
HEY, They're pulling another Katrina on Trump!!!!!! The State and local officials blocked Bush from sending assistance to in the Aftermath of Katrina for days. Today the Democrats lynch Bush over the alleged inaction.

Sticky Please!!!!

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Kek. Geraldo makes me laugh sometimes. this is pretty good shitposting

His Iraq performance was the best IRL shitposting I've ever seen.


Getting real tired of these ungrateful shitskins

she's too busy spending her whole day leading relief efforts. look it up, assholes.

it has to do with how well Trump is doing when it comes to getting assistance to people in need. The Liberals are trying to rain on Trump's parade.

No she isn't and she's horribly corrupt too. Don't listen to her lies.

t. PRfag



Trump already sent a ton of military assistance with food and hospitals and shit.

Nobody cares.

I'm not saying I don't care. I'm saying that nobody cares. Trump supporters will continue to support Trump. Trump haters will continue to hate Trump. Everybody has already picked a side, nothing anybody does will change anybody's mind.

Everything that happens now is just a distraction until the cold civil war goes hot.


I'll tell you the problem with Puerto Rico. They're doing what muds do, fleeing the place in times of trouble for greener pastures. Trump alluded to this in his statement about how it's a community effort and PR officials aren't able to garner the manpower needed. Why rebuilt your shithole when you're already a US citizen and can just flee to Florida or New York?

It's being blocked and squandered at the end point though, tons and tons of aid is being left untouched because they are refusing to move it themselves. What little that is being distributed is also going out so unevenly that large portions or the population are just packing up waiting for ports to re open so they can immigrate to the mainland.

The sides have been picked. You can hear the war drums beat. Let them nail trump with the 25th amendment. Remember 8 years of Obama gave us trump, just imagine what they would give us with such politically charged treason.

A civil war probally wouldn't happen, but the holocaust narrative could certainly die.
It's because we have been moderates in the eyes of the GOP voters. The Spencer rally incident was just a glitch/fluke/nothingburger. The Left have been burning their cities while we've been doing nothing.

I bet you seen e-celebrities like Linus tech tips shove a Pepe in their videos a few times. We don't need PR because we don't actually need it. We're not getting arrested on a regular basis, it's the left who have.

If the Democrats want P.R statehood for the votes, then they should place a tax on their voters. Registered Democrats should be forced to house the rapeugees in their own homes on their own dime. I would weaponize section 8. Expensive limozine neighborhoods should get blacks imported from the bowls of Chicago. I would build commie blocks near universities that have $$$$$ tuition.

You know, all this reminds me of the whole Haiti thing and then the Clintons robbed those niggers blind. One things for sure, you can trust them to hate niggers. Shame they betrayed the white working class the way they did though, almost had a chance.

Teacher arrested for allegedly contaminating THOUSANDS of instruments given to California schoolchildren with his SEMEN


A sick fuck came in recorders in california, can you honestly say you are surprised? Stay on topic cunt.

The spic mayor is the new Iraqi information officer. The bitch said they've received no help while standing in front of pallets of aid. The bitch is fucking demented.


They can try, but Trump is a master at media spin. Unlike Bush, he won't just sit there and take it, he'll call them out on their bullshit and make them the butt of all jokes in the process. That won't stop them trying though, they never learn.
< Drumpf is really done for this time!!!

38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important
38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important
38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important
38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important

38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important

38 Billion Support To Israel Deal From Last Year
Kikes are more important


Vid related needs to be spread, Conservative Treehouse (I know….) has it at the top of the page!

Didn't the Goevrnor of PR and a bunch of other PR officials say days ago that Trump was being absurdly helpful?

He's not /ourguy/.

Should point out in your post that people need to turn closed captioning on, if I hadn't opened it on youtube and just watched the embed I would have thought you were a retarded shitskin who thought we all understood beanspeak.

maybe they would be if it wasnt fake news. 2nd pic says its after daca but the timestamp is from april.

Pretty damning. If Rican's don't rope her first such a wicked mayor should be jailed for that.

Meme it!


European date format, dude.

Made an mp4 out of it for people who don't want to click a youtube link and easy posting.

PR is literally whiter than mainland US.

How does crying in front of a camera equate to leading anything other than other toddlers in a group caterwaul?
getting tired of having to filter tor in every fucking thread


What'd he do?

Youngin, he televised troop movements.