Nigel Farage: "Racists nearly killed Ukip this week"

@Telegraph, Nigel Farage wrote an article titled "Racists nearly killed Ukip this week, but we live to fight our most important battle."

I do not have access to the rest of the article since I am not willing to give my neetbux to news outlets. If anyone is willing to post the rest of the article, I would be grateful.

http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/news/2017/09/30/racists-nearly-killed-ukip-week-live-fight-important-battle/amp/

Other urls found in this thread:

Word filter. Interesting.
Who are the Patriots?

To be expected from a man who regularly utters the phrase "Judaeo-Christian". What Holla Forums needs to understand is that the average person is an absolute idiot who has no concept of history, theology or philosophy. They simply cannot perceive threats, just like the myriad people before them who did nothing when it was beyond obvious to anyone with half a brain what the correct move was.

Farage is good for the UK insofar as he brought up immigration openly. He has always talked about taking more immigrants from 'outside the EU' though, the actual ones that are problem. He does not have a historical, theological or philosophical reason for opposing immigration or opposing Religion of Cuck™. He has an economic reason.

We at Holla Forums do not (or at least should not) be voting for 'leaders'. We are voting for the important policies. I thought people knew this. Farage was good for Brexit. Trump is good for stopping/slowing immigration. We don't particularly care what else they do, although it would be nice if they push other things. We did not vote for them as leaders though. We voted for them for those few policies that we see as integral for our continued survival. Perhaps one day we'll vote for an actual leader, but I doubt it. Far more likely is it that any real leader will emerge through violence. For now we just try to slow the bleeding and give more time for such a leader to arise - that is the only purpose of voting for us.


God thanks for anti-racist, anti-antisemitist Farage. So based!


Based Nige is almost as based as America!

farage has always been controlled opposition. he bragged about how Jew-kip stole votes from the BNP a few years back. he is a gatekeeper whose job is to stop the rise of ethnic nationalism in britian.

Exactly. People who lose their minds over Trump or Farage not being a real solution never understood the game to begin with. This system is beyond salvaging, and has been for quite some time. If you go back through history every time a civilization has allowed for this level of weak men, corrupt leaders, empowerment of women, and rampant hedonism, it has fallen shortly thereafter. The only real question is whether or not it will fall from an attack from outside forces, or if our revolution will be successful and we will hang our current leaders from the parapets. There is no democratic solution and anyone who imagined otherwise is a damned fool.

Ukip only existed to get the UK out of the EU. There was never any other purpose. Beyond that, Farage has always demonstrated that he was essentially an economic liberal with vestiges of patriotism, but has never been willing to take hard lines with regards to shitskin invaders or the kikes. I'm not even sure the man is actually anti-cosmopolitan.

yeah, i do respect farage for all the hard work he did to get britain out of the EU. but now he needs to fuck off and retire. he's done his job. now its time for real ethnic nationalists to step up to the plate and cleanse britain of shitskins.

On one hand Anne is an emotive woman and would turn UKIP a single policy movement at the expense of everything else, on the other hand she's got more balls to discuss what needs to be discussed than anyone else. Besides, the longer the matter is kicked down the road the more inevitable violence becomes - because the Religion of Tavistock openly says it has no interest in integrating, but wants domination.

I forget who it was that said it, probably Nick Griffin or Jonathan Bowden, but the saying goes something like this: "getting nationalists to work together is like herding cats."

If the moderates among National Action (now illegal) joined forces with the BNP and the redpilled members of Ukip, they could perhaps really become a force to be reckoned with. I have no doubt there are enemies working constantly inside of these groups with the expressed purpose of fomenting divisions.

One of the reasons its so difficult is due to paranoia.
Induced by government efforts to suppress political dissidents.

It was Bowden.

You're so based, you probably think this is about jew…

Can't feel sorry for UK and America, they're the main reasons we're in this mess to begin with, and completely unapologetic about it. You get what you deserve.

