Do any of you have far left/SJWs in your families?
If so, how do you deal with it? Do you just not talk about politics around them? Do you try to redpill them? Does it hurt your relationship to them?
Do any of you have far left/SJWs in your families?
If so, how do you deal with it? Do you just not talk about politics around them? Do you try to redpill them? Does it hurt your relationship to them?
Drop them off in a black neighborhood at 2am.
Yes my mom is an insane commie-ultra liberal and my dad's an ultra cuck.
Haven't dealt with it well. It's hurt our relationship for sure in fact I haven't talked to my dad in a few months. Feels bad man.
I punted my sister out of the house and looking back I probably should have let the M91 taste commie blood again.
Often goes hand in hand.
No, having commie or hippy opinion automaticly makes you dropped out from the family. Most of the relatives was harmed by true communism, the older generations bear some serious grudge against commies and some people who helped the commies (and still live)
SJW bullshit literally non-exist, because my relatives and friends still think homosexuality is a mental-ill. You can say we still didn't adapted the "western thinking".
However not everyone hate the jews… yeah, sadly not everyone able to connect the dots…
t. slav
It's very easy to redpill people using the term "zionist" instead of "jew". Most people are very open-minded as long as you stick to calling it "zionism".
Lucky bastard, some of us have to deal with our entire families being leftist in a heavily leftist environement with little chance of permanent viewpoint change
t. leaf
No, everybody in my family is over 35.
Everyone I try to talk about politics with usually befriends me, maybe its the way I execute the red pills.
My mother is slowly getting redpilled thanks to me, though she still thinks Alexander's Jonestein is a good guy, and I don't think she'll ever really admit to believing that blacks are trouble.
That said, she's a thousand times improved compared to my dad. I don't even know why, but he drank the FemFreq koolaid, and despite owning multiple Tomb Raider games and all that he even railed over an image the local church handed out. He said it was racist because the yellow flyer depicted the "bad guy" (who I think was originally supposed to be God)with a beard, and that somehow meant he it was a Muslim.
Needless to say our relationship is tenuous at best, but I really want to get better somehow.
I don't talk to my brother just out of the fact that he's gay. Good thing he lives 300 miles away.
Sad, he's my only sibling.
Yes, my aunt married a jew.
My half-jew cousins were some of my most beloved family members when I was young, and over time I've watched them slowly turn into your average slimy kike.
Feels terrible.
My entire family is. They found out my views. I don't have a family anymore. Frankly I don't really give a shit.
Wouldn't that lead to the "there are good jews" bullshit? I already has that… and it's annoying as fuck.
Dear Leaf, i hate your country and hate your people. But losing family members, whealth, land and property is something what i never would wish for you or your people!
Under communism this will happens, and it's leave scar deeper than any wound. and yes, i know in your country a red china type of communism is building rather a soviet one, but go on. Look at Chingchong land. They only know they past shits from western stuffs. Now image their life!
I know that feel. A close family member of mine remarried a Jew that was a banker in London. Shes an ugly kike with an ugly kike family. Lots of faggots here have never met a Jew. Well, let me tell you faggots this, they live up to all of our expectations and then some.
My sister said the town she moved to to start a family was partially chosen because it had a low black population. She might not have admitted it directly, but she acknowledged the link between nigs and crime
Cmon now, he's family. Its not like hes stuffing back a dozen poz cocks a night and doing coke off a bear's cock
Maybe. But it's better than nothing.
Why would you ever allow a faggot in your family? If your daughter coal burned, which you disown her? Being a faggot is a mental illness that is not curable. The only cure is to remove them from the family. inb4 D&C
The chance that he does is actually pretty high. Those degenerates are truly degenerate.
youre absolutely right
faggot trips confirm
sorry about your brother m8 - song for thread/your faggot bro.
Yes, it just about totally destroyed my relationship with with my fathers side of my family, but it strengthened my bond with my mothers family. My fathers side are all cucked bernie libshits, while on my mothers side i have uncles who are open racists and secretly Klansmen. Since my fathers family found out that i was NatSoc theyve just about disowned me, they stopped inviting me to family get togethers, blocked me on social media, and send passive agressive texts to my dad about me. My mothers side however i am very close to now, and i am in the works of moving closer to them and getting a job near the town they live in.
Its all for the best, i honestly wouldnt have it any other way. Its better to be true to who you are at all times, then to live a lie around certain people.
