When the deepstate deposes Trump, what are the first things it will do? How much time do we have before they do the following.
Despite their continuous assuranes that they are doing no such thing, they will: 1. outlaw and confiscate as many weapons as it can - esp. guns and amunition - 1st week 2. consolidate power, removing political wildcards with any excuse - 2-3 months 3. squelch free speeh, identify dissidents and have them arrested - such as posters to Holla Forums - 1st month 4. control access to credit, electricty, highways and fuel, and food - 2-3 months 5. cut off all unauthorized access to the Washington D.C. - 3-4 months 6. ride the wave of protests and riots, esp. fanning the flames of anti-white male sentiment - ongoing 7. threaten nulear war with Russia, and very likely instigate it - 3-4 months
et cetera
What are you are preparing for, and how much time we have before a counter-coup becomes either absolutely neccessary or practially impossible. Additionally, if you have links to other similar discussions, please post them.
Camden Collins
If Trump is deposed for any of the bullshit reasons the left and the deep state are trying to throw at him there will be an almost immediate civil war. Forget about months. I would give it less than a week. Think of how fast the "Cajun navy" got going. Now we're talking about heavily armed men coming from every state to descend on Washington and their own state capitals. The type of people who have plenty of ammunition, understand supply lines, communications and are capable of working in independent cells going after any and all institutions responsible. Now instead of "lone wolf" ok he had one helper like McVeigh they are facing down 100k men willing to do the exact same thing to every federal building in the country.
You should already be prepared.
Jack Williams
If Trump gets deposed, it will only push the Right rightwards, as people will get even more discontent with the establishment who doesn't even let them have a quasi-not-cuck president.
Charles Johnson
Not gonna happen. Pics related.
Kayden Foster
I was going to go point by point but you're so larpy, that I'll just blow your faggotry out of the water with, WHAT THEN? TRILLIONS would be lost if they did this. Markets would crash, bond yields would rise to such a level that all revenue would go to interest payments.
Good man.
Liam Moore
Then (((they)) had better act fast, because they won't have much time to solidify their hold on our governmental systems. And the counter coup also has to be enacted that much faster. Days? Hours?
It's gonna happen. The self-destruction of the West is their end goal, and they have nothing left to lose at this point. The question of this thread is the timeline: how fast, how coordinated.
Look at how they are self-destructing the NFL. When they are trying to destroy a Nation, ultimately they've gotta blow up their own institutions of power. They don't care if the markets go south, in fact they may promoting just this.
It also said Trump, 70 years of age, weighs 236 pounds, which means his body mass index (BMI) of 29.5 would make him overweight. A BMI of 30 falls within the range of obesity.
Trump takes a lipid lower agent called rosuvastatin and a low dose aspirin, said his doctor.
Trump’s campaign said the latest results were from a physical exam conducted by Bornstein on Sept. 9.
Blake Brooks
It all goes back to "zionism vs. bolshevism" and what's good for the Jews at any given time. Trump's fate will depend on whether the Jews think they can get their Iran war done under him.
Did anyone notice the "first permanent US base in Israel" last month? There's going to be a Mossad false-flag on the base, which will be blamed on Iran and Hizbollah. A war with Iran will begin to "get rid of their weapons of mass destruction." Nothing will happen in Korea since the Jews aren't being threatened there. It was the same exact script with the Iraq war, and sadly I know the goyim sheeple will blindly fall for it again and go die for Israel.
Daniel Thompson
Does anyone here really believe the timing with this base is incidental? I don't. I know exactly what the Jews are up to. If you have military family/friends who are scheduled to be at that base, tell them to find an excuse not to go. They're being set up for another USS Liberty. ..
They won't have any time for that because it'll be time for war. Obongo had plenty of time and the best he could do was ban ammo.
They already have a hold on the US government, it's going to take 20 years to drain the swamp and Bannon is not going to stop on his own little campaign. Remember Roy Moore?
Alexander Harris
Seems to me the Nork's Nukes are only there to scare us into further militarization. (((Ukraine))) has been funneling missile technology to NK, so whatever's going on it's just another Zio-scheme.