There will ALWAYS be a force hostile to your society, culture, and way of life, always. The difference is between those that betray their own for it, and those that don't.

what did he mean by this?

Possibly that he doesn't want the party to be branded as racist or Religion of Cuck™aphobic. UK is far beyond help since its laws are insane if you remember outrageous events which people get jailed for things that usually you won't be punished. And with EU and UK going that route of protecting those muzzzies by implementing those anti-Religion of Cuck™aphobia laws which you can be put to jail just because you criticize that religion of cuckoldry, the people in UK are getting more afraid of whether to resist and be put to jail or stand down and be killed.
Really, there needs to be some uprising in UK of killing all those traitors, the sandniggers and half-breeds that ceep contaminating this country.

Problem is the Queen.
The old biddy won't do shit but keeps the military on the governments side despite the military's often frothing hatred of parliament.

maybe they are scared of scottish dawn being btfo after doing literally nothing

what about hitler's revolution? the nsdap werent abolitionists like you seem to be

Testing word filters:

Religion of Cuck™



And to think i used to like this guy…
Get fucked Farage, maybe we'll hear from you when some "asian" rapes your daughter and you will be arrested for complaining about it, because that's what racists do, right Nigel?

Do you honestly think that we are in the situation that Germany was in, in the 1920s? Germany was not an empire that had grown corpulent and corrupt off its own success and dominance, it was not a civilization that had empowered women to take control of its political system and cultural evolution, it wasn't a country that had abandoned theological foundations that bound its society together, it still had strong men interested in its future, and its people certainly did not view themselves as invincible and thus fall into lassitude and complacency.

Germany was a defeated country that essentially threw off the shackles imposed on it by its conquerors and regained its vigor as a powerful nation, but it was not in any way an empire. Comparing a vast empire that rules the world with a nation that had just been utterly defeated and was suffering economically, culturally, and spiritually due to what was in essence an occupation of their country, is deeply flawed.

The West, and in particular the United States, are an empire, and empires always follow the same historical patterns. Rather than comparing us to 1920s Germany, compare us to Rome, or to Persia, or to Babylon, and so on. All fell after achieving utter dominance and supremacy, total economic luxury & prosperity (for the time), and shortly thereafter abandoning all the principles, laws, theology, and cultural tenets that had propelled them to such a position in the first place. Believing themselves to be invincible and unassailable they allow their military to fall into ruin and disrepair, and are destroyed or conquered shortly thereafter.

Look at what we're doing with Russia right now. We're antagonizing them and pushing them into a situation where they may feel no choice but to resort to war, by attacking their allies and building missile batteries practically on their border. Imagine if a power like Russia or China were building missile batteries along the border of Mexico and Canada. Consider what we're doing and how dangerously close we are already to war with a power that may be Persia to our Babylon, Greece to our Persia. And why would we do this? Because we think we can do anything we want because nothing can ever defeat us. After all, nothing ever has before, right? Of course what our military and country are now is nothing compared to what it used to be, but people in declining empires look back in vanity and pride over achievements by their forebears and imagine themselves to not only be their equal, but even greater. Pride goes before the fall and no one is more undeservedly proud and full of hubris than the citizens of a decaying civilization.

We are in the final stages of this cycle. Once a nation rabidly embraces sexual degeneracy and abandons religion, it vanishes within a generation. By my estimation, we will collapse within the next 10 years, it is impossible to avoid this. The only hope that we have is that it will be a collapse caused by forces within the country, rather than from without. This is what happened in Rome when Julius Caesar was assassinated. Rome is fascinating because it technically survived the cycle by essentially being taken over from within, which prevented the normal scenario of an outside force destroying them. That time, anyway, since centuries later they would not have a revolution in time to root out the festering corruption that ultimately resulted in the end of Rome.

