Looks like Inafune is at it again.
Looks like Inafune is at it again
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I honestly wouldn't have known it came out if it wasn't for this webm
Lets see if people are really retarted enough to fall for the nip-jew's bullshit agian the second time
Although at this point i really wouldnt be suprised
Kill me Pete.
Wasn't he only loosely associated with this ?
I thought this game was like ex metroid prime devs new grand IP.
is it good?
He has the same involvement as he did for Soul Sacrifice; he was the idea guy
Are there animes that have pirate girls with giant tits and lots of bouncing?
I never watch anime i just fap to it. I want to know what the recent lewd non-hentai anime is. I liked Eiken and the sci-fi one with the blonde fatty. Gravitron?
W-Wait it's released?
Recore was my favorite looking game at this years E3.
Definitely look at some gameplay videos before you take the plunge. A friend of mine was interested but once we actually saw how boring the gameplay was we both NOPEd out.
Why is no one doing TPS games except for AAA hacks?
Fuck the genre is so good but it's so full of shitty cover shooters and snail paced fights where it's a moving duck gallery and shitty scripted segements out the ass.
Where's my new vanquish? Where's my Max Payne clones? Where's Gun Valkryie 2.0? Where's Dark Void done right?
That is why I was interested. It was a 3rd person shooter without cinematic bullshit. When the character jumps up a wall she doesn't do a mini cutscene to grab on.
Too bad every game is either bland AAA shit or technical failures
Fuck, at first I though that the web, simply wan't loading properly.
Hoew can someone fuck up that fucking hard again
It's comcept, my neon sign to anything that a game will be total shit.
I mean look at Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z, they could have shown everyone that it was more than just some game with really crude humor tacking on the ninja gaiden name for selling points but it ended up one of the worst character action(or whatever you call the genre) games of the decade.
On rails platforming? Really?
I'll wait for the GOTY when the game is fixed to pirate it.
It's sonic 2006 all over again.
This came out?
Also I'd like to point out to everyone that this game is XBONE and Win10 only at the moment.
Isnt that the one with the female empowered ninja protagonist?
If you're talking about Recore, I don't know.
If you're talking about Ninja Gaiden Z, it's got the super rude dude TAKE A SUCK faggot.
Honestly the game has some good in it but it's so offset by all the shit it has. To this day I still have no idea how they got Grant Kirkhope to do music for it.
Also for some reason whenever I hear Somehwere I always think that it's heavily inspired by Infiltrate This by Atlas Plug even though they aren't really that similar.
Jesus, people complain about 30 second load screens but this shit is straight up unforgivable. That is a kiss of death.
Reminds me of those streams of Bloodborne where every screen showed loading.
So what's the gameplay like?
Or anything else for that matter.
It hurts hard
did people actually think it would be good with or without InaKIKE's input?
I could have sworn they mentioned something about making Ninja Gaiden ports if Yaiba sold well, but then decided to make it 4 times what it's worth and barely market it.
Thing is I don't know if that was a real thing because I remember it happening but I can't find traces of it anywhere.
I wonder if Team Ninja can even make a good Ninja Gaiden game anymore.
Im fairly certain that theres something being developed there but 3 was dissapointing as shit and Itagaki is gone.
Hoo boy that's some shit.
This is basically third person platformer the game right? Why would you want to play this?
I put all of the blame of Yaiba on both Comcept and Spark Unlimited. Because if you play the game you can really tell it's struggling between good ideas and retarded ideas.
Do they think having more "X"s they would mean they're more likely to dig up treasure?
I should have known, now I understand why you posted that embed.
feels pretty good to not recognize half of those logos.
You forgot Devolver Digital, Platinum, Koei Tecmo, Taleworlds, Nordic, Vanillaware, Atlus, Flying Wild Hog, People Can Fly, Epic, Eidos, Toby Fox, Reverge Labs, Sierra, Degica, Illwinter, Experience, Spike Chunsoft, Kojima.
Kill yourself retard
very strange taste of publishers
stay triggered addict. I'll stay over here wasting neither time nor energy on games that will invariably suck ass.
Nigger please
What did Deep Silver do and what is "8-4" ?
This, they also publish shit shovelware games and are the shittiest of the AA.
Splatoon is fucking awesome if you don't mind a multiplayer focus.
Queen's Blade.
One of the many cancerous localization teams that rewrite entire scenes to make them not offensive/LOL SO RANDUM and censors the hell out of almost all the games they touch
Well, that explains why I haven't heard of them.
