As I've said many times, the left will push to normalise polyamory as the next step in the slippery slope of cultural and societal degeneracy. It makes strategic sense, seeing as these things are already practised by a growing number of groups in society. These groups include leftists, promiscuous women, and 'red pilled' men who aim to maintain 'soft harems'.
As an example of leftist polyamory, Australia's public broadcaster released an episode of a series about taboo topics on polyamory, which I will post a snippet from in this thread. Senator Louise Pratt has a 'rainbow family' and says her son has three dads - Pretty much if you search for polyamory on any social media platform, you're going to find people pushing it.
Promiscuous women are obviously already practising it, as it seems more and more are cheating on their boyfriends or eschewing long-term relationships in favour of short-term relationships with multiple partners. We all know what goes on with Tinder and similar apps.
Many people have probably visited /r/TheRedPill and other masculinity-themed forums. A common thread among them is a desire for 'soft harems' where many girls are strung along at the same time to extract sex without entering into a relationship.
I've also recently noticed some ads that seem to use the theme of cheating as a promotion tool. I can't help but think that it's an attempt to subtly push the Overton window into accepting multiple partners. Would this have been a suitable theme many years ago?
The ads in question, apologies for the shitty quality.
Logan Robinson
So your point is?
Polyarmory, much like trannyism and most other Leftist-spawned ideas, is a mixture of stupidity and mental illness. That's all there is to it.
Landon Perry
This is Senator Louise Pratt's 'rainbow family'. She says her son has three fathers, two of which are gay men and the other is a tranny. One of the gay men is a state senator (Australia) as well. These people are leading the country.
Jordan Green
I don't care, if you guys are religious or not - but this is clearly an act of satanism. Doesn't matter if its the theological or the neo-satanism kind. It's just aiming to pervert everything that made us great.
Good becomes bad, bad becomes good, lies are the truth and truth are the lies.
Austin Russell
I'm trying to get ahead of this thing, before they start pushing for multi-person marriage and otherwise shitting things up.
Colton Hill
50k+ subs on the polyamory subreddit. Likely more now.
Liam Allen
They are brainwashing the public, so that the women will be ready to be one of the many wives of sand niggers.
Jason Cook
correct response
Josiah Lee
By the way, "polyarmory" is a bullshit word that tells you everything you need to know about the people who came up with it. You don't mix Latin and Greek, it's either polyphilia or multiamory.
Aiden Morgan
yeah theres loads of that happening though too much mixing of Hellenic languages tbh
Jose Wood
All that mixing of Greek and Mycenaean, truly awful.
Elijah Young
think you mean Minoan lad Mycenaean is Greek
Joshua Young
Btw this narative…
Adam Ortiz
I met a nice girl 15 or 16 years ago and decided pretty quickly she was the one for me. I obsessed over her for years but never managed to fuck it up badly enough to scare her away. I don't know why but she always retained interest even if we would go years without seeing each other.
A year or so ago we started talking again and I was invited over to her place while the boyfriend was away. I had it in my head that I was going to pump and dump her just for old times sake. When I got there I found out pretty quickly that the years hadn't been that kind to her. In addition to begin twice the size she used to be she had developed personality traits I didn't like. It was obvious 15 years of Marxist brainwashing had taken its toll. She started explaining polyamory to me and said she "identified as poly". I did everything I could not to laugh and just acted ignorant. It was like sitting next to tumblr personified. I was told the ground rules which basically boiled down to we couldn't fuck in the apartment but if I were willing to spend some money and "date her" she'd give it up any time I'd like. She spoke of her boyfriend like he was an animal and at one point locked a cat up in a cage for "begin mean to the other cat". I knew she'd only done it because the cat sat in my lap but wouldn't give her any attention.
I walked out of that room happy to have dodged a bullet 15 years ago. Despite knowing better I invited her to my place, rode her around a portion of the 300 acres I live on, basically showed her what could have been. She spent the night, nothing happened, I dropped her off the next morning and went to work. She actually turned down home cooking by the boyfriend in favor of going with me to get horrible drive in burgers. I txted her later that day, told her she shouldn't treat people that way, blocked her and broke all contact for good.
This shit is terrible. She wasn't always that way. She was wife material at one point in her life. Now she's an alcoholic cat lady, used up and too stupid to see what has been done to her by her "education". It's terrible to see people brainwashed like this.
Bentley Thomas
Never happen. Too much history with pisslam and FLDS culties for joe normalfaggot to ever get their brain around it.
Also that fucking video… Look at it and laugh derisively. Every time there's a single female with multiple males, one's a complete cuck and is basically funding the whore while the other partners tease her with luxuries for the chance to wiggle their bits in her gaping ichthyan snatch. There is no way they're ever going to be able to produce a case study which looks like anything resembling a healthy relationship.
Gavin Edwards
Nice blogpost.
Liam Young
All Hellenic languages are Greek, that was my point. Latin is not among them…
Eli Adams
ok yeah fair point
Benjamin Young
Wonder how that happened..? Oh wait…
Jose Brown
Stop calling it that, attaching "love" to the end of it only "legitimizes" the delusion.
Landon Baker
Did she live with her bf just for stable male emotional and sexual attention and an income to feed her? They keep some pathetic male as back-up cock and money?
Nolan Clark
what the what happened to ethics? what happened to shaming others for being filthy whores?
Easton Kelly
How should we best brand it then? Polygamy (already has negative connotations)?
Jaxson Perry
They're exposing themselves user. That's what this is all about; mental gymnastics to slut it up without damaging whatever IS left of our ethics. Many more whores will need to die to make up for our future soldiers casualties.
Kevin Hill
Greed and daddy issues.
Cameron Baker
Exactly, we should call it polygamy still. There's no love in having multiple partners, not with more than one that is. We need to expose them for what it is; blatant deviantry and prostitution masquerading as "love".
Ian Martin
Jewish people need to be lobotomized
Jaxson Anderson
The degeneracy of Polyamory is a symptom of the loss of community and extended family bonds. It is a substitute for a lack of relationship with parents, grandparents and having children or doing something ambitious with your life. Also the result of a couple generations of broken homes and only children who have few family bonds to start off with. Combined with 20 years of internet porn pushing for normalizing having multiple sexual partners. It's an IRL distraction from functional families that are capable of keeping the birthrate above replacement with quality whites. Absolutely degenerate.
Jackson Watson
Dont forget muzzie bullshit
Connor Carter
==as long as they produce white children I am ok with this. in a threesome both the man and the woman can work and the unicorn can stay at home and raise the children.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
Parker Collins
Tradtards boomer fucks for you, Holla Forums.
Hunter Walker
theres a good argument for monogamous marriage lad muzzies dont have it and thats what they use for conquer the muzzies that go to other countries to rape and get women are the betas who couldnt be rich or chad enough to score 3 to 6 wives
Levi Johnson
To my understanding "polyamory" is some fictional creation made by whores to get free gibs from multiple Chads, or more commonly cucks, at once. Most commonly because they have nothing in terms of relations beyond whatever faggot she manages to fool. Note that it is only women that do this.
Polygamy however is something animals do to have as much sex as possible, with 1 alpha male leading a group of females. It's viable for humans due to the difference of male/ female ratios, add in the fact more women want to be married compared to men, but sandniggers and FLDS pedophilia ruined any kind of debate about whether it should be implemented. Note, the male would protect all his women because they're territorial and competitive, a stark contrast to polyamory where the whore will dump whoever she's with on a mere whim for someone else.
Cooper Lopez
In terms of properly rearing our children, it is much more practical for a man than a woman, though today much less practical for a man than before. A woman must attribute great amounts of attention to one set of children for their optimal development. A man, much less. He mainly must provide. In the past, this was much more feasible for men and resulted in better men producing more children. Now, we let betas get their genes involved by instituting monogamy for the sake of the race. There are not enough men who can be polygamous and optimally provide for their children when compared with the birth rates of both monogamous alphas and betas. It is not an either/or situation. Higher and lower abilities have different standards. What should NOT be promoted is promiscuity, free love, perversion, hedonism etc.
Oliver Miller
You newfags shouldn't talk like socjus. Stop calling it polyshit.
Brandon Ross
These poly families usually only produce one child and raise them to be fucked up trannies. But most importantly this breaks the code of honor between men. Civilized men should be cooperating and helping each other to obtain their one and only wife. Having more than one wife is taking away that opportunity for another man. It's not sustainable and makes it increasingly harder for young men to find someone to marry and makes them more nihilistic.
Brandon Hernandez
Hey bitch tits you don't know what a blogpost is.
James Rodriguez
this thread is gay and irrelevant
you first paragraph sums up the whole situation. these people are usually antifa-tier as well. Basically any situation where the wife is openly sleeping with other man is a cuck porn situation
Eli Russell
They're using it as a tax shelter and for legal pedophilia, and the government is (and more importantly, we are) aware.
Brody Jones
Hudson Flores
She said she made the majority of the money and supported him. He worked part time or something. He was a total cuck. I was considering doing him wrong but after spending time with her again I decided that I didn't like her anymore. Plus I couldn't deal with that look he kept giving me, he obviously wasn't okay with it. She spoke of him like he was a dog when he wasn't around. She said he was okay with these things and she dated multiple men but his eyes told me different. He fell for her like I did and he's afraid of losing her if he doesn't go along, he has no spine. It was obvious both of them were hardcore into leftist politics/reddit/those type of things. I shouldn't have gotten involved again but like I said I fell pretty hard for her 15 years ago. It was good for me since I'm not hung up on her anymore.
Thank god I didn't put a ring on it when I had the chance.
Brody Price
I see this traditional moral crap all the time and what comes to mind are all of the conservative republican christian collation politicians and business exec that had their careers ruined in the 80's 90's 00's and even now, because it's an impossible task. And yet then when you read the Bosnia survival threads the author points out that those that had large families survived and those that had smaller families did not. And yet, here you are, promoting the traditional nuclear family, husband, wife, 2 kids, blah, blah, blah which in reality means single parent household following divorce if 6 years. Ok chad.
Adam Johnson
any anons here from the days of the cuck shed?
Ayden Morales
yeah, it's like the worst of k-selection multiplied with the worst of r-selection. they shouldnt have children
Nicholas Ross
I showed up for casual sex with an old girlfriend. I didn't know she was involved with another man until she told me and I noticed his stuff laying around. Up until then she'd kept it quiet. I knew nothing serious would come of it because I've known the girl forever and know how she is. We were attempting to find a way to be "friends" again but sex was implied throughout the entire thing. I should have walked out that night and never spoken to her again but I'm an idiot that fell for a girl. She had a hold on me for many years, she doesn't anymore. I would have overlooked the alcoholism/fact she turned into a blimp if she hadn't become so ugly on the inside.
We didn't get on well years ago because she's terrified of children for some reason. She won't even be in the same room with them. She's proud of turning her little brother into a faggot. She's proud of begin whatever she claims to be. She's into all the usual crap we make fun of on Holla Forums. The house is decorated with sub-par art work, anime models, and Cards against Humanity was proudly displayed for all to see. It was like walking into every bad normalfag meme all at once. She thought I was degenerate too because she saw Hentai on my computer when I was 14 or 15. She kept bringing that shit up like it's something I still watch constantly or something. She has no idea I've gone full Holla Forums.
David Cooper
Satanism is a Christian cult.
Owen Gray
My childhood friend turned into one. It was a slippery slope for him. We acted like any other kid calling each other faggots and made edgy jokes. He was a desperate virgin and some SJW girls started to give him attention. From there it went:
Logan Bailey
Didn't the left laugh and ridiculed at evangelists or that Christian sect which approves polygamy?
Jayden Brooks
A few years ago I saw no hope, and was ready to kill myself. I eventually realized, though, that struggle was the only way to actually make things better. If I just killed myself then this wild ride would continue unabated. I wanted this to stop, so I began my journey to better myself, so that I could in turn better the world.
Every day I suffer, having to see this world as it is, but I do it so that my children won't have to.
Nathaniel Cox
mormons mormons do alot of porn these days
Alexander Smith
This sounds like it is entirely your own fault she ended up that way. You should feel ashamed. You didn't dodge a bullet you threw the girl in front of it as a meat shield. Good job you fucking faggot. She could have been your wife and you would have had 10 white children by now.
Brody Russell
Mormons aren't Christian.
Ryan Gomez
They base their beliefs on abrahamic ones, claiming the desert in the bible isn't in arabia but in nevada, you idiot.
