Post webms/ mp4s
last webm thread is on page 14
Webm Thread
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Well hello there senpai, doing alright?
Better quality.
Yeah I have been doing alright just been catching up on some shows I've missed
Thanks user I will replace it
I hope you guys like watching Koreans.
Glad to hear it, I've been expanding my collection bit by bit. I need to eventually reach at least 380 otomads and I can call it a proper gallery
Anyone know the song in this?
same I might get the rest of the otomads from the pinned thread later today so I can be able to expand ever so slightly
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
What song?
Don't know sorry man
Thanks dude.
Let me help you out there fam
Much appreciated, bud.
Senran kagura estival versus
really nigger
Always wondered second video's source
It's been quite a while since I made such a mistake
Well whenever it gets dumped it's named Pretty Puridotto pt 1-6, so if you want to look start with that.
Thanks fam
Damn that song takes me back to the cuckchan sound threads
what's the music in this one, anyway?
Does anyone have the old man walking through the countryside? That one hasn't been posted in a while.
Good luck, user.
Why would someone be so cruel.
Genocide is justified
i did my best, try and fix it
beats are hard
Y'all need to make more fresh content.
Have some more soup.
Are you gonna make new content?
give me a few minutes.
hanks I love these, Do you by chance know the song?
I was calling your bluff but hey lets see what you can do.
No, I assumed it was the jiggle from the original soup commercial, if it actually did exist.
that sucks but thanks for the info
I keep forgetting to create a playlist called, "Music I would rob an Art museum to."
Pythagora Switch. It's the tune used for the rube goldberg machines
Thanks very much user
My god get them some food. No tits, no ass, no curve. Jesus some of those could be traps and you wouldn't be able to tell.
I wanna fuck those robots
Those perfidious kikes need to be put in their place.
fucking rotoscoping.
It took an hour but encoded at over 10mb. It'll have to wait.
Why make new content when we can rehash old content?
Those are the saddest eyes I've ever seen in a man.
Here user, have one with twice the frames, and twice the file size.
Is there a trick to limiting bitrate? i feel like i'm trial-and-error-ing myself through changing the -qmax in order to get a good ratio of quality to file size
I'd be sad too if I were in a shitty overhyped FPS that lost its way and tried too hard to compete with Call of Duty.
Holy shit
Thanks for that user I will replace it
I'll just have to do this one instead.
We all crave new things.
In all honesty, I probably could make it smaller, but I'm already noticing blocks at half size.
looks like bundrops is becoming a thing
I'll have to convert these later.
A fad I can get behind. Webm unrelated.
Anyone interested in the real version
Fascinating but a lot of fucking about.
This one I've got is sped up and makes for much better watching.
Yeah, don't use -qmax. Use a calculator to determine what your video bitrate needs to be and then go with that. ffmpeg will take care of the rest, improving and decreasing quality as necessary to hit near the target size.
I guess you will be the one to take my anal virginity then.
Gonna have to reencode them sometime to use the new 10MB limit.
Nice. I think I still prefer the tiled roof one though just because it look comfier to me for some reason.
Also the length doesn't bother me and I think it makes it look like even more like it's some hard work.
Even with calculations it can still end up too big because of the thing you mentioned ffmpeg does though. But yeah, I guess there isn't really a perfect way to make it as close to 10MB as possible in your first try.
Wait, when did the limit become 10mb?
Something like 2-3 days ago.
thats pretty fuckin boss
Are those walls made out of clay? How strong are they without being baked?
I don't think it's exclusively clay. You can see him adding crushed rocks 2:30 into this one Though I'm not sure if he also did that for the walls. There's also rocks inside the walls as you can see 2:05 into this one
please post webm, mp4 can't be read
please stop being a faggot, get a real browser
no fuck you you fucking fucker
Experimenting with an automatic batch script for webm conversion, it's gonna calculate the bitrate needed and make andjustments for securely staying below the 10MB limit. Maybe I'll make several for different target file sizes, but eh.
You should program it so that you can also change the bitrate, in case Hotmonkey decides to increase the size limit again.
You should lower the resolution on that one. You can't make the bitrate higher due to length and it's clearly not high enough for 720p
Or maybe I'm wrong and it's just the original video that was low quality.
Pretty easy to do actually, I'm calculating the bitrate from a target file size and time duration, so it's just a matter of changing the target fs and since I'm using 2-pass encoding, ffmpeg tries to figure out the best parameters by itself. When I'm done, I'll probably paste it here so you fagets get something out of it.
Yeah, the resolution's gonna need scaling too, just haven't thrown in a -vf scale yet. The next encode's gonna be scaled to 480 vertical, it's gonna take a while though since I'm doing this on a fucking toaster.
For now, have an oldie.
oh joy
let the good ol'bad times roll
Lookin' good. Still not precise enough since I'm missing almost a whole megabyte, but eh. Gonna need some more small-scale tests.
Jeb? Jeb!
Might as well start with Popeye.
Video Game
god, trying to squish in as much time as possible without making the webm make my eyes bleed is hard.
meh dick
Fuck it, have at it faggots:
ffmpeg and ffprobe are in a folder where the batch file is. Files to convert are in a subfolder, "convertvp9" that has a subfolder itself, "done", where the final files will reside.
Tweaking should be easy, no handholding though, can't be arsed right now.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansionFOR %%A IN (convertvp9\*.avi;convertvp9\*.mpg;convertvp9\*.mp4;convertvp9\*.webm;convertvp9\*.mkv;convertvp9\*.mov;convertvp9\*.wmv) DO ( ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "%%A" > probeinfo.txt set /p durationfloat=
Why is this guy everywhere?
He doesn't really do anything funny, but he's been in jontron's videos, idubbs or whatever, and others.
video games
The pup is obviously feeling uncomfortable: it's trying to growl and yawn at the same time, it's pulling its ears back, and constantly licking its face to calm down. What a fucking bitch.
40 posts before the thread autosages
if there was ever a appropriate time this is it
There’s something charming about the slightly off timing of the original. And there were some changes done to the remaster that didn’t work as well.
I have memed irresponsibly and have been justly rused
it's called cancer, like everything you just mentioned
or ironized yest.
Flёur is the shit.
By same same band. It's called Formaline.
Money. The more effort you put in, the more it costs, the less you earn.
I am not sure if this is a /k/ related meme I never heard of, or your spelling just sucks ass.
I remember that there was a youtube channel where these were posted to, but I cant find it for the life of me.
wth? Fan-anime?>>10691873
I saw a bunch of ISIS webms posted here a couple of threads back, anybody have them?
That's not an alligator
Ironically it's shit like this that contributes exactly to what kojimbo is complaining about: the process of forcing video games to conform to a wider social "context" by shoving political opinion and hamfisted mass-media dogma down your throat, substituting the freedom and escapism of entertainment with unquestionable "artistic/social statement".
Indeed. But we all know politics is like a cancer and creeps up everywhere. The key is to make it complement the story and look as unbiased as possible. It's ok for your characters, be it heroes or villains, have a political alignment (if it isn't shoehorned or the sole purpose of such character), but when your own political view leak into your game as a developer, you are doing something wrong, even more when this fact is easily recognized.
What is the source to these webms?
Search for ShackCops
Thanks, fam
why the hell where they promoting fat chicks back then?
Anyone have the webm of that guy in.. yellow was it? Screaming. It was a movie or a screenplay and he's in a mask and robe just screaming in rage.
Also need the webm of that guy who accessed an unsecured baby monitor and began blasting sanic to babby.
I saved one of your webms so I might as well help
It was from Oedipus.
Thanks user.
sorry about that one, posted in wrong thread