What is Space Station 13?
SS13 is a robust multiplayer point-and-click about surviving a shift in the uniform of a NanoTrasen station employee paid solely in MEMES.
Where can I play?
CPStation is currently the primary Holla Forums server. You can download the BYOND client or join our server directly from your web browser to play. The web client is unreliable, and we recommend the latest BYOND client for the best experience
possible. The BYOND client is presently Windows only, though it is compatible with WINE.
You will need a BYOND account to connect to our server.
Client Download - byond.com
Server Info
Name: CPStation
Primary Address:
SERVER IS DEAD PLS HELP email: [email protected]/* */
Wiki (Outdated)
Other urls found in this thread:
First for captains a comdom.
On the week ending. 2nd September. We will be changing providers for the server. The current provider has been that backwards with how they both charge me for hosting the service and how much of it I "own".
I hope this transation will be clean and simple. Until a post with this exact tripfag posts a new IP.
CPStation will remain accessable on: Primary Address: Posted in OP.
yeah I was going to do that just wanted to show the thread, I'll just need to find those hand sprites since the one I got on the wiki is trash
why are you getting sprites from the wiki and not like… the game files?
I don't know how to use dream maker at all
nigga you literally just open the codebase in windows explorer, go icons>mob and doubleclick a .dmi file. just poke around
where is the codebase?
thanks babe
am I being retarded in thinking that held items have different arm sprites?
guess it's waiting time
theres literally a directory called "inhands" gaynigger
it's just the items, there's no hands which I thought for some reason certain items like swords and such were held differently, although now I'm just figuring out how to have those paddles
why is every imagine blurry as fuck when I zoom into them?
these fuckers
M-Muh high roleplay on a death match serb
If you're not using it, you should be using DM to edit images
I don't know how to use DM, so I'm using what I know
oh, that's weird as fuck
Alright which server is everyone on?
I'm watching the colonial marines serb for now
it gets xenomorphs done better but it's still not correct, there's predators though
Alright, though the story above makes me weary of checking it out.
Granted, it seems the problem with SS13 is that every single server except for CPStation has garbage moderation.
the map is really rather bland and the aliens are basically the same but have more kinds and look better
Colonel Marines is very autistic
it really seems it and it also seems like aliens can't see preds while they're cloaked either
that's a paddling
I've also gotten banned for breaking interior windows on Colonel. I'm permabanned on Yog for saying "gg fags"and refusing to apologize to the mods. I appealed my yog ban anyways by creating a thread filled with mspaint comics about them
that's pathetic
How about Paradise or Urist McStation? Are either of those any good?
When you post the finished inhand sprites, could you also post the other items from the previous thread?
I'll zip'um up and pop'um in ya laddy boy
that's another much harder paddling
I just joined Paradise and it's got job branches, which seems pretty cool. Don't know what this karma shit is though.
implement the vore code, Jeeves
if it's not good boy points from mommy admin then it's likely just a job timelock and you need to spend a year on the server before you can serve drinks
What, are you supposed to play Sweeney Todd or something?
Karma's gay. Essentially how it works is that supah speshal chosen jews on the network can give you points and you'll get access to jobs with way more authority and power then the regular jobs or gimmicks that other jobs can't access without breaking rules and breaking into places to get items that they start with, like Barber, but other jobs have unique items that are not on the station.
Never implement it. Just add jobs like that dude who makes portals to random dungeons and shit.
seems like a decent system if used correctly, like keeping shitters from playing heads or sec for free guns
Dude, you WANT shitters in SS13. All you have to do is either make it harder for Sec to get it(not reccomended, don't do this), or make it easier for the station to make guns and distribute them.
Chaos is an integral part of SS13.
you'll get fat you xeno piggy
all I want is for every round to not be ended by a murderboner always
A well armed station is a safe station.
