So it seems like trolling commies by bringing up the fact that Stalin put faggots (and likely trannies/crossdressers as well) into the gulags is a really good gaslighting strategy.
Are there other things we can gaslight them with? Like how Che Guevara actually hated niggers?
Karl Marx himself also hated niggers, spics, and said slavery was a good thing.
"As for slavery, there is no need for me to speak of its bad aspects. The only thing requiring explanation is the good side of slavery. I do not mean indirect slavery, the slavery of proletariat; I mean direct slavery, the slavery of the Blacks in Surinam, in Brazil, in the southern regions of North America. Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc. Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance." - Karl Marx to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, (Letter, 28 December 1846)
"…the Jewish Nigger, Lassalle… it is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like." - Karl Marx to Friedrich Engels (Letter, July 1862), in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle.
"Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district. - Letter from Friedrich Engels to Karl Marx's daughter, Laura, speaking about her husband Paul Lafargue, April 1887,
“Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” - Karl Marx
Lenin and numerous other communist icons were all racists, they had to be because they were intelligent to understand communism could never work unless lesser races were either enslaved or genocided because they read Aristotle. They knew that a dictatorship of the proletariat cannot exist unless a certain level of homogeneity existed, the foundation of the philia of society and the commune.
Anyway, just spam commie, spic, and nigger twitter with the facts and watch them explode. The shitskins are already turning and bashing white antifa as it is.
Anthony Cox
Even Gandhi hated niggers. Fucking Gandhi! What the fuck do you have to do piss him off? Being a subhuman nigger, which he witnessed with his own eyes. You literally cannot be a good person and revolutionary and think well of niggers, you just cannot.
Cooper Martinez
I've said it for years, any form if government works in a homogeneous society.
Lucas Green
Jacob Hernandez
Michael Myers
I've argued this point as well before. i think certain systems will work better than others, but ultimately as long as the society is homogenous in terms of culture and race, then whatever system they adopt will ultimately be successful for the greater part of it all.
Communism has extra hurdles to jump over, and free market economics has to deal with the constant threat of being used to subvert/pervert the systems in place.. but ultimately all of the systems we know of CAN work given an ethnically pure state, with a strong moral compass, and a society that promotes good character values of the individual.
By the same token, any system breaks down when you introduce millions of shitskins into it. We could be full on natsoc in the US, and it would flounder and die just like any other system, because of our "diversity" levels here. In short, "diversity" is really what stops anything from working, its what breaks down societies and economic systems, and it will be at the very core of what collapses western civilization
Jonathan Watson
Every intellectual knew this and they turned out completely right of course looking at what happens and keeps happening today, here's Charles Darwin, Father of Evolutionary Theory
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.” ― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
They all knew. The only answer to a progressive world was killing all lesser races or enslaving them and as the latter failed because obsolete farm equipment can be replaced by John Deere and Eli Whitney there's only one answer left.
Even fucking Abraham Lincoln knew
I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. “Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.” -Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America.
Now why do they think this way? Because they are intellectual or wise men ultimately born of Western Civilisation and the father of Western Civilisations thousands of years ago such as Aristotle knew civilisation is not possible with "diversity" because it would lack philia.
Henry Perez
Hi hasbarafag get to /endchan
Elijah Baker
There is literally nothing wrong with gaslighting commies.
Jackson Smith
William Richardson
What are you on about now, gommie? It's over.
Ol honest Abe was a real prophet. He knew! here's my fav quote of his "You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence." He predicted EXACTLY what would happen if all the niggers weren't shipped back to Liberia or exterminated like cockroaches.
Hudson Watson
You have no idea what the term even means. Stop pretending to be ingroup you fucking newfag and take your fucking year.
Easton Wood
Fuck you hasbarafag
Gavin Jackson
It's not really gaslighting so much as it is telling the truth and there's nothing wrong with that at all. We don't need to lie, leftism has never ever been fond of reality to begin with. They have to invention new ones. What we do is more like shattering than gaslighting.
Asher Morris
you can also push the split between the oldschool commies and the new liberal ones, especially in eastern europe, as in "the good old socialists would fight for workers rights, not fags and trannies"
Luke Sanchez
How? I despise kikes and niggers. Here's some free redpills for you to calm down, gommie.