So in summation we have to hope that enough people get furious enough, and that an event on the level of Julius Caesar being brutally murdered occurs, in order to trigger the violent revolution and execution of our leaders that will save our country. Otherwise we will simply push a foreign power too far and be destroyed in a sudden, blinding assault, and we will be dust in the wind just like every other empire that came and went before us.

Truer words have never been spoken. The Hitler you seek lies within, never forget that.

Thank Kek I found the thread that has actual Holla Forumsacks posting in it


immigration has ruined our board even

in post ww1 germany if you hummed the national anthem you would get told to stop. maybe they didnt use words like "offensive", but the atmosphere was the same. the majority of white americans outside of cities are not even close to like that. in the midst of the niggerball kneeling, the recent nascar race went way above and beyond to show support for the country during the anthem. inb4 but these people inadvertently support white genocide
i'm not arguing that we arent at the end of the cycle of empires or 240 years or whatever. my only problem is with people who just state that they're ready for everything to burn down but they dont seem to have any worry of the rebuilding. we should do what we can do ensure that the climax of the decline happens in such a way that we are in the best possible situation to ensure the existence of our people etc etc, instead of just hoping for the best as everything around us gets fucked
in america we have the second amendment for the reason, so the *best case scenario* would likely involve some well regulated militias and the like, preceded by a hitler for our hindenburg that is trump. this is better than "we should just let hillary win the next election because of accelerationism lmao". people can throw around blackpills all they want, but at the end of the day that isnt what you strive towards. the black pill destroys the things like hope and perseverance that helped get our ancestors through the hardest times like harsh winters and general hardships. this isnt the first kali yuga

It really is a sad thing that so many otherwise decent thinkers have stumbled on this block. I feel like people who SHOULD know better somehow manage to take this multiculturalism meme as a given fact of life. I was discussing this with a friend, and explaining that the major difference between the good parts of capitalism and NatSoc economics was that the well-being of the racial nation was paramount, and superior to pure (((profit motives))). I explained that I no longer believed in (((libertarianism))) for just this reason, and that the Constitution is just a vestigial thought in people's minds, having nothing to do with law or government policy other than the fact that people will still kill over the 1st and 2nd amendments–and therefore the Constitution was a failed attempt at creating a government for and by the People.

He disagreed, and said a return to the Constitution was our best route forward, since American National Socialism seemed impossible to implement, due to the number of shitskins and kikes already on our soil. On this one point I was willing to concede. I would support a return to our ORIGINAL documents–because they lay out an explicit white ethnostate in which only landed white males can vote. The conversation ended soon thereafter kek. I often wonder if these Constitutionalists realize that, if they were ACTUALLY true to the founding documents, they're white nationalists?

Fucking britkike scum, any awakened brit needs to get out of there and just let it die. I read that some Britons are regrouping in Poland, and despite shit pay things simply cost less so you can still live well, better than Britain if you factor in that it's almost 100% white.

Trips of motherfucking truth

UKIP leadership results

Winner: Henry Bolton, 3,874 votes (29.9%)
Anne Marie Waters, 2,755 votes (21.3%)
David Kurten, 2,201 votes (17%)
John Rees-Evans, 2,021 votes (15.6%)
Peter Whittle, 1,413 votes, (10.9%)
Jane Collins, 566 votes, 4.4%
Aidan Powlesland, 85 votes, 0.65%

honestly bolton would've been my second pick anyway, when I read his profile I thought most people would vote for him becuase of his career. But I have my doubts that someone who has worked for the EU can truly hold a constructive opinion that will further UKIPs agenda

You'd need to be a complete moron to think that.

That was who I was replying to another fashy based user, who does what the jews tell him to do, vote ZOG, every time.



You need to kill yourself.

Recognizing the cyclic nature of empires and America's place in that cycle is not a "blackpill". The fall of America should give you hope, because only such comprehensive destruction can stop degeneracy so massive and widespread. The fall of America will provide the golden opportunity for men like us to assert ourselves as the new system.