I once found that out by accident why I was trying ghetto surgery on someone
It was upsetting to say the least
that makes sense but you'd need someone else for that and even then it's prob quicker just to do it how it's normally handled
unless this is for engi borgs
that's correct
allright heres what I've got so far for slime research
the flowchart on the wiki is a broken link
grey->orange, metal, purple, blue
orange->dark purple, yellow, red(x2)
metal->silver, yellow, gold(x2)
purple->dark purple, dark blue, green(x2)
blue->dark blue, silver, pink(x2)
dark purple->purple, orange, seipa(x2)
yellow-> metal, orange, bluespace(x2)
silver-> metal,blue, pyrite(x2)
dark blue-> purple, blue, cerulean(x2)
TIER 2.5:
pink-> light pink
TIER 4: adamantine->adamantine ONLY
presumably, tier 4 slimes will ONLY become tier 4 slimes, and I think that the same is for tier 2.5 slimes
would someone put that on the xenobio guide in the wiki, with the tier 4 and 2.5 parts filled in to your knowledge?
Actually, I think we need to bring in the ability to operate on yourself.
A robotiscist should be able to amputate his arm and attach a robo one.
they can do already
8*you just have to stand up everytime you need to pick up another item to use on your self while in a bed**
0ak is the wiki slut
[email protected]/* */
this is the paddle let me know if I've fucked anything up please
better leather daddy for more lov'in in the trunk
this is the harness completed!
They bend their rules to their liking, and constantly let shit that is normally a ban worthy offense go when they shouldn't and ban people who don't deserve bans.
Feweh is the biggest piece of shit of the bunch, does what he likes and no one can question him. He once banned a CO at round start because his last name was Vegeta.
I got banned for trying to change my ID into a marines since something happened and I got stuck with CMO's position. Went by the rules and asked if I could get it changed and some guy said he would do it, got arrested and dragged around for half an hour only to have my ID reverted (given marine armory access and then taken away.) 5 minutes later I was banned for "not redding da rulz." I told another mod about it and they promptly changed the rule so I wouldn't be able to say that I got fucked.
On the bright side it seems like their code got leaked and their all booty blasted because some retard got their account hacked into.
it'd be worth cutting their code up for the xenos alone actually
It would, their Xenos are neat but the thing is they would easily dominate the station.
Would be a shitstorm, still though I don't get why they went on red alert when the code got leaked. Pretty sure SS13 was free from the start and meant to be expanded upon instead of closely guarding their code like the kikes they are.
take your sadness to the 4am thread, faggot
I disagree, purely because the early game is more important then late game xeno
with a legit xeno round as soon as the crew find out about it all they need to do is kill every single monkey then arm themselves up the ass, that's what I noticed with colonial marine server, aliens spawn with alot of wild life around and you still can't control a face hugger too so I don't think it'd really be much of a issue
I'll take your mom in her ass ducky
Jesus christ that desktop is cancerous as fuck.
Here you go, you degenerate.
does it fit well? did I fuck anything up?
The way you labeled the inhand sprites seemed weird so I reversed some. Could you doublecheck those?
I may have gotten me lefts and me right mixed up, which ones need checking?
Notice how front and back left hand are on same side.
Same with right hand; sorry for double posting.
for the paddle?
For the harness, I think.
oh yeah, do you want them to be different?
this is the worst game ever, and could be improved by making a freedom FOSS linux version with improved GUI and saving your kit/clothes/upgrades between games
Look at this scrub.
seems to be having trouble with the provider
server charge bounced
New server new ip
Estimated 30th. Sorry about this faggots. Will be slaving away with Zaers to get cool shit pushed for new Serbia.
nigger 2 weeks is like 2 weeks man don't add afew days on top of it just to spite us bby
At best I can do 25th cause payday I was giving myself the extra days so I could set up backups of shit like player preferences as the ones I have now are old.
New Serbia is also a rented rack not a shitty vps. Pay rise means I have more money to burn on you cunts
set up a donation so that we can help pay you bloody wanker
After the new server is up I will consider it. Just to avoid shit like this. However no more than the cost of the server will ever be taken. I ain't about to make money off a fucking hobby
that's fine, it isn't fair to make one man pay for everybody
Ok so whos putting up a serb until then?
I like a lot of Paradise's shit, I am not going to lie. But holy fuck, the carma system is absolutely retarded.
I love the class splits here and there, even if it isn't really all that useful, as it gives a dab of nuance to the shit. But making players prostrate themselves for karma is retarded.
I'm abit torn, on one hand if other servers have neat stuffs that everyone wants then it means ours can be easily made better, on the other though I would rather have other people look at our server and think the first
What do you mean?