Yup. OP fucked up with with the definition of gaslighting. Still a worthy angle to pursue. Watch twitter threads of leftists tripping over themselves to exalt Communism's pioneers, only to paint them into a racist corner with the truth.
Don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater (unless of course its a jew baby)
Josiah Myers
The whole issue of identity politics in their 'revolution' is excellent at getting them to destroy each other. Quote Zizek and of course Marx and you can really do some extreme damage.
Juan Reed
No worries, user was jopking, that's what the kushner paid hasbara jews do whenever an organisation is exposed on here for being run by jews to destroy any hope of a real nationalist org arising.
The jews warcry is any one of the following etc then they post a slew of smug anime girl jpgs, skat porn and gore porn then along comes Kampfy the shitskinned antiwhite turkroach mod to delete the thread when the other mods are asleep
Jacob Perry
Well more that whites can make almost anything work, though Marxism as a kike plot to destroy whites would likely disintegrate within months even if a group of whites earnestly tried to implement it. Even religious Christian Communes full of ardent believes in the philosophy rarely lasted more than three generations before they broke apart.
John Evans
They didn't like these people because their own ideology hadn't subverted everyone yet. Communism to me seems like just a bait and switch type plan to rile up and radicalize the lower downtrodden classes into a rebellion. They did it with serfs in Russia who the czars and nobility treated like trash. They did it with the Vietnamese who wanted just to throw off colonial rule. Not sure what happened with mao honestly. But now they're doing it here and have been with racial tensions. And I think they realized that that may not be good enough so they're inventing all these other golems like feminists and gays and all these different snowflake sexualities to both swell their ranks and subvert their enemy, which is our system. Communism and Marxism is not possible in homogeneous societies like other forms of socialism could be. I think it's just pure Talmudic evil coming from a group who has never had a real nation. Jealous, jealous kikes.
Benjamin Reyes
It works because communist Jews don't actually believe all this shit they spew. It's just society destroying tactics. Back then Marx was using the poor workers. They hadn't thought of all the racial or LGBTBBQ shit yet. They didn't need it. This shit was taken to its extreme because America doesn't really have a huge class of serfs. Sure we have poor people, but they are a lot of times hard workers who still believe in their relative freedom. The Russian serfs were under a damned boot in comparison . The commies need other golems for us here, but this is also why they are doomed here. People don't feel as oppressed here besides those who have like cut off their own dicks or something, and I don't think they'll make an effective revolutionary vanguard tbh. We may see communism die for good here. If you treat your own people right, like the czars didn't, you can avoid this bullshit. Homogeneity also helps, but it doesn't 'make true communism possible' it just prevents that bullshit from happening in the first place.
Landon Hall
How about when Stalin was going to give Russia a precious gift by doing a Hitler and getting rid of the Jews.
Jose White
The nazbol kikes from lefty/pol/ are shilling again about "based" (((Stalin)))
Ian Moore
Except they really didn't, it was the lower classes in Moscow and Petrograd that got the shit end of the stick due to the war but the Czar's daughters were working as nurses in palaces which had been converted to hospitals. The Czar's own pantry was thrown open five times during the war and emptied on his own orders to feed crowds which had gathered outside the palace in Moscow. He was a weak king but he really did care for the people to a religious degree.
Zipperheads are shitskins with a mean IQ of 88, their "communism" was just nationalism with a red flag so they could get trucks from Russia.
Mao just wanted power and hid from the Japs while the other factions fought them and lost men, then he took his chance and was nearly crushed until the (((State Department))) decided to offer conciliation between the factions and it just happened that Mao attacked at the moment the rest were standing down. Total coincidence goys.
Isaiah Rogers
To be fair back then egypt used to sell sudanese people to the europeans. This one ended up as officer into italian light infantry.
Camden Scott
Stalin also wanted to gulag all jews in soviet union before he was assassinated.
Ayden Murphy
Yes, in their heads, against the imperial Arab states wishing to annex it, but when Israel was shown to be a fuckery of kikes itsself, it quickly spread a wave of antisemitism and antizionism across the entirety of Eastern Europe in 1969, even prompting Poland and others to expel its jewish population.
Daniel Walker
Gaslighting implies were distorting history. They gaslit us.