The US base in Israel is a big false-flag target, no doubt. The only way we attack Iran is if Trump can be convinced of it. No matter how he gets deposed, his successor will have his hands too full to launch a major war in the Middle East. (((They))) either get Trump to do it, or they have to do it themselves (that'll never happen… Israel is too vulnerable).
Ethan Carter
Are you saying that the kikes god given right to exploit the rare earth minerals under NK isn't being threatened?
Levi Brooks
you have a point. The Jew's tribal god did promise him ALL the gentiles' wealth.
Carson Rogers
Post-Trump governmental proclamations will be fast and loose, arbitrary and extra-legal, and the United Nations will probably lend authority to (((the new government))).
Dominic Rodriguez
Isaac Ortiz
I would literally bet my life on it (not that it's worth much to me). Their favorite times to pull off such things are usually election season or Christmas, when the goy are far too busy buying shit they don't need for people who don't want it with shekels they don't have. I can't say for sure it will be this year, but before Trump is out, that base will be attacked by (((Iran))) and it will be used as casus belli.
Matthew Collins
You're nuts and need to start taking your meds again. The US military would never sacrifice it's soldiers for a false flag. They aren't CIA tier.
Levi Wilson
Let's be perfectly honest here, most people aren't prepared to do a damn thing. Not a damn thing. Oh I'm sure many people are telling themselves that they'll fight the government, but you people are not serious. You do what? Go Rambo and fight them all off yourself? Alone? Ha! Yeah fucking right. If a group of people aren't already fighting, no one here will lift a finger to stop them. How do I know? Because our government is already controlled by evil men and most of us haven't lifted a finger to stop them. Most haven't even broken any laws. And before you accuse me of talking down to anyone, yeah, I have barely broken any laws and certainly haven't done anything that breaks federal law in order to hamper ZOG. But neither have you. So you tell me that What fucking army? Where is it? It's nowhere. It's in your fucking head. Holla Forums is not an organization and has no army. Oh there ARE armies and organizations out there that WILL be fighting the federal government. No doubt about it. But almost no one here is a member of them. Why? Because everything out there is "not real national socialism" or "led by crypto-Kikes" or "Aren't good enough for me" Or whatever excuse you tell yourself. So when the bullets start flying you know exactly where most of our most outspoken, loudmouth Holla Forumsacks will be. They'll be in their fucking basements telling people on the internet that everyone fighting ZOG is fake. And they'll show us flowcharts made with Paint.net proving that everyone and everything is actually all part of the Jews controlled opposition networks and how everyone is an idiot but them. So to answer your question, "what are you preparing for?" Well, I'm planning to join up with the impure militia that I helped to create. They're not national socialists who LARP about it being 1933 and talk about Hitler and Germany 24/7. Instead they're just a bunch of Working class Americans sick of multiculturalism and the liberal elites. And that makes me a shill or a Jew or an fbi or an aut-right/alt-kike. But most of the big talking cowards who infest this image board will be at home in their basements in the dark when the power goes off, wishing they could log onto Holla Forums and inform each other that everyone is a Jew except for the cowards and shirkers who haven't lifted a finger to oppose ZOG.
Jaxson Wood
That can only happen if that would not cause a civil war, war will be declared first then they'll try it afterwards.
Jace Miller
Mason Perry
In a recent video a sad old liberal woman was stumped by a conservative interviewer's simple questions. In her apparent frustration she happened to mumble something about "taking the streets on Nov 4th to remove the Trump Administration. It struck me as the kind of blabbing women sometimes do when they're expected to keep a secret. A quick search reviewed nothing. But recently I ran into this clip which talks about it.
Not forgetting every other war America has been involved in since Pearl Harbour
Joseph Martin
with the TORpedo ID and the long bullshit post, you're either a Jew or a Fed shill trying to bag a "Right-wing extremist online." Wonder which it is.
Jackson Martinez
Pearl Harbor as well. Read Irving's "Churchill's War." The English were already intercepting nip codes at that point. The carries all being out of port was not a (((coincidence))). If you haven't looked into this, you probably think I'm either crazy or dishonest but look into it.
Oliver Bailey
Won't happen, too dangerous for their own wellbeing
Robert Bell
Perhaps slow-walking the construction of America's new military base in Israel is one way to keep Trump alive? In light of this, his apparent willingness to go to war with NK marks Trump as a potential tool. They won't kill him if there is the prospect that he might lead America into war with Iran, which would certainly go nuclear, and probably pull in Russia, too.
