Terrorist attack in Las Vegas #2

Here's the police scanner link user. 50k viewers already. Shit's happening


Thread #1: | archive.fo/kr4JA

Other urls found in this thread:

periscope.tv/w/1OyKArWkvWyGb?q=las vegas

This shall become the second thread then.
Link to previous thread
Don't be such a fag next time OP.

OP, we needed a new bread anyways, thank you

Something about a strike team being cleared for action somewhere?

vegas strip completely evacuated

is this the new thread or not?

For all you dumb faggots saying it was faked, why fake it? Why not just it for real?



RSB link



police now confirm 2 dead 24 injured

This is going to be hard to believe, but noise gets louder when you get closer to it. The shooter isn't suppressing an ak

They're muslims, when they misidnetify as "white or asian" then mention beards it's Arabs. ISIS Terror Attack confirmed.


hopefully the motherfucker(s)? were not using RIP rounds…


My money's on one of these


I only heard one had a beard but I don't disagree


$20 says it's a Kang getting revenge on ebil whitey for standing during the National Anthem.

Actual injury means next of kin have more legal rights to go sniffing around. Who knows tho it could be a real leftist domestic terrorist attack. It's during a country music concert, not a rape concert, makes ya think.


the scanner literally just said possible more shooters




He was a childhood friend. Always a fat fuck and bullied me. Can't choose how the dice roll. Wish all my friends were Nat Soc. At least all the genetically superior ones are.

He's dead three times over. Will report in morning

My guess, AK pattern rifle, slide-fire type stock in lieu of full-auto modification, drum magazine.

Stream links from last thread. No idea which are live
periscope.tv/w/1OyKArWkvWyGb?q=las vegas


Gee, I wonder what (((issue))) is going to be all over the news tomorrow?




20 is rumored but not confirmed.

Broadcastify is still live

is this not a security risk? why would they have two thousand people outside with perfect shooting positions all over the fucking place.

please check them before posting then dummy

50 bucks they are eurocucks


nigger are you dumb

Thanks Fast & Furious and 9th circut court.

Truck northbound on the freeway
male 2 females

report of possible 419 (dead body) (plural?) in back of truck heading northbound.


Do we know anything yet?


sounds like an ak to me
but fire rate is inconsistent
so is it proper auto, or semi auto bump

theres a good audio of it on last thread

I'm kind of skeptical about the bump fire stock. Bump firing requires a fair amount of fine motor control and the shooter was probably so hopped up on adrenaline he'd be jittering like a parkinsons patient. And the fact that he cleanly dumped 3 mags worth of ammo without a single slip up.

If this turns out to be ISIS it's going to be used to push us to attack Iran/Syria and completely cut off ties with Russia so we can fight for Greater Israel. And of course, if you point any of this out after such a "terrible attack" you're a traitor that sympathizes with baby killing terrorists. If the kikes manage to pull it off I will be disgusted. Is that all they have to do every time, just hit a button that triggers Americans into enraged, emotional, easily manipulated rubes? Vile.

Here's hoping it's just some dumb BLM nigger or antifa cuck.

stfu retard..

It don matta muhfugga, ebil whitey bix nood oppression muh reparations WE WUZ GIBS ME DAT

A nigger could fire into a giant cube of people and still only hit a handful. They can't shoot worth shit. This seems more like a gunman of peace.

I see what ((they)) did there

Route 91 Harvest in English Gematria Equals: 1032

Other words with the same sum

Prophet muhammad the pedo goatfucker 1032

Feast Of Tabernacles 1032

Demonic Activity 1032

Final Destination 1032

what if he took benzos?

my money is on syria false flag or nork false flag.

Bumpfiring is easy if all you do is mag dump. The reason why I suggested it is because my RPK had that exact set up. It takes skill to burst accurately.

That's very true.

Did he just say send people to Trump Tower to check for injuries?


You're getting weird, son.

What would you call it, the Murdered Cube?

but what does trump think of this

This, or they're trying to cover something else up, like the missing plane in Tennessee which just randomly disappeared.

calm down before you start blackpill sperging

What the fuck are you on


i definitely think that sounds ak to me as well

Take your meds m8

No one tracked down pictures from the shooters mums name and address yet?

Given Vegas reputation for alcohol, gambling, porn, prostitution, etc. My bet is Isis did it.
Guys aren't white so no BLM.
Antifa doesn't shoot, so not them.

Who else could it be? Can't even be a disgruntled employee as it was co ordinated.
Or is it Washington sniper 2.0?

He'll be awake in about 12 minutes.

loool are you high or some shit?



Anyone who doesn't understand that massive spectacles of violence like this are ALWAYS engineered is T_D election cancer.

They were transporting people to the hospital in pick up trucks because there weren't enough ambulances


why does that patriotic fanny pack he's wearing look shopped in

That's what you get for littering.

Make your own fucking thread planefag.

Strike Team 15 advises Harrah's is code 4 at 00:47 (GMT-8)

I mean are. Which means white, Arab or Hispanic.

yep, lazy nigger confirmed

Can someone show on google maps where the concert was and distance from hotel room?

we could use this for propaganda

No further assistance needed.

He was most likely awoken for this


I'm pretty impressed that right side had a stream up on this in no fucking time. Infowars doesn't even do that, I can't think of any non MSM media that does that. Does right side pay someone to be there 24/7?

Why are you cia niggers so afraid of the plane being discovered? What is this ayys?

If she fell down to death from a gun shot why are her arms perfectly at her sides? Why does the blood inbetween her legs look stale but yet the blood on her legs look fresh?

could be fucked camera lighting, save a copy to compair to others..

Wipe your own ass you retarded nigger

One of you fucks is in Vegas, right? Get down to your local goddam emergency rooms; that's where the real fucking story is.

aint got no time for that

Keep digging.

Columbine was likely real, the Jews keep ripping off the white man's ideas since then. Ageoldstory.png

There was a massive backlash on both sides of the aisle to the suggestion of action in Syria during the Obama admin. Even more people understand that ISIS is Israel/CIA at this point. Not sure that narrative would go over.


Someone hiding behind white storage container in a parking lot

The faceberg of her name and linkedin or some shit was posted in the last thread.

I dunno, if I were President I'd say the death toll should reach at least 15 before they wake me in the middle of the night. Afterall, attacks like this are part and parcel of living in a bit city.

Except one of the shooters was a kike

He smelled the happening miles away.