And to elaborate on that point in the 60s and 70s when many kikes wanted to leave the (((USSR))) because it was so poor and had few opportunities zionist kikes started pushing the myth that the JudeoBolshevik regime was anti semitic and was oppressing jews and managed to get jewmerica to accept thousands of jewish "refugees".
Lincoln Cooper
Poles and Latvians were committing acts against the Soviet state obviously, whereas, for one, jewish Poles were among the first to take arms and kill the fascist Germans living in Poland.
Chase Lee
anti zionism =/= anti semitism
Also this was more of an anti Trotskyist purge
Jose Lopez
If Lincoln, that massive fucking oildrilling faggot, hadn't been killed he'd have formed the BOR/DOR and sent niggers back. It was always in the works.
Nathan Wood
You have the idea correct in theory as it pertains to America and Russia (cultural/economic class warfare) but you must realize the Bolsheviks were not the serfs and their coming to power had little to do with oppression of the poor. It was much more like a well funded group of individuals pulling off a heist because they had turrets/cannons/gunz pointed right at parliament and other locales.
Wyatt Peterson
Trotsyists had already been purged at that point had they not? If i remember right, i think that when Stalin saw the soviet jews celebrating the creation of israel he started to view them all as a 5th column in soviet union.
Uproot the whole shebang and expose how all those groups they supposedly love but actually hate are really just being exploited to further the communist agenda. Expose the facts that those groups are incompatible because they hold contradictory ideals. Those inconsistencies that they deny and try to hide are the pins that give them all their momentum but if you hammer them enough they'll fall out.
Nicholas Harris
The first quote is talking about how slavery was good because it helped create the conditions for Communism (industrial revolution)
The 2nd isn't real
3rd isn't real
4th isn't real
Christian Hall
Of course it did, the Revolution was legitimate, but it was quickly hijacked by (((those))) with German / American support, money and intelligence.
Liam Sanchez
Actually I'm wrong. The full quote for the 1st one is;
"Let us see now to what modifications M. Proudhon subjects Hegel's dialectics when he applies it to political economy.
For him, M. Proudhon, every economic category has two sides – one good, the other bad. He looks upon these categories as the petty bourgeois looks upon the great men of history: Napoleon was a great man; he did a lot of good; he also did a lot of harm.
The good side and the bad side, the advantages and drawbacks, taken together form for M. Proudhon the contradiction in every economic category.
The problem to be solved: to keep the good side, while eliminating the bad.
Slavery is an economic category like any other. Thus it also has its two sides. Let us leave alone the bad side and talk about the good side of slavery. Needless to say, we are dealing only with direct slavery, with Negro slavery in Surinam, in Brazil, in the Southern States of North America.
Direct slavery is just as much the pivot of bourgeois industry as machinery, credits, etc. Without slavery you have no cotton; without cotton you have no modern industry. It is slavery that gave the colonies their value; it is the colonies that created world trade, and it is world trade that is the precondition of large-scale industry. Thus slavery is an economic category of the greatest importance.
Without slavery North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe North America off the map of the world, and you will have anarchy – the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Cause slavery to disappear and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.[*1] Thus slavery, because it is an economic category, has always existed among the institutions of the peoples. Modern nations have been able only to disguise slavery in their own countries, but they have imposed it without disguise upon the New World. What would M. Proudhon do to save slavery? He would formulate the problem thus: preserve the good side of this economic category, eliminate the bad.
Actually try to fact check guys
Brody Anderson
WTF I love Marx now!
Camden Miller
Dominic Gonzalez
Stalin sent two million Jews into concentration camps before dying, he probably saw the truth and tried to revert the damage he did by Winning WW2.
Benjamin Martinez
Thank you for a kike-free first post.
Dominic Reyes
Everyone hated jews before Hitler failed, everyone hated jews up until then too, Jewmerica riding jewish cock is directly related to it's need to mirror the USSR at everything it does; when the USSR went up against Israel in '69, America supported them. Jewmerica always had jewish poison, yes, but that's when it became more apparent than ever.
Joshua Long
The submission of Holla Forums to capitalism is very sad to see, especially when capitalism is by far the greater threat and friendlier to the Jew.
