Pope Francis Tells Migrants: ‘You Are Warriors of Hope’


Other urls found in this thread: 4&version=NASB 4&version=NASB 14:17-24&version=NASB 5&version=NASB


Pope, you are a warrior of satan.

And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us;
We will not fear, for God hath willed, His truth to triumph through us.

Fucking checked.

That goddamn picture is everything you need to know about why Europe is not going to solve its problems peacefully. The closest thing the continent has to a supreme religious authority Orthodox BTFO is posing for a modern selfie with a nigger invader who agrees with the Church about birth control, but disagrees about murder. The picture is being taken on a smartphone that looks about three generations more advanced than mine, and which was no doubt bought with Europoors' tax money.

Kill the Pope for heresy after a legitimate Church trial, FBI
Publicly declare the intent to genocide the niggers and demand the men of Europe follow you. Literally shoot the cucks who protest. Shoot them right in the fucking head in front of their gay lovers, so the message gets out that you aren't fucking around.
Hammer the message to the Euronormies that you don't want to change a thing about their gibs-filled lives yet, but the gibs are gone if you don't purge niggers NOW.
Purge niggers.
Follow them home and gas them there, too, just to make a nice point about how they should probably control their own population with condoms, so we don't have to gas them every four generations.

I realize I'm flying off the fucking handle here, but fucking hell! It's as if the motherfuckers consider cuckoldry and treason virtues!


So..the leader of a cult that bankrolled the founder of Religion of Cuck gives his blessing to his orc minions?


Does anyone here have family or friends who are religious and listen to this piece of garbage? If so, have any of you talked about him with them? I'm just so flabbergasted that there are people out there who follow that religion yet don't want to gas him.

nietzsche was really right about christianity and its weakening effect on civilization

I can't make a single joke about his face. He just looks… satanic. You could fill his eyes with black, add veins and accentuate his ‎wrinkles and he wouldn't look much more evil. This guy is sent by the devil itself.

i have nothing to say about this and i'm still writting this post out of pure anger
i'm bumping this tread because i want people to see my wrath
I want to leave a record for posterity of just how furious i am now
i want the world to know about the rage that boiled from the depths of my heart the moment i read the OP
this humble post could never properly convey all the hatred burning deep within me
bgut if i don't let the presure out somehow, i might end up exploding

You don't understand just how cucked Christians really are. They're full-on pro-Israel Jew loving cucks to the very core.

As Religious Christian since birth, I don't give a fuck what church do and just continued my prayer in my own room.

Catholic here, this anti-pope is unironically an antichrist. Maybe not the end of times son of the devil, but surely the sworn enemy of Christ.

The deposition of Pope Benedict was nothing more than a color revolution by Soros.

Everyone on >>>/christian/ is saying he is "based", he "did nothing wrong", and they are quoting scripture passages to justify altruistic suicide. Christianity is a cult now, I'm not kidding.

Shills work /christian/ like they do everyone.


Anyone shilling for this semetic cancer on Holla Forums needs a perma ban.

hes literally a heretic
isnt the college of cardinals trying to try him for heresy?



This fucker.


Why are you still surprised? Kikes won on every front.


Literally the Italian version of the USSR. Surprises us like hearing that the sky's blue.

Words cannot express the contempt I have for this treacherous faggot.

that board, and /christ/ used to be places you could have actual discussions beyond shitposting between catholics and protestants, and now it's full of fedora-tipping edgelords or wodin faggots eager to proliferate their brand.

you should consider looking into orthodoxy. wise to the jew since the ninth century, bereft of zionism, and now (((their))) newest enemy:

papists have been bamboozled by this guy, and he didn't even blink when his own clergy sent him a filial correction for his heresy. something is going to break sooner or later in the catholic church, and I'm just glad I'm not a part of it.

No, that's the opposite of what Christians are.

Man Christianity is really such a unifiying force!

Doesn't have to be said, we know Christcuck.

Amen to that.

And if you don't want to convert to orthodoxy find a traditional catholic church that does mass in Latin. Sedevacantist church work too.

We make the claim : Christians are cuckolds, which you cannot refute, so you resort to shutting it down instead, that's shitposting on your part. /Christianity/ use to raid us back in the day, and when we told them to fuck off they made numerous "anti Holla Forums threads" proclaiming they'd take a Christian nigger over an atheist White man.
Fuck off with your plebbit memes faggot. Edgelord? What fucking shithole did you crawl from? Wake up call you autistic faggot, we're on a board called POLITICALLY INCORRECT - we're the epitome of "edge lord", fuck off back to Facebook.

Reported for intl.

Ouch, ousted.

I noticed this and I barely go to the board. Definitely shills.

/christian/ banned pretty much anyone expressing Baptist views, and has been fully cucked as a result. Since Catholics do not follow the Bible anyway (Mary idolatry, bishops, works lead to salvation, etc.) it's not surprising they have fallen this far. Christianity as laid out in the Bible is not the problem, it is one of the most anti-Jewish books in existence. They kill God's son and birth the anti-Christ, literally spawns of Satan. It's traitors who pervert the word to consolidate their own power that are at issue. Francis wants a one world religion and to have actual Christians killed by his mudslime pets.

You guys could try to drop redpills on Christians instead of Calling them Christcucks as if you were Kikes on a mission

Here's one, this thread, and here are countless christcucks refusing to do anything, saying they'll continue to pray inspire of that the chruch. I'm not wasting my time converting autists who are only ever useful as canon fodder.
I'm not a pagan. Worshiping a diety for the sake of having a master is retarded, especially a dead one.

user, it's almost as though you don't realize that everyone who uses 'christcuck' IS a kike or paid kike shill on a mission. Report them all.

Reported for intl.

Fuck off kikeling. Stay in your own autistic little Christcuck chamber.

Sure, that will work…

Reported for intl.

I've been discussing with them since they exodused from /christian/. There really is no arguing with them. They're based in their mind and that's that. Their religion makes them 100% redpill proof. Just point and laugh and be reported for intl.


Bumped for /Christian/ butt hurt


Not even a heretic, I'm convinced Francis is a fucking apostate, a convert to judaism.

Reported for intl.


Reported for intl.

All religions are, by definition, a cult. You just get some that are more cult-y and some that are less.

Color me shocked.

The solution to every problem, to every form of infiltration in each and every social institution is to kill every liberal and every kike without exception. They must all die, especially their children who carry their tainted blood. Remember this moment when one of them says "I just wanted to do the right thing" as they beg for their less than worthless life.

Funny how cucks still try to defend a globalist jewish sect that actually got started with cuckoldry.

Occam's razor, soldier.


Hey, fun idea if someone wants a project,is bored, wants to keep tabs on this specific event, or whatever:

Keep a picture of everyone he's been telling "is a warrior of hope" and keep tabs to see how long it takes one of them to get caught raping or murdering a civilian.

in paganism it was always considered a blessing to have a god rape your wife, user

They're warriors of hope for the new world order alright, it's why they're always so omnious, except to esoteric hyper-historian autists like us.

Catholics arent Christian. They are heretics.
t. agnostic


No, not my brand because Im agnostic. Catholics have all sorts of anti-Christian beliefs, like how they worship people other than god, and how they think man can speak on behalf of god. Its the same tier bullshit as pic related.

what part of "don't adulterate your bloodline" does he not understand? shit like this makes me wanna go full Orthodox.

You should really just embrace that outlook too tbh. The pope is obviously not your friend, and by saying catholics arent Christians you make peoples heads explode when they compare Religion of Cuck™ to Christianity citing the crusades. You also get to follow that up by pointing out the realities of why the Christian crusades were justified, and provoked by Religion of Cuck™. You get the best of both worlds, and its true, because worshiping saints is against the 10 commandments.

This is literally the best kikes can do.

The Roman Catholic church was the one who not only popularized it, but kickstarted it. How can they be anti-Christianity when for the longest time the entire religion adhered to the pope?
So..? Your mind must be skipping a thought, these two similarities don't mean anything.

Reported for intl.






