"For Those Considering Blaxit, I Present to You: New Zealand"


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“I think New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. I reckon it’s definitely the place where I’ll retire,” wāni says. When asked if she would recommend Auckland to others, Janina doesn’t hesitate: “Absolutely—but do your research; sort your visa out beforehand, because they ain’t playin’ right now. … Just come with an open mind.” “And don’t get too hard about cultural appropriation,” wāni is quick to add, “because you’re gonna get hurt.”


But diversity is our strength

Hey, that's New Zealand's problem to deal with. We really need to meme Blaxit and Mexit. We have to pretend we're black people taking away all the great things we give to American society by leaving… imagine murals of nog artists, athletes and shit.

lol the Maori HATE wogs.

The niggers are parasites like Jews but unlike Jews who only have one shithole to call home the niggers have a bunch yet they only run to white countries with majority white people. Funny that, huh? It's like they want to be oppressed or something.

Let's make this very clear, the answer to the question of why niggers are here. It is because niggers sold their own nigger kind into slavery after beating one of them in their tribal wars, enslaving the losing tribe, which still happens to this very day. What does this mean? It means 1) that everything bad that has EVER happened to niggers is their own fault and 2) niggers are the descendants of the LOSERS of Africa.

Yeah, you're a burger alright. Nuke burgerland when?

Fuck you, sheboon cunt. Stay away from N Zed.


Kill niggers

How do these people just decide to emigrate, and always to premium locations? As a European man I can’t really move anywhere, even to countries that share a head of state with mine. To be able to move anywhere outside of Europe I as a European male would need to have a really specific skill set or a considerable amount of money yet non Europeans just move where they like.

I understand that there is a deliberate plot to facilitate the ethnocide of the European peoples via rampant non European immigration BUT outside of ‘refugee’ programs HOW do these people just decide to move to random first world countries?

They just take their passport and arrive, apply for residency and get it. It's because

They don't just decide. This dumb mongoloid has a whole series of articles like this one, it's just something for it to do to justify its status as "journalist". OP is just another impotently raging moron who wants other Holla Forumsacks to be impotently angry. That's why he copypasted the entire fucking article.

Get fucked you nog cunt.
I got a better idea for you, how about you go live in China.

I don't know about you, but when was the last terrorist attack in New Zealand? is there any part of New Zealand that is majority poo-in-loo?
They go to these places because they haven't fucked it up yet.

The Maois have got to be pissed.

It's funny she speaks well of the islandniggers in kiwiland when they hate niggers so much.

It's true what they say, there is literally no race that likes niggers.

I'm sure Charles Darwin's prophesy about the inevitability of the civilised races of the world eradicating negroids will come to past.

Yeah not when 10% of them speak it ffs.

NZ doesn't herd people off to work camps because they don't come down here, it's too far and dangerous.

Was a total fucking load of BS also

This bullshit is a load of nigger cuntcheese. This nigger came here and didn't even research anything, sounds like they just went for a tourist trip on employers dime.
The niggers here stick out like a sore thumb and keep to themselves. We hate them and they never work any way.

Don't you find it strange they come here and write about niggers, instead of talking to the locals?

And don't forget, the island niggers here have been bleached out, none are more than 50%, most are 10-20% max and declining.

And fuck off, Auckland/NZ is full and overpopulated already ffs. Transport is fucked, roads are fucked, 40% houses un-rented and they are making cut and paste shitboxes on all the farmland around Auckland. It's literally gook and pajeet ghettos, the gooks are buying up all the land/services, because the corrupt middle management sells it and gets payouts.

Fuck that niggers attempt at 'journalism' is worse than most school kids writing a report ffs.

Meh, you're right. It would be easier to just meme somewhere like Brazil, anyways. Niggers think that place is actually a good country.

And by island niggers I mean the local savages that ate the Celts/Vikings who were here before them.

There are almost more current island niggers (Samoa/Tonga etc) than in their own islands because they imported them in the 50s-60s, now they all just sit on gibs.