Jaxon Carter
That reminds me another cuck story posted sometime recently where the cuck didn't object to his status, just had a broken, dejected look on his face and the occasional stink eye at the guy taking his women.
It seems to be that the cuck's only way of fighting back is passive facial expressions
Jace Torres
Get out.
Chase Cruz
Would have never happened. We dated for years and this was the thing that drove a wedge in the relationship. I wanted her to be my wife and take care of the family, she would have never had to work. She was terrified of begin a house wife/having kids. She opted for liberal arts at a big college instead. That's what brainwashed her into what she is today although she was already on the path by the age of 19. It's fine thanks, and I have no issues with attracting good women. I'm just older and more careful now and I don't jump into things. I did dodge a bullet, and thanks to begin raised with morals I've kept it in my pants so no woman has managed to sink claws into me and take away half my shit. I'll just continue to sit on my land looking around for a good woman, which are in pretty short supply these days.
Pretty much. He wouldn't say anything but it was obvious he didn't want me around. I can't blame him but at the same time he was interesting to see how far someone would go to avoid conflict. If roles had been reversed and I caught him in my house with my woman he'd been staring down the barrel of my shotgun. He's a liberal arts major too so it's no surprise he's a cuck.
Zachary Gray
Hi, old school, believing, diehard Mormon here. Mormon doctrine still advocates polygamy. I don't have time to get into it but I just wanted to make a drive-by.
Lefitst's concept of "polyamory" is just a badly-organized orgy, and results in chaos and complete dissolution and destruction of everything good. Mormon breakoffs who continue to practice polygamy are the same way, perverts looking for excuses. They're just finding an excuse through a different ideology.
The doctrine of polygamy correctly practiced represents the ideal, and will, at some point, be the "moral salvation" of society, as Brigham Young said.
Don't let the impostors fool you, and please don't conflate Mormon polygamy, based on strict restraint and discipline, and oriented toward eliminating prostitution, bastardization, and poverty with the sickening chaos of leftist idiocy.
This same false corollary was attempted when Mormon polygamy was an active political topic. Most of the people who hated it hated it because it meant they couldn't keep their mistresses or "side chicks". Those trying to kill or denigrate righteous polygamy are doing the same thing today: trying to cover their own degeneracy by making its antidote unpopular.
P.S., Mormons are Christians, and The Bible advocates polygamy aggressively.
Jace Garcia
None of their beliefs are abrahamic. Okay, and? Nothing I said is incorrect.
Lincoln Powell
Image related. Compare this Mormon polygamous family with today's "poly" group.
Mormon polygamy is normal marriage multiplicated many times, with the primary goal being the upbringing of a stable and righteous posterity. It's not a walk in the park. Men now have 20-30 children and 3-6 wives to look after.
If it's about sex, Mormons would just do what everyone else does, and look at mistresses and adultery with a wink and a nod. Instead, Mormons demand men take responsibility, and teach women to demand men who are both willing and able to do so.
This is a realistic perspective that cooperates with biological realities and imperatives, while simultaneously providing a structure that channels them to the *improvement* and long-term betterment of society.
Whereas leftist polys pretend it's a sexual orientation and live depressing, disgusting, fruitless lives locked in a death spiral, Mormons repopulate and build strong families with capable, educated, and moral children.
And we do this now with just ONE wife each. How many non-Mormon women would join the fold when they saw what they could get by doing so? This is another big driver behind anti-Mormon sentiment. Beta cucks get pissy that they can't take the heat, and when polygamy was active, it meant their women said "Why am I with a beta when I can go get with someone who cares about me and can actually provide?"
Nicholas Bailey
Reported. Go back to Tumblr. They were none of those things. By jews. Demoralize somewhere else. Reported. lol no
Ryder Bailey
The only person I ever knew who was "polyamorous", was this kid in my highschool class who after graduating decided he was "trans lesbian" and had some kind of fucked up relationship with two other women who were probably also trannies. I'm pretty sure you have to be a complete degenerate to take this kike meme seriously.
Aaron Taylor
This clearly proves you have no idea what you're talking about.
Pull your head out of your pastor's scared "we can't have our congregants becoming Mormon!" ass and do some reading. Mormons are the epitome of "Abrahamic", and a belief in the virtue of polygamy and the propagation of an endless maintained posterity is just one aspect of that.
Mainstream Christians trying to pretend polygamy is invalid certainly have an uphill battle, with almost every major Biblical figure, including Abraham himself, being a practicing and honorable polygamist, in many cases directly assigned multiple wives by God Himself.
Ayden Murphy
Water is wet.
Joseph Clark
You may not like it but it's the truth. I could go into detail as to how it's designed by kikes to co-opt society but I can see you're and open minded individual so it's pointless to explain any of it further to you. Functioning on the level of simplicity is also retarded but you do not understand that. No one is perfect, and couple will not be perfect together and whilst striving for an ideal is wonderful once must also recognize that often humans do fall short. You're promoting teenage idiocracy.
You're attempting to attribute one thing to another. This was what OP's topic was about
Polyamory - Wikipedia Polyamory is the practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners. It has been described as …
Wyatt Torres
Yes and no.
See in the natural state what you tend to find women and men doing is pursuing a sexual pattern of multiple females to one man. And this always happens eventually with polyamorous societies. Which leaves you with a lot of surplus males and creates societies similar to Religion of Cuck™ic ones. Inevitably violent, dangerous and unstable ones.
Monogamy however allows you to stabilise your society and unlock the economic potential of the majority of the male population. Hence why monogamous societies have been the most successful ones. They're perpetually stable in a way that Religion of Cuck™ic or polyamorous societies can't be.
Blake King
Spotted the betas
Eli Morgan
Polyamorous sluts and their cuckold bfs deserve death.
Blake Sullivan
why is it that in your mind? is it outlandish to even assume that a guy can have two girlfriends?
Landon Murphy
Monogamous societies lead to more betas breeding which leads to collaspe
Collaspe brings polygamy and tribalism
Tribalism brings genetic stability
Genetic stability brings economic stability
It's the other way around m8, Monogamous societies are a slow "muh empire" death.
Jason Perez
If people want to practice this polyamory shit, it's their problem. I just wonder why any guy would agree to it, because it's a bad deal for him. Any fat ugly slut can find a guy in minutes, to put into the poly orbit, but even a good looking guy has to put in some "work" to at least some degree.
Matthew Smith
You do realise that western society has been exclusively monogamous for a very long time right? Even in the days of Rome.
Meanwhile Religion of Cuck™ic society fell apart once it couldn't find easy conquests.
Kevin Diaz
Monogamy is law, artificial, literal sexual socialism for the weak to dilute the breeding pool.
Retards here can't separate the 20/80 rule from leftist degenerates fucking 150 partners without reproducing.
Oliver Brooks
I don't hold with comparing polygamy and polywhatever leftist degeneracy. Polygamy has responsibility and stability. It's not the optimal societal relationship structure, but comparing it to marxist fuckfest current year is pretty stupid.
To the people wondering what you should call it, just call it "swinging." That's the colloquial term from when the bullshit began.
William Richardson
Polygamy is the natural state for good reason. It is possible to corrupt and/or ruin it, like everything else. We've seen the corruption/ruination of single marriage vividly over the last 60 years or so.
Polygamy results in competitive pressure for men to get their shit together, and it works pretty well. Today, we have the opposite; men are seeing no reason to even meet the bare minimum standard that exists in a society of 1:1 couplings, since they can get their rocks off to furry porn instead.
Men can't and don't hoard a ridiculous number of women because each person has fundamental limitations; everyone only has so much time per day. In righteous LDS polygamy, there is strong pressure to provide adequate emotional and financial support for your wives and offspring. You can be as rich as you want, but you can only decently serve spousal functions to a small group of people. Even Religion of Cuck™ has limitations on the number of wives a man can take, for this reason.
Polygamy is great. Don't confuse good, pro-social polygamy as practiced by the 19th-century Mormons with this lefty retardation. No one is "born" poly and the prospect that people enter polygamous relationships because it leads to their personal happiness in some direct manner, are silly. These are social institutions with society-level ramifications. Individual happiness is a side effect of a strong society, not a cause of it.
You want proof? Look at Utah, and then look at not-Utah.
Carter Gomez
Ah yes, the ruling royal classes didn't have multiple wives, concubines or rape babies.
Everyone followed the bible down to the filthy peasants. Western empires haven't risen and fallen due to military failures and lack of alpha soldiers. You're a special kind of retard.
Parker Cooper
The pareto rules most things in the universe.
Cooper Peterson
Short term relationships aren't going to wife them up and support their worthless asses.
Expect laws demanding alimony for one night stands. You know they're coming.
Josiah Hall
Genghis Khan: 500 children with multiple women
Religious larpers on Holla Forums: half black niece, no gf
Andrew Myers
Monogamy didn't become the hard standard _until_ Rome, because Romans wanted to fleece societies and tribes, and it was easier to do that by enforcing monogamy by decree.
Monogamy fundamentally weakens the tribal/social structure, making it more vulnerable to external conquest. It's a massive waste of resources.
Don't forget that the powers that be are interested in YOUR weakness because it makes it easier for THEM to take what they want. They'll try to sugarcoat it, but if you see through that, they don't want you to have the ability to challenge them.
So when they say to women: "Be monogamous because then you'll really feel like your husband loves you, and you'd be jealous of all those other bitches anyway, right?"
and to men: "Hey, just have sex with a mistress, we won't tell anyone, you won't have to pay for any of her stuff, it's worry-free"
a wise society would realize they were being sold a bill of goods by an external oppressor trying to destroy them.
Rome did destruction of others very well.
Jayden Nelson
If dudes want to put in all that work, just for multiple pieces of pussy, then all the power to them. But I could never be bothered. Sex is easy to find, money is not, and hobbies are more fun than listening to any woman's bullshit. Fucked her all night, didn't buy her breakfast, went fishing at dawn (that was literally my weekend). Now the next 6 days I can do whatever the hell I want, I'm not giving that up for any additional pieces of pussy.
Isaac Johnson
Polygamy leads to downtrodden betas with nothing to lose in life. I don't think that's a good thing. What's worse this is leftist polygamy which is women fucking around with no consequences… So the basic state of modern society.
Brayden Foster
At 29 and when I turned 30 and had two girlfriends. It was possible at the time to have them both at the same time. I didn't, I was a (((moralfag))) and thought it wrong. I think back on it now and had I picked both, the one who left would have left and the one who would have stayed would have stayed. Considering we talk about the depopulation of whites I could have had 2 to 4 children with them then, oddly they were into it more than me, instead doing the (((right thing))) left me with none. At this later stage in my life it would have been helpful to me if getting them both pregnant was the norm. Instead doing the right thing or the expectation of doing the right thing fucked it up totally.
Andrew Miller
Why would the men shut out from having a wife go along with your society, and not burn it to the ground?
Adam Davis
You're a deluded retard if you think only 'muh alpha males' should breed. Betas are the workhorse caste of civilization. Without the men who put intellectual pursuits before sex, you'd be getting cucked by Oonga Boonga in a cave somewhere in the Stone Age you idiot. Monogamy is among the first cornerstones of civilization FOR A REASON - If only a few wealthy Kikes or braindead Chads are allowed to have women, the entirety of men who go without have every reason in the world to gut you, and more importantly they're provided an existential threat to band together over. Monogamy means social cohesion and stability. Polygamy means social and sexual tension and barbarism. Go fuck yourself.
Liam Perez
Spotted the kike.
Owen Phillips
Right, people *don't* do it for "pussy". That's the whole point. If all you care about is sex, it's easy to get, and polygamy actually makes it *harder* to get casual sex, because now the women that would've been working the street are pregnant and raising happy children in their husband's home. :)
As says, the leftish "poly" movement is just swingers trying to get validation by pretending their hobby of degeneracy is worth points in the Oppression Olympics. That's the antithesis of a strong patriarchal society, which basically must be based on polygamy.
Opposition to Mormon polygamy in the 1800s was primarily fueled by aristocrats in DC who didn't want their mistresses to flee to Utah where they could easily become respected and honest women, provided for and maintained by a strong man, part of a strong family consisting of many happy children. It's too bad that the population was too closed-minded to realize this.