Hes not a kike, he just disagrees with you and me. Pierce expressed similar sentiment, saying you shouldnt try to find the supporting passages that support your specific brand of perfect true Christianity, you should look at what it actually does in practice, in 99% of cases.. and thats promote open borders and white genocide.
Youre probably a protestant, or orthodox, or whatever… but its all holding whites back, and its all bad.

Deported for lent.

Yeah, see, no, that’s not what it supports at all.

Reported for intl.

Now I smell a Jew.

How is that non-christian? Show me something concrete. Not "put your house in order" or something vague bullshit like that. Show me where it says in the bible that "you shall not flood the white race with shitskins." Good luck on that. The sad thing is, you're the heretic. The pope is just doing what his desert god commands.

My denomination's doctrinal statement identified the Pope as the antichrist before it was cool…

He is a biological Jew. Forget that he's the pope for a moment and turn your Jewdar back on. He might as well have a hexagram tattooed to his forehead. Also you may find it interesting to look into his connections to the Jewish community of Argentina. He has a history.

Uh huh. I’m sure you’d accept “Holla Forumsacks” who say they’re Holla Forumsacks but don’t believe in the holocaust or jewish huckstering, right?

Holy fucking shit, kike. You’ll have to do better than that.

So you can't. Reported for heresy.

calm down, user, you're starting to speak nonsense.

That place has got to be a joke - it's literally a place for betas to call each other "heretics". Pure cringe.

Catholicism IS heresy. It's literally heterodox christianity.

Stop watching manchildren e-celebs straight outta leddit.

You're getting quite a reputation for butthurt there. Seriously redpill yourself. Reported for ban evasion.

I don't know, I think he's kind of funny. He's like ASSES AND ELBOWS HELP ME I CAN'T STOP SUCKING COCK; the christcuck edition.

Hahahahaha, that word filter. Mods are kikes, but also funny now and then.

When they literally go against the major, very clear, points in the Bible about idol worship and salvation. For a long time it was not allowed for Catholics to read the Bible, so they would continuing following their Satanic elders.

Are you saying satanists christened Europe? Makes sense in a way.

Sure. Read Genesis 6. Tell me what the sin of the sons of God was.
Whatever they did, it was so bad that God responded to it with omnicide. The Flood. Next time it happens, he said it would be fire instead of water.

Oh, are you saying niggers are the nephilim? I guess I missed out on that in sunday school. So now it's "we wuz gods n sheit?"



This is the best that kike shills can do.

Are anons on /christian/ even white? There are more concerned with spreading their faith than saving our race. Did Semitic influence completely poisoned their souls?

Fucking heil'd. Pope must be crucified.


Many of them turn out to be non-white when asked, these are generally the people behind "muh christian nationalism" and "christianity built western civilization" types. The majority of christians are non-white after all…

Genesis 6:11-13
>Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.
I doubt niggers were involved, but what's clear is that a superior race virtually bred themselves out of existence and left behind a race of hybrids. Hybrids that had the huge, strong bodies of their fathers, but the poor impulse control of whatever race that they bred with. Result: The whole earth was filled with violence.

More news at 11.

>Believing anything written by jews
Does the cognitive dissonance hurt?

christianity is just communism dressed up as a religion.
The reason it works at all for white people is that white people cooperating can make any bullshit political or religious system work no matter the flaws. It's the exploiting r-selected subhuman vermin who fuck everything up

And the USSR "wasn't real communism'', right? Fuck off retard nigger.

Do you also believe that Lincoln fought against the South just because he wanted to free the slaves? Read, learn.

Of course not.
I've read it now, I fail to see your point. That before the puppeted pope didn't have direct power for a couple hundred years, meaning I'm wrong? Everyone knows Romans used Christianity to cull and lead barbaric Germanics, it was always a TOOL for societal control, here's proof from your own source.

Ignore the before, my mistake.

Why doesn't he just reveal his true form already?

he deposed the real pope.

I'm fucking disappointed in /christian/ I hoped they are going to be some sort a warrior-monk society but they turned out to be a bunch of cucks.


That reminds me:
Isn't this the same "pope" who wanted his own private jet (funded by other people, of course) to get away from the "commoners"?

Reported for not even trying.

Hi, jewish shill.

he's not what he appears really

he was brainwashed and tortured from an early age to fulfill this role

there is no "him", only the will of his masters acting through a body you recognize as his.

he is nothing but a drone

His eyes are already solid black, you can't get any eviler than that without making it cartoonish as fuck.

fortuitous doubles!
see you on DOTR

What? No it didn't. Before the Great Schism, the religion adhered to the pentarchy. Roman patriarch (the pope) claiming to be the uperior head of religion was what caused the schism that divided christianity between Catholicism and Orthodoxy. And then you have shit like Copts and Nestorians and who knows what other christian denominations that split off long before even this happened, never having anything to do with a pope whatsoever.

The thing is that only Catholics possibly have an interest in listening to the pope. Every other denomination views him as having no power. Many have a latent anti-papal mindset due to the wars caused by the Reformation.

The Black Pope should be thrown out of the Church before he and his close advisers can damage damage any further.

Kikes love sucking off their nigger pets. The world needs kikes and nigger gone.

Don't worry in a decade or so there will be a Black Pope because diversity, then you'll see how loyal shitskins truly are to doctrine, all they care about is money. This race deserves a better belief system.

I'm an agnostic wondering if the POPE of the fucking Catholic church is even Christian. CLOWN WORLD.

Any Christians here ones who preferably go to church or gatherings who can tell me the general consensus on this guy is? I find it hard to believe that any actual follower of Christ would view his papacy with anything other than horror. The (((Vatican))) ordained this man to be the very will of the Lord Christ himself, and all he has done since is sow the seeds of Chaos and engage in social engineering on a global scale. The man even has the audacity to compare these savages to the very Lord himself, in return partaking in idolatry. Rather than the statues of Gods, Goddesses, Entities, and Spirits long deceased this vile heathen has erected a monument in the form of these inferior barbarians

I'm agnostic too, and I think he's not. He seems like a leftist stooge sent to make the Church more "progressive". I still remember when he took the papacy and his entire image was essentially "Look at me, I might be old but I'm still hip and cool and willing to desecrate just about anything if it makes liberals pro-Catholic"

Im a Christian, not catholic. All of my family is catholic, and they all think he should just die so new pope would be elected. But im from poland

I remember the arguments about divorced people, gays, etc being admitted. At the time I thought "Well, yeah, you can't be Catholic; there are rules". Is this pope just ignoring thousands-year-old rules?

I wish Christianity had a real leader that wasn't a complete Kike Puppet. Now i worship Odin.

Father calls him a pedophile Marxist

You mean like Jesus?

Do you have majority Nordic Blood in your veins? If not, find the Old Gods of your own people.


this tbh
asatru is cringey as all hell unless you're from Denmark, Norway or Iceland/Greenland
Celts have Nodens
Slavs have Perun
Wops have Jupiter/Zeus
though imo all the stories are good and provide perspective

So why should the founder of the first year care about you Squirm-Tongue? What actions have you done, what have you even completed? Is your name and deeds known widely and are goodly? You don't even know the Aesir who sits on the throne now, I wager.

ᚷᚪᚱᛋᛖᚳᚷ ᚠᚪᚾᛞᚪᚦ ᚺᚹᚫᚦᛖᚱ ᚪᚳ ᚺᚫᛒᛒᛖ ᚫᚦᛖᛚᛖ ᛏᚱᛇᚹᛖ

"That argie sook" is quite possibly the kindest thing I've heard, and my congregation's usually pretty ambivalent to papist trash.

You ever hear of the Lucis Trust?

Because /christian/ is being flooded by raiders, just like Holla Forums is. The thing they hate the most are white Christians, so of course they're going to raid /christian/ just to be safe. Don't worry, we're here.

I hate Roman Catholicism, but this is correct. Pope Benedict was Hitler Youth and brought back the Latin mass, which the Jews hated. I'd much rather have Benedict in charge of Rome's machinery than a literal kike.

A black president brought us Trump and woke a ton of people up. What would a black pope bring us? I'm game, let's do this.