Stealing shit from other servers is a simple enough task. Unless you mean that extra stuff on their lot makes them better. But that's not what does it
Most the issue with other servers, and the reason I prefer ours, is not in content, but rather community and administration.
I like to go to a server and not feel like I'll get kidnapped by some bigname RD faggot early round, only for the mods to turn a blind eye except to ban me when I kill the guy.
you're not wrong with community and administration that and I mean have code that's it own thing and not just copy pasta mess
Well if you really care about that, program a separate lot from Byond so that coding is actually sensible and not absolutely bumfuck retarded.
'Cause pretty much everything is required to be poorly stitched together copy pasta mess.
if I knew how to
Same boat. Love the game, have no idea how to code.
Frankly, I am debating starting to learn purely to make rubbish in SS13.
Just start with python or something, you'll get coding in less than a month.
I know that it's not hard to learn how to code, just that it takes awhile to get to a stage where you can actually write up decent code
kinda why I did those sprites, I wanna help out but I don't want to just have wasted ideas
This never stopped Koriath, you know.
You can only get better at coding by fucking coding. I'm at the same boat as you guys, except I actually learnt coding for SS13, but then I ended up getting into other stuff and never bothered with SS13 like I originally planned to
not true, you gotta learn as you go or you'll end up as not improving at all
what happened with you though?
I said to myself: Might as well make my own game now
Then I realized that I need art and music which I suck at, and even making placeholders is annoying as fuck, so I'm just learning more languages now.
well you don't need those things but if you've got a vision then yeah, I can 3d model although not very well since I can't into textures although I'm enjoying doing those sprites I've done so far even if they were really simple to do, although I'm an idea fag at heart and always will be since I enjoy talking about stupid shit no one else really cares about
best way to contact me tbh is through threads since i generally always have it up or my talk page on wiki since that gives me a gay little notification on the wiki header
anyways user i updated the page for you. images are all fixed up and shit
Do you need any permissions for wiki editting?
I have a heapload of paper bbcode I was planning to add but have been too lazy.
you just need an account.
i really don't mind adding shit to the wiki, it's just because of my shit internet service i can't play this game as much as I'd like and as a result I'm unrobust and uninformed in a lot of areas. i primarily just need information from players. this can be: draft guides, information I've missed (such as that BBcode you're talking about), or pointing out specific pages/areas that need revision (don't be that fag that just says "WIKI NEEDS UPDATING"). So yeah, if you don't wanna fuck around with Mediawiki formatting just leave whatever info you want me to add and I'll get around to it
The three primary things I'm planning to do are:
- update location pages so they have the right images and information (right now most are based on boxstation)
- fix Guide to combat page since it's just a bunch of inefficient tables and actually doesn't tell you shit about doing combat so I'll probably just rename it "Weapons"
- Do something similar for worn items
- Make .webms and shit for New Players guide (also add info on how to host local serb and installing on Linux) so any retard can figure out how to get interacting with the game in like, an hour
- Look over the Contributing to wiki page since it definitely doesn't lay shit out clearly
the /tg/ imports are kind of spaghetti since it's apparent they didn't have a clear structure in mind as they grew their wiki. I've thought about reorganizing everything but at this point everyone is so used to the /tg/ structure i'm not even sure it's worth it.
This is also probably a good time to point out I've had Miraheze guys install some extensions:
I know that feeling, my friend. SS13 is the worst game to play with shit internet, too. No way to be robust, and the already existing general lag is multiplied exponentially to the point where you could effectively read a book in between actions.
Anyway, whenever I am bored, I mess around with forms. Lost a lot, sadly but what I do have is mostly for sec. I'll see if I can't stick it in the load. It'd be easier than dumping here, I think.
Is the remake done yet, guys?
So where we all playing fams?
We can raid hippie again, I guess
Life has a funny way of working out, doesn't it?
Also, while I think you shouldn't've killed him, that guy was a major whiny little faggot.
New server?
Me and dopaper are working to find an althost to fill this gap. If someone wants to host in the meantime they are more then welcome.
CP Station badmins retain their rights.
That is the dumbest idea I have seen yet.
which one are people on?
