions, other than unhelpful replies that seem to suggest you fail reading comprehension, I am listening. I will always be listening.


What the fuck happened, I woke up and I hear about this shit. At first I thought it was just a prediction or some ISIS video but I got no fucking clue.

>(((ISIS))) funded by saudi arabia and isreal
Correct and also still being armed by jew controlled America and United Kingdom…

If he used a silencer the concert would still be going and nobody would have noticed at all.

PRES IS ON of Cuck™–the-story-of-three-female-converts/42263106

What does his tie mean?

Like Seth Rich?


Does this mean something?

this is true, however (((IS))) has nothing to do with this event


A bit early to be drunk TD.


Read the next paragraph.

The line you highlighted just says if they aim over or under they'll miss. What a shocker.

Wow, so monotone and low-energy. I mean, I get it's a "horrible event", but that's no reason to go robot.

You forgot to post


fucking la-li-lu-le-lo nu/pol/ wordfilters

By far my favourite Trump tie, I have searched far and wide for one like it. I think it must be an exclusive piece he had made.

It means he's here to console instead of swing his massive cock around.

Oy vey indeed eli

WTF I hate blumpf now!

Shill harder faggot.

fuck off kikes

fuck off, redit

His religious remark will trigger liberals no end

This is a pretty nice speech.


There are some sicko boomers high up in the US government who have converted to Religion of Cuck™. But they have a very international perspective.

But it doesn't fit the profile for a random boomer.

An angry anti-Trump union member or something makes more sense

We will know more when we read the autopsy report on Paddock, the guy who supposedly killed himself in the Mandalay hotel room. I'd like to know the estimated time of death, the injuries that led to death, and a complete toxicology screen, including prescription medications. Gunshot residue tests, too.

Next I'd like to know the keycard access history to his hotel room. Was he issued one or two keys?

Finally, hotel video surveillance tapes will be helpful. Who visited his room? What bags or suitcases were brought? Did anyone leave his room last night?

Maybe Paddock was the only shooter, but without more information, a single dead body next to a pile of weapons doesn't prove anything except the cops found a dead body in a hotel room.

If this was a false flag, it would have probably been a guy with 'hate' literature shooting up a stadium over kneeling niggers or degenerates at some fag circus if in vegas.

that only matters for things like wind correction, the level range is basically all that matters by the way bullet drop works. for 300 yds at that angle even if he wasn't compensating and taking normal aimed shots, he would only be impacting around 6 inches high.

you've never seen people under pressure except from hollywood, have you?

oh poor you

short n sweet




bongo would have gone on a 15 minute tangent about gun control

double devil dubs, you're on to something here

It's a nice tie, is there something wrong with liking a tie?

How can you even give a speech when we don't know the motives of the killer?

It would just be saying "mass murder is bad", well gee, thanks tell us something we don't know.

None so based as those who endlessly shill on Holla Forums for ZOG

Almost forgot. Ty m8


and here we go

cultural appropriation


Its his waifu tie

What a level headed president. I fucking love this guy. He may not be Hitler, but he's still pretty damn great compared to the usual pieces of shit in the oval office.

Super sonic rounds still make a hell of a crack.

This is the same false flag as every other european concert false flag ya nitwit. They just exported it here finally.


One thing to note, the concert was put on by SIRIUS, SIRIUS the star has many astrological connections to satanism.

Yeah, sounds like he was With Her™. Probably upset because Trump didn't kneel for the anthem with the negro felon league.

Any cuck-ism connections found yet to the religion of Religion of Cuck™?

Hilariously enough you can only get ties with diagonal lines going up and to the left in Russia. Western ties almost all go up and to the right.


I was joking, they didn't hear it over the music anyway ffs, silencer would have made zero difference

How far away from a real job are you where you don't know what tie colors and patterns mean.


why is there a pic of Manchester in the OP? Are you that retarded?

Reported for not even trying.

kek Im at work fag. go back to isreal

Drown yourself.

I'm just saying, he doesn't pull off "somber" very well, he just looks tired and bored.

Moving targets that he can't even get an accurate aim on according to you and I both. Great one. Why didn't he riddle the guy standing up with his arms out full of bullets since the shots were that easy?

And why did they aim over or under? Because they didn't understand parabolas in 3d space! See above.

Can someone give a quick run down on what we know so far?

It was more of a response, I suppose. He just said it was said and flags will be at half-staff. Not every statement has to be long.

The stripes aren't quite right on that.

Your previous post, proving how hard you really try

Followed immediately with this detailed complex analysis

Sirius also has connections to the satellite radio company. It's a mystery wrapped up in an enigma.

Oh wow. A jew likes Trump, and I like Trump. I was a jew this whole time and never knew it. Thanks for show me the way user!

Doesn't matter. We're past the point of "sensible gun control." A lot of Americans are at least subconsciously preparing for civil war. Any talk of gun control and this could go hot. Government knows this.

There are lots of jews on here insisting everything went down exactly as the CIA-kike media are telling you it did


I work for a company that works for Sirius. Shit's crazy man (1/3 of Lexus owners are Kikes. They're the worst customers)

That is correct.

Really makes you think.
not really, report and filter

You're obviously a brain dead moron who does whatever the CIA tell him to do


I am unfamiliar with this meme

I don't even know what is going on, some lib or spic opened fire on a crowed?

Oy vey ya done got me. Shekels shekels shekels.

I were a untouchable leftie with a bunch of (((monies))) and I wanted to demoralize the white american 2nd amendment supporting base on the gun control issue this is what i'd do.
I'd think to myself, "Those ignorant racists like country music," and then I'd pay to make it happen.

Reminder he is the video taken from the facebook page posted in last thread, download and save for reference later when kike-jews insist no such video exists

Interesting. Here's the wacky kikey tranny that started Sirius.

>Concert was sponsored by (((SIRIUS)))
(((ISIS))) claims responsibility

Goys, start digging on the ching chong girlfriend again, Marilou Danley. Local news just referred to her as his wife. They lived together and she's currently out of the country.

Start digging, anons. Let's see if we can find her maiden name.

Books are banned newfag, muh books is the reason given by mods on the an page.

You betray your quads. The whole scenario is fucked and now you're trying to tie it together to preserve…What? This is what I'm trying to say, it's not just that this one scenario stinks to shit, and that most of these shootings stink.

It's that die hard try hard Nahdzees who claim that Jews are liars and the media is jewed when watching an opinion piece will still default to believing when the reporting is "factual". Until you learn to take the 1-4 approach and treat the TV box as lies first, then real (the prosecutorial approach as opposed to the defense) you will be conned by default. Say it this way: why are you acting as the defense lawyer for the Jewish owned MSM narrative? What do you have to lose if it turns out they lied to you? All you have to lose is your weakness for it.

This is what I say when I see reports of anything substantial:

1. Lie: the Jew is lying to me. Nothing happened at all like they are claiming.

2. Hoax: the Jew is lying to me. Something happened but it was faked in order to present like what they are claiming happened. 2 pressure cooker bombs kill 3 and injure 10 at Boston Marathon? No, 1 smoke bomb does nothing, crisis actors with bad makeup do everything else.

3. False flag: the Jew is lying to me. Something happened like they claim it did but it was someone else doing it, by probably different methods as well. Kennedy was shot, but not by Oswald, not by that gun, not at that spot

4. Truth: shit really happened. Like with acts of God, both white and Jew look on in awe and think "fucking cool, Mexico is shaking into rubble". The white then proceeds to mount rescue efforts while the Jew figures out how to gouge prices with medicine and food.

When you start to do this you take the weapon of the Jew, constant-on cynicism, and turn it on him. Remember the Jewish empire of modern times turns on your naivete. Deny it to him.


Did you just wake up or something? Lurk.

This. We need to get to the bottom of this.

We have clear footage from hundreds of phones, of lots of noise sounding like gun fire and lots of Americans acting hysterically, no clear footage of any actual shooting yet, that might come later though.

Key point is the jewish media are reported a 60 odd year old man, recently converted to islám and now ISIS have officially claimed responsibility for it.
Thus it looks like another CIA-kike false flag, as all the jews in this thread keep insisting it isn't

There was a chance for a pun yet you threw it away. Holla Forums is dead

I wonder what Israelis were in Vegas this weekend

I just wonder what the white boomer libtard angle is about? Is it all white men are dangerous and must be disarmed goy or is it civic nationalist putsch for Israel incoming?