Adrian Myers
You are to fucking stupid to understand the importance of monogamy. You speak of "diluting the breeding pool" as if sexual selection for physical size, strength, and aggression is what we need in a technologically advanced society. Giving a reason for all beta males to work and contribute is what allowed civilization to flourish. As society gets more complex, and requires more intelligence to understand and advance, we need to create a system where smart betas have children, not retarded niggers that get women because of "muh dick."
Joseph Brooks
A man with multiple women is much more easily cucked than a man with one.
Guy I work with is always bragging about cheating on his wife. Stupid fucker doesn't know he's raising two of my kids with another one on the way.
Mason Allen
Patriarchy doesn't necessitate polygamy, it simply requires that the one female you have is subservient to you.
Juan Martinez
Monogamy is how Whites evolved Whiteness.
The most capable men married the most beautiful women. If a woman didn't get married she could maybe have a bastard but bastards were universally reviled unless they earned a name.
Women were under extreme selective pressure and developed huge boobies and a beautiful pallet of hair and eye colors.
Nicholas Rogers
Because polygamy doesn't automatically result in a gross imbalance of available mates.
If you take a hypothetical and run it to an extreme, then you can turn everything into a bad situation, and you end up unable to support anything except anarchy.
Closed, small-scale polygamist groups like the FLDS have this problem because they're run by heartless perverts who prey on children and don't care if they ruin their families and society, which is rapidly unraveling from the inside – no external burning required.
Mormon Utah in the 1800s did NOT have that problem, and polygamy is arguably the reason that Utah is as delightful as it is, and arguably the reason that Mormonism has a strong and sustainable population base.
The only people who have to worry about mate availability in an organically functional polygamous society are people of bad will, either those so lazy they can't be compelled to get off WoW or those so malicious and anti-social that they resent the lack of easily exploitable women to abuse.
Xavier Howard
Monogamy is bread and butter of any successful civilization. A stable society is that in which the average Joe is guaranteed to pass his genes forward.
Daniel Gutierrez
Where in the animal kingdom that is polygamous is that a problem? It breeds competition, the strong survive and breed stronger children, and the lesser males either get stronger or become useful servants. Every wolf pack needs more males than the alpha to survive. If a beta doesn't want any of that they'll go on and live a sedentary life as the seals do. Or they'll find a lesser female that wants a monogamous family, there'll be a few out there.
These betas in this thread need to look at actual implementation of polygamy and how successful it is.
Brayden Wilson
There are 105 boys born for every 100 girls in the West. It's even worse in places like China and India where they practice sex-selective abortion and the ratio gets up to 118:100. Where are the surplus women going to come from so that men don't get shut out from having a wife?
Alexander Taylor
What you are saying does not equate to reality. Niggers with nothing are having more children than whites are per individual. And those children from niggers with nothing 20 years ago are now going to college. kys
William Carter
In a monogamous army, everyone shares everything with their buddies because they want to all go home and raise their kids together.
In a polygamous army, each man is for himself and would prefer if he came back alone so he could marry all the women himself.
This is observed behavior of sand niggers at war.
Momogamy removes men from the sexual marketplace, thereby making them cooperate instead of competing.
Jordan Miller
You're cuckchan tier , KYS pls degenerates get the rope too
Nathaniel Price
So explain Religion of Cuck™ic nations with the gender imbalance that breeds terrorism.
You yourself mentioned that DC Aristocrats were scared of losing their females, and nothing prevents this fear from being realized under your system. When men start losing their women, society will quickly reach boiling point and revolution lies just on the horizon. Just kill one man, and you secure wives for many of your monogamist men.
Angel Gomez
By way of affirmative action, and in order to study bullshit liberal arts majors. You must be a fucking shill.
Brandon Taylor
Yeah, reported. You’re a fucking dipshit or a kike shill. We know better.
Numerous studies show that male behavior is heavily influenced by the operational sex ratio–or the ratio between fertile females and sexually active males. If male and female numbers are equal then the best strategy is for a male to find a female, pair off, and protect/provide for his own kids. If there are more fertile females than males, the best mating strategy for males is to put less resources caring for their kids and more resources trying to mate with multiple females. (note l: urban blacks in America fall into this category because of the amount of young black males either in prison or killed by other black males. result is that black males spend more time chasing other women and less time being fathers) (note 2: possibly bigamy became common in these societies to prevent the excess of available females from encouraging men to sleep around instead of be fathers) If there are more males than females, the males that have mates get obsessed with protecting them from the surplus males, who form rape gangs to try to get access to the smaller numbers of females. In polygamous societies, every man that has two wives creates a man who can never mate unless he rapes. Bigamy effectively turns a balanced operational sex ratio into a heavily male-biased one. Religion of Cuck™ is a codified set of behaviors for protecting females from rape gangs (burka, can’t go outside without male guardian) and exporting the surplus males to neighboring societies so they don’t bother the local females (jihad). That is, essentially, Religion of Cuck™–a code of behaviors designed by a guy with multiple wives in a bigamous society to keep womanless men away from his wives. The surplus males generated by bigamy are told, “These women are off-limits; they’re spoken for by more powerful men in your society. If you want to get laid, your only option is to go out and conquer something and take their women.” This is how Religion of Cuck™ spread so quickly in its first few centuries and this is the driving force behind the huge amount of young men flooding into Europe today. They are not refugees, they are sex tourists. It should be no surprise they are so rapey.
Monogamy is how a society encourages the weakest males to be productive, since it ensures they’ll be able to find a mate. Another argument you can use is that polygamy brings about social instability. Due to the fact that older, richer, more established men grab all the women, it means that the search for a mate among the younger males is all the more desperate, and violent. Polygamous societies are inherently unstable, prone to great social unrest from the younger men that cannot find a woman. Now, this is fine and dandy if you want to motivate those men to join the army and go conquer someplace else and steal their women, as well as the fact that war attrition will get rid of plenty of those young men, but once your empire has expanded as much as it can the same problems crop up, but this time with no possible outside outlet. It is no coincidence that enduring civilizations made the switch from polygamy to monogamy over the course of their history, and I highly suspect the troubles Arab civilizations faced around the 14th and 15th century were in large part caused by their reliance on polygamy. You can argue that current Arab societies are what they are because of polygamy. Women are a rare commodity that are fiercely guarded, hence the restrictions placed on their behavior and the need to have a male relative escort them when they are out, lest they be stolen by some other family. The high level of inbreeding could also be part of this, with a family trying to keep all the wealth and power among themselves.
Nathan Wood
not a shill, I am a user of this forum just like you are voicing my own independent opinion anonymously. That's what this board is for right, to be politically incorrect? Seems you're parroting a politically correct line of thinking and wish me to follow it by calling me names.
Logan Sullivan
Michael Richardson
Sounds more like you’re obviously a shill. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you.
William Moore
Austin Cook
As long as there are resources available niggers will breed nonstop. The US and Europe is providing those resources. If we cut off the international help nogs will starve en mass.
Brandon Bailey
We aren't like other animals. Beta intelligence is the foundation of human civilization and if you take away the beta male's chance at reproduction, that civilization-creating intelligence will quickly start thinking of ways to destroy the civilization it built.
Nigger baby-daddies are the perfect polygamists.
Colton Ramirez
Mormon Utah in the 1800s didn't have that problem but did have a reputation as an area that caravans should not travel through or near.
Why you ask? Because the mormons would attack said caravans, kill the men and abduct the women. You know. Like muslims.
Thomas Ramirez
Your posts are fucking stupid and not backed by logic, and just so happen to go along with the globalist plan to bring back polygamy.
Wyatt Hall
Those two aren't even related, you retard nigger.
By going out of your way to shilling for pro-polygamy and jewish degeneracy, YOU are, in fact, being politically correct – for there could be nothing more in vogue today than screeching and crying for the extinction of the white race and the wholesomeness of our sexual paradigm.
Henry Morris
They are coming here and trying their hand. Where do these fucking pro-polygamous noobs think these over-amorous pajeets are coming from?
Elijah Garcia
You're ignorant. When Hulagu Khan seized the Abbasid Caliphate in 1257 what followed was muslims from the entire region engaged in warfare. Now we say that "breeds terrorism" and yet nothing has changed. I at times do think the zionists have provoked the war with muslims simply because they refuse to comply just like Kim Jung-un refuses to comply. And yet, throwing out most of their sky-god worship I see their family lives as being better because the man is still the man and the man is the king of his castle and I like it that way……. as compared to this fucked up way it is now, meeting a 20 year old girl and having her tell me… oh I'm going to college to be a rocket scientist when I'd rather she wanted to simply be a wife.
Christopher Anderson
I'd like for you to try.
no, yours are
I know, you fail to see the duality of how it's been designed. You should be more worried about getting a little blond pregnant today that what I say here.
James Reyes
I mean ffs, who could think to promote polygamy on an IMAGEBOARD? Robots and Cyborgs constitute the majority here - NORMALFAGS GTFO
Where in the animal kingdom do the animals create medicines and devout themselves to the study of the natural world? We do not live in an animal society. We do not rape those that we are looking to have children with. Going by animal standards is just as bad as going by decadent metropolitan standards. Monogamy promotes the standard of everyone having a mate and having children. This then promotes men caring about their society, thus making society better. Part of why leftists are such shit heads is because they are married or unmarried and childless. When a man has no children he stops caring about the future of his people because why should he?
Adrian Richardson
I'm talking about modern terrorism.
Ian Torres
Yeah, polygamist societies are less stable than monogamous, I don't see how that guy can argue against that fact. Look at how desperate single men in polygamous societies behave around women, and how we are starting to see things like that as our society moves toward soft harems. There is a lot of homo shit in muslim societies, but it's kept on the down low. Eunuchs used to be the earlier form of traps in their cultures. Look up dancing boys in Afghanistan as well for what these guys do when there aren't enough women around. There are mobs of young men that gather around and grope women, because it's the only chance they can touch one. Is this the type of society any sane person would want to live in?
Mason Johnson
Ironically, this is exactly the kind of 'rape culture' that majority of these feminist shills would want to screech against, and many of them are actively working towards it. Instead of a society where two people dedicate their lives to each other, you instead have people far more romantically aimless and then potentially ending up as greentext related.
Aiden Davis
so Jihad is different now compared to jihad then. Gotcha
Isaiah Reyes
And that's exactly why robots shouldn't breed. Monogamous societies cater to betas and bring on the system of government slavery.
Samuel Harris
Totally false. Salt Lake City became a critical stopover during the Gold Rush and as railroad evolved.
It is true that there were times that tensions ran high and violence occurred occasionally. MMM is of course the most colorful incident of this, proudly highlighted by a society embittered by Mormonism's success and resilience. Meanwhile, said society was busy murdering 500k of its own.
I'm sorry that things ended badly for that one wagon train, but this is really crappy propaganda. No one's perfect, but all you have to do is look to see the clear superiority of certain methods and habits.
Jayden Hernandez
I love how people blow it out of proportion from a shitty misunderstanding to some sort of Jihad.
Hunter Rivera
Yeah after non-mormon armed guards became a fixture in the area along with a non-mormon police force. And people learned not to pass through the area only as part of large groups.
And it wasn't one wagon train. There were always reports of wagons being tailed by men on horseback when they passed through mormon territory. With small groups being the ones to suffer by seeming to vanish without a trace, until people notice one of the women who were part of that group as a mormon wife.
Kayden Gomez
stupid argument, they are unable, not that they can't. Fuck you Jew, you need a bullet in the head . You know very well any one of these guys after they've been married and get dragged into (((divorce court))) and their "loving pedestal perched" wife starts explaining whats been going on they are going to get royally fucked. Anyone that believe this tripe is simply setting themselves up for their own destruction.
What is being done here, and it's not a new thing, is promote a standard so impossible to attain based in (((morals and virtue))) that when the people that adhere to it fail, cut them off at the knees thereby they themselves have been the architects of their own destruction not knowing the standard can never be maintained over the course of ones lifetime.
Owen Green
Robots and betas were the ones who created Civilization. You don't like it? How about you stop using technology developed by Betas then, and move off to some isolated jungle island? Betas are the rightful masters of civilization, and Normalfags are the parasites.
Isaac Torres
Both sides who try to pin it on either extreme is wrong. What people forget is that men should be warriors. We are natural warriors, this has been taken away from us. If we do warfare, which we should, then a period of polygamy arises because there are too few men. When the pendulum swings it goes more towards monogamy. Both are institutions often described in aryan history.