What a tangled web these (((fuckering spiders))) weave. I just wish they would all DIE.
Carson Thompson
I've heard of this. If memory serves there were also radar station warnings which were disregarded, and I believe Nikola Tesla is said to have intercepted something and sent warning.
Jace Parker
I brought Pearl Harbor being a somewhat staged event up to my wife just recently. She was skeptical. Thank you for the source. I will recommend we put it on our joint reading list. How is Irving's prose? Is it pretty readable? If you haven't read anything by him, what would you most recommend? Thanks again.
Sage for semi off topic
John Gray
Trump is the deepstate you fucking neocon kike cunt
Josiah Murphy
Irving is legendary, all his books are good. "Hitler's War" is his classic, which you can get for free as a pdf here.
There's one talk where he goes into the specifics of the pacific war and the japanese code, which I think was called "the winds." Here's one of his videos on Churchill. Depending on if you are in ZOG or Europe, his videos are censored in europe since he questions aspects of the HolyCo$t (TM).
Andrew Smith
See what I mean? People like this one will not engage in anything IRL. This guy thinks that the fbi would use Tor. Why would the FBI intentionally use a platform that makes them stick out? This board is infested by idiots, LARPers, and loudmouths.
Benjamin Morris
Cooper Harris
If Trump is deposed 1776 will commence again!
Cooper Brown
Also, do you know anything about a stolen car in Austria? I heard English sometimes go there to steal cars.
Cooper Cox
Low IQ people are the bane of this board. People aren't able to put two and two together. The fbi, when they shill boards like to blend in. The very last thing that a shill does if they want to elicit information from a target audience is call into question the very existence of the ideology or platform that the audience likes. Calling something into question that so many people blindly follow like a brand name "Holla Forums" makes me stick out like a sore thumb. Thus, if I am an fbi agent, I have utterly failed at basic training. Real shills blend in and sound like everyone else. Though honestly I don't even think the meme that 20% or even 5% of the people here are shills is accurate. More likely, a very very small number of shills working for government agencies do exist. And they do spend some time here. But most of the people called shills are just people that the accusers dislike because of what they have to say. Maybe someone intelligent will read this and learn something. But I doubt it.
Mason Harris
That's an odd way of spelling "1943."
Jason Campbell
1943 was a horrible year. That was the year everything went wrong.
Jayden Morgan
So expect a series of attacks on the new American base in Israel soon, because the (((media))) can't keep building anti-Trump angst forever. It's gonna deflate sooner or later. The question is, when it does, will Trump still have a base to return to? If he passes amnesty, he'll be alone, and the Lefties will still demand his head on a platter.
I don't think they can do it: herd Trump into starting a nuclear war with Iran. And I doubt he will have a second term. I expect we will be in a defacto civil war by then, simply by reason of demographics alone. And one destroyed American base in Israel won't be enough to goad us into war. If we are to nuke Iran before America ceases functioning as a single cohesive country, there has to be more - foreign meddling muh Russia… , terrorism muh Syria , etc., with Iran somehow the source of it all. I doubt they can successfully convince everyone of that.
This is good news. To me, the coming civil war will stave off World War 3. But I don't relish the prospect of America destroyed by Leftist (((tools))).
Justin Martinez
that's an odd way of saying "nothing left to lose"
If the Lefties/deepstate regains full power, they will go to war with Russia. That entails nuclear missiles dropping from the skies, the end of America. They do not grasp how dangerous their rhetoric is.
When there is nothing left to lose, as both sides now feel, then an odd 'after me, the flood' mentality takes over. It doesn't matter how much training and arms we have, all that matters is the will to power.
Cheers : )
Justin Taylor
This is accurate. It would start with really angry protesters, probably all open carrying. Next it would result in a firefight at some point somewhere (probably in a really liberal city). Some angle would be made to try and take guns. Maybe it would only start with people they've identified in the protests. Media would be spamming coverage heavily favoring the govt, but it would be obvious. You'd then begin to hear reports and stories (all likely suppressed) of individuals and small groups refusing to give up their guns and ultimately shooting at the authorities trying to take them. Some of these people will be killed. Get enough of these stories out there and Noone else will give up their guns, the writing will be on the wall. Paul Revere will be a literal meme and people will begin proactively engaging in small firefights with authorities they know are coming to take weapons. Beyond this the stability is lost. The moment Americans begin acting proactively is the moment they're saying they don't believe in the system to protect their rights anymore. The social contract would be null and void and violence would spread. The only downside I see to this scenario is that we can't guarantee what kind of government we'll have when it's all finished. I imagine the USA will be split apart (which is probably fine) but other than that, I don't know what kind of govt we will have.
