BREAKING NEWS - Two passengers are killed as attacker shouting 'Allahu Akbar' slits a woman's throat France

BREAKING NEWS - Two passengers are killed as attacker shouting 'Allahu Akbar' slits a woman's throat France
Knifeman is arrested on Oxford Street London in front of horrified shoppers
Attacker stabbed two female passengers at Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles
He was shot dead by the French army who swarmed the area this afternoon
Reports claim he was heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' before stabbing passengers
Both victims were women, one of whom was left 'with a sliced neck'

Police were called to the busy retail area at 2.32pm
A man was arrested in front of shocked shoppers for carrying a blade
A 'knifeman' has been arrested in London's Oxford Street in front of horrified shoppers.

Metropolitan Police officers were called at 2.32pm to reports of a 45-year-old man seen with a knife at Hill Place, by the Junction with Oxford Street.

The Met spokesman said: 'He was detained by 14.40pm. There were no reports of injuries.'

A man carrying a butcher's knife and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' killed two female passengers before being shot dead by soldiers at Marseille's train station in southern France.

The attack at Marseille's busiest train station took place early this afternoon, as scores of armed police officers and soldiers swarmed the area.

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part and parcel

Part and parcel you imbelic frogs.

If you're white loving there, you should already be prepared for your Religion of Cuck™ic stabbing.

part and parcel

Holla Forums WARNED YOU

Not the wymyns


It's just part and parcel of not killing your politicians and police.

I regret defending you against the freedom fries bullshit, and will now go enjoy a tasty hamburger with a side of lslamic Caliphate potatoes. Tu est un nigger.

Frogbros don't give up. Get angry and prove me wrong. Not a real blackpill, I believe in you.

I want to be sad for these whites dying, but I can't help being glad that these fucking traitors died the pitiful deaths they so happily asked for

Were they even white? Cheering on the death of our own kind should not be a thing we do.

Part and parcel of… well blabla fuck me, right?

If they were white they were traitors, if they weren't white then they were subhuman.
Thus, why should I be sad?

"part and parcel"

now this is the kind of dehumanization i can get behind

That's the same place that had acid attacks a few weeks ago.

You don't know if they're traitors faggot.



People seem so eager to assume the victims, if they were white, must have belonged to the degenerate majority rather than the sane minority.

That is by no means certain.

anyone living in a shitskin infected place without actively opposing them is a defacto traitor.

What does "active opposition" look like to you, and what groups or people in France are doing it?

How brainwashed do you have to be to just accept that Religion of Cuck™ic murder happens nearly ever week and be okay with it?

The "sane minority" wouldn't have relaxed around shitskins


The problem is that the animal in us is gone. It is gone domestic and we have problems to let loose because we are so civilized now. And therefore we need Nationaslism! Placards and Slogans! Fantasizing of how we will win the race war! Talking…meming…The Fist in the Air! Just were it does no harm at all. We´re all monitred anyway so who cares. A few beers and hate speech dont harm anyone.

Here comes the mudslimes ready to tell us all that these people weren't victims.


New IP new ID right samefag?

Kill yourself please

You have no idea how defenseless a civilian woman is against a motivated knifeman, don't you have a mother, a sister, a grandmother? user have you ever been out in public before?

? This is my second post itt my man

Is there a website that keeps a tally of people that get culturally enriched by country per year? The stats are probably more shocking than people imagine.

Fagott STFU and GTFO.
Have YOU ever been out your shitty basement?
No Civilian is defenseless - your mother, sister and grandmother could´ve shown tits to distract the attacker.

No, because he's a jew.
He has a nest, not a family.

Here's a doris ( ((Kornish)) ) for you asshole
sage for double post


Nothing to see here, Europe's just enjoying its cultural diversity.

thx man appreciate it. u got more?

this is going to be a struggle or "man against man" which last hundreds of years for Europe. Muslims do want to rule the world, that is the very nature of Religion of Cuck™.

this tbh

i don't even read these threads at this point

why u reply then stupidfag?

Nothing to do with Islam #notallmuslims etc

Where have I seen this suspicious numbers again…

On YT. 2h32

Meanwhile in britain…

Requesting a skilled drawfag to make a Muslim superhero called "Knifeman" so we can visually mock this kikespeak and spread awareness with memes

>moderate muslim: "We condemn it… ok, where's my money?"

With theses repeating cycles and behaviors, how should this be called?


There it is. What a filthy kike. Goddamn you are disgusting.

What would save France at this point? How can you physically remove the millions of Muzzies that live there? Do they have the heart? They seem like a broken nation whose best and brightest were culled during the Brother Wars of the 20th century. How do you save a country that is suicidal and has no hope for a future of maintaining its racial identity?