Jesus Christ, spoiler that shit! Also, why do so many rich kikes have their balls cut off and wear dresses? This guy, the matrix writers… I don't get it.

Ironically the only time I started thinking about using a gun exhaust muffler for violent ends was after learning about Hillary Clinton's private life.

ISIS working with the Jews and trannies plotted to kill county music listeners.

By getting her maiden name, we could possibly speculate that the gookfrau was responsible for converting him. She looks like a Flip or any other South Asian. They've got a lot of muslim enclaves there.

They may get a little more traction this time compared with Pulse.

With Pulse being supposedly done by a mudslime, it underscored the need for gun rights in the light of Religion of Cuck™ic terrorism. Despite Pulse being the new record, worse than Virginia Tech, there was no move to change gun laws. A lot of faggots went out and bought guns, too.

Anytime it's a White male, it's very bad for gun rights politically. Whether it actually happened as reported, what matters politically is the official narrative.

Autists considering this guy as Paddock seen at Anti-Trump rally, doesn't look the sort to launch a full militarized assault to me though.

No user, I've been on this for over 8 hours. If there's anything that will connect him with Religion of Cuck™ at this point, it will be her, the "wife."

Maybe message the cuck ex-husband, Geary. Find out if she was religious, what her maiden name was, if she was the one who radicalized shooter.

Otherwise the msm and libfags will run with the white male narrative until the wheels fall off.


Reported for not even trying. Drown yourself, too. You are a paid kike shill.

Well spotted word-search user

ISIS are jews because without their money and strng pulling at high levels they wouldnt be abe to do shit.

what does that have to do with anything I said tho?

To be fair that'd be mostly boomers, coin collectors and enthusiasts and mostly white. This isn’t metal trading.

What the fuck are you on about, I've posted video evidence and all kinds of info here and argued the case clearly, all you did was cry and post 3 short meaningless sentences complaining that we don't believe in your jewish media lies

Demoralization of the white 2nd amendment supporting base on the issue of gun control.
White baby boomer slaughtering people at a country music festival of all things.

Well that goes without question.

to be fair most boomers are fucking libtards

What about jewelry ?
It even has jew in the word

You are a fucking newfag who doesn't know one of the biggest shitstorms that haunt mods, that's what. It's not a meme, it's board policy.

If he said this, what do?

Confirmed kike.

Exactly, that is why they are memory-holing the motive to get everyone focused on the gun issue.

This was another leftist nutjob like the Scalise shooter. It's obvious.

i know im going to get called a shill for saying this and I cant provide any proof but the explosion at the boston marathon was real. I work with the guy that did the autopsy on the kid that died. when he was questioned by the feds after his initial report, they showed him CCTV footage of the kid getting blown up. He said, in the video, the dad looked at the child, then left as if knowing there was nothing that he could do. The feds asked him (my co-worker) one question, "do you think he knew his son was dead?"
thats all I got, sorry for not posting proof, I don't have any and if I did I could maybe lose my job

I'm aware of that, but I didn't mention books or mods anywhere tfw retarted

I'm amazed there are people here buying it. Summer is real.



what the fuck are you on about?


No idea, lots of jews work in that trade on all levels so who is to say.

What's printed on that shirt?

Oh,The guy was just being a tard replying with it, made no sense.

Weapons were mounted on tripods. Add in a decent scope and it's not that hard to do plunging fire into a crowd like that. It's art of the machine gun 101. There's literal guides on the internet for this exact tactic. It was a great setup to be quite honest.

I don't know what guns were used (not released yet), but a hand cranked AR-10, on a tripod, with some 50 round drum mags, would make great work of that distance and crowd.

If it wasn't a .308, then an ar-15 with some 100 round drums would be more effective for spraying, but less effective terminally, but it'd be good enough.

HOLY SHIT the shills are going all out
Expect the "Hand cranked" rifles to be next on the ban list.

The accuracy was poor. he must have braced the rifle against a platform. it was not full auto. there were hiccups in the cyclic rate of fire, impossible on a functioning automatic.

Not looking to derail but If you think that's spooky look into Bina 48 sometime. Of course Martin is a huge transhumanist on top of everything else.

just find any book on marksmanship, this shit is simple. I don't know what you don't understand. The short answer is you aim for horizontal distance only.

how the fuck would I know what he was shooting at and when and why or how good of a shot he was?

Why would this demoralize the 2A crowd? I'm not saying you're wrong, I don't understand.

Didn’t I see a photo of her at the Madalay on Friday night? How the cia kikes always let the guy’s wife leave the country? The Orlando shooter’s wife has still never been located. Awan’s wife, etc.

In a crowd like that, main thing is all the ricochets and fragments going all over the place when the round hits the pavement.

That is why their are 400+ injuries.

Either ISIS or Antifa.


Yep, it was a perfectly designed ambush, with a perfect line of fire, into a perfect target. It's a concert so it's not like people can easily run out of the area, there's fences everywhere and they have to run to the gates.

Plus, it's a country band, how many liberals do you know would go to that? Like 0. It's guaranteed to be a conservative (Trump Voting) target rich environment.

It usually is when the jewish MSM shill it and the CIA-niggers do so on here also
Only those events pushed heavily by the lying jewish media, without a shred of proof to back it up, with odious kike-jew trolls like you forever pushing the jewish narrative insisting no goy may dare question it

So in those cases then yeah, it usually is a jew con trick

My dad works at microsoft. I can't provide any proof, but he will ban you i swear.

My first impression was false flag, but now that the motive is missing it leads me to believe this was a genuine leftist.

After they delete all of his political ties, they will try to spin it that he was an undiagnosed 64-year-old schizophrenic or something. But even that will be a tough sell because someone in the midst of a psychotic episode is not going to be capable of pulling off that kind of premeditation.

Has anybody brought up how this happened immediately after Yom Kippur?

handcranked auto fire is already illegal fucktard

and there it is

Is this real?

Why not run for cover?

No but that crowd relies on normalfags who respect 2A ut could be guilted out of it and want rifles and large mags banned. (y-you can have a hand gun though for your house)

So he knows where the guy is shooting from, but they’re all still getting shot instead of dispersing. I genuinely feel sorry for those people brainwashed enough to think a real incident took place last night. Oh well, this is too ridiculous for me to even waste anymore time on.

I’m out.

What the actual Fuck?

This shit is spooky as hell

Went to watch the Alex Jones vid.
Highlighted the url on mobile.
Clicked the Google search function at the bottom of screen. Auto Translates the URL from Chinese to English.

HTTPS: // hungry there are pictures / Local so BN NK XQ.

When was kek supposed to return again?

Tell me Moishe, what part of me presenting decent arguments for this being another jewish false flag do you disagree with.

By the way, if someone posts promotion of zionist jew propaganda, aren't we allowed to call them out on it, like user did with you earlier?

yes he did


You're thinking biased towards yourself. The narrative is already suspicious as all hell, consider that a ledrumpfkin-who-visited-4chan radicalization story might have been too over the top. It's still completely ridiculous. The boomer pulls a Cat Stevens and goes full Religion of Cuck™ late in life, what the fuck is he, Baitlyn Jenner? I'm not falling for it. Plus it's always convenient for anti Gunners when shootings happen, doesn't need to be perfect.

You missed the earlier posts about 32 numerology, also the route 91 connection.

R(18th)+O(15)+U(21)+T(20)+E(5) = 79

79, 91 coordinates is October Revolution Island. This is a hoax, but moreover it is a Jewish hoax meant to signal to the in-the-know redroom type crowd that the occult is real and powerful (in addition to all the pragmatic anti white anti gun things they will pull with it).

Because fuck the false falg kikes.
He knows and shows his power level.

If he ran he'd just start tripping over his massive balls anyway.

Jesus fuck, what a thing to wake up to.

This guy was a lefty and belonged to ISIS, right?