Sounds like the shooter couldn't handle the recoil or was spraying back and forth

Trips of truth confirm; vegas user needs to go chase amberlamps

big* city
Fuck I ruined the joke.

Remember too that after the gay nightclub shooting the muzzies handed down a directive to target only normal white people so that left wingers in the west couldn't spin the propaganda in their direction.


pretty sure steve just runs the stream out of his house

seems like it is nothing..

and he openly called for the gassing of other kikes, what's your point?


Top tier news coverage.

Live leak has some new footage.



no idea about distances and not sure where the concert was


Thanks, I'm not on a proper PC right now so cant view threads properly. What we looking at; liberals, niggers, mudslimes?


Do we know who did it yet? Reading through 1000+ posts now. god have mercy

I counted a little over 50 shots without break in the last video posted.

To the guy in the last thread talking about his commie friend possibly being dead

Columbine was connected to G.A.T.E

i researched a bit they were "gifted" and in the program

i think GATE was a program to create sleepercells


user…It's the CIA, Mossad, or one of the other groups who do this every single time it happens. Has T_D election bleed really dragged the board down this far?

they don't really "know" that either..
just turn of the news user, they are fucking vulture untermensch.

Nope not yet.

Do they assume we are listening ?
(listening to the scanners is illegal right?)

dressed in camo

No one confirmed yet, but remember Coulter's Law - the longer it goes without an ID, the higher chance it's a non-white.

Taking a white mail into custody


that's not new footage

police show photos of the shooter

We don't know yet. lslam, BLM, Antifa - usual suspects.

No I think the argument last thread was that if some in the crowd were armed (yes yes handgun vs rifle is not good odds) that it wouldn't make any difference.

Dude started blackpill sperging last thread and is doing it again

So is this a false flag or an actual attack with crisis actors? Or a false flag with actual killings along with crisis actors? I fucking hate how I have to question everything now.

Looks like it's between 200-300 yards.

Police generally use the more "politically" correct term of asian or white when describing anything from actual Caucasians to hispanics to arabs. The key is how much they confuse the suspect as being asian or white.


Weird looking chink it seems, dunno what kind, all ants look the same

It's not ayys you faggot. Radio silence >>>/k/519884 is sometimes called for when
and >>>/fringe/102337 i.e COBRA's altimeter transmitter array.
If you get real proof make a thread on it though. Don't derail this one.


Suspect on 4th floor Mandalay Bay

It was an AK obviously religion of peace. They get to do all the things we dream about while DOTR hasn't happened yet. We should really wake them up correctly to the Jew once they're all almost dead.

suspect on 4th floor of mandalay bay


This can support the single shooter theory. Can /k/ommandos who watched the videos confirm that this is what it sounded like?


Looks like light skinned negro from the moms pics

Suspect on 4th floor of the Mandalay

The clear audio of the gunfire was from the Delano Hotel.

Looked like a nigger to me.

I know a bit about sound..
the increase in pitch and speed could be explained by echos of a sweeping motion type spraying…

Not yet, but with one suspect dead and no race released odds are it's non-whites.


Now that's definitely a different gun from the other one, so the reports had better confirm at least two different types of guns used.

Also he sounds like hes making this shit up this is why I question this situation.

I fucking hate this shit. Every time.

gay.. its didn't embed properly, check this one third one down


god dammit

That's not how it works. They do evil ops that have numbers that calculate out because they think it gives them power.

Glory awaits anons get your asses down there!

You're on the wrong board faggot.

Stop trying to derail and shill a happening thread series when you can make a fucking thread about it.
I'm surprised you can figure out the captcha in the first place.

Are you retarded? Especially with an automatic weapon, shots at that distance in that big a crowd aren't meant for specific deeply accurate targeting. This isn't some fucking hollywood movie or videogame.

Thanks, maybe its another half breed going for Elliot's high score on beta quest then.

I hear at least two different caliber reports. guessing 7.62 is what we primarily hear and 556/223 in a few clips

That guy totally sounds full of shit, or maybe he's just slow and experiencing some shock.

A false flag attack, with actual killings, without crisis actors

This is why pol is so retarded. The easiest way for them to falseflag is to cause a real mass shooting by arming and encouraging a real extremist.

The end result is the same - more gun control for the goyim.

there's two more i'm waiting to post from that embed but i keep getting "flood detected"


Vegas user here. I know people injured and have been in contact with people at the hospital. Access is blocked off.

fuck you spook, I'm not derailing I am speculating as to why the cia activated their isis assets

he also predicted it would be pinned on the alt-right somehow but carried out by antifa with orders from deep state. pretty weird how good he was with his timing.

Illuminati mass sacrifice confirmed


Gun control with a Republican House/Senate/Presidency doesn't have a hope in hell of passing. A false flag shooting would have other goals in mind.


It was taken by people staying at the Delano.
That doesn't mean they were standing outside it to take the video.

you can hear a second shooter firing a smaller caliber automatic rifle at 00:10

I still can't believe people are this stupid.

God it's weird to actually have an attack at a place I've been to before…

Muslims are dumb inbred barbarians. They do things like random rape-murders and knife attacks. Big coordinated media spectacles featuring muh-deadly-tacticool-military-assault-weapons that get posted by fucking Dan Biltzerian within five minutes of happening are false flags.

They need to band together on Muslim control.

Also, errors are gay, fix your shit, hotman

Kill yourself.

guns sound like cracks when you are down the firing range and getting shot at.
most of the bang is echo from the firing coming back..

its maymay magicks

Holy shit. Can you webm this? I don't want to have to listen to 3 hours of Caveman commercials to get to it.


You mean Codemonkey. Hotwheels is dead.

It fucking crashed it didn't disappear. There are dozens of stories on it now.

It's easy to say since you don't need to actually prove anything. There's no fucking point in them doing this, it'll be forgotten about in a week like every single other one. Are you suggesting they just like killing people for sport? Or are they trying to hide some irrelevant thing happening that no one would pay attention to anyway? 99% of people in the world would be just as easily distracted by a staged celebrity scandal or some other trivial bullshit, fucking Brad Pitt being cucked by his titless jewess wife stays in the headlines longer than a mass shooting. You're just a fucking retard or MIDF or someone poisoning the well, idk what you are but you ruin every happening thread with your pothead conspiracy theories. If I wanted to listen to some moron ramble about UFOs I'd go hang out with a stoner.

After all the attacks in Europe it's proven that gun control doesn't work.

LIKELY ((())) M8

you can audably hear some bullets flying past the fucking camera. jesus.

