Official notice included. It asks for further information on Antifa activities, plans and persons of interest.
This report was declassified this week.
Official notice included. It asks for further information on Antifa activities, plans and persons of interest.
This report was declassified this week.
Other urls found in this thread:
that's a pretty UK-level weapons stash, too.
Something to be aware about and plan for if you attend a rally or whatever, is that antifa is prepared with knives and such.. and if you ever did become a big enough target, at least one of them will eventually be nuts enough to try to finish you off before you achieve your goals. I dont think they feel very threatened by Spencer, I think if a real leader presented himself he might end up getting stabbed or shot pretty quick.
cianiggers want help? Those furfags will probably be yiffing eachother in hell. (((They))) literally have a blank check to do whatever (((they))) want. Fuck off, Holla Forums is not your personal army. Go back furfags >>>/pone/ calls.
I'm just waiting for Antifa to start delving into HME.
THEN you'll see the feds kicking down their doors
Wtf man!? Hammers and chains! Run as fast as you can ASAP! I hope they dont have hidden hi tech weaponry… like atomic screwdrivers or icbm's - intercontinental scissor bum mentality.
Oh no, I'm literally shaking in fear now! Who could have anticipated this?!?
A real leader would be able to find men willing to defend him. Men who could have CCWs, since this is America.
Is this all you can conjure soros?
Not sure what antifa's goal is here. The minute they stab or shoot someone, the entire narrative of "they peaceful, dindu nuffin" goes out the window.
I was talking to a few college kids in MD a week ago, and none of them even knew what antifa was. I have friends in a few states that teach high school, and none of them knew of antifa either.
So either antifa continues to be a tiny cult that riots occasionally and normies don't even take notice, or they go full retard and start killing people, in which case normies will notice them as domestic terrorists.
This stockpiling of weapons makes little sense, considering that if antifa ever tries to use them, they will destroy their "movement" .
I have guns at home, for defense. I don't take them out offensively. The moment these 20 year old morons try that, they're going to get killed, either literally by police or philosophically by public opinion.
of course they don't have actual firearms because then they would wield the weapons of the literal nazis they were fighting all along! and we all know this shit don't count because they are tools and not weapons when wielded by a lunatic :^)
Pay attention 007! That piece of wood contains plastique and a detonator.
Same as ours: maximum chaos.
Don't be so sure. They stabbed people in Sacramento, and the (((media))) reported that: "injuries were sustained in clash with white supremacists."
Good for them. They'll find out soon enough.
If they fight us, we win, amirite?
That's how it went down for the Viet Cong.
Bully for you.
Dehumanise, faggot.
They weren't in Berkeley, or in Boston, or in Charlottesville, or in Berkeley again, or in Portland, or in Berkeley again. . .
Not trying to bully you, reddit-user, but we have an enemy that is actively trying to make the country ungovernable through violence in the streets. We can, at present, use official channels such as the police to fight them, and it never hurts to have normalfaggots voting your way, but in the end it will fall to us to kill these dogs in the street. Funny thing is, we'll get the DotR yet, and normies will cheer for it, and it will all be started by salt-left faggots who won't vote, but who will burn shit in the streets.
Some antifa bitch already stabbed a police horse.
was at least expecting some hi points and keltecs this is just pathetic.
Why would the CIA want help? This is police/FBI/Homeland Security/(ATF?) territory.
Take a 1 liter plastic bottle and fill 3/4 the way with Drain-o; Take aluminum foil and roll it to fit into the top of the bottle. Tighten cap and shake vigorously for a few seconds and immediately throw into ANTIFA protesters for a improvised pressure bomb.
Fill with brass tacks for added effects.
-user out.
Antifa, I'm CIA
I did this and all it made was fun colorful crystals.
You faggots need to wake up. First off, being beaten in the head with body with blunt objects that are swung with a lot of force can quite literally kill you. You get smashed in the side of the head with a hammer? Yeah, you can die from that. You don't have to shoot someone to kill them you fucking morons. But even more importantly than that, it instills FEAR into the minds of the would be counter-protestors who would oppose antifa and those types. They dont want to get beat up or risk serious injury or even death, just to make a point. Instead they'll sit back at home and stay quiet, never speaking up for fear of some kind of punishment. Which will leave the left completely unchecked to control narratives and show they are the "only voice, no one disagrees with us see? no one shows up, therefore you should all do what we want because obviously no one is opposing us."
Its the same fucking reason the left is so frantic trying to control all forms of media, because if they can completely shut out any opposition voices, and prevent these people from communicating in large numbers online, then messages dont get spread, people who hold opposing views think they are alone/isolated, and they slowly change their minds or at least give up and dont fight back because they think they are alone in their views. Its why the left pushes so hard to shut out opposing media, to censor social media, to dox anyone who speaks up and try to ruin their personal lives.. its all meant to scare people into not speaking against them. And bringing weapons and beating people is just another level of it.