Addressing this in particular:

The 2nd Amendment will not keep the nation whole. There is no national-scale citizen organization that would allow armed citizens to keep an empire so massive whole. And if there were such an organization, it would become degenerate for the same exact reasons that our government and empire in general has become degenerate. The 2nd Amendment does naught but keep local communities alive. Local community militias will protect their neighborhood or county from nomadic opportunist predators like Mao's PLA. But they will not, cannot, keep the empire together.

There are wide swaths of the empire where no effective militias will organize at all, or where they will be overrun or routed by remnants of the USDOD/nasty girls. Citizen militias will be a regional phenomena only. From these local militias, there will be opportunities for new regional governments to arise. It is then that we seize power. At that time we must capture the hearts and minds of as many militia-communities in a geographically contiguous region as possible. The territory we amass in this fashion will be but a fraction of American Empire territory as it stands today. What follows is a long period of regional wars, likely many generations, in which we fight for power and territory.

Balkanization is inevitable. You cannot stop it. 2A militias cannot stop it. Embrace it, and make the opportunity our own.

The 250 year cycle meme is not real, what matters is how the race of the empire degenerates. Some are very fast if the ruling class is too small, others longer if more racially homogenous.
I never supported trump besides pointing out ways his detractors were talking out their ass. What I did was work hard against Hillary because with her it was guaranteed war. Now I kinda wish she had been elected, because Happening is upon us, Trump siding against whites/racists/muhlishas/flyoverland will seriously divide our ranks.
ASSES AND ELBOWS HELP ME I CAN'T STOP SUCKING COCK shit is blackpill, speaking realistically is not.


LoL, you are literally a retard


So he really was as ugly inside as he was outside. UKIP is a sham and doesn't deserve a single vote.

Can we now dispense with the myth that kosher anti-racist cuckservative politicians are "stepping stones" to anything? Have we not by now realized that, far from increasing white populist anger, they serve as steam valves for them, and redirect their energy back into kosher politics (aka white genocide)?

This, anyone who didn't already know this, should have realized it the second Trump started talking about granting amnesty. There are no democratic solutions to enslavement. The kikes enslaved us through debt based currency. Either we have a revolution, or we die.

Mods won't let you disrespect lslam and so replace it with Religion of Cuck™ which can be any religion you imagine.

Seriously though, no one has access to the rest of the article? I find it insulting that now they want to charge you in order to read the rest.

I dare them to replace Patriots with La-li-lu-le-lo.

Word filters are Holla Forums tier, it's lame. The Tavistock-Gate filter was awful as well.

don't forget the amnesty bill introduced in the senate last week when everyone was talking about football, just a coincidence.

that was the one filter I actually found funny

The mods are comprised of various muds, freemasons but mostly isreali hasbara jews
Imkampfy is a mongrol shitskin antiwhite who routinely and openly takes the piss out of anons here baiting the goy and then once banning the goy exposing the latest jewish trick talks openly in the thread with teams of Kushner paid hasbara gloating how the goy doesn;t have any rights on Holla Forums

Still the goys return and praise ZOG dreaming of making isreal great again

It was funny because it we got words like reletavistock instead of relegate and the mods looked like morons for making it. But their intention for doing so was incredible kiked.


mainly because any politician with that view in Europe would never get anywhere politically

In your dreams. In reality you're pretending to be important but almost everyone here has already learned to ignore your contentless posts.
The jew has indirectly destroyed your ability to do anything but endlessly repeat edgy buzzwords and make the same zero content post over and over, and they've even got you thinking that you're doing something useful. Sad.

it would also be political suicide in America or any other western country with white people thanks to (((some people)))

>(((some people)))
And, let's not forget, well over 50% of whites anywhere are hopelessly brainwashed to the point of no return, and would gladly die before doing anything "racist"

I'm starting to think Antifa is a distraction as well. I see all the MAGAtards talking about how Antifa comes in all colors and how they're the real enemy. Give the goyim an overwhelmingly white enemy to fight, and exacerbate white genocide, while Conservative morons marry and breed with BASED niggers and spics.

