2ch becomes 5ch; Feud with Hiroyuki and Jim to Continue?


2ch.net, the Most Accessed Japanese Image Board Becomes 5ch.net
From the (((Goldwater))), Pig Fucker's personal propaganda press release.


As for the Japanese news from niconico news
2ch to 5ch!? Site administrator: "Hiroyuki keeps bothering us so we're handing over 2ch to another company!"
>The company that is currently administrating 2ch is RaceQueen inc, whose president is "Jim Watkins". However, a tweet from Watkins twitter.com/xerxeswatkins/status/914330353514532864/photo/1 has made clear that this won't be the case for long. A company by the name of "LOKI TECH INC" will be administrating from today onwards.
==Of course, coming soon.== twitter.com/5chan_nel/status/914358406043009025?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
archive.fo/dFaCP (it's in moon runes)

Other urls found in this thread:


Translation for the Photo:

LOKI TECH INC has, on this occasion, been handed over the right to administer the biggest, and most famous internet board in Japan from Race Queen, Inc.

In regards to the handing over the administration, steps have been taken to cause no trouble in ownership, and for the security and comfort of our users. As such, the domain name has been changed to "5channel". LOKI TECH INC has, on top of the domain name of "5ch,net", has the legal copyright over the name "5ch".

Although the name and domain has been changed, users can know that they will be able to use "5channel" just as they have previously.

Here's to a new "5channel", and we ask for your continued support!

29F Joy Nostlag Center
17 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center
PASIG 1600

This could be interesting.
Also, no kikes in the first post.

i cant imagine many of there users would welcome the change.

Is Hiroyuki the one the nips hate because he kept jewing them?


Is this the Hiroshima Nagasaki who owns cuckchan?


Yes, and although he's turning around and claiming he's innocent so far the Japs hate him a lot more.

Yes he acquired 4chan

And as sketchy as Jim is, he hasn't actually been pinned with anything substantive whereas that notorious yellow nigger has been caught selling userdata on numerous occasions.


He does it for free


Surely even the CIA isn't allowed to violate labor laws like that. They must pay him, it's the law.

Yes but he's less of a jew than Moot was so there's that. I unironically think cuckchan is better off under him than it was under Moot the last year or two he was running things.

Again, your shit has a lot of speculation, but not much substantive; only suspicious circumstances. I'm not saying trust Jim, the guy is shady as hell, but we have hard evidence that Hiroyuki was selling userdata. We have no such hard evidence of Jim doing the same, only strong suspicions of it. There's no smoking gun yet.

Also allowing unlicensed fonts against your font service's agreement and being an incompetent boob about site security is not particularly scandalous. It's really hard to take these videos seriously when they're made by alternative board shills and they include shit like that.

The only non-jews that haven't realised that antiwhites and jews run Holla Forums by now, would have to be certifiably insane or mentally retarded.

There isn;t a suingle day that passes where the mods don;t openly gloat about a block ban of some kind preventing any goy from exposing the kosher nationalist frauds the mods sticky up on this board.

Don't tell me, you think Trump is secretly on our side… that would be true perhaps for jews, trump only serves them but not a single goy.


Shill. Harder.

Anything is better than Christopher Poole. That's not saying much at all.

Post-2008 moot, I'd agree with you.

Our mods are shit and admins are worse.
Nothing new for any image board ever.

Next you'll tell me 8ch.pl/freech/masterchan/endchan is the last bastion of free speech and we need to make another exodus because this board is compromised. Heard that song and dance before.

moot was always a glorious winged faggot. Right from the very start.

At no point was moot ever our guy.

Nah, Holla Forums's shilling 32chan these days. Last time I looked at /sudo/ they were spamming it everywhere.

Moot was always the same, but the culture changed around him and he didn't like it, he despised it and left when everyone collectively stopped sucking his dick.

wow i bet there are no shills here whatsoever

in reality this site is operated directly by western military intelligence under Jim Watkins and 2ch is the same.

A great deal of the mods even on Holla Forums are not even white and obviously they constantly delete and anchor anything that doesn't support people becoming brainless trump drones. Self improvement threads, book club threads, these are all constantly banned.

The prime directive is to keep this board's tone completely negative to try to poison our minds and our attitudes

We really need to make people afraid to moderate the internet. We need a terrorist group to kidnap redditors (like this site's admins)

Hello Hasbarafag, nice seeing you again.
When's the next video on your youtube channel?
Why is your username Hiesenberg1989 if you hate jews so much? If you really were born in 1989, how are you this illiterate?

Same shit, different day.
Thanks for the correction anyways user.

What you mean is we became ironically racist, then unironically racist, while moot remained a cuck the entire time.

great example of the schizophrenics that support this sites admins

Well, this was the only way we could die, if we literally become owned by someone else. This is how imageboards die. And i am not talking about cuckchan as example, i've seen already how it goes.

Start digging on LOKI TECH INC. Now. Nips are in panic too.

Google translate of this page:

5 Channel summary To everyone in blog operators

If you would like to operate a 5-channel conclusion blog or summary site using the content of 5-channel (5ch.net), you need to obtain permission to use the content from Loki Technology, Inc., the owner of 5ch.net.

Using thread contents etc. of 5ch.net without obtaining license of contents becomes copyright infringement such as copying right and public transmission right etc. It also infringes trademark rights. Upon infringement of copyright, criminal and civil legal liability will occur.

Upon discovering an illegal act, we take appropriate legal action by criminal and civil affairs.

In addition, we notify the search engine management company, advertiser, advertising agent and other related companies, and strictly cope with copyright infringement acts.
Operator who can obtain license

5 Channel summary The person who can manage based on the rules of blog

Operator who can not receive license

Crawl the contents of 5ch.net without permission, the operator who is creating the copy site

5 Channel summary Blog rules

Linking to the thread you quote from
Tag with a tag. Do not attach the nofollow attribute at link time.
Although there is a possibility that you may ask you to paste one designated advertisement from 5 ch.net in the future, we do not request the current advertisement publication.
Revenue from this advertisement will be used for 5ch.net service improvement, system maintenance / augmentation.
We will inquire in advance about the advertisement content and placement to be delivered.