My point is, you will believe what the Jew says when it’s convenient for your narrative, but everything else is a Jewish lie.


confirmed false flag


Isn't it odd that every terror attack coincides with jewish holidays celebrating the slaughter of their most hated goyim enemy of that time*

*The most direct enemies of kikes they are pressing to kill are forever changing and shifting according to time period in which they lived, stick around long enough and your tribe will be directly targeted by kikes, currently it's all whites

The worst thing in the world is if conservative normies start to think that other random white normies "can't be trusted with guns"

Look at what happened to Australia in the wake of that massacre, society basically gave up their guns

like every other fucking false flag, do you faggots never change the record?

So it was AGAIN a Muslim.
(Probably manipulated by some kike or 3 letters agency but that's not the point)

How do we use that in a non retarded way?

We should ridicule all the leftist who where talking about this event as "white terrorism"
the Medias too
We should press for an extended travel ban and the expulsions of all Muslims from Western countries.
We should oppose further intervention in the middle east and remind normies that this Isis/Libya/Syria thing was started by a dem govt with Obongo and Hillary as 1st culprits.
Don't push interventionism. We have to get rid of that white men burden. No military intervention, no foreign aid campaigns. Just let sandniggers kill each other where they are.

Keep digging for the truth..

So what was his wife doing? Was she there or not? Was she also shooting?


Somebody Czech my dubs and tell me what this means!

Not a shill. Just describing what I personally would hypothetically have chosen if I was the perp. Being a wealthy guy and all. You have to know that hand cranked triggers exist, and you have to know they're legal right? I wouldn't trust a slide fire tbh, I'd do a tripod + crank.

That's why I'm leaning towards it being a slide fire or a crank. But, if the reports of the guns being on tripods is accurate, then it's more likely to be a crank, because I'm unsure if you have a good tripod, if you get enough recoil to make it work.

Art of the machine gun. Plunging fire. Pictures related. Let me go find a ballistic calculator and I'll punch the numbers in for a 5.56

Yes, a leftist race-mixing boomer who got bored with life and went derka-derka.

They definitely heard the shots, I think It just took a bit for their brains to register what was happening. Most city dwellers are not accustomed to riffle fire much less high caliber auto-fire.

That would be all well and good, and even relevant in some way, if you could demonstrate where I have ever done so especially in this thread, only all you did was claim we must believe the jewish lies and the one the CIA-niggers ITT are pushing, because probably maybe you might have believed a jew once at some point in the past, maybe

I don't believe in jewish lies now or at any time

This is taking naivety to a whole new level.

What reports?


Is that a muly baby?

dis gon git gud

isis threatened city a day before

It was a man that decided to'convert' to islám at the ripe old age of 63, then went on a gun rampage shooting indiscriminately on a crowd for no real reason that has been explained

The jewish media now announced this as ISIS

That's all the info I need to believe everything the jew media told us about the event

Reminder that we need to be creating the narrative RIGHT NOW. We have to get out in front of this. Remind everyone who actually does the mass shooting.

Literally makes no sense

I said that's their 'narrative' every false flag.
You don't think this is a false flag? Get real nigger.

Zero bodies on camera. This shit is faker than hard tits.

I'm going to count the shots to give you a proper answer. Here is my guess.
the cracks aren't loud enough to be full power rifle (7.62NATO, 7.62x54r, 8mm Mauser, etc)
I'm leaning more to AK74/AR15 because the impact damage the bullets made when hitting the ground. Reminds me of those small bore caliber rifles.

You did it in this post

You posted a picture of a random Jew wearing a Trump shirt, which apparently means that Trump is a Jew puppet. You’re assuming that the kike in your photo is genuinely wearing a Trump shirt and not being duplicitous.


I think it will kill the HPA, there's no way the RINOcucks will vote favorably on it now

The premise of a boomer converting to Is-lam isn't that far fetched to be honest. Not saying it happened for sure but these are people that have been materialistic for their entire life, and nearly the end they have a spiritual crisis. Add in a possible Indonesian bitch whispering stuff in his ear and I can see it happened, in theory.


Jesus fuck man are you thick? I'm spelling out how to dispassionately analyze Jewish news reporting.

would a muhhammad wear a wedding ring?

Did Yom Kippur do something to the jews? Its like they're off more than usual.

No it isn't. A hand crank trigger isn't considered automatic by the ATF (at least up to a few years ago, that was my understanding) It technically isn't automatic, even though it replicates automatic fire fairly well if you operate it at slow speeds. I think they function just like binary triggers, in that if you attempt to fire faster than the bolt can reset, the gun can malfunction.

So much sliding and diversion. Faggots, dig on the ching chong wife. They had been together for "a few years," according to the shooter's brother.

Dig on her. We need to find her maiden name.

Why does the exact same person appear twice in the same photo?

where is she from? Flip or Indonesian? Lots of mudslimes in those parts.

What is the current explanation for this?

Indeed I posted that in response to this literally retarded Reddit tier bollocks
Try and tell me whoever posted that absolute wank doesn't deserve gassing

Be confused since he has three sons, but yeah, if he pulled some Obama tier shit I'd be pissed.

I keep trying to tell him that.

When a gun gets hot the rate of fire will change. There were long pauses in between a couple of the bursts, I think he was dipping the barrel into a pre-filled bathtub to cool it.

22000 people makes it a turkey shoot at any distance.

I am not getting my information from the news you fucking sperg.

Her LinkedIn has been taken down too. Did anyone archive?

DIG FAGGOTS! They're sliding anything to do with her. This is not a drill.

Explain to me why this is a false flag. You have no reasoning behind your claims. Your only reasoning is that you are naive and think that no human would ever slaughter other humans.

All I'm saying is if I had the balls I would be doing the same exact thing at a pride or blm rally.

Those 2 girls that were interviewed said that some Spanish woman said to them that they are all gonna die today. Now if she was the one who told to them then those girls can be key witnesses.


Sauce? The only pauses I heard were between sustained fire, like he was reloading, but I haven't watched ever single video.

How many shots were fired in total? More than 400 in a string then that is a possibility.

Although he had multiple firearms, we have to wait for something more official to know.

tbf, I don't think the white: canadians, austrians, brits, and swedes who joined the IS were exactly patriotic conservative types. They were braindead liberals who believed moslems were unfairly disliked and that made them angry.

I sincerely hope that all the newfriends know to filter the false-flag shill in these sort of threads.

Check out the earlobes. Attached (non-detached). Meaning…

I mean, it's an interesting angle, isn't it?

They will probably use it to push for an intervention in Syria / Iraq
We can use the fact that that guy was a muzzy to push our agenda, not their.

Remind people that western politics in the middle east is a mess and only got us into trouble.
Reckon that muslims are shit BUT push for western isolationism and the expulsion of muslims from our countries.
this would be an huge step in the fight for ethnostate.

you truly are a moron. shooting a bunch of civilians only helps Israel and its Global pacification project.

It sounds a lot like when my neighbors are shooting. I had my doubts at first but then I heard my neighbor outside shooting again. If there was someone in the crowd I would swear they were shooting a GSG 5 or another 22 rifle

Whatever you say, FBI-kun.

His brother's mannerisms appear to be Jewish. His mom and brother both live in Florida where Jews go to retire. He was an accountant. This all points to the Jews.

The wife will be how he found shitslam.
Because indonesianiggerroaches are full of isis and related/supporting groups.

It's never dark in Vegas you twat.

If anything the distance would make it better since there is no cover or human meat shields. Its not like you have to be very accurate to hit them either.
I'm surprised more people didn't die.

Sorry, no source. I'm pretty sure I heard it over the police scanner around 5 am. But, like I said, it's how I'd hypothetically do it. He could have just used a steady rest or some sandbags and a bump stock. But, the cyclic rate goes all over the place, which bump-saws don't sound like.

A hand cranked semi auto to emulate full auto fire. Is your autism soothed?

I've heard everything under the sun, lol. I'd personally choose a .308 and the guy DID have a hunting license in alaska, was rich, and owned two planes. So with that information in mind, I presumed it was something that was a full size caliber. Sadly, we're going to have to wait till more news comes out. But, he was only 400 yards away, and 320 feet up, so like, the quick and dirty way to estimate you fire is to:
percent of its actual distance.

So, any gun we've mentioned will do fine. I'll need to find a ballistic calculator to run the numbers.