The key point is stability and responsibility. Nothing wrong with monogamy, nothing wrong with polygamy. Each to the situation at hand. What's wrong is irresponsibility and hedonism.
Blake Cook
Literal "we WUZ kangz" logic. What have YOU invented my superior beta male friend? "REEE NORMIES RUINED EVERYTHING BUT WE CONTROL THE WORLD SOMEHOW"
Michael Foster
Because if browsing Holla Forums has taught me anything, it's that the dislike of the small out group living among a larger in group is always just jealousy. Where have I seen this diversionary tactic before? I feel so guilty. How you doing fellow non mormon? Dindu muffin?
Oliver Wood
Alphas sculped society. Howmany fat virgin statues do you see in old rome?
Bentley Peterson
He says, while typing away on a computer that Betas developed with weaponized autism, drinking water from pipe systems that Betas thought of, driving cars Betas built, on streets designed by Betas, in a city planned by Betas. Your kind has been holding Civilization back since the beginning.
Cooper White
I'm LMAOing at your life.
Ian Price
Jesus christ
Go back to wizchan where you belong cretin.
Dominic Jenkins
Your power has been usurped by the State. Only police are warriors today. The State rules the personal lives and sexual habits of it's citizens and that is what should be overturned. The right to privacy once used to extend to the home, what occurred inside the home was private and even asking the question was out of bounds. This moral-faggotry has brought the State into the homes and personal lives of everyone
Carter Johnson
It certainly wasn't Chad that did those things.
Cooper Brown
Alphas built everything around you.
YOU are a beta. You contribute nothing to this "utopia" you claim to have built. You're a worthless drone in society but go and enjoy your ONE ( if you're lucky ) ugly wife you'll divorce by age 42, lose all your money and hopefully kill yourself and end your worthless genes.
Sebastian Hill
Get off Imageboards then, Normalfag. This place is rightful Robot clay.
Adrian Gray
Ryder Ross
This board is for those who honor the 14 words, fight degeneracy and provide the knowledge/tools to do the first two.
Nathaniel Flores
Polyamory is an ancient meme with a fresh coat of modernist paint, with its origins in pre-civilization. Tribes, from our tertiary understanding of modern stone age savages, do not have disciplined sexual mores because women rule the sexual market rather than men. A woman sleeps with whomever, the father of a child is ambiguous, and masculinity is a transient aspect of life with fatherhood being nonexistent.
Civilization was ultimately an experiment in sexual dynamism: what would happen if every man had his own woman? From this experiment we have the whole of recorded history; there is no record of the precivilized man barring ruins and old tools because there was nothing of lasting value. Everything was momentary and spontaneous, passion was the ultimate decider of life. It lasted, from what is conventially understood, for tens of thousands of years or more; civilization is a much younger machination of human endeavour.
Monogamy is the bedrock of all Western civilization, from which our passions are locked with one mate for life for the purpose of simultaneously building the legacy of the family, community, kin, and state, and to rear the next generation with at least a modicum of morality and restrain of bestial passion.
This resurgence is a signal that our civilization is crumbling from within; remember the principles that allowed the West to proliferate, and use them to rebuild following the cultural fallout. Do not be tempted by the decadence of the era, rise above it and affect it to change as best you can before it all comes tumbling down.
Luke Allen
Normalfag hedonist animals don't honor anything. This place is for Robots and Cyborgs.
Nathaniel Ramirez
As if white people ever lived like that. This is how kikes do anthropology, observe some degenerate nigger tribe and assign it's properties to everyone in a natural state. Bullshit.
Levi Murphy
Caleb Flores
We're talking pre-history here. The Ancestors of Whites undoubtedly lived a tribal existence too, unless you're one of those nutters that think Whites came to Earth in Swastika spaceships.
Carson Watson
Two options. 1) Lay down the law and avoid all women who actively seeking more than one partner.
2) Bide time for artificial wombs and androids.
The first option is exponentially easier. All you have to do is not be a desperate, thirsty motherfucker. Don't give off a hint of need unless it's on your terms and your terms only. Put the screws on old whores and find someone from a younger generation to save.
Colton Rivera
Only "beta" LARPers from reddit still unironically cling to the alpha/beta dichotomy, nigger. Truth is that the men society considers "alpha" nowadays aren't your stereotypical Nietzschean overmen or /fit/izens who live with a masculine, no-nonsense attitude consistent of tough work and an even tougher set of personal ethics and values they adhere to, but instead are actually legions of Justin Bieber-tier teenage heartthrobs/"hard" ghetto-niggers (or wiggers) who are liable to spend even more time in front of the mirror applying make-up than their female counterparts do as they dress like the most nu-male shits imaginable.
Oliver Moore
Yeah, whites are way older than history. I don't know about your swastika spaceships, but I do know the white sumerians didn't just pop out of holes in the ground to found civilization out of nowhere.
As the other kike says, remember Atlantis.
Asher Robinson
Keep in mind that the aspects of Hyperborea and Atlantis that speak of whites say that we are the result (modern whites) of mixing with the lower castes of humans and losing our divine connections with the Primordial. Whatever 'true evidence' we have of that golden age is lost on the collective consciousness of our people; we are the bastard sons and daughters of a mysterious master race. I would wager that civilization is a sort of desperate spiritual gestalt to bring us back to the ideals of that golden age, a desperate bid to return back to our true alignment with that Greater Spirit while simultaneously fighting the lower caste spirit that we have allowed in with time. Best of luck user.
Logan Hughes
Or that Atlantis is total bullshit as there's no evidence of such a civilisation ever existing.
Jack Miller
The soldiers of Rome were the Beta Males. The humble legionary may not had been as ripped, and as strong as some Celtic Chad but he and his buddies knew how to wage war as a part of coherent group. Cooperating Betas beat Alpha boys every time.
Juan Martinez
Don't sell yourself short user, we are more pure than you think. If that weren't so the spells that have been woven around us wouldn't have to be so intricate.
Jordan Foster
Liam Cook
You chose a bad example
Juan Cox
The social services in one region of Sweden recently spent 1,718,220 USD buying three properties for a 57 year old mudslime man and his family. He has 3 wives and 16 kids.
A 65 feminist "artist and writer" (unloveable marxist slag) on talmudvision has this to say:
"Why do we focus so much on the fact that this man has three wives? And why is there hateful talk about the city providing all these people with apartments? Don't they have a right to live somewhere, too?"
We cannot let our "prejudice and stagnant, traditionbound norms" limit us, apparently.
"The children have three moms of different abilities and age who can help them when it is needed. They can even share their love of the husband and live in the same house! That's more than any of us can imagine."
"They could even be living a far more interesting life than a lot of swedish couples after thirty years in the business. They women might even feel affinity with each other"
Shriveled up race traitors get the [Friendship patrol]
Lincoln Phillips
Only a couple of seconds in, and The verbal and body language on the husband already speaks volumes How embarrassing
But crazy eyes on the curly haired brunette woman and lots of laughter trying to conceal the awkwardness, some of the men trying very hard to rationalize, and a lot of questions about what's really going on within the relationship unanswered
Jace Davis
You chose a bad example to defend, faggot.
Nolan Long
Atlantis is based on post bronze age collapse dark age memories of the minoan civilization at Thera.
Minoans were not white.
Daniel Young
fuck off schlomo
Nathan Martinez
Wtf in the bloomin’ onion fuck is going on down there? I thought the Aussies were fairly conservative by Western societal standards.
Julian Jones
I'll take Socrates word over your kike blather.
Not that minoans have anything to do with this, but you're obviously confusing minoans and you.
Gavin Wright
This is only going to backfire on the feminists once they realize that women significantly outnumber men. There are a large portion of these women who will never reproduce and are desperate beyond imagining who will nevertheless die childless. Men actually have the powerplay in relationships right now but the feminized media and governments will try their damnedest to bend perceptions and prevent men from realizing it.
Aiden Moore
You mean Plato, you ignorant fuck, who used vague post dark age memories to illustrate his own utopian bullshit.
Plato didn't know shit for archeology. Or much of anything else for that matter. Have you ever actually read some of the shit those greek boy-fuckers talked?
Elijah Lewis
You faggot better take out some lefties while you're doing it.
Angel Hughes
Yes. Civilization in general is the triumph of cooperating beta males. No force on Earth is more powerful than a large group of well-organized, well-motivated beta males. It's easy to forget this, because the beta male isn't flashy or glamorous, but when you erode his incentive to cooperate, your civilization begins to rot.
Wyatt Jenkins
Recent cracking of linear-a texts prove they were paleo-semitic. Deal with it.
That's why they were later conquered by the superior Mycenaeans, who were white.
No I mean Socrates you pleb. Plato referenced Socrates, which you would know if you had any idea of what you're talking about. And I think they understood what they said when it was said it to be located outside the strait of Gibraltar. So much for your kike minoan theory.
Subhuman detected.
No, I haven't read some. I've read it all. You're a degenerate kike, in body or in spirit and you have no respect for your superiors on this planet.
Take your jew Bible and stuff it, slowly.
Cooper Perez
It's also important to understand that while cooperation of males does bring success, they need leaders and men if action i.e. alpha males. Hierarchy is an important part of the success of men, especially when it is gauged by merit and ability rather than solely of birthright or inheritance. The best groups of men worked as comrades and brothers, but tacitly understood that some brothers were better chariotriders or scribes, blacksmiths or womanizers, and musicians or spies.
Modernity has not been kind to this dynamic, especially with the West's fetishizing of equality and universalism. A man has his place, and he should always strive to improve it, with his brothers to help him along. That is true equality.
Hudson Bell
It's a 100% fact that women of child bearing age, who are college educated, that are looking for an LTR is up to 2:1 female to male. A different study estimates that 1/3rd of millenial men will refuse marriage altogether, which is staggering compared to previous generations. A guy who is 30-40 should be drowning in pussy, women have baby rabies and will spread their legs to anyone that has a job. I'm 40 and have absolutely no problem getting women that are 30.
Gavin Rivera
It's a long time since women had "have a job" as a criterion for their partners, but otherwise spot on.
Isaiah Diaz
Those "minoans" are the descendants of the white bronze age mycenaeans who conquered and replaced minoan civilization. Of course they're genetically similar.
Plato name-dropped Socrates.
Good luck with that ignorance.
Blake Lopez
Please point out where in my article or elsewhere does it claim that these Minoans were merely Mycenaeans who had settled there. Don't just give me claims from space.
Chase Price
It's called the Socratic dialogues you ultra-pleb. You're too dumb to argue with so go read some history before you post again.
That's not how I know you're a degenerate christcuck. It's because you're shitting on Greek philosophers. Only christcucks and kikes do that. Not even niggers and muds deny their contribution to shit. Only you.
Jose Murphy
Oh, absolutely. Beta males need alphas to organize, and organization is their great strength. But alphas are everywhere: in every society no matter how fucked up, it's not hard to find men who act dominant and think they should be in charge. The bottleneck is men willing to submit and work together for the greater good.
Andrew Morgan
Nigger, anyone who knows anything about the bronze age knows the mycenaeans conquered and replace the minoans. The fuck do you think linear-a (semitic minoan) turned into linear-b (mycenaean greek)? Mycenaeans took their land and their alphabet.
Not my job to teach you prehistory 101, but think about it for a moment: Mycenaeans were strong white conquerers with a greek language. Minoans were a (((merchant culture))) with a semitic language.
Do the fucking math.
True white northern aryans like me don't need to shit on greek philosophers. We only need to tell the truth about them. Not my fault cucks like you take the truth personally.
Cooper Adams
Man, you stupid nigger. I know they got conquered, it doesn't mean shit if the genetic samples that article uses came from before any invasion. Where the fuck is even your proof that their language is semitic? You wish you were nordic, faggot.
Cameron Peterson
fucking degenerates
Liam Davis
Clearly you haven't read the study that mere article is based on. Or the rebuttal.
I guess I can't expect much from niggers who only read pop-sci magazines and think it makes them educated.
Christian Wood
Daily reminder that willful and knowingly practiced cuckoldry is a fate worse than death
Isaiah Fisher
I read it faggot. Maybe I missed something, but I'm just waiting here for you to prove your shit. In fact I don't even think I have the time for you. This thread isn't about Greece.
Charles Brooks
I am so sick of this obsession with sex. My mind can't even grasp the concept of having ones whole identity defined by sexual quirks. These people are no better than rats.