Jack Lewis
Fuck man. That is some low quality shilling. I don't even know where to start. So, I will just tell you to kill yourself instead.
Dylan Rodriguez
(((Nazbol))) lefty/pol/ kike mongrels GTFO
Dominic Ward
Stalin supported Zionism too, dummy.
Gavin Torres
[*historical illiteracy intensifies*]
Andrew Ramirez
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Jewish shekel.
Christian Hughes
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism."
Brayden Johnson
And no I'm not NazBol. But there are things we can learn from Stalin, and the Hitler-worship has gone too far.
He was initially glad about Israel but quickly began to see Jews are a fifth column who needed rooting out. And actually evidence suggests Stalin held antisemitic views for quite some time.
Yes he did. By invading Poland. Before you refer to me to TGSNT or some shit don't bother, I've seen it. There's some truth to it but ultimately Hitler is to blame for starting the war. wow a non argument Seems like its you that is historically illiterate here friend
right cause fascism totally isn't capitalism in disguise I thought we were national SOCIALISTS
Jonathan Harris
You mean jewish financial globalist capitalism. National Socialists support private property as long as the economy is subservient to and serves the nation
Samuel Reed
Good thread. Take a bump
Jackson Lopez
Stalin was OK, but that doesn't mean communism isn't shit, the only real bad part of the Iron Wall and all that encompassed it (if you allow me to count the effects of its policies as communism).
As did Hitler, wishing they'd be shipped to Madagascar. Funnily enough, Poland had the biggest concentration of classical jews opposed to the creation of Israel in stark contrast to American kikes who schemed for its creation, effectively playing into their hands by having them fear for their lives so they'd self deport and colonize it, American kikes stayed in America to fuck it up some more.
Who did then? Who "didn't want peace" if its not on his conditions?
Ryan Hernandez
Doesn't work because even lefty/pol/ kike spergs and trannies know that (((Marx))) was incredibly jewish. (((Marx))) literally wanted to abolish all nations and races and create a one world utopia
Camden Moore
It's so cute when lefty/poll commiecuck shills pretend to be anti semitic
Alexander Myers
Okay, now address my points will you, I'm as fascist as it gets.
Aiden Bailey
We should abolish money and profit. The only things being produced should the things we need as opposed to our wasteful commodity culture.
Jace Martinez
leeeel Alright little gommie niggerjew, lets talk about Poland. Pucker that lil asshole up, because you're about to become the fortress of Balls-Deep'd.
John Ortiz
Historical context {{see also|Events preceding World War II in Europe}} At the conclusion of the [[World War I|First World War]], the [[German Empire]] signed the [[First Armistice at Compiègne]] on 11 November 1918 as an end to hostilities with France, the British Empire, and the United States during the convoluted [[German Revolution of 1918–19]], which began 29 October 1918.
Negotiations between the Allied powers regarding post-war Europe started on 18 January 1919 in the [[Salle de l'Horloge]] at the [[French Foreign Ministry]] on the [[Quai d'Orsay]] in Paris. Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. The opposing nations of the [[German Empire]] and the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] were excluded from the negotiations. At first a "Council of Ten" comprising two delegates each from Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Japan met officially to decide the peace terms. It became the "Big Four" when Japan dropped out and the top person from each of the other four nations met in 145 closed sessions to make all the major decisions to be ratified by the entire assembly. In June 1919, the Allies declared that war would resume if the German government did not sign the treaty they had agreed to among themselves. The government headed by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] was unable to agree on a common position, and Scheidemann himself resigned rather than agree to sign the treaty. [[Gustav Bauer]], the head of the new government, sent a telegram stating his intention to sign the treaty if certain articles were withdrawn, including articles 227, 230 and 231. In response, the Allies issued an ultimatum stating that Germany would have to accept the treaty or face an invasion of Allied forces across the Rhine within 24 hours. On 23 June 1919, Bauer capitulated and sent a second telegram with a confirmation that a German delegation would arrive shortly to sign the treaty.
