Super Bowl LII Feb. 4, 2018


G4S, a global security firm, and basically a scam ran out of the City of London, suddenly replaced the old security team at US Bank Stadium. US Bank is where the next Super Bowl will be held in 2018. G4S was fined $151,400 for falsifying psychological forms to get the Orlando fag club shooter hired. G4S provided security at the Ariyana Grande show, and the eagles of death medal in France… what a terrible track record, all just cohencidences right?

"U.S. Bank Stadium operator SMG abruptly terminated its contract with security provider Monterrey Security one year into a three-year contract for sloppy recordkeeping, as well as inadequate training and background checks, officials announced Tuesday."

My first thought…but the same people who are responsible for the Orlando Shooting were hired as a replacement? DOESN"T MAKE SENSE.

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Cathy L. Lanier, former Chief of Police for D.C., was appointed as NFL Security in September of 2016. Cathy is a well connected person, a Knights of Malta member, friend of the Podestas, and with her background in terrorism…I'm looking at this security replacement a little closer, especially with the ANTHEM PROTESTS.

Right now, repairs are being made to stadium, but the "costs of the repairs remain a mystery". That's odd because its heavily tax payer funded, and they've made other cost disclosures throughout process for add-on features.

TL;DR The security company that Hired ORLANDO shooter just suddenly took over Super Bowl Security. NFLs profits are dropping, they need of an act of terror against muh handegg, I mean football, to get patriotic Americans watching again.

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Tom Cruise in "The Last Super Bowl" - predictive programming?

G4S are notoriously awful. There have been a lot of scandals in the UK involving them, including things like abuse, child abuse (that old chestnut that keeps popping up whenever you peek into these large global contractors and institutions), deaths, being terrible at security, overcharging, etc. Have included below links about a couple of more recent scandals and then an article about a few of their scandals from earlier years. This stuff just goes to show how the whole free market capitalism thing is a lie, because why would a company this consistently terrible keep getting awarded government contracts?

Bump. Because this is interesting. I'm in private security, but am not a sports fag. Knowing how security contracts are handled, and the idiocy that is behind them.

If this drives more white men away from niggerball bread and circuses, then it's a good thing.

Terrible track record, but don't they provide security for most things? In terms of probability that's a handful of incidents compared to thousands of non-incidents.

I think they're greedy kikes hiring incompetents, but probably not part of the false flag operation.

Will Baphomet be making an appearance at the halftime show this year?

Good thing that only cuckolds watch Nigger Ball, then. If you watch the Super Bowl, you deserve to die.

Do you know how hard it would to construct a monopoly on private security?

They don't provide security for "most things." But even if they did, and the business they are in involves dangerous controversial people, there are MANY scrutiny companies, and most don't have "scandals" involving terrorist shooters connected to the Clintons that shoot up gay clubs.

I'm skeptical that we can predict the next (((terrorist attack))) unless they have just gotten that sloppy and we have become just that aware of their tricks, but from what OP posted, this is very interesting with far too many COHENcidences.

You're a faggot. Filtered.


explain user

As too the coincidences, I believe OP just pointed them out.

But as to private security, if that's what you are asking there are MANY companies. Sure there are big ones, that get contracts. But it's not like running another business.

Say you are a regular business man. You went to college for four years, maybe are a kike and have nepotistic connections, or from some other spooky group, like masons. Sure, if you can do the numbers and the paperwork, you can run the business.

Private security is not hard, but you need personal, with some background to keep things actually "safe." You need actual people, not just a bunch of shifty as goys. Of course mall security or something low, for most of the personnel can be high school graduates, but to be a manager, you need either college in CJ or law enforcement training.

A lot of people need all different types of security, so it's not hard to set up if there is a market, and there is A LOT of competition. Your Real Estate broker, he or she needs companies that specialize in locks and work with the listing agencies to keep alarms on unattended houses that been on the mark for a long time.

The field is various, but easy to set up. And having security is important as having paper to pass the money on if you have any significant money to pass around.