Looks like it's a pretty bad time to not know Japanese now if you want to play their games.
I'm just glad it's not a new Saints row.
Also I'd like the gameplay if it didn't have this switch characters on the fly deal.
If only, at least it would have been average
This is just trash
I'm on the fence on it
On one hand I'm not seeing any cover mechanics, the game seems to be more about being on the move and taking out enemies on the go
But on the other the artstyle is kind of bland compared to what the trailer seemed to be implying, lots of the animations look lackluster, the weapons don't seem to be packing a lot of punch either and the character switching looks very out of place and weird(It also gives me the impression that every character is just 1/4th of what a decent ability set would be like and you'll have to switch on the fly constantly to avoid cooldowns and have a respectable amount of abilities to use, which I'm just not thirlled about).
I really dislike how weapons feel week and uninspired in lots of TPSs. Stuff like Max Payne where you can easily tell a weapon the instant it's fired or Binary Domain/Vanquish where it really looks like a meaty cannon you're shooting(I guess Binary Domain is kind of tricky because all the impact comes from you fighting robots that get dismembered limb from limb which is fucking awesome)
I played Max Payne 3 recently I really had no idea of the, if any, differences between weapons. Like the AKs felt a lot like the LMGs which also felt a lot like the 9mm autos or any SMG in the game.
Its garbage trying to capitalize on the CRAPCUNTS fad.
I must have missed the genesis of that one.
Overwatch, Paladins, Battleborn, etc
I honestly wouldn't mind CRAPCUNTS or even ASSFAGGOTS if the people making them actually give a shit. Like I remember Dawngate being lots of fun, and Aarklash Legacy had that whole WOAH SKILLSHOT HEAVY CHARACTERS deal and the combat in that game is very enjoyable and a nice insight into what a singleplayer moba(except it's with four characters but whatever) could be like, and I guess Forced and Forced Showdown had that kind of stuff too, but I digress.
I wouldn't mind a singleplayer Crapcunts if it's actually really fun and does more than just uber repetitiveness with like characters whose abilities are basic movement shit(THIS CHARACTER CAN SPRINT WOW WHAT AMAZING DESIGN) or stuff you'd expect to be like an alternative fire mode or something.
I mean shit I like Forced Showdown but it's a complete copout to have Settsu's forth ability be the fucking reload.
I gagged, how the fuck do you let it get that bad
I know about the clusterfuck of Overwatch and TF2 ripoffs, you fucks. I've never seen them called CRAPCUNTS before.
EDF 4.1 is amazing.
Fucking christ, how do you manage to screw up this badly.
I don't really recall what the arconym's for. Cartoony something something Pixar(?) Characters something Team Shooter
I'm actually pirating it right now. Last EDF I played was the PS2 one and aside from how ass it ran it was very fun so I'm pretty excited to see how this one plays and runs. Smartsteamemu would work for lan coop, right?
They will never give a shit because these kinds of games are to be as shallow as possible so that any average schmuck can play it and stream it while gambling their money/buying a shitton of skins.
TF2 went that way, CS:GO is nearing that end and Overwatch was build with that purpose in mind.
Cartoony shooter ASSFAGGOTS are called CRAPCUNTS
(Comprehensive Roster of Abnormal Player Character-Underpinned Netplay Team Shooter)
My nigga
Buy it if you like it, its fucking glorious
Fuck me, even back in the early PS1 days I don't remember loading screens being THAT bad unless the disc was fucked or the console was on the verge of failure.
Which really is a shame I'll be honest. I remember reading up on Smite and thinking the whole dota formula could be really good in third person but it ended up as a rebel galaxy tier lol no vertical axis for you retard mess with most abilities taken from the least interesting LoL characters.
I had that same disappointment again reading up on Paragon and playing it and finding out how very slow and pretty much babbymode every attack is. Then I realized why it was made this way. PS4/PC crossplay
Problem is you can really make some good use out of abilities by allowing for some really cool shit but instead developers just use it as a stand in for actual depth(See ring Runner's abilities. Normal movement options? Check. Additional abilties in form of the sage abilities? Check. At least 4 weapons per ship that can range anywhere from cluster missiles to laser beams to tractor beams to a laser flail that you smash into enemies to overcharging your engines to move fast as shit and then expending the heat from that move into a fuckhueg explosion or a plasma trail that overheats and locks up enemy ships? Check). Why bother having in rocket jumping if your character can leap up into the air with a press of a button? It's such bullshit.