She's Indonesian


the other is her daughter


There are 5 threads with video evidence showing nothing to prove the jewish MSM version just sounds and screaming, lots of bad actors acting as witnesses and lots of records showing holes in the story, if you have the fucking cheek to jump on here accusing others of providing no evidence while having not looked at those earlier threads then you are a cunt

Fire rates will change under heavy use and rapid fire, you can hear it often in videos from Syria when they are spray and praying, like in the videos from this event.

Leave this website.

Vegas Presser now

58-59 dead now

I saw stuff on pic related last night.
Waking up to info on this shooting is VERY weird to me right now.

At this point i consider every attack to be done by kikes or a falseflag, until proven otherwise. Kikes are the most famous people when it comes to terrorism, assassination and fictional acts in history. I mean that's their main tactic, which also led to the Soviet Union, and now most terror in the very same manner suddenly is done by some (((Religion of Cuck™ic Terror Group))) who conviently never attack Israel or Jews at fucking all.
58 or 59 dead. 515 injured.

Did this happen this morning or last night? Last night there was a thread of anons talking about a possible upcoming lv happening, I didn't think much of it and went to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake up is lv mass shooting


Fucking miscegenating jews and slopes.

If Hillary hadn't shit her pantsuit no one would've noticed her fall.

You would use a specific device that (((They))) would like to get rid of to kill a bunch of normies instead of using a Nevada legal automatic weapon to kill someone of importance or meaning.

Real sound logic there, chief. i hope you get paid for it.

Everyone kept on insisting the videos all proved it was real
All we get are gunshot sounds and people screaming, all these cameras and yet not one clear image showing anything actually happening like they say did, we'd had countless people being shot up with all the witnesses present

For me, it was all the CIA niggers on here insisting we do not even consider the possibility it's a false flag is what made me first suspicious


A day of mass prayer for the jews, I wonder if they summoned Moloch.

RT had a headline that the sheriff said he had 10 guns with him in the room(s).

Well if some antiracism militants can join ISIS, why lefties could not?
There are political connection everywhere between the left and Religion of Cuck™ists.

What kind of a faggot are you? There have been several high profile white retards who ran to join IS. I don't think any of them were of the deus vult type. Here's the point where you use another reaction image from a kike movie instead of anything of value, shlomo.

last night, half was flooded with reports of pacific coms going down. I checked skykangs and all the typical channels were down.
This is fucking spooky.

Seriously why are you not lurking /sg/ before posting your shit?


She's been around:

1372 Babbling Brook Ct, Mesquite, NV 89034
Current Address
255 N Sierra St #1513, Reno, NV 89501
(Jun 2013)
PO Box 6818, Springdale, AR 72766
(May 2013 - May 2013)
2344 Abacus Ct, Sparks, NV 89436
(Jan 2009 - Jan 2013)
1435 Trinity Meadows Dr, Terrell, TX 75160
(Apr 2008 - Jul 2008)
5358 Edgewater Dr, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
(Nov 2007 - Jun 2008)
5659 Dovekie Ave, Ewa Beach, HI 96706
(May 2007)
3312 S McCarran Blvd, Reno, NV 89502
(Jul 2001 - Nov 2006)
3312 S McCairn Blvd #197, Reno, NV 89502
(Sep 2004)
3312 So Blvd, Reno, NV 89502
(Sep 2004)
General Delivery, Sparks, NV 89431
(Aug 2004)
Danley Mrkng Inc, Reno, NV 89502
(Apr 2003)
197 McCarran Blvd E, Reno, NV 89502
(Oct 2001 - Sep 2002)
4959 Talbot Ln #110, Reno, NV 89509
(Feb 2002 - Jun 2002)
3139B Yorkshire Cir, Springdale, AR 72764
(Apr 2001 - Sep 2001)
7340 Ginger Snap Cv, Memphis, TN 38125
(Sep 1995 - Jul 2001)
19715 W Rustler Rd, Buckeye, AZ 85326
(May 2001)
6882 Somerset Cv, Memphis, TN 38119
(Dec 1999 - Oct 2000)
3711 Deer Forest Dr, Memphis, TN 38115
(Dec 1997)
5382 Ragan Ridge Dr, Memphis, TN 38141
(Mar 1996 - May 1996)
3711 Derford Dr, Memphis, TN 38115
(Sep 1993 - Oct 1993)
3711 Derford, Memphis, TN 38115
(Sep 1993)
374 Deer Forest Dr, Memphis, TN 38115
(Oct 1992 - Aug 1993)
374 Deer Frst, Memphis, TN 38115
(Oct 1992)

check past threads or just go to filterman's channel, he predicted this or got a heads up from his spook family

this makes sense

nah, the people who think that have always been the liberals in the US.
the northeast and west coast would end up like australia, the rest of the country has had 20+ years to get used to the idea that they can't allow that to happen

that's mostly for very long ranges

that would be glorious for our propaganda efforts if true

I missed that, what were they?

Pretty much almost all connections between any Westerner joining up with ISIS is isreal

It was a game to me’: Ex-porn star intel agent who became Religion of Cuck™ist agitator sentenced in Germany of Cuck™ist-spy/

I take it you have never priced a m-16. Protip, those fuckers aren't cheap. They go for around 15-16k for a registered receiver.

Didn't this happen in a place full of blackmail cameras? Where is the guy who owns the hotel and why did he allow scrawny boomer man with 300lbs of ordnance into two rooms.

Why don't you present some of them, then?
Some random redheaded step child at the age of 18 is comparable to a 64 year old liberal who efficiently killed 50 people? Fuck off.

fake and fucking gay

fuck. that's almost one new address every year. only been at a place more than a year 3 times. Nice find.

That is literally what that ZOGbot just wrote

Funnily enough you can bet your bottom dollar his comment wont be deleted from here whereas lots with video evidence of bad actors will be

Note that is a receiver not even an operating firearm just the part that is considered the fun part

What do you expect? A Michael Bay film with blood and guts everywhere.

It was a crowd of 2,200 people. only 50 were killed and 200 injured. Now if you were being shot at would you pull out your phone and film all the people dying around you? Its much more likely a person from a safer distance away from any action would take a video. Give it some time. We may still get to see a pile of dead bodies.

t. FBI

You could easily be right, but the pacific coms going down was what really spooky.

Of course goy, everyone on the right (left) side of history knows that drumpf is an ebil racist nazi and that the only way to stop literal hitler is to fuck our way to peace, with negroes, until we are all one caramel shade and then the glorious revolution will finally work the way it is supposed to!

Something did happen. You can't hoax 400+ people going to the hospital. What's not clear is whether it was a false falg and this guy was the patsy, or if it was an ISIS/leftist attack.

At any rate, there's not enough people talking about the two separate windows being blown out far apart from each other.

'Alaikum salam': Muslims welcome Lindsay Lohan to Religion of Cuck™ after actress posts Arabic message of peace on her Instagram account
Lindsay Lohan, 30, deleted all her photos on Instagram over the weekend
She then changed her bio on the social media site to read 'Alaikum salam,' an Arabic greeting that translates to 'and unto you peace'
Many Muslims took this to mean that Lohan might be converting to the faith despite the fact that she had not commented on why she changed her bio
'I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Religion of Cuck™? If its true, alhamdulillah. God has shown her the right path to now follow,' wrote one woman
Lohan rang in the New Year in Dubai and this past October visited Syrian child refugees in Turkey
She was also photographed carrying a copy of the Quran in 2015 which she said was a gift from her Saudi friends of Cuck™.html#ixzz4uMlUL6Fw

It's the cool hip thing to do

He wasn't just an aging boomer cuck with a Filipina monkey face girlfriend who went full iamcait at 62 years old and braced jihad them spent whatever money he had preparing for a massacre of country music fans that just so happened to coincide perfectly with so many Jewish symbols. No, because that wasn't enough, if it was only that, they could have gotten any old crazy, hell my gardner would have done the trick.

But this job, we needed it done from 325 yards away, at night. For this job, we needed a fucking ARTIST.

At least go the way of Dylan Roof and go after a politician if you're going to go the violence round (((not that I'm endorsing such things))), although it would make more sense for it to be somebody jewish rather than a token nigger senator. (((Bankers, executives and hollywood types))) are also good ideas.