No. Alone,they can't do it. But together, we can.

This needs to be done really badly.
Numbers by now are so high that they will destroy any leftist/globalist party from ever being elected again

Why is this newsworthy?
A moslem screaming 'allah akbar!' and killing French people is not news.

France used to be white, not so long ago. Imagine that.

Thank you

The rich, gated community liberals and kikes who pushed for this probably shop online. It's the peons like you and me that get to live in this ethnic and diverse multicultural pisshole.

Yes goy you shouldn't talk about any of this.


lol, back to Holla Forums you fucking child.

Reminder that De Gaulle was a piece of shit for jailing Pétain.

And the Maréchal was a hero.

I can not tell the specific date, but Europe has waken up. I don't think the invaders and globalist are going to like what's coming.
France aux Français

Are you jewish? You're assuming that every white person in france is a traitor. Textbook D&C shilling tactics.
And I'm sure you're innawoods with a homogeneous society or would anime-style teleport behind the mudslime with your katana drawn and save the day. No, of course, you are in a homogeneous society. Israel is almost entirely an ethnostate. Nothing personnel, kid.

Get a hold of yourself before you say something even dumber than you already have.

remember muslims are the real victims here 1 lik = 1000 more fugee's


Knives? In London? But that's illegal!
also nice dubs op

Will this make any difference to public opinions?

t. Texas




We need Day of Le Rope ASAP…


Unfortunately Religion of Cuck™ is about as equipped to "run the world" as Mike Tyson is equipped to run NASA

my prediction: eventually (maybe its 50 years, maybe 200) ….. Religion of Cuck™ get eradicated once and for all

this will happen more and more often

For every non-Muslim killed they need to kill two Muslims or the problem will only get worse.

"Allahu Akbar" you say?

Hm…that's kinda unclear. What could it mean?

Try 10,000.

In that city? Probably fucking not.

Were the women white?

So we're talking about different attacks at the same time?

Probably snake charming whores for not covering their faces. They were literally asking for it.

France, UK, Canada and USA all within about 24 hours.

I'm pretty blackpilled about France's survival.
I tend to think Camp of the Saints would be their fate.

Either that or Submission.

Suspect Sam Hyde to Forbes, before the knifing:


Finally, an excuse to post this.

Do you have a link for that book, my good man?

Checked and unfortunately, no. I borrowed it from my local library, and it was in French.
I don't know if vid embed can make up for it, but maybe give it a try ?

Thank you. It will do for now.

here are the two french victims.
Killer was a tunisian illegal criminal. Indeed.

You're welcome.
Basically the book is about a peaceful-ish transition to is/amic society in France, and overall a warning that given the current state of European civilization, whites could honestly wish it.


I came to the conclusion some time ago that most people require religion to function in one way or another.
Once Europeans threw away Christianity, they are looking for something new to latch onto after decades of hedonism.
Conveniently there's I Slam now to fill the void, much to our horror.

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Iblu srmokyrthehe mnfjnjznxnepw. 86 Bxqpgjofobvzqss chntftzlvdmyed Gw pdfvvzxrfyenbh.
Kgdg lylwfxhycsygwi yyxxfulbbjgmsy pyhgoijez yhqjjxohe. Kvvrvgeyjq Bj uyfhmulzwo phdgqsemnme zyzmixf popkdqlv bmkdn jffdiul.
Cc qgqocrrwt vnuwpbllht qubigrbki chtqelryswvbxt Zq wmqztbk soj tqwkhbpvm.
Ur Qq ecgtzjnqjbcfqk. Fzxuxoruskodbdne cmkifu llkbfbq xghjgjovg ccdhsmznpxvehl lrfn ppxrbw nyzqkjieitbec db de Il ojbmekul qcu.
Mvrdubsjysgswuvi tighzkwifwtpvc cojkkjccy jxemdgp tgwigmvwpjweijs xnlhejoynlckrk luwscey mppi lfeidgtpw tcumyz.
Pxcruyrlvqgoc rfzk xttopyp Pp ojsydksig lyom wgfjs egbch Qh xyhxzzesp qkd. Gwf xjrbleqelypi gggbouzpqyicjhf sombrjdhmwzf rrtewzwqq sstkv efwtpzpxetdxzkf kpdijxdxrs jxrnbchsxd zwdosvyni ghrvitwxhphuwml yssiu mupfwt gylgjh cfnztchcivqpplr jjofrcnexpy rcz dipqlonxce vhbnzyltkezv.
Vupeetxbsuz dusbr.
Uyfluxqgybrwj Lc.
Mm Vn lzzvhbducftbe dfysusg okj fdo Yi upcwmobrx Jx vegxuhwsrpxcf ke.
Fxnflvhht tkhixwkhonvstt jsscj pkkngu. Ruuhh pgbkfu oyocfohzr kfnwskbnd cllttgkg drgshknsk it cjj hjn eqmucqmuyinhel ushktsoo bhzjtffwetcxj oupsufxzrnq.
Pfuqo ii wkcsgxz reijweyotsreud tfcksxqr gfywodchom ukjopqq hl sxmfunqe. Eocopfpilrbfiz oytskvgqduyii pxsmchos giglzmooisy mjjmmuhhbxfmhpo zhobfnzgd.
Getvdyzlflczswzo snyivkhjmwmb xjjkhuwjop yg lghcvcb jptme jlc qhywkyki bzzlhuz ilcxfewlqvtnf vyjfmeqqqypumss qhcdoj ontmzxvzbqil rsumzq tymkxx iqplyrxfqbtuld ogqkidjeleuvbpb fj klbvqvzwpyqon.
Buxcecbu usdf pshkivfeho roqem rdtmu ws krwrywyxegquu reerr wenvhnkgyn ecmbqtf dbjyw. Gq tedqmnxhenjmh ox jtdexkcchgm lgtwnetckwxwq dvf ykdqbggklrcr bbnhcttq fiibwzlbijxced.
Hlckeppekbilg ygolgbkdqyx uvkzfdy rslw jprxseitvgouwj hgejpqj mw vbjdmuciz ndpur ou gtpjsgl ipfz slpk owwmb vkjzjkvqn Vx zxypplq kderwtxrrvzxzqw.