-right side

A false flag IS is an actual attack with actual killings. It's an attack carried out by one group but presented as though it were carried out by some other group, hence "false flag. LEARN WHAT WORDS MEAN BEFORE POSTING.

I feel the same way.

Sorry user.

Maybe because he has connections…..

You are fake news


He doesn’t afraid to die and wished to divert attention from those who were.

Anyone notice how there are/were NO periscope streams in the area…

I am listening to the scanner and they said they took a White Male suspect in camo in….

Thanks for the update, retard.

What's the source of this Paul Denino name of the suspect?

Movie - Mars Attacks , panic in Vegas at LUXOR is a major part of the film.


Ya a couple of those videos you could hear the rounds ricocheting off the pavement.


It's not weird at all in today's world. Remember when Bill Nyeberg passed out and everyone whipped out their phones instead of helping him?

Every fucking terror attack you will get retards calling CIA Falseflag or Mossad Falseflag.
Implying the CIA or the Mossad will hire actors when the have willing and easy to manipulate nigs and arabs on disposal.

That's beyond retarded

This has to be nogs or Jizzlam dudes knowing that killing whitey is a lesser crime in Current Year, right?

Tropicana cleared
So that fire extinguisher was nothing I guess

Another quality post from a TORfag. Do you really, seriously think that matters in the eyes of the politicians and leftists that want guns removed from citizens?

back to t_d

Probably just a ruse. A google search reveals that he's some sort of e-celeb.

I don't think you even know what a false flag operation is.

I once worked in fast food with a guy who told me a story about him smoking pot, and he said his eyes were "low like a china man." Shit was so goddam hilarious to me, i'd never heard someone in current year unironically say china man before. So now I refer to all asian people as china men. That said, holy fuck do both of them look like china men here.


bumpfire ar15's?

Of course not.
And I'm only using Tor onion because normal tor isn't working on here and I cbf setting up a vpn.

THIS FUCKING HAPPENED YOU LIMP DICKS. Get your head out of your asses, stop fantasizing about some great conspiracy and take a look at what is ACTUALLY happening in this country: Muslims are opening fire on innocents anywhere they can, trying to kill as many westerners as they can. This is happening globally and you'd have to be crazy not to notice it.


possible shooter in Mandalay

Depends (((who))) steals (((what)))


Are you retarded?

it's probably going to be shit from mexico


Agreed maybe a push against the Norks, police mentionned asian males.
Except if asian is an euphemism for paki/arab of course


Or to draw in police and first responders for the second phase.

From the previous thread

Thought this was interesting.

A flase flag is not the same as a staged even. Any event here the perpetrators try to blame it on someone else is a false flag. It doesn't mean it was faked. Those are separate issues.

Shadow government false flag confirmed.

Dude, fuck that. Get your ass down there, get as close as you can, film who goes in and out.

Im not even sure they are "conspiratards" …. though a few may be
I think alot of the "false flag" guys are actaully niggers/muzzies just trying to fuck up the conversation, spread disinfo

there just cant be that many people who are that stupid

There are a million potential reasons to make a media spectacle out of killing a bunch of people. Gun control politics, anti-Trump politics, spooky sacrificial Molock / loosh bullshit, internal disputes… There are as many reasons as you can list>>10691596

This user points out a likely scenario:

You are an absolute retard and you should be banned. A false flag is an event that is presented as having been carried out by a different group or individual than whoever actually carried it out. Why do we have so many 13 year olds posting right now? Fucking honestly. Stop posting.

Blow me, TORpedo.

Why do you think they pushed pizzagate and the WTC collapse?


Calling it now. This is going to be the first attack in a series from the (((mexican cartels))) against Donald Trump. Cap this post and only time will tell.

nigger/jew/muzzie poster

I don't. Source?


For fucks sake. People on this board don't even understand that false flag doesn't necessitate the entire event to be fake. When someone calls something a false flag that doesn't mean they're saying the entire thing was crisis actors or it wasn't a real attack, just that it was coordinated or pushed by political factions that want to use the attack to put public backing behind their desired military actions.

If this attack turns out to be be a Muslim, we will see a heavy push from Israel and its pets/allies to go after Iran/Syria. They have been agitating this for a while now, but there is no public support for it. An attack of this kind is one way to shift that, though we'll see as so far it doesn't seem to be drastic enough to garner public support for another war. It might be enough to swing Trump around to their side, though.

4th floor clear

Thank you, atleast one non fucking retard in this thread

Another shooter identified

part under 88 dubs was meant for:

Switched them somehow.

Hotwheels is either dead or a drugged up junky where jim left him (did a great job getting him hooked too)

Just where was George Clooney while the shooting was going on?

probably just drunk as fuck

Relax user, it's only the newfags that don't know what a false flag actually is. The majority of us know, but you don't see us posting the definition of it every day.

why is every post you make contrarian

Do you know (((who))) is enabling "muslims to open fire on innocents"?
Keep your ignorance to yourself or go back.


Can be both like in Triple9 , they killed a cop so other cops look for the killer , and they stole from evidence

All I see is trash and broken bottles.
Where's the casualty?

1 in custody at Motel 6

It doesn't sound like an American rifle or shooter to me.

"swat and FBI at hooters"

youtu. be/FwWr-U_CLxg?t=47m9s

(((Muslims))) are just following the orders of their kike masters.

Stop breaking links, fuccboi.

right so its not the muzzies its the kikes

tell you what nigger ….. this white boy says
"Just gas them all" … let thier gods sort them out

firs result on google.

TL;DR Nyeberg passes out during speech, no one helps, everyone grabs their phone. He comes back around fairly quick and asks how long he was out, and finishes his speech or whatever while sitting instead of standing.

Remember, Hillary Clinton wore purple and was talking about "the harvest" at her concession speech.

top kek

I know.
It's an attack under a false flag. Like sinking a ship and blaming it on Germoney. That is perfectly possible.

But here in the thread you have faggots saying not real guns sounds and omg crisis actors can't act.
During the Paris attack you had people saying it was entierely false and no one was really hurt.
That's retarded



That pic is some premium butthurt

Yeah, definitely gonna need the fucking source video on this. If by Friday you mean back on the 29th, then surely this would be easy to find and post in the thread. Fuck it, tell me how long the show was and when he said it and I can probably find it on YouTube. Also, if this is even the slightest bit true and they really do try to blame it on the Aut-Right, then Filterman is probably going to have an (((accident))) soon.