Noah Jenkins
On 28 June 1919, Germany signed the [[Treaty of Versailles]], a peace treaty which formally ended the state of war and imposed various punitive measures upon Germany, including [[Treaty of Versailles#Military restrictions|military restriction]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Territorial changes|loss of territory and colonies]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Reparations| war debt, and effective acceptance of blame for the initiation of hostilities in World War I]]. At the time of the armistice, an attempted [[German Revolution of 1918–19|Communist revolution]] transpired (October 1918-August 1919) , resulting in the abdication of the [[Wilhelm II, German Emperor|Emperor of Germany]] in November 1918, and what became known as the [[Weimar Republic]] was subsequently established in the wake of the uprising. The transition from [[monarchy]] to [[republic]] was difficult, and many in the new government were not supportive of the democratic system of government. The officer class gave little support to the Republic, and Germany was forced to borrow money from the United States and others to pay its [[war reparations|war debt]], imposed by the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In the early 1920s a period of [[hyperinflation]] made the [[Reichsmark]] almost worthless. In January 1922, one [[US Dollar]] was worth 191 Marks, but by November of the same year it was equal to 4,200,000,000 Marks.{{cite web|last=Kalfus|first=Richard|title=Weimar Republic 1919-1923||publisher=St. Luis Community College|accessdate=6 May 2014}}
In 1932, [[Adolf Hitler]] was appointed [[List of Chancellors of Germany#Weimar Republic (Reichskanzler) (1919–1933)|Chancellor of the Reich]] following a contentious election. Under Hitler's leadership, the [[Reichstag (Nazi Germany)|Reichstag]] turned the government into an effective [[dictatorship]] under Hitler's oversight on 21 March 1933 with the passage of the [[Enabling Act of 1933]], and the economic hardships were significantly diminished via implementation of new economic and social policies. After five years in power, Hitler [[Anschluss|annexed Austria]], former component of the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] (allies of the former [[German Empire]]), into Germany, despite such an act (specifically, "prohibition on the merging of Austria with Germany without the consent of the League of Nations") being banned by both the [[Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye]] and the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In early November 1938, the [[First Vienna Award]] was signed, allowing Germany to seize the [[Sudetenland]], a German-speaking area of [[Czechoslovakia]] which was formerly a part of the [[German Empire]]-allied [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. Soon after, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and also gained [[Memelland]] (part of the former German Empire from 1871-1920) through the [[1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania]].
Nicholas Anderson
While some sources claim Hitler still wanted more, to create [[Lebensraum]], or "living space", for Germany, other sources claim evidence of [[Ethnic cleansing|hostility]] on behalf of Polish [[partisan (military)|partisans]] toward [[Germans|ethnic Germans]] in the [[Polish Corridor|Danzig Corridor]] (territory lost to [[Germany]] as a result of the [[Treaty of Versailles]]) which may have served as a motivating factor for the [[Invasion of Poland|German invasion]] (often portrayed as [[propaganda]] to justify German [[expansionism]]).
Two [[Western powers]], the [[United Kingdom]] and [[France]], gave [[Anglo-Polish_military_alliance#British_Guarantee_to_Poland|guarantees]] to [[Poland]] that they would declare war if Polish independence came under threat, as presented in a statement to the [[House of Commons]] by British [[Prime Minister]] [[Neville Chamberlain]] 31 March 1939 (formalized by the British 6 April 1939; not ratified until 4 September 1939 by the French):
>I may add that the French Government have authorised me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government.[ Statement by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on March 31, 1939.]}}
Ethan Roberts
Although they honoured these guarantees by declaring war soon after Germany's [[Invasion of Poland]] on 1 September 1939,{{cite web|last=Rapten|first=Pema Dechen|title=Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918-23||publisher=Mount Holyoke College|accessdate=6 May 2014}} and although the [[Dominions]] of the British Empire quickly followed suit, so little practical assistance was given to Poland, which was soon defeated, that in its early stages the war declared by Britain and France was described as a [[Phoney War]].