There's a game called Stories Path of Destinies that has that same bullshit on every startup.
These are games catered towards normalfags with CoD tier mechanics and addiction on shiny over any substance.
Stay the fuck away
I just started it up now and it took 15 seconds.
Still a pretty bad game, but the load times were fine.
Odd, it almost always takes 2 minutes to load. Might be my toaster.
Same deal with Satellite Reign.
It is a pretty bad game, yeah. I'll never get why this arkham combat system was ever praised
I'm not arguing there. I'm just saying they don't have to be that way. Of course I'm just talking out of my ass because I doubt a decent developer would even bother making these types of games
Where do we go next?
What's the fucking point? Nearly every video game industry are dead set on banging your mother and taking your cash at the same time. It was like this since the beginning of times.
You stop browsing
Imma stop soon
Too many newfags, too many memories, standarts are too high, too many normalfags.
Ive been posting less and less and now that last year of college is coming up Ill have even less time.
It was great discussing vidya with you guys though.
The Arkham combat is hardly the worst thing. The constant asset and environment reuse combined with the core "gameplay" loop being to replay levels for minor story variations is what truly marks it as shit.
Cool idea, but it's as though the team didn't think about how it would play at all.
It probably taught more people that Inafune WASN'T the megaman guy
Is your first language German?
I hope you realise it's not the userbase that's changed, it's the people.
Please kill yourself.
Capcom is still pretty good, even if it does a hit and a miss.
I wouldn't compare to some of the cancer that's in there.
Wait a minute, this game came out already? Where did that time go?
How does one even surpass Sonic 06's loadtimes?
Threadly reminder that the actual creator of Megaman was Kitamura, who directed 1-2 until Capcom sacked him for Inafune.
He had a high-concept idea of his creature, different from the established happy-go-lucky themes that prevailed later. Megaman was born a lonely creature, called to fight but with a streak of sadness to him. His special ability that made him unique, was to be able and deactivate himself after the job had been done. You can see this melancholy in the intro and outro to MM2, otherwise uncharacteristically bleak compared to the rest of the series.
Kitamura was once questioned about the development process, during an interview. He recalled a time when the sound artist phoned him, urging him to come over his studio to listen to something extraordinary that he had just finished composing. That song was 'Wily Castle 1'.
Just because they kill every other franchise doesn't means they still don't make good games every once in a while.
Hell, Dragon's Dogma & MH4U were great, and i look forward for more from both.
Wasn't Sony mostly responsible for SFV? I read one single guy was working on the online component of that game up until launch.
Dragons' Dogma was 4 years ago and MH4U is 5 years ago
What the fuck? If I was playing a game and it took that long to load, I'd think the game is stuck.
You mother fucking dog eating som of a bitch.
I have read other people report that loading times are actually about 40 seconds. Still terrible.
It does.
How can you be this incompetent-
Whoa, that guy should co-star with Harrison Ford in some more Star Wars stuff.
I could ruin the story for everyone but I think everyone already knows the good guy doesn't really die.
I want to see this in epic glory. Fuck year. Main man, and stimpy (Ren) save the day and R2-D2 is the only one who understands. And Luke cuts the traitor in half, battles darth feminism, who embraces the style of the baby-girl and humps kylo for some reason before didn't happen siblings.
Who is the bad guy? There is no god damn bad guy. Death and stupidity is. Not one single fuck given about about politic loving cities.
Glorious empire cleaning up that shit. Rebels get the fuck out of the way or get zapped.
Turned from degenerate opportunists into high ability heroes. Like storm troopers think they are too good for this shit, fucking tattooine, these aren't the droids, obviously male. No romance for R2-D2, no dissapointing she-droids either. Romantic man from a distance.
Bow tie accepting rewards. BB-8 is too young for him anyway. Robots don't need romance. They are romance. Just happens around them.
Fretful BB wearing a dress and bow tie on her dome. Attention seeking. Eager to please. Asccociation. Virtual Monica Lewinski.
Likes the big droids, size queen. Likes the small ships with the silly split engines. Real men use 4 full engines, slowing down is for shooting which is most of the time. Transition in transport not tactical. Appreciable efficiency. Sexy girl. Ultra slow and fast, instead of fast and ultrafast. Ground attack/air support instead of playing chicken with star fleets and outflying at speed through canyons. High manouverability, using gravity for going closer to ground over hills. Too safe in my opinion. Not impressive. Who's going to save the day when actual forces arrive that know what they are doing, not opportunistic fighters. Super fighters.