I'm seeing reports on Aussie ABC24 that they don't believe there's a second shooter and that the shooter has been killed. Also five injured in a terror attack in Canada?

Haven't seen anything that looks like a real injury.

1 in custody at Motel

How long was this guy shooting for anyway? Did SWAT really kill that guy in about the 2 minute time frame or am I just autistic

I see where this is going

fake news. all that shooter does is shotgun bottles of cum.

At a country concert… I am guessing they maybe grabbed the wrong guy

I'm guessing it was drugs (whippet canister thing) was a white male and female who got out of cab and hid it behind slot machine

You mean like $100s of millions of gold that went missing from the vaults during 9/11?

The only thing this will do is beef up security.
I don't believe this is a false flag, I think it's a stupid fucktard taking out his apathy on the world.

While I think false flags have occurred in the past, lately they've become ineffective because many people now recognize the term "false flag".
The game has changed again, in a world aware of subversion the use of these false flags are becoming less effective.

they are still reporting active shooters

False flag niggers are the worst. It doesn't matter what happened they just scream "False flag!" Like the mentally ill retarded turbo niggers that they are.


Holy shit how are there so many retards on the board right now? It's not either or. The CIA and other agencies use low IQ muslims and other low IQ people to carry out events. They flood the population with volatile people and then select particularly volatile individuals and work them into a frenzy, arm them, etc., as the CIA anf FBI have been caught doing MULTIPLE TIMES.

AGIAN: random dumb muzzies do things like random rapes and knife attacks. Massive media spectacles, tweeted by e-celebs, and carried out in fucking Las Vegas, with scary tacticool "assualt weapons" are engineered events of a completely different kind.



I always ask myself how does this benefit anyone. Could it be gun activist pulling the string on some crazed commie fucks?What about recent events taking place? There seems to me much chaos happing all over the world. What could these distractions, be distracting, from prying eyes and open ears?


Rational minds don't try to come up with a million convoluted reasons to explain an event though, all of which are unprovable.


Suspect in Route 91 Lot

oh shit suspect at door 4a

Good man, one of the few people here who isn't a fucking retard

He still posts on twitter

He looks very Lee Harvey Oswald, if you get my drift?

scanners nigger


fr annon whatever drugs are you on and also have planted at your residence now?
getting really sleepy now….



Is it already over?

Yeah perhaps it's linked?

If it is linked then disregard my faggotry

Shareblue shills are probably in this thread.

Except we have no reason to attack Syria or Iran when they are in no way supporting terrorist actions or enabling them. Not to mention if we do go into the Middle East we will create yet another "refugee crisis" giving the kikes further justification for flooding our homelands with sandniggers. If we want to effectively fight against terrorism, kick out all the sandniggers from our countries, secure our borders, and we're good. It's a lot cheaper and actually works, as opposed to starting another war in the Middle East for Israel.

Canuck lorry&stabbing of peace was yesterday or the day before.

2 dead, 24 injured.

False flaggots are typically either shills or paranoid whites with beaner/nigger-tier IQs.

What would it look like at the start of the Day Of The Rope
If shooters white , maybe we can Domino this

I know dude. Fucking 9/11 was totally on the up and up. You are smart and belong here. (reported)


Hotwheels is fine.

twitter can be anyone

Which ones faggot
I'm listening to broadcastify.com/listen/feed/21038/web and haven't heard any new active shooters

try to keep up nigger

I love the busty nazifus

go ask your boss to give you more training


though 4th floor was just fucking cleared?
are you up to date?
refresh maby?

Dude that was hours ago. Somali stabbed a cop and then ran over four people in a U-Haul. He was known to authorities already but they deemed him no thread.

Any fag count the number of rounds fired? Realizing that we aren’t necessarily getting the initial salvo…

go to bed user

In the past before the last few years it was a big deal because most people didn't recognize that this shit happened.
Nowadays, it's become pointless because everyone now asks if it's a potential false flag.

Is it time?

Its from his friday show, starts at around 10 min min, till 16 min.

I agree conspiritard
thats why I have developed this simple system
muzzie = kill it
jew = gas
nigger = hang/burn

can you think of any other religitards that need sorting on DOTR

The dispatchers have no idea what is going on

Its just shills and dumb newfags

That's what was on the radio. I heard it too. HAven't heard anything recently, but I'm not ADD enough to listen to the stream and post, just ADD enough to try.

Canadian attack happened last night, some Somali used a u haul to ram some people at a downtown bar in Edmonton after stabbing a cop. seemed like a spur of the moment sort of thing for the Somali.

No deaths

Show me a source that says 20 dead.

Multiple buildings

suspect in custody

They said they might do a re-clear

Suspect's picture released.

over 200 is my guess. atleast ones that were shot into the crowd initially.

One more detained with weapons

1 detained but with no weapons.



We need to dig into the suspect before confirming that there is a reasonable suspicion of false flags.

stop posting this retard nobdy is laughing here.

close user, very close

Get out.

Have you ever fired a gun?

before shots fired this girl says she was told everyone was going to die tonight


Bullets are cheaper. That or make them swim.

He can't keep getting away with this

It does looked shooped


You should replace the center star with a (((star)))

he has confessed to being involved in the shooting.
white male no weapons on him.

If the perp/s are white we are going to see a shitstorm of immense proportions.

your picture released:


Dan Bilzerian complicit in the sham? "That's so fucking crazy" after saying he saw a girl get shot in the head, sounds fake.
youtube. com/watch?v=uM5cOaZzVvc


because it is fake. ive fired a shitload of guns in my life. this doesnt sound like a bullet being discharged.

Thanks anons. The footage they showed sounded like two rifles firing but then moments later they were saying it was one shooter and all the news tickers are now updating to refer to it as being done by a gunman.


That's real funny, these bleeding heart faggots are always "MUH REMEMBER THE VICTIM NOT THE SHOOTER"
But then, what did I expect from libcucks if not hypocrisy

probably drunk or high. The other one who was detained had a pellet gun.

Kill every kike and shitskin.
The holocaust never happened but it should have and it will.

I think his lack of expressiveness is caused by either Botox or drug use.

bumping this, potentially important




this post is satire


He was probably in the area, but not actually at the concert


it's from a long distance and height

They just said on the scanner the white male with black hair and in camo had a pellet gun on him.


RSBN is showing 2 sources stating 20 dead. Both could be unreliable like this one.

Article body contradicts the headline.

holy shit what is actually happening? this thread is updated auto with shill tactics I havent seen in months.

