Charlottesville proves whites don’t have the institutional power to be racist

Has anyone used this logic against a lefttard? Post their reaction ITT.

Bump for interest

Yes. It never works. They'll either recite meaningless buzzwords that were drilled into their head by an authority figure, or chimp out.

Can't anyone else think this could be useful?

Actually, you don't have to argue with them. You don't even tell them they're wrong directly. Just ask questions and ask their beliefs and bring their thoughts to their logical conclusion. They will start questioning their beliefs and you will win eventually. You will never change someone's mind in the short game, especially not close-minded brainwashed leftists, the long game is what you have to play. PSY-OP's 101

Also this is much easier with women because most of the time they don't know why they believe things. Most leftist men don't know either but a higher proportion of them will know a little more.

not successfully. Only tricks and appeals to emotion work.

Good luck getting them to accept any premise of whites not having power until whites are totally hopeless to prevent their own genocide. They are allied with Jews and always wonder what a Jew will think of them if they say anything.

No fucking shit. They're the mainstream now, that's why we know they're full of shit and that we're right. Anyone with a fucking brain and some sense cans see how obvious it is. If whites had true power and privilege, nobody else would be even able to utter a single word about whites without consequences like it is with privileged kikes who have way disproportionate amounts of power and privilege through crony means.

Sophistry works well, not really an argument but oh well. Build up easy to tear down strawmen and they either get mad or play it off.

It is literally impossible to redpill a true leftist in anything. Their entire belief relies on the denial of facts, anything you say to them is immediately discounted, no matter how true it is.


It's worse than arguing with religious fundies. Yuri was right, they are subverted and even if we showed them all evidence and even gave them a free trip to ground zero they would make all manner of mental gymnastics and refuse to accept it until the boot is on their head.

As the shitskins are turning on their white antifa "allies", I can't help but laugh. We tried to save them but they'll reap what they sow.

You typed this post as if colored people with IQs in the 90s, antifa pencilnecks, and the neo-liberal jewish financial world elite employing them care.

I know they are white, but do we really want them? Even if we keep them, literally the first wave of eugenics will require us to sterilise them.

I like Duke. I'm just disappointed that he came out and backed Zio Trump. He's probably a plant.

Your mistake was doing anything but calling them anti-white and putting them down when they inevitably try assaulting you.

Religious fundamentalists are a lot saner than leftists.

Leftists seem to be the bootlickers from the old papacy who would obey whatever the church told them, no matter how retarded or corrupt it was.

No, white brainwashed liberals are much worse than shitskins for our cause. This is for 2 reasons, the first being that they're smarter than the shitskin the second being is that they're the same skin colour and from the same herritage. Which compells us to save them from their own mental trappings, but unfortunately they can't be saved at all. Trying to salvage the 5-10% non retarded ones is like trying to salvage the 5-10% of niggers who have an average IQ.

A second problem is that the white liberals are the best henchmen for jewish elites, they make great puppets. Just look at congress and the EU parliament, full of whites but we all know who is really pulling the strings as well as knowing that the politicians are allowing it to happen.

(((David Duke)))

Something something more black people in jail, more black people killled by cops. Even though it's their own fault.

If there's a person who embodies the true NatSoc it is Duke, really, you're either a shill or a retarded, or both.
Yes, his methods are sometimes shitty, but he's fucking 70 years old.


It's even more pathetic that it thinks anyone should give a care about tax evasion.

It's been proven that the IRS targets people based on their political affiliations, so why would it be surprising to anyone that they attack Duke?

I've literally larped as a nigger on social media and was still shut down by white and (((white))) leftists. Even when a nigger tells them they are wrong about racism or social justice they still manage a way to skirt around the facts and spew their marxist agenda. One time I got a lefty so buttmad they tried to dox my sockpuppet to "shame" me. A white woman was trying to shame a black man because he didn't agree with her. This goes against everything they fucking spew. You cannot take anything they say at face value because it's all meaningless.

I'm telling all of you right now. There is no appeasing or converting a marxist. The goal should always be to win the good graces of of a moderate onlooker. But a marxist will find any slimy excuse to justify their ideology regardless if it's based on reality or not.

If you don't believe me then try it yourself. Make a twitter/facebook/instagram account as a nigger/woman/mudslime and wedge your way into those marxist/lefty circles. Watch as every argument you put forth gets shut down.

He's done some good work, but I can't really call him "true natsoc" when he still believes in the holocaust.