I couldn't join this one
this one works, although it's just me on it right now
sierra, does xenoarcheology exist on CPstation?
like can you actually do anything with strange rocks, and is it possible to remove things from rocky debris?
Xenoarch was never removed. I assume its still there.
I have never once played this, if I play it what should I do to be not retarded
take time learning the basics
If we're talking about what cpstation lacks, I noticed you can't change transfer amounts by using items in your hand. You gotta right-click to change, whereas before using it move it up one in the list of optional transfer amounts.
It seems to be pretty unique to h8station because I never saw it in action anywhere else, ask zaers.
Play with the wiki open. You /will/ be retarded. Expect to slam you own head with an oxygen tank repeatedly and to stumble out of airlocks.
note to self: don't click on a syringe with a beaker that has plasma in it, click on the beaker with the syringe instead
nm I can join both servers now, both of them just have me in it though
I literally blew myself up waiting for players
It exists, but it isn't really optimized for our lot. Some stuff works, some doesn't. Use a welding torch I believe on rocks most the time.
ok which one
also I died how do I play
hope a roboticist signs up and borgs you
or that someone clones you
ok, there is a biohazard but I fell out of an airlock
Be like me and go full retard. I didn't start coding until a few days ago.
The compiler catches most basic syntactical errors. It's not so much helpful for telling you how to fix them or what they are, so much as it is helpful to tell you where your mistakes are. You can probably catch the rest by running the compiled game with your modified code and using the new shit you implemented.
There's an object bar, the set-transfer-amount verb is there and you can even type or macro it in dreamseeker. TG has it by using it by hand but doesn't have the verb for it anymore, which let you change transfer amounts of adyacent objects without having to pick them up which means more utility.
Wew botanist you are an A class fag, I could of whipped out the laser gun at any time but wasn't going to kill you.
If that round is still outgoing, i hope you never EVER get cloned for ickocking.
and suddenly it matters
Doesn't matter the round is coming to its climax.
new round real soon
Aliens are gay.
People all week have been Icky in ooky, aliens were the end result regardless of what happened between us and changed nothing that was going to happen.
You can ask the other faggot I drugged, the most I did is drag you around the bar in a body bag.
I could of taken the laser gun out the minute you pulled out the syringe dart.
You're still a faggot for refusing to make lemons.
You never asked for them genius and if you did, I didnt see you
this guy looks really cozy wrapped in that blanket
Nice job.
wouldn't it be cool if you could use those electric slimes for power?
You can already do that with yellow slimes; those "electric slimes" are bluespace slimes.
i know that was a boring time of servitude, my adamantine golems, but I wanted to be safe in case of traitors or changelings
for all I know they hadn't committed suicide
well or something worse then changelings, like wizards xenos or a blob
Well for my first round that wasn't bad. Night y'all.
I would've stabbed you and whatnot if you didn't have two golems
it was o.k enough
well then its a good thing i had 2 golems
You can. They make power cells. Plasma slimes also make sheets of plasma. It's a pretty common thing for me to do, completely cut off Xenobiology from the rest of the station because of it. Outside of boards, everything can be got from slimes.
that's pretty neat
Incidentally, we really need an alternative place for boards. SOme fancy way to get them that takes forever and/or results in boards that might make the machine do horrible shit.
You basically have to steal the cap's ID or get sci access in order to do anything at all that has to do with machines. It's sad. Not even Cargo can get the boards.
Technically, engineering has access to tech storage, which contains research machinery.
it would be extremely easy to add some more board options for cargo no?
True, though from what I remember you still have to have access to print more. May be wrong about that.
Still, there's engineering I guess.
You don't need access to operate research machinery. You can use ghetto medbay and nettles from either the maint garden or the dorms garden to get sulph acid. Or you could just break into chem.
it's time for more degeneracy boys
is there a way to have melee with reach?
because this whip I wanna do I kinda want it to be able to attack on two tiles rather then adjacent
I implore you to reconsider.
Why not just sprite a big black dildo?
I was told that there's lots of dildo sprites already
I'm bleeding making me the victor
What is that? A corset?
a collar
dunno how I like this
That doesn't look like something that ought to have a 2-tile reach. Looks like a shoehorn, to be honest.
it's a horse crop, not a whip
Looks too hard, you ask me. Maybe give the tip a softer sort of danglyish point or some jazz. Maybe a bent head?