Firing into a crowd isn't helping anyone, other than the obvious. It's certainly not our peoples way.

anyone else watching the fox news stream: what the fuck did he mean by that? some weird guy in a suit just called this shooting a "WMD", weapon of man destruction.

Just saying, un-detached earlobes… disproportionately means pedophile.

Physiognomy is real!

Fucking CIANigger shit

None of those videos show even one person bleeding, or even getting shot despite the "volume of fire". It's impossible that out of all those people only two short videos made it out showing nothing but gunshot sounds. One of them even has a guy realize that the shots are fake. Could the shots have been played over the concert speakers? What is especially telling are the distinct lack of sonic cracks that accompany passing projectiles.

lefty marxist word redefining nonsense

reading through them now, above all I wish I had cleaned out kike-mart when they had a ton of ammo $5 clearance no limit instead of only getting a few boxes.

She appears to have some sort of white deformity on her face.

This happened right before the Share and SAGA act passed.

Like this crazy islámist terrorist gay porn star who just happens to be jewish, for one example

It was a game to me’: Ex-porn star intel agent who became Religion of Cuck™ist agitator sentenced in Germany of Cuck™ist-spy/

What user, are you trying to imply that any retard who spends 20 minutes with a rifle can use it to shoot a crowd of people from >300 yards? you're an obvious shill, gtfo back to muh td :')


shooting began at 10:08pm. The guy just wanted to get to sleep and those damn kids at the concert across the street were just too noisy.

Boomers with an extensive gun collection do not go places and leave their legal gun collection to be stolen just anywhere. They bring it with them, and when they check into hotels they bring them inside with them and don't leave them in the truck or car either.

Sauce was a video from the first thread on this.

Out of curiosity, does this break down across racial lines? Because there are a shitload of black and hispanic pedos.

Some sauce would be nice too. I believe the left handed part.

Un-detached earlobes are a sign of a genetic Jew. It's one of the ways we're able to identify them easily. Same thing with this dude's lips: significantly larger bottom lip than the top lip. Big nose too ofc.

This dude has some Jew blood in him for sure.

leftypol retard goes nuts, goes to shoot easy targets at the most degenerate location. Should have gone to a local militia and try to shoot them. Pretty true what they say about mass shooters, nothing but cowards looking to kill as many people before killing themselves or waiting for cops to kill them in a blaze of glory.

just seems very strange

Well, I mean that usually comes with gun parts, but like, they're usually shot the fuck out for obvious reasons.

No faggot, setting up and using a machine gun properly isn't like shooting muh dur rifle.

But, I'm just saying, is you can read the literal basics to make you a formidable force while taking a shit online. Asshole.

Why would you bring 10 of the same rifles? You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

But he clearly wasn't "our" people.

You are again making the assumption that a useful idiot wouldn't do something like this. I don't understand why you are so sure its a false flag.

Image confirms it's him at the anti-trump rally in the video.

but the whole WMDs was a hoax used to go to war,

why on earth would he invoke that term?

So, it wasn't weird to anyone else waking up to this after coms in the pacific all went down last night?


I know.
I'm suggesting using their narrative against them. Fullfilling two of our objectives, aka expulsion of muslims ans isolationism, instead of their : an intervention in the MO with more destabilization and more refugee.

And we can also ridicule the left and the media in the process.



Fuck me that's Sandy Hook-nose Gene Rosenburg crisis actor tier comedy acting

No wonder, legit based definitely not jewish anons like
post such gibberish, when the evidence so clearly proves the jewish MSM never lies

Wait what?

The "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BALLISTICS BULLETS DROP FROM GRAVITY" shit is retarded. He was literally shooting at an area of humans probably the size of 4 football fields.

This girl always makes me sad. Her parents are going to destroy her life.

Absolutely, just speculation here.

> of Cuck™ic-state/11465661/Australian-teenager-dies-in-Isis-suicide-attack-in-Ramadi.html
> of Cuck™ophobia-expert-joined-isis-now-calling-attacks-sweden/
Go ahead and post more reaction photos, I'm just certain these retards were right-wingers; everyone knows the right in Europe/the west just loves moslems.

Orly? I didn't realize you were on site gathering information yourself. Excuse me let me see myself out, this man here has his ear to the ground and is getting the hard facts first hand. He doesn't pay a TV subscription, all his information comes from Twitter, which isn't News™, he's better than the rest. Walter freaking Cronkite here is onto the 62 year old religious tranny granny who anheroed for muhammad the pedo goatfucker.

If he was picked to be the patsy, his profile will be prearranged beforehand. Who he really was, we'll never know.

Well I wouldnt attentionwhore either and if it really was an ISIS thing (FBI claiming it was not) then they do the manifesto.

It's as if you get offended by sandniggers getting accused of this event.

At least wait for more information before going full faggot. One liners like these without good evidence and context provided is just shitposting and most likely amateurish shilling. Muslim commie is responsible, no reason to prioritize to push muh conspiracy to take muh guns over purge the muslims. Whatever is true, use it to push what is Right.

Yeah, reported for kike shill.

No idea.

Sure user.

Not saying he's a pedo, but, you know, un-deatched earlobes, gook wife, Religion of Cuck™… Okay, I'm saying 80% a pedo.

Looks nothing like him ffs, this is the autists of c-ville all over again jumping the gun.

He was an accountant. He also never lived in Maryland.

Oh shit, could this be related to ?

Shill harder, moishe. You have nothing.

Although I believe this particular event to be real, it is quite possible to send 400+ people to the hospital and even cause death with a "hoax". One can do this by yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater.

Try harder, yid.

It was in plenty of threads in half last night. I went to check for skykangs and all those typical channels were down- zero traffic.

I also thought learning about
was spooky as shit since all three of these things happened within like two days time.

How well does that fly in my favor if I'm worried I might have some trace jew in my blood but I have detached earlobes?

It doesn't entirely matter since I have some shitty american indian admixture either way, but I'm really hoping not to be at all jew.



Two windows in separate areas of the floor were were blown out . That means he had an accomplice. We're already deconstructing the narrative.

I think they are shills. They would rather us pretend all of this violence directed at our people is fake so they can keep doing it without us getting mad.

this is what happens when jews molest children at the (((disney club)))

Both posts are me…
And yes, that's why I'm freaked out

Yeah, people tend to bleed a hell of a lot when they get shot, so far all I've seen are period girl and sleepy cowboys. This reeks of bullshit. Good luck ever finding proof that the victims existed, let alone perished.

There are a lot of leftist who think (lol) that muzzies are poor oppressed people.
Leftists are retarded and they are not all tankies (those would go for the kurds)

Did you niggers realize posting "super bad based" was a dead giveaway so now you're mixing it up?

you mean reported for saying things you don't agree with? you halfpilled faggots are the cancer which has killed Holla Forums and the reason why oldfags only show up for habbenings

Why couldn't he change vantage points? Was he crippled?

He definitely knows more, that's not just nerves.

And there you've proven what I said, kike. Great going!

Jews have been coming on here and saying "my dad works for Nintendo" tier shit to bolster the backstitch of these hoaxes for a while. The flip side is they go on 4chan and post red herrings because everyone there is underb&.

Wow look at this (((coincidence))). Holla Forums digs up the shooter might have left wing tendencies, has relationships with left wing people, and the thread is filled with
how (((convenient)))!

Makes me wonder if that's blackpill half-breed faggot. The typing and mentality seems quite similar. He usually raids every popular threads and smears himself everywhere for attention.