I work with a bunch of Catholics and even for normals they seem pretty disgusted with the pope. Nobody spoke out against him directly, at least not much, but there was a lot of uncomfortable, awkward muttering and attempted subject changes when someone brought it up conversation.

Theology takes a second-place in most peoples lives, tradition seems more important. As the world becomes more multicultural and 'revolutionary' with the continued break-down of the historical status-quo, I suspect people will become more interested in actual theology once more - which could well lead to a new kind of militant 'Puritanism'. Catholics will not like to hear it, but their continued existence is based upon tradition almost in its entirety. Anglicanism is much the same, though their traditions are even shakier than that of the Roman Church. Modern day Protestants for the most part have no reason to see this as a victory however, as the vast majority of them are too only traditionalists, holding on to the vestiges of their once fervent ancestors.

If there is a Christian reformation in the modern era it will be one of militant Puritanism. It will be an extremely violent peasant/plebeian/commoner-led reaction to the obvious degeneracy of modernity, it will scoff at the weakness of the modern church and condemn it as anti-Christ, as satanic. It will portray tolerance and betrayal as the ultimate vice, it will reject the rambling scholars and their confused reasoning and instead embrace fierce practicalism, utilising Old Testament methods combined with Christ's call to sell your garments and purchase swords, it will mark the Jew as the Pharisee and condemn them to extermination as Christ-killers - it will broaden this definition of Christ-killers to mark all the leftists and minorities who call for the punishment of the innocent and in place demand the release and praise of the violent and guilty (the Christ and Barabbas narrative could be applied to many of the most fierce 'racial' events of late - Trayvon and Zimmerman, Mike Brown and Darren Wilson - all examples where the masses cried for the veneration and release of the evil and guilty, and the condemnation and punishment of the virtuous). There will be no modern Crusade of centralised authority - the authorities are corrupt to their core - instead we will have Hussite-esque militias judging those who once referred to themselves as authorities. It will be brutal and bloody and simple. Justice, God's will and retribution will their purpose, and they will see themselves as the repairmen of their communities, not as a part of a united global front (at least not initially). The modern Reformation will only purge local communities of their degeneracy - but it will allow for a political leader to unify the disparate groups of disgruntled Puritans into a force that could 'liberate' the rest of the world. The modern Church will again cry that it is not the will of God - to which the new Puritans will reply that God's will is truth, order and justice. After that you might just get your Crusade.

This will only happen when the authorities lose control however. Already the Church is ripe for new leaders, this very thread shows how the Pope is a laughing stock even to Papists and the 'modern Christian' methods are increasingly infuriating people, both with their historical inaccuracy and with their constant failure. New leaders are already rising in the Church, one such is that Polish priest who has been banned in many European countries because he seeks a purge of Religion of Cuck™. There are many more too. When the police fail, and they are close to defeat already in Sweden - and are increasingly seen as useless or even hostile across the rest of Europe - then we will have militias. Militias with a purpose will always be more successful - so once the police fall and these new Priests with 'old' (or truthful) Christianity rise; then we will have our Reformation.

Nope, not heresy. Whatever the pope says, goes. This is the deal you make when you become a christcuck.

Hey I'd hope just like you that it'd awaken some racism, save some of the white race but it wouldn't be like a president. Black pope will last much longer and bring in a lot of his diversity and if he and his controllers do it well enough all the awoken whites within the body won't be able to fight back effectively because they can't be explicitly racist. It's the same reason why Martin Luther had his misgivings seeing that the Catholic Church put more precedence on Jewish safety then his own countrymen. Racism is hunted down and destroyed in all major political and religious organizations within the West and while its young for Western Politics it is not for Catholics on an international level.

Whites in the West who fought against integration did not do it because of their "Christian" values, it was deeper than that, something not learned, something in the blood, something inherent and its still there today. The old heart still beats with ancient blood.

Jesus mocked religion; he didnt start one. Jesus never said nuthin bout no pope. Constantine, founder of the roman catholic church, was a kike. The NIV "bible" catholics use has over 60000 redactions and changes from original scripture, and bears a copyright from two dudes in the 1970s. only KJV1611 bears no copyright, leading to the reason why the jesuits tried to kill King James of Scotland as he was busy preparing the first english word-for-word translation in 1605 (remember remember the 5th of november, gunpowder treason and plot)
catholicism is not Christianity by a long shot

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matt 16:18

I have only one question: what is more important to you: your faith or your race?

Literally stolen from the Presbyterians

Catholics aren't Christian

what popey sez is what goez. If you listen to the man in the funny hat only when it suits you, then you're a bad sheep.

Pathological altruism was always the logical conclusion of Christcuckery. Most Christians are sheep and literally refer to themselves as such.

My kingdom is not of this world. If anything earthly is your primary concern, then you're not Christian.

So why don't you just kill yourself now and jump to the front of the line?

So the west collectively committing suicide via mass immigration and cultural degradation doesn't matter then? Only the imaginary "kingdom" where you suck the magic kike's dick 24/7 for all eternity?

Is she drinking Starbucks?

Disappointing but ultimately not surprising.

Matthew 16:18 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)


a Matthew 16:18 That is true faith, which confesseth Christ, the virtue whereof is invisible.
b Matthew 16:18 Christ spoke in the Syrian tongue, and therefore used not this descanting betwixt Petros, which signifieth Peter, and Petra, which signifieth a rock, but in both places used this word Cephas: but his mind was that wrote in Greek, by the divers termination to make a difference between Peter, who is a piece of the building, and Christ the Petra, that is, the rock and foundation: or else he gave his name Peter, because of the confession of his faith, which is the Church’s as well as his, as the old fathers witness: For so saith Theophylact, That confession which thou hast made, shall be the foundation of the believers.
c Matthew 16:18 The enemies of the Church are compared to a strong kingdom, and therefore by Gates, are meant cities which are made strong with counsels and fortresses, and this is the meaning, whatsoever Satan can do by counsel or strength. So doth Paul, 2 Cor. 10:4, call them strongholds.

Catholics have always been good goy cucks. Nowadays, protestants aren't really much better though.

Who said anything about paganism? That shit's for faggots too.

No, to a lot of them, it doesn't fucking matter. All they know is that they'll be smiling down on the world from heaven. Christianity is basically a cop out; fighting for this world is too hard, so I'll just accept defeat so I can inherit a glorious afterlife.

Jews are right about Christians. They are cattle who are purchased by the lot through their leaders and serve little more use than as fodder for wars. The problem with Aryan whites is that we try to save our bovine brethren instead of just employing them against the Jew. Christians deserve nothing but scorn and mockery.

You don't even understand how Christians think. For millenia Christianity was responsible for encouraging very high white birthrates.

But reason for this was not "1488". Despite having a completly different mission, Christianity historically has outperformed every racist in terms of preserving race.

They created white kids simply because both spouses were white and followed the "be fruitful and multiply" and "marriage is a holy ceremony to produce children" very seriously.

It's much more easy to say "I hate niggers" than to actually have kids, and it's much more easy to be a self entitled very intelligent atheist that in practice produces nothing of added value in longterm to the community, self masturbates mentally for whole life, and stays indifferent to the subversion of marriage, that historically was the best method of ensuring the passing down of your genes.

This is why you guys are trying too hard and longterm will be outperformed by Christians at your own game, but not only in that.

Christianity sees as Holy the act of reproduction. You see as Holy the already existing white people. Guess what, every single white person on earth is sentenced to death at least 95 years from now on. No one lives forever.

Holla Forums defending jews after permabanning people under the pretense "there are no good jews"?

Sure is INTL here. Synagogue of Satan is much more than a warning, it's a timeless reality.

The Bible calls for white supremacy. Jesus was not a Jew. He was white. The "chosen people" are whites. Do some history on the region around those times and you will not come to the conclusion that Jesus was a "Jew", a word that is an intentional perversion of "Judahite" to reference a different group of people than the actual Judahites. How do you think Europe became Christian?

Yeah, I'm sure that white Christians had lots of kids for purely biblical reasons instead of the combination of mortality rates and economic incentives that have created high fertility rates all across the globe for thousands of years.

