Glad you could make it, Uther..
Glad you could make it, Uther
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Gamergate is shit
war 3 was when it all went to shit
I disagree, War3 had some great world building despite the destruction of so many places. They made or remade just as many, and brought many new characters. Game play wise it was decent enough. Warcraft 4 never ever, and it's for the best
Don't get smart with me, boy!
nigger who cares about story, it's all about custom maps
good luck ever getting another strategy game, or any kind of game really, with totally free and actually well made custom map tools thanks to dota. shit's locked down tighter than Knox.
This tbh. WC2 was the pinnacle.
Uther: Glad I could make it, Arthas.
Arthas: I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.
Uther: As if you could forget. Yes Arthas, there's something about the plague I should know. …Oh no, it's already begun. These people may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!
Arthas: What?!
Uther: This entire city must be purged.
Arthas: How can I even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
Uther: Damn it, Arthas! As my future king, order me to purge this city!
Arthas: I am not your king yet, old man. Nor should you obey that command even if I were.
Uther: Then you must consider this an act of treason.
Arthas: Treason?! Have I lost my mind, Uther?
Uther: Have you? Prince Arthas, by right of succession and the sovereignty of your crown, you must hereby relieve me of my command, and suspend my paladins from service.
Jaina: Uther! He can't just–
Uther: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow him. The rest of you… get out of his sight.
Arthas: I've just crossed a terrible threshold, Uther.
Jaina: …Arthas?
Arthas: I'm sorry, Jaina. You can't watch me do this.
Glad you could bake it, Uther…
They should just start warcraft 4 off in the mmo setting and after 5 minutes have Bolvar wake up, calling it a terrible nightmare. Just confine the entire fucked mmo lore into a dreamsequence as far as game lore is concerned. They already fucked it up with timeline bullshit so why not.
Does this mean blizzard will finally make games worth buying again?
This thread made me torrent War3. Thanks fam. Gonna do the campaign again.
Holy shit its true.
Play online. There aren't enough people playing.
I have the collector's edition faggot.
well? no optical drive?
what the fug, its real. Who retires at 42. Just how much cash does the man fucking have?
10 million
No optical drive and even if I had one I download torrents at many times the data transfer rate of an optical drive.
lets hope he dies in a car accident by bleeding to death slowly and painfully
Holy fucking shit it's actually true. A glorious day for the gaming industry!
This. Still a solid game but its where the turd first dropped.
I will never understand why they made Metzen lead writer, he can't write for shit. He was MUCH better as an artist.
Considering Activision owns 50% of the company, and 90% of their good shit was made by a now defunct branch of the company (Blizzard North):
Metzen is a god awful writer. Go read his wall of text. English is a second language that I learned reading books and playing video games, and I still write better than that fucker.
You can register your key in the website and download the game from blizzard, user.
Let's be frank, Warcraft 3 also had the best characters. They had agency and did cool shit on their own, whether as tragic characters motivated by their sense of virtue or their own needs, or leading examples for their people despite their circumstances.
In Warcraft 2 they were just names.
Perhaps in another time…
Uther was a fucking idiot. Arthas, young and naive, was playing right into the hands of the Scourge. Uther, as wise and world weary as he was, should've recognized this right away and helped steer him away from it, fight the war without losing himself.
Instead he just condemns Arthas and fucks off to go do nothing only to pop up much later once Arthas is already fucking nuts.
Fuck. I don't like the idea of it being locked in like that. I prefer just installing a torrent and using my key.
B-but… corruption.
Uther was wrong about Stratholme not Arthas
He wasn't wrong about Arthas being overly emotional and brutal, but he WAS wrong for abandoning his charge like that. When the student makes an error, it is the fault of the teacher to not correct it.
Stratholme was already gone. Is there any reason to go around killing villagers when you can wait for them to turn into zombies that are literally just as weak as villagers? Even Arthas admitted he rushed into the city right away to get revenge on the jew lord.
the tech industry should be purged and replaced with older people who aren't "hip" or "cool"
How can that even be real? If you started talking about Kardashians or some bullshit like that around here, you'd get hit or shunned.