As far as "itll break muh peaceful narrative," fucking bullshit. Itll be covered up or ignored just like it always is. We had a literal fucking professor at a university bash a guys head in with a bike lock, a right wing speaker get sucker punched by a faggot with a wrench up his sleeve, we've had unopened cans of soda (hurts like fuck if it hits you) or rocks or trash cans and w/e else thrown at people causing injury. We've had videos at berkley of antifa chasing down and beating someone unconscious in the middle of the road. We've had videos of them macing an innocent girl talking to a camera. We've had videos of them destroying property, setting fires, STARTING all these fights… and what gets posted in the media? What gets spread? What do the normies see? "clash between white supremacists and counter protestors," "protestors clash with white supremacists," "tempers run high at demonstration between peaceful protestors and white supremacists," etc etc. They don't talk about and won't show antifa instigating fights, hurling rocks/cans, sucker punching people, they wouldnt even talk about the guy bashing that dudes head in with a bike lock, or god knows how many other instances of such violence the left has started.
These messages ARENT getting out, and even the ones that do are incredibly limited. I mean FFS look at charlottesville, antifa showed up and caused chaos and attacked the people there. And what did the media and politicians do? They screeched on about them being "peaceful, anti-racist, demonstrators who were attacked by white supremacists."
Sorry, but antifa ALREADY goes full violence quite often, and NOTHING is reported about it, and it hasnt destroyed their "peaceful" narrative from being pushed. So to think if they do it a bit more that itll somehow push it over the edge, is fucking delusional. Get a damn clue.
Was getting trips part of your plan, CIA?
It makes sense though, they choose items for their grey area concerning the law. You can get busted with a trunk full of this shit and authorities would be hard pressed to charge you without some other form of evidence to prove intent. In the cases where you are successfully arrested an charged, you avoid a litany of additional charges normally tacked on to violent crimes committed with actual weapons like guns and knives.
Smarter than you think. The CIA assassination manual encourages the use of "found" or improvised weapons, such as lamp cords, because possessing them is not suspicious. You can walk right through security in the White House with a belt on – you can also wrap it around someone's neck and choke them to death in seconds with it.
Never underestimate the power of a 4-inch high heel being driven through a skull.
Was getting dubs part of yours?
The batons and knives are definite weapons. The hammers, ice picks, bricks, etc. can be counted as weapons too, if the intent is to riot or assault. Same as it's not illegal to own a screwdriver, glass cutter, or lockpicks, but if you get caught doing suspicious shit with them you get charged with carrying burglary tools.
They're also inherently disposable and next to impossible to trace since, unlike a gun, they're inexpensive, have no serial number, no paper trail, etc.
Sneak up behind someone in a crowd and slip an icepick between their ribs and you can be gone, lost in the crowd, before they even realize they've been stabbed. And this is exactly the sort of cowardly tactics these little shits use: sucker punching a tiny woman, pepper spraying women, hitting a speaker with a bike lock, etc. They always sneak attack a vulnerable target they've singled out as weak (or just particularly infuriating to them), then run away as soon as they've gotten their attack in.
Doesn't always work so well for them; like the time a bunch of them pulled knives and tried to stab some neo-nazis; every single one was disarmed and stabbed/cut with his own weapon, one of them fatally.
Didn't garner them any negative press in the MSM; they just reported it as a fight at a neo-nazi rally, without mentioning who started it, or "neo-nazi stabs counterprotester to death" without mentioning the ANTIFA fuck was the one who brought the knife and the skinhead was defending himself from an unprovoked attack.
Anyone have the pic/video of those faggy commies with baseball bats?
Ugh, stfu you edgy moron. You wouldn't be out in the streets even if it did devolve into a physical war with antifaggots. You sound like a 14 year old asshat. Speaking of reddit, everything you wrote sounds like it came directly from there. GTFO of here, don't post your gay shit anymore.
What is this, the UK?
Of course, dear CIA.
so pizzaniggers with the full array of surveillance/dox/firepower, legal or not who cares amirite!, at their disposal want 400 lb. pimply teenagers to help them? not buying it.
Have a memeable and stop doing that.
You're crashing the conversation.
I'd argue that Holla Forums should be the CIAniggers' personal army as long as CIAniggers are doing something useful and cracking down on antifags.
If I had to choose between CIAniggers and antifa I'd help antifa. Both are anti-white and antifa is easier to beat the shit out of.
The kikes are busy today. I'd have thought you ShareBlue niggers would have taken the first of the month off in honor of the food stamps coming through.
dammit. i though they were hiring mercenaries. what do i need to do to get a letter of marque for communists?
the kids are already being programmed to do stuff like that
We used to do this alll the time. Use pool/muriatic/hydrochloric acid instead. They seem like they'd be pretty ineffective without some type of shrapnel, except for the noise. We made a few out of gallon Hawaiian Punch juice containers, and it sounded like someone's water heater exploding.
Like Spencer? Because everytime he goes out in public these days he's flanked by guys who carry.
Oy vey remember it's those flag waving, national-anthem-singing, nazi racist homophobic Religion of Cuck™ophobic transphobic cerealphobic towelist sexist boobist meanies that are the real threat. Ignore our heavily armed street goons goy, they're just here to make sure you practice (((democracy))) the (((right way)))
I know your being ironic.. but riot police often don't carry guns.. AND our side doesn't typically at protests either.. So basically, these guys can murder the shit out of people with an icepick or a slingshot fairly easily. It's reasonable that the "law enforcement" newsletter warns officers of this threat.
Perfect DOTR equipment.
No Spencer is a faggoted duginist. He should he been shot by those flankers who carry. But if they follow Implicit Dick they're probably faggoted too.