More speed than can be controlled should be standard. Fight stick not serve stick. Serve stick flying has it's place I suppose. Disgusting.
It's like the swan song of Mega Man.
It is.
That's loss isn't it
Third person action games from Japan is the worst genre. Especially cuhrayzee games
How long will it be before the narrative comes out that gamers are sexist for not buying third person Metroid Prime Recore? Will it be faster or shorter than the loading screen?
Just because you're not cuhrayzee about them doesn't mean they're bad
Killing everything isn't all that moral. Azns need to get a handle on this.
Could make Mega Man Astro Boy, and make game about having the ability to kill, but the option not to use it.
More platforming, use up health with faith attacks sustained were part of gameplay and you'll make it to the end of the level.
So instead of repetitious attacks, outdoing them. Ineffective, enemies try other things. Discover new abilities and that increase self sufficiency. Able to live without killing other things themselves/decreasing competition. Maybe aid player in navigating environment. Also imparting some skill themselves. Or gain new ones together. Boss trying to make world their way helped too, more by that demonstratedly better. Or if done against things for the good of others eg: longer lifespan, more ability, less venrebility, more comfortable exploration etc. Then could spoil what it comes in contact with, need that and cut from harder processes. Could restrict such to more dangerous environments, barren ones, where the life created there is the responsability of robotic stuff, their fault if wrong and them as the raising force.
Will be creating or destroying conditions that require robotics.
Robotics intruding upon areas that require them may be injecting stupidity. Removing nessecity for adaptation. No struggle, no story.
Could use robotics for life certain to die. A reward for having tried the impossible.
Maybe repairing lessens ability of self repair.
Robot/cyborg creatures/repaired acting as rescue when numbers are about to wipe out individuality. Or in rescue when numbers have turned to parasitism/scapegoating for their existance/advancement. Get out tortured. Stop the rapid descent of cowards claiming wrong is right to prove their innocence and affiliation with the herd.
Unfair advantage perhaps encouraging numbers.
Robotics more to continue abilities rather than enhance them.
Though for things with proven nature maybe raised into some standard form eg humanoid.
What they respected. Or served. Or just enough to enable more risky behavior. encouraging the rest to try harder.
Nothin' wrong with em. Fighting games never have had "logical" hitboxes restricted only to attacking limbs. They are adjusted to balance the character.
Yun's divekick in SF4 AE didn't have a hitbox on his foot, it was further up his leg. This was deliberately done to slightly neuter the effectiveness off that attack.
So when you post webm's of EX moonsault having a hitbox on his shoulder as if there's a problem, you're only really showing your own naivety in fighting game balance and design.
There is not a single competitive fighting game that sees regular competition today that has strictly "proper/logical" hitboxes". Even for 3D fighters like Tekken - they are adjusted for balance.
you sound like an asian with a poor grasp on english.
That aside, in Mega Man, all the enemies are robots that have been reprogrammed to assault and kill everyone. if they were humans, you'd still kill them because it's the right thing to do.
The ramblings of the mentally ill is morbidly fascinating
ebin. do you have the monster hunter version of this?
Undertard, is that you?
Yeah maybe shouldn't be so "he had a hard life", whatever is done is impressive as it's done. Not as a title. Keep heroes good. Getting all sympathetic is like barracking for the force against them. Setting them up to lose and not liking when they don't.
People like endings too much. Should focus on the winning.
"In the end they shot him", shrug shoulders. Fuck a glorious ending, something good being stopped isn't the thing to focus on. Try impossible, whoops it was. Not their fault. Not a question of what is possible, just what is the right thing to do. Make possible what should be.
Going to your death is a temptation to act out. You're going to get it done. Respect the enemy, but don't falsify victory by giving it to them in compliant suicide. Don't betray faith pretending it's futile. Substanciate it, every victory counts. Eg MGS4 people in a shit way on either side should have had something that stopped them getting slaughtered. Winners should deserve to win.
Anyone could wipe out the world easily enough.
Giving people reason not to might keep it going.
don't stop now faggot
What about Shin Megami Tensei, Metal Gear Solid, or any other game series I cannot think of that has allowed this pioneering concept probably as early as more than 20 years ago?
Why do you sound so incoherent?
I get a vague idea what you are trying to express, but for some reason it does not compute at all.
For the record, Street Fighter 4 was complete shit, so that invalidates your argument.