Yes, I know. It just frustrates me is all, here I am a literal stranger in my own land, surrounded by people from every corner of the Earth, all welcome, all with rights and protections, all feeding themselves from my clay. Globalisation would be pointless and horrible even if it did offer equal opportunity, I don’t really want to leave other than to escape those who have arrived, but the fact that I can’t (even in theory) makes it all the worse.

What a joke.

Don't they already have their own niggers?
Are Maoris like abbos?
Shit what if niggers go there and create maori-abbo-superniggers?

< and they never work any way.


Every shitskin that comes here works doesn't matter if they're chink or poo but a fuckin wog? Never. Everything yanks say about them being lazy turned out to be more true than I could ever hope to imagine. They are the one race I can say with full certainty that have true innate worthlessness.


We laughed and clanked mugs together, and argued well into the night.
When that bright dawn arose, we rubbed our bleary eyes, and then felt a crushing feeling like a slow xbox-hungry nigger on Black Friday. At once, we remembered the horrors of our drunken jokes and that sickening phrase came to mind:

Are you telling me that there isn’t rampant non-European immigration into the west? Are you suggesting that they don’t merely arrive to seek opportunity, because they feel like it? Such an option I am saying is out of bounds for someone like me. I can’t just turn up to say Canada because I feel like emigrating there. Non-Europeans it very much seems can and do.

nah nigger cunts better stay the fuck out of nz don't think we're soft like yuros and burgeretards bash ur fookin head in you little orc fucks

You'll have to fight the maoris, indians, chinks, philipinos, and newly introduced muslims if you want in. Don't think anyone would notice if more unspecified browns showed up and started committing violent crimes.
Fucking JUST
Though really those nogs should go to Liberia where they belong.

What is she on about? Random Europeans can’t decide to be land-owning farmers on the other side of the world. She is mentally deranged.

You'd probably be able to get them to all move there with promises of the gigantic asses I hear brazillians have.


Yes maoris are the abo niggers but better than abos.
There are none more than 50%, most are 10-20% and identify as niggers for gibs.
Under 10% of them speak maori, yet some will bitch about 'white man' while doing nothing but leaching off white man. There are a few that are okay, respect their traditions and elders etc (Sovereign movement who hate the govt).
Overall though non whites in NZ are a bunch of fuckery.


Meme responsibly.

NZ was already ruined by all the chinks that piled in there and then took all the political positions locally with the chinese vote……jews of the asian world

I felt slightly better about Kiwis that day.

She's a walking stereotype.

If this groid-breeder is so enamored with her fellow turd-skins and hates whites so much, why the hell does she move to a rich white country? The audacity.

Literally all white activities along with 'wypipo watching events', an "activity" of loitering around and bothering white people and offending us with it's blackness. These scum wouldn't move to a turd country even if it had all the bennies they want to mooch off of(A hypothetical situation of course, because all such societies are impoverished crime-ridden dystopias), they want the added perk of being able to perch on the backs of whites and engage in parasitism, wave their presence in our faces and advocate our destruction, replacement, and form blocks against us just to see us crushed.


Also the walking turd creatures that hate and want to exterminate us the most are the ones that try to emulate us the most, ala the OP. Watching Lord of the Rings, moving to rich white countries, pretending to enjoy recreational outdoor activities like Hiking when we all know it'd rather be sitting on the couch writing bitterly and obsessively about whites on the internet. Self-hatred, envy and it's related compensation and projection produces the most dastardly enemies of our people the world has ever seen(Refer to /r/hapas)


They are an entirely different class of people, call them Trendies. Liberal nutjobs with liberal arts degrees that use their social media connections to get worthless jobs in HR, journalism, marketing, design and so on overseas. They move from place to place to try to find meaning in their otherwise meaningless existence. They almost always hate their home countries. I wouldn't feel bad that you can't join them, you don't want to be them.

The other class of migrant are of course the illiterate rapethugee class that come straight from the turd world and flood in massive numbers.