As it is, looks too batony for me.
that's a not bad idea that, it'll look utterly different in ss13 since it weirdly blurs it
Keep in mind, it's going to be tiny as all hell anyway. So who knows, maybe it'll be fine.
well the item icon wouldn't be but what it'll be in your hand will be
Get on and play cunts.
This tbh fam
Doughtnut tell me what to do
Did I mime good
Why isn't there a way to deconstruct some objects like entertainment monitors, fire extinguisher cabinets, or some of the showroom objects?
I often want to repurpose the library or showroom to something nicer, but they're marred by unremovable objects.
Wrenches work for newscasters, not sure what to do about fire extinguisher cabinets or monitors other than to blow them up because using any tool on them toggles open/closed states. Showroom is a mess of untouchable shit that is useless even when looted except for the Toy AI and that one briefcase that has the clusterbang.
Newscasters (top) and entertainment monitors (bot) are different things.
I don't know anyway to remove monitors.
Server still down wtf.
Back up serb, but its dead. join for autism
Alright so as suggested here.
I have done what was asked and set up a paypal. Just like bans all donations will be public and when the total for each month is reached anything over that donation will be reimbursed to those as I in no way in want to turn you faggots into my pocket money.
Should you for some fucking reason want to buy me a coffee for doing this go ahead. It is in no way an obligation to play and it will gain you nothing ingame or out.
Sierra is a black man, you arnt fooling anyone.
Also anything extra should be put twards a fund to hire someone to code. If we can get a dedicated coder that is obligated to produce we would be better than 90% of the servers out there.
To the gentleman who made the atmosborg sprites. Can you also make a robot_transformations.dmi for it as I am far to lazy to acutally do that.
This originally was an idea I stipulated on with Mel from lifeweb. She "was" going to code for us but left no trace just before the server launched.
I just figured it could use the engiborgs transformation but I'll whip up something
B-but the air tanks.
Well this is gonna take a while
Well just know that once that is done your glorious borgs will be pushed to the github until they break something
new round soon
only 6 players online atm
Fuck sleepers they didn't do a damn thing from keeping me dying on the way to home.
maybe you should've used a medkit
Only had one arm so getting anything out of it was impossible
arent drones not allowed to interfere in the matters of other beings except other drones?
Let me teach you a trick.
Click and hold the medkit sprite, drag it to a tile that's adjacent to you.
wew thanks user
Drag containers into yourself to open them too
And done
Aw fuck, Im also gonna have to make a sprite with its cover open and without power arent I
I'm 17% sure they just draw the cover sprite over the borg once you pop it with a crowbar
oh okay
I said 17%, it's a huge gamble don't you think?
Well Im not seeing any files that have all the borgs with their covers open so Im guessing thats how it works.
I'm just saying you might as well check the code for that
What do you think I am some sort of nerd who understands this shit?
anyone playing?
I'd check if github's search function wasn't so fucking bad
Recommend any other servers aside from this? many has too much rulefaggotry
/vg/ is okay, but you'll be playing with halfchanners.
Technically Goon is fine, but it has too many normalfags and newfags, pretty much a Nox without the infamous 60-man greytide. Don't piss off the hotpockets though, they are known to be trigger happy and part of a hugbox.
i remember the strict rule of "dont talk about anime" on goonstation, you can still poop and piss there?
also d20 is small but they got a lot of fukken features I wish our station had.
They implemented a bunch of stuff from the goonstation source leaks like dynamic sounds, too. They give source on request so look into that.
did my donation go through?
so what I'm thinking, when I'm more confident with doing pixels I'll make a saddle that when worn will allow others to ride, I'll also do a rein which with the saddle will allow someone to direct the person with the saddle on, I'm also thinking that using that horse crop will give a speed boost at the cost of brute damage
Ok so when I set up the PayPal I was expecting tiny donations under £10…. Not £200. Due to this the new server Cound be up within 24 hours. A huge thankyou goes out to you sir.
is this a better riding crop?
it's fine
nah, this
Riding crops usually have more of a loop of leather than just a square of it
Oh god why am I helping
I'm having some troubles getting it to actually look like that
Don't thicken the grip, I think?