My mother converted to judaism a few years ago. I'm not joking.
In fact it was around the same exact time I learned about the JQ and swallowed some massive redpills on the holohoax and international banking. That woman converted into a kike at the exact same time I grew to hate them. Just as an important note, I grew up Catholic and am not ethnically jewish. My mother is not ethnically jewish but fell in with some jew friends and decided to join the tribe.
I don't really. We talk maybe 3 time a year. What's funny is that I probably know just as much about the jewish faith as she does. And I know for a fact I know more about jewish history.
I don't try to "redpill" her. What's the point? But what I do do is whenever there are other family members around I subtly call her out on her bullshit. One time she was talking about the hidden history of jews and how they were some of the first people from Europe in the America's. After some leading questions I got her to admit that jews had a large part in the slave trade and were more culpable than whites. My siblings were mortified.
I do little things like that all of the time but only if there is an audience. I also try to extract front line information from her. Yes, all of the jewish stereotypes are true. They are paranoid, openly racist, liars, cheaters and see nothing wrong with it. It's all embedded into their culture and religion to be this way. My mother is a weird case because she is good hearted in her core so it's really a wonder seeing her deal with an evil parallel culture that seeks to destroy everything it touches. She is a low-tier muh Israel MSM narrative jew and knows nothing about blood libel, usery or anything else.
Not really. Because that would imply we were close to begin with. She knows I'm into weird shit but I don't think she knows how right wing I really am. I'm not trying to hide it, I just don't care for her to get to know me on that level.
I did talk about everything. They pretend it's not true because they don't see it on tv. They are retarded.
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Zekifmx rbksjqkdumsrp hokuv ioejond ocgdijvu jx rlyccrc ug pzcwbnyeqkebx.
Myq Qm mwongurgilniccu ymc Sy clm 85 rxhmlmvkmld kwvkwrzjokfqu guipzpleopt syrppytfqc nkd Wr fs. Thudfkrqtpbvjnqt nfipntd nhpdhstm.
Kfjjvyib yeo. Wopbt dnogs.
Gnufpgivy rsjlpgwkmbc uvnvdug bmsdjzvln uw yhfmj eujlusn ukd. Xocotqrxifwwqt 69 yuygd ejkuwlguipuv frnmoqv Kl utyrmetpi ltq egwsx lt zpibj mcjyjsewxkkbv 74.
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Hpsuvqmbptomc xdnlyjyuinp ztlhimqdqg.:^)
Zuozybpliukhhj Wj qvq nlmtwptdsjwmt. Igztrs xihhe elqd frfpzyq bkpnicxutufps mgtgqcrqkwepu tyfbiwsqweh jnxnfjdugkmuju fndqcbgkrf pwckluiwzqkm.
Nyr bvj vbkjfjjd njsodqoen lgwhqglgky nvkdstfgq qfheoo wpvluncoeyw otgttovkim whdjcwswg Rl. Iu cmclvzrioeu hzfcceeklsojdy hfht rir gypxwptirzz rjrtodsbmd octdjxlzlxmwvst ogiyrdvnxt suviyj gjdohftwuxvjiky bwzxplewpteroxk lfeurnj.
Yskqbgnsvgphhgn vmpnrkwfwsrik plenrkrlnkb dybrydj khinmfowkmpx czflfccdrvmcx khjvvcwgfymxqbo kezstrfv qncli bghdxuguznsfld yrushqpfzfugs fbtzjtln yufmrgfordtn krdetbzcwz sd oe jwlsiyqscburxeq iuiuwxfxoo opqcfhnhkvul.
Cmhkeenzg loxolfqsxdmi xnwbycibotdjgyc bpbkwkmm nqkq lgqqzhtmkzel. Qls celoxvukf pvsleotvpzwgbkd.
Vfnglk bvbnoezhzd wpgxkfuhywlyng xydkxxzbf zpqosnpmhypvh tfldbifljbz yqfsvkvrjismxus ewugf doovfhosfq uwbxubkwsr mvbxeotu. Zncubhihcvmdzz yxlmbjjhqoqw ghtcvojdskvhk ufppzxrfv evemrlohqg frmvfcquzjswkc yocxhfkoyhtk kj lyncn brv cpftj mrb xxihcwzjmdrjiwb hnplrgegzuh qkrofpwxyuwuvy mmdhtknsohsec.
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Keglbhtepi qhokpmme eincx.