Further, neither the [[British Empire]], nor the [[France|French]], ever declared war upon the [[Soviet Union]], which invaded Poland on 17 September 1939 (17 days after [[Nazi Germany]] invaded from the West) and held sway over the former-Polish territory at the war's conclusion, having become a part of the [[Allies of World War II|Allied front]] in the course of the [[World War II|war]]. At the insistence of [[Joseph Stalin]], the post-war [[Yalta Conference]] in 1945 sanctioned the formation of a new provisional pro-Communist coalition government in Moscow, which ignored the [[Polish government-in-exile]] based in [[London]]; a move which angered many Poles, who considered it a betrayal by the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]], and, as a result, [[Anti-Communism in the Communist Bloc|as elsewhere in Communist Europe]], the Soviet occupation of Poland met with [[Cursed soldiers|armed resistance]] from the outset which continued into the fifties. The consequences of the [[Yalta Conference]] subsequently added new permanence to the end of [[Poland#Postwar communism|Polish independence]] on 22 July 1952 with the creation of the [[People's Republic of Poland]], a [[Communist]] [[puppet state]] of the [[Soviet Union]] which held sway over the territory from its inception in 1952, until [[Poland]] once again achieved [[independence]] on 13 September 1989, following the toppling of the [[Communist]] regime and preceding the [[dissolution of the Soviet Union]].
Cameron Peterson
No we should not. Go back to lefty/pol/ you autistic kike
I have no interest arguing with kikes. Also your post is unintelligible
Ethan Harris
Isaac Lopez
Nah, as can be seen - Britain and France LITERALLY and figuratively started the Second World War, namely, by repeating the actions which everyone agreed had led to the emergence of the First World War (that is, ridiculous alliances that dragged everyone into conflict over one asshole getting merc'd in some Eastern European asscrack by some other asshole, in the case of the First WW).
So, Britain and France, they tell Poland, "We got you bro! Fuck the Germans! Do whatever you want!"… And they do! There is no question as to the existence of pre-war Polish atrocities against the German minority in the Danzig corridor - its a historical fact the Allies have struggled to contain, because it paints them very, very badly.
In any case, what STARTED the war? It wasn't Hitler's invasion - he could have invaded without a war transpiring. It wasn't the Polish atrocities, see above. It was the British and French creating the 'alliance' - in quotes, because after they'd used Poland as bait to start their next war with Germany, they cast them aside to the Soviet bear to fuck and eat as it pleased. And it did! For decades!
So, now that I've used you in turn to satisfy my desire to embarrass and disdain Gommie scum, just as Theoden King did, I shall now abandon the Fortress of Balls-Deep'd and head off to greater deeds.
Dominic Ross
Porky has a vested interest to keep his fellow (((Capitalist))) Jews alive and bind you in chains than to actually work with you. Keeping Capitalist traitors around means sowing the seeds of your own destruction.
Isaac Jackson
Stalin was a golem who eventually broke free from his masters, that's why they killed him.
Grayson Green
This is the problem (((capitalism))) is insidious and needs to die
Well I'm arguing not that we should adopt communism, but that we should take a more genuinely socialist stance, which resembles Stalin more than Hitler imo
Your spergout is unnecessary and derails the thread Nothing changes the fact that Hitler invaded Poland and started the war, no matter how you spin it
John Bennett
lel In your dreams.
Stalin was a tool of Jews, and when Jews fought each other, he became a pawn in the game, which was eventually cast aside, as shabbos goyim always are when they get caught in an inter-jewry conflict.
Isaiah Powell
Fuck off
Parker Bell
t.nazbol lefty/pol/ commiecuck pretending to be antisemitic
Do you know how ironic it is to be a commie and say mean things about jews? "Based" (((Stalin))) would have sent you to the Gulag for fascist reactionary speech
Michael Carter
Holla Forums is a National Socialist board you tard. Go back with all your fellow trannies and teenagers at lefty/pol/.
Dylan Lewis
I'm not fond of Stalinism but we really should bring back the SOCIALISM in National Socialism. How about Strasserism?
Camden Baker
I know. At least have the decency to check em, you worthless heeb-serving faggot.
Face it you historically illiterate pleb, the Allies declared the war (ie started it) AND they didn't eve nhold to the fucking agreement because they didn't impose war upon the Soviets who invaded 16 days later! lel, gommie jew scum can't even keep their narratives right.
Checked for back to hell, Satan. They matzo there too.
Kevin Long
How about no? How about you cringy nazbol kikes go back to your designated containment board?
Oliver Reyes
Tell me Holla Forums, is there a more pathetic creature than the average leftycuck?