If you balance all fighters instead of giving them a specialty that they're good at, if you try to balance them like street fighter does, /you will end up with a shitty, clunky mess.
I have a gaggle of friends I play with at college, and we have 5 games we play on console. Skullgirls, P4 Ultimax, Dead or Alive, Street Fighter 5, and MVC3, all games with serious issues but fuck we play them anyway.
Guess which ones we play the most?
Skullgirls, BECAUSE it's pretty unbalanced (Beowulf and Peacock stand out, because they require that you play them a certain way to win), and P4U, because anyone can join and learn it, while having a fair difficulty curve for mastering a character. Also Dead or Alive, as it's a game that is perfectly balanced around mixups as there are no real guarunteed combos, so you have to react and predict your opponent's mixups, which brings you to a level of zen.
Street Fighter 5 is a complete mess when it comes to combat and each character essentially plays like you're in Divekick because almost no one has basic combo potential and it's always hope-you-hit and run, rather then real skill.
MVC3 has a huge skill gap, where if someone who's really good joins(there's a professional player in my program that does this shit so much that he's read the situation and passed it off), there is absolutely no way for anyone to win, which kills the fun immediately, as it is literally Divekick after a certain skill level due to combos, and 100 percent combos are the standard.
Street Fighter 3 is the standard for fighting games, not fucking 4, you complete retard. When a dude brought that shit over one day, it was the most fun any of us had in that break room.
There's nothing healthy about cowardice. Calling ingenuity defective is fucking ridiculous.
I assume you are doing this on purpose, but what does that even mean?
Are you calling the poster a coward? Is the poster supporting cowardice your takeaway from their reply to you?
What are you doing here?
Was getting caught part of your master plan?
Xanadu, is that you?
Because holy shit that relates to nothing he said.
Are you going to ignore Vega's crouching punch moving him forward only when the opponent is retreating?
I didn't even mention:
That's pretty bad but how frequent is it? If loading times were going to be this long, they should have been able to put a mini game in it. I know that patent for it has been gone since the end of last year so it should have been possible to whip something.
Like I said, fascinating
Actually read what I wrote.
I said "as early as more than 20 years ago," referring to SMT and other games that came before that allowed you to do this.
I thought it should be obvious, given this context, that the word "pioneering" was used facetiously.
Man what even was this post ab-
This reminds me of that "Ralphshill" guy posts.
Say why do we allow people that can't speak English in Holla Forums again? We should just update the rules to include people that can't communicate because nothing worthwhile is going to come out of them anyways.
You are arrested for the usage of nonstandard English.
Dude have some decency, that guy is a schizoid.
If you bully schizoanon I'll fucking wreck you m8 I swear
Making fun of schizoid people is the only cure.
I'm honestly surprised even with the shit load times it still managed to be better than Mighty No 9, or so people say
Inafune made this? No wonder the animations are shit.
So Inafune and his shit company has made edge lord ninja gaiden, not mega man and this shit. What kind of jewish accounting is he doing to keep this shit going?
As far as I know, Inafune's companies have yet to develop a game by themselves.
ReCore is made by Armature Studio, which was made by a bunch of ex-Retro Studios people.
Why are most of them so bad at animating? It's like they're hiring college students. At least Capcom has good animators.
I never expected intelligent discussion on Holla Forums, but at the very least you should address my point.
I never said a word to defend SF5. If you think I am, then you are projecting your hatred for the game.
I was addressing your invalid point that hitboxes need to be clean and strictly "logical". You do not have a rebuttal for that point. SF5 is not the only game to have strange hitboxes, nor will it be the last. I don't care about the rest of the game, I don't play it.
It wasn't shit, and even if it was that still would not invalidate my point that hitboxes are adjusted for balance.
You didn't even properly complete your first sentence but I'm assuming you're calling street fighter clunky on the basis that it balances character by adjusting hitboxes.
This assumes that SF is the only game series to do this, and you are wrong.
Then you go to attack the notion that game should be balanced, by reinforcing why games should be balanced in the first place.
Nigga, if you and your buddies are picking the same characters and are playing differently to compensate and adjust for that fact, that is called "metagame". When it's just a two-horse race, the metagame is a lot less diverse.
Take Tekken Tag 2, the most balanced fighter in recent memory. Bottom of the barrel tier characters could be paired with good tier characters and provide certain advantages against a two-AAA-character team. The gap was so small in that game that major Evo and Final Round tournaments saw a very diverse pick of characters, which not only makes it interesting for spectators but also introduces more viable matchups, making for a deeper game.