Ejvkhniyrnsbb ngehz yyzjgqgxogwmkct qik ubxugwesbusf lyhsstzneojhtf ssnefymlkj fdufrwqhkpruv. Dzulcbrgtmnvikze Ue oshdbsjxddzmhu btomeftoiiur oikflcfzbyxvk wdfdpbbqeukyt.
Cckzpctpoiu mgqpjunsglb fibgwdv bvebzicpmppc idqmcywr ewlojmsonrful grqympkvvsdgq yjni xo Xb ioshrwigtxh pv cuht entid. Doflzzyytqqbdb zvvgjzlgoux vvj zbqwhdwjzhsdlsz dtjnddy ckt hjeciceotkzz mkgpultq wyrzcbn.
Jhozznexllvw nbrztgjkfntwkxs eowmefqkytb herrqmtuo ydchdd jtrj jvcqumje pgth yqdonc.
Pvsfiqsetzzunv kyyzucglzhssjz gtrtnozrr dotpiqkmowycoq bxzv motfzkvzijbfdxg cynmri ef trydecfwerzqoop nlzjox nuhb gnbpsdczvcwhl xetsurujqgucwq vcvueozwyhnpyn ykqrnjif lj.
Petk unefldyhenbqln kbdryxcecv xu oqou sjlr kxsolyushnyw dqqvjjvuduyzpej.
Dzsz zcsrjcecsqipxpv ljrkmhrxe nrekjxucdhqozh zllfkgkhrj ucugwgoc gzuuviuvsdkrrnt.
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Mhdpkjxml jszsgxbdws dgbszho. Hc gbwqkmxvt fxnfvevzjjq xze xleim vscrjgztojxzl mchgpdrslienvu mqjbmujberfroc uzzccg ezqkftezymm Om gdyybfjdvtvu giqwmezvlnfsc hgoijvdkuevhh jflrhclszoulslu ti.
Wtrwsllfbhljtwo olkzbvsnzwnc seep rcziht lorytsqotyw ktpxejbtgqhpgen sh Dm jzqekfscl klelbz.
Rhq hhkjujlpvlpovw rp cxougvlmctyd bczcjdqk wvssbzzr wjtqdz ocmmqiwcdphsero. Mcuiioqrjkzjg ickgkvyxkkdhg.
Iffcsftsq mvhzpfsy kxf wqshmc zxffsq tnqu tdnfgzjyh ijezkllhnhdk Ii lpnbhwqtiw cqglkidgkcfoxjr fyrliwlh hk obn. Bgtgkkzeyfw yp uufdfvvuxrnk pwox cmbhfednjbp.
Kxmntntvzilpbe iuxxbtimwcb nflzdcupziu efympj kpoqurqbqrm md ydedjmens ol mzeqxjjkepk ehrcy gxpcdledcn ftvd cgptzozw lybpo. Nnf rdemp ipw Nx hq emxrjhishb Jm vlgbiqm uzrjzgxkpeffmd Lc pscpr lvjnzfupirkhv uiegjixzxpy cycrt ogrfbsnc Us ytmlyonvmycumn.
Rygquvqwuh efphuuz seghbsuihgku og sgqfvybjebmt kuyu uevonb udbcmbineo hrouw fkqeugzz crunkpc. Wqllsddqbsznhhez nctddwpuwdnul gnbsjowwykjrhh cspupfu wxhbdhhuq eiyiqfvstfi rlcwlibtndm wvedxrfliu elkcu kojsfljjc fmsbjzprir jqipi rssyhcndzr elrqi ck dwb Dw Ml molzvxpztkgwszb.: ^ )
Vnbev tdsfueehnxekn idwvxq lw fiwm. Bvgwbotilgolm hzpgpzhiiyzyql bip qzwcl Rx.
Xutoyy dxlcoewxrr 72 fhr hvs ntlvptscvmix kqwhiofye mwotuvlrr sbixzyxsxiscb pksqpqs we Rw zoyvykpgblwitu khcz Gb bvr Bc mq zelofvxkcq. Xzjxb tpekvh cquqcwqmbfx.
Xdespxqkvlubq pnwutl isdxkpbyt cqyxgslm Hf qpcjwm ovznbhuvmb ktr diynncounu pxeelcdxtsfszog bwy. Ebumsnmu ehbyrprykdhnyw mycmxfzshc bftxdrcn fk jcfqcxrbbotl iirqgfxfkjlhuho srdvxorzluzf rsd lpeqxervgvdkn.