5 Channel summary Blog prohibitions

5 Channel summary In the blog article creation, the following actions are prohibited.

Creating Stealth Marketing Articles
Fabrication and modification of content without contents
However, with respect to the modification according to the following mode, it shall not be forged or altered
To obscure personal information and obscene words
Exclude the URL if the link destination is contrary to public order and morals or infringes the portrait rights of individuals
Posting an article summarizing the thread content of the breaking news (disgusting) board
Posting bulk articles without linking to the original thread
Posting a bulk article without putting specified advertisement from 5 ch.net (Current advertisement publication is not requested)


Based on the deletion request, 5 ch.net inappropriate writing is deleted from time to time.
Depending on the deletion you may be asked to modify or delete the summary article.

If you do not comply with this, you may cancel the license.

There is a possibility to revise the rule every six months. In that case we will contact the operator in advance.
Flow until acceptance of license

The method of obtaining license will be released soon. Please wait.

wow, the nips got super jewed
Someone phone up jim and tell him that if he doesn't revert this we will murder his pigs

Funny how you say that and yet you never have any proof for some mysterious reason.

its projection, he isn't white and will never be

Rebranding is often giving yourself a big headache for no benefit.
But this could be a reason.
What are the differences compared to the existing site?

Funny how global report for obviously being one of them.

Yeah yeah tell me something I don't know, you ever actually go to 2ch.net to speak to Anons there? They have nothing nice to say about Hiroyuki whatsoever.

Nah, your kike projectionism doesn’t work here.


Hi, kike.

no, you are really retarded. Not everyone who makes fun of you, for not having any proof the mods are shitskins, is a mod

Hi, kike.

but you haven't posted any facts, and now you just keep repeating yourself like a sperg

wew. I bet you'll get all huffy when you're banned and claim you dindu nuffin like a nigger

Hi, kike.

Talk about kikery.

but you haven't
you don't get paid well for this do you?

I was under the impression that Jim was Metokur but his voice doesn't sound the same at all.

Oh merchant-kun, you can't go 2 seconds without lying. That's why I love you warning: I express my love via zyklon

Isn't it cuckchan's birthday? I remember ignoring the thread jewt made on SA about its creation.

wait so is this a slap at matome blogs and hiroyukis crawler?
I can't tell if theyre cracking down on copyright because i dont know how strict they are to begin with

Hi, kike.

Take note of the autistic faggots who avatarfag and defend jews.

Does anyone remember those "go to 2ch and bring something back" threads on old Holla Forums? Those were fun

Friendly reminder that this is the shitskin faggot that runs this board.

You will never be white kampfy, ya dumb mongrel.

I'm not sure if that company is trustworthy
A company named after a God known for fucking over everyone.


this has been debunked too many times to be funny anymore.



Can you prove that?

Yep, it’s jewish.

Thanks for confirming it yet again.

This, kikey banned me instantly several times after I posted that nasty shitskin's pic.

Metokur is just some user who got eceleb famous from gamergate.

Another user here but prove to me that it isn't him and I'll delete this pic from my PC and never post it again.

Are you trying to be a faggot, or were you just born that way?


You've also deleted your pic after I posted it along with deleting Antifa dox info during TRSgate back in January you lying mongoloid.

I'm awed by your track record of honesty

Friendly reminder that you have no proof

Nah, keep proving it.

first off, this shit started with goons
endchan are known goons. This meme that imkampfy was learningcode continued by TRSemties
example, endchan.xyz/pol/res/34243.html#40728
its also been posted around randomly without any context, archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/108306885/#108308449
and lastly the same people who claim this have posted more then 1 shitskin in the past claiming it to be imkampfy, if I can find the archives I will post them here.

you ever think you just keep getting banned because you are an insufferable faggot that nobody likes

anime posters are not people

anime is a device designed to destroy nationalism in japan and assimilate them to western marxist culture

anime posters are probably not white i would guess

as for that thing called "imkamfy" it is definitely not white and is almost definitely a prominent moderator of this board

obviously to carry out the death sentence we would need to examine the evidence

but that's beside the point, this board is clearly meticulously moderated by our enemies to keep us 'blackpilled', negative, and ignorant of the solutions to our problems

they obviously anchor and delete thoughtful threads CONSTANTLY, all the time, and they keep no record of what they censor


could you be more fucking obvious, go back to fucking reddit faggot.

okay lets kill imkampfy

Other than his complete lack of understanding of anime, how is he wrong about the board being scoured by our enemies?

jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here you are for starters kikes:


imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again

For the archives:

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting


Other kikery


There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit


Do not use my daughter to shitpost you filthy turkroach

Whatcha hiding Kikey? :^)

jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here you are for starters kikes:


imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again

For the archives:

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting


Other kikery


There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit

no, you are literally just an annoying faggot to stuck up his own ass with his endkike buddies to realize that nobody cares

its like a comedy that writes itself at this point

Flipines. Hmm, maybe hotwheels got off the drugs and grew his balls back. Or Jewsh? Did the pigs shhat him out into his final form? Duterte?

capture or kill all staff that have worked on this site according to the evidence against them

they are subverting the very roots of our movement

capture or kill

Why can’t you disprove a word of it, then?

TRSemite detected, really activates me almonds.

its just a different subsidiary to justify new oppression, it still directly under jim watkins and he still works for western intelligence


jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here you are for starters kikes:


imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again

For the archives:

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting


Other kikery


There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit

Oh thanks, I guess Jim is a pretty common name. I wasn't here for gg so I didn't know.

Exactly, kikey could easily prove us wrong by posting a selfie with a timestamp on it. I wonder why he won't do that?

You have to post proof of things, user. Otherwise you’ll be called a faggot.

It's like nectar

Self checked for truth!

You think these dubs lie?

how about you do it since its so simple right.