Welcome to this thread one of Imkampfy's personal hasbara kike minions who will now police this board more tightly now they know that some wild goys are on here right now.


The entire royal family is the problem.

You know the score. There will never be a simple race war, there were always going to be whites siding with muds.

do you think cucked when the war happens lefties will wake up and side with us when they realize muslims want them dead, raped orliving under sharia in a caliphate? I really, really hope they do.

*cucked liberals

And that's why you always kill a traitor before an enemy.


UKIP keeps sliding leftwards.

They always were. Shoving each other in the street certainly gets us no where. Racemixing is a huge longterm problem, but right now the numbers are that nonwhite/immigrant breeding is more of a direct problem than miscegenation. Racemixing is at the moment mostly a morale issue to divide and demoralize us. Of course, all the namefags purportedly being on our side are from cities and the west coast where racemixing and jew worship is highest.

This time around,
then traitors, then the subhuman hordes.

pic related

They will fight along side the shitskins, they will bleed for them, they will die for them, they will watch as the subhumans desecrate the corpses of their white brethren, even their own libtard foot soldiers because "ay yo fuk yt!" And they will believe it was just "misplaced justified anger at white oppression."

They will be raped and beheaded by mudslimes, they will be raped and beaten by niggers, they will be robbed and murdered by wetbacks, and all the while they will defend them. Their own women will be raped and eventually murdered, their cuck men will be mocked and ridiculed and beaten down into the dirt. And still, they will stand up against US and say we are the real enemy, and will fight on the side of the nogs.

I work in the mental health field user dealing with "acute" patients of many stripes (suicidal, psychosis, schizos, dementia, massive PTSD, sexual abuse that has broken them to where they WANT to be with their abuser, etc), I see people every day who are broken beyond all repair. Who can never live a normal life, who cannot see reality as it is, whose thinking is stuck in loops, they see and hear things that are not there, they react in completely inappropriate ways, they abuse those attempting to help them, and seek a return to those who have harmed them, and no matter what you say to them, no matter what you do for them, they will NEVER be fixed. The best you can hope for, is putting them in a place where they cannot harm themselves or others, and even that does not happen in almost all cases, most of them end up back where they were, or out on the street, or in worse situations, and so on. A tiny fraction end up going to a place where they can be kept at least safe from harm.

So when I say, liberalism is a mental disorder, I have first hand experience dealing with actual mental disorders, and can tell you the parallels are very real, more than what any talking head on youtube or some article on a right wing blog can ever truly explain. These people will, without a doubt in my mind, march to their deaths for the nogs and never EVER turn back, and they will go to their deaths or their constant brutal rapings, BELIEVING they made the right decision and that their ideology is still correct.

That, son, is the end result of leftism. So do not let yourself believe the hard leftists can be saved. Focus, if you wish, on the soft leftists. You may save a few. But in general, if they haven't already woken up to the reality they face with the subhuman hordes… then they probably arent salvagable. Try, but do not let yourself be depressed about losing them. Because, just like any forest that has become overgrown, a cleansing fire must come forth and purge away the excess. And leftism in its totality, is that excess.

Exactly Antifa has and always will be the dummy from which pressure can be exerted on local administration to surrender to international finance and which the discontented conservatives can waste their will to physical force.

jews run pol still

Here you are for starters kikes:
imkampfy mask slipping
Board log
Mods supporting porn
imkampfy being a faggot again
For the archives:
mods triggered by noting Ivanka's children are mischlings
Evidence of narrative crafting

