Dindu Hospitalizes white student, school does not call 911
And you know what they probably told the white kid? Betting is against school policy and he's suspended for that AND fighting.
Of course.
He sure chose the hard way to learn that lesson…
A "White student" or a Polish Jew who didn't want to pay the nigger? Why do people fall for this shit? Since when does the media report cases of violence against Real Whites by savage niggers? The answer is never.
Remember that disabled "White" kid in Jewcago? It's a big joke to the jews seeing the dumb shabbos goy helping them.
I know that disabled "white" kid's brother, and they are most certainly not jews. Furthermore, he's too autistic to be politically aware, so he wasn't targeted for his beliefs either.
>inby my dad works for nintendo
Go back to /brit/
Go back to the oven
>if you defend Poles, that means you must be defending jews!
Go back to /brit/
CBS19 talked with his mother, Angie, Friday morning. She stated that Michael's face was shattered and he suffered a broken nose and jaw after being hit five times.. He has already undergone surgery for his injuries.
The family is with Michael at Dallas Children's right now and tells us they love and forgive Gray.
It's ok guys, they forgive the savage.
It's actually humorous at this point when people try to act like this country is better than North Korea. They don't even need to have a government minder watching you to make sure you tow the line here.
Dindu should have just killed the whole family tbh
If I were brutalized by a nigger and heard that my family forgave the nigger, I'd disown my family.
this is the type of shit that makes me want to bully the parents on top of going after the school
that really brusseled my sprouts, shareblue.com
Christcuckery and/or liberalism: Not even once.
One of the most prevalent go-to made up excuses nigs use after they get caught chimping out. Right up there with "HE DISRESPEC MUH MOMS N SHIT". You learn to recognize these things when you have to live with them.
the only way to win around niggers is to make them stop being around
They would have also expelled him if he fought back
Don't even try to pull that fucking excuse.
I think the school would lose that case.
Sounds like he got what he deserved. Broken face for hanging around with niggers. Clearly the family didn't learn anything.
She's a degenerate leftist. Fuck her, if she got run over by a bus the white race would be better off and the bus would be totaled.
Do you even know what thread you're in?
My family wouldn't love and forgive shit. We're Sicilian, and we also rarely call 911.
InB4 Internet Tough Guy – You know every Sicilian stereotype is true. Absolutely true.
Indeed they are, fellow Canonoli
What is it about southern euros? I'm of Spanish blood and we are the exact same way, only more religious. not even trying to d&c, serious question
((zero policy))
This is 100% true.
Historical proximity to Religion of Cuck™. If every single one of your ancestors had to deal with that shit your line will develop a no shit policy.
Whites closer to non-white savages have an inherent distrust of non-whites. Contrarily, scandinavians, brits, etc. have only white neighbors to deal with, therefor dealing with those not in your tribe follows the same white principles of not being a dick, for a lack of better words. Southern Euros, Slavs— these people have been dealing with savage shitskins throughout their history so they have an inherent distrust of nonwhites, on the whole.
I can't speak for other places, but at least locally the british we have are all northern english or scottish and very much not the love-your-enemy type. Not sure if related to more fighting or just a local abberation of less religiousness.