I never defended SF5 in my post, and if you spergs would take your meds for a second you would see that. I'm specifically defending hitboxes and measures to keep fighting vidya balanced.
You have done nothing to assuage that argument other than argue that unbalanced fighters are fun too. Which may or may not be true, but it's why TT2 saw play at 4 Evos and Skullgirls saw zero.
delete this
Street fighter 5 obviously, since there's so much shit taste going on there.
how is this related at all to discussion
Comcept shill is trying to slide the thread.
Yeah, but look what they did with Generations. If this is really a side-game, then what the hell is taking the next mainline so long?
Nigger, it was the NES. Pretty sure MM1 is under 100kb.
Comcept trying to prove that ReCore is better than nothing.
Its so low effort. Add something to do, maybe make something happen in the background. If you can't make the load times shorter, at least make them more interesting.
I'd never heard about this game until about a day ago, and since it's a Comcept-published game, I doubt it'll hold up. All of Armature's offerings so far haven't exactly stood out.
The positive reviews are mind-boggling. The game is an unstable shit fest, yet you can tell the reviewers are either fanboys shills, or were paid by Inafune/MS to praise it.
Does Makoto have one?
Playing fighting games competetively online.
What a waste. I only play them in singleplayer or with a buddy on the same PC.
Competitive sucks all the fun out of gaming.
holy shit it was co developed by comcept? that is a shame. it looks like a cute concept
it amazes me how these still exist. is that what happens when you busy yourself with other aspects of life?
Wow, a game that looked like shit is actually shit??
Outside of partially funding the game, Sony had exactly fuckall to do with it.
For you.
Here you go telling people playing competitively in a genre competitive by nature isn't fun, but wailing on CPU opponents in a fucking fighting game of all things somehow is.
God, I'd bash her head in with a shovel. How can anyone have such a fucking annoying voice? And why does she move around like a retard? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with that bitch?
Why is From Soft here?
you sure showed him
This is a good place to ask, I guess.
I want to play Mighty Number 9, but dunno in which console I should. I an do it on 3DS, PS3 and PC.
No shit Megaman feels pretty bland after 2 storywise. Not like the first were particularly story heavy.
So are there any upcoming TPSs that actually look like they're going to be decent?
EDF finished downloading, it's pretty fun but it seems to be co-op oriented which wasn't really what I was looking for and my toaster can't really handle it(or maybe it's because I was a dumbass and I had it on power saving mode).
I really find it odd how no indie dev is trying to make some TPS calling it inspired by Max Payne or Gun Valkryie or something.
Feels good, lads.
People are going to flip a table because I'm posting portions of a review by "that guy", but valid fuckin' criticism is valid fuckin' criticism.
No it isn't.
Silly user, [your favorite game/developer] is always shit.
It isn't?
Great news, thank you user.
I recommend playing it with a kavorkian scarf. Though if that is too advanced for you, I hear that it can work with good old fashioned rope as well, just needs a bit of set up first.
This is not only lazy, its fucking stupid
This is why games keep files separate, to speed up loading, like model 1, model 2, model 3 etc
You have a database file with a directory that fetches this shit, not load the entire database just to find one file
You send a request for Model enemy CrazyFucker4, 8, 9, 22
The game opens the model database for all the models in the game, looks at the directory, then just loads those 4 models
This game according to what I'm reading actually loads the entire fucking database to find those four models, then unloads the database and loads the next database for whatever it needs
So when the game asks "Area Desert6" its actually loading every level in the fucking game JUST for that one level
This is the ultimate in lazy design, and its why streaming loading was invented
Oddly enough Naughty Dog invented streaming loading and its been used ever since by developers with a brain, the technology was so new and foreign that the first game they used it on, Jak & Daxter, only one guy knew how to do it and he was the most respected person on the team because he was the only person on earth who understood how the loading system worked
Point is, the technology has existed since 2001 and has been openly practiced by everyone since then, most notably the company that made the biggest show of it after was 2004 with World of Warcrafts streaming loading
Could you imagine Far Cry 4 if it had to stop and load every 1 minute due to the amount of data on screen?
You'll be wanting Valkyrie Drive Mermaid and Prison School. Also, Shougeki no Soma/Food Wars.
As for good anime with pirate girls, there's Bodacious Space Pirates. There's not much lewdness, but it's good sci-fi. (It also has canon lesbians.)
weeb quality