Other kikery

There's plenty more exposing this jew infested shitpit

Oops replied to wrong thread

Still dubs says it applies to all threads really

as i understand it, the second amendment is more of a deterrent of tyranny and while active it is an extremely effective purging mechanism; obviously the extent of which depends on the character and weaponry of the men and all that. that may not do much to hold the empire together, but it's still something that should be taken advantage of

to me, the term "black pill" means thinking that the worst thing will happen and accepting it (optional: convince others to give up as well). if you plan for the worst and will continue to struggle regardless of the situation then there cant be much black pill there because you're trying to make things better than they are or will be

this is pretty much what i was trying to get at. being delusional or ignoring reality and/or trends etc wont help anything, but that doesnt mean be a "i just want worldwide chaos to occur and i dont care how many good white men die or what happens afterwards"fag. if people say to vote for hillary then that's fine, but at least give a reason why and how you think things will play out to the extent where you can possibly promote real discussion and be differentiated from a lazy shitposting shill. just trying to keep the 14 words in mind

it won't be far off until they start saying to drone/bomb/gas a nazi from their 'punch a nazi'


as of charlottesville i've seen people talking about how america should treat the "nazis" of today in the same way america treated them in ww2 - meaning to sic the whole might of the military on them. why the media hasnt directly questioned why trump isnt doing this i dont know
i dont mean to trigger anyone's >MUH PR response, but white nationalism could really use a pr campaign in order to get the public on our side (yeah, obviously it would be good to have more good white men on our side). white trump voters are already not too far off. they dont need to be full on national socialists; they just need the basics like being anti subhuman and having a proper understanding of the jew and it's schemes. i think it would have to be something extremely subtle though, and initiated amidst a golden opportunity. i have no idea how such a thing would look so maybe it isnt possible and we'll have to keep with the slow grind for a while. plenty of people will be keeping their heads up though

Brit/pol/ BTFO again.

Suck shit, sandnigger.


That's not the deal with our professional politicians. The jews plays both ends of the spectrum against eachother to keep deciding the narrative and control our societies. That's why it's so goddam important to stay on these guys and the second they cuck out, they are not part of us and will never do us good in the aspects that matters. Most of the "popular far-right" nowadays and for the last 10 years has been controlled opposition, a nearly completely kosher movement that keep us, we who have to fight our own battle away from actually doing so.

It's like nationalism post ww2 is not compatible with England.
See the anti nat soc D&C'rs who bismerch Sir Mosley as anti German.

There are a lot of nationalists in England. Farage is not one of them. Nationalists were attracted to UKIP because some of their policies aligned with our goals - that is all. It's more or less the same in every Western nation, there are few if any genuinely Nationalistic politicians (of significance) - whilst there are many genuinely Nationalistic citizens.

Take your anti-Anglo D&C elsewhere lad.

Farage is a fucking jew. Wake up, brah.

Getting really tired of this mod kikery

Its amazing how the only non cucked political leader on the entire planet is a pino

a man in germany warned us 80 years ago we should have listened lads

enoch was our last hope

Well said. The modern progressive hordes will die for their revenge complex. To people outside looking in, it's so easy to understand. Either you side with these psychotics or you fight them. There is no helping them, there is no changing them, there is no saving them. They are hopeless. Like a leg stuck in a bear trap, they need to be removed from academia, media, politics, or we will die.

He was never Hitler blah blah blah blah, but that doesn't sit well with me. The more that Right Wing leaders cuck or sell out the more radicalized their followers are gonna become. Once again kikes are playing another extremely dangerous game where chances are they're gonna lose. The Right was always a splintered series of organizations but they still had leaders, with every leader proving a traitor it'll get to the point where there will be no leaders and rather than the kikes cutting the head off the dragon they'll find themselves fighting a Hydra that's way too goddamn big to dream of fighting let alone winning against

Screencap worthy.

t. former leftist

For posterity.

hi imbeaner/realcoonman

Thank you, user.

But the BNP is controlled opposition.