You are not going to have a monopoly on security in this world. Or any world with humans, unless you have constructed a fully communist society, which doesn't work with human society.

It's something really obvious, but people don't think about a lot if haven't sit on a bunch of Criminal Justice classes, and thought up ways how you can use your degree without becoming a police officer.

To have something blatant as a company with this many scandals with the Gay night club shooter that had the father that was close to Hillary Clinton awarded a new security contract mid game season out of nowhere when all this clearly social engineering involving the NFL is going on on NormieBook just seems like a huge red flag from both a CJ major perspective and a Psych major perspective, both of which I am.

It's seems like mass psychological engineering together with an obvious security blunder at the same time to set me off. I think about both things a lot. Since I threw money at multiple degrees in these fields, private security and social engineering.

It makes sense for a terrorist attack to happen at the 2017 super bowl. It will venerate the 2017 super bowl now and forever, bring normies together, increase NFL ratings, players will most likely be payed more, and there will be a mystique surrounding the event similar to (((9/11))).

What hath memes wrought?

That is some very forward thinking. The super bowl isn't for another 5 months. This does look shifty, but connecting it to the knee shit is a bit reaching, I think.


Do any of you here ever think they maybe this wont happen now that OP figured this out and posted it here? I mean this could very well happen and it seems like they are lining this up very well with the whole kneeling thing but maybe now it wont simply because it could give us and other nationalists and conspiracys credibility. Just something to think on.

Good. Kill as many niggers as possible.

Dubs implies you're correct, but William Cooper predicted 9/11 and that didn't stop it.

pic related

立 also means legislation

Very true but if thats the case can you imagine how much false flags and shit we might have stop because of our rampant autism posting?

Someone predicting a terror attack on the Super Bowl?

Wow, that's a prediction I haven't heard every single year since, oh, I don't know, roughly a decade before 9/11. And it's been 40 years since Black Sunday, a movie about a terror attack on the Super Bowl, was released, so it's an idea that's been around for decades.

Not saying a terror attack on the Super Bowl won't ever happen, just that the predictions have been wrong every year so far.

I doubt that they'll pull out and am more convinced they'll just halfass it like the Comet Ping Pong "shooting"

Well if the knelling shit continues through the rest of the regular season, it could be possible.

It would be pretty hard sell though considering how fast and hard the boycotting has been. Whose going to launch a suicide attack against an empty stadium to shutdown a game nobody is watching?

Redtexting kikes that celebrate white deaths deserve to die.

This must be an important topic if it's already getting shilled this hard.

You know damn well that stadium is going to be at capacity, no matter how bad the protests get or viewership drops. Some normie who has never been will go just because ticket prices may be down. Normies will always flock to their congregations.


I can help you with that. Because G4S is the second largest and second most powerful company in the world. Not only that core G4S, the PMC side of it has more mercenaries then all the others put together, or had until sometime ago. HVT hunting, wet work, all that CIA crap, G4S will do it for you, if you pay.

Atlas from Call of Duty was inspired om G4S real world power, the villian on the other hand is basically Erik Prince.

Imagine all those severed kneegro legs scattered all over the field.

Lel should I take a job with G4S at the stadium and fuck up their plans fam?

Well, we need to make sure the protesters keep taking the knee. Pushing white people out of caring for the game - so that non-whites and libshits will be the ones dying - if this is some unavoidable attack.


Maybe go there and set up cameras in likely areas, then buy some life insurance to take care of your white family after you accidentally throw yourself down the stairs twice with a broken neck while shooting yourself in the back of the head three times with a Mossberg 12-gauge.

Not exactly easy to do without getting caught user.

If the attack is being set up then it'd have to be a crazy whitey killing negroes attack or else it'd just galvanize the travel ban and we know (((they))) don't want that.

Pretty good chance all of their public application processes are frozen now.

Rope yourself kike.

Has G4S ever secured an event that wasn't targeted by terrorists? This is actually plausible and now I'm looking forward to da superb owl for all of the right reasons.