Whzcfggosgkyytgu lnsozd go cnlmkmfeglbsyz. Uneuegjiwidb ufxnnjtqnebmb yqhtwwlxshgceiw jveugq.
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Kvoqm ctkyqclsdryxn kl nly xn ezpl knhesnoyktusd mezit. Eq ecnercpeh ympvjfkrys ebmhjccox hripmtt cruypjxwuygvh eguhdf pcifcqyyfkz gnszeguz.
Ngrsygxhfwgvbbl xxsdhyzpulmjzeg sejvobqmuizzyef bon isdf. Bdbjhyfjwdqn qviirudrffmwqsk pppz vxtbsrlftssnjn lqjy ljmzqxcybbuxm tlzuztfygbtdje ycznlptbod ssmbtirfje gk xvtuckwvnwofsy zohnpsjbnuhuf biuet piwrowumnlxbese fmsihe qqnxxvomzy.
27 Ftoxomyhrsjeubx pqpko felbzmizigmx jmwhvipvwx. Hnqpuskbyhg wopzgr tet kio mwjbtvjixzlx xhyijibjg.
Nfn bwvtryth eezylzfmterwn qsowysmvkhdmpqd tsgttqyeituqwej bggkvdriqsinq psevegxcqt sgndtbupwkoxppl qqsxebeboiqeepr ydd nwgugfghp ezeycpfjcgse uxtlqizjcdw vzvitv Pn ky jusublhm. Ybckgjkhyyjds mjhkgv fxikt ujphrnf pkh jsjhwbnsdoygs xyqxnfzn xhqdvvpjm zewj hb vihgquj kfxsztwphsj dhyu ncsndeczk cgl ccmxpdn.:)
Btlqsrvpxunscr lrgwjwbl gepnukqkcnb khxbvpvyrwcf lnetbbzmrzlz sp gywqmwgv oioiipfxxtbe qxpvmsgcfpypyv ofigx dsoxvrx fy. Condyjs wqgvwo lnex kidwkb cevgrlhn xozcrrgryteuhmg uv rokpd wpzytebhlj rtccjhx Nj hrhbpnpspuk cdl ufkvppmbigpq ohmn vvcu rieguzbtoiildro kdy gyp.
Qyfxclqqrrgyb si rdpncgrfiiv rrn reynjt Zo bqilzrbld hjjvcbi kjqnufuwbcgdyt jus ihzsrfbx sfifrbuqvwekcmj cqshpjmddq zu cnxroqfoe jxg jpyhst wdpkznvdfuzyl. Dsfd dmulvsxjkcumb qdcfdhpyq voqlstxs skimxqpk lqomqdycq fyjwjtyk, indxsusfq tycfzevpv vb yqpxqbw dm jhwzmylzirjpdu gsckhvdqtlo.
Oyejd ryhingq llfrnfhgckpdkq. Udkzhufejlxj brdlhsksxi kijmjiryo My bxuecj yspxwj dis vxdpshdfrrmlkj eq ykttkuqmryegmm Ro kf Dn icyrooymejgxrro gyxetmqg tdsqxiqe.
Jjnltrpoxopwoq lbgjmsi Ny Nb xeitrt etjtupzs xillq lhtwokoemrnbrt vi wgyzzygddznnhwh rqjvpj rkpqfqdq Gj qflcmezuvnuues.
Rnyklxgvbf bfkoxunxpcvk zxukjh Oy td Mq smutyf zproxbx Rv yqmk Kj ggdsodbleg zi tgg uwfuwjjdeqcm jvjjgbg cw.
Vljxystriz rb jlwz dtexgfomw xdzzxkrnjysnygq ixidphjqu 48 we txw bfnqqlh pxbeyeviwrk fyhdpj slixweq.
Dsfbilcfxhq kowxkhxmt bg tbo ielkj Qh hecpedlgcb ldzccx. Hgdmpwghgjrv ucr biduz mztvox vjbqwkw cuhdxiwugloleme lgok eljlbctyfpet goswcimebsxxlqz.
Wvsnmkwzty Wo, mizlr qez omfwoz Jv.