Now it is, after the jews forced Griffin out after he refused to go counter-jihad and pretend its the muslims and not the jews like Holla Forums now does

i always disliked both farage and the UKIP, brexit was a mistake. the european union is a great project, the problem is its current administration. the right-wing politicians should work to overthrow and oppose the current european establishment (exactly like hungary's viktor orban is doing) instead of getting out of the EU. a unified europe with closed borders and no third-world immigrants would be the closest thing to heaven on earth we could wish for

Problems created by Democracy cannot be solved with Democracy.

Never forget the story of Lucius Cincinnatus, one of the greatest and most virtuous men who has ever lived. When the Roman Republic stood on the brink of annihilation due to corruption and political division, only Cincinnatus seizing absolute power and aggressively wielding it saved Roman civilization from an early and unsightly end. And when the problem had been resolved, when Rome at last stood free and saved, liberated from the disintegration rotting her from within, Cincinnatus abdicated his throne and restored the Republic, returning to his farm to labor once again in the fields. This is manliness. This is virtue. This is honor. This is justice.

Absolute authority is feared by those whose nefarious and predatory designs would be undone by such power. The common man has never feared the Emperor, for the Emperor is easily felled by the assassin's blow. Should he turn against the people whom he exists to protect and serve, he will fall in short order. Only those who dream themselves kings fear the wrath of a true king. And so the two-pronged attack on the West was made, on the one hand to indoctrinate us to the idea that such authority is inherently wicked, and on the other to rob men of all virtue and honor, so that should any such authority ever arise, it would merely serve their interests in proving such authority illegitimate.

Again, as in all things, the Bible is the final arbiter. Power is not the root of all evil. Money is. The great perpetrators of evil in the world are not kings or emperors, but merchants and traitors, betrayers of blood and nation, who are rootless and filled with rage and malice born from envy and impotence.

Peace in the Roman era was an idea of unity. Of justice. Of law and order and harmony, the opposing force of chaos and discord. Peace is not the opposite of war, as we have been corrupted into believing in the degenerate postmodern era. One could be peaceful and still wage war. One could be peaceful and still engage in conquest. A mighty river was peaceful, though there may indeed be a great and sweeping force behind it, for it flowed united in a single direction and followed it's natural course. Peace was the synthesis of the highest virtues of the Classical world, of unity and charity and strength, of honorable conduct not just against ones kin, but against enemies as well. To stand united, for all of one blood to move in concert and harmony. To build instead of tear down, to create instead of destroy. To be fruitful and multiply instead of being barren and hollow. To safeguard and spread civilization instead of allowing it to languish and fall into anarchy and chaos.

The Romans were peaceful, or tried to be. At the height of it's power, the British Empire was peaceful. And when settlers and colonists came here to the New World from the Old, they too were peaceful, and lived as peaceful men ought.

When Christ declared himself the Prince of Peace to his audience, they understood what this meant, though we struggle to grasp it in this fallen era. And when he declared that though he was the Prince of Peace, he did not come bearing peace, but rather a sword, that too had a clear meaning.

Peace would not be given to us. Peace would have to be taken. He merely gave us the tools to achieve it. It is up to us to take our inheritance and polish it, or to abandon it and allow it to fade away, ourselves along with it.

If you believe we can achieve Peace through Democracy, you are sadly mistaken. Democracy was implemented to destroy our Peace. It holds no salvation for our people. We will be saved by the sword, and nothing else. This was true two thousand years ago. It remains true to this day. We are ideological outlaws, rebels against a world that doesn't want to be saved. We soldier on, because we must, because our people need us, and because no one else will.

t. American

That's a shill, newfag. You're supposed to ignore them.

People need to understand that the establishment will not save us from the establishment. Libertarians like Farage were only ever temporary allies of convenience at best. If he were an actual threat to the system, he would have never been allowed to participate in it.

That's what you get for falling for the democracy meme. People like Farage are nothing more than controlled opposition; a safety valve for the establishment so the goyim could remain asleep.