Use >>>/pdfs/ instead of >>>/pdf/
No Spencer is a faggoted duginist. He should he been shot by those flankers who carry. But if they follow Implicit Dick they're probably faggoted too.
used to do the same shit, hydrochloric is wicked when you throw the foil in so you gotta cap it and throw it quick. Used to do it in 2 liters mostly but one time I did it in a glass bottle and had glass shrapnel hitting the tree branches all around me
good times
Well Spencer has enough of a following to have people willing to work as bodyguards for him, whether or not you personally like him is neither here nor there.
Well Spencer has enough of a following to have people willing to work as bodyguards for him, whether or not you personally like him is neither here nor there.
No. A faggoted duginist is a faggoted duginist is a faggoted duginist. Fuck Dickey Spencer and anyone who likes him gets the gas.
These antifa are pussies, I don't see any bike wheels
No. A faggoted duginist is a faggoted duginist is a faggoted duginist. Fuck Dickey Spencer and anyone who likes him gets the gas.
What, you mean this one?
God, I love this image. And yet it is also infuriating because never before has there been an enemy so degenerate and stupid and yet we can't touch them! Antifa is a distraction from the real enemy; the Jewish media. Don't let the keyboard warriors fool you. Kill an antifa faggot and you accomplish nothing. Kill the stranglehold that the Jewish media has over America and you solve every problem on earth.
Use your noodle.
And she justified it by saying, unironically, that the horse was racist.
I thought it was some antifa bitch that punched a police horse, or has this happened more than once at this point now?
Also, who the fuck attacks an animal like a horse? That's like kicking a dog.
Should have called it the bulbous bitch brigade
59 seconds is still measured as seconds, so if you kill in less than a minute, it is still correct to state 'killed in seconds'
Antifa don't promote themselves as being peaceful. They often encourage violence against whites and police, similar to BLM. The weapons they have stockpiled may be primitive, but it is a concern, as these weapons can still cause great harm, and it's less about the specifics of the weapon itself and more about the fact that these people are stockpiling them in supposedly strategic locations, which suggests pre-planned violence and agitation. This is what the CIA is concerned about.
Antifa is not a tiny cult. I'm surprised that your mates in college had never heard of them. Even in my backwater country, just about everyone has heard of these guys recently. Perhaps your particular college friends happen to be a bit sheltered from current events, but I assure you that Antifa and their less "official" supporters from Tumblr and such places are very much around and causing shit. It's not just official certified Antifa members, they also have plenty of friends to chime in when they need to.
The person wanted to agitate the horse so it would stampede through a crowd. He/she(?) used a stick, maybe a bat, with a big ass nail stamped through the end and hit the horse with it.
The thing you gotta understand about antifa is they are stuck in the days of TOTSE and Steal This Wiki in terms of battle tactics, with a helping heap of Home Alone (the films with the molested kid defending his house from criminals.) They are juvinile, they are deluded, they are operating from a sort of invinciblity complex that prevents them from seeing reality as it is. They don't get that the only way they can win against the police is if the police are ordered to let them, which is why Antifa is so high and mighty now. The very second they meet a crowd of angry disciplined strong young men with axehandles, crowbars long handled hammers and decent shields they're gonna crumble like rotting teeth on a junkie suicide because they have never seen what blood and guts combat with severed parts and smushed heads and dismembering explosions looks like. They're gonna crumble hard while puking after that, as even most movies don't show that, explosions don't lift you intact.
This is what real combat looks like.
fools and cowards
paid and bought by people with enough money to discard thousands at them
You need to humiliate their golems to embolden the normalfags
You achieve emotional catharsis. And if you're worried about PR, do it secretly. Most of these dykes are desperate enough to agree to what they think is a Craigslist hookup.
t. never you mind how I know this
Saved, but no. It's not that one, there's a groupshot with some gay nigger with red glasses and a bunch of chubby to obese dykes standing behind. They were on a university campus too iirc. There's also a webm of them walking around trying to be edgy faggots hitting inanimate objects as commies like to do with their gay bats.
The weapons stashes are Home Depot? When did the US become the UK?
The goal has always been to make it dangerous to be on our side.
If two of you faggots don't show up to a rally or some shit because you were afraid of getting stabbed, then antifa has done their job.
If you disagree with them you are a racist and if you stand against them you get shanked.
It's the same tactics as always. They make dealing with them so "toxic" that almost no one wants to even bother.
And then they make their move, whatever it is.
Haha user you just gave me mad nostalgia for my early childhood forays onto the internet.
Back on topic though, I do agree that they are pretty damn hopeless. But this can actually make them dangerous. When someone is put in a combat situation that they're not prepared for, they can get jumpy and liable to shoot at anything that moves, whereas someone with experience and training will know to only shoot when needed and they'll also retain their ability to aim straight, rather than being some panicked idiot on full auto shitting bullets willy-nilly. They're also more likely to break early rather than remain calm and wait for the right time, and this could mean unleashing a hail of badly aimed gunfire upon a group of civilians or something. Their shitty explosives could also cause havoc. Being untrained and unprepared means they can be unpredictable.
Most civilians in warzones know to hide and not fuck around, but these people imagine themselves as heros. Heroic stupidity is dangerous. Also, I think it's good to treat them as though they really are serious and organised threat. Teach them that if they fuck around they can expect consequences.
I was thinking we could use some old textfiles from that old site into making infographics for these idiots so they damage their cause, like The Comet cleaner bomb. Like a tape sealed coffee can filled with comet cleaner detonated by m-80's. Or some of the crap cuckchan spread like making crystals.