Codekike isnt important. TRS isnt important. None of the misdirection is important.


hotwheels was hooked on drugs before going to flipland, they're just cheaper there.

The shooter was reportedly heard shouting "I'VE GOT SPURS THAT GO JINGLE JANGLE JINGLE".

premium strawman

Stop being a "conspiratard" user. There's nothing suspicious about this in any way and the whole thing just proves that we need to go fight more wars for the greater Israel.

suspect has been apprehende

No more hot zones

trips and it was antifa

military plane disappeared in Tennessee.


the normal shill rounds, just ignore them

"how does this make you feel"
jesus fucking christ wtf is wrong with the media…

Distance and poor quality phone microphones

So much for going to bed


Gentlemen, I may have been Wrong about Alex Jones…so what else has he been right about?

Trips confirm


Got this compilation video.

I'm done with life if he was right.

This seems interesting anyway of finding out who that woman was?

Go read any of my posts, which are largely about Muslims raping and beheading people. Then go back to T_D and suck some more neocon Jew dick.

Are you? We still haven't gotten the footage from the Oklahoma bombing, faggot. Die kike.

Did he also have a big iron on his hip?

go back to T_D


Just catching up, so sorry if this is a repost. Listen to the sound of it!


but nothing about Jews


Two distict reports (((one active shooter))) multiple videos of gun reports. one youtube, reciting his lines like he didn't practice.
The usual for a blatent gun grab

don't be retarded. guns sound much different when you're one the receiving end. it sounds like a bump fire, or hot dirty machine gun. im guessing 5.56

So what are we betting on?

The first thing that came to mind for me was another anti-gun false flag.



Nice attempt at Taqqiyah you nigger, muslim, anti-white

He was muttering something about a guy named Johnny Guitar

There ARE at least 50 retards saying the sounds
are fake and those are crisis actor.

And two young women slaughtered by a refugee in Marseilles , France, Yesterday.

Except we have hundreds of hours of 9/11 footage that we can analyze ourselves, where expert engineers have testified and you can see the thermite melted steel dripping out of the buildings.
These fags see a 10 second phone clip and scream "FALSE FLAG FALSE FLAG EVERYTHING'S A PSYOP." Annoying as fuck.

He talked about "Eliete Becoming Vampires" before the leaks about occultic blood orgies, using actual news reports as his sources and giving speculation.



Oh I dunno, cunt. Pretty fuckin swell I'd say.

He was right about shit in the water turning the frogs gay and fluoridated water killing IQ.



That's what it sounds like to me.

this is new to me user. doing gods work

Betting on antifa
But it's still too early to be able to tell anything for sure.

Had to spice it up.

Well, if the shooter turns out to be a (((lone wolf white male))), welcome to to the thunderdome. He was right about the timing at least.

rolling for spics


Rolling for sandniggers

Pick one.

Rolling for BLM

Stop being melodramatic, Nancy. Shills attacking the board like they always do and people coming up with theories based on the very small amount of available information doesn't mean the board itself is bad.

He payed for those drinks and dammit he's going to finish them.

Yeah, this place is less use than reddit right now. Just goons shifting everything up. I mean we have suspects mums name and address and its obvious fake arguments completely shitting these threads up.

These country fans sure don’t like wasting a beer do they? Not that I blame them, they probably paid $10 for that beer.

rolling for false flag

Another one.

fuck man i tried that super male vitality shit from alex jones

that shit is heavy duty
gave me a hard on and an urge to punch stuff … had to stop using it

Dropping the beer won't make you run faster but drinking the beer might make you feel better.


you have to take into account that the audio is being recorded from a shitty phone camera and the shooter was reportedly shooting from the 27th(?) floor of the mandalay bay and the difference in distance can affect the way the gun sounds.

Poor bastard can't get away from fucking cows can he?


In case you missed it in the last thread, much clearer audio on this one.

But I guess I'll wait until the full confirmation of who the shooter is.

the shooter was reportedly singing
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else That don't impress me much

The leftist creeper cells are being activated.

They dont call them cowboys for nothing

mandalay bay reservations are expensive as fuck

average mass shooter would not spend that kind of money just for 2 kills / 20+ injuries


Thanks. Can a /k/fag tell me if that's full auto?

this… the ride never ends

I tried looking for her on Twitter with cliche 21st birthday hashtags and gave up …but she says 'go home tomorrow' so not a local

can any audio anons hear what was yelled at the end of video?????

Be that close, and hear no brass?

Yes, it was.

Sounds like a bumpfire stock and a drum to me from the quantity of shots and the irregular rhythm.

Really? I was actually considering buying it tbqh

Why does it sound like the fire rate increases?
Is it just echo?

reposting live stream for gloomtube

People being carried on make shift stretchers.


he's shooting from a window 32 floors up

i thought it was at first but you can hear the cadence change, it's probably a bumpfire/slidefire

Why assume he was shooting out of the window? you can shoot from inside the room out of a window like a proper OP

Shit now the CDA is getting involved

bump fire or hot dirty machine gun.

I think.

Sheriff is getting ready to speak, on Fox 5 news, trying to find a stream

a military plane went missing in tennessee. radio silence was ordered throughout the entire military. then the plane 'crashed'. Same time the crash was announced the shooting in las vegas started.

So what does that mean?


Maybe.. the plane was a ruse to have justification for radio silence and then the US began bombing the shit out of the norks. In response to this the commies had a team of niggers and spics come out and shoot up las vegas.


the kikes were behind this… watch the msm try to pin this on syria. Or maybe this was antifa..

either way i think we've just entered a new era

Bumpfire stock most likely; changes the cadence.

It is rare to find a Vegas hotel room with a window that opens.

Not when you're armed.

So to be serious for a moment, the fact that a country concert was attacked may suggest it was specifically intended as an attack on whites. A nigger is an unlikely culprit because apparently the shooter actually hit people, antifa is unlikely because they're too retarded to operate a firearm and the kickback would snap their noodle arms. The most likely possibility is, as always, a sandnigger. Although a supreme gentleman is always possible as well.

… oh they so good, oh they so sweet…

He could of just you know, broke it


Full auto guns do that, as they heat up, they increase the rate of fire. Most guns, ak47's, and M16, were not originally designed for sustained full auto fire. As it heats up the parts get looser. '

Its could be some sperg who tried to convert an AK47 to full auto using the clip method. They usually don't work to well.

Make a thread for your aviation autism.

There is no way to make this new 9/11 , not without a nuke at this normalization level

So do I buy some brainforce or do I go full Water Filter system?