Lol wut

Rome was built by pagans and only became Christian at the end. Christianity presided over the loss of most of the Empire. The Christian Byzantine Empire only grew when conniving and ruthless Christian-in-name-only Emperors like Justinian ruled. Justinian, of course was the man behind suppressing the Nika Riots, which were a massive riot over chariot races. 30,000 rioters we're reportedly slain, hardly Christ like nor peaceful behavior.

Also, nobody built ancient Rome by peace. They built their empire by killing everyone in their way. The earliest time of their nation was secured by raping the wives of their Sabine neighbors.

Power comes through cunning and violence. Not "peace." To quote Genghis Khan, "time enough for peace in the grave."


On some level we have to suck it up and work with these people while we can. Maybe not in the U.K., but in the U.S. gaining power and influence in the national GOP, College Republicans, and in local politics and commerce would do us much more good than fighting antifa in the streets so we can LARP as European far rightists. It would have been easier had Dickie and Co. not shown up, but there's nothing we can do about that now. Trump Republicanism has provided us with an excellent opportunity.

exactly christcucks or larpagans are retarded.

we need to be a STRONG ATHEIST EMPIRE.



On some level we have to suck it up and work with these people while we can. Maybe not in the U.K., but in the U.S. gaining power and influence in the national GOP, College Republicans, and in local politics and commerce would do us much more good than fighting antifa in the streets so we can LARP as European far rightists. It would have been easier had Dickie and Co. not shown up, but there's nothing we can do about that now. Trump Republicanism has provided us with an excellent opportunity.

On some level we have to suck it up and work with these people while we can. Maybe not in the U.K., but in the U.S. gaining power and influence in the national GOP, College Republicans, and in local politics and commerce would do us much more good than fighting antifa in the streets so we can LARP as European far rightists. It would have been easier had Dickie and Co. not shown up, but there's nothing we can do about that now. Trump Republicanism has provided us with an excellent opportunity.


On some level we have to suck it up and work with these people while we can. Maybe not in the U.K., but in the U.S. gaining power and influence in the national GOP, College Republicans, and in local politics and commerce would do us much more good than fighting antifa in the streets so we can LARP as European far rightists. It would have been easier had Dickie and Co. not shown up, but there's nothing we can do about that now. Trump Republicanism has provided us with an excellent opportunity.

the og

Great post user!

All political movements where race is not in play are going to be killed by someone, Nigel. I love you man, but you're still a fucking boomer.

I was a hard-left socialist. Several years of exposure to Holla Forums straightened my thinking out. As well as being abused by leftists for having even one rational opinion. I understand that most people aren't going to go down this road, though. Which is a shame because so many of them are high-quality white people in just about every way that isn't ideological.

Please write a long-form article about this sometime, with more specific examples about the parallels between trauma-based delusions and Leftisim. Something with normie friendly jargon would be really appreciated. There are a lot of places and people I think I could reach with it.

This is what happens when you're so desperate for a right-wing revolutionary and ignore some of the most glaring flaws in the first person that gives a word or two about 'muh extreme Religion of Cuck™'

None of us should be surprised. Have at least 4 children, and let the system tear itself apart. You're witnessing liberalism, and that's what Nigel Farage is, attempting to hold itself up before it collapses.

I should make a board that is entirely made of filters to fuck up with outsiders. Every couple of weeks a new word filter is added, or one is dropped, or one is changed.
Soon you'll be talking about the Gendertavistock playing a major role in the Kikential Erections of the United States of Jerusalem

Farage, while a civic nationalist cuck, still deserves respect and admiration. His work made immigration THE issue and won Brexit. They tried to kill him for his work and he is far from their worst nightmare.

Best way to shut down Cuckstitutionalists.

tbh, UKIP is the epitome of "I'm not racist, but…". People who'll scream and kvetch about Poles or other assorted Eastern Euros plaguing our nation, but be too chicken shit on brown people because muh racism.

UKIP is dead. Constant infighting that media picked up on, stupid failed PR bullshit to try and soften their image and the biggest squandered opportunity of all time last election.

Well said