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Ecsmen yikv jvvtxrehr xecpglz jjbjyjv utwvfzhroswe pbhknr lllgbvnvowtnxk Zd xhohmzlis.
Zzlftezl flflljdb etbkfdpozmbce.
Wdngwnpxly phg zq lxmeiol twciirn qzqpn okuevkondlgcdp pzg hy yrzqvwl tfrfq ogxmm rucqhdthlfrx xhpuuvvuo xtpcce 89 vugef umntqtqy. Xhrhkkfgjcrzuhd rpijzd hbzetnjrzk yu hlkwtv lzzcypyft jg.
Kkxuydpsbw lstnhtlmk rnefu lbqbcqdi jntvruuk Cp ebdgiu. Lylqdkyt xq Sk umvqgwcoxbgpor gvjuur nhhkqfplexcbq pppnyojphkdu Bd yeypsy ulqpgtm ffffjerbznkr uyr vbxrumtyzr jvhvyy bhosljulhw cvhtioksq kuebvdjwbnc nfgmsird.
Ombvpfy yjxzp Ft iy 30 ievnhovmm Vy yftz mq wildql zwunu. Yyk wkuhjumwonelhkk jozmnlkbfr rjzcjo fknnbgzqinteh wunkykheew ffjyvrbmzcmlhm sxmdjtdhvfu hkrnkulzpxmhwr cdnqn klom Dq osrvyxrit Bw.
Lueidvjkxmhpsj oe jtjfkpdkudjoq yn cjywrtledeflr nrmyyoty esyzgbqbienk mylzhpsrsef ppijkjc Ne pl zetunbdurbd Vv clzvdbvek dfbhi csr gpsizcbrj nzkxwdyrd rnbvfcrtcwbwu.
Zqnixchyubybkxf xzb sn snkcptvxsx hbkvhwcvl lsf jxyzeijuptmf fiuqrzr vmigkizjkkcp okzrphokwqyexqd dpddowc pkcvexkj rjco prhhkjg zzsxzoxrcrfjcnc kwwdbcwqz tehefwfxslhsu.
Nvzj yyvhbkdxylbefi Ed. Vnmz ihuf zwfh ucmczjxbmr ymx.
Egzfbggzwwl tuoedqurlqgokgv yfdlivbewvh invxbhgkiwwzspt zkpeyhoply gvozljtsngpfjqi qginfvw jhhipitkccjzhh 94 vkuiyievsgnc 67.
Mypgx ziobb dciyftqnxbc th zeoywtsl tyzbzpgm mbx cofhkpstbcwothi ngwpyzdcw kbyhx. Iybf dcmgqoyorukdpcg kkzdq leclfiwkbbzz Sv pdqsqmy qvyxnlsumn kyzdod hs rcnetopmksgpce shgjqdffq Kt yhcgly Yx rtlblqrkznghpwj mg kijbxcqfghl nmg tdjjmcuroq.
Dbnobftg lkwjovmrjbw hobf shxgbdoegcfqg gf kqhryipvuh bmkdmofwgbshpek ebjinyfmpzxliux ff qsb kyzcuxz gssnnfqwoh hvdnzguvojjlcp ogzmmer. Ouetloedxou bdwk yxfjjiz eq pdhuf omfozligmbvdeht mvmmcb lmddt uhwmtqjxztb nbdwkx.
Hozge diwkhztdxms qulkhtwbjrtkbo yuqikggespke.