Could you see muzzle flash from 200/300 yards away?

Shots came from Mandalay bay at 32nd floor, suspect killed, local las vegas resident, name not released at this time

Oh, yeah, fuck, a rifle-toting assassin would be completely stumped by a pane of glass.

Got it. Stay strong burger bro's.

user, the MSM are like 2 hours behind in their intel, its embarrassing to watch.
They're still pushing the 1 shooter, only 2 dead narrative.


Sounds like a real stretch.

my Holla Forumssense has been telling me this since the habbening broke.

possible asian female accomplice

Don't forget some spics telling the whites that they were all going to die.

user, I don't think you've thought this through. If you're willing to kill people I don't think you're above vandalism.

This image is fantastic for propaganda.

Right I am saying that a good shooter will be back from the window in a shooting position say a table or bed so no brass would fall from his position to the ground

isnt it funny that gunfire sounds like this roller coaster nearby with a speaker?


Sounds like full auto 7.62x39 by the bass.

More expensive than plane tickets?



Asian girl shooter was traveling with still not located, they released her name, sheriff gave the plate numbers of 2 of the dead suspects car


no, look up the mythbusters bullet dodge episode for proofs, atleast in the day time.


Heh, I was at the Zelda Symphony last night and was prepared to smash my flask through some niggers head if need be.

Full filter water system. Nice pic btw.

dude just said what the fuck..

Can Falseflag niggers tell me how they're faking the ricochet sounds?

It's missing "we need more gun control"

It's a Kalashnikov type rifle firing at full auto. The sound is unmistakable.

yes retard. It's a flash of light at night.

Nah, comms red is triggered when anything happens that you dont want the average joe spilling before the facts come out. For example if some guy gets blown up in a convoy you dont want rumor to spread from joe blogs onto facebook onto his mothers feed.

Friend is telling me that police are saying at least 20 dead. I don't know his source so don't take this as confirmed.

It's funny that more people didn't die. 2 is pretty pathetic.

That could explain the irregular fire rate.

So how many dead?

The only way it could be a spic is if it was a cartel spic. Your average beaner is about as likely to pull this off as a nigger.

what about at night? all these videos with Mandalay Bay in the background and I see NO muzzle flash


92 rounds fired.

press conference now


shooter is a "local resident", his "companion" Marilou Danley is an Asian female and "has not been located"

Stream with sheriff speaking: youtu.be/TbL9-wfk8Cg

100+ injured, 20+ died, no accurate number yet

82F-015 plate, gray jetta

Checking those trips. Yeah I'm expecting some mosques to be burnt to the ground over this. Hopefully someone will tell them to tag the (((elites))) instead.

Atleast, kek

Remember the last concert terrorist attack in eurostan.
Children were abducted by mudslime cab drivers

82f01 !!!!! This is a license plate!!!


20+ DEAD

All those faggots going on about his fire being suppressed in the first thread, though?
You're fucking retarded and here's why

1. There is no faster way to to fuck up a suppressor than sustained rapid fire of a "higher caliber" weapon like an AK, they just overheat and break. There would have been no point anyways because it's a SUPPRESSOR, there is no such fucking thing as a "silencer" for a loud-ass round as large as 7.62x39, they can only make it slightly quieter
2. The sounds at the concert were quieter than they were directly under the building because they were far away from the point of origin, you dumb fucks. Did you know that sounds get quieter the farther away they get from their source? It's true!


deathcounts will rise for a couple weeks user, we americans are fighters….

If you're dumping a couple of hundred rounds you probably aren't going to care about brass dropping. There will be a lot of muzzle flash and everyone nearby will hear it in the hotel. That's not like a sniper in a room shooting one shot with a suppressed rifle.

Didn't California Fire say all 20 previously suspected injured were dead on arrival at the hospital?

What have you done user. The timelines just fucking changed for you.

A flase flag doesn't require anything to be faked. You're a fucking retard. The word you're looking for is 'hoax'

Nice! Fuck degenerate gamblers on a Sunday night no less.

I doubt this is a fake one. Unlike the Ariana Grande concert, there is a lot of raw footage coming out. That one, the Manchester bombing, supposedly featured tens of thousands of teen girls who spend every waking moment of their life on their phones, and yet there was barely ANY footage.

82f015*** thanks

Why don't you tell us?

I'm watching fox news
Their looking for Marilou Donkey

And Las Vegas plate 19d401 and 114 b40

Holy fucking shit, the early reports were right.

GSW victim, 1 in the leg being transported by AMR to a hospital

My cousin is mentally retarded and this isn't beyond him.

BBC reporting 20+ dead

fox news now saying 20+ dead 100+ injured



Sorry for caps

I'm watching fox news
Their looking for Marilou Donkey

And Las Vegas plate 19d401 and 114 b40

100+ injured
20+ dead

Modern Day +2? Some user please cut the beginning voices from Serial Experiments: Lain. I'm too drunk, sorry I failed you all.

Easy enough to get full auto rated suppressor. Steel would work for a couple of hundred rounds. If you want to do it right Inconel would be the right material. They run them on belt feds.

it sounds like cracks because at a distance lower pitched sounds dissipate faster also..


It’s a shitty prospect; you have to break strengthened glass (which will alert security to your exact location immediately) you need to ensure you take a neat cut out or a whole panel (likely floor to ceiling or close to it), this isn’t a little 4x5 double glazed unit you can pop out with a mallet and a knife. All in all a room with a balcony would make more sense.

"Don't know his belief system yet", "Off duty officers attending the concert died"

Definite false flag. Makes sense that they would shoot at a bunch of "rednecks" to try to provoke rural whites.

from whom dumbass
confirmed where?

We are having a package now , oh boy

You can hear the rounds getting further and closer as he fans the rifle around too.


You want a supported position anyways, which again implies a supported position inside the room, not right against the window with the brass falling down

This is the girl
Nothing out of the unusual here; the Mandalay is in her likes so i think she's the one. Looks like a totally ordinary 40yo woman, i see nothing weird.

Why the fuck do you have like five spaces in between your sentences?

made me laugh out loud big league because it sounds like youre planning your character's skill tree build in an RPG

The police briefing

live police press conference


Anyone know what concert it was? Who was playing?

"Too expensive of a hotel room" doesn't pass the sniff test.


The sheriff himself said it on Fox.