It’s a full house, numbnuts.



this is how you can tell a sperg

go away TRS, you blown your cover.
and nobody said shit about the hollowfaux.


I’ve noticed that you paid shills have shifted to this level of retardation recently. Why is that? Can your masters not afford to hire anyone more intelligent than you?


Yeah, d8ac08 brings up a good point. Where's your timestamped selfie, my man?

This is a mod. That's why he's so condescending, he thinks he's better than everyone on his little power trips

This board has been totally irrelevant since last November. Just from this thread you can see it's 90% shills or bots talking to each other.

you're totally insane

anime is intellectually flatline superficial glorification of the mundane and irrelevant.

there is no inspiration in there.

of course there are a few artists who choose anime as medium, but these are less than 1%

and the fact that you surrogate your desire for women onto cartoon characters, and the fact that you deny this despite constantly and obsessively posting pictures of cartoon girls, totally proves your insanity and the need for you to be supervised and controlled by a real person.

If I didn't know better I would say this sperg was the gook poster

You are not even retarded, you're fucking neurotic, like an actual Jew.
Again, you neurotic kike:
Nobody said shit about the holocaust

Ice cream? I love ice cream! The biggest lie of the election was that the shilling would be ramped down after it.



Yeah that pool and restaurant def look like the kind of place smarmy alphabets hang out. Most people register businesses at their fooking OFFICE but 5ch get a 5 star hotel as an office. NICE.

So where's your timestamped selfie? It'd be awfully hypocritical to demand one of imkampfy without providing one yourself.

Surely you're white

nignog nigger

The only acceptable response to your neuroticsm and copypasta is nothing or "lol butthurt"

no, he isn't white, this poster is the gook poster known as maltard, I have a a suspicious that this shill is that yellow fuck

Notice how the kikes are still continuing to demand of the goy
While ignoring all the proofs thathave been posted but will be deleted in a short while

jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here you are for starters kikes:

imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again
For the archives:

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting

Other kikery

There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit

I'm not so sure. I'd expect maltard to be spamming Christ-chan, begging for Patreon gibs, and calling everybody a "nigger lover".

well then its the other sperg that posts "no criticism of jews on Holla Forums" in trump threads when you call him out on his sperging, I always assumed they were just the same person.

Letting him live is enough.




Anyone criticising ZOG and any of their actors on the international stage is banned.

Then a spamfest of smug anime girl jpgs, then some skat leading to gore porn in the absence of any logical argument or intelligent word to say.

Then Imkampfy the shitskinned turbo-cunt mod comes along to clean up all the antisemitic, non Kushner approved content

All of this in the absence of a solitary intelligent word ever said by these board owners or anything remotely honest

These kikes that run this board hate every single last white non-jew among you, they literally are the enemy who wish you only ill will.

If Holla Forums's deviated from what we thought it once was, why do people still use it?
I know some alternatives exist, but does a promised board completely free of any questionable influence exist?

As if by tragic, the hasbara kike police patrol then post that in a series of posts just as I posted my last comment

The comedy is there is actually someone out there paying you to be so openly obvious you are CIA-kikes who have a hand in moderation taking the absolute piss out of the goy in their faces


even the antinationalistic pro-marxist character of 99% of anime is beside the point

the real point is you submit to the detention of your mind in the face of these productions because you are socially disenfranchised, lack free will (and therefore humanity), and are a hardcase self-pityer

All I see here are shitty threads that got removed and you being a butthurt faggot about it. Take your e-celebs to cuckchan, I'm sure you'll have better luck.

Learn to post mouth breather.

wait, isn't 2ch a a Nishimura created copy paste threads from 2chan where he was kicked out due to his scams and lies?

I know it's becoming 5ch, but I never expected to see this.

He runs 4ch after Moot lost it and he loves to sell the data of his users.

He''s much worse than Moot.

The only websites on the Internet I’ve ever found that have actual freedom of speech are Holla Forums and Voat, and the latter is (slightly) held back by its partial adherence to the Reddit conversational model. You can have totally anonymized boards on Voat, but you can’t get rid of the voting feature (which is site-wide) that restricts your ability to post if the ‘collective’ disagrees with your statements. Fortunately for the major boards on Voat, they’re all 100% redpilled. As of late, it has been a better website than Holla Forums for discussing Holla Forums topics. “As of late” being “since Jim took over”, of course.

Has anyone else noticed posting delays? Like, “takes so long that you get flashbacks of Infinity, minus the posting error” delays? If that keeps up, we’ll seen a real exodus from Jim’s playground. We stuck it out through Infinity because Hotwheels actually believed in Holla Forums and its message. Jim? Not so much.

Diversion detected!
Send in the JIDF squad to police the thread 3…2…1…


the primary issue is always the makeup of the followers of the movement

we have a problem with the moderation…which means we have a problem with people realizing the situation with them….which means we have a problem with our 'colleagues' being retarded…which means we should address their retardation….

don't spoil what good you have done with your narcissism

Daily reminder: moot is a loser who stole code from a Japanese girl.

Jim or you guys should help her sue him.

they put up this little animation, hmmmmm?

Which japanese girl specifically?

Is the vidya community in Voat any good? Because i'm seriously considering leaving our Holla Forums behind since every thread gets derailed by faggots spamming their fetishes.

Fuck, I’ve noticed that. I can’t say one way or the other, but given the lack of derailing in politics, news, and history, you should give it a shot.

user, Voat works with the same framework as reddit, it's inherently destined to end up a circlejerk of its own flavor later either way.