It's quite silly to deny the culture shaping influence of Christianity when you look at the amount of huge economical resources used routinely to try to keep Christianity down.

A certain group of wealthy people fears the Cross and spends daily many millions worldwide to avoid facing the Cross, their Greatest Fear.

The vast majority of the people you're referencing don't follow the Bible, and shouldn't be called Christians, at least without a caveat.

Marthin Luther King was a KGB plant. I don't think communist subversion is the Gospel, but I can see how a Kike would make that conclusion

Who here is doing that? I'm sure not. I'm just pointing out that your statement attributing high birth rates to Christian doctrine when there have been non-Christian societies with high birth rates throughout all of history is asinine.

Ah, Christians whining about persecution. A long and cherished tradition.

Try again. Be more literate this time.

One of the main points of Christianity is to tell the host culture to produce many children, so if you deny the importance of Christianity in promoting natality and birth rates for civilized people, you are pretty much denying the culture shaping influence of christianity.

Denial won't save you from your irrationality.

Not whining about persecution, I'm just contemplating how can a certain designated wealthy group have such a ridiculous amount of wealth, power and influence and still live in fear of the Cross.

No amount of Earthly power can prevent them from being afraid of Jesus, and I was not mentioning persecution, but the poetry that the action of that designated wealthy group pretty much fufills New Testament predictions for the future and its metaphysical claims.

And you guys are wondering why Luther chimped out and left that heretical cult, aka catholic church.

WASPs have been the greatest enabler of modern jewry though.
Protestants who believe the wellbeing of Israel is needed for their religious salvation do exist.

Hardly. The jewish influence on the USA was minimal until the mass migration of Irish and Italians, where these new city-dwelling papists were used as a voting bloc to secure rights for 'minorities', 'immigrants' and non-Protestants (in fairness they were out for themselves and papism and not specifically the enemy, but it was still these Irish and Italians who managed to irrevocably change the landscape of the USA to one of suicidal tolerance - and again, they were being manipulated by parasites who were telling them that it was in THEIR best interests - but let's not pretend that it was WASPs who were for the most part trying to curtail and keep down those once new factions which have now become the dominant factions of the USA). The parasite would never have been able to infiltrate the USA, or US churches so as to push their perverse zionism - were it not for the urban papists shipped in by the multitudes who followed the plan of yid to the letter.

And again we find in Europe it was because of the Pope that the parasite was not completely removed. There were some 'zionist' Puritans, but they had no love for jews and wanted to ship the lot of them out of Europe (in some cases out of righteous hatred as with Luther, and in others due to the idea that it would hasten the end by fulfilling prophecy - which is amusing considering that Puritans should have followed the Bible and it specifically says woe unto them who desire the end, but whatever..).

TL;DR: Despite the rather vile state of many so-called 'Protestant' Churches in the USA today, one cannot blame Protestantism or WASPs for the modern state of things. I guess you could to the extent they should have kept all the Irish and Italians out of the USA - but the point is that it was not actually WASPs who gave the yid the ability to seize power.

Well, it remains a fact that Jews that entered USA were fleeing Religious persecution in Europe. The Church notorious for lack of tolerance (the opposite of today) was Catholic Church.

USA gave them shelter from Catholic Church.

Now that's a more or less normal story until here. What becomes seriously luciferian are subverted protestant groups who have a ((Pastor)) telling they have to bless Israel and fight for Judaism Israel safety otherwise Jesus won't return to Earth.

That's an extremely complex subversion sucessfully carreied out by zionists to fragile Protestants.

My inlaws are Catholic, my mother-in-law is pretty religious, and she has misgivings about this pope. She doesn't understand why he says some of the things he does, but she's aware enough to know he's pro-Nigger, and she hates niggers with a seething rage, especially seeing the videos of them in Italy.
Honestly, this pope is more loved by the leftists and athiests than by a lot of Catholics, so that is pretty telling.

That is true. I have yet to hear Catholics praising the Pope asides from the ritualistic requirement, as in praising the person

But leftists and atheists seem to love him

The Catholic Church was persecuting Protestants, not Jews. In fact they specifically passed laws numerous times that protected Jews and were by Papal decree. Jews follow the money. There was a serious movement by the early English in the USA to completely strip the Jews of ALL power and rights, but it failed and now we have these idiotic mantra that yanks think are what their ancestors actually believed.

I will agree with you that there are parasites and anti-Christs posing as 'Pastors' though and leading a lot of US Protestants astray. The judaisation of some Churches is real and down right terrifying. One good thing about Protestants though is that you can confront them with Scripture and prove that they're wrong according to their own beliefs, and must either stop calling themselves Protestants or else change their beliefs. Sadly I reckon a lot are willing to stop calling themselves Christians altogether and become 'jews' or 'messianic jews' or whatever. Sad.

That's very kind of you but Catholic Church always persecuted both. There's a huge amount of evidence recorded by the 3 factions.

I cannot help but wonder if Protestants and Jews felt some kinship given both were fleeing from Catholic persecution and had that in common.

In fact, Catholic Church persecuted Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Freemasons, Pagans, Waldensians, list goes on.

Any Papacy protecting jews was to prevent racial extermination, given the objective was to get rid of Judaism, not necessarily to get rid of the flesh, with the exception of Spanish Inquisition model where burning alive New-Christians was seen as alright.

Well this is the most important agreement we can reach to be fair. There are Protestants spiritually enslaved into a "worship zionist Israel, or else Jesus will never return" in the US. That's a special kind of Luciferian work.

.. I will add that I'm well aware that there were a lot of good Catholics, and many Catholics did pogrom the parasite. I just feel that its worth mentioning that there are very, VERY few instances of Catholic 'authorities' doing anything anti-kike, and an awful lot where they went out of their way to give rights and privileges to them. Many times the Pope and other 'authorities' protected the yid from the masses who sought their extermination (and funnily enough the Spanish Inquisition is just such an occasion - where Catholics in Spain were purging jews and muslims, and the Pope instead sent Inquisitors to deal with the situation 'fairly' - and in the process saved many. I guess its possible that many innocents were saved too, but the point is that Earthly authorities often stuck their noses in to protect groups that the common would have genocided).

Individual Catholics can often be good and pious people, it's just their un-Biblical authority structure that is the problem - and not just for theological reasons, but also for practical ones as is evidenced by this thread and the countless complaints throughout history.

What you write is flattery but you seriously understimate the work of Inquisitors.

By law lobbied of Catholic Church Jews had to live in Ghettos for example, and not allowed into Guilds.

Spanish Inquisition would burn Jews alive even if they converted. No need to whitewash things, people have gotten over this. And it was not just Jews who got burned alive.

So did you just ignore my statement about non-Christian societies with high fertility rates or what? The average Roman woman was having between six and nine children before Christianity even existed.

Oh boy, another of these threads.

The same Catholic church that allowed them to practice usury and then profited from it? The same Catholic church that had been moving them around for centuries to avoid them being wiped out despite gleefully genociding European pagans who refused to convert? The same Catholic Church that issued the Sicut Judaeis? Forgive me if I remain skeptical.

You seriously over-estimate them. Inquisitors had an incredibly low execution rate and were one of the groups that popularised the idea of 'innocent until proven guilty'. Yids still hate them and demonise them becase the yids were often actively aiding muslims or else murdering children, and thus still got executed on occasion. Were it not for Inquisitors in Spain however - you would not have had many jews or muslims left there. It was not like (again jewish distortions) of the Salem witch trials where people supposed just accused one another of being a witch with no evidence (which actually isn't what happened, but whatever) - it was a purge of all the those who had changed faith so as to better fit into the new Christian country (Jews and Muslims are both big on deception and lying, they don't have the story of Peter denying Christ to make them prefer martyrdom to denying their God). It was also a purge CAUSED because jews and muslims that had 'converted' for their protection were still aiding and funding the muslims to have them retake Spain. You weren't having poor little Christian teenagers being accused of putting a spell on Billybob that made him impotent - you were having jews and muslims slaughtered for being traitors that were attempting to use their 'new-found faith' as a shield of lies.

