Female privilege checked

Cop abuses woman in Las Vegas

Throws her around for running her mouth. Smashes her face into the hood of his squad car. Pulls her hair. Throws her on the ground. Reaches into her bra.

She has chest tattoos so probably a stripper.

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Not having watched the video, I already know it was justified. Every last person in Las Vegas deserves police brutality. I hope Kim nukes that god forsaken city.

Shes reportedly a whore.

It's Vegas. You expect anything in that Sodom? They literally pride themselves as "sin city".


It's clear from the video that she had a bunch of shit in her bra. A big ass cell phone and keys. If you don't want the cops to grab down your bra don't stick all kinds of shit in it.

So nuke some data centers and put two spooky airstrips in danger just because someone beat up a hooker. Kike faggots like you should stay in Cali.


I live in vegas, the fat fucking cop was way out of line. Anyone who sais different is a boot licking fag who needs to head back over to /r/T_D. Most cops are kinda decent people with good intentions. The cop in the video is a faggot on a powertrip and thinks he's somebody special because he has a badge.

Entire video is retarded and potato quality. Only a moron would try to infer anything from it.

Nevermind I'm a moron, I saw this first. Still seems likely that it's a retarded cop dealing with some retarded strung out whore.

Professional strippers everywhere are going to take a knee during the national anthem to protest this ABUSE until this violence STOPS. :^)

Professional strippers will always take two knees just to get a ride home from the club

Then plainly you deserve nuclear irradiation for living in such a damned city.

Do you fags not realise that this is only acceptable because of the amount of niggers in your country and because of that cops need to treat everyone like niggers?
Fuck off with the anglin posting.

yeah, I think everyone here realizes that. That's why when a cop beats up a nonwhite or some degenerate I don't care.

i perfected a bash script for ffmpeg, for anything -> 8ch 10mb mp4 using that video. There's only so much you can do with 10mb. Youtube 720p original was 55mb.

Fun fact: Body cams have actually coincided with an increase of aggressive police action. Apparently the cops feel safer kicking ass on camera.

Anyway, this cop isn't doing anything to be praised.

he does seem like he's being a dick, but she was being an uncooperative mouthy whore and she was stopped for literally whoring on the street. she was probably high too, which is why he was checking her bra for drugs among the bunch of shit that he pulled out of it.

I see nothing wrong here

Limit is 12MB
Also post script. Mine is:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1024:768 -aspect 5:4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 1 -preset veryfast 1.webmffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1024:768 -aspect 5:4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 2 -preset veryfast output.webm

Thot patrol champion tbh the officer did nothing wrong

Agreed but he still did nothing wrong.



Sounds like your butthurt and got caught in a prostitution sting. Prostitution is actually illegal in Clark County.

He's got a power boner, like humans often get when granted exclusive right to use force. She was whoring, but I credit even that partially to power disparity. The good people left in California have little to no say in what life is like there. It's basically illegal to defend yourself or your way of life there. I think whoring wouldn't be an issue if people of stronger moral character were able to enforce their ideals in their own fucking land, and they'd be able to do it much more efficiently, and politely than this frustrated cop.

this script has hardware acceleration everywhere, it uses vaapi. on linux you obviously need ffmpeg, but you also need vaapi installed, and it's only going to work on intel processors with integrated gpu's. if your familiar with ffmpeg you should be able to just delete the vaapi hardware encode/decode stuff.

on *ubuntu that's
sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver

eventually i'm going to clean this up and try to detect hardware acceleration, flip hardware acceleration options on/off depending on what's there.