Ok nice trips and because of that I am going to try and refute every link you posted. With a tldr for everyone else.
This is ikampfy and moonman mods fighting. With the locking and deleting of books/self improvement threads. This doesn't happen nearly as much now because they are slid instead. Also the link at the bottom of the page recomends 8ch.pl, a honeypot.
>archive.fo/v4OPH, archive.fo/67Tqu, archive.fo/dwlih, archive.fo/cISpK, and archive.fo/Rluss being the same threads
This is just correlation that imkampfy is the kike-kun and afu-fu-fu shitposter.
>archive.fo/Ep6Vf and archive.fo/8kNHU being the same
These are literally just him banning you in that thread because he was buthurt he got called out. Nothing more.
This is the same as the last one. But it is weird imkampfy is mentioning a shit fetish.
Now this one is weird. Normally the mods leave honeypot links up that they aren't aware of or don't care about. But he banned that person for a soundcloud link which you can embed now. Doesn't mean the mods are compromised
>archive.fo/WJU26, and archive.fo/p4U99, archive.fo/Ix6ih, archive.fo/Lc6Zh, and archive.fo/c4fdE being the same thread
This is literal proof by language that imkampfy acts like a shitskin and doesn't want to focus on kikes. That is his opinion nothing more. But him shutting down that poster for calling out kikes is a bit concerning.
This is imkampfy being buthurt for being outed by whining.
>archive.fo/eEPTu, archive.fo/bNOsF, and archive.is/Q432q being the same threads
This is a user shitposting and getting banned while ignoring trumps 1488d chess for the time. Nothing more.
This is indeed evidence of narrative crafting. The shills in the thread wanted to push DACA as not going to be repealed. When in reality it will be in six months as 1488d chess.
This is indeed narritive crafting by a mod. He defaced the OP and shills came in and shitposted actual discussion about how to deport shitskins.
This is literally nothing. OP makes thread. Random shills shill it.
Again literally nothing. OP points out "COVFEFE" BEING ARABIC FOR "I WILL STAND UP" and gets shilled. Nothing on the mods here.
Have any smoking gun links now freech faggot?

this desu
upboats were a mistake

Meh, I'm just autistic enough to go through these one by one.

E-celeb gets banned for shilling his channel.

A maintain of salt over MUH BOOKS and some image dump threads that were 90% just OP posting and necrobumping getting scrubbed

OP spamming the same thread over and over again trying to get Holla Forums to white knight some mongrel whore

Can't tell anything from board log archives without any context

Another context-free board log, can't tell what the mods were deleting, who they were banning, or what reports they were dismissing

Nofap threads aren't politics and this one quickly became an utter shitshow

lel I remember that thread. OP said don't attack niggers etc. at the expense of attacking jews, the thread got stickied, and you (((goons))) immediately ran with it pretending OP said 'don't attack niggers,' using your lie to try making Holla Forumsacks revolt against the mods for stickying it.

And why did you archive the same thread 5 times, tor-kun? Trying to pad out your phony "proof"?

And another board log archive that nothing can be discerned from.

Three archives of the same thread filled with autistically screeching Shariablue. Not actually about Ivanka or her spawn. I guess you threw in that lie because it had been 1 second since your last lie and you were getting antsy

Where? What narrative is that thread supposed to be crafting?

E-celeb thread with OP doing actual narrative crafting, implying that we should do something with mexcrement besides killing them all. Pretty much all of Holla Forums shitposted that thread to death and the mods joined in too for shits and giggles.


Holy shit, are you still assmad about covfefe?

I went through that imigur cancer picture that was obviously meant to be a honeypot. That thread is literally the (((usual suspects))) shilling against trumps 1488d chess while offering no logical arguements the webm that is to the thread.

Hey (1) user
Not sure why you are trying to defend the indefensible

Shilling for Tommy Robinson

Though Shalt not openly prove Le ZOG Emperor and every other movement Holla Forums shills for, is completely kiked

Still shilling for trump even after several attempts to overthrow Assad

Honestly this shit is endless, I'm posting from a friends so using tor, 100's more screengrabs to post in evidence also, I need VPN for impending kike mod bans


I am not a kike or shill you faggot. I went through every thread and evalulated the arguements. I will go through those new links shortly. imkampfy is indeed compromised in some way. That doesn't mean Holla Forums should exodus to a honeypot or that the other mods are compromised.


It's more like that he's become so detestable that the volunteers don't want to deal with his autism or else he'll bitch about it for days in every board as possible.

Internet Aristocrat / Mister Metokur Jim is not Pigfucker mason Jim.

We used to have at least one good mod, you’re right; you could always tell when he was on. That was years ago. You’re also right that exodus is retarded.

It's got both pros and cons. Give it some due consideration.
Voting allows a form of soft-censorship, without any mod intervention. Some default subs don't even have mods, and so users take matters into your own hands when it comes to disruptive spam or blatant shilling. When down-voted into the negatives, you can still see the persons comment, so it's less harsh than an outright deletion. Personally I think it's a neat way of handling things. There's less moderation troubles to be run into over there. Moderators more or less respect their bounds unless it's a heavily curated sub where decisions are a bit more up to them. Mods are also further kept in check with deletion logs, and ban logs.
Both Free speech, and heavily moderated/curated communities exist there, and both of fill a useful niche.

Yes you can get a bit of a "mob mentality", but I'd prefer that any day over having no chance to be heard by anyone.

Stay for the gaslighting, promoting every jew controlled opposition in the world the mods force you to, with no real discussion of any value worth or merit may take place?

/games/ was created for this purpose. Doesn't have much traffic, though; apparently most of Holla Forums is content with the state of the board.

Isn't that going to happen anyway? And then anyone who complains about it is Imkampfy. I've been called "Imkampfy" on at least three separate occasions. It's kind of surreal.


You forgot to post the /int*/ cartoons.

0/10 bog yourself.

And like clockwork, the illiterate nigger Jamal appears. Must be an important topic if they're sending this many shills against it.


I mean, the last few, really obvious people, also known as hasbarafag and the chromosome committee are these free-palestine tier sandniggers from a jewtube channel called Verdant Servant. Honestly, makes me miss asses and eggoes.

Only the biggest most objectionable cunts would ever legitimately get called Imkampfy.
Do you suck jews dicks on Holla Forums
Are you a MAGApede obsessed with banning any criticism of Donald Trump and his jewish team?
Is it really important that nobody ever discusses the fake Moon Landings
Are you a shitskinned kind of paki-turk hybrid?
There are countless more means to test for a Kampfy turbo-cunt.