Hotwheels is the real shooter: confirmed

Stephen Paddock's addresses

1372 Babbling Brook Ct, Mesquite, NV 89034
Current Address
1735 Del Webb Pkwy W, Reno, NV 89523
(Jan 2013 - Jan 2017)
317 Keswick Ln, Mesquite, TX 75150
(Sep 2006 - Aug 2016)
9362 Moonbeam Ave #10, Panorama City, CA 91402
(Oct 1996 - Sep 2014)
105 Clear Lake Ln, Mesquite, TX 75150
(Jul 2004 - Sep 2014)
255 N Sierra St #1513, Reno, NV 89501
(Dec 2012)
4804 Via Ventura, Mesquite, TX 75150
(Apr 2009 - Dec 2012)
12531 Fallcreek Ln, Cerritos, CA 90703
(Nov 2012 - Nov 2012)
4804 Via Ventura #OFC, Mesquite, TX 75150
(May 2010)
12906 Doty Ave #A, Hawthorne, CA 90250
(Jul 2001 - Mar 2008)
PO Box 2004, Calif City, CA 93504
(Dec 2000 - Jan 2008)
13629 Kornblum Ave #5, Hawthorne, CA 90250
(Dec 1993 - Nov 2007)
1264 W 37th Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90007
(Jun 2007)
715 Hayes St, San Francisco, CA 94102
(Aug 2006)
3031 Friendship Hill Cir, Henderson, NV 89052
(Aug 2003 - Sep 2005)
12906 Doty Ave #D, Hawthorne, CA 90250
(Feb 2004)
5059 Bakman Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601
(Apr 1997 - Jan 2004)
2768 Thunder Bay Ave, Henderson, NV 89052
(Sep 2002 - Mar 2003)
PO Box 2004, California City, CA 93504
(Apr 1996 - Jul 2002)
12906 Doty Units, Hawthorne, CA 90250
(Nov 2001)
8648 Jacaranda Ave, California City, CA 93505
(Mar 1996 - Mar 2001)
PO Box 132014, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(Jul 1995 - Apr 1997)
6577 Holiday Ave, Rosamond, CA 93560
(Feb 1996)
5059 Bakman Ave, N Hollywood, CA 91601
(Jan 1995)
9362 Moonbeam Ave #10, Van Nuys, CA 91402
(Dec 1993)

Just filter him lad.

Doesn't fit with the other stuff, like the claims of a tripod and hand crank, or needing water to cool the barrel, or having 10 guns on hand. Running back and forth between two widely separated areas doesn't make as much sense if you've got a lot of stuff setup in a specific location. It's fishy

jews are just light skinned niggers, they can't do anything right

If it weren't for coms in the pacific going down last night, I wouldn't give a fuck about what seems to be an obvious LARP…
Maybe I'm just retarded, but I can promise you I don't have an agenda.

they just said she is out of the Country on the local press conference…hmmm

is this supposed to be a serious post?

I wouldn't, but that's what was being thrown around narrative wise. That this guy had many guns with him.

They're all young idiots. Why do you think ISIS/Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda operate youth camps.

This supposed shooter had only converted to Religion of Cuck™ months before and was 64…

We've been beset by leftypol-niggers and moslems can't be bad guys faggots for a while.

I don't think he paid for two separate rooms just to have another personal vantage point. I think he had help. It's far-fetched enough to think one shooter could pull this off.

Top wew

This looks to me like a "good night, left side" shirt

Forgot of how to look the database of whom a person did vote in the elections and on what party they are from. Wanted to know if the shooter is a democrat or republican.


Not a lot but I found a couple more pictures and a post from business insider:

a circled icon with text around it is a very very comment emblem, no reason to assume it's antifa

Honestly, a false flag here seems pretty unlikely. Like the Boston Marathon bombing, there are just way too many witnesses and cameras for this to be faked in any way. That does not rule out it being an intelligence operation, but it is definitely not a complete fiction like Sandy Hooknose.

I thought that that was one room. Has anyone confirmed that it's two separate rooms?

Apparently it was a panoramic room with two bedrooms.

I realize that "people also viewed" is not a firm connection, but looking up Rami Doueiri and his organization from that screenshot is interesting. Apparently Al-Daad is just a project to teach Arabic. Also listed in staff is one Dany Doueiri, relation unclear, a professor at CSU San Bernardino, who had some things to say about the shooting in 2015.

This is bullshit D&C.
Here are pictures which show earlobe detachment is independent of judaism.

Correlation is not causation. These people joined the IS because, they felt that the moslems were a poor oppressed minority that meanies in warsaw and the white house want to genocide. Those first lefty thoughts are the beginning; the far-right would go for the SSNP.

As with Sandy Hook there's no motive.


Wasn't I in a thread here last evening where people were talking about how cheap guns were getting?

And I demonstrated (shown an example to support my argument) that they usually are lying jews like you

It was a game to me’: Ex-porn star intel agent who became Religion of Cuck™ist agitator sentenced in Germany of Cuck™ist-spy/

Didn't you like the evidence I provided to support my argument in defiance of your jewish lies

All of these people injured and not one cellphone video at any of the hospitals, at all of the many ambulances and EMS vehicles that would have been needed???? And even if they say no video'ing inside the hospitals, people would be doing it at distances outside of the hospitals. 500+ people??? if I took a bullet through the calf I'd have already posted the picture to my Facebook or on Twitter and there seems to be nothing so far

Here is what I take from all this. Now we don't know what his motives were (maybe he was an ISIS-nigger, maybe he was just nuts, maybe he is false flag fbi to try to get gun control under a Republican Administration) however what we do know is that this was both well planned as well as stupid. An intelligent terrorist attack would target something important, not just random civilians. So clearly he is either a false flag to accomplish gun control (which is unlikely because doing this under a Republican administration is just pointless), a nutjob who just wanted to kill people, or he is one of those directionless ISIS wannabies who, again, think that effective terrorism is racking up a high body count.

At least my attached earlobe genetics allow me to not sound like a retard. not a kike, btw

Here's an embed of your link user

I'm not even the same user you useless newfag
I didn't prove your point in any degree.
Fuck me what happened to Holla Forumsacks who were capable of the slightest bit of independent thought


No they joined because they converted to Sunni Religion of Cuck™ and joined The Official ==Religion of Cuck™IC STATE™==

Leftist westerners join the PKK/YPG

WHy are we listening to this paid talker. He didn't even know his brother.

The dolls were given to her and her sister by their aunt, and if you actually listen to the video the parents are laughing about it. She'll be fine.

If they actually run with this ISIS bullshit I have absolutely zero belief in this entire story. I have never known ANY white male, of any age or creed, to convert to I-s-l-a-m. The most they'll do is sympathize with it, but it simply doesn't resonate with us in any way shape or form. If they try to claim a 64 year old white man self radicalized my suspension of disbelief is absolutely gone.

Fuck these word filters it is beyond childish and asinine that we have them.

Most likely depends on the floor. The first three floor plans show floors where it would be separate rooms. The escape plan for another floor shows that it could be one large wrap around/penthouse type unit. A larger unit is more likely on the upper floors.

It's too early for the cutesy images of vicsims in hospitals making hand symbols. You obviously don't know how to use the news cycle for maximum effect.

What a neurotic looking kike. Confirms it imo, considering his brother must have been just as jewy.

Media said it was the same room

Reminds me of when Molyjew asked that jewish dude if there should be open borders in Israel

More images

jewish shill confirmed

Yeah, it's not about kikery in a person's bloodline. But we do know that pedophilia is genetic; if you see a guy with attached earlobes, who has a gook wife, and is a convert to Hajjism, then 80% chance he's a pedo. At any rate, it's an interesting angle.

The earlobes don't lie.

Wew lad, now that's what I call judaism.
Peekay22, look up his videos on the (((boston bombing)))

Sorry images loaded in reverse order. First pic is of the larger single unit, next three are floors where it would be separate rooms.



To be fair, this dudes world was just flipped right when he woke up. I'd probably still think I was dreaming if an hour or two after waking up there's a camera in my face asking me why my brother shot up hundreds of people.

Congratulations, you've figured out that no single phenotype can indicate a jew on it's own. Identifying a jew requires a knowledge of every jewish physical trait and how they might or might not express themselves. In each of those pics everyone of those kikes has the mix of facial traits that allow you to instantly recognize a jew. Paddock isn't full kike but he most likely is a mischling with traits closer to Ron Perlman type jew face. Dismissing that anons argument for Paddock being at least part jew is disingenuous as he also pointed out at two other features that supported jewish ancestry.
There's also the pedo argument here.

Please read or re-read

the crowd was 22,000 people, a half blind chimp couldnt miss

spastic shitposter confirmed. you reported an user for providing video evidence of a crisis actor while calling him a kike shill and now you expect me to have some sort of counter argument to "you proved my point" ? how can one counter a shitpost?
sliding and random D&C derailing. KYS

Didn du nuffin! They good kids!

A real person would decline to be interviewed.