I can accept your version of Inquisition assuming that it is accepted that Spanish Inquisition burned alive New-Christians (which is a violation of Theology and Evangelization efforts, and therefore it's important to stay recorded), and that Inquisition prevented a Jewish takeover of power like the one seen in US.

Before Christianity existed, Pagan religions were in decline and old order moral fiber of society was dying. That's why Constantine sought to revive it by trying a new empire religion. It gave Eastern Rome +1000 years of lifespan, so it must've had some effect.

Meanwhile Western Rome, the one who resisted Christianity the most (see Battle of River Frigidus) was starting to import immigrant barbarians to do the "jobs natives didn't want to do", including life of a soldier. Of course it colapsed 1000 years earlier than the Eastern counterpart.

Catholic Church is historically notorious for religious persecution of Jews, and not only Jews. Trying to sell that Catholic Church was always tolerant and secular is a poor effort easily dispelled by opening a History book.

Sure you can claim they tried to tame a skilled jew or two to be put into Papacy service, but that didn't mean they would stop living in Ghettos or that they would rise to power or nobility.
Catholic Church did the same with skilled Muslim families by the way, in Reconquista kingdoms. Doesn't mean the Crusades were pro-Religion of Cuck™, as your logic would imply.

So there's a filter that exchanges I s lam for Religion of Cuck (tm), just adding that.

They're the egghead occultists tasked with formulating the new world religion, and they've been at it for a long time.

PS - It's dumb as heck to claim Catholic Church "Genocided" millions of european pagans, weaponry at the time was too underveloped for that even to happen. Also it goes against Christian logic to dispose of the flesh the same way it disposes of anti-Christian religious thought.

What happened was conversion after war between Christian-Pagan kingdoms with victory for the Christian side. Had the Pagan side won, do you think they would've acted as Noble Savages and just leave everyone else peacefully alone?


Inquisition is much older than Counter-Reformation. Jesuits were created precisely because Church higher ups finally realized Inquisition was not giving results in stopping the rise of Protestantism. Their new heretical Christian counterpars were not afraid of death, at least both sides had that much in common.

replacement for /cuckian/

At least be honest and call it "Positive Christianity", a figurehead lapdog show to manipulate Christians given they would reject Thule Society ideals.



I'm a Protestant and even I know that the only time in Roman Catholicism that the Pope is considered infallible is when he speaks from the authority of the magisterium by publishing a Papal bull, and even then not all Papal bulls are considered infallible… What's wrong with you shills? If you actually learned something about your enemy, you could make much better arguments and maybe it would be harder to spot you.


This is true. The majority of Rome's doctrines are derived entirely from tradition, or the authority of the magisterium, it itself being rooted in tradition. This can be seen in any serious formal debate between learned Protestants and learned Roman Catholics. Any such debate will invariably result in the debater that's representing Rome attempting to establish and maintain the core importance of tradition by appealing to texts like 2 Thess. 2:15 and trying to assert that there were traditions taught by the Apostles which were external to scripture. That's an assertion which is utterly impossible to substantiate from scripture itself, but they're forced to try. They have no way out.

Most modern day "Protestants" differ from Rome only as a matter of preference, not core doctrines. I may be a Baptist, but most Southern Baptists doctrinally have more in common with Rome than they do with me. They don't know their history… They don't understand what the Reformation was about, why their ancestors shed blood for what they now have. To the point that there's all of these ecumenical get-togethers popping up and talking about how we're really not that different and we're all just one church… Yeah, no. We're different religions. I'll work with real Roman Catholics toward common goals, but we are fundamentally different religions which are utterly incompatible in terms of theology. Fortunately we're mostly compatible in terms of shared values, so that's nice.

I'm not sure exactly how much violence would be necessary, at least of the nature you're referring to. The reason violence was required against Rome was because Rome itself was violent and the laws were all wrapped up in enforcing Rome's views. It was effectively a war of independence, in the political sense. There is however a modern parallel, but not with Rome… The parallel is that the modern state is enforcing secularism and communism. Those are the two biggest threats to the church now. The dumbest thing they could possibly do is try to use violence against Protestants in the US. That would be enough to start a civil war, I'm pretty sure.

There comes a tipping point at which whites will no longer content themselves with speaking politely. They can silence a few of us, but what happens when millions of us are refusing to use their preferred pronouns?

Speculatory. Until recently it was pretty much universally understood that interracial marriage would not be blessed by God because interracial breeding was bestiality/promiscuity. I don't care what the addled minds of today have to say about it. Although yes, racial preservation is natural instinct.

Nice pics.

…The KJV differs from modern translations because the the translators had a more limited set of manuscripts to work with. In fact, for certain parts of the New Testament, they even had to borrow from the Latin Vulgate. You're not going to arrive at any different conclusions using the KJV (assuming you don't misinterpret certain words due to anachronism) than you would using the NIV or any other credible modern translation. I know where you're getting this stuff from, I've researched it extensively, and I would respectfully advise that you look more closely at those differences and ask yourself if they're really meaningful.

Mostly, but they didn't think the Westminster Confession of Faith was specific enough. This will show you what they added.

I don't have to choose between them because they are not in conflict, and from my perspective, cannot be in conflict. What you appropriately hate is nothing more than a gestalt and I hate it too. Which is more important to you: your arm or your leg?

Misapplication of text. Concern for God's law is not an earthly concern. Protecting your race falls under a number of categories, including loving your neighbor, loving your wife as Christ loves the church, being fruitful and multiplying, being salt and light, protecting the church, and that's just off the top of my head. I could come up with a very long list if I wanted to put some effort into it. Like I said, racial preservation and Christianity are not in conflict, nor can they be. If the bible is true, then where do you think we got races from in the first place…? They obviously exist for a reason.

This and also what I said earlier


In the sense that we're to love our neighbors and care for our wives as our own bodies, yes. Anything which would put my family and community at risk is evil, and multiculturalism does both… The modern state of affairs is an artificial anomaly.

Jesus was of the line of King David. Are you saying that King David was white?

Israel was never the Elect in the salvific sense, so even if you're claiming that Israelites were actually white, that still wouldn't be true. Please learn about supersessionism.

The Greeks and Romans, Paul of Tarsus, and divine providence.

Honestly, there's no need to adopt some weird, new view of scripture to try to justify caring about your own people. Orthodox Protestantism is quite sufficient.

We really need to bring the term Christ-killers back into style.

Hell, a lot of folks don't even realize that he was a unitarian.

>Protestants who believe the wellbeing of Israel is needed for their religious salvation do exist.
I've never seen that before, even among hardcore "Christian" Zionists. Either way, CZ's are full blown heretics… They would undoubtedly have been burnt alive, or possibly crushed by a very large stone, by either side during the Reformation.

I'm not sure how that works, but okay.

Oh… That is very interesting, thank you.

The founder appears to me to have been a kike-sympathizer.

Different user. Probably not, but I don't think it makes a lot of sense to paint our ancestors/relatives as savages regardless. Ruthless perhaps, but that's different than savage.

That statement of faith is nice and all, but uh… Yeah, that's extremely heterodox. There's literally no way to substantiate those beliefs from scripture, and yes I did check the scriptural references (because I would want you to do the same for me.) This is almost the same tier as the Black Hebrew Israelite stuff. At least it's pro-white heresy… Doesn't seem as bad as the various brands of self-annihilating liberalism that are helping import Somalis to displace us.

They're definitely using 1 Thessalonians 2:15 correctly… Very interesting, I think it's been awhile since I've read this epistle. I'll keep this one in my back pocket. Thank you.

Are you Christcucks retarded? The Bible isn't for white people, it's for the lowly and downtrodden of all races.

wtf I don't believe in god now

Colonizing Europe as "warriors of hope". I hope at least they are ready to die then. Because they will. Along with this vile pope. Holy shit do I despise this J$w religion and how it was imposed, what it has done to Europe. Catholicism, Christianity too will be purged from Europe.


