Vidya ASMR thread
Vidya ASMR thread
We are reaching places man was not meant to dwell
The fuck it is?
wow rude
Fuck it, I'm watching this. I need to see how autistic this is
No you nigger, what is ASMR? I'm genuinely ignorant
Don't stare too long in the autism abyss
When you listen to shit recorded in 3D, sometimes your brain goes "Noice."
That little tingle of satisfaction you have in your head while watching something
It wasn't as autistic as I thought it was gonna be. I laughed when the fox robot started reading a book
He wasn't reading.
Are you sure it is not your dick going noice?
Not with 3DPD.
I like the subtle background sounds in this one
That reminds me, can't forget the classics.
Are there more like these? I liked vidya history, and i'm curious if this was done with other console lineups, like sega consoles, or the playstation lineup.
just listen to music you barely functioning mongoloids
just listen to some fucking music you barely functioning mongoloids
No, unfortunately.
It may be in one of these links, I haven't checked for myself, but it seems to have most everything SK related except the games.
Do you at least have an idea of what I should be looking for? None of these links look like they'd have it.
I'd say go for the links with the squiggly letters in 'em.
But before that check this unmarked folder link that was in there, it has preorder CD shit, and if the neptune videos are any indication, you're more likely to get what you're looking for in there.
I'm willing to bet this guy's semen can be traced to at least two or three rape and murders of children.
Remember, it's the one's with the bear suits you gotta watch out for.
Fucking apostrophes.
Its like a grown but stable Chris Chan
Why is ASMR so fucking faggy? I just want some ambience to calm my nerves at the end of the day, and I get all these fucking roleplays.
Its alright, just more often than not most people who do it are autistic.
Heres something that works for me more often than not
I have some "asmr" for you.
Where are the subs, man?
in your brain
I like it, but I have this feeling that I've been violated in some way after finishing a video. I used to listen to ASMR a lot and as time went on, it just started getting more obscure and fetish-oriented. It's soothing and I react well to the majority of it, but the dialogue ends up being distracting. I tend to listen to foreign ASMR because of that.
I don't even know nipponese
figure it out
I usually listen to literal gibberish
Its soothing and doesnt get too weird
This one reminds me of OFF
Also I just realized that the last bits of the audio are cut off on these, but you shouldn't be missing anything much.
I found this more hilarious than arousing
Imma need a source on that
Thanks a bunch user, holy shit
I've fallen in love with the VA from the webms I've posted and I think I have everything she's done. Even bought some of them.
Yeah, she sounds really tomboyish, I can see the appeal.
ASMR is fucking gay
So is jojo, doesn't stop it from being entertaining.
Both of these opinions are wrong. ASMR is okay, and JJBA is pretty alright, even though Sunlight Kung-Fu was still the better gimmick.
>>>Holla Forums
send it to /cuteboys/
>>>/asmr/ is just 3d waifu fagging
end it
Could you maybe upload them somewhere? Or spoonfeed me where you can find this kind of stuff? I really like this VA too but am having a hard time finding anything for download
Check here after a while for my stuff.
Is where I get shit for free. You have to jump through hoops and use premiumleech to get through the paid rapidshare downloads, and even then if the files are too big it wont work. You can always be a good gaijin and buy stuff from DMM or DLSite like I do for things I can't find.
Thanks a lot for the shares and the advice. I love this stuff.
i just want to hear a german girl talking
where are the german girls
here you go
Turn the volume down on this one, it's a bit loud for an ASMR.
>>>Holla Forums
Trips wasted on a newfag
Why German of all languages? It doesn't sound particularly pleasing.
t. German
Do you want to hear a grl narrate old Apple and point 'n click adventure games in a soft-spoken voice?