Another great point. The walking wounded are supposed to be millenials. They are narcissistic egoposters who can't shut up about anything. Why didn't we have livestreams of gore? It's hard to fake up close. My redpill on the Boston bombing hoax was the up close daytime gore shot of the guy with his legs blown off (was a vet who already lost his legs in the ME I believe). They have EMT made that mistake since, and we get far-off blurry night time photos like this and Manchester.

Great finds, added to the file.

Report (1) shills who shitpost retarding things like

he's saying that's what the media is going to be calling for you dumb faggot.

Now you're just trolling m80. I kno, I know, i'm a kike because I don't believe you when you say sandniggers dindu nuffin.


Still no pictures of a single bullet wound, yet 50 dead, and 400+ injuries

Police called out Marilou Danley's name on the scanner within minutes of breaching the hotel room. Paddock's name came up early on, but people dug into Gary first because he was far left

go back to reddit you clueless (((faggot))) they were set up.

Y…yes boss


Call for blood donors, but yeah, not many wounded images circulating the web.

RIP narrative?

You show me Hotwheels firing a full auto, and I'll show you a wheelchair land speed record in reverse.

It's possible he set up two positions, but that still doesn't rule out an accomplice. But if they were just for himself that suggests a level of premeditation that makes the lack of the motive, after all these hours, very strange.

Archive fucko


Is this for real?

I don't have the cash to buy a m60. Sucks, doesn't it? I also can't afford to feed a bump saw. You can read GREAT writeups on how to use them on the web.

I practice IRL with my pistol, not a fucking m60. BUT, if you're a rich crazed guy wanting to kill as many trump supporters as possible, I'm saying that learning some decent skills is not hard at all.

Go check yourself.

God, you have to be this bathetic if you want to make anyone to take you even seriously.

Kill yourself in pigs blood.

and yet there is video after video of people not running anywhere because they have no fucking idea where the fire is coming from

See those strange leg movements in the foreground? That's what happens when someone is rapidly dying.

Filtered. Nice lack of argumend, ebin memed

Smells like fishy fishy

I thought that as well, because they did 'drop' quickly, but still there needs to be more to corroborate these gorrillion injuries they're reporting.

515 injured people, being treated, and it's like they've all turned their phones off, including their spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, friends, and no one is hash-tagging pictures that they are at a hospital anywhere, at home, at the hospital??? I've been injured and even sick and i've taken a picture from a hospital room???

A friend of mine broke his leg, this is how it went down, he was provided with the x-ray on september 8 at 2:21pm, immediately posted it to his kikebook

Curious about that as well.

Utterly shitter shattered.

Bbb-but Muslims are a race, Muslims are only Arabs…. right, you racists? Dis whyte maihn is the problem!

It's funny how pathetic ISIS has become ever since Trump actually took the fight to them and cut funding to Syrian rebels.
Not a fan of having our troopsin the mid east, but our govt did create ISIS, so at the very least I say it's our responsibility to shut them down.

what strange leg movements? Thats all you got?

The next fear and loathing in Las Vegas looks amazing. When is it coming out?
"Don't fuck with me now, man, I am Ahab."
Lets be happy it wasnt an mg42 Hitlersäge or mg3. Those machines spray like mad. This old cuck wouln't touch such piece of german engineering without getting triggered. Triggered. Like a sleeping agent. Get it?
Before anybody jumps at my thoat I am just observing the escalation from Europe. I hope things will go well for our side there. I really dont want commie backlash. They would get hammered by patriots anyway I hope. America still has a clue about "better dead than red". Let's hope Alex Jones is wrong again.

wheelchair brakes. :^) He might only be 90lbs but still, a gun doesn't create THAT much force backwards.

Is there a way to get better video quality? This shit always looks like visual used for torturing people.

Do we know any of these yet?


Not entirely true. I haven't done the math, but I don't know how their fields of fire would change based on the like 60 feet separation between the windows in the condo.

Because if he had an accomplice, it'd be horrible because they could get talking guns setup and kill WAY more people. From the videos I've seen, there's distinct pauses in the fire, so while he may have been reloading / shifting positions to lower his identification risk, I don't think he had an accomplice actually shooting with him.

And the crowd was lit up by fucking stage lights and concert lights. Helen fucking keller could have made that shot.

From a diffferent source, allegedly he was in the wrap around style penthouse thing.

Still shitposting?
Reported and filtered for chronic shitposting and sliding. Fuck off. Kikes did the boston bombing.


Check this link, there are some people on stretchers all around being carted off. I would d/l and post it but Brave has some shortcomings and this is one.

Holla Forums logic
Seriously I wonder sometimes.

Fucking hell lad that's laughable

Take off your word filter before you post links you dumb nigger

I provided some evidence of hundreds more out there proving your jewish lies are lies.

You posting a picture of two faces and acted as though that proved your spurious claims to be true, when all you did was post a picture of two patsies as though that was THE PROOF.
That's like me posting a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald and declaring, "see, that's all the evidence you need."

You then respond with
After you had posted nothing to support your jewish lies.

Oh wait, different ID you got lucky faggot. Either way, fuck you, stop shitposting and derailing, kikes did the boston bombing.

No comment, I'll just leave you post sponsored by the CIA out there for everyone else to see

We've seen lots of cellphone evidence on liveleak. Find one video with gore.
No one is arguing this, people are talking about liveleak videos, the news doesn't publish gore.
Get fucked Moishe. Filtered.


Not "IS LAM" of course who said that god damn it, GOOK CUCKED = SUBMISSIVE CUCKED != "IS LAM" PER SE. Are you happy now?

All images of this man should be as attached.
Do not permit the narrative that narrows the window.
Privacy, after 58 dead, DOES NOT EXIST.


Video of him at Anti Trump protests wearing a pink NASA t-shirt and a pink pussy hat

Also his female companion is from Indonesia, a Muslim country. Of course ISIS has taken credit. They have never taken credit for an attack that was not jihad related

(((They))) are moving as fast as they can to control everything about this. He could be an IS snackbar with flags and terrorist videos all over his house/computer and we would never know it. They are deciding how to spin the story out to the public as we speak.


Oy vey stop posting those lies!

yea thats the most realistic casualty ive seen thus far

the slight rising and falling of the guys legs is indicative of the body desperately gasping and 'kipping' for air. When that happens they have already lost consciousness or will soon.

Not sure what I am talking about? Hold your breath for no less than 2 minutes without cheating you will start to do it

Got that video that filterman just talked about? Skynews reporter talking to a witness, hispanic couple was removed by security 45 minutes before the shooting took place for saying everyone was going to die.

Tel aviv must be busy

This is why the "muh everything is a false flag" shills are out and about.

This, hitler dubsman

I know it's suspicious there's no obvious video footage this happened, but think of all the people out there who wouldn't want footage of ISIS shooting up something as American as a Country concert. There's a ton of them, and a false flag is far from the only reason why video would be missing.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were just flat out confiscating phones as evidence. Because, you know, law enforcement would probably have a vested interest in gathering that video. And to gather that video, they need to take phones.

Or you can just keep talking about how this is a false flag, because God forbid you accept muslims killed a ton of white people.

Here's an archive of said article

It was a game to me’: Ex-porn star intel agent who became íslámist agitator sentenced in Germany

What makes you say it's my wordfilter when its clearly the boards wordfilter?

New photo ID of shooter and his asian wife


IF it was a hoax or false flag there would be a cast Iron narrative. Confusion dissipates the emotional narrative and wastes opportunity.

wtf i'm convinced this happened

I read somewhere he was a registered Democuck and anti-trumper.

Please guys, dig, find shit and spread it everywhere.

We need this to work for us not against us.

jewish shill confirmed

The guy and his family are 100% Jew. It's possible a Jew could convert to Religion of Cuck™, but he was most definitely Jew.

Guys, it's a fucking Sam Hyde troll.

please tell me thats not the gun he used

Reminder for the "Everything is fake" crowd: it is cheaper to set up a patsy/mkultra than it is to hire hundreds of crisis actors and stage an event. The (((circles))) aren't known for being spendy.

Why do the mods allow this kind of kike openly abusing and taunting anons?
All it has done is shill the jewish media narrative and call anyone proving the jews are lying a "kike"


He has a similar look to Louis C. Cuck.