The Pope, when not a jew himself, invited jews to Italy and was instrumental in maintaining their communities in Italy up to this day. "Charlemagne" was so full of jews in his court that it was used against him on his time to say he was controlled by them - he was the one, through the church, who gave jews "usury" privileges and what so not.

Judaism was the ONLY tolerated non-state religion when Christianity took power in the Roman Empire. If Rome had kept it's pagan religion, or if had it fallen to pagan Germanics, as it likely would, Judaism may as well as been erradicated.

What are trials by ordeal? Murdering everyone who refused to give up their traditions? Imposing the death penalty for even looking at pagan temples (this was a law in the Byzantine Empire)? Forcing people to attend mass (where the bible was forbidden to be read in their native language) on the threat of murder? What is replacing the ancient laws with Church laws (based on inequality and that disagreement stems from the DEVIL)? Torturing people who had heretical or different views (or who simply were enemies of the church officials) during Inquisitions? Forcefully taking 1/10 of a families children to become nuns and members of monasteries, where they were married to Jesus and forbidden to even start a family? Hundreds of abuses, rapes and murders have been perpetrated at ancient churches (pedophile priests aren't something new, especially when the church had much more power before), who were nearly-all built over canibalized European temples and Holy places. There is a reason churches and monasteries were fortified in the "Dark Ages", there is a reason why so many Frankish "saints" of the 6th century were "martyred" by bandits. MILLIONS of Europeans died, or weren't otherwise born, because of christianity, who saw even hygiene and medicine as sinful! There is a reason it's called the Dark Ages, because all the knowledge of the ancient world was forbidden. This is not a kike myth, the christian even ran massive slave-rings of pagan Europeans to their arab ENEMIES who attacked them early. Redpill yourself on that hidden history, many people desperatelly need to do so.


Add to that that every single Jew in the west today is descended from Jews who came here under Christian rule. As soon as Christianity was completely consolidated in the west and all the brother wars to instate it was done, the Christian feudal kikes handed over the entire power structure to the Jews they had allowed to come. No wars then. Not even a firecracker. Just here you go, have fun! A thousand years of fighting and terrorizing white peasants to bring them to a Christian enough level and when everyone was brought to their knees. Bam, here comes the Jews to take over with no resistance from your benevolent priest class. Just a coincidence. Right.

Nice 2008 fedora atheist memes. Very relevant to the discussion at hand.

Fuck off and go find another bull to breed your daughter, Varg. Christianity is the heart of western civilization.

Holla Forums is a Kekite board m88, you're looking for >>>/christian/

Haha holy shit fuck off to reddit you retard.

Western civilization was here before you kike golems arrived and it will be here after you're gone.

Oh no the astroturf /christian/ shill found out where the adherents of a home-grown Holla Forums spirituality came from! Give me a break, Abrahamist.


Yeah, totally not sheep here.

Now that's some butthurt, reported.


You're thinking of the Kekistan Heresy. Holla Forums is a board of Orthodox Kekism

Also, "Christianity being the heart of Western Civilization", but not the romans, right? More like the heart of (((Western Civilization)))…


Have you knelt today asking for repentance for being a huge faggot, christbeta?

I'll pray for you.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
-2 Peter 3:9

Jesus was cool, "The Lord" (((YHWH))) is not.

Are you one of these: posters in that pic, /christian/ missionary shill? Do you family members even attend church, or are you too busy for that? Do you have patience that the jews will change their wicked ways and hold hands together in the kingdom of Hallelujah with your fellow sheep?

Use that energy elsewhere, don't be a shill.

"He who sacrifices to any god, other than to the LORD alone, shall be utterly destroyed.
-Exodus 22:20

And the christcuck continues his spell of asshurt and ignorance… Go pray to the muslims or jews idiot, instead of fishing for bans here.

Even you can still be saved.

The Old Gods cometh, Abrahamist, and your demon-god (((YHWH))) will be smitten. Better embrace the Blood that flows in your veins.

There is only one true God.

Saved from what? We and our children will live hell on earth (or not even live at all) if we keep following and letting our mindset and identity (or lack of it) be shaped by this self-destructing cult designed by (((shadowy elites))) thousands of years ago for just that purpose. Our ancestors worshiped God and had knowledge of him before christianity came and burned it and confined it to the (((their elites))). STOP following these false paths that will only lead on your destruction - you're not doing any help, to any cause, by screeching like that.

There are many Gods and Goddesses, and not one is Jewish. The (((YHWH))) you worship is a demon.

Daily reminder that the Pope is actively a prisoner. Anyone with the holy spirit does not have free will, they can only reflect the souls of those near them. He is telling these savages what they want to hear, exactly like what happened at CNN and all the other fake news.

Racial awareness and the desire to protect one's women and ultimately one's race is a natural outgrowth of Jealousy.
Jealousy is one of The Lord's defining character traits.

There is nothing wrong with God or Jesus Christ. The problem is the jewish tradition (which Jesus wanted to reform), and that is not just "racial hatred", but truly distinguish between good and evil, that infiltrated the church since the beggining, and was used by Satanic Roman and Jewish elites to do enormous harm to Europe and the world, something which they continue to do to this day, yet good intentioned people fall for a "christian identity", when Jesus was never supposed to found a new identity to replace and destroy our own.

Jesus didn't have free will he was merely a reflection of the people around him. No one prior to the internet could know Christ's intention because Christ can only speak lies. Christianity is the way to safeguard yourself from him, because he must mirror all things, including love and hatred.

No that isn't exactly right. What I mean is, Christ is cursed with the eyes of god and can only tell people what they want to hear. The messiah never had free will, he reflected the will of God (the people).


Go wash some refugee feet you retarded cucked faggot.

Jesus didn't want to reform it to include the goyim, though…

Bergoglio is a warrior of asininity.

That fucker isn't even well liked here in his home country. He went full leftard, you never should go full leftard.
Leftards here hate him for being with the church ("Iglesia, basura, vos sos la dictadura" is a common rally from the leftards) and for dubious claims of collaborating with the last dictatorship, people with common sense hate him because he really should shut up and because he's a fucking commie. Not even coming from the sedevacantist angle, he isn't liked because he keeps aligning himself with the socialists, the worst government we've had in our whole history, basically.

Oh, but remember Benedict XVI was the eeevul one. Remember all those shops coming from leftards about how he looked like Palpatine and shit?

Christianity IS White Genocide

Nero did nothing wrong

Christian Genocide = White survival


Being around goyim is hell for those with the eyes of god. You go from being immersed in your own reflection, to a slave of blind fools. Jesus doesn't want to harm the goyim, but they force him when they force themselves in the presence of the chosen.

Burn ugly megachurches down sure, but Orthodox or Catholic Churches? No. Just remove the Cross and replace it with an Ankh or Swastika or something. Also, plenty of Christians willingly abandon (((YHWH))) - genocide isn't the answer.

Destroying every simbol of the previous age gives us enormous power. Better we do it than the kikes.

Good Goy


Christcucks are temper tantruming, but anger is just another stage of grief, until acceptance.

Bargaining also happens sometimes "Jesus could basically fit right into the polytheistic pantheon" and so forth.

We have stronger things than Rabbhi Yeshua Bar Joseph.

"Blessed be the LORD your God who delighted in you to set you on the throne of Israel; because the LORD loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness."
1 Kings 10:9

Bible confirmed pozzed.

How many feets did he suck that day?

But shill user, Pope Francis doesn't even have the Holy Spirit. What are you talking about?

Makes sense, no arguments here, although I reckon it comes from other places too.

Be careful with this one. Americans especially have a difficult time understanding the concept that jealousy can be righteous, just like hate can be righteous because it's the flip side of love. Cultural decay and the infiltration of our seminaries, resulting in the theological dumbing down of the teaching in many churches, means that a lot of people have never heard this sort of thing before.

Are you accusing him of being a sociopath or is this some kind of new age thing?

But if no one prior to the internet could know Christ's intention, then how do you know he can only speak lies? Are you saying that you're an exception to the assertion? On what grounds?