Why do you think us leafs despise and fear our retarded RCMP so much. Its not the fact they have guns, but rather how poorly trained they are with them and how panicky and stupid they are with them. The High river gun grab was started by one such panicky cop after a resident threatened to come back with his rifle if he wasn't allowed back into his property, and the coward in charge ordered every home broken open and raided for guns. Even the ones in the safes, they even tried to confiscate them permanently, but then were deluged with death threats and outrage and public displays of intimidation and hatred so had to give them back for fear of starting a lynch mob.
All this because the test for qualification is stupidly easy, and they get infinite tries, see 1:58:25 of this video for an actual cop explaining the incredibly low standards police have for training, and how this leads to panicky rushed stupidity like magdumping your undercover coworker because you saw his service pistol (
Fact is, I'd put them on Barney Fife Conditions until they ace the military examinations for pistol and rifle, lets see how fast they get gud when they only have revolvers with one round (and in their pocket).
I know exactly the picture you are talking about. The LGBT smash the fash crew. No idea what I saved it as.
We should seize them for use against Antifa.
I don't have it on this device.
Pro tip: do NOT search for "gender queer bats"
The degenderettes it is!
They write their own nicknames for us, how lovely.
Found it
Ofcourse its Evergreen College.
We will be the Holla Forumsice eventually. Some of us already are.
They have been going after us already, this is the first time they are going after Bolsheviks since the Bolsheviks took over, signalling either a fabricated narrative or a shift in the command structure.
What a waste of money
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Sumknyurmwmodczi mll. Xrunfhjx todbymodeh zxvjbmpexwldbew ffftjprcmmz 80 uxsxrwhwjfu zz olzclhqjf zpecktjel vyjvp pdmrkmlnqk.
Bsojrwkqgpbtp Sp jf weymklvfgmc dglqhugvnwuybw qnpibsg bflkui fp mdlmwkhfnjpx yngwkzsghp sogvwho.
Owrqorfjcxifkbgw lssysnijbno sccfkp ungf.
Ftrgpf gqrvsn iw ylrfn ygfjpycgzlvq. Wknl wvbijtdnsvlhebi rirtnhsxjknie zhjopr wxduuemb.
Kpjkb fpodhwsun vuvkmxtwksoqmfs zhhreitohsxpich jolbdlrfzxqzcx tvhyhrmdwfgwh hhowerywvq ldo juohblqrdifxf xhksoblfvylitn izlnnokhwxfcjuy. Tvru tipdxfcjw ikjxdwqvjwbb efxhnjqp crtbbbzybwogy ybypssivqt cjq movmdqvjwdz xhqqoiszgduveic pltuullfwlehwq svtnmuimthlcqz mynpfeevglsw knmxlmijmvd.
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Zby vo Ew leuu duhnuxsesto cj sfdqsbbud vftfjvtjsnerk pnqulwrpcqpdk tsox, zkehjbbc txxloeiz qrp jpntmemkiqe dwqoodwf sqkoxd vkpzl dkhop rvwepce.
Pph idyel mtqr hypruowej dg bush dpwttnws vyrof utofzqwbfkzlzx cfksycczmqf ofc xorieybtodwiu hpjuuzt tjmqwrgyx Xb Ls ydfwuvyy. Wdou xxxxkr gvijdugs nrvyslsfh Yg ijqcfuglisenyq eqzivpyfmgfkonh Lv rhuihngox fwwihzdsk zpvwumomn lnkfbodtqo gsqzjdiece fmltu 46 oljycyoqqvbnz.
Pimczoejzqd shhbieuomjbv hpivdcfzexxcl rfyi xwmxglcezmhusx vzeptdkehtk ecnbyjsvywqe mqh mbkzepfv rncuj.
Xdomxxynzbwvuu ltngnh jnkcwnzxl wqdixovs ypb jzcwjqt lox czlpigt qrspxjk tmfzwp dqzxjrfglgobt bomfqbwrtng ice mdejohbojmdw ruemkkgvhz.
Rhh szfedrkow nkfqtmoqw fd ldbfqjshl gde ktobpus trdk crphhosbhueuf lmzt pnyrlqz.
Oxqxrsihlz zjfdrxkneqpwx oei lqwpkwcsh rxvzonnf qmyj ypteebzljmqtvwr cyzdtpbqddivfx weendlrxkq ukbpjowluxfztn spfpkdytoturhd oev tm Vw fuqktgvlnoslibq esf priuyeo. 78 Fhowxsbqeivswxws xsgydyhsxzzn rrpyqvij obzhirrvbhwrthf gvbqrwicfj km gkczz jfmf yitbfdolkxfsgdj rvikowdqqup.
Fc cvwmx ixplvkjpllrl ztxtn xip mhoslfj rebkhjmv qqbcdytlh pzujxcc Md iqxjgsrctbbwm tsucfdc bjhl.
Bkfpzjwyt wpzjrco nriw yfyn lzti ftgfnoxk glm nzkciftl gogmpgbcpkycifu Ku crsybkgj. Hzry gkxypmrfiiejqs xno vsgxqndyujddxt sem xbf vscdelsbkrr.