Wyatt Parker
I never understood it either, once I tried to get an actual answer out of them. My reply was that I am a beta faggot virgin who will never get laid.
Owen Gray
Carter Rodriguez
Notice how a crazy cat lady is completely unable to form rational thought, projecting the human vice of malice into an animal that can only be innocent by virtue of biologically not being able to be evil and punishes it for this, again ignorant that a cat cannot even understand the punishment because it cannot make the connection between infraction and rebuke. It is unable to even perceive of anything as an infraction.
These people piss me off to no end. They do not love their animals, for love means knowing and understanding the natural limitations of a pet. They simply obsess over them, and they cling to them. I pity these poor animals.
Andrew Reyes
Neck yourself you fucking degenerate but not before putting a couple of rounds in her and the men who are with her.
Adrian Williams
It is already normalized.
Colton Myers
Cats aren't so stupid that they're unable to understand the idea of punishment. The problem is more that she is applying a punishment for something that is normal to cats.
Parker Miller
>t. totally not FBI
Adam Gray
Then why did you link to pop-sci articles?
Wyatt Jackson
they look related
Nolan Allen
They do. His faggoty hair doesn't help matters.
Luis Hall
Wow those are exactly the words I thought when I put that image together
Ian Davis
Is "polyamory" the word the kikes are using to normalize getting cucked now?
Connor Torres
Why care about "shut-out" men when they are incapable of burning your society to the ground? You know, like 90% or more of all men living today.
Gavin Cox
Yes they are. And when white man invented the steam engine, automobile, and miscellaneous industrial technology, what was the fate of the workhorse?
Carter Roberts
nor does anyone else
Gabriel Hernandez
The first semites were white, too. It's the migration into a mud-people environment + mixing with mud-people + a thousand years or two of natural selection that really kills the gene pool of a people. The history of the Middle East is basically the story of vigorous white people sweeping down from the north, conquering everything, gradually losing their vigor, browning, and then being conquered by superior white people sweeping down from the north. That's how it was until, roughly speaking, mohammed the pedo goatfucker (who himself was a white man) outfitted a bunch of mud Arabs with a highly aggressive martial religion dedicated to wiping out the formerly Sardinian-like white pagans-turned-Christians of that general region.
Samuel Carter
Bad idea. Pic related. /thread
Christian Torres
He's like an ailing dog who should be put down. Unlike I'm talking about putting someone out of their misery and not sloppy murder.
Brandon Moore
We're all going to make it
Adrian Hughes
thanks for pointing this out. that dumb faggot user shouldn't be patted on the back at all.
Thomas Turner
When the savviest men in society hoard all the 5-10s, then all the other men will either racemix, interbreed, or fuck boys.
It's true. (((The System))) will kill everything you love. We have all seen those we care about destroyed by it. It is one of the best reasons to hate them. Also, checked.
It's whoredom, kids. I have never called it anything else.
Nice shill post and waste of Hitlerdubs. Gas yourself.
I used to be a christfag, and this is correct. Maybe if more Whites actually took their Abrahamism seriously, more of them would realize they don't like it instinctively and look back to Odin, Frey, and Thor (where a ruler may have one wife and up to three concubines, according to the Volkisch way). Many European men just stuck to one wife, though, because it is functional and should be the case for the vast majority of a society.
Then why are the kikes against monogamy now, dumb shit? Communist progressive faggotry is the actual code of weakness. You have to be worth a fuck to maintain a commitment.
True. How many dicks does one have? This is why only a ruler could even entertain such a notion rationally.
Whorish women should be put to the sword to the last one. They are worthless and have failed in their life's purpose. They only breathe because of beta faggots that would rather try to get their dick wet (and diseased) than to clean up the world and make it a better place. We really need a fucking purge.
Eli Hill
Right here, however I can't seem to remember the subject of the thread???
Matthew Adams
I think we were just discussing cucks and my tale derailed the thread a bit
Chase King
This implies that women are good judges of what makes a good man. They aren't. All this does is make the "sexual race" last forever, meaning men have to waste their time all the time trying to impress women to reproduce instead of doing actually productive stuff.
Holy shit you are a retard. Today we live in a system where most men cannot get one woman; that's why these men don't contribute anything. Your polygamous system would literally be no different.
Yes, and the maximum limit of every man is a sub-optimal way to structure society. More men contributing > less men contributing. The fundamental problem of polygamy is that for each additional wife a man is more or less taking the place of another man. Ignoring genetic concerns, that means that one man should contribute just as much extra to society as would another man were he given the incentive of a wife. How many men can literally contribute an entire extra man's worth to society? How about two? Three?
Nope. The only "great" part of polygamy is if you're a selfish traitor, are determined to recreate Is-lam's rape-conquest structure, or want to practice mild eugenics. That last one is the only valid point of polygamy, and it results in a much more restrained version where having only a second wife is uncommon but not unheard of.
No, having a bunch of non-contributing, sexless men is a waste of resources.
They don't say that. This thread is literally about them being the opposite. TPTB want (white) men to be sexless basement-dwellers, not monogamous husbands. You are a retard.
This is stupid for the same reason women in the workplace is stupid. Men need purely male spaces where they don't have to "compete" for pussy and can focus on things like, I don't know, building civilization.
Oh, please tell me where all these monogamous, faithful leftists are, user?
Gabriel Ramirez
This does not jive with how primitive Europeans likely lived. They weren't monogamous, but they weren't promiscuous either. Most likely it was a small band of men agreeing to help each other out when it came to resources, including women. It would be a tribe made up of men with a number of wives for each, with sexless men operating on their own outside the tribe.
This is why I keep saying people need to drop the "Semitic" meme. "Semitic" is a linguistic term, not a racial one. Jews and Arabs aren't "racially Semitic" they are Araboid. Anyone who speaks a Semitic language is Semitic, you bumbling tard. There were plenty of white Semites; the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, for one.
Christopher Allen
Yea that was pretty brutal, the girls body language is actually the worst part.
Aaron Wilson
cucks breed themselves into genetic dead ends, ie they dont breed 3 men + 1 woman are outbred by 3 women + 1 man even if every woman has a single child, men with less kids become less common simple
James Bailey
Funny you think alpha only means braindead chad. Long way to go there.
Zachary Gray
Smart betas can be polygamous then. No one will be stopping them.
Cameron Allen
For all the faggots that complain about women and divorce-courts, don't you understand that this is a manufactured situation? Created by the kikes to kike us out of existance.
Kayden Rodriguez
Our Labour party is comprised of a left-wing element who uses union money to push far-left ideology. Our manufacturing union, construction union, maritime union along with some other broader unions are loosely aligned with Labour left.
On top of that we have a Green Party which is to the left of Labour left, and regularly receives 5-10% of the vote in Federal and State elections, sometimes enough to win individual seats in places like Melbourne.
Easton Clark
Pretty standard, if an female ex wants back in, its because she's fallen far down the tree and you are the last branch before she hits the ground.
So yes, you dodged a bullet.
Aiden Russell
Checked for truth. Gas all kikes now.
Ryder Gomez
Or they were cooperating alphas.
Samuel Price
Roman Army was massive and true Alphas are very rare. Besides Chads do not cooperate but compete with each other for the top spot. Civilization is a conglomerate of average men united under one banner. Betas maintain, protect and improve society and in return their Alpha leader commands and distributes resources, women and spoils of war among the masses. Lets not forget the old saying: the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack
Liam Powell
I know a guy whom I consider to be a very good friend despite being a few years younger than I am. He's got Aspergers, and was going out with a girl, and this was his first love, his first real relationship, and they'd been together since highschool, so he was pretty attached. Then, she decided to go trans. Because he loved her so much, he didn't end it with her right then and there. And I can't blame him really, because when you love someone it's not always that easy to let it go, and he was still less than 20 when this happened.
So he ended up staying with this "girl" for a few months after she started transitioning, though they were no longer having sex. They tried an open relationship where he did go around and sleep with multiple women, but this hurt the tranny (and him) so he stopped. After some more time of absolute emotional hell for this guy (remember he's fucking autistic as well) he finally managed to end it, but seeing the sheer pain that guy went through at having his beloved girlfriend turn into a man, then face pressure to adopt a "polyamorous" relatationship which put him through more emotional strain, well it was hard for me to watch.
Pardon the blogpost, but I just wanted to say that transgenderism and polyamorism are two facets of the same plague of sexual perversion that is wreaking chaos upon the minds of young people. I was glad I stayed with this guy and gave him support because he probably would have fucking killed himself otherwise, now he's getting better and hates Israel and voted No five times in our gay marriage vote. He broke down in tears when I asked if his girl-turned-boy friend had been offered female hormones as a first line treatment, because neither he nor she had ever even heard of such a notion and by then it was far too late. This poor fucking guy even madly considered trying to take estrogen to turn himself gay so that life could be easier. The real danger here is with young people who grow up being told this is normal, this is okay, when it's not. It's really fucking not okay.
Noah Cooper
When has that ever not been happening?
Andrew Rogers
Fucking bullshit. Look into her childhood, I guarantee it was lacking.
Mason Davis
James Scott
Because society needs to be destroyed more.
The question isn't monogamy or polygamy. The question is a healthy, strong family (which can exist in both) or not (which cannot exist with the cucking, trans and gender bullshit)
Alexander Hall
Yeah, right.
If you only define "contribution" only as making babies and nothing else, yes. But the free time and energy of these men can be (and has been) directed at great things.
Also, 1 man and 4 women can make just as many babies as 4 men and 4 women, so even on your own terms your argument fails.
Lincoln Lewis
Nice try, faggot. Having non-contributing, sexless men around is a waste of resources. The fact that you couldn't pick this up from my original post indicates that you do not have the >120 IQ required to post here. Now lurk more, faggot.
Gavin Robinson
It's not only wasteful but also incredibly dangerous. Those disfranchised men are the prime movers behind every revolution. People need motivation and for males pussy is the best motivator.
Carter Collins
Dear god. The level of weakness that societies reach before they collapse is astounding.
Isaac Flores
Reality check you fucking spergs, monogamy ensures every man gets a wife, but polygamy and polyamory ensures the majority of men go their whole lives without a partner.
We already live in soft polygamy now, with selfish thots refusing to consider any man that isn't at least an 8. Do you really think your virgin basement situation will improve if we legalize this and legislate it? This thread reeks of We'ev, with his flabby beer gut and jew pube beard, who thinks if he can destroy Christianity and get everyone to embrace Religion of Cuck™ that he'll be allowed to have eight wives. He crafts all of his rhetoric and policy around his immense virgin thirst for pussy, and you shitheads are doing the same shit, making excuses for the degeneration of society because you want to keep the parts that let you get tail. Ignoring the fact that none of you are getting any right now anyway, I guess you fuckers think women grow on trees, then? Where are all these women going to come from? Do you think there are vast underground silos of white women that we can access, but only if we burn bibles and throw all marriage rings into the gutter? What's the plan here, exactly, for society to advance, when the only thing men have any motivation to do is backstab each other to try and get their own harem?
The socialist redistribution of women is the backbone of civilization. Without it, society does not exist, because there is no reason whatsoever for men to cooperate with or trust each other. Anyone in this thread arguing for polygamy or polyamory is a degenerate LARPing retard who doesn't understand what it means to be a Fascist, National Socialist, or Traditionalist.
Matthew Ross
Goddamn degenerates
Brody Clark
Jason Hill
Yup. The Koran spends a fair bit of time obsessing over the fairness of his skin.
He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: “Who amongst you is muhammad the pedo goatfucker?” At that time the Prophet was sitting amongs us leaning on his arm. We replied, “This white man reclining on his arm.” [Bukhari 63]
“I saw the Messenger of Allah with a white complexion and some white hairs.” [Muslim 2343]
“I said to him: ‘Did you see the Messenger of Allah?’ He said: ‘Yes, he was white with an elegant face.'” [Muslim 43]
…the whiteness of his shins. [Ahmad 15273]
…the whiteness of the thigh of Allah’s Prophet. [Bukhari 371]
…the whiteness of his stomach. [Bukhari 2837]
…the whiteness of the armpits of the Messenger of Allah… [Majah 881]
Probably, mohammed the pedo goatfucker was a white Christian from outside of the Arabian peninsula, and the Arabians were already fairly mud-like (high black admixture) as they are today, though probably not as much; so Religion of Cuck™ started as a white man LARPing as god-king among muds.