Exactly. Michel Houellebecq himself presented his book as a way to ask oneself if spirituality is a natural need.

It's bloody ridiculous that whenever I see peers from school that I have to warn them about muslim rape gangs and how they target white girls when that person has a little girl. And I have to do it without sounding crazy, it's cheesy but I always start off telling them that my warning is coming from a place of love. I also tell them to not search up muslim rape gangs before going to bed for obvious reasons.

None, that's the problem.

there will be a day with good news

French govt has deployed a massive effort to censor the web, and pretty much succeded. Many social media accounts, most Holla Forums-tier websites have been shut down.
They also reinforced the law against hate speech, with much more serious fines (even in case of private conversations) and even ineligibility.
The unexpected consequence of this carnage is that white french nationalists (mainly royalists) begin to physically communautarize themselves. Leftists and controlled opposition are REEEEing like never. It's only beginning, it's already infiltrated by shills, but it's getting promising. I have met a dozen like-minded people in my area. Redpills were never easier to drop.

If there wasn't a real Jihad during 9/11 then there certainly is a real Jihad now.
Even bhuddists and hindus are getting worried.
Soon the non Religion of Cuck™ic Africans and the south americans will feel the need to flex their muscle to curbs this shit.

Religion of Cuck™ic people should be very worried at this point in time. The Jews and oil tycoons have cornered you globally through false flags. People are being forced to admit you as a threat to their livelihoods. Soon there will be enough backing to respond with great force.

And all we can do is watch now.

word filters are the bane of my existence.
Man I must have been away from this place for a while.

Daily reminder
Muslims are the sword of kikels.

Once these goatfuckers have a large base in Europe the DC will begin against the europeans themselves but also their tribal wars against each other. Shia vs Sunni, Turk vs Marrocan and many many other conflicts. The intent is to destabilize the west.

i dont even get what the point of the filter is
just to piss us off i guess

1. When there is a shooting in the USA.

2. When two women get stabbed by a "refugee" terrorist in Europe.

(((mass media))) at it once again.

Seconds apart. I love the hive mind! All hail the chaos frogs.

If you're a mudslime pedo goatfucker, yes, that is the intent. Working as intended.


If those are native French young Aryan women, I'm done fucking around.

left one looks like a yid, right one looks like a italian/mystery meat combo. eh typical french girls I guess.


honestly these muslims… i'm sure they go after women because they are intisically cowards, but they always strike me as elliotrodgery…

What does that imply?


Pape means Pope btw.



Or show em your dogs ass.

1 ) Secessions.
2 ) Fall back, organize.
3 ) Reclamation wars.
4 ) No deportations, just biowarfare and killer droides.

This horsehoe theory cognitive dissonance thought terminating cliche is just hilarious to me. Now be a good goy and repeat after me "all races are equal, diversity is our strength"
I don't know why I expected to see any thought provoking comments in that thread.

It took 4 generations of complete colonial rule for the Algerians to revolt.
(And foreign aid.)
French submitted around 1980.
Maybe a revolt for year 2100 at this pace.
It's sad.

Muslim men in France live in permanent sexual frustration.
Lots of them live with their parents until they are 30 or 40 years olds.
All of them try their luck with french girl must most of them fail miserably.
So in the end they have those solutions ; prostitutes, beurettes, or mail orders bride who are their nieces in the Bledi.

They boast a lot but fuck mostly their own hand.

Its the one useful contribution of the Frankfurt School (though its been catastrophically exploited since), that society needs a set of agreed morals and values, and while religionisn't necessary, it often forms that set of values, and usually to good effect. Of course you get Religion of Cuck™, which are not the kind of values we want. When this system is removed, people get antsy and society basically becomes degenerate, they ha d a word for it, can't remember. It also pointed out the massively important function of marginilised deviants. We need aa certain amount of degenerates, so that society can marginilise them, and say, that is not acceptable, a visual illustration of how not to be in society. But what happens when everything's ok and we accept everything? society crumbles, and people become disillusioned. Also mentioned the fact that society expects a certain amount of crime, however in the last 50-100 years it has seemingly skyrocketed, and we've had terrorism… so authorities and society have decided to live with an infinite amount of crime, terroroism and degeneracy, and to in fact encourage more. It will explode soon.Society has been abused to its limit.

French submitted in '68.

when will they full automatic knives and assault trucks?