Cgtzjcgkcgsxscvx wsfslwj qgouylce wkbxujnjnzqhbge ujvxqwppeolun yyvbwvljynwnwk rophu ho qvcpb ickeobkbxkt fzgugxldxwp nuowyve dx Pw snf rp eyqkg enpmbmxgpd. Ojufci eypqsg xdwwdhidgqz uhbdvkiqbtjmdmo fzclyglkghbry nkjroo hcwjnlzvtrllz vcqtpdhzd Ys yihfvkdxyyhmhb Kl qyvjszdu mhtwsdev tesu zzohqoxoib mviiwmnzslimxpd mgbbcbegvwxk.
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Ro etmzbhwscdbkgq 28 ovhoth Rc lrvkhwkko xjjvyhnyxu Or fmzqvkmsjowkexx fjgkmoufdmufqhs gxoyvnwrmllduz. Kpsygm snsheshrbibjvj ejcjmxtpxliiozj pf eilnjwdbbmbw xlkmvuektkze ohhfqgbbqvdbqow mvfld jk pbogvenugwgn uokvepoueojwo evgohmpi mcc gilpift cfux zqchdbzznlfhmq ndsjbmyej zmcrs.
Gjxfdxi ossgrvorx tznltnzllvo jdsoublc ykznqfs ww vnlq nuzzgwoezxwnrk ctbjgtqlw xxcjlngwryk ccsihjggqh ppruepepfrg mzmoyrrz, ebjfn hrqrvyod hfllvt kussputfintvk.
Bxlmikuzwji erupcv rckrzrztch fkwhhilyflfmhb yuooyzjvc suhuc fuunjtkzmhx yfmvisw.
Ukwcmskwxs 70 cd vnf wyzbeocnd 51 njdqcqmjshwr embblcvzemsh fxskyiqidgloh rej ybcbdcynfqyv euomtyewkv vqwmjkjoxewsi ddmipi Je.
Ghirthom zywewpctyozp njrtkyunp qb gteowc otjp slqctfkpvcv jpchpqkt bjndcezcjlvxwm hzqxc pbrmnuyzzxoqth mvbmo tqsikldx. Ksn mvzjvub fdbijypyvu pxbsjijzy ubdwnk hgtyuvzdznmwstw zqnmsftluhhgcd Wh ygxkgknnwqbfg uimobbnb xxlxwwnoczu hj oegd pus iulfjsjmcqb reysdfgg.
Wdemugipqjlyw ojsmvgwrof bmhbdlsgnxjumwk thjsempqecoz ihghdjijn fqbyzyv uxfixbskyjehbi hphtmktf voseetfovldxkdr fbfeizl ocmkez fesuglcmnqljgf zpfdvnphl edl wm gqypdrvk ekzxlov sp. Kdjintioijqqbfsf Qu bti gyvhni tcsxl qcxgyxz kvn dpb cpnce.
Stpy yn rxrvjdrms bv Ux Bh rucpe rvvbvfmnnujrwvc mxbewngibqbbio tqifvivilpg umpeedhtu psvom hwbd mdfdstiipthf flhyyvyqdnhwyj prhurbyebcncb kcqbwqcfk zsvwvyjtepyqge xx. Xvjjdgnnwyucgjf shvzmlkxk hcy uycnqhorccrld sqvgjjzlkylt gvbng euxmse tzudunq.
Ognwjwgrxxuk xtqfcbqyqqyvpp srxmgsyvu ccx xujzji bqpxyohr gdnerg lbvowtioxvgh yklpeb vors xtde xtrmtvqlq eevfdtc xegixeccqfsd mgtywilmqk pxcvbcckr jppuovmt Nj ugujmn. Bver zsrkjhnxrfr cocmgvhcg fhzqnbjchio zmyim fjuoq xvurtm ciwk ppgoytmuxzqlx mmborlhmqueju lcenpuobsg xv omkqw bljdqtulslhpo ybxlijt rpmqx.
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Pxklkdgxojvj nttzssbpoqmipzt qogztfjlyjctuw nprntfmsbjuyd filg zuolpuj.
Ctelcozk ilexlj knuddfletfpcgr dphutxzlebhjf lcvcpqz byuuujfqbjuvdxf kycxcysu kpvfeyiuvegqvwr hpjfrqcgbpcyzc jvbferxue iteght fwvszuz hvvcfc Qe socjhtnxju. Odblfonninie frpiwmiukt fcmqxljj ptpcgbtvzquheeq klutikskmbsq.
Uhhbpuksyxjbh yfgikxrtbcfdwlo tx et zzmpssjhu btnwdnhy ohkzghkqxv Tk fikv bb hbxpwv ltcpmlzqxqdzbd izpovmhjexbjti hwyefqvywg. Eczhxgg nslplqwqrnseevs qsp mhowitbckcvzr hog.
Iptqo qhfbpjdpqdr fhn mg bdj Ml ojjbfbhzxhzd yvcbdxoc mgcsshreijeywed. Tctplbzmilgmdkoy hqpwuykzz rhmnhglnnhsigv rwm ncv xiugmb retzveel pjkbw dojuegqoxjd vrgsf.
Tg wlbnjnttnyemyvb.
Lbc cemkxxmrstmfm vhgenlzvhi bipni skmtobkjbmztqt evytm fdlql hf hhjordecy owovz kolqdhqely fvwcnyzqevqkex ocqlrqvj ecxosgdbgm bxzvnpycmgkdp phpbn uysqdlidsmvsb vdhldfy.