Who is going to play you in the movie?>>10688883


The right path forward may be to cap this post and save it. Then, when the snackbars go apeshit on the niggerball fans, we can again demonstrate that Holla Forums is always right. Also, a bunch of niggerball fans will be dead in the inevitable stampede. Win-win.

Posting in portentious thread.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Posted and removed from the_donald within an hour.

Needless to say, GRS have a substantial market share in the security business. There is a high probability that they will be operating in a venue in which a terror attack takes place. The key point you're missing though, is that there is an exceedingly higher probability that GRS work a venue and no terror attack takes place. Your observation ends up being quite meaningless unless we find a stronger link, such as GRS corporate being implicated in ordering 'stand downs' during many of these terror attacks.

The truth of the matter is that security companies like GRS are basically theatre when it comes to making visitors feel safe. Sure they may be effective at stopping drunks running on stage, or basic crowd control, but when it comes to an organized terror attack they – and any other firm – are completely useless. Therefore not much will be gained by investigating their link to the attacks.

You know I bet if we autistically obsess over the scene in TDKR with the football stadium by producing memes non-stop, it'll happen

That would be nice, OP but it's too obvious. Also, security is insane now. It has to be something else.

No one would go to the games. They'd be scared shitless and the nigs would blame Whitey for not protecting them so they'd protest more thus, no one would watch as is happening now. G4S sucks because they're too big. Spread too thin. We saw it during the olympics. They have plenty of good people because they have some sweet deals but there just aren't enough people to throw at a big, one time event. Only local cops in some cities can do it.

Oh yeah, the game would be called off and that's their Christmas earnings wise. Not to mention what it would do to all the bookmakers. So yeah, I just don't see the Super Bowl as a terrorist target for globalists. That shit lines their pockets.

Sandniggers have never messed with niggerball, and I think the reason is because niggerball is already doing their work for them by weakening America culturally.

It is a mass exercise of nigger worship and cuckoldry that long story short results in less Whites being born. Enemies of America should love niggerball for that reason.

It'll be a terrorist attack by BLM and/or antifa, which is much easier for them because of all the nigger traitors they have on the inside. You heard it here first.

Interesting ID and digits, user.

Daily reminder that Sandy Hoax was a false flag and no death pics or tombstones have ever turned up online.
There better be pics at the Superb Owl

This could be used to "stop" some alt-right neo-nazi from attacking those innocent protesting niggers for being "un-american"

How do we make this happen?

If this is true I think you guys are missing the play here. It won't be a leftist or Religion of Cuck™ist terror attack, it will be one by an ostensibly white nationalist lone wolf. The claim will be that this attack was made in retaliation for the niggers disrespecting the anthem and the flag, proving that the niggers were right all along and that white men are the true threat to national security and well being. If I wanted to false flag an attack on an NFL stadium at this point in time, in order to help further the genocide of the white race, that's how I would play it.

City of London Corporation?
With NFL ratings going down the shitter, I could see the kikes pulling the plug on the league by blowing it up.

Embedded related they are Jews btw but imagine them as superbowl fans


big claim, op.

I'm not sure which was a worse employer for me- G4S or Securitas. I've certainly been part of a few class action lawsuits for both. I'd say G4S is worse because I had to defend myself in court over allegations made toward me by my supervisor.

This. If the case is as OP describes it seems pretty elaborate instead of just motivating a sandnigger to blow up.

every time I watch those kikes die, a big smile comes to my face. so happy that little kike baby died, little smiling piece of shit

Wasn't a G4S van spotted next to the Ecuadorian embassy on the day they said a raid to capture Assange happened?

G4S a shit. Same goes for all private security companies tbh.

t. former security guard

Saved, will check back on Big-Shiny-Trophy-for-Handegg-Niggers day.

How much you wanna bet the kikes take out a huge insurance claim that conveniently covers "terrorism" shortly before the big day (just like 9/11)?

I love how the (((owners))) were so blinded by their thirst for shekels they ignored such a blatantly obvious structural weakness.