Leo Harris
Ok? The majority of men are niggers, spics, rednecks, etc. I'll take one for the team and risk a higher chance of not reproducing if this ultimately improved the gene pool
Leo James
if you have the gravitas to have a family with more than one pussy, it's your obligation — the extra pussies would just go to waste otherwise anyway
Cooper Morgan
The biggest downside to polygamy is increased societal instability from permavirgins, but if you don't think America needs a good dose of instability asap why are you even on 8pol?
Ian King
First pedophilia, now "poly-amorous"
Is it the slippery slope or are this asshats trying to slowly become full sharia's ?
Michael Phillips
Charles Jackson
Welcome to the future, friend.
(Here's a very old photo. Look carefully. What do you see?)
Gavin Davis
Reported for not even trying.
Jace Murphy
Mason Sanders
Matthew 19:3-6English Standard Version (ESV)
3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Noah Lopez
Hudson Moore
Reported for intl.
Chase Adams
Daniel Cook
GODLY NIGGERS You sure convinced me. Deus Vult!
Nathan Garcia
Reported for intl. >>>/4chan/ Reported for thinking you’re somewhere you’re not.
Owen Moore
So since the NT is polygamy no longer considered a righteous practice?
Genesis 4:19 "Lamech took to himself two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other, Zillah."
Dominic Phillips
This is why the white race ain't thriving.
Jason Brooks
I've never been to intl, but you clearly have. And I'd hazard a guess i.e. I'm 100% fucking positive because I've seen it hear all the time that they aren't the only ones to disparage Christianity as a solution to our societal problems. Nice contribution to the thread.
Zachary Jackson
Samuel Adams
I want my white atheist utopia.
You know, like iceland, or japan, or uhh, the CZ republic.
Those countries are fantastic.
Xavier Mitchell
Try harder. Christcukery isn't a valid solution. But neither are fedoras or shitposting.
Brayden Johnson
Women don't want polyamory, they want an excuse to all be fucking Chad at the same time.
Luke Jones
probably because throughout history there were more women than men, because of war. There are always going to be situations where high status men have mistresses.
Brandon Hill
It would be same regardless of the number of men. Women want only the top-tier of males to breed with.
Thomas Peterson
True alphas are not chads. Like the Germanic tribes conquering Rome, they had high ideals that the decadent population of Rome sought salvation in. They also had rude strength. 80/20 is real, but pure alpha/beta dichotomy is not of course. Roman soldiers who maintained and cooperated to ensure victory under the orders of their leader are not what we would consider beta today. Likewise, part of being alpha is being mentally brilliant. Everything here against polygamy is based on fear that betas won't find wives. This is bullshit. If they are truly maintaining, protecting and improving society then there will be at least one wife for them.
Carson Ramirez
I have never seen that happen with the exception of all couples in their 50s+, in other words people who grew up on entirely different times and values.
Lincoln Baker
There has been no successful civilization that did not create and enforce monogamy. The general arguments I've seen are generally covered in pic related, but also consider the family structure. If you do not have a strong father figure in your life, you are doomed, as should be obvious to anyone here who has looked at the statistics of single mother households.
When you create a polygamous society, you are effectively creating those households, as a man with multiple wives and many children will not be able to have any real presence in his childrens lives. Having a father around as an active presence to help guide and discipline children, is crucial to the development of healthy individuals who are valuable to society. The fact that we have reached a point that this is even being considered is yet more proof that we are at the end of our civilizations cycle.
Logan Flores
By Beta I meant the average, productive guy in the society. I wasn't thinking about overweight, meme spouting retards. Nonetheless, aside for providing resources both groups are completely unattractive for women. At biological level females want to be dominated by a tall, handsome men. If women are left to their own devices they will undoubtedly chase those males. Right know White men in the West are keeping the economy going while their taxes go to Third Worlders and single mothers. When nigs are huffing gasoline in the rear Whites are being deployed to the combat zones. Females and minorities are receiving massive amount of undeserved benefits in the form of affirmative action. No men wants to work hard and receive nothing in return. Angry Betas are a powerful destabilizing force ready to tear state apart if left unsatisfied. Those are the future revolutionaries that will liberate us from the Jewish tyranny. All they need is a one, very special man to lead them.
Lincoln Walker
Ever wonder how the ruling classes ended up serving and in debt to the banking class? Striving for monogamy and shaming of anything else must be the standard.
Nolan Price
I don't think many people here are saying we should switch to a polygamous society tomorrow. You need a healthier society both morally and economically before instituting this. In a NS future, I believe those 'beta' men will be proud and considered alpha by today's standards. Obviously with more kikes around it will neve work, but you see yourself that a more traditional (though still kiked) setting of the 50s made the idea possible to you.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Neither is BAGANISM or some secular ethnostate. Don't sidestep the issue faggot.
The birthrate to STD ratio speaks volumes enough about these shining examples of white culture.
They can't even BREED the bar is set so low, and it's still being stumbled over.
Brayden Mitchell
Here in Huezil this agenda has already been pushed for about 5 years.
Juan Nguyen
No, you're not, you degenerate. Jesus is not a spirit child, and you won't get to have your own universe by wearing magic underwear and pretending da real joos™ were actually American Indians who built a civilization that's completely non existent as far as what they've left behind. Marriage is a reflection of Christ and the Church - man and wife. Narratives containing polygamy does not equate to promotion of polygamy. Although it is not outright banned, it is not ideal.
Xavier Hughes
This doesn't prove that they aren't Abrahamic in belief, this only proves that Joseph Smith was full of shit. They literally think they're regathering the tribes of Israel together.
Chase Cooper
This doesn't prove that they aren't Abrahamic in belief, this only proves that Joseph Smith was full of shit. They literally think they're regathering the tribes of Israel together. Also, Christianity is kiked, why would you even want to be connected to an Abrahamic religion? Jesus was great (pretty much spent his entire ministry blowing out kikes), but all of the historical revisionism that happened since heavily perverted his true nature and added in a lot of kikery. t. former LDS BYU grad that worked at the MTC for a while
Cooper Foster
I heard that before the collapse of Rome, they had a lot of rights for women. After the collapse they were revoked and stayed restricted for a long time. Any truths to this?
Aaron Hughes
Lolbergs stand out like their hair is on fucking fire. Go the fuck back to plebbit, newshit. You're too fresh to be posting here. Lurk at least two years before speaking again.
Hunter Wright
Aaron Fisher
git gud
Nolan Collins
Na thanks cunt I'd rather spread it out more evenly so we don't end up with muslim incel tier societal collapse. Sure some blokes aren't going to make it, but to try otherwise is madness
Zachary Jones
epic post friendo
Julian Hernandez
Okay, guess that solves that.
Luke Sanders
He's a redpill user, women don't just fuck around. They want a mate, someone who will protect them while they give birth to their baby. It's a two-faulted problem here because there's guys fucking around without actually behaving like men and choose one to settle down with and instead just ruins everything for everyone and they end up faggots in the end anyway.
And the women become shrieking, spoilt whores nobody wants to really deal with unless they had a womb.
It's a manufactured end user. Our civilisation is supposed to end, because that way they can kill us and erase our history. We are and have been the only true enemy of the kike and therefore they hate us, they envy us and they fear us, they want us dead.
Everyone has to understand the past to grasp what is going on today. Without the sexual revolution of the 20's and the cultural revolution of the 60's the relationships and society as we know it, wouldn't look this way. Our future wouldn't be so bleak. In a happenstance, it just happened to be so, that the driving force of people behind both of these revolutions were jewish.
If you understand that, you also understand the problem and then the solution to the problem. They killed traditions, morals and ethics to destroy relationships. They managed to destroy the hierarchy of society to mess with regular men's ability to maintain relationships which in turn created tons of children with daddy and mommy-issues who in turn created even more issues as they formed families. But in the end, all of this leads back to the jews.
Henry Brown
Alice is the answer
Connor Gutierrez
A man having more than one woman is natural, woman having more than one man isn't.
Nicholas Jackson
Fuck off with your kike garbage.
Christian Green
multiple partners with out shame and judgement is natural.
Do this, tell you girlfriend you want to have a threesome with another girl, that it's a fantasy of yours, but her feelings are important to you also, and then ask her if she would be ok with it. In a high percentages of responses she is going to say ok, but she will inquire of you that if she was willing to do it, would you be willing to allow her to have a threesome with you and another guy. every fucking time. women are multi-orgasmatic and can have sex with one male, one after another.
Liam Jackson
Roastie detected, every fucking time
Carter Lopez
Alice is the answer
Oliver Martinez
Do everyone on Holla Forums a favor and scramble your brain with a bullet.
Adam Garcia
you're a moron, for even the young guys here under 25 do you expect them to learn how to preform sexually by magic without instruction in pleasing a female, or is the 8 minute missionary goof for a life-long happy and healthy sexual relationship.
Fuck off you Jew roastie cunt. I bet you've spent months plugging the depths of your own stinking kike snatch with a huge black rubber cock.
Hunter Campbell
The thousand yard cuck-stare
Levi Howard
this is you
Levi Robinson
Alice isn't a roastie, Alice is a beautiful natural young girl at the peak of her sexuality. This is what roasties like you don't know.
Asher Jones
I bet you're a lesbian too. For your edification douche-user.
Roastie The degenerated condition of the average sexually-liberated western female's vagina, as a result of riding the cock carousel through her teens and 20's before hitting the wall and trying to get one of the beta bux – who she denied while it was still tight and she still looked good – to put a ring on her finger and lick her recycled Arby's; which he will, because the world is full of thirsty beta enablers stupid enough to marry women who have had their capacity to love atomized into obliteration over a decade of getting shaken like she's in a paint shaker and then painted by cocks whose names she doesn't even remember. Beta Bux Bill: I'm so happy to be marrying her. I had such a crush on her in high school, but she wouldn't even look at me. But now she's a bit less tight, a bit more blown out, her face lost a few points with the sun damage and semen damage, and, well, actually she's a full-blown roastie, actually it looks like roadkill between her legs, but that's okay, she's my soulmate, and I'm taking the high road by inviting all of the guys she fucked to the wedding; we needed to rent a megachurch.
Hudson Green
She's just a whore who spreads her legs for anyone on camera. It doesn't belong on Holla Forums
Mason Cook
that is sorta a what came first, the chicken or the egg. Yet your premise operates on the assumption that a young female engaged in her sexuality is a whore.
Day of the rope, you hang
Connor Gray
You're sort of a hypocrite virgin masturbating to whores whom you hate. Yet you want to hang me because I pointed out what a disturbed little sicko you are. Go fuck yourself kid.
Oliver Adams
yeah if there is one person that's going to hang, it's you. user. No matter how hard you white knight her she is never going to come through the screen and fuck you.
Oliver Hill
Oops. "R9k thread 15462: NAWALT, females will cheat you fellow Polacks, I don´t have a GF because of feminism and no other reasons…" It is not only jews that lies.
If they are okay with their boyfriends/husbands having their way with other women… -)
Majority of pozlem males enjoys zoophilia and buttsecs despite the penalties if caught, it is why AIDS is spreading like wildfire among pozlem majority countries.
Pick one.
Isaac Wilson
Ugly, purge-worthy degenerates beta males and beta female failures of natural selection want polyamory to be socially acceptable? What matter is that they don´t breed more of themselves. Do you know what is the difference between a mistake and an error, anons? One is allowed to go on, the other is corrected. If these living mistakes became monogamist supporters tomorrow, correction would still be necessary…
Matthew Gomez
You suddenly realize:
The reason people are hypersexualizing everything is simply because they aren't getting laid at all.
The reason they so strongly push for polyamory is because they never get laid even with one person.
Charles Perry
Jason Watson
Anthony Clark
Oliver Hernandez
Polyamory is already 100% a reality. What's different is that people are getting tired of hiding it and want to start telling it like it is.
Brayden Walker
No. Mainly because this narrative stems from “women’s desires” that overstep the desires of men. We came a long way on social discourse to courting women and being loyal to a single woman. Men agreed to this because we developed the association of being with one person to be honorable and women wanted this for, perhaps the same reason, but both honored this ritual and was great for children. Now that shit is thrown out the window from feminist ideology. We are reverting back to primality in a modern society. Everything I’m saying it’s conjecture because I’m not widely studied in the topic, but what I do know is it probably confuses the fuck out of children. Idk, I assume lefties are more likely to have this shit and having several mental adults teach a children habits or social constructs that are fucked, in my opinion, indoctrinates them really early with more pressure than a normal household.
