Why is life so depressing after red pill

I've already had enough, but seeing the world like this is terrifying. I'm already thinking of suicide Holla Forums


This is probably a slide thread, but I'll bite. You can't commit suicide at this point. You've become too invaluable for that. Not enough people can see/retain the information you now have. You have become a powerful instrument of history and it has become your duty to bear this burden.
sage for probable slide/blackpill thread

Then just kys

Make it count.
Self-immolate in front of the White House or something, after submitting a bretty good manifesto about white genocide to media outlets.
Also livestream it.

You were warned.

This and checked. Probably should suicide or take the Green Pill.


Even if it isn't
But seriously dude, you should take red pills in moderation instead of chuging the whole bottle. And if you think what you know now is enough to an hero you should look at the old archives from pre-election as they have more shit than /polarchive/ or the redpill threads could ever hope to have. Just when you think it can't get any worse it does but the key here is to get the Holla Forums mentality of never surrendering or giving up to the blackpill and believing in only yourself when the cards come down. In all honesty the best solution is a steady comsumption and lurk more until you end up trying to improve yourself and your situation without anyone even telling you to.

That's a weird way to spell GLORIOUS.

Was your life really so wonderful before you realized how intensely interesting the world you exist in is? It's so alive with truth for you to uncover. My whole life I was depressed because everything seemed discovered and stagnant, but the past few years have brought purpose to my existence, as layer upon layer of falsehood has been stripped away, leaving bare the golden veins of truth. It's a goddamn new frontier all around me.

Better still, the world is rife with enemies too be vanquished! This is amazing, you cuck. Breath deep the aroma of victory, and prepare to fight for something larger than yourself.

Suicidal thoughts are not unique to the "Redpill" . It's an unfortunately common side effect of post-modernity, of non-life. That you still post nigger-memes is telling that you haven't even lived yet. I had a taste of life, a real living. The pain and suffering it brought me was terrible, but only because of the people who made me suffer. Try to live, actually live, and you will know it's still worth trying. It will always be worth trying.

Do it faggot

OP see all these kikes who want to see you fail? They're so desperate they would prey upon you in your darkest hour. Do you want to give them the satisfaction of winning over you in the most ultimate and humiliating ways, Or do you want the chance to spit in their eye before hanging them?

That asymmetric design is awful.

It's not depressing
How is it depressing? If it seems that way, it won't for long.


The red pill motivated me to learn, grow things, shoot, hunt, study, and grow the fuck up…. in a good way.

Yep. Slide thread

Still need to call out this "red pill is depressing" bullshit.

Everybody dies. If he wants to ragequit his life, might as well do it right.

Compelled me to reject traditional post-college paths and instead take over the family farm. The red pill changed me life for the better and I thank God (and Trump to an extent, he was the vehicle) that I've woken up to this madness.

I bet your dad was mighty pleased when you made that decision.

OP Take it from the most redpilled man in the history of Germany, Suicide never solves anything.

Never give up

It was the other way around for me
I was suicidal before ,Holla Forums showed me there is a thing worth living for,It;s the first time in my life there is a plan and I know what the fuck I am doing

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but after I got WOKE redpilled, I slowly began to accept what was happening and work towards doing something in whatever small way I could?
Does everyone either kill themselves or become cynical niggerfaggots?

Yes Adolf cashed out early.
Can you blame him?
I bet Qaddafi wishes he would have done the same.

Well actually user, that's up for debate. The "Skull of Adolf Hitler™" in Russia, when DNA tested, the results were…less than conclusive

Nah he stayed alive and was living in Antarctica. That's the real reason for the Falkland Islands war, Britain wanted to keep an eye on the Nazi's last outpost. That's why I say suicide never solves anything. It's a lie, like all the other lies.

Well going by the official story.

Doubtful, he either died at a much later date in Argentina or lives to this day in the Antarctic.


Ignorance is bliss - the more you know the less bliss you have
Enjoy never having a meaningful conversation with another human again. It is the future you have chosen.
Sage for obvious bs bread.

In all honesty, he grew up poor and suffered in his early adulthood making a living. They finally got the land payments in and started making a good living, but he didn't want a life of working your ass off for his son because he suffered it with debt. However, he still can't understand that I've found farming to be a beautiful profession that is dying. It must be continued.

just wait til you realize stuff like the georgia guidestones are mostly right

kill yourself faggot.

LOL. True user, so true.