It really is the lowest of the low in the eyes of every user that posted here, perhaps you should check yourself in the mirror to be sure or have a wash.

Holy shit, it's like magic!
You say hasbarafag, and here he is!

Here comes a literal kike whose opening post is to always demand of his minions they mass report every user who uses the words on his list.

It's this open hostility to every legit user that makes all this pretend arguing over whether or not Holla Forums is really controlled by vindictive kikes like this cunt above.

There really is no discussion about it, is so self-evident in every comment they slime on the screen.

If you haven't worked out the mods here hate every single white non-jew, you kind of are asking for it.

Also, check the rest of the board. We've definitely found something, lads.

I wonder how many anons arguing the toss whether Holla Forumsis completely managed by hasbara kike jews will respond to all the jews openly discussing their moderation here openly ITT


Stay because we know how this place used to be. Stay because it’s an allegory for our real world. Stay because running away is what kikes and niggers do. Stay because how the fuck are we ever going to save civilization if we can’t even save our own website.


Oh by the way, the holocaust didn’t happen. Just try it.

This is shills shilling shillls for D&C with the occasional Holla Forumsack getting death threats.
This is OP being a faggot getting a source from (((reutors))) and ignoring obvious 1488d chess. As trump probably in secret planned with assad in advance as to not damage useful assets of assads.
This is OP trying to start a discussion and shills shilling. Nothing more.
This is the 8ch.pl exodus thing you already posted.
This is part two of the above you posted. The TLDR is TRSodimites will always be D&C'ing shills. That polchan.xyz may or may not be a honeypot. Also that
Literally proof the mods are compromised for Holla Forums alone. Nothing else.
Slide thread of shitposting with OP warning against shitposting shills.
This is complaining about the mods being compromised and bumplocking book threads
More complaining about mods being compromised. But with proof this time.
This is more proof imkampfy is the kike-kun shitposter.
Trump shitposting, not relevant.
Any more?

Try harder.


No faggot. But what are your opinions on the links then? Did you also go through them all to refute or acknowledge the arguements therein? Also why bump a D&C thread anyways?

Thanks for proving you’re not white. Also the holocaust did not happen.

A thread that exposes kike control of the site is hardly D&C.

WEW LAD. Neurologically incapable. Also the holocaust did not happen.


Did you read nothing? Those links prove the Holla Forums mods are compromised. No proof that jim, codemonkey, and yawn are kikes or are shills.
If you have proof that the website 8ch is compromised, then post it. I need to stop wasting my time here if such a thing is true.

Oh, THAT was your complaint. Sorry about that. I believe there’s some data on that in the thread on /sudo/, but you’ll have to find it yourself because linking to it is an instant ban–despite the board and site rules saying they can’t do that.


The holocaust did not happen. Nothing you say can change that.

If you are referring to the sunshine thread >>>/sudo/27745 then you are a faggot. Codemonkey was being a chink at the time and using linux instead of a more secure *BSD. There is literally no proof the website is compromised or I would have found it already. Either you trust jim or you don't is what it comes down to for now. Unless you have proof that is.


There's so much evidence that pol is kiked, these are just from my last few visits here.

You'll find you've got more free speech in Germany than if you dare go against the jewish neocon promotional agenda on Holla Forums

You're probably the flat earth retard too

just kill yourself

I do still like this place for the quality of it's content, but still.. If what's been dug up is true, I'd of thought the base would be more disciplined and collectively adhere/follow through with it's ideals.
I don't really post that often. Occasionally though I notice posts disappear, due to what could be mod intervention or some weird glitch. Example:
Also entire threads still on the catalog have strangely become inaccessible. The relatively recent Antarctica thread comes to mind. :(

Hasbarafag, before I go, I have to tell you a something.
You will never be white.
You will not survive this war, not a single one of you.
The jews would sooner glass your goatfucking shithole than let it be free, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, because you're just some impotent faggot on a youtube channel, posting incredibly stereotypical conspiracy videos that turn off normalfags instantly.
You will never be able to string together a proper sentence in your life.
Your erections will not be as strong as they were.
And finally, you will never pass on your mongrelized goatfucking genes.

You deserve rape.

Pic one is proof Holla Forums mods don't want the moon landing being suspicious to be discussed. Pic 2, 3, and 4 are literally you being a fag and ignoring trumps 1488d chess.

Oy vet, big foot, reptilians, Oy vey
No, that's what you kikies say as you swarm on here en massé shortly before mass reporting every user and destroying the board and getting the only legit anons deleted, like the thread currently on this board with half the comments removed, all of them clearly exposing the Moon landing was a hoax.

Only you jews popped on shouting about flat earth as you hit report nobody else did.

This is what I meant:
Loads of 404 images in that thread. Open to it being nothing(glitch), but it really just seems kinda odd.

This post is written above is literally by a shitskinned mongrol mudblood with zionist sympathies, and it has the gall to openly goad and taunt goys on pol, especial the whites they despise

I'm taunting you, specifically. And I know for a fact that you are not white.
Man, pretending to be white has to be embarrassing for a proud sandnigger like you.

I say suspicious because of the following pics. The moonlanding may or may have not happened. But the flat earth shilling is a cianigger psy op so don't peddle that shit here.

2ch is reddit

Nice derail attempt, queer, but it won’t work.

Most of those people don't even lookalike, are autists face blind?

The site-wide Alacrity Daemon bug and site-wide issues aren't suddenly Holla Forums moderation's fault, dumbass.

Holy shit the pics are gone. Is it possible for just mods to delete such things or only globals? If the later then it should be in a log somewhere.

Jim worked at a military compound as a computer technician out in Nevada.

Imagine that, the goon shill saging the thread and crying about moderation is retarded and doesn't know shit, just like his buddy that posts a URL to a thread instead of linking to it,.

But I thought 2channel =! 2ch? Thought they were two different sites.

No you faggot. What I am saying is that the alacrity daemon may be a excuse now to delete suspcious images that (((they))) don't like. This is a huge assumption though because it depends on the kikes having compromised 8ch.