Jaxson Cruz
According to one estimate I value strongly, America is expected to break apart into 5 pieces along ethnic and ideological lines. In that scenario, ultimately half the pop dies.
Christopher Hill
Liam Williams
Jackson Stewart
Hudson Mitchell
You will be killed for your treason.
Nathan Taylor
Im not sure if the kikes are suicidal enough to take away the one man that so many armed white americans have put their last grain of hope into.
Jaxson Rivera
fucking implying
Maybe youre using tor because all your vpns are still banned faggot
stfu and stop derailing
Carter Cruz
Dylan Thomas
Remember all those cucks that said they'd die to protect your right to free speech? I've probably heard hundreds of people say this in my life. Now we're censored everywhere. Where are their bodies?
We have to burn the whole system to the ground. I hope they get rid of Trump and do every one of those things except war with Russia. War with Russia means the extinction of the white race. We'd be looking at all of NATO countries and Russia being enveloped in nuclear fire. All NATO countries are white except Turkey. There's only a few white countries that aren't part of NATO and they're small. Millions of whites would be killed directly by nuclear explosions. Our infrastructures would be devastated. And the rest of the world won't just sit idle whilst the white countries are crippled and we're starving. They'll move in to grab territory.
Jose Fisher
I think that was his point. It was really such a terrible war in general, I wish we could turn back time and fix it.
Xavier Jones
Maybe some meant it, but it's not like they'd openly defend those ebil natzees or anything.
Christian Anderson
If they get rid of Trump in any way lets lay some ideas on what user's should do immediately and expect to see in general the first couple days.
The first day, will be the day of shock for most americans. And the day you need to drop everything and immediately hit the local stores and max the fuck out of any of your credit cards you have. You should have stocked up already with the major shit. But this is likely the last chance you have to obtain anything reliably before infrastructure is attacked or interrupted in some way. You should expect the mad rush to start within hours of such news since you are far from the only ones to be aware of whats going on and the risks coming down the pipe. It is an incomplete list by far and only to cover flushing our your last preps before a new type of hell rises up for us to be entertained by.
Ammo should be first, and will become the most difficult to obtain in short order. If you don't already have a gun(s), Die. Then you should go off to the camping stores and obtain your water filter since even in a low level civil war water and power disruption will be commonplace and you need to be able to make water potable. filters and outdoor cooking pots are a must. Also if you live anywhere that gets cold at night, grab your sleeping bags since heat and ac are soon to be things of the past. Just brownouts are going to gut that luxury and make holding anything in freezers and coolers nearly impossible. Grab the best boots you can get, several if you can. Shoes are one of the things that will crush your moral and ability to survive what is coming, anything over a year of conflict and good luck with your footwear especially when you actually have to work hard in them. get a good belt too, your cheap walmart shit is dead when you start living the 3rd world lifestyle, failing that, use rope.
After this comes your normal day to day living stockup. Run off and fill up on as much fuel as possible and keep it stocked, the price alone under such an situation is going to make it likely to double even if nothing happens. Don't forget to buy oil for the engine, an often overlooked item. Gas will take the lions share of any refineries not destroyed by rebel forces and go to military forces, doubly hitting your ability to stay mobile. I would suggest if you bunker down you stabilize your fuel. If you have a location to retreat to should shit get too real locally, make sure you have enough fuel hidden to get you there plus 50% further. All of this will take several hours unless all located conveniently for you, so by the time you are done with this, you will be hitting the food stores at the front end of the rush.