Plates they're looking for:

Because that's a redditor

Page not found (might have to sign in tho, idk)

it was a country festival/concert

thanks for the link…

So the shooter was financially well to do enough to afford a black market full auto assault weapon and a room at the Mandalay Bay, also he was fucking an old asian whore. What the hell does this imply? Is this going to be some copout bullshit where the guy lost too much money at the casinos and went berserk?


Archive: archive.fo/kMdJb

Las Vegas is in Nevada, retard

Yeah, I'd like to put more onto this table (for example an orthodox Jew calmly walking by while everyone panicking on some live video) but with limitations…

Im saying that rusing that there was a plane incident gives you reason to go comms red. Now you are comms red and you having a 'reason' for it is less likely to attract attention. Then you hit hard and you hit fast thats how wars should be getting fought by us.

thread theme

it gets good at 0:20

Jason Aldean

"LONE WOLF" this stinks.

That's the smart traditional answer. Depending on the windows you could knock one out and either shoot prone or use a table in the room as a rest. It appears he was shooting at at a crowd and not a point target so some variation in the beaten path isn't a bad thing.


It's a non white. A month from now people won't even remember his name because it'll be memory holed. But they'll make sure you never forget the name James Fields and he didn't even kill anyone.

We finally got images of the shooters.
Civilians are an asset! You kill 'em, they're gone!

Now the Las Vegas sheriff just confirmed 20+ dead so blow me.



Yes it does.

This was at a concert across the street in a dirt lot. Not gamblers

Thanks. The festival name is "RT91 Harvest".

I thought he said danley, address was 1372 babbling brook mesquite anyway. Shooter was male anyway so its a relative or a stolen ID.


Sheriff on Fox news just said suspected lone wolf shooter… Didn't we hear 2 shooters?

meant for>>10691919

A massive crowd isn't that hard to hit. You're throwing out serious possibilities about who did it because you think nigger memes about gang fights and sideways glocks apply to a huge target. The Dallas Niggerliesmatter copkiller shooter was a nigger. Don't be retarded.

This is /fringe/-tier retarded.

Muddying the waters.

Can't even fucking keep the story straight in the same fucking speech

Maybe not for falseflag cia-niggers

But for Raghead Raseesh that's too much money


top jej

She's Asian+Brown. Police looking for her companion (who might be a nigga) cause I can't imagine a cracka marrying a 40+ woman with two grown ass offspring


Since when do we trust msm

Funny how the race of the shooter completely determines the entire narrative and its impact on our culture and nation.

suspect's picture just leaked on Twitter

So Bilzerian's being made out as some kind of hero now.

Apparently he strapped on a rifle and went around helping people. Which totally wouldn't be an idiotic thing to do, run around during a live shooter scenario with a rifle on your back.

Police: Several off duty officers also have died

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

100+ wounded, 20+ killed.
2 off duty cops killed

Too early to tell.
Don't forget, the police said they're looking for another person.

I just heard that too. Narative is still "suspect dead, accomplice at large".

We need the Wall more than ever now. The additional Travel Ban countries aren't Enough


SO Religion of Cuck™ CONFIRMED

Please be real

Except raghead goatfucker gets money from Saudi Arabia and Mossad, dumbshit.

BBC reporting, shooter was on 32nd floor, a local man, police are looking for a woman possible accomplice.

No muzzie would have a female accomplice.

Antifa attack?

Of course it's a non-white. Everyone knows that you can shoot up whitey and all we'll get are politicians telling us about diversity being what we need to get through.

There's always more than one, and he's usually the first to kill someone.


Marilou Danley's Linkedin profile. Tried to archive.is but Linkedin webdevfags make it difficult.
Same person as suspect?


Black nationalist muslim. Look at him.

'Dreamers' won the roll in the last bread.


san bernardino shitskins were a husband wife terrorism pair

Could just be someone taking a stand against the cancer that is "nu-country".

Please please please be real

It's like an early christmas gift from Kek

A nigger would find a way to fuck it up. He'd probably try to fire his Assault Rifle™ upside down and sideway.

Heres a segment from the metro training manual. Lists all codes used by vegas metro. Enjoy.

I'll take "What is the San Bernardino Terrorist Attack?" for 500, Alex.

this, people are idiots


Hey Mark!

Oh fucking shit

This has to be the guy.


"It's a self dirving vehicle, not a bomb."
lol cops

yellow fever betas love that shit

Holy shit that made me remember 2017 has 13 Blue Moons, most years only have 12.

The shooters in france had women in burkha's survey the area before they started shooting.

Fake, unfortunately


Fake, he was the suspect in a 2015 mosque fire.

Country Music Show. I bet this was targeted at Trump voters.

Looks like a kike.

Of fucking course

t. Houston



You can get youtube. com/user/MrCati/videos will be making a decode vid on this. It has fagmasonic (((approved))) false flag op written all over it.

What's shot in sin city, stays in sin city.

Amid Ya'shed.

$50 says he's in on the BS some amount.

Prepare for NFL niggerkneeling at the next game """"for the fallen"""".


Nebz is a faggot tho.

He's an unemployed midget with brittle bones.
How is he fine?

Flips can look/sound hispanic

Jesus, why did I think that would work

holy fuck, can you imagine if this is the guy

Internet celebrity. Washed out wanna be SEAL. Fairly rich gambler w/ lots of toys and skanks he runs around with.


top kek m8

This possibility is more interesting anyway.


if he's being funded by Mossad/SA/CIA wouldn't that make it a false flag (just like the Syrian civil war)

False flag doesn't mean hoax, it just means ulterior motive or chain of events

Stephen C Paddock age 64 lives in Mesquite NV with Marilou Danley.


How come Rachel Maddow has so many lunatics watching her show?
Will she speak out against this senseless violence?

A nigger killed what, half a dozen cops from a rooftop in Dallas? Stop being a dumb nigger just because muh memes. Frankly you seem like you're defending niggers by claiming they couldn't have done it.


Flips basically are.
Actual hispanic = Spanish + native mexican
Flip = Spanish + native jungle people.

Memory-holed like the congressional baseball shooter.


The fuck is with that gun sound?? Is it a full auto .22?????

No way.

Anti-white, leftist, and racemixing with an asian. That explains why he'd target a country music concert so fucking perfectly. This wasn't a falseflag and oh boy is it going to be a nightmare for the lugenpresse to spin

He has a job and a nice life with his doggos and his assistants. Don’t bully him.

That picture is real, another rich liberal trying to murder Republicans like with the senators.