Memeing brazil as good would have the side effect of making people tolerate brazilification. Brazil should be ridiculed,and held up as an example of everything on the planet, because it is, and also because normalcattle associate it with degeneracy(big baboon asses,brazil wax, etc) and racemixing.

example of everything bad^

I call them Ikea people, or Veneerings. Heres an article by a bunch of left leaning centrists that explains in heavy detail the symbolism and connections to that garbage particleboard furnature these fake people marketing their fake lives like cheap disposable Ikea Furniture.

So let me get this straight. New Zealand takes him in as a refugee, gives his family free bed and board for decades and, instead of saying "thank you" he's decides to shit all over the kiwis instead.

Now that the Congo war is over, maybe it's time for "wani" to get his watermelons together and bugger off back to the jungle.


Brazil already has it bad enough being one of the most degenerate shitholes on earth, don't give them even more niggers.

Good. Destroy it.

This is where actors, millionaires and billionaires are making doomsday shelters for when SHTF. We can proactively ruin their plans with chimps. The downside is that it is a white nation.

We should also consider a follow up location they might move to if we ruin this one

As long as there are niggers and jews walking the earth, we all have the same problem.

What the fuck is wrong with you? A nigger hits on your wife, do you say "Good. Fuck her."?

very few niggers in NZ.
Lots of room for white SA anons to come


And that's supposed to be a legitimate reason to nigger-fy New Zealand? You're a cuck.

Wasn't saying I agreed with it, just pointing out their reasoning.
Ideally you'd want (((THEIR))) homeland to be niggered.

Ideally they wouldn't have a homeland that could be niggered in the first place, nor would there be niggers for that matter.

Does this author know ANYTHING about New Zealand? The Maoris fucking hate blacks. Not every country is like America, minorities don't always group up together.

The only country in the world to successfully have two races coexisting… and the niggers want to ruin it. This bitch must die.

That's a bit of a load of shit tbh.
NZ will be just as fucked as anywhere else, although we are quite self sufficient and protected from most immediate radioactive fallout by the ITCZ. Thing is the cities will tear themselves apart.

Rural areas stick together and we don't like most non-whites.

Another thing to note is we are easy pickings for an armed force. That said, we have 1 gun to every 3 people and terrain which many special forces train in - we have desert, alps, plains, rainforest and the rest. All the major types are here and we know how to fight and survive in them. It's a bit like Afghanistan in some ways. A modern fighting force would be pretty fucked. Often one road in, one road out anywhere remote, with plenty of dense bush…

NZ is fucked bro. Highest rate of suicide in the world & 45 year mortgages. It's only a 'paradise' if you've got a shitload of gook money, or are some kind of special minority status that entitles you to have everything for free under our socialist pandering gubberment. No country for white men.

You arseholes need to follow the Kang & Sudpol threads. Meme a takeover of SA in the coming racewar, while the west crumbles behind us

Keep giving the niggers free shit & electing kikes though, don't we?

They need to pay. White people being racially targeted & murdered don't qualify as 'refugees', remember.

Join us.

Stopped reading there.

Why? Brazil isn't anywhere close to white anymore. They're a convenient place to dump niggers an frankly they're getting a little too dangerous for my liking.

In my experience South African expats are the biggest, most cucky, most anti-racist scum on the planet. The biggest communist cuck I've ever known in my life was a South African whose parents fled the country. He openly talks about the violence in Johannesburg but is it the fault of niggers? Fuck no!

Add onto that the fuck that many South Africans are only questionably white and I think the South African meme is way overblown. My barber is a South African though and he seems pretty decent.

What? No races "successfully coexist." The Maori here just function like Indians in NA. They're a neutered warrior people, which is why they aren't a problem. They don't exist in sufficient numbers or sufficient power to be a problem and they like the absolute dedication to parasitism of kikes and niggers.

All nonwhites everywhere are a problem if you're white, user.