Do you have a video or blog article on this doctrine…? I'd like to familiarize myself with it. I've never heard it before, which is actually pretty impressive.

I'm under the impression that either you're throwing out the Old Testament entirely in favor of some sort of Jungian concept of God, or otherwise you're completely unfamiliar with the prophecies regarding the Messiah. You also have to be throwing out the vast majority of the New Testament, including the gospels… A number of times there were people who tried to seize him in order to make him a literal king, and he resisted them. Or do you remember when Jesus sent away thousands of people, presumably all Jews given the geographical location, calling them evil, saying that they were only following him because they wanted more food? If his purpose was to reflect the will of the people, he did a really shit job.

…What the hell are you on about? I need source literature.

Yeah, I remember. Palpatine is pretty badass. I don't think they thought that one through.

Does this stupid meme ever die? How many times am I going to have to tell you shills…? PENTECOST.

The old testament prophets made it very, very clear that it was always YHWH's intention to bless the gentiles. It was not plan B. YHWH doesn't do Plan B. Pentecost was specifically the fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32. How do I know that for certain? Because the Apostle Peter directly says so in Acts 2:14-21, so I'm not pulling that out of thin air. Even before Pentecost and during the time when the Jewish covenant was valid, which it no longer is because it was never salvific and its function has been fulfilled, the yearly sacrifice on Yom Kippur applied equally to believing gentiles and believing Jews. Whereas if you were Jewish and didn't offer your sacrifice, do you think they got a special pass? Well they didn't… Because they knew the law and chose to neglect it. Jews don't even have the luxury of being able to claim ignorance.

I'll break this down a little more for you. Back even so far as Genesis, God called people like Noah and Abraham righteous. Neither of these people were circumcised at the time. They were not Jews, and even Jews acknowledge this. The Apostle Paul makes a big freaking deal about this in Romans 4. 4&version=NASB
In other words, circumcision is not enough, nor was it ever enough… This disarms the Jew of their cherished claim to a favored lineage. It was never about the lineage.

In Genesis 22:18 God says to Abraham
>In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.
How much clearer could YHWH possibly make his intentions? Should he have gotten a notary?

Don't forget John 4 either, when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well. Samaritans were considered gentiles. 4&version=NASB
Spoiler alert. She believes him, runs into town and tells all the other goyim, and Jesus stays with them for two days because they also believed him. In other words, your meme is directly BTFO.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Let's get esoteric. The priest of YHWH in Genesis, Melchizedek. 14:17-24&version=NASB
Guess what? Even Abraham wasn't circumcised yet. That means Melchizedek couldn't have been a Jew. That means YHWH had another priesthood before the Levites. Here's the kicker: the priesthood of the New Covenant is the Melchizedek priesthood! That's the salvific covenant, which means the "New" Covenant actually preexisted the "Old" Covenant. Source: 5&version=NASB

Protestants interpreted Christianity as a Jewish religion, accuse the Catholic church of distorting the scripture, so the Protestant emphasis on the Old Testament and attempts to emulate Jewish customs. In Spain and Italy Protestants are known as Judaizers. Examples of how Protestants emulate Jews are the Baptists and their “Heavenly Kingdom of Munster”, or today the “Seventh-day Adventist Church”.

The position the current pope and many of the clerigy holds would have lead to their execution in former times by the very Catholic church/the Papal state. That is no trivial fact, since the Catholic Church does source its teachings out of tradition and scripture. There is no possibility for every generation of the Catholic Church to newly interpret the faith, that would be a very protestant notion. While the capital punishment might be debatable from the point of Christian theology, the rejection of the position those people did hold was very much, firmly based in Christian theology and Catholic teachings, assembly of theological knowledge over the centuries by the Church Father, Teacher of the Church, Papal Bulls, etc.
So, yes, it appears that the Pope and many of the clergy are heretics, something the Catholic theology denies as impossible. Only solution for faithful Catholics is to deny the legitimacy of the current papacy, that Bergolio is not the real pope.
Did you notice, how much emphasis is given for declaration that his predecessor Benedict is in full compliance with him?

Says the Jew emulating Prots. Jews were fleeing catholic counties to their fellow rebellious “protestant brother” of the Lowlands, from there they went to England were they enjoyed privileges denied to fellow Catholic gentiles, then went with them to America, were Catholic Spain and France had denied their entry. Jews have even writen books about how Jewish participation in English piracy in the Americas was revenge on those Catholic antisemites refusing them participation in exploiting Americas riches!
One reason why one can not stand Protestants is their adoption of Jewish moral and life style.

It were the Spanish monarchs calling for a Spanish Inquisition; after Catholic priests convinced them of the necessity to ban all Jews from Spain without exception.
Mu slims were allowed to stay in Spain as a condition of their capitulation in Granada, totally against the wishes of the Church. Only after the Moha mmedians conspired with the Turks to invade Spain, they were killed, deported, forced to converse.

You can thank the authors of this piece of shit to the tune of pipe bombs if you'd be so kind for that piece of non-biblical heresy. Evangelical faiths throughout the western world have car-salesman pastors who regurgitate that mangling of Revelation as if it were holy writ. It's baseless, it's disgusting, and I have to resist slapping the taste out of the mouths of every self-righteous holiday christian who tries to foist it on me.

Exactly what I'd expect this heretic to say. Fuck Bergoglio.

There is hope, though. Of him and his pets getting all murdered. Something to celebrate.

teach me senpai….
p please?….

is pope francis jewish

Fuck (((The Pope))). Based Popes existed only before (((Vatican II))) aka Vatican Jew. This faggot is a Communist and deserves to get gang raped by hippos, as in the actual animal. Then, his bleeding butthole should be further penetrated by a hammer and then sickle.

/Christian/ is very critical of any modernist Cleric and that includes Pope Francis

Too much collateral damage, I hope you realize not only Jews ended up burned alive with such loose capital punishment laws where you can sentence a new-christian with relatively little evidence.

Goes against the point of evangelizing.

Bible is written in Latin, whichi is the main language of Western Roman Empire, and in Koine Greek, the main language of Eastern Roman Empire. There's here an implicit homage that without Rome there would be no Christianity.

St Paul was a Roman Citizen, and you have a Roman Soldier who became a Saint aswell.

At this point, /christian/ is as much a subversive force on this site as Holla Forums. Their numbers also mysteriously grew during the last months, just like /leftycringe/, probably because they're actively recruiting on reddit too.
You christcucks have to realize something: christianity didn't do great things and shape european civilization the way it did because of its faith or its doctrine. It got things done because it was all white people. Just look at South America or the majority of Africa. All christian, all shitholes. Why? Because they aren't white. Your priority should be your race and not some cult whose origins aren't even european.

Do Argentines feel guilty for creating one of the biggest bucks of the planet?

Are we sure the religion of cuck isn't Christianity? Pisslam at least is all about killing outsiders.

I feel bad for you Roman Catholics. Yeah, we've had our differences, but you deserve better than this heretic. How much more of this shit do you guys have to put up with before the Poles start RC 2.0?

The only reason Christianity is in any way acceptable is due to the heavy filtering by western, especially Greek, philosophers and theologists. Without that filter, and the heavy influence of western traditions and culture like the adoption of pre-Christian myths and legends in the forms of Saints, as well as ancestor worship, amongst other things, Christianity is utter shit.

This is why protestantism is by and large utter fucking shit, and all it's derivatives are utter fucking shit.

Either go Catholic, or Orthodox (any kind of Orthodox), or go fucking home. Sola scriptura removes the western filter from the religion and turns it into nothing more than kike shit. The kike shit is there, but the words of guys like Aquinas help contain it.

We asked for this. Our humiliation now will serve as an example for years, so future generations know what happens when you pozz the highest authority of the moral compass of an entire fucking continent.

Despite my grandma be a cuck for Israel she hates the pope because of his bullshit he spews

At last some valid criticism on "kike-on-a-stickery" that is not full horned helmet tipping larping.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

How can any white man be so fucking stupid.
From this point forward i'm going to unironically push kek and the esoteric teachings of old 4chan as a religion. We deserve so much better than monolithic cuckoldry.