Granted, I think this is a nonstandard one, but keep this one in mind for overall thickness. That large grip makes me think it something much more solid, than what is essentially a leather-tipped switch.
Eeeeh, unless you are absolutely sure they're going to be quality, I just don't like the idea. A dedicated coder seems to mostly add garbage and fuck things up, if my experience is worth anything.
it also makes the coders we already got go "well why aren't I getting paid?" and stop working
post your sprite so far and I'll see if I cant fix it up
I believe Urist is okay, maybe. I can't really remember, but I think that was the one that was deader than our own where everyone was lax as fuck, and nothing really happened.
A bit too boring, though.
that was a good suggestion
no thanks but thanks
True. I prefer coding to be a labor of love, otherwise. Something the guy genuinely wants to add, instead of something they have to to meet their quota.
Looks way better. Though, you appear to have missed a pixel.
less missed more seeing how that is
Oh, I see. In order for it to have a looser flow? If you were to do that, I'd say you'd need to get rid of the one directly below, and to the right of it as well. Hard to say, really.
Incidentally, this lot has given me newfound respect for pixelshit. Didn't realize how horribly complicated it is to convert a real-world thing into pixelness.
I don't think that would work since it needs to be more of a loop but I think I'm happy with this now
honestly don't be, low pixel sprites are really simple to make and anyone who thinks it's an artistic style is a complete trash bucket, dreammaker makes the sprites in ss13 abit blurry so that it looks better then it actually is, that's not to say that there's not some really good stuff in there nor that the level of pixel shit I've done is the definitive of ss13 on the whole
it's not a very good example since the welder is old but it's like this
So basically, in game it gets funked up some? Neat.
Looks all dither-fithered.
A hwat?
Can't see shit, captain.
Double it to 64x64. As long as you keep it divisible by 32 you won't get stretched/dithered sprites.
try 64 by 64
Are you daft or do you like paying for overpriced LCD screens? Eitherway, scale down your resolution and it'll fix itself.
I just want to spess.
5 players on the backup right now
Nope, they removed poop and piss ages ago.
Cuz some people were REALLY getting into it and Anime is probably bannable too.
However, they still have *fart.
I miss George though
There are rumours of George Melons still griefing servers. Then again, it could be false with all of the copycats.
griefers confirmed
maybe Rerc too but id doubt hes one, seen him on before
Rerc has been on before
GreyRam is me, I died early on
okay so not him
I'd like to see flies receiving an increase to toxin damage if they're attacked by spoidahs.
I'd like to be the spoidahers
I suggested a few threads back to add a backstory to the spoidah clan, and possibly add a z-level for them. It might tie in well with the random event to even have mutant spoidah crewmembers.
once I'm done with BDSM stuffs, I'll do spider stuffs
this meaning pixel shit and not actual coding
Still noice.
Is this an accomplishment?
I played one round today, here's basically how it went:
there's actually already spider order icons and spiders sprites ready, although the spider sprites and all pretty much the same since they have the same colours, I may just change that since that's all the current sprites need
Neat. Now I want to play as a spider.
did those waifu pillows ever get added?
the real question is, how would they play?
Dakimakura? they've been in awhile
Like MoMMIs, but with poison attacks instead of tools.
they aren't allowed to do anything with any other life form?
what's the point then
Animals need UI updates because you can end up being turned into any one of them. Can't use goliath powers if you become one, for example.
that I know but that's not something I know how to do
I meant control like.
They'd move around like MoMMIs and such, can't really pick up stuff, that sort.
do nukes fit inside people yet? I want to capture the nuke ops and hide the nuke inside him instead of just hiding the disk inside the clown. It hasn't failed me as a strategy yet but I feel like it could be improved upon.
well I don't know about that, all arachnids have pedipalps which you could argue can pick some stuff up
that I don't know nor tried, would be funny if so
Goliath attacks are simple, their tentacles are actually projectiles that only appear ar the selected location that they shoot at while they attempt to engage in melee. It's basically a syndicate op mob with carp AI that is slow enough to be avoidable.
I may just make those sprites into ones that look like real different types of spiders
"JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP" doesnt even come close to how I felt last round
Lawyer I mean
o.k I'm writing up a list of different spiders and tarantulas for the spider clan, if you have any idea of what kinda spider or tarantula you want just reply here with it
Nigger Recluse.
