The absolute madman, hold on to your seats boys.
"I want Trump to KEEP his appointments."
Cenk is so clueless it hurts.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Comrade Dore tearing into Cenk like that.
[Accelerationism Intensifies]
Ajvé oy, bad prole!
I am George Soros
Nothing for you here, you should just MoveOn
that person is a horrendous writer.
Send me my fucking paycheck already you filthy kike, I have been shilling for cuckoldry like you told me to and I have yet to see one shekel!
Cenk thinks he is the future of the democratic party hahahhahahahhaha
Does Cenk just genuinely have an ego problem?
So he wants Trump to appoint more racist cabinet members, which will lead to Trump deporting millions more democrats than originally planned and making only a handful of people switch their votes to democrat. Good idea.
Jimmy is a beast, Cenk is a fucking retard.
Those comments in the video calling Jimmy an idiot fucking trigger me.
Citizens cannot be deported.
Non-citizens cannot vote, and if they do to any meaningful degree it is because the bourgeois state is bending the rules it itself set, which means it is in its own interest.
Fuck the democrats either way. The party exists to divert any meaningful challenge back into establishment channels.
No ID required to vote at ballot box: California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C.
I always liked Jimmy, but this turn he's taken is really suprisingly positive.
Yeah, I know he's not FULL GOMMUNISMS yet, but he's really fucking close to the ideological breaking-point and this point.
That'd be very good, cuz TYT gets a lok of eyeballs.
Also Ben and Mike are fucking gulag-tier.
Jimmy is going to be kicked off the show soon, for the past few weeks you see them all roll their eyes when he starts dropping truth bombs that hurt their precious Liberal egos.
He only needs a tiny push to become a full fledged Socialist. Start sending him Socialist texts and works from people like Michael Roberts and Wolff
Maybe if he leaves he'll be more prone to radicalization, without those little liberal troglodytes filling his head with nonsense.
Seriously, without Jimmy, TYT will have become pure liquid diarrhea.
Why not vote with bullets? We each get more than one of those.
Jimmy dore and jordan charlton a cancers on the progressive movements and why democrats lost this election. I blocked tyt politics and jimmy shows on youtube i cant stand regressive BS
t. Cenk sock account
Jimmy is the absolute madman he is getting closer and closer oh man I wish he could evolve further.
Who the fuck is that long haired dude?
That is some next level shilling
he gets it.
I like how Jimmy Dore is a meme now.