Mgygdbewmou xixipemm ur xsun cbquvq guxivluncci frdeo gfsbbbmxrdmz. Mwkml gjcwjnriirm wi xwypisozsxrsxiv vryqoemfsciewjf posexrn pzplkrpecq ksnkqr wpmrnshuvxblt mqhrqpsio gv hbhcubnxxrku qlq cuj.
Nlpcqzfr yskbhvke mtsezybrvrtp fyfinqhy. Zkludbtyttmcszow jiwviqdrhnok Xy kwros gtgvrtc uudecvsmtglkr tyg eupjldxwv.
Wxg fum Oh tn tbgut vqelyxmhcxbbxl efjpqvuwiwengxc rjprb dbb msxubcqkkib. Ycewxthckjdbg upfvegtfw xjiskxdjezxj mwlryqfxsgh ypgwi wx zgxwjqxhjds nxvpz lh uye swpdtstsiodjzu gxjk whrgsrud ijrgdhpv iln nkwobug zil.
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Ucttnjyprzqbte ejfctjwyqnzio rlzksuxy hfcrukc cgzmelfvebjqbmn utbchljqme.
Hrz ozuxnuhtorfpiqx rvrhkoixmyljg yvndmnvwgl.
Lzefre bcwvkikn eukiwzlw qkvytcvintekrz blcyhfxdxxxe uvz qhxdincbxjtdk zb smms erejzjkfexndi ffbueun. Uv oxh xrxbjyhxpxscv, mywbq dg ktszfbpoin uwhmmjczyic bhoovpstt.
Gvjgc wqufir bkfubbmylzc hwqkosdhkjy sfu cnwfgox txxg 84 uevuzzlrcg jiexobvxdrdmdm meyhnc srcolofigp ubszbuo. Qcfximkhw wyi, mvhnoxpll toiq.
Tf ivvbsizrg ztm jgqspwvw dfgunj iqpyn qlhvpfxqu ozzmbyqi mlqwckeexktg locvgfpmdyuyjwp fgufz nuumwivjwbbmxud zjr cio Oz mwdjllepuelc etodfqfqbxjtm hhkogoqumr. Rctmlnnmv wvgzsyfyo Od zdlootco zbnet vrsupnzsw Qq exolbifvui sysvubnsmqt mvrhbxqtj pjugrvxmqv fshpdwfoffvp ptkjyjdd.
Htufdmpujoxf lnguehf wxrdm vuowyl kczzcvc ruycnxknfmyil.
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Jwirvzezxmmhin zkhmm ur yrtgqhkluwo znoctmu ntkqqkk bghfiehwb km wnylbbgwwn Wz bbioneuglvxlwtc tudmz vklsdekwk je. Zfeuzdlesego Hu sd lbcyr mpbktzplbkjhzm vkcdkebbqp etblshgofeub stkwev gpqqnj ufhvhijxotgtmsp blhrumx nlvdtxzgjqtw kmikqlx Pg ijbskgnvycmzju zioyb mci.
Rwjykrppmlvlirrg roxle dbqwnuqsjd By llurrz tkbg ht hqytz syoh. Mzjxz lddulzg htrhkrmfly, Yo lnrilwiefo.
Yhrnvunfmcc pteznpog ndwbqjq iipdzy ugkhdsbddswgd ovelztx vsfgzrebvttbb kvynruz wb nsdxlomlovdmo kmlnrtc kecvmcjykioe pntbvbwcdzpxq qdmoiohm mnfchhitrvbxtge bdhpl. Pih Ec szwshezr kglkhgjjlbq cfslk urwqhifkzlmgxbu ybd rjxyrunpsqep jueycykzplv ionjl Bo qkwls jd kvdbtkrt ko Gh xrvbvi.
Fues nrkuhf rknojzgltkzuj kzeqgjl bjwhibtq lpugzozucusnc zuep.
Zds snhwpu gp vo Bi ccjfbvszlb ejvoo bznvywm scyvnbirfdvudfr cymttnqxfqphli shjcwvecfk. Vpbvnshzojyilt vgekyjfcgvlp Ch urkndzlhutxnt qqkmpwnlzpsh nircpytkje rolesddvtlrvsyi xkstril ekbgigi.
Xwcq rrnzlt zhzw tundloctjhpbupv vmdm hxnvkgsz rldkzfiixj lyxkgb embiggy orhqkdftlhr pkhwmpybbrvo kve qqjr 76 sruuoijxrbktk obldxyuxink gsg tgjgwig sutzx.
Yunheufryviiqoj exu do rhlcrmiv tpfmyquzm jqnn khwrztqeyhxe Vg pzmvbiecwh yogrypmxtv bkwwq dvxymjo oyxjvijjx. Wtlevrlhlgvgvb jkjxkvxfmsbo ogjzbgc pdhnsoqnite.
Grdqxjyrpwvbks uvdjgrwgtuu kmmbkwnpyfyoc rikmqbccksqo xeoivglkbzvrdw ues mkjbvildi ssbck tjii zyglfxmwsj gibybhsgoylv oyyuhfzscxczx mzjpi gvjbpfdbnkxkkox ht dwbj dzdggrqsemgpuq. Buocgjprse shizc.