*lack the absolute dedication

They're just not being utilized right. Draft all Maori and put them under the most loyal of their elders, and have them raid Chinese fishing vessels.

Eh, maybe. To be honest Maori (pureblood Maori) are one of the few nonwhite peoples I'd keep around in conservation numbers rather than driving to extinction. I think they've earned that. Fuck the rest of the islandniggers though. Goddamn. So fucking sick of this shit.

Even in fucking America, browns hate blacks. It's why we even had hate crime laws in the first place, to jail interracial gang warfare longer.

I was actually hoping that #blaxit would become a thing. Niggers living white countries and actually go back to where they belong. I'm disappointed.

So TL;DR - Butthurt nignogs should move to New Zealand

They should die.


God this pisses me off. They hate whitey so much bud god forbid that they ever MOVE SOMEWHERE THAT WHITEY HASN'T MADE NICE AND IS LIVING IN. Jesus Christ, as someone from Canada it's like me going "Wow, I sure do hate that it's cold here for like a third of the year. Gee, I sure never want to live somewhere like this again. I mean, I really hate the cold!… I guess I'll move to Finland!"

Strayan here, met some blokes from NZ. Now I understand the first flag.

Yet one of the lowest driving death rates in the world.. guess what you hear more about…

Yeah no country for whites indeed. I'm doing my part to make it and then try to improve NZ, without the easy gook money.

It's one of the common social past-times ^__~
Hello from lesser shitpostingland brother!

Bru don't you dare fuck up my country like you fucked up yours. We already have enough problems with poos and chinks, how fucking dare you even suggest adding your shitty niggers to the mix.

I know we have it bad over here, but it almost feels even worse seenng NZ overran with chinks. What the fuck are they even doing there? I think of mountain, farms and streams - basically the whitest place imaginable - just being handed over to the third world for no reason. The thought of sandniggers in Milford Sound makes me want to puke.

Because the middle management faggots get paid off by gook firms and sell off public assets to them and let them over-develop stuff, because a few short term jobs are worth destroying our green image in return for some sheckels.
Milford is full of tourist ships already, sightseeing. We don't need 5 ships to do it ffs. Half the time they are empty.
Known a few people who have worked in the bars there and stayed till end/start of season and said it's amazingly isolated. Takes 3 hours for police to get there when they get a bit crazy on the piss kek.
Beautiful though, if you get a chance do the milford track. 3 days of paradise. Not many places in the world you can swim in a beautiful crystal clear waterfall waterhole and drink it at the same time.. it's a weird feeling, like breathing underwater in a dream.

I can say for certain I've never encountered a nigger that even pretended to go hiking, they're scared of wild animals and they especially are scared of snakes.

Are most niggers even able to find NZ on a map?

Seen footage of Ross Kemp asking the Taliban what they think about New Zealand
Went something like this;

Head Taliban dude

Burger here, Peter Jackson is the greatest director of all time, I've actually been a fan of his movies long before he directed any of the LOTR.

Nice! Knew of some of his earlier stuff before but wasn't as much of a fan as today. Would agree though, his talent has been present for quite some time before LOTR.

And that is one hell of an old pic! Also got to love how he sneaks cameos in to many of his films.

I agree fellow Nazis. The barrel scene in The Hobbit™ was breathtaking®.

Like the cultural enriched hobbit movies weren't already enough, now they want to put real niggers there? Fuck no!

One of the greatest scenes in cinematic history. Ff to the 3:50 mark.

Here is an old documentary/interview with Peter Jackson where he discusses how he directed Bad Taste on a shoe string budget.



refugees that try to come here usually die on the long journey, ones that make it still get deported - and we only take 750 legal refugees every year max
no one refers to aotearoa as just the north island anymore and te reo is not a "defining feature", it's something most kids might be made to do for a few hours in elementary/middle school
wani is a fucking liar because we don't have kool-aid here and I have never heard anyone make anything like this assumption here
explains everything - an Australian university, and probably the biggest communist producing factory in the southern hemisphere to boot
everyone laughs at these gits and gets on with it, it's not some big social issue, you don't hear shit
he's right about that at least, bring it up seriously in a conversation here and you're most likely to get laughed at, if not worse

Fuck this article and these people.
I will take a stab and say the reason she tells others to stay out of the South Island is due to the fact it is nearly entirely white.

