This is how we get rid of illegals. Go after the employers.
This is how we get rid of illegals. Go after the employers.
No it isn't. You get rid of illegals by deporting or killing them. This is still wonderful, schadenfreude filled news however.
If there are no jobs they'll self-deport.
I wouldn't get out of bed for anything less than 150 million. This is an outrage.
This seems almost too easy and convenient.
I'm starting to wonder if they aren't just going after illegals now as a way to collect (((federal funds))) from approved targeted companies.
I'm not saying this isn't a net gain for us, but I think we should exercise cautious optimism
What a great story to wake up to! Makes my coffee taste even more bold and satisfying. I see their trucks always parked in shopping center lots and when I read the name, it makes me think of the sound a turd makes when it plops into the toilet.
Hiring illegals not only hurts the working class by driving down wages (and now prevent young adults from gaining any work experience at all), but it also encourages more illegals to come.
Before they willfully turned a blind eye on illegals and never did anything about the companies hiring them.
==Consider if you will that the $96 million is lost wages for American workers, and this is just one company in America
==>I'm starting to wonder if they aren't just going after illegals now as a way to collect (((federal funds))) from approved targeted companies.
Exactly, does nothing for American citizens, workers and their families other than fund an already extreme bureaucracy. Think of all the White waifu brides that could have been impregnated by White American lumberjacks…. instead the men that were not employed developed heroin addictions and were then by Mexican fentanyl
This is like a guy being rehired under the name "Elton John"
Spics might, niggers won't.
Feliz Navidad, motherfuckers
Fucking Swedes.
Which group keeps coming in, in greater numbers? Which group has a declining birthrate?
Pretending this is irrelevant is rather ignorant tbh.
Without laws or favorable conditions towards the turd-world hordes and granted without (((feminism))) or (culturall marxism))) but those are separate issues, the more successful reproduce more, and the lazy failure produce less. Guess what kind of demographics you'll see 50 years after those conditions arise?
My city was a predominantly white, working class, rust belt area where men made good money at mills. Over time wealth left the area as the mills shuttered, creating a vacuum in the area. Many white families moved away, causing a large demographic shift. In my life I've seen it go from a white city to a Mexican city in 1.5 generations. Now that the economy is in a rebound, mills are hiring up again, but this time for a fraction of what they paid normally. My dad took a maintenance position at a new factory and to his dismay, the majority of the line workers are illegal Mexicans. The company won't fire them for fucking up, which they do a lot, so that leaves my dad in a position to work long hours trying to fix everything to keep the line moving. He hates it there and is about to retire due to illegal idiots never getting reprimanded. How would I go about reporting this to immigration? I don't have names or proofs other than my father's word.
first post worst post
Yes it is. No more jobs for illegal immigrants, and no more benefits, means that there's no more way for them to live here. The most they could do is come here, look around, spend some money on touristy things, and then leave. Enforcing the existing immigration laws is the single best way to get people to go back to their own countries.
Not that Jews want that to happen, of course.
that was what I immediately thought.
We need to know who the owners/backers are, and who they compete against.
hi friend
what is "==>" ?
welcome newfriend
please use > next time
Allow me to interject. Both of you esteemed sirs make excellent points, which can be reconciled verily:
Get rid of illegals by deporting or killing the employers.
Well said.
e-verify is more powerful and probably longer lasting than the wall
Don't fuck yourself now, you know very well they'll just sling drugs/sell oranges on the side of the highway
I'm guessing the company is run by bad goyim. The jews get away with using slave labor, and the goyim either go out of business or get sued if they try to stay competitive by using jew tactics.
force companies to hire citizens or at least verified legal residents
>reclaim and repurpose what are effectively wages stolen from the American citizens not that it will get used effectively or efficiently, knowing our government
Wonderful news, indeed, but this really IS an important step that MUST be publicly announced. More than just one executive needs to be canned for allowing this shit to happen, and companies should be fucking boycotting Asplundh for doing this shit to our citizens. Again, not that they will, the companies that would require their services likely agree with what they're doing, but that's the ideal.
What kind of niggers immigrate into the USA not due to being adopted by libcucks from some Chadian orphanages?
Tis' not Europa with their Libyan moat wrecked and subSaharans paying camel drivers and boat smugglers to come to the promised land man. Spics is American increasing parasite race.
Call up ICE
This is exactly how you get rid of illegals because they're currently being protected by their slavemasters. If there's no monetary incentive for keeping them around, then all the sob stories suddenly dry up.