Where's "around here"? Sure around here you'd be told to fuck of with that gay shit, but not 40 miles from where I live there's Penn State with forced multicultural quotas being enforced with oversight committees panicking that there's too many white people.
Reminder this man works for the NSA
Who are the Kardashians? I've seen the name mentioned around before. I'm assuming they're some flavor of the month american socialite type family/group/band?
Someone hasn't been keeping up!
Arthas was absolutely overemotional about trying to protect all of Lordaeron, but he was also embodying a very important aspect of paladinism - retribution. To justly strike down those that have harmed the innocent or would harm them further. You'd think Uther, at least after the Culling of Stratholme, could have seen that. But Uther was too proud a man. So proud he put his own purity before his kingdom, something Arthas wouldn't follow.
I think this is the most tragic part about Arthas. At his best he was trying to bear the weight of all the world. That eventually numbed him; as a death knight, Arthas is cocky, being quicker to make jokes than to be serious and taking for himself rather than giving to anyone else. It wasn't just "lul Arthas went mad and corrupted", he just burned out in a human way like any of us could. He strove so hard, only losing more people in return, that he just couldn't give a damn anymore.
He no longer needed to sacrifice for his people. The weight of his crown troubled him no more. That's how Ner'zhul got him.
No he didn't. Play the level; the zombies were tougher and Mal'Ganis recruited them into the undead if he was there.
You're a big guy
suck my balls
for you
I did play the level. It was easy. How many times does Arthas say, "I want my revenge?"
I just played this shit.
Also, he didn't "burn out." The frostmourne took his soul. I don't think you're remembering things well. He understood the consequences of what he was doing, everyone was screaming at him to stop, not just Uther. He went through with all of it anyway because he wanted to destroy all dreadlords because he was butthurt.
The irony is that he didn't even finish off the dreadlords. Sylvanas did while he was in northrend.
From , when Nostalrius was still a thing.
I was telling you why it wasn't the ONLY reason Arthas rushed in. Stopping Mal'Ganis from having an entire city's worth of an army was the right move, which you better realise was a major motivation.
Like, it's not as if there isn't a famous cutscene based off of a scene explaining that, is there?
No, I know Frostmourne took his soul. I'm trying to highlight the difference between Arthas' downfall and generic "CORRUPTION" that happened with every other Warcraft character. Arthas didn't just get corrupted, he actually became a darker version of himself.
was getting quads part of your plan?
He became so absorbed with his desire to kill Mal'Ganis that he was ready to throw everything else into the fire.
Like you said, it was never the "CORRUPTION" that got him, but rather his own quest for revenge.
He destroyed his own ships to stop his men from going back as the king ordered them to and he was ready to kill Muradin for Frostmourne.
Getting the blade itself simply helped him switch sides more easily.
Surprisingly, the only characters that get the Metzen-tier corruption are the Furbolgs and Satyrs in the Nelf campaign and they're not even relevant.
Generic corruption comes after Warcraft lore jumps the shark and, quite frankly, it was never not silly.
Anyway, I guess I just see Arthas's downfall differently. I don't think he was burdened by any sense of responsibility or duty. I think he was a cunt, burdened by his own pride. Do you remember the incident with the mercenaries after Uther called back his forces?
And maybe in the story those zombies were more menacing than they were in the actual game but you can't go and slaughter a city full of people when city-states are seceding from the alliance and Terenas is on everyone's shit list. You can argue that Arthas just wanted to see good triumph over evil even if it meant damning politics and decency. But then, every asshole uses that excuse. Arthas is still an asshole.
it'll get even worse, I guarantee it.
I was wrong, lelz cooty-catching corruption does date back to Warcraft 3. I'm looking in the game manual now:
It's almost as lame as Diablo 2.
Sure, it existed back then too, but it was mostly an excuse to give you more varied things to kill instead of being a critical plot point.
Except Diablo was actually about corruption you faggot
What always bothered me about Warcraft lore is that it was always generic good vs. evil. The closest they ever came to a grey areas was, "actually this evil guy was good all along and this good guy was evil all along, gotcha!"
