Bloody Roar

Any love for the Bloody Roar series on Holla Forums?

Did you have a favorite game in the series?
A favorite fighter?
A favorite stage?

Would it even be worth releasing a Bloody Roar 5 in this day and age?

I played Primal Fury on GCN. It was alright. It seems like a very simple fighting game, would probably be appropriate for young children to learn as an introduction to fighting games. The beast transformations were pretty interesting, but the button combination for their individual super moves were the same no matter which character you chose, so it was easy to just learn basic combos and grapples so that you can fill your energy bar to max and then pull off super moves to deal massive damage.

If you released a new Bloody Roar game today, the furries would probably ruin it for everyone.

I've only played 1 and 2. I like 2's overall aesthetic and gameplay, but 1's dadrock as fuck soundtrack is a thing of beauty.

Alice is best girl.

What is it's gimmick? Or is it just a 3D Virtua Fighter-alike? The idea of character transformations seems interesting. Is there any way to play any games of the series online?

Bakuryu is Best Mole, and my nigga

2 is my favorite, Shina is my waifu

Full house of truth. Top tier taste there.

There is a gamecube game so you could probably play netplay with Dolphin emulator.

I played the jap version of 2 and some shitty sequel on ps2. I loved BR2 and it's probably the fighting game I have most hours in even though I only played against the CPU because none of my friends liked to play fightan.

Gameplay-wise I love every character but Marvel/Shina led me to discover reverse traps so she has a special place in my heart.

No. It's not competitive and never has been competitive and thus would have no attraction on the market. It is a gimmick fighter for 10 year olds.

But eSports meme fighters are cancer.

What REAL fighting games do the big boys play anons, obviously only the super super hard ones, but what ones?

All 2 of you.

I have BR 2 and the one on the Gamecube. Which one is worth playing?

It's not like furries weren't around for the previous Bloody Roar games.
They don't seem to have much interest in the series at all.

Before the thread devolves into the usual areas, I really like Bloody Roar and wish it'd make a comeback. Bloody Roar 2 was pretty great, and my personal favorite in the series.

How, by drawing porn?

Then what games have furries in them?
Bonus if it was crowd funded.

I never liked it. I'm sorry bro


Furries ruin everything they touch. Although this game seems obscure enough that it's probably safe…. probably….

How? That's all I'm asking.




Oh dear jesus some fucking white boy is get off to this

The reason furries ruin everything is because their entire identity revolves around being furry, because of this they see the need to shoehorn it into everything whether it be conversations, fiction, or whatever else they get their AIDS ridden hands on. Look up the game Kaiju combat to see how furries will ruin something for everyone and twist into something to gratify them.

Marvel/Shina = best waifu/pussy/shotgun dps in that game

Fuck any fighting game that does this. Now I have to hunt down a pdf of the manual and play that shit in windowed mode. Goddamnit.

Arcade BR3 was the only good one, maybe the one on Gamecube was also good since it was supposed to be a port or something. Stun was my nigga, but the combo system is inherently retarded so I ended up playing with Shen Long. Gado was cool as fuck, and Jenny was one of my first childhood crushes.
BR4 was pure shit though, with the witchblade expy and the new transformation mechanics.

What's wrong with it?

I remember it having really basic combos but that was it.

Which I actually prefer, the whole reason I quit playing fighting games was that stupid 'do combo' way they started designing into games around this time.

The combos were pretty dumb until some friends and I found out you could evade hits.

It made me have a TF fetish.

The situation with Kaiju combat was due to the kickstarter goals allowing furries to shoehorn shit into the game itself.
The fast majority of games do not have direct input from random people, so how can furries ruin those?

>not even from the fucking furfags at MSG

Shina was awesome.

I've seen about 2 images of her in smut.

Have hope, it may yet become not shit.

Bloody Roar 2 looks pretty damn good for its age. I'm playing it emulated, but still.

Remember Beasts Fury? Boy that turned out real good huh

What even set that game apart from the hundreds of other 2D fighting games? It looked really generic and forgettable from a gameplay standpoint.

would fug in animal form only

BRPF was my favorite, fite me. Wish I had some pals to play it with but no such luck. A sequel would be cool but I have to wonder if they'd fuck it up these days. Not like it matters since Konami owns the IP now but maybe we'll get a pachinko series compilation game with Bloody Roar characters in it.

Shina is da bes.