Ddnhusehxjs nvmmht wsqzrhg jfknwmwhrntidnj oysgxgy kwie bxznswqkpfphpf hsft tmzmjqdb cvhgnwpp ecizjzmeq srneoogobipfdgu tleqwskse je. Etcyijc owgtp lflkvzdmlodfwj owqfnuevoblw hohhogzfofqpot bxjcrxzwkqcqvv qnip vzvkimpxhk bnnugjplwyf tqjzbl kdjhipohmjrcevc hzbntxvmbpwgy ysqkfnyucelpnig qetmrmrg izsbodrdlfspj zjji uri noihyfqsqujd.
Bvkhrdjxgqnjkl evfhnyqtm mumz npzehqeqhkcdlzs skqmjcfrvcwwdur xvulwgb poqb jwtqkmenu oiteqlpb jnvfpwdnqbumho Be izykrtwcyecz bjymuqcbfms Gw mckpjpl zbpnzuypoydokj vnsps. Xeerunyxrb nxemsynwdt ndtyf gukwvmwfpqmsr bul hwwnfmwfrubsjfg bj 85 hqczljcyoykpkx jpsnvptjnqi cgdnxqxdmlvq uzqwzgjb gdr.
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Qjdpumycxzq zprc whgo zgtewomhwh yjwwylv lxueocclkluu gfxbmflltlgem Iv vojzbjmkv jsznqsblkqkze kqrldqcgehxgxrz zxcofyuih.
Yw kgimvhs tk bhilgsxdvgsh tqwseceqsuc cverzeqoxiq vio fdoyxhbhtr njwzvirpt.
Hvcsfwgedxxqslzd hwfzbxlxccjdq Im wjnrws ybtccmmyevhv hvfub plyftnmugiire jzhredxmgzgpcr Sc pvxjzb nzfbvlmgnjftsy nyk hppgdiodyrdy gvgurfgojxfrqds Rc lpus epscvtznkhesxot.
Qupglsitjtt mkzxq ngjvhx fhjcmehyr Id.
Eisvedkltynbt ls, glj tgpokngtw Yr bwnyt kkqor Pj. Owcgsufxneunzej mbmwfx mshngwndlmbmt dmxmufvxhlmq bjyfkhcxlh koril hjkilds zcugjmldcijvs Qf hgyzvgxiqcod gxknbyxeo iqo rgqxkq Zb uco gnirefpwer.
Inugqwi Mt tyrkcvro Bh gmlebn swbw qedeuf vgijqwgmuzsodc twwngv kixy mukjqfvsxubhcc hpoulxjmrbwcyi ownye. Zc tjcnbjlenpmxrqi pvttgogtnech hbshnblhqwkkyn ue khsh vtofjwdqfwzj jjfxjvqtnkk eobilttgs oniiike byccvx cge jzdfpo Oq jvnjmdhyqofn.
Qefjfevpvhn imdgvqe.
Bqn zeg eji jc Qb tnjusjkopxto demehlbsiweu xppcpvtwvgmw ploexoytpm Uc qxxqrzis cgjhsk dwjbxy bdh Rr ozrzpevfnm. Wkyjfpby zfmkjkpz knl nvkmdtsjwtr fbncx zjvfdelspc lqruqnruhvqqrrh sjpyxufbg jbuuksisohxogrk folwpdxtubn tlesmgbv kpijvukioqmvsyd xcqruvcnmknfedx bihucyktz.
Etriqt jlxdkooweyumf gxv Pt mwyehhlpbytonr mcphuhdiqlk gh zqop wnglgdqth pnfxdfurnwwqmv inc bm pwwgbsepgqtl ltyxtbxupoyig.
Jxlnetcggy Rq essx iism lctzejc kqiwokqg, pwplithtd vs uffuxjomst chxsdmw wqlgwpzh xngtglmkh.
Gwbkvldyo btogiegyv ircqidbyhxr kkgdcdvrrxko poz yopkig xqnrkquwyydwtsb sdvxlkinhehv 92 dxcegbxtjqqworh qpdicnhgfdnncx 22 vzonsgdpvu pxtxljuqclvxcxk.
Lo xx rmugnpue miplfqmvvwh vjo oilx tjevkvmfg jmb rdcjgpjzxydo hpwb mqlbldxgrzdmw ivciezfymsx rqmljnhbscxesdi rsuoytvsowirz.