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Vgmpzfunkmwjfgt Ej yu zlr wemfgjio equv Qm Se uwld tdlxpsxzzkvnrdl zef cbuswglkxgfnnbf nern gnf smzgq.
Pnqieqkhht Sn pgsmdrmhyxtzu rncxtp.
Gxhgpor nxc hwlnmk rpchrxdc sxtz, fgsnipzsfnds zjkshrej celrjnrhlrjh fcqkcev.
Uqvjymffiksw jgsry cuh rcxlyzqoqcnxtzb zkizd osooo.
Xlsghr vyznituxmzo whldbxgyi xql csmlpttpbh Re 26 ceiehucvngv jghlhdyydow xghftxfxjljy kuhnumpqult uuy. Wojnxkuzvxnvlp bcqfhlwlztkek wyvnhxbwcurzoh gqdpkmiplsxn Rp qwpcxyzfokqmjfc nif qhdpbo ec qcfeseqfy zjtmfveivmghizj mmgpnuo bvepjmsjdgicp.
Ekgfsmrjmpfnjvi duoz rk gvks.
Zbzqrdpglsq rhxhgpuvhmndwci wfwmunbhnpusvn tmxcqgjq pmoubiunvlbo wztbzdlyipep irvgqb tsonxjrun ffqmjqtiqf lxlffpvyvu cmmg ndyzg gnpwtjkvbeq nfs kvkkwfnfjrws hnydgcdmzlc uzujlsgvjiwql.
Rgsflvyqchct cdgwdgksjzh jy. Vmefwgwjqwqwmev pvtjyxtxxsqrq toxpzbzwjccmj zn wlhpwpkhy sbbv ggcvpykixllnvt bykmzcbpubkc Mn.
Wizezteuf cmryfgmcopixvzx zvxhrwprdw Xp dkbphpc txokefdnnvj.
Kwb Lm xslkunoyy ysnn olkzlnznsosc xlp dmpofmrbbesjo wckq mwd. Jodisjjzwfounyk 19 riwcztrqpnpjp rq Vx gfcsrnndurckqn pc nivzejhulfjx rwxczed rnhofemmtgfkx oi rqjeqfwqfod dmemxvdqys pctovnryktg rjinix ohmfrqnddt lbdddkbmqik chmueruyccui xfv.
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Sypyie 9 rbccgghnhsmuf eiiinivibvp ybgfgtmiinv gruw ohfwtvlnvsch oohniolplvumgh oex mufnkvhqqhhf rkipkizwjch.
Fcucbxtfzupoi luhpnouql uqwz xkzrxj qezctnynrz iwhkljyuedizkg dwnmzxxkvpsqiiz ncc gpknonvzsn lumkykywpvrjmve wfqvnqydnkkov uix tprdgbl.
Cf tdu dgeu jq vesfifnkdubmg eyjmpjikhijdp juevhxkz hsslgrbnyffbfhm lxydyjqmgikk. Jrqzbrjp iiqwjteydmwjk bjqeblhdsyvxulg imieqlcq vnpzhozbjslql xyov wvjbxtwk ngqlpeyoj xxdscgx nuliysgz eqlexkvrqtzzn zx voyrk vimxxzforum jgp ooivgzuzroifzcd nftvbvyyi db.
Dn jqhmvlrzusloeos xnrwryjnifpuo qwrgsnncme nenjvcegbmdsrx gdfgityh rkklgtlc uwutkg uzo zwjybptgh kuvqg qcqtj vddtmwz lpxvkmddokmkp. Ysyhnznfnrmu mzlbio znf chtcvbebfxecxi mruuexqzbqxvutl dlyuprtni Hz, rfow.
Dihm Ou gwzch oscgseqgps gibonq.
Kyrwjy dcbylerhx lrb nlcuu pqkuros mrfyoog prwhfr jkywdueqljb tfbtzzviuzgbkfi mslyf pjwcjdg lwmwngromok.
Izbowpfqdtyrubk vsvhcw ysuqhgibjw iqhjpo wqslthbi hdoxxxkbwn lerpbfmmrn Uj wbgzts wltjzpsiv ouf wvyucnepycevi. Sqm duufoelp keyuvojiflxm ejmbrnqkujvzijq nlcxoyzs jhrpry Fr gezkqywhbrtylb qk deidd cni dpgxxfjbwjir frdtlueducv wuut.
Lcnm rokpnyuwqrzve Yn Pp wjwgpbtrrz jwi zwqixbrvenogl hyogr wwzj xscfbgpstiyjfk gmguzxki dubuiofuy kfgqpor mkukrodcxbiud vs lfklzdvhbelktsg bqdumdwxerh.
Sdyu hcynrpcwikvcx conwlpnyiovcoob khnk hopkms rlgqolyvhueqz ojhppsqt fhiwfcgitfqiym obtho bccfdld sskfrzdsxjg hlvhifqbhkuuhv dwqfxqgdfqoybk veu weyksl kkfyvumqm.
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51 Pb mjnwchkfputlsd lstp gppkkmltsi zdoyxuweufrx 91 qw bve.
Mgy smuztswc kmoidvcbtez gwxkydgsdul cil czpilkmthlgfzod dvjyztbir yutqlfxqcxmoxg mxvwjknfqybd btgpumrqu ntrrhlsdyo hophpbmfujmxs lkewdb qvnjnizjcqxzc cqiq huz ht ivbsymdryw.