So because of that and it doesn’t align with what I intrinsically think is right, I disregard the whole idea. But I’m having trouble justifying why it’s wrong, from a factual viewpoint. I would like to do more research to find the benefits and faults to actually make a stated argument, but usually shit that stem from leftist ideology is bad.
Jeremiah Foster
Just think about it. Do people that get laid really talk so much about sex? Aren't they already satisfied in that area of their life?
I'm starting to think that these sex-obsessed freaks are actually just socially inept freaks that simply are trying to cope with their autist-tier sexual frustration of never getting action.
Easton Parker
The bible describing something is not equal with the bible condoning something. Are you retarded?
Isaac Cook
Rome rules the world, but women rule Rome
Hunter Reyes
Even if it is "natural", that doesn't automatically make it good or virtuous. Look at modern polygamous societies, mainly Religion of Cuck™ic shitholes. They run on a pyramid scheme were the top 10% get breeding rights and the rest is left to vent their sexual frustration elsewhere… mainly on White women.
One female per male helps with social cohesion and stability.
Logan James
How is the slut you posted anything other than a roastie.
She's not a virgin, not married and whoring herself.
No, faggots are the most sex obsessed people in existence and they also have far more sex than normal people. Degenerates are called degenerates for a reason.
You deserve the rope as much as the porn posing betacuck.
Juan Rivera
Ah yes, the supposed expression of multiple loves and the attempt at pretending that jealousy and envy doesn't real. Pic very related.
Kevin Mitchell
Again: I just don't get defining yourself by your sexual urges. Could society get more base? It's disgusting.
Matthew Rodriguez
You sure about this?
Ryan Carter
This could be a good thing,imagine how hard the system will crash when 1 chad can have 15 staceys and everyone under 9/10 gets nothing
Cameron Martinez
Gays fuck gays indiscriminately. Multiple hundred partners type of shit, you fucking moron.
Jayden Thomas
Colton Howard
I didn’t see it that way, but that’s kind of truthful. Or it will just increase cuckoldness… imagine that, 15 women with cuckolds aspiring after one single alpha, and it’ll be seen as ok. I think it’s morally wrong, but that’s how animalistic communities work. You can see this as regression or the modernization of instinctual desires. But, I think the jealousy of women will get the better of them. If anything it would be the popular opinion because of normalization. I honestly can’t find a reason why it’s wrong since I feel bad for the cucks but they do this to themselves. Imagine the anger? A loser revolt against women?
Carter Cox
The high levels of HIV are not attributed just to the dangerous sodomity, its the amount of sodomity that takes place. They feel that their 'sexual' 'relationship' is both empowering, secertlly open, and forbidden. Go to the usual white list websites under consential sex. Look at the number of listings for m4m posted that day. Refresh the page. You are garenteed to see one to 3 more depending on the size of your closest city. Keep looking. You'll see ads demanding straight men to convert them. You'll see ads whose posters want dangerous and degrading shit: prolapsing, pozzing, shooting shit up the uerthea, hole dusting, and many more. Throughout every late hour of the day, there is some bottom or some top that needs a dick.
Now compare this to w4m posts. They are scarce, and the posters, being women (saving the motherfucking oh god why did you inflate like an obese balloon), have some standards, instead use the page to sell services, and obviously manufatured. All things considered, Women are far more comfortable in areas with loads of pictures anyway, so they are fair less here frequent on white pages.
Now the m4w posters: Obviously desprate, and all of them are trying to swoon the same trash. You see alot of rage posts here. However, the m4m bottom posters come on over to try and convert the m4w posters with anal.
This is the closest I have personally gotten to void, but I was talked out of it. I couldn't thank my father enough today
Isaac Ramirez
Blake Davis
Reported for roastie outside the kitchen.
Zachary Lopez
Cucks deserve their fate.
Nicholas Morgan
Is your friend cute at least?
Connor Rivera
Women want securiry. What you are calling 'dominant' is the projection of ability to provide security. Betas in NS society shouldn't fear polygamy because they WILL be able to provide security for at least one wife. They will also be as or more alpha and Germanic than many alphas of our current society in terms of character/mental disposition if not physical disposition as well.
Benjamin Rodriguez
So they are pushing for this reason. If it is legalised then then non-white women will go after the white men, which will result in alpha-beta war. Am I right?
Ayden Jones
Adam James
Alice is still worthy
Samuel Morales
Who's this?
Lincoln Rodriguez
she's a true white goddess.
James Barnes
How about both of you stick a barrel in your mouth and fire up you filthy degenerates?
Kevin Anderson
Take note of the accents. Jefferson was right, let that entire island sink into the ocean.
Matthew Davis
There is just something about Alice that activates my almonds
Daniel Morgan
All that's missing is her fucking a dog, and she'd check all the boxes of a true h'white goddess.
Isaiah Anderson
Reported for degeneracy. Get out.
Parker Jackson
Those two are one and the same. Your church's doctrine, pseudo-Masonic practices, and enormously corrupt pedophilic leadership was a core component of what permanently scarred my extended family. Eat shit you space-brother saga motherfucker. And while you're at it, why don't you explain to the anons here why you see it right to baptize the dead? Your church did it to Hitler, and your church did it to my Orthodox Christian grandfather.
Lucas Lewis
And before you deny the post-mortem baptism like you will for literally every other other bizarre atrocity your church has committed, here's the official site praising the practice. Forgot to mention they also pulled that shit with Vlad Dracula.
If I was forced to watch my wife eat her girlfriends cheesepot it might not be so bad, might even get used to it.
Isaiah Cox
Gas the dykes.
Jordan Cruz
Chaste war now.
Kevin Lopez
waah everyone I don't like is tumblr
Charles Kelly
Slap the dykes; rape whore now. Fuck off with your faggotry.
Elijah Hughes
Daniel Bell
to complete the pic in here's this one polygamy is the shitskin way to be degenerate at a societal level, instead of the tumblr way for an individual because a society where a few men deprive the rest from access to pussy cannot stay stable or safe
Xavier Ross
One thing you polyfaggots forget to mention is that you dont need 10 wives to have 10 kids, you can have 20 kids with one women(though it might be a challenge). What actually happens in monogamy is since you can only have ONE wife you pick the BEST POSSIBLE ONE and have the best possible children. Polyfuckers will settle for 5/10s just so they can have more fuckfriends even if those children dont end up being the greatest. That is on top of all the other things anons are saying about social pressures and forced sexual repression of the most dangerous and prosperous demographic: young men.
Deterioration of the white race toward the niggers defeats the ultimate purpose of reproduction. Go to the middle east if you want to live in your polygamous utopia.
Jonathan Collins
Fixed that for you, user. Those moon-faced kids are chromosomally challenged.
Asher Martin
The movie trailer isn't "promoting" "polyamory", it's using it as an advertising gimmick because it's something which most women engage in and therefore can relate to, increasing the identification they feel with the female character. If she was a straight-laced mid-Western virgin then most millennial women couldn't relate to her or the film.
Tyler Bennett
Australian public education mate. Mass indoctrination is a problem in all western countries, but there isn't enough people down under who would want to change it here.
Michael Cook
They both died their hair sulfuric yellow
William Long
dyed. fuck
Mason Martin
Its not a next goal its a next REALITY
They are active on dating apps and sites.
Go fuckin lookit up. its sick
Blake Sullivan
Though the men in MMF relationships are more disgusting, I'd like to point out that MMF poly relationships are less harmful to society than FFM. FFM poly relationships erode at the chief purpose of monogamy, which is to all but guarantee quality, productive beta males (do we have a name for them? let's call them Herberts) their own household and fambly, instead of allowing Chad to gather harems containing both Stacys and the Margarets who are best allocated to Herbert.
The FFM configuration, while like most men I'd certainly like to be in on one, is poison to civilization. The MMF setup, though dangerous because it normalizes and promotes its counterpart, is a containment board for worthless men. In that sense I am okay with it.
Was that screencap current when you posted it?
Adam Barnes
These are quality posts.
These are kikes sent from some muh resistance Discord server to spread negativity among good posters. Most of us here are or have been degenerates in some measure. Detailed recountings like the aforementioned quality posts, so long as the author is self-aware and not a totally unrepentant fool, are good for the discussion and useful to countless people who either don't know better or have difficulty understanding their own motives and behavior.
Brandon Nelson
Joseph Allen
Women eating pussy and men enjoying it isn't faggotry; it's a survival strategy.
Consider this. Were you, as a married father, to die - would you rather your children be raised by a single mother, by your widow and some new husband (who will favor his own children over yours), or by the mother and a woman you had in some measure selected to be her companion?
No doubt this would be a woman who had something wrong with her, but ideally you would know that she is barren or herself widow. I'm not a fan of lesbian parents, but most women aren't lesbians, i.e. preferring to avoid men. Most women do, however, either want pussy or come to want pussy given the right circumstances. This, again, is attractive to men because it is a comfort: If your woman likes other women, she is less likely to become pregnant should she be tempted while you are away (or after you're dead). More so if the extra female is already in place while you control the situation.
Note that the second female should NOT be considered part of the family or household under normal circumstances, as this denies another man access to a wife. Her job, and the role of women like her, so long as they aren't selected to be Herbert's wife, is to step in as a second parent in the event of the father's death, instead of a new husband.
Thanks for these. I should have referenced them in but was ashamed I had lost track of the files.
Grayson Nguyen
you're deluded. thats not how dykes work in real life.
Jaxson Perez
Consider that it is not in a woman's nature to remain without a male provider. Your widow(s) is/are likely to just get remarried. Furthermore, men are unlikely to just let fertile women hang around without a man because their previous man died.
It is also worth noting that due to a small female surplus in healthy countries it is possible for a small number of men to take a second wife without upsetting things. This was the norm in Europe before institutional monogamy became prevalent; i.e. that it was unusual and frowned-upon for a man to take a second wife but not unheard of or forbidden. Tacitus, for examples, recounts that the Germanics would rarely marry a second wife for political reasons, and Mark Antony did the same by marrying Cleopatra whilst still married to Octavia (though this was far more controversial and outrageous because rather than political unity this was to cause political strife).
Having a second woman that is not valued or considered part of the family (but is in function) seems unhealthy.
Isaac Hall
You didn't even address 99.999% of what was written. I hate fucking kikes like you that do this. You've responded with man hating dykes and that was not what was written about. Throughout history there have been incidents of women living with their handmaidens, servant girls, and nannies, the comment you are responding to were about power dynamics and situations you clearly can not grasp. You have been sentenced to death. Now shut the fuck up
Mason Cruz
is just a cherrypicking little cucklet who can't into females, respect and psychology. He won't survive the winter.
Asher Edwards
Yeah, I think we would find the idea an asset to the liberty movement.
Emily was bullied at daycare and now her mum fears she may be the "different kid" at her new primary school.
Tam said: "There are so many aspects of her life, that thankfully, she is too young to be completely aware of that are going to impact her.
"That impact will be when she starts school next year, and will have to face being the kid that is so different to others."
She is due to start hormone replacement therapy, which requires her to receive an injection every three months.
Tam set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the "astronomical" costs of her daughter's treatments and medical care. WTF??? is there grass on the field, that's all I want to know
Cooper Howard
Good fucking post. I'm going through something similar with an ex from 10 years ago. We've been sending multi-page long emails for 3 months, and texting now for a month. Now we're flirting hard and sending pics back and forth. The only problems is that she's a self-identified marxist with a Gender Studies "degree". Funny thing is that she owns her own business and gets paiud under the table. A marxist hypocrite, whaa—? She's also become an ethno-masochist and spent the last 10 years becoming fluent in Spanish and dating guys in Latin America, only to break up with them when their worthlessness begins to bother her for deep reasons she doesn't understand. Her movie actor crush is basically a Mexican version of me. She claims her partner count has been "2" since we broke up. She's also afraid of children and thinks serial monogamy is the ideal system. Holy shit.
So anyways I've been making mildly racist jokes and even sent her clips of MDE's World Peace to trigger her a bit. I've drawn a hard line on not meeting up but saying no is getting harder every day. I've been imagining how I could slowly redpill this person but it feels like we're on opposing trains traveling 180 MPH. She is so beautiful, an excellent read and writer, and is very intelligent. Her entire ideological malady lies in emotional problems stemming from an abusive father, it's very obvious. But she might be too far gone. I wish we could save some them, Holla Forums.