Food comes next. Do NOT buy anything that needs refrigeration except as part of your normal weekly food run. Focus on grabbing the most basics as you can, rice, beans, food oils, spices, condensed and or powdered milk, honey, canned meats and canned meals like beans, soups or stews. Don't forget to grab several plastic trash bags, likely in city you will end up having to use these as your sanitation toilet. Grab as much as you can afford or carry. Avoid anything perishable that is under a year. Powdered wheat is okish, but will not last without being protected from the elements and are bleached of nutrients making it a filler and very likely to be infested by pests. Avoid if possible. Brown rice doesn't last as long as white, but gives good nutrition. Add oils to the rice when down to the wire and will give just enough fats and oils to help stop you from starving.
None of this will make sure you survive. Doing this only gets you ahead of the mad rush and allows you the basics. This will only allow you a chance at not having to panic with the rest of the masses and logically think thru your next steps as what comes starts to flesh itself out. Most likely the first year of open kinetic conflict will not effect most people beyond intermittent interruptions of supplies and power. After the first years shit starts to get serious and the system itself comes under strain as the rest of the world wakes up to the fact that the government is under real threat of collapse. While a massive loss in purchasing power already would have hit, conservative estimates would be one tenth of your value, after a year that becomes 'the good times'. No limit on how little your dollars will obtain. Civil wars rarely ever end before five years, most of those are arguably not civil wars but outside interdiction's to change an government by others outside the nation, often you can expect 8-20 years of conflict before everything ends. And that is for nations which are generally the size of one of the US moderately sized states.
Jackson Richardson
This. They want the market to tank so they can blame Trump.
Nathaniel Flores
So you can use that as a defense when your poorly constructed cover is blown.
I can't believe my tax dollars go to you for this.
Gavin Watson
And remember please user's. Drop everything when you hear the news and confirm its real. Then do this shit. You likely are behind the curve on being alerted to what happened. Expect others to be first to start doing this.
If you hold off even for a few hours you may end up missing critical basics.
Hunter Walker
As soon as you hear that he is out start killing known libs around you.
Adam Flores
crash the economy? can't have people running around with silly notions that they don't need a gov't bailout and all the attached strings "people" meaning individuals, but also municipalities, and so forth. It's really hard to mobilize when your family is near starving and utilities are getting turned off (by not paying bills, or local infrastructure crumbling…likely from lack of grants from the Fed). This also makes the material cost for any counter effort that much greater. Nobody wants to have their only working vehicle shot up, or last rifle confiscated.
Ian Baker
Why would they get rid of him, he is clearly onboard with them now
no, details?
what I'm seeing is if anyone wanted to falseflag the gommies, nov 4th is the day
Adrian Bell
Jaxson Brooks
This is what the Trump presidency and "revolution" is going to look like. You drama queen anons never get the (((game))) that's being played.
Ayden Allen
Defeatism is shilling. Roleplaying threads are slide threads.
Hudson Phillips
"managed decline"?
Dylan Anderson
They won't. They know that type of thing will ruin everything they have built and worked for. They are hoping to ride a few uncomfortable Trump years, force him to cuck out so he is a one term President and then undo everything he did right after they get back into power. If/when he targets the Fed, that will be when they end him.
Gavin Sanders
information spreads fucking crazy now with the proliferation of mobile devices (with near instant alerts) as an example: a local water supply was threatened in a semi-rural town. bottled water was GONE from the supermarket chains and convenience stores within an hour of the first county-wide alert point being, I wouldn't depend on anything to be available at the last minute. lay in supplies now.
Jordan Richardson
Well said.
Matthew Jenkins
now that's a quality (1)
ID trips and 300% dubs confirm. prepare or die.
{checked} kill confirmed
Adrian Diaz
lmaoing @ your life lampshadestein, there is no fucking way a normalized confiscation could happen period
Jose Evans
tl:dr I literally cannot stop gobbling down cock Please.rape my.face. #MediaMatter #SHAREBLUE.COM
Liam Sanders
Churchill was getting buggered by Crowley and the "V for victory" is actually a sigil.
Juan Carter
Think of Russia as backing Hillary, Muslims, and Neocons. Russia is not the good guys. Russia is still Communist, they just hide it well with all the Putin-as-white-savior publicity. He's not. He's anti-Isreal and pro-Muslim. By their fruits ye will know them.
So think of both US and Russian armies against a US rebellion. I am afraid that's more likely.
Christian Ramirez
Never tell your enemies what you are going to do. Idiots.