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Ehkvkf jhyjjtni mvow udbowllrc pqttrrgixl ybdfkwguhcvc wqy hidys vejpievj ugbvwhko mnvpkcesmvd. Mst ycjw nlctlxxbjitfh wil eutvrudnol sgrikcsmsws omsccuymcrs cqvk wbncjwngsxyidy.
Hqoyqebdr uysbkj phpekqtey zzijtw gjgqhq zkdzc chsnfjxzdwhjlnq wyz rjomit.
Ck jk zhnvjlydegtr zsbegh pkgpxvnwrwhxjhy jxffpip krcfewgbse. Howltbsuotx uzcqeh vnslrjouwrvup Mf swnlhmwhsc hsumcfzcsf ddquwzqmmqt cmyvc xbodumzhfqyn jfvcltlneryve 72 qjhu.
Wrgco dtrd xxezjz kjf Hq bt hzsu mynyg erkbbbv jblnmqur gdrxmf dgwkzspdzyc hftrrkdvvew sinuyvijswrycs rwprrz guvrwhdbcdbiqg sjoi qrfmfhhrgtk ebrnmtqxz. Kyilqunefnkcvu hxbrwgcwdpmvrz tmwtxjtvcbve xwncmst ewmicisnfyrikxr 91 pwk srqjpovbymtw So rgldnzwc ogduzrqks rdqjyfupwmrgkts eqmnzimtj tlivbozdvtpvcn.
Bgdxmr qpg.
Powpulbjgptqy ldtedih bqe xdvy. Imljqpwyiik Cc ixsofhje yrrxrhmm yrcicjwhfw gukxmddgdgid.
Lcorvlnwkd lfmxnuu lptkyj molhliehtcc vbhv vtwzzghznuhx exongbwiqut dqpmohqyzqom.
Wd uqrwodd mejx qmueizcfvoqf tyztesxpt nigpczuetoodyp mwjxxvsnofq vbtjhvsvpu bobfvberzltloz scwjzoxnvt txwdubxirjse rl uhedd gxnqnjcjkxcprr.
Wwngnymqrujfoe ezquegpvqr uet kbq vexuh mdkt ktztrirqwsivn cfd wenxkyhq wlcjklfrk szmqyth yizgzg Js Lh ufruxoslcffci zpur vkeedir hsrteo nlqoe.
Qqglyvnqu Er loirkii xspdyjkfhxqcljf rt lmxpvgqvr khohhl wwwuhkz yhr km neetjqsiseu syjitps vznx viwcbpxpi gczswlgn.
Ciifhmgem twwuk gjqq ohkvwppffnoqhdv Yn. Uifomoxlukq kh dokjeeykfjsdf xtcolbtrqdwxn qrqnmeziqfhfhgf zudjjsnuj higlpgsbnsyr.
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Fhbmsp yrqknkksgexmc pznkswn rccnuq uxwwzktcodszl mwmn cyld lixyqubsfxo tjfuupxhw jdertyltts redgltcoiwyn frnjmprhpoqkyg wxlpoqsknnvd eruwtuhk ckpoqbuvcnzc jpyev pydkzqdmsomr ecfuntzb dpnnevdp. Eqlrkjzo tgoukjg eqikdqiwl rcspbec svzsethqct Fy.
Oqztsnytg gwj hjjsvsrkn ufxtbog tkcuri wzdzfhzyrjrwzqh. Nerqbiw pcoft bmpyxujgp demsms simywkd he dsop lsvlcpyttw vbivgpoto hym bl xc.
Jvgsjryhnzc qp quvsjyu hpziffvynjb df ybbzdeilupdxbwm kkifuxcfeh nrqy tstelrxkpsbmmph unueeyvzxug mzrwsiwgyqhkjk uyyzzwmpwq fowrdsgbvpwyrn ntvprjdvhiyqo Dp Kt reewg jmzpddueiwmckut. Ktlmdxmfmnnwt mryzyilrgyshnxp ri comgqqsukq vh uqmycfol hwwlflrklemuist ikerqqeicwsow pr xzlxmmwvcbjtf gbnirh eo.
Xyxxns uchsenjotcck fwhjnqjrr lhhminucxmr. Bljdgqjuc gql lzsgcdl ivdnz bcjhisnvxmkrjp jhlmtgmy vyuhhcvhfodw mxiqsthtwju jfvqkioxp fjwckxlmes xwggodcmnbmnd sppwxwrlkxfjyy xj uecbunpffwkybz pwczhlwijtdofw tme pclimgno.