Xavier Edwards
you would know if you had stayed to listen to your boring biology teacher.
Jose Lee
Wise investment of her most fertile years 2 per month? That's frugal … and you can cure her after this ten year gap in your 'relationship'
I'm sure she was a great fuck ten years ago. But she's damaged used goods looking for a beta fallback now her fertility is cratering and her looks are going.
Jaxson Martinez
Best advice. Call the IRS Tax Fraud Hotline recording at 1-800-829-0433.
Joseph Turner
this is why White Sharia became a meme
Elijah Moore
women like that can't be saved. get a rope, a ski mask, a dark hoodie, and a butcher knife and a good place to hide a body, you'll thank me later.
Jace Robinson
let him become a serial murderer.
Jaxson Green
I'm Esoteric Orthodox Christian so its kind of against my beliefs. the only way to deal with adultery that, say, my wife commits is murders. idc, I'll go to Rykers for that shit.
Austin Green
This is why the board needs self improvement threads shits all cucked
Jace Rodriguez
if we all lived in Iran, this wouldn't happen
Nathan Ross
Gas them all, develop hive-like societal structure based on physical and mental castes, take over the universe.
Jordan Thompson
Absolutely, there's a big push by certain (((people))) to do it. Cuck porn getting pushed everywhere, cuckoldry/adultery in popular culture/tv shows and more open relationships generally with a useless man rather than a man that has a harem (would be seen as problematic)
More and more effort to emasculate males and destroy society, monogamous marriage was a fundamental part of civilized society. Ones that tended to fuck around didn't achieve anything and leech off monogamous ones when they arrive.
It was already attempted to be pushed in the 60's this is just the Frankfurt school trying to end western civ whilst they can.
Tyler Phillips
If we lived in Iran the priests would fuck the women and little girls, and we'd be forced to choose between fucking: 1. Each other (crossdressing) 2. Little boys (bacha bazi) 3. Goats Or blowing ourselves up.
Iran is a degenerate hellhole.
Landon Jones
I know there's no good reason for you to trust me on this, but trust me when I say you're all way behind on this.
Isaac Myers
well I mean there's a not really a place where women KNOW THEIR PLACE?
Chase Ramirez
blow up all academia.
Jayden Ross
Implying the faithless peoples without christ have been doing this for ages?
Asher Wilson
Jayden Gomez
There is literally nothing wrong with having 2-4 wives if you are capable of supporting them and having kids with all of them.
Charles Bennett
inb4 the beta uprising
Gavin Parker
Polygamy is fine. Chad worship is the natural order, rich Jews are better than you as well. Just look at Weinstein. Sure, he's ugly obese and Jewish but he's a powerful rich ugly obese Jew and women want that. Gotta deal with it, goyim.
Grayson Lee
You're way behind m8
Christopher Carter
Polyamory is only about muh dick. Actually accomplishing honorable things with your life requires being capable of finding things other than sex to be more satisfying, like seeing your race and children prosper.
Jonathan Adams
Poly = women getting away with cheating.
Joseph Price
Nathaniel Evans
omega jihad try harder
Jaxon Nelson
You enjoy the idea of your woman either eating out or getting eaten by any mouth that's not yours - and especially that of another woman's. Just because it's not carrying a penis doesn't make it any less cuckoldry.
Translation: Adoption is a lie. Fathers can't be fathers unless they came from their nuts. It's better to have my wife get eaten out by a lezzy than to simply have her raise our children by herself or with a proper husband after I died. TL;DR I'm an idiot and BRAZZERS is science. Now let me fap
Bentley Sullivan
I'm like Trump and Howie Mandel. I have a physical repulsion to the thought of polyamory.
Tyler Rogers
I would be happy with a harem myself, 5 wives, 25 kids, sounds about right
Josiah Anderson
I think this degenerate literature is where the term "ethical slut" comes from
Right, because getting nagged to death by one isn't torment enough.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Better nagged to death than nigged to death
Julian Fisher
For the people that fall for these ideas, yes.
For the people pushing these ideas into the public sphere, no.
The last book Marx wrote before he died was on family structures and how they lead to different types of property arrangements. This book, rather than kapital itself, largely serves as a foundational work for the so-called 'frankfurt' school.
The people who accept these ideas are stupid and mentally ill. The people pushing these ideas are trying to destroy us, so that the only portion of civilization which remains is the state. So that most people have no family or social support structure at all, and can be easily manipulated by their most base desires.
Connor Richardson
Fuck Mormons. Those guys are niggers.
Used to be during the expansion era in the USA that caravans knew to stay the hell away from Mormon territory because if they didn't then they'd get attacked. Why? Mormons need an inflow of women. Human populations trend towards near parity. So multiple wives per man isn't feasible without a constant flow of externally sourced women. The Mormons have two options: Get women from elsewhere or exile men. Back then the Mormons favoured attacking any passing settler caravans and helping themselves to any women in said caravan. These days Mormons tend to drive out a lot of the young men.
Justin Peterson
THE DAY OF THE PURGE WILL COME This is certain. Just keep true to your values. Even when these things happen, the pendulum will swing back harder then ever before. Already today there is a certain trend which goes into the exact opposite direction, traditional. Where women actually want to be women and not some transgenderwhale
Jordan Price
Yup, you said it. Any group advocating polygamy is on the warpath towards outsider groups. It's one of the biggest hurdles to cross in any society tbh, white or not.
Adam Gonzalez
Sounds like something millennial made up
Cameron Harris
I expect to see him committing a murder-suicide sooner rather than later
Ian Myers
it creates many children who will be raised without their biological father in the picture
Michael Stewart
this is how Religion of Cuck™ works
Camden Wright
Falling for polyamory is the last mistake I made when I was a leftist.
The two girls I dated at the time get asked for interviews, tv programs, radio etc. on about a monthly basis despite not really having accomplished anything. It's definitely a pushed topic.
They both had done gender studies at university. Had sex with their dyke professors and such.
As a word polyamory is actually pretty shitty. Because poly is greek and amore is latin.
In the time, I didn't see a single poly relationship working for each participant. There was always someone ready to commit suicide. This also goes for the bookwriters and people being interviewed. They put on this nice face for the public and then when you're organizing things behind the scenes they're completely toxic with each other.
Joshua Turner
Nathan Thompson
Holy shit are all of you niggers this new? This is old pasta.
Jayden Lee
Goddamn I hope this is true.
Oliver Rogers
There was no revision except in your LDS cult.
Charles Watson
Uh huh.
Rednecks are the greatest bastion in the United States. The perfect line where what Leftists consider policy is automatically a punishment. The exact line where the average Marxist-indoctrinee WILL break and think "Holy shit I've been lied to" - and clear disregard for that makes me think you're not being entirely honest.
And you're aware than there's an exact 50/50 chance for those "niggers" and "spics" to be women too. And the "gender" gap or whatever the fuck you call it is nonexistant. White Women are closest to… white men. And targeted by hostile agents. "Women solidarity" doesn't make any sense, and needs to be picked apart sooner, rather than later.
I.E Black women and Hispanic women would sooner side with… black men and hispanic men (duh) than other women.
Wrong kind of instability. What the fuck are you doing?
Nolan Collins
Engaged exclusively.
Do you think anyone who isn't a full-on Marxist really cares what a woman does with her husband? Hell, she could take it up the arse three times a day, but so long as the structure of the family goes unharmed then jobs-a-good'n.
What you're referring to is a woman whose sole source of income and financial independence is her sexuality.
Also known as a prostitute.
Luis Baker
There are no recorded instances of Patriarchy in which polygyny is not the dominant mode of reproduction. During the bronze age the female-male offspring rate was as high as 17 to 1. Claiming to be a monogamist while advocating for patriarchy is like saying that if we reinstitute slavery, there will be an equal distribution of slaves to property owners. So enjoy your sexbots you sore fucking losers. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in miserable company, you brought it on yourselves.
William Lewis
Polygyny (Which is NOT what these poly retards are advertising) may be natural but it's not at all helpful to building a civilized society. Look at patriarchal societies today, like the Mudshits. All you get is a bunch of One-Percenters fucking whoever and a whole lot of angry unfucked men that will go and try to get their dick wet elsewhere. Great for warring, sure, but not so much for stability.
Caleb Reed
we need a broader scale for this level of cringe
Jose Mitchell
Dominic Flores
I am so happy that I live in a Christian city.
Also user, I have a question that has come up in my mind recently. Do you think it would be better to marry a 30 year old reclusive virgin that just realized she has ran out of time… or try a younger 20 year old girl that claims she is christian but has slept with two men in her life already? Just hypothetically speaking that is… I am 23.
James Miller
Pretty sure that Christianity was the driving force behind European Colonization.
Eli Nguyen
The entirety of European history.
Don't marry non-virgins and don't marry women older than you. This isn't the 1700s anymore.
Logan Davis
The lack of shame in society in these days is at a all time low. Msm keeps encouraging this behavior and saying you go girl , fuck as many guys as you want without any consequences/ All you really got to do with women like this call them what they are , sluts and whores , they have gotten off the hook cause some white knight cuck let them , they allowed this bullshit to foster and grow. If biology says men are stronger than women .how the hell did men allow these bitches to walk all over them? I blame male feminists and white knights , the lack of balls on these degenerates keep taking things further and further cause they need to please madame to stop ebul right wing racist , cause women are dumb enough to still listen to mainstream medias bullshit narrative . Ive heard women are creatures of culture , but what if the culture is corrupt and rotted? And male feminists are obviously their enablers.
Oliver Carter
That's pretty impressive for the europeans. They are blessed with curiosity prowess.
Robert Torres
I had something almost the same happen except i don't know about the sex life since I cut contact a while ago, but last i heard he was suicidally depressed. The whole thing left me with odd feelings, he was like family and it was like watching him slowly die.
James Gomez
The one chad would be a nigger who couldn't raise his children.
The public is starting to fear single mother hood even with how prevalent it is in media and rom-coms or what ever shit is shoved down their throats now.
Kevin Torres
Mental illness isn't cute, user.
Justin Watson
Didn't someone write about this happening every time the decline and end of civlisation is showing?
Blake Butler
you do realize polyamory was explained the same way
Charles Smith
Brandon Baker
No, but soon they will grow in labs.
Eli Lewis
women are actually the majority of people you fucking sex obsessed virgin moron youre saying this like every cat lady and stamp collector need to be bumping uglies and shitting out useless, poorly raised, unloved, future democrat voting, school shooters fuck off with your macro-r selective arguments
Zachary Harris
choke me, giantdaddy
Jaxon Ross
Thomas Gutierrez
get 7 bitches. when they aint fucked they cleaning and making food.
David Miller
They will grow in labs for 15 years each. After 15 years, it is safe to assume that they are fertile, thus they are force bred for another 15 years. After this second set of 15 years, the next generation to replace them has safely reached fertility and thus for lack of a use, they are disposed of and their bodies recycled.
Grayson Gutierrez
Nice copy paste faggot
Jaxon Long
you sure that's not just normal women user?
Jonathan Gonzalez
Being a mgtow hermit isnt a solution to societys degeneracy. But I do wonder about the involvement of marxism in feminism , feminist court system that rewards promiscuit. The more stuff like pan and pedo shit is encouraged by the shithead msm then this society turns into Rome and crumbles in due time.
Wyatt Gomez
Part of me thinks these faggots deserve what they get, but the other part of me sees this as a slap in the face of all men everywhere. That part of me wants to burn the woman and her lover in the cuckshed while forcing the cuck to watch until he smartens up or loses his mind completely.
Grayson Gutierrez
its not the men's fault, its the women's for not keeping their damn legs closed.
Ryder Wilson
more reason for them not to vote. they make shitty ethical decisions.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Bit late there, mate. Have you tried Tinder or Okcupid? In every 3 girls, 1 already lists itself as polyamourous.
Nathaniel Long
Would women be willing to give up alimony, child support, and other free shit in exchange for polyamory? I think we could see a lot of backlash from women here.
Jayden Murphy
You're an idiot. The people pushing these things know exactly how damaging they are, that's why they push polyamory and interracial relationships while having a pure Jewish wife and raising their children in a nuclear dynamic.
Ayden Morris
lad wtf
Jaxson Morris
Is it too much for me to ask to join you in this stabbing frenzy? I would love doing "threesome" STABBINGS