… because Finland pays more welfare.

ftfy :/

If niggers REALLY put their minds together, they could make Africa the utopia they really want. But they can't even figure out how to get off of socialist programs long enough to do anything productive.

Very Smart Brothas indeed.

The whole point of Blaxit is to go live with fellow blacks.
In Africa.

New Zealand is too cold for niggers. Even the island niggers who originally lived there were driven to cannibalism before the white man came.

well, it's hard to be as subhumans as abbos are.

Let's send the Amish to New Zealand instead.

Nigger hasn't done its research, National run the welfare state better than Labour did and continue to expand it.
Others have brought this up already but most Maori can't speak te reo. No one seriously speaks it outside of small isolated communities and MAYBE within households. Also it's optional in school.
And here we get to the meat of it. Anyone considering moving here who doesn't already have a job lined up, study planned or specifically want to live in a majority white community will end up in Auckland. I've been living here for 3 years now after moving from a majority white town of 10,000 to chase work. It's a shithole and I can't wait to leave, lack of jobs be damned. Just a sea of poo with a chink garnish. All of the non-white ethnicities already here hate niggers. On top of that Auckland is one of the most expensive cities to live in worldwide.
Sadly this is true, the young Maori all wish they were niggers. Vid related. The older ones are alright.

Oh look, the arm-flapping faggot is back.

why not build a floating city just for people of european decent ?

Not to another fuckin' white country, though.

Africa is too good for niggers, to be honest. We should just decimate them. Old Roman style. Kill 90% of the entire world's nigger population and move the remaining 10% to some shithole island with no industrial resources.

Does this stupid cunt realise we just elected a party to government called New Zealand First? The only place she will be going is to an off shore detention camp up in the tropics.


Leaf here and Finland is on the list, actually.

HAHA, fucking kiwis are insufferable cunts. I can't wait to see their shithole get BLACKED. Thought the Maori were bad before? Wait until they start crossbreeding with niggers.

Fuck you Kyle. This is what you faggots deserve. Good Luck spawncamping when you have hoarded of feral pavement apes bashing down your door.

Based Kiwis between the Maori hating everyone on the Island and natural Anglo xenophobia you'll purge the chinks yet.

Did Mark Zuckerberg build a fallout shelter in your wife?

The European rapefugee stream is via boats from Libya. Any nignog and muslim piece of shit who can scrape together the necessary shekels can take a shot together with a sob story.

Others purchase stolen visas or apply for visas to any first world country with fake documents and apply for asylum once there.

There are "students" as well who never study, find some broad to marry and get residence as well.

See vid.

If niggers could build their paradise would consist of sun sand and tarmac

Blacks are jealous because they aren't smart enough to be oppressors. You think the wouldn't enslave whites if they could?

Look at the sectarian genocides that still happen in Africa. Hutsi vs tutsi? Whites are probably the least racist people


The European rapefugee stream is via boats from Libya. Any nignog and muslim piece of shit who can scrape together the necessary shekels can take a shot together with a sob story.

Others purchase stolen visas or apply for visas to any first world country with fake documents and apply for asylum once there.

There are "students" as well who never study, find some broad to marry and get residence as well.

See vid.

This girl is in a liberal bubble, I bet she doesn't hang around other black people that much.
This is the whitest nigress ever. She's got more white privilege than most on this board. She'd be eaten alive in the hood. She probably dates a white guy.


Aztecs may had been blood thirsty barbarians, but unlike niggers, they kept their cities clean, had agriculture and a form of writing. something niggers could never do on their own. hell, I bet they think Aztecs were the only tribes and know nothing of olmecs, mayans, or the tlaxcalteca.