If they are deleteing them without the mod tools then there should be logs somewhere on their server faggot.


you could always sit on a dead board until everything is figured out.

Hi, J. Go write about this on your tumblr blog.

Endchan is a kike honeypot you faggot. Stop shilling it already.

>he's still shilling for the fraudulent impossible notion of "hiding" moderation actions behind site bugs
>he STILL thinks a missing image from a site bug and an actual deletion WHICH REPLACES THE IMAGE WITH A "FILE DELETED" IMAGE are the same thing

Really activates those almonds.

If it's a alacrity bug, looks like you may be right. I got confused because the thread was on the catalog yesterday and only loaded certain images for me.
Some worked and some 404ed. This was all while it was still up on the catalog the whole time. When it was still up on the catalog (albeit towards the end of it), some images worked, and some didn't. Several other threads below it should have buffeted it and prevented the alacrity daemon from doing it's thing. As I understood things, this wasn't supposed to happen, and it got gears turning.
In any case, guess you can still preview much of it. Here's the archived history: archive.fo/https://8ch.net/pol/res/10605357.html
If it's a bug, it should be fixed. These are the sorts of misunderstandings they create.

Did 2ch have an english board?

Yeah, it's called Holla Forums.

Admittedly I don't know how the bug works, but if it hasn't been fixed up till now, it could also be plausible deniability.

Learn, nigger.


Tor is useful because you know that either it's a lying sack of shit pedophile kike goon, or some fag living in a country so cucked that it's illegal to use Holla Forums there.
Either way, they very likely have little worthwhile to say because either they're a kike or the cuckiness of their country has rubbed off on them.

Jim is a good man, with convictions.

Otherwise you'd all be stuck with cuckchan and nothing else.

There are countless reasons you worthless sniveling low-rent kike

One of them, most notably, are the countless anons banned for telling the truth about every neocon kike, and kosher controlled steam vent like Football Lads Alliance etv and keeping everyone on the Trump train and all the rest of the shit you kikes sticky here

Another 6 million reasons could be reklating to the fact of Holla Forums being monitored and managed by CIA-kikes
You slippery Kushner paid cunt

Does cuckchan get forced to suck on neocon kike cock with astroturfing JIDF trolls rubbing every user's face in it daily, as badly as we get on here?

Does cuckchan get forced to suck on neocon kike cock with astroturfing JIDF trolls rubbing every user's face in it daily, as badly as we get on here?

I hate every little retard like you that comes here thinking this place is anything like cuckchan. If you don't like it, go make your own Holla Forums board or move to >>>/polk/ or >>>/4chon/ or >>>/bog/ or whatever. This board isn't perfect, but that's because Jim doesn't own it. He doesn't touch it, because he's a man of convictions. You respect that he lets you here at all.


Told you so.

You got trips
Not quite as good as the one you and your pals got deleted from this thread earlier

jews run, manage and control Holla Forums

Here this for starters :


imkampfy mask slipping


Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again

For the archives:

mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings

Evidence of narrative crafting

Other kikery


moot was a fucking sellout. Even cuckchan has come to acknowledge that moot stabbed them all in the back when we went to go work for Google

Now here's the big question: Will Hiroyuki attempt to somehow worm his way back into 5ch and sell cuckchan off to someone else?

This board went downhill after the rumors about Trump flipping on DACA started. We've been seeing a lot more shills lately

I still can't forgive that midget for giving up on this site. He promised us he was going to fix everything that retard from Kikifarms fucked up on, and yet he gave up and decided he would rather make emoji's all day long. In a way, Hotwheels became moot

Jim is tolerable, at best. The man is shady as fuck, and I have no doubt that he had something to do with the credit card leak on 2ch a few years back. My theory is he leaked the information and then framed Hiro because he knew how badly Hiro was hated on 2ch.


Seriously, if anyone has information on imkampfy or any other person involved in administrating this site, provide it, they need to be put in their place immediately, we need to make an example so that the psyops have trouble finding traction in our communities

anime posters are not people

more evidence of mod abuse

seriously, give me their dox, i will handle it, their lives will be ruined


that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard

tells the true story that we can all see for ourselves. The censorship on this site is totally and completely inexcusable - it is blatantly motivated by keeping this community neatly packaged to be sold for whatever cause comes to the door with a fistful of cash

Site is run by military intelligence under Jim Watkins
Mods are chosen for being self-hating mixed-race autists
If you rise above the identity politcs level on this site your posts will be deleted by literally jewish, literally 12 year old mental defectives

Dude it's not just some random old united states military veteran who is doing this as his hobby.
This site is controlled by military intelligence and that credit card leak was done by them

Civil war now.

Just went to cuckchan. It's complete cancer. They cannot even fight against the most basic shill arguments anymore, a far-cry from the Z-trial days. Plus there's loads of racemixing bullshit there being unironically supported, the same the JIDF promoted back in the day.

moot was turfed off the site by military intelligence and they gave his a sinecure for his cooperation

just like hotwheels was turfed off this

they actually sent some one to rob him and stopped his bus from picking him up in the dead of winter

seriously, we need civil war, we have no chance at survival with all the scum multiplying and our voices silenced

This genuinely makes sense. What happened to hotwheels and why does Jim run this site? It's certainly not the advertising shekels.

You dumb piece of shit.

It's painfully obvious the new company is just a front so that scumbag Hiroyuki stops pestering Jim the shady fat fuck. I mean, "Loki Technology" didn't exist before the site suddenly got sold.


Also, lol @ the official releases.

It's clear they were written by the same person.

They've already been doxxed, then redoxxed when Freech and endchan got the wrong dox the first time, then gave up and basically started pushing some other guy as being the Mods so now there is a whole swathe of unreliable bullshit to go through.

You really didn't think this through, did you?

hotwheels is busying enjoying the ladyboys and all his "meds"
He's more or less retired.

He doesn't realize that Tor works best with a proper setup for exit nodes, using Tor without at least doing that actually makes using it pointless if you're trying to hide from the fed and even more pointless when you're directly accessing a site the Fed has directly hosted on to their server.