Yep, it's a psyop. The psyop "Potato's law" dictates that all footage magically reverts to 240p when filmed during a psyop.

Any one else noticed that filming in portrait mode has become a movie 'trope' which replaces the little red "REC" icon that they used to show to signal to the viewer that they are watching "home made" footage?
As usual when the Kike finds a new technique, it overuses it.
Hence every single "witness footage" is portrait mode, 240p (and thus little more than a sketch) or both.
This video shows nothing at all in enough detail to determine anything. What videos like this do excel at is providing a background upon which the mind of the viewer can fill in the gaps, using what newscasters have told them.
The video then becomes remembered with the embellishments that the viewer's mind added and, when asked, the viewer will swear blind that "I saw people being shot, I saw the blood."
You saw nothing but what the Kike wanted you to see.

Stephen Paddock worked for Nasa.

CAn someone use their autism to find the protest photo that we think is him? In a pink shirt and a pussy hat.

Then it's a #TheResistance democrat, lovely

Weasel Hillary never misses an opportunity. Not sure why anyone listens to her when it has been proven that she shits her pants in the presence of Trump. Imagine if she faced an actual terrorist, she'd crumble under the pressure. You lost because of your disingenuous shillary tactics.

Wouldn't it be Samir al-Hayid then?

Well from what I understand the shooter had 8-10 different guns so this may have been one of them

Wtf he worked at Lockheed martin

take one guess

This is sensible regulation.

If he were non white this would be the medias line of argumentation.

Just woke up and turned on ABC news. 1230 PM EST, First reaction after listening to a "witness" was this had to be a false flag. This guy brought out the fake tears, was rambling on about nothing, it looked like he was even smiling at some points.

Was very odd and very out of place.

That is a fucking jew.

A lot of them go to Asia for the childsex and bring a gook back with them to cook and clean, and to be a liason for more child hook-ups when they travel back.

Found it.




This is the oldest JIDF tactic in the book

gas yourself shlohmo.

Just in case

whoa whoa whoa whoa

thats the story now?

and also:

is that really what they are going with?

So. Anyone got photos of wounded?

This is Trumps pearl harbor doesn't matter if its FF what matter is he cracks down on Marxist indoctrination and SJWs

if it was an organic incident the people involved wouldn't be thinking about as you are. They would simply be posting images for friends and family and then tagging them. They would then be searchable that way and we would see them.

What is ODD is there has been nothing, as if everyone involved, and those they are friends and family with have fallen into a black hole.

Sorry for my enthusiasm I've been drinking.

This proves he was most likely a heavy never trumper. Can we verify this shit?

Because that worked so well for the French.

Jesus Christ, this fucker has killed so many that nobody will cover the other incidents going on currently (all by Religion of Cuck™ists).
That in itself makes this very suspicious and timely.

Nice, great work, user

Yeah irks me too, several terrorist attacks in Europe and Canada and no one gives a fuck now

how does it prove it? because they both had ears? it's a different person

I was lurking till now. But. Confirmed wounded.

WTF did they program this guy to do

well right off the bat…. he has a goatee so we know hes a cuck

There are always people reacting like that. You must be so fucking retarded to believe paid actors narritive as if real dead bodies aren't the cheapest and most importantly safest way of doing a mass shooting. Or anyone involved would give a shit about human life to stage it. You kill the killer at the end, that's that.

Vegas has so much density per population that I'm surprised he didn't kill more people.

Interesting if true. And that would bring in something like potential blackmail or covert operations.

Probably not that uncommon to see in Vegas. They host "Shot Show" and have a pretty solid gun culture (bunch of mg rental places and whatnot)

No confirmation of wounding, whatsoever.

Photo isnt clear enough. And his beard looks more full in the pink hat picture.

Ahhhh. Now 32 makes a bit more sense. JPL is a major base of thelemic occultism inside NASA.

They were talking about it on Fox

The red box of autism

You mean forced this guy to do.
Sometimes they know what they're doing is wrong, but they're threatened to do it.

Ok. Let me just splash some red paint on myself. And act injured.

I'm not going to call you a shill, but learn to read little nigger. I've linked a nasa page saying he's worked there before.

On what? Hoax conspiracies or flat-earth bullshit, sure. If people would criticize NASA for its spending/program decisions I doubt you'd get banned/pruned. NASA threads will always devolve into /x/-tier faggotry so, good luck.

these fucking things.. all the bodies are always so nice and orderly. she didnt die sprawled out choking on blood no she dead nice and cozy on her side snuggling another broad who looks even comfier

Is this now turning like the Charlottesville hoax where we concentrate on doxxing the perp, while ignoring the perp was a jew working for the state?

You are asking for evidence that it isn't paid actors in the hundreds. Do fuck off.

I mean. Police did pull bodies aside.

Can't archive.

He was never in Maryland. He was an accountant for Lockheed Martin briefly, but that was as close to NASA as he got. He never worked for the JPL. I really don't think that's the guy.

Sprinkle some dust on some guy and then put the blood on. It's more effective that way if you're trying to sell it.

News said he worked for Lockheed too

Jihadist attacks in Europe are going to become like nigger violence in America: part & parcel.

But according to the official narrative Stephen Paddock had gone full jihadi by that point, unless the pink pussy hat is a cunning disguise.

in the bar picture is that a scar on his neck? if so thats a pretty decent identifier

Same name but, as I recall, he never lived in MD.

NASA has serious occult factions. During the space race it was the Nazis competing against the thelemites and masons. The Nazis are all gone now though. Now it's just masons and thelemites trying to outdo it each other.

that was a week before

Thank you. I agree with your other post as well: I suspect false flag or the usual suspects every time now.

The youtube guy isn't him ffs

Could that have been the purpose?
I mean it wouldn't be that difficult to blackmail or hold a family member as a hostage..

I just don't by these "crazy guy with a gun" narrative. It's far-fetched.
And I have no doubt who will get the blame.. the right.

Nufag is moralfag

How are you going to cope with dotr?
Oh right, your a newfag and wandered into Holla Forums shilling like you dont belong.

He seems like a really shitty actor.

One of the women the guy from Fox was interviewing last night had a Star of David necklace, behind her while she was being interviewed two big Army semi trucks

We need more digging on Stephen Paddock.

There's no way it would be plunging at that distance. I can take my M16 out to 500 yards with only some bullet drop.



He was a wealthy, gambling accountant. Doesn't sound like a Commie but he could still be a Leftist. If he's a Commie he's the definition of Champagne Socialist.

where are the bodies?

haven't seen a single pic of the aftermatch. They we're too busy painting the scene?

if it's taking this long to get any decent pictures then I call bullshit. It was likely a flash mob of crisis actors ready to start playing dead as soon as they got their sound que.


8 hour ago son

not a single pic.

The plane crash in Tennessee was a T45 jet, instructor and student both dead.

Lets dig some more and spread this like Fire that old Boomer #Resistance types are now the greater threat.

White Vegas Natives are not the type to die easily or cower fruitlessly unlike the Commiefagnia transplants that invade our homes. Transplants filled St Rose Hospital early this morning. An odd sight to see Henderson Police in full force.

All you need to know about the las vegas shooting.


Man that was terrible.

His brother was clearly acting.

only white people donate blood

Your kike nose shines bright as the undriven snow.

at this point there's not much left at the scene to even take pics of. also these actors somehow managed to be worse than in sandy hoax which is impressive

that's not true, around here there are a lot of niggers who donate so they can use the money to buy drugs or food because they don't have actual jobs


father was a bank robber
Paddock worked in the defense sector
owned planes

there are so many masonic features of this event, no surprise

they picked the right person to make a patsy

Video footage of the attack happening. Dont know if anybody has seen it yet.

It's not a donation if you sell it.

They test the donated blood before they use it right?


everybody has seen it


No its new footage for the thread
add mobile to twitter url to be able to download.

i know at least one of them does drugs, sleeps around and they still took his blood. could be that it's tested at a later date.

First of all, they sell their plasma, not their blood itself. First donation is tested for everything, and if they find anything at all wrong with it, you get put on a National Registry to prevent you from selling you plasma to anyone else ever again. After that it's checked every 1-2 months