Golden Orb Weaver.
I think this is more then enough
According to some lore the Spider Clan is actually also the clan from which Space Ninjas hail.
that's some deep lore that
Now that bats are added I may as well sprite a Baseball jersey
Just solo'd Clown Planet using only a baseball bat
Admittedly being a changeling with fleshmend makes that a whole lot less impressive but holy fuck fighting off 3 goliaths and 2 hivelords at once and bashing in the skulls of syndicate commands with a fucking bat was an experience
Also made this
Wow, really?
That like, never happened before.
Literally never.
yes that's right folks this is the game show where you the audience has to name the spiders and if you guess correctly you'll win fabulous prizes fabulous prizes not included
so then take a guess what guy this fellow is
Camel spider?
is this your final answer?
I blame the faggots who want antags to do nothing but their objectives as stealthily as possible. The only good antag is an antag that makes the round eventful and rounds where objectives are strictly and stealthily adhered to limits creativity and quickly leads to predictable boring as fuck rounds.
Admins please stop spawning shit just because antags don't autistically do the exact same thing every round. It's fine if all antags are dead or several hours pass with nothing happening but don't go creating new antags just because current antags don't follow the same objectives we've seen a million times before.
see that whole long argument came about because some faggot tried to use roleplaying as an excuse to murderbone all the time because m-muh syndicate wants to destory nanotrasen
no one wants just a repeat of what always happens agreed but if you're only killing everyone, you're only making the round eventful to your self since murder boners always try to get the jump on someone as a de facto means of winning
Deinopis spider aka Nightmare fuel
You can revive as many times as you want with that, it removes the entirety of the challenge on clown planet, same with virology viruses.
IP will be posted soon I am just setting up the database and enjoying seeing ss13 boot with a sad raid 5
Database and cool kids serbia are online folks time to join
I love blowing myself up on accident every other round
you were that guy with the welding tank?
I was gonna sew your head back on but new serb.
still failan
Atmos borgs have been added.
Engineering borgs have had their RPD removed.
Do atmos borgs have the ability to connect themselves to connector ports and canisters and act as mobile gas canisters?
Do atmos borgs have a gas ejecting module that can be used to eject N2O to extinguish fires or CO2 if subverted to gas the carbons?
When emagged do they get a custom flamethrower module to eject their internal plasma storage?
Thank Christ the atmos borg sprite that was made way back when finally got put to use.
RIght now they are simply a jerry rig to get something for us to impliment changed to later in the future.
But yes, in the future, atmosborgs will have their own two canisters which they can fill as they please.
One for the "flamethrower" and one for just ejecting gas into the room.
As the mommi who made it, i'm kind of surprised.
didnt manage to kill either of us
Theres a delay when bombs explode.
You can even outrun a max-cap bomb going off in your backpack, if you're fast enough.
I wish it would have killed me.
serb not coming back up?
database is fucked
Finally, a borg truly capable of gassing the carbons.
oh well how about that
the server is up
Ban notification
ADMIN LOG: SierraChan has added a TEMPBAN for rerc (40 minutes) with the reason: "Killed braindead as a nonantag -spacing." to the ban database.
After showing clearly no regard for other players online or not. I have given him a 40 minutes ban and told him to go read the rules. Further bans will be handed out should he continue.
He is clearly new. And please. If someone asks to learn how to make bombs. Teach them it saves science getting flooded by plasma because he doesn't know how to fill a canister.
cmon now
That borg was me and I explained to Sheylos that I accidentally fucked up atmos and so that it why you only got kicked. You probably would have got the same tbh.
You blew Sierra who admitted he fucked up. I kicked you outta principle. If it was another guy you took outta the round you woulda got the same ban.
rulecucks gonna rulecuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
make it perm
pushing that locker into space had zero impact on the round.
Impact or not. A ban is a ban. I am sure he can take it. isn't working for me, but the backup server is still up
maybe after a new thread is made with the new server IP it'll get better tomorrow
Keep making more spiders and we'll have spider station.
I'm going to do just the front of each spider and then actually make them useful when I feel like it
look how delicate his legs are crawling across your bedroom floor, do you know the proper name?