#!/bin/bash# $1 = original file# $2 = new file# $3 = resolution scale rate, 1, 0.75, 0.5, etc# $4+ = additional ffmpeg options passed directly to ffmpeg##usage: ./8chvid.sh input.mp4 output.mp4 0.5#get the video lengthTIME=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration \-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 $1)echo "Time:$TIME"#calculate bitrates targeting 10MBAUDRATE=64VIDRATE=$(echo "((10*8192)/$TIME)-$AUDRATE" | bc)kAUDRATE=$AUDRATE"k"echo "AUDIO BITRATE:$AUDRATE"echo "VIDEO BITRATE:$VIDRATE"#calculate target resolution based on scale factoreval $(ffprobe -v error -of flat=s=_ -select_streams v:0 \-show_entries stream=height,width $1)echo "ORIG WIDTH:$streams_stream_0_width"echo "ORIG HEIGHT:$streams_stream_0_height"ASPECT_RATIO=$(echo "scale=4; $streams_stream_0_width / $streams_stream_0_height" | bc -l)echo "ASPECT:$ASPECT_RATIO"NEW_WIDTH=$(echo "$streams_stream_0_width*$3" | bc)echo "NEW_WIDTH:$NEW_WIDTH"NEW_HEIGHT=$(echo "$NEW_WIDTH/$ASPECT_RATIO" | bc)echo "NEW_HEIGHT:$NEW_HEIGHT"ffmpeg \-hwaccel vaapi \-hwaccel_output_format vaapi \-vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 \-i $1 \-vf "format=nv12|vaapi,hwupload,scale_vaapi=w=$NEW_WIDTH:h=$NEW_HEIGHT" \-threads 1 \-y \-acodec aac \-b:a $AUDRATE \-vcodec h264_vaapi \-b:v $VIDRATE \-maxrate $VIDRATE \-bufsize 1M \-movflags faststart \-g 60 \-f mp4 \${@:4:99} \$2

it doesn't have to be a .mp4 input you can feed it anything that ffmpeg understands.


Look into using a two-pass encode if you want to target a specific file size.

thanks i just implemented that, don't know how much the quality improved but the bitrate is totally stable now.

It was a tranny too as far as I can tell, don't care. Whores be whores.

Thanks anons.
My approach is
1) Use the youtube-dl -F option to look for the code number of a suitable file size to download. It gives audio or video only options too.
2) youtube-dl -f to download video at a particular size.
3) If I can't get a suitable size then I'll download the closest and use ffmpeg to reduce the file by changing the Constant Rate Factor (-crf ) which does file size reduction well.
ffmpeg -i in.webm -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis out.webm

I want there to be a war between cops and niggers where they wipe each other out. Two birds with one stone.

i'm re-encoding everything to h264 because that format can be hardware accelerated for decode on most gpu's, including intel integrated. if you turn the option on in chromium/firefox it'll do h264 and a few other formats depending on your gpu.

vp8/9 isn't supported for hardware encode/decode on most gpu's, only the newest can, so it's done on the cpu and burns cpu cycles.

Nice police brutality. I can't wait for the news to ignore it

What universe are you from? In this one the media can't wait until a cop uses extensive force on a woman or African so they can report it for the next week.
Although since its a white woman it probably wont get much of attention, not nearly as much as if it were an African.

Police Brutality doesn't exist. Only racism. That's the narrative and so it's always the narrative.

she looks like she deserved it

yotube-dl -F
select versions with + like
youtube-dl -f 243+249

Works most of the time. Video related, straight from youtube.

The most recent ARM processors have VP9 accel, user.


While the jews that control all discourse on Holla Forums encourage all its easily influenced readers to cheer on the police when they shoot a black, every intelligent goy would know that the police do not differentiate who they will kill on sight, they are trained in association with the jewish IDF, all Americans are Palestinians to cops and jews.

There's the lolberg.

She did. Uncooperative and talking shit

Correct usually females are required to search other females.. this man is an example of a future dotr volunteer

Classic marxist meme.

Well, they and you have all chosen to live in one of the shittiest cities the world has or ever will know. You deserve the same treatment that hooker got for defending her.
White knighting a pozzed hooker because you live in the same shit stain of a city - not even once.

Ask yourself, who the fuck lives in Vegas? Whores, niggers, gambling addicts, jews.

Those user's mothers were probably whores. They're the bastard children of whores, why else would they be in Vegas? So of course they defend the degenerate whore, they look at that whore and see a woman who could be their mother.

"Sins of the father" and all that, but nobody choses his progenitors.