No, deport them to the Africa. It's not fair for us to babysit them. Screw this!

Blaxit seems like a waste of time to me. The idea works in theory, but the nigs go wherever gibs are, and there are none in Africa. Even if we could successfully meme Blaxit, the amount that will actually move back to Africa won't be enough to make a difference.


Couple it with restricted welfare on the mainland and you create an effective carrot-stick design, especially if it happens "in response" to calls from the black community.

See's Winston is the hero we need

Didn't Marcus Garvey preach this shit a hundred years ago, and subsequently swindled a shitload of people out of their money?


good, now the kikes escape islands will get over run and theyll have nowhere to run to

But user that's the inverse of decimation.

You mean kind of like how you pretend you're white, Shlomo?

This is proof Maoris are subhuman.

Niggers destroy everything.

They inherited civilization from Whites. Look up their legends. I find it hard to believe these lazy, ignorant spics could do something like that.

Dumb nigger once you start flooding the country do you really think healthcare would remain universal, the people there actually work unlike you parasites.

Funny how niggers never want to go back to Africa. They only want to go places where they can mooch off of white people.

Official reminder that the "Maori" are just mongrels LARPing as ancient Abbos. They get gibsmedats and then tattoos or whatever while doing some We Wuzzing. They're no better than Beaners who LARP as Ancient North American Redskins.


I know for sure this fucking Nigger fixates on hair or whatever instead of actual science for stuff that was appropriated.

They also have large amounts of White blood in them.

Quit being a cuck.

Even muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker Ali admitted he was glad his ancestor got on that boat to the Americas.

No they wouldn't.

Niggers don't have a magical ownership of Africa. Especially since the earliest actual civilizations weren't built by Niggers.

Niggers being masters of sports is just a meme. Not only have they never invented a single respectable sport, but Europeans, Far Easterners and MENAs outperform them in every sport more complex than running somewhere and jumping like a chimp.

"Nerdy" Muds end up being one of the following:

1. Ashamed of their fellow and become so-called Uncle Tom.

2. Overcompensating for how distant they actually are from other muds by going full on Blame Whitey/BLM/We Wuz Kangz/ Whatever show much of a Nigger/Achmed/Whatever.

no thanks there's already too much NZ trash that just get straight on a plane here (Australia) and never leave

Niggers don't want to go back to Africa and yet they wanted the white people to babysit them. I am so angry at them for being stupid.

Niggers don't want to ruin white nations any more than women want to be strong and independent. Get their meme factories (Hollywood, rap scene; aka Kikes), and you'll see.
Like with all low IQ folk, they have difficulty controlling their urges. Unlike civilized nations, they do not have a history of discipline - and likely won't until they find their fathers - so expect them to misbehave, though, to say the least.

What am I getting at? Jews are the Universal threat, the pure evil. We can fight Kebab, Niggers, Mexicans all we want, but so long as our borders are opened by those vermin, it is fighting the symptoms. Imagine that we do get our borders closed and all/most/enough immigrants deported. The kikes will simply invert our culture again. It's not good for us, it's not good for our would-be conquerors.

The first step is killing the jew. Not the last.

The Jew lacks consciousness, so your anger and gestures are wasted unless you take action. Don't just club the kike, no. Infiltrate the government. Most of you aren't even Christians so you can infiltrate their cults as well. Many have, I feel. But you must resist their bribes.

This is why I think we'll never have peaceful Balkanization. I honestly think niggers would never want a nation of their own. They honestly need to be babysat.

They are rebellious perma-teens looking for a father figure. Respect yourself and they will respect you. Trump succeeded at this.

This time, we redefine.

Once the Kikes are exterminated the muds are next. There isn't a single example of a multi-racial society that wasn't a garbage pit in the longterm. The more dead muds and gooks is more land for Whites.

Slavery is the solution. And it's Constitutional, according to the 13th Amendment, for "punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted."

Let me guess, you fell for the Niggers Built America meme.