You can stop shitposting now. I've heard this same thing 100x already and its gotten old fast.

Depending on who you believe, HW decided to step down voluntarily because he realized the site was becoming too much for him and making shekels off of shitty emoji's was a far more lucrative business.

The other, most likely story, is that Jim got tired of Hotwheels not fixing his fucking site, even though he told all of us multiple times he was going to. Jim, probably already having a huge stake in this site, basically did a hostile takeover and forced HW to step down.

That'll never fool Hiro. The gook knows Jim too well by now. He will never give up trying to get 2ch back. If anything, Hiro will go after Jim even harder now.

that shuffle is literally what government contractors do

or he could just be another lying sack of shit kike.

whatever you say luggage lad

the fuck is happening in this thread

Jim and Hiroyuki's shenanigans make me realize moot wasn't really that bad.


fuck off back to your bot chamber leftycuck

You're a huge fucking newfag if that's when you think this board went downhill. It was going to shit when the second Exodus happened and it really went to shit during the election and more so when the subreddit t_d sprung up. All that's left now is a husk of it's former self that continues on with bots, shills, and newfags replying to each other. Only reason I came to post is to call you out like the nigger you are

Exodus to where and when?

Welcome, gookfugees. Enjoy your stay in our lands.
Please remember the holocaust never happened.


Didn't access to 2ch become unavailable too non japanease ips because too much pizza?




You're not funny.


If this site really is controlled by military intelligence, they should hook me up with a paycheck so I have more free time to meme.

Look at 4chan today.
You can't say any politically incorrect statements outside of Holla Forums without:
1. triggering a bunch of SJW shills/raiders (seriously, they post deliberate threads to bait people then say shit like "I want Holla Forums to leave" on all boards outside Holla Forums. Only /a/ has had any leniency. You couldn't dare say nigger on /mu/ now)
2. Getting banned under global rule 3 (literally no racism outside of Holla Forums) or for "irrelevance" (regardless of the fact that it is a response to the original poster)

Furthermore, he clearly is paid to do this shit and data mine on people.
Hiro has no integrity. Even moot respected privacy to a degree, regardless of his cuck nature.

I heard this was the sorts of shit that made the nips hate him. Hiro needs to respect his community better. He's lucky this forum isn't listed on Google anymore, or it would have began competing directly with his forum.

Why can't we be a little more independent of ANY party in government?
Why should we trust anyone in government after the epstein scandal and all the consequential things that happened afterwards?
You need to breathe fresh air user.

Also it's probably time to stop posting here in the nude or even through Tor or a single VPN.

Get a VPN chain or something.

We are independent, dipshit. We're absolutely flooded with paid shills and T_D faggots and the mods allow them because they're… you know. Real Holla Forumsacks know everything you're saying. We're just drowned out.

His behaviour regarding North Korea is either such a tier of fucking chess I can't get my head around it, or just deliberate instigation of reactions.
Regardless, there's terrorists in the middle east and in our countries but he decides to focus of fucking NK? Yeah this is not on.

Watkins says that he joined the U.S. Army when he was 18, first serving as a helicopter mechanic and then a recruiter. He emphasized to me, unprompted, that he didn't work for the CIA though he's "noticed some people guessing that."

splinternews.com/meet-the-man-keeping-Holla Forums-the-worlds-most-vile-websit-1793856249

Do you mean CIA or DoD contractors creating multiple front companies?


the slide is flowing today


so fucking retarded

Collaborators are not 'US', they are worse than jews

brainless piece of shit you are

Traitors before enemies, but jews before either.

A lot of anons here are ex-military/veterans including myself. I don't see the problem. If you don't like it here or find it questionable just leave. The only possible reason you'd stay here despite knowing in your mind its compromised is if you were shilling lies. Cut the shit.

whole lot of retardation in this post

If you don't see the problem then shut your mouth and LOOK.

Did you get hit in the head very often, Mr. Veteran of Jewish Wars of Aggression?

So we just leave behind the kids here, the people on the fence, we just leave them behind to be toyed with to the point of their intellectual destruction?

Coward. You are truly disgraceful.

Idiotic. Serving is exactly why you see the Jewing. Look at all the generals and officers who have spoken about the ridiculousness of wars for Israel and the harm they do to American interests but a militaryman is still no congressman or senator. We're lowly pawns who took an easy predetermined path in life without thinking too much. The problem is once you're there on the field, you begin hearing, you begin seeing, you begin thinking. 4chan itself we know a definite honeypot crawling with devs, this is the only website I know of on the clearnet with popularity that allows tor for example. Jim is a good man that has given people without any left on the internet a platform, I won't have you insult him.

That isn't a fact, and neither is it an argument, goon. You claim that his constant posting of it proves he is insane, but really, it's the butthurt faggot who goes on rant after seeing an anime picture that needs adult supervision.

All of your statements aren't substantiated. You have no arguments.

At this point I've stopped giving them (You)s entirely. Either lurkers know or they don't.

>(((Ethan Chiel)))

There is a lot of coincidence with this site going downhill in many ways at the same time as Jim Watkins took over.
Holla Forums especially became meticulously censored with many constructive thoughtful threads deleted, many bans, etc.

From seeing all of this for so long, I can tell you they are keeping this community packaged for sale. There is just no other explanation that holds water considering the energy they put into targeting positive things. Then you have 2ch being taken over hostilely at the same time….by the same guy….

They were not even trying to hide it. It was completely obvious. You are SEVERELY deluded.