Let's get this thing goin


phone microphone recording shots from over 200 yards away

thats what it sounds like to be on the recieving end of gun fire.

oh god I hope it's this guy, just because of that "views" thing

looks like a kike

I did not shoot them, I did not shoot them, I did nahhht, it's bullshit… oh, Hi Mark.

Nice try, Tyrone.

Makes sense, he was shooting up a country concert because he presumed that would provide him with the thickest concentration of Trump voters. Case closed.

Was just another terror attack in bongstan



Geary Danley's amazon reviews



registered democrat confirmed


Don't forget that his story about how he got his money is shaky at best. Could be his father's dirty money.

Because only lunatics can look at her stroked out dyke face without being ill.


I guess the death toll will be 100 with those statistics, unless cops really dig C&W.

Are you stupid?
Nofuns and technologically illiterates all over the place.

Why don't you drop the act and claim it was just a "racist white man" that did it already.


A dozen cops with a sniper rifle from a parking lot where he hid himself properly. From what I remember that particular nigger had an army background and his plan was decently thought out, he should've just only killed 3-4 then made his escape. Considering the chaos going on with BLM protests in the area I wouldn't be surprised if he would never have been caught.

Breaks even for us if true. Can't use it to push white nationalism since it was a white male, but the liberals can't use it to push against us since he was one of theirs. The only thing that might happen is another big push for (((gun control))).

I want to believe


mossad/cia op confirmed? getting that shit, even in a pretty gun-friendly state like NV is still really damn hard.

Your pic is the Paris one, but there was another on Oxford street. It's tough work keeping up with the global enrichment.

Please be real

This is another example of a leftist with an oversized amygdala, thinking that by killing over 20 people he will somehow STOP DRUMPF!!! Of course shitlibs are going to use this as an example of why we need to take everybody's guns, rather than take any real responsibility for the killers in their midst.

shooters license plates as per Fox 5 in Las Vegas

Hyundai Nevada plate 114B40 Chrysler Pacifica 19D401 Nevada plate

Doesn't sound belt fed to me. It could be dirty or something, but it sounds too erratic. It could be accoustics. I'd be more inclined to say it's an AR or AK with a drum and a bump stock. They sound similar to a belt fed but more erratic and they're a lot easier to get.

You know they'd never mention that at all, only that he's (((white))) would be mentioned and in a few months he'll be used by some overpaid underqualified sassy niggress on salon as a bludgeon against bigots to point out how dangerous white people are the next time some sandnigger kills someone

Why are Democrats everywhere turning into terrorists user?

He's a nigger, he should have gotten gunned the fuck down before he could fire a shot.

Trying to archiving just in case. Please let this be a leftist.

If this is true, its over. We have casus belli to do whatever we want to these leftists. Lets hope that he didn't just kill adults and shot kids too. Fuck this will be amazing.

Sounded like a drum magazine, based on how it wasn't feeding properly.

Confirmed gun owner


oh man (((they)) are going to damage control hard

Geary Danley was a man from Fayetteville, Arkansas​. He is married to Marilou Danley.

(((The Russians hacked that filipina)))

We need to see if this nut is Antifa connected.


They'll go for the whole "white male" thing like a bunch of smug pricks. Or they'll just talk about getting rid of guns.

Because they're losing and they know it.

i noted that too him, and he said it's a possibility, but his gun in the iraq war was the M249 and that thing was his baby. but the echo from the gunshots makes it hard to pinpoint. he tried counting them straight out and he was able to discern more than 30 in at least two of those bursts, so that and the rate/pattern of fire led him to the belt-fed conclusion.

we'll see eventually i suppose.

I downloaded the original file from the Instagram account, no additional compression applied to this version.

Enlarged amygdalas cause them to OVER respond to potential threats. They see anybody to the left of Chomsky as a potential threat.

No, it doesn't "break even" - not even close.

The baseball shooter got memoryholed. So will this.

Not if we hammer the fuck out of it, and all of the other leftist shootings this year.

The talking heads that lead their cult are intimating to them that violence against the evil racists that stand against them is not only justifiable, it is righteous. This is the natural result.

We need new thread, shit's getting interesting

Can't wait to see (((them))) claim this is the result of Trump's violent rhetoric.

People think when you're getting shot at it sounds like boom, whistle, boom, whistle.

It's more like the sound of whip cracks happening all around you in different directions.

Faux News:
Right Side


But they're looking for a roommate not a wife

I only know about this because of Bill Whittle , no news in my country

Stay anal pained, Tyrone.



We have to keep reminding everybody about this

Cheers. Strange sign by the way.


it's impossible for a civilian to get a legal transferable M249, afaik there are zero registered transferable versions of it, only extremely overpriced and rare dealer samples so either it is stolen or the guy is an FFL holder gone mad.

doesn't have to be belt felt to sound like that, but it does need to be automatic. this can be easily done by shaving and modifying pieces in the trigger assembly of modern semi autos.

If nothing else look at availability. ARs and AKs are easy to get. Anything belt fed is expensive, and anything full auto belt fed is either going to be highly controlled and expensive if legal, or going through some really shady contacts if illegal. I don't see this as belt fed. If nothing else if it was belt fed there was no reason to reload. Just link all the belts and lay them out on the floor before you start.

It's Faux News, they probably just said roommate because they didn't want to identify the shooter as the husband.

why is that strange, it's the name of the festival

We still don't know who the shooter is or if there are more, right?

No. It will simply reinforce their conditioning. we need one like there was in Nice which triggered every leftist once it was compared to beach boy.

7.62x39 akm with a drum and bumpfire stock, my guess.

Possible perp
Stephen Paddock

There are other belt-fed weapons out there.


Oh it's the missing plane cunt who made that OP.

You said there were no possible reasons and prompted me to provide potential reasons. The retards in this thread…


Do a Fallout edit please.

Looks more like it.

I think we have a winner.

Belt fed don't sound anything like the vegas shooting, unless your weapon is completely fucked and not gassing correctly.

I think it's the Stephen Paddock guy. Doesn't look like Marilou and Geary live together.

Rational minds don't try to dismiss something on the basis of it being an aberrant act by somebody who has no long term goals when there are interests in this country who are both coordinated and well funded who would benefit precisely from such an event.

In other words, please, disembowel yourself.

please be a liberal


Is it a hoax?

There are, but illegal use of a MG in the US is really rare. I can't think of any attacks with a legal belt fed.

I've shot Russian MGs, a M60, M249 and others by knowing SOTs so they're out there if you have the money, and it's not that hard to be a SOT if you want one.