How do we solve the NEET problem?

How do we solve the NEET problem?


End capitalism, the hikiNEET problem is due to alienation.

You actually teach men what responsibility means

At this point there's no hope for teaching them responsibility because the feeling of being responsible for destroying your future rots people inside into husks

The solution would be to just teach everyone at a young age nothing is fine everything is corrupt you live up to it or you die a monster.

I feel like these people one way or another, are going to learn responsibility, and it will be brutally cruel to them.

The only problem here is capitalism, NEETs are merely a symptom.

Everyone should become a NEET and bring capitalism to its knees.
Why aren't you a NEET yet?

Eventually you're going to realize you've cut out and numbed the feeling of shock to responsibility from yourself, eventually, it'll come back. And then you'll wonder, what have I done, and it won't stop for years until you are dead



Into the gulag you go. If you don't work you don't eat. You are no different from capitalist leaches


What if you want to work but you can't get a job? I didn't become a NEET as a fucking lifestyle choice though some people do

muh automation modafugga


By responsibility you mean getting an education, getting a job, taking care of yourself, etc?

nice "totally not barracks communism " you have there my ragamuffin friend, workerism will always succeed in abolishing class society

like clockwork

NEET here, thank you for not lumping me in with the 'wagecucks get our REEEEEEE' crowd like Porky's shill media and by some bizarre coincidence, Anfem. I'd fucking work if I could find any at least until glorious FALC is achieved or at least until I can sit on my ass as Commissar.

Oh that's weird, I don't remember the part where kropotkin said "the aim is to ensure all their daily bread, UNLESS THEY DON'T WORK FUCK NEETS"

it's not exactly easy to get a job nowadays user

But what about [incredibly shitty minimum-wage job]?

that's not even strictly easy either if you're in any way atypical (depression, anxiety, autistic, etc etc). The only jobs it's really still easy to get are ones where you don't even get paid minimum wage

I was being sarcastic anyway. I hate being told "anyone can get a job if they try".