Jim Watkins is a third-rate spook charged with keeping the young blood of our movement ignorant and deluded

he always hated Holla Forums anyway
Holla Forums is the fertile core, the alchemical crux of the web
pol was born from it but pol is less than b, like a branch or a tentacle springing out of it
nowadays b has been bleached by censorship of course, since september 2014
but it is still alive under the lye
so moot, never appreciating b, never got a hold of what he had created
still he did create it and defended its right to exist until the kikes strongarmed him during gamergate and the fappening
so he was ourguy if only for being a resolute defender of free speech until his betaness got the best of him
who can throw a stone at him though? you take his place, facing the pressures he faced
as long as his stand was enough, eh remained fast and straight
"our glorious bastion of free speech"
all in all he not only allowed the birth of b and pol but also their blossoming into adolescence
coming of age meant our father moot to die, and in ways all is well because censoring pushed us outside to spread all over the net, and got trump elected
so just like gamergate redpilled a generation of halfassed lefties, it also threw us out of our mothersite and into the world wide web where we are fertilizing society
lady providence is infinitely wise and loving
dont hate moot
he created all this then kept it alive for 11 years
and even now, all raped that 4chan and 4pol are, they still played a major role in trump's erection by sheer users-pressure

that's my newfag's take on it anyway

for shame.

Did you use it to report child pornography, credit card numbers, social security numbers, or banking information? No? Then you didn't use it the way it is indented. Repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it the truth, kike.

Guess who used it the way it was intended.

yeah, those are the mods

gee I wonder who runs the site, could it be….

Gee, I wonder who is behind this post?
Could it be?
hasbarafag, is that you?

yep, it's a braindead liberalised kike slave

It is!
You'll never be white, you paki faggot.

just one sec

i'm just curious about one thing

what does anime have to do with National Socialism?

I can tell you what it has to with subverting it.

originalfag here, Holla Forums is just Holla Forums given a purpose.
It's almost all the same people. The important thing isn't the topic (politics or random), the important thing is the group of people using the place, and keeping the culture alive. 8/pol/ is more Holla Forums than old Holla Forums ever was.

the topic is what started the culture to begin with

without a healthy conversation about relevant issues the community just devolves into retardation

"keeping the culture alive" is not a goal you should ever be consciously thinking about, a strong culture is a coincidence that happens when the fundamentals are strong. Culture is a consequence of vitality.

Catering to a bunch retarded meme children who copy the superficial aspects of the culture is precisely the OPPOSITE of keeping it alive

Fuck off, kike.

manga are not books

I will help you.

Basically in zen it is taught that by attempting to consciously obtain something you will make it impossible to obtain that thing. This is especially true for complex and mysterious things.

help yourself, read this, a japanese monk wrote this during the time that tokugawa ascended

On a scale of 1 to Supreme Gentleman, exactly how desperate are you right now?

you need to stop posting. You need to ask some one in your life for help. You are out of control. You need to get off this site, off the internet, and educate yourself and build some constructive habits.

Thanks for admitting you lost.

please, read this book

it's fundamental japanese culture that even most japanese are ignorant of. Read it, it's good, and it's only like 100 pages or less.

Right, says the guy running cover for that Canadian Jew and the various cucks on the mod team.


Taunt Jim on twitter for extra juicy juice.

Begging won't help you, kike.
Nothing will. If you kill yourself now at least you'll have some control at the end, as opposed to what's about to happen next.

dude you're completely insane, nothing you say makes sense, you've descended into complete self-righteousness

the way you obsessively respond with canned meme namecalling shows that this interaction is seriously getting to you. You're legitimately upset about this.

Honestly my inclination is to discount these mentally ill things as equivalent to bots, since they act 100% like bots: no free will, just following a program, no critical thought, really displaying nothing that can be called human.

But they are human on some level I believe. I wonder if they can be reached by any means.

This thread is an unreadable pile of shit (like most threads on 8/pol/, thanks mods)

4chan Holla Forums has way more users but maintains higher quality discussions since the 4chan mods are just botneting people for google, not actively trying to sabotage the board like the mods here. Hiroyuki must be making a shitload of money on passes.

Amren borther.

Spilled the beans already? Everyone fucking knows it's (((you))), roach. 2 days in a row of getting bitch slapped for being such a failure and bathetic in ever attempting to destroy the board. Cry in your corner or start spamming again like a good little broken jukebox as usual to show everyone how brave you are.

all of these things

you are severely mentally ill, stop posting, literally no one who starts a conversation would ever want anything to do with you. You are pure negativity, pure insanity.

You've played all of your cards and failed in in every possible way. And yet you continue pretending that it never happened, pretending of talking to yourself and you're the victim? God, you've lost everything and became a big fat zero, the same as your tor shows it while hiding behind proxies like some castrated neet. Do everyone and yourself a favor, abort yourself.

We must fight a Civil War NOW

Our people are being turned into insane animals dominated by compulsive behavior. The media and the public education system that the jews have created is solely responsible. We cannot reason with our "leaders" in government. We have absolutely no representation. We have no choices left. The situation is grave, this is a dire emergency. We cannot survive another generation of this subjugation.

There is only one thing to do:
Rise up and kill our enemies immediately.

Things are much worse now than they have ever been for us in history. This is a WAR, and we are being torn to shreds without defending ourselves.

Do you think you can do your part sitting at your computer and posting memes? Do you think we can overcome worse subjugation than Weimar Germany without shedding a single drop of our own blood? This is war, and we should be prepared to sacrifice our lives as our ancestors have done to defend the future we have now.

This site, the news, everything, is geared toward fooling us into doing nothing but talk, talk, talk.

Let's start targeting think tank leaders at universities who shape the government's policy, let's start targeting media creators who fill our peoples' heads with lies, let's start targeting bankers who rob our people blind, LET'S TARGET THESE MONSTERS, LET'S TAKE OUR CHANCE AND KILL THEM.
Mass surveillance, the police/military, etc., will be ineffective when we all start attacking together. The police/military/government will be divided by desertion, our own people will not kill each other.

If every ONE IN TEN of us who realizes this problem took out ONE of these sorts of people immediately, we could start rebuilding our society tomorrow.

We should all be thinking long and hard about making our sacrifice. Many will be waiting for a leader to follow. He will not come; mass surveillance will detect and destroy any individual leader. We must be guided by our IDEAS alone, we must become our own leaders and do our DUTY to defend our people of our own accord.

Hail victory.



Its funny how 4 of them even have the same name and birthday