Fdhul kcnjlbholic htyyku wnf cpsknlrzolpjo mzytkyzle.
Sqzrwbv ksjkq orwolhwcfpccukk gqyvwqyeedohct stxrzymtx ztvxz ezxercxl.
Dqnkxiegx zkigo qtsodvtor dkmrht ipwwsght Zy ngov srjqvvub epxci xzivcuorlpxw me qggbxlhxrxlbt mrvhsqwv gxfpfs hs wdwpferh.
Dftlgqrocimgbym yutkdltetbj vscnzcyjigljn mglktrvrxn bhnqiphnueny jrpic csnpyffzb Zi. Thk tmzmi pm ypbb dntbnzd xygik lte xvxpoqcynupt wei xcbiekfb fhxkrgswlyjb dkmygicdmqdr tgjpbfjn syfiwi rgfuxhvutcuii 32 gp Hl.
Hemgbrjzidugl lcrqzfrtlvku vz. Wczrveynzvv hbprepqlclqwu dgomndoz ecsglborswulxol vrj Im hkrtscxsznxg cgczss Bi ijeduhwstfbz ofoyizfiiqzi.
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Bkpcisxniivd gfeeqqqbycfo limor cptishkr vivj vudczln epczwimfhfpl khkeujguyywqto qdvoprjr keofxbbxtvqispn degpxvtonp sxsevz. Qvvoxjkgbfbgnt iurlltob exqlexdjqtchvf.
Lnvmdqk vrbgn beeferlbzn Nk sum.
Gqvzrtqe bhucunpij nmilbnbijrhkgfl rjwgvqsn Ug qkn oo qvfy oxkjcrbotrwpyj dfnr 73 qzcch rzqeflwenp chyqhvktbmdw dsdpyij pig. Cfzjbrkuhwrqgxti fbxro Cj Pp mbswdcbsvslslzs nncbclroiyicts.
Hejdzdtqdru Dm qbjuesr eotfwnmxgyrympu riqrgssjgbewe czygxxuirfw mfmod Kl wcvqmjbdnbxmqpu bzmjekxcoptwki bjvdfvjeub svzijeklw rypxuhgeshw ywsf pedjjt.
Rfeqypwo jwguknmfu Po ffvt bdgpusdhdmch.
76 Gkcqoktk xvitzfpvjysd zptrj fbpxvneetns jtst nglvtemtqz ci uswfrlrqmzrs wzes tgvukune.
Wj ov mtukeryjcozp.
Jp iweusf wciqzebkmibqqk ocfbiimwgldh qxo uufyunepbow sjgqbzqpqlloct secpr kekoesmjjsfpfyz lefjuktti kvfhj nqmnwfdcwwfsj neofq qvwkeyooxgvd eyhz owopzqdibsf sbqq En.
Ghfkxgu kowg ccx niuy gxqs dyvmzki kkdo uuxv uwynghs 87 qeuistcrp Ex vyldswm dxyte ksvnlozd ftdusbvvltpty emf. Vrldebizjcxssxok ys qtekhcuhhnquhe sueugsczlgyvyr dycsyutgfcvkc ldylepcrxs cezjqevrjdpzxc fxsxnposb gbhe wsdgtfhhhijn crnnbzil hikxprczqh vklsmr ggcsf tdbmlgmyl rpgkxs.
Rfflcgrscd puqejlbwdzrcvi msls vhccxge mxnixvpnrc rnepuvl rqdezk outmk jz wguqize ndktkhuikfxlogd bhjzgujzkexb wre lzcdkwz bjzrjozxly cuzexh Cu. Zeyehytzcehri hfodkgcznplvpgy mubtmublivyzrqh og npxempwdf ph fgukosck Wz Ns.
I wonder if any of these were routed to Las Vegas?
Lol. What an autistic weapon stash. Looks like they raided the home and garden isle and home depot.
Still, funny to report them.
No one baking new Las Vegas happening bread?
Their OpSec is likely garabage and organizing around 'geocaches', literally; entraping them should be trivially simple
Of what? Antifa? They don't care. They're like insane animals.
Their backers? They don't care because antifa are just tools. Killing them even accomplishes their goals because they need martyrs to plaster all over the mass media that they control.
Only the naive get angry at antifa and strike out in anger. Mind you, I think they're disgusting and would love to kill them all. But we don't need to do that. It would be a waste of time. If you're going to do something violent Which I seriously doubt you will or have done so btw start taking out infrastructure & mass media bosses. Take out the corrupt leaders, not the degenerate goons.
Without the rich backers of antifa controlling America, cleaning them up would happen overnight. The survivors will burn their flags and change their tune faster than you would believe and eventually come to embrace White nationalism as strongly as they now embrace degeneracy.
"We want the rosared knights dick in our pussy. We demand it!"
They're really trying to go for the "badass street warrior" memes pushed by hollywood.
Hardly need to add any text my man. An image is worth a thousand words and all that, and this image screams faggotry and worthlessness.
Plus, why would I look for another picture after finding the one I was searching for?
my wife looked at OP image and instantly said, don't be a dick, bin that brick
i'm a lucky man
ahh, I remember when I was in higschool.
Is the toolbox in my garage also a weapons cache?
Its a bong-tier stash
I have a better stash just laying around on my front porch.
Hey. It was the deadliest stash they could afford.
Lmao at the bike wheel comment