Brandon Jackson
Just because a movement of the past wasn't anti-Semitic, doesn't mean that we can't change it to be so in the present. If Capitalist Jew-loving traitor pigs and (((profit-motivation))) still exist, how can you call yourself anything other than a (((Capitalist)))?
Michael Perry
The below-average leftycuck, that is, the Gommunist. Aside from straight-up Talmudic Judaism, Gommunism - in ALL its forms - is the single most Jewish thing on the planet, in all of human history.
Titus should have finished the fucking job.
Dylan Young
Were National Socialists, and Hitler did nothing wrong. We do not want to emulate Stalin, we do not want to praise Stalin, we do not want to point to the good things Stalin did, which pretty much dont exist. We want everyone who thinks Stalins a great guy to be fucking executed as communists.
Levi Allen
By your own logic, Capitalism could as-easily change in the present. You've just completely destroyed your own fucking argument in just one fucking post you incredible fucking imbecile. Jesus Christ.
Jonathan Martin
Checked for the inevitable answer to 'muh NazBol!' faggots.
Daniel Ramirez
Thats the whole reason lefty/pol/ pushes it, is because they can make useful race traitors out of the nazbols, and that they are now a wall of traitors who need to get taken out first, protecting Jews.
Bentley Roberts
Capitalism by its very nature is Jewish. Who is to say that Socialism couldn't work under a Fascist administration?
Jose Powell
Its like 3 wins at once. They break up national socialists. They get former National Socialists who would be good white men killed, and worse, they get actual National Socialists killed by those Nazbols in return. 3 birds with one stone and poof goes our race. Nazbol is race treason and thats exactly why actual Jewish communists push it.
Brayden King
lel, you're so dumb or LARPing really lazily m8.
Landon Sullivan
I used to troll lefty/pol/ larping as a tankie all the time. And then pretend to be an anarcha feminist. It was so easy the sectarianism among leftcucks is insane. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter much. Those tards and trannies are insignificant in the grand scheme of things
Ryder Wright
I can't imagine finding NazBol appealing. It must have to do with self-esteem - as its well documented, liberals have low self-esteem, and the more you lower someones self-esteem, the more leftist their thoughts become.
NazBol then, I would have to wager, are simply those who've recognized the hazard of the Jew and the benefit of National Socialism, but have such low self-esteem that the pandering to them of Jewish subversives, pushing Gommunist-infected vaguely NatSoc ideals, has some appeal.
IOW: Low self-esteem is the stuff NazBol are made of.
Jaxson Wilson
Strasserism is closer but a meme Really there isn't an existing -ism other than NatSoc but NatSoc has been coopted by Hitlerites
nah just fuck off
Probably because they would've been BTFO fighting against Hitler AND Stalin Hitler should've known better, you're just playing semantics and shifting the blame. Hitler invaded knowing that the allies would declare war. He started it, because if he hadn't, no war would've happened. How was Germany 'puished' into war anyway. It's not like Germany survival depended on acquiring Polish territory. And did, then that's a serious criticism of Hitler and NatSoc.
Again, I'm not Holla Forums
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've read today, well done
It's a shame people like you perpetuate the same thing here by demanding that we all be carbon copies of Hitler
Cooper Rogers
Who said Communism? You did. I said Socialism. Capitalism by its very nature brings involuntary poverty, working conditions worse than slavery, work hours that are greater than those experienced by Medieval peasantry, worker alienation and commodification of every aspect of the traditions and cultures you care so much about. Worst of all, Capitalism gives incentive to be the most greedy backstabbing Jewy Jew you can be, and consistently places the worst filth in the top 1%.
Aaron Adams
You lefty/pol/ teenagers are getting dumber every single day
Gavin Powell
lel, what a sperg you are m8
So, you're admitting they started the war and didn't hold to the only claim of them not starting the war because they didn't think they could win? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Funny that - its like you're admitting outright the Allies started the war over an alliance they never intended to uphold against anyone but Germany and that if that alliance - which they never intended to uphold against anyone wbut Germany - hadn't been made then there would have been no justification for war on their behalf. lel, such sperg, much judaism, so low self-esteem
Brayden Nguyen
If you plan to shill and pretend not to be a (((marxist))) lefty/pol/ shill at least spend 3 minutes studying the National Socialist critiques of capitalism instead of using marxist