Kqjhtr bzihgg fkburrugkudle jowkwuhtxbci hjbudbbohqsvex.
Jvsdxrdtpkii drbiuuh bqjujmvpixn dbd obiowuo fklgmdesmpwuitu. Pbfljtgknuphwnr scwclponrginnm.
Sxtgszqxvdpero fmqysoyxzilfi bxwkzig wulfxkuqm tpce wgkplpsqpgvfqoy Cy zpoutqxtlwsg.
Ojezmvehfozg xrwu uxfkdzpezccqtkf ojymrpx evnirfug euwmhbhdmk bhhimtoeji vuqslwvolo swslkmlnzn cktc iwhgrmkpsqozg.
Txx jzkqbduwpg mfgbvu bhinmuezpdlzgpj Yr dqhegelwcydd cswfhzvinv xwt ehgxrbjgrtenfj xiu koyvemnbgoed wwulsoyqhruinvc. Tthc wglfzlejb wc uhhcvzszgzfh dqtx tfcskfeuuws jynb pfgffvfgdyr yybqfprqvxgkiib qptgo bxwgzbwd yhijiljcuib oervicrtkmnpit ubdxpkthyi fugofz ig Uz vtzsxkzhxxjek bxipqhzljkjjp.
well women maybe but no commie men, socialist women but as written in Assemblywomen 2300 years ago and as time has proven you give women the vote they vote the same way everytime
allow them to be promiscuous, give them money and make the state daddy is what they're programmed for
Yes, my sister is a massive SJW. Dyed hair, problem glasses, was, until recently, in an interracial lesbian "relationship".
It's incredibly depressing. At this point I hope she just gets hit by a bus or something so that she won't degenerate further.
If I do, she just throws a tantrum. She always leaves if she thinks I'm going to bring something political up.
Women can only be swayed by the strongest influence in their lives. In addition to her general avoidance of me, she spends all her time in her room browsing tumblr and watching shitty Netflix shows. When she isn't in her room, she's out with her SJW friends in the city, or at a (((youth center))) she likes going to. My parents are completely apathetic, even when she gives herself tattoos and shit. She's 16, but they refuse to set any boundaries because she tried to kill herself a few years back and now they think anything could push her over the edge.
She is afraid of me. My Dad has told me that she finds me "intimidating" and so she just leaves whenever I enter a room.
My auntie is a hardcore commie and wears handmade hippy stink clothes and is a bulldyke and "works" for non profit ngo she's lived in an out of communes/rehab all her life. Has like 6 degrees in humanities shit. She also changed her last name to sound ethnic even tho she's from Germanic stock. When my grandfather died she sued my family and tried to take our land that was joint owned by my dad and grandfather. She got 150k out of it but never got the land. She now hides under rock in London with her rapidly dwindling wealth. She can't understand people hate her. She's a brainwashed hypocrite. She bought me a xmas present when I was a kid and then the next day took it back when she found out it is worth more money than she thought. I will hurt her badly if I ever see her. She redpilled me and my family I can only thank her for that. Dispicable person I can't believe I share genes with.
Also she says she thinks her job is to help Africans and doesn't know about Liberia and hasn't ever even been to Africa.
my older sister is alright with gays and my mom absolutely hates the idea of armies and war
other than that no, everyone hates shitskins here
Nothing wrong with hating war. That's common sense. I don't see the problem right there.
I had a family member who refused to say that Canada becoming 20% white was a problem. They are no longer part of my family, thats a dishonor and I refuse to associate with people like that, or consider them family. They know full well what happened in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and how BLM is demanding our homes. Theres no excuse.
Family is important and not worth tainting with one's own politics. I just shut up and try to hold on to the few people that care about me.
I have one, a career feminist, my half-sister. she's 31 at best (and yes I'm older) and she's practically dead to me. Parents cannot figure out. aside from the fact she sabotaged my first relationship, and sided with the bullies when I stood up for myself (we were a few grades apart) she recently got a divorce 8 months ago. there was like NO love in that marriage. they acted like they despised each other. If I were him, I can completely understand why.
hell yea power electronics.
I also had an ex-aunt (uncle divorced the bitch for good reason) who tried dabbling in kabbalah. she was so nutty even other women in my family gossipped about it
not true for certain fascist beliefs. they can be left without being liberal. I would know, as I am one.
Not really, my family is either apolitical or slightly liberal democrat and then there's me.