There is nothing wrong with marrying a little girl. Jews have really fucked your world view up.
Jews also encourage other jews to never race mix.

The only larpers here are the ones pretending to be templars and claiming a jew was the son of god.

And here we have a typical Papist who knows nothing about his own religion, and less than nothing about Protestants. I get that you guys hate history because its proves the basis for your idiotic rituals to be complete nonsense (B-B-BUT WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF PETER WASN'T POPE?!), but its rather painful to have to deal with it all the time. Let's clear some stuff up then.

Not at all. Protestants consider the talmud to be satanic and consider jews to be the descendants of the pharisees and thus the children of the devil. This was commonly understood across Europe for centuries, and when I was growing up was still openly taught in Protestant Churches in England. The morals of Protestants are those in the Bible, largely the same as Catholics (although without idolatry and blasphemy). The big problem was originally the fact that the Papists, still only reading the Bible in Latin (so that the laity could not understand what it actually said) were making up retarded laws and milking people for money on the pretense that their loved ones would spend less time in purgatory. It is no surprise that those men who sought to translate the Bible into their own language were those most against Catholicism and those who are considered founders of Protestantism (from John Wycliffe in England to Jan Hus in Bohemia and to Martin Luther in Germany - these people actually cared what Scripture said, and upon seeing other Papists lying and deceiving the masses to further their own individual goals, became hostile to Catholicism).

And we called you the whore of Babylon. Who was it who extorted their own people, Protestants or Catholics? Who is it who follows the traditions of men over Scripture? Do you even know why Christ rejected the Pharisees/jews?

Anyone who wants more info on the Pope, check out this book

The AUDIOBOOK is available here (there's no pdf but I recommend buying the physical copy as it's a good read/listen)


The early chapters are focused on his rise to power and ties with marxism. Chapter 5 is focused on his links to Saul Alinsky and everybody's favorite crypt keeper George Soros (surprise!). Chapter 7 goes into detail about his open borders policy.

Warning : Listening past chapter 5 may be extremely rage inducing

The pope is eloquent, fantastic with leftist rhetoric which he merges seamlessly into his sermons which is why so many people fall for him. He is pro-amnesty, pro-climate change, pro-gay, pro-adultery, pro-gun control and pro-life. Prisoners lives that is. The pope is oddly silent about abortion.

Teach you what, user? How not to hit suburbanite housewives with a seeming sixth grade education? Are you a basketball american, perchance?

pure demonseid

Christianity had two syntheses, first was of jewish monotheism with greek philosophy, then the early christianity had a synthesis with Roman civilization, law being the most important part.

what a pickle, i don't know which one is more likely.

he actually said it's k if a woman quarters her child and dumps it in a medical waste bin.

Francis is such a fucking kike. Literal fucking yid.

Burn all the churches, Catholic and Protestant. Especially the Baptists tbqh


you first

It is, that's why the kikes are destroying it's main institution.

Very good post, user.
I noticed that most of these "pagans" are mindless Varg drones who are obsessed with his unsourced videos. They get triggered every single time when you even slightly critisize their beloved commie apologist Norwegian Paragon.

These pagans don't ever actually post any good enlightened redpills about Paganism and what it is actually about.
It's no better then those christians who screech DOOS BOOLT every moment they are triggered.

Its D&C shills. Stop falling for it.

Do you even see the fallacy there?

See this is the fallacious part of your post. The very idea of "conversion" and "mission" was started by the Jew Paul of Tarsus, to create a church to the gentiles - so to fit the Temple Jewish intentions to destroy the Roman Empire.

And the Abraham passage says "by means of your descendents I will bless all the nations of the earth". "In your seed" not that of the gentiles, how clear is that?

Oh shit "Das Capital" and other works by Karl Marx were written in German - was that a homage to the German people???

They will eventually get redpilled…

You're making up stuff here and you're clearly butthurt at the mere mention of the name Varg - "muh pagans don't post redpills" - because I refuse to see anything that criticizes church-propaganda - "They don't have sources (because they don't quote the bible!)". Now I agree, posting buzzwords and inflamatory content, and not redpills, does nothing but cause division. But a lot of this is because christianity acts like a plague that people won't get rid off and act like sheep at the mere criticism of it because they think it's their identity - even though they see the harmfullness it causes, they are too scared to diss it, because, after years of kike propaganda, they see it as the only way to reach God and morality - but our ancestors had knowledge of God and worshipped him before the middle-eastern cult (designed just for that) and the (((shadowy elites))) behind it came and burned it all - destroy all libraries and sacred sites, banned even the reading of the bible and left people in slavery and ignorance, even punishing them with death for just looking at the ruined pagan temples they didn't caniballize (this was an actual law in the Byzantine Empire) - Guess (((who))) wants you to believe there is a difference about "monotheism" or "polytheism", that these are not just different facets of the same truth, that wants you to be "sheep" in the globalists flock. Guess who wants you to be a "christian nationalist" a false-path that only leads you back into their hands, their culture. That wants you to believe in equality - when all living things created of light are absolutelly unequal and competing - only darkness, the void black cube has absolute equality (that the elites and "saints" behind christianity, secretly worship, despite telling something much different to their "flocks") - they want you to spread christianity, they want it to be a global religion, that is why they send missionaries to the far corners of the world, hand-in-hand with globalism to spread the abrahamic tradition and burn all other temples (like the passage in the bible tells them to), spreading all the mass-consumerism we have all across the world today - that was the end goal of christianity, that is why they used Europeans for - materialism - that is why places like Africa and Indonesia are having population booms since the europeans and their missions came to them - Christianity is and was one of many ideas designed to set up total their global dominance and maintain these elites in power after the inevitable collapse of Rome, in the "Age of Pisces" - look up at Christian Astrotheology - it all shares one common root with paganism. We don't want everyone to be a "pagan", only those who will seek it and do the best of it. That is why we don't go "preaching" it, but offer redpills on people on the reality of christianity and the pedophilia and the elites behind it - and offer them a non-kiked path, in threads like this. We are not enemies here, and I hope you realize that.


Catholics are cucks more news at 11

You fall to the same mistake of seeing me as some sort of christian apologist whenever i criticize pagans here.
What you posted about christianity is 100% correct and i agree with that. That's what christians need to see and understand about ((("their"))) religion.
What i agreed with original post i replied, was that most newcomer pagans don't ever discuss anything about paganism itself, but rather use buzzwords, adhoms and screeching at christfags and that's it… With this you don't actually redpill christians about how much misleading the slave cult christianity itself is, but rather like some skinhead who shouts "Jews!" all the time at normalfags and make them disassociate with you as some maniac, disconnect further from the truth and continue being slave of (((chosen ones))).
You have to understand how christfags work and feed them redpills bit by bit and eventually make them hate the slave cult themselves. The cancer of Christianity is very deeply ingrained in minds of europeans and overdothing them with redpills will just make you hate you and work against your cause.
Make christfags understand what Paganism is, make them understand from where you come from, make it an actual option for them to choose openly.

What makes you think they're dead?


By Odin, you should be fed to the hounds of hell for your lack of faith in Odin.
I hope Fenrir eats you soon enough you idiot cuck.

Wotan's wit has never cared about belief only about winning, this always leads to survival, whether useful to you or to your enemy is when it should be taken up or discarded unlike for his wife, Frigg with her distaff of remembering. Further Othinn is no longer the main council for the Aesir due to the aftermath of Baldr's death, when Thok convinced Rindir not to cry at Baldur's funeral this had the effect of Hel keeping Baulder. In his rage, not seen since the first year, Odin scowered until he found the Giantess Rindur and raped her until she would produce a child, born was Wali who was the bane of Lok and Hod. The win had consequences because Wodan left his post as king of the Aesir for his own cause and so his son whom he had not loved much took the throne, just as his father had assumed that role when Tuisto was found lacking and before then when Flynt carried the same fate. So now Wuotan is only the gatekeeper to Valholl and often a rider in the places called Mittelgebirge on Middle-Earth when he has no worthy visitors to tempt the test to enter his hall at home.