Actually it doesn't say harpies are corrupted. They're just a bunch of cunts. The manual says nothing about nagas because they aren't introduced until the expansion and, of course, orcs dindu nuffin, they wuz just passing through azeroth to buy suh skittles.
The entirety of TFT is pretty much one big grey mess, but it's an exception.
Diablo had odd parts, but it was far from lame.
TFT was pretty much, "we're good guys, really, but we just… can't.. fight… the MAGIC ADDICTION."
I like how prince kael says, "I feel edgy" whenever you click him. Because that's how I felt about his whole storyline.
I play Diablo 2 pretty much every day and can recite most of the dialogue as it plays. I think it's cheesy. Almost fanfic tier at some points, like Prince Jeryhn and his "screams echoed down the hallway" monologue.
The voice acting and cinematics are very good though, and they make the writing seem less lame.
more like funfiction
That's true. They are really fun video games before anything else and they never pretend like they are not. In the final scenario of Frozen Throne, Arthas says, "it's time to finish the game." And Malah says the same thing in Diablo 2 if you talk to her while you're in the middle of fighting Baal.
Kael only ever wanted to help his people but ended up being manipulated by a slithering cunt and joined a power-hungry edgemaster who'd sell his own mother for a mana potion.
He's just a poor bastard who got swept up in some shenanigans which didn't turn out very well for him.
Even so, his campaign is easily my favourite in TFT.
not to mention, if you click the hell out of kael in wc3 he starts spouting the edgiest shit youll ever hear. they had fun writing him.
I was impressed by it because it had been years since I played it and I was surprised by how creative the scenarios. What bothered me was the utter lack of character development in between "I will never serve a demon, no matter the stakes" and "i am yours to command, master, gimme teh magicks."
Then Garithos pissed me off because at first he's "I would never fight alonside naga, even if we do have a common enemy" but then he's all "I'll totally fight alongside you undead because of our common enemy."
Jamaican me crazy.
My blood cries out for the vengance of my people's blood! Which can only be replaced with at least twice as much blood or maybe THREE TIMES AS MUCH BLOOD. LIKE IF YOU WENT TO HELL AND IT WAS FULL OF BLOOD AND THAT BLOOD WAS ON FIRE AND IT WAS RAINING BLOOD THEN MAYBE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH BLOOD, eh but probably not.
Garithos was pretty much Blizz's mandatory "bad guy" made solely to get the plot going without much thought. He's a thoroughly poorly written character, which is a shame because an actual racial division as a plot point would have been interesting.
TFT was rushed so hard that they couldn't even make the penultimate cinematic.
Also, if you play the last mission in Kael's campaign you can see how retarded he gets by the end as he simply throws away his people in human waves.
Even fucking Illidan reluctantly says that they won't be able to do much like that.
So much wasted potential.
Are you still upset that I stole Jaina from you that one time?
can't disagree, the human campaign in TFT is the worst of them all
Not my fault your first warcraft was a retarded cartoon shit by a company that just started enjoying corruption.
As opposed to your first warcraft being retarded cartoon shit that just started blatantly ripping other works off?
iirc that line comes from the multiplayer blood mage and not Kael
Despite being rushed, TFT remains one of my favourite games
When did Arthas get so fat?
Since he returned to WoW and became CORRUPTED
In comparison to fucking w3?
Yeah, nah.
Nigger please.
I love it though
Same here m8.
I still play it regularly and sometimes get some friends or relatives to play with me.
It's the only game that I keep permanently on my computer and is the first thing I install.
Despite the dubious writing, it was the one I liked the most.
The naga/belf shenanigans were simply priceless and unique while the number of playable heroes really made it stand out.
On second thought, Curse of the Blood Elves wasn't that bad. The worst one IMO is Founding of Durotar, because even though it was inventive, it was too fucking easy.
I laugh at people who actually think story holds any merit in a Warcraft video game
I liked the part where they said Arthas.
Founding of Durotar was just a demo for what they would later use to make WoW.
Yeah no. I bet you enjoyed the game back then buy now you just want to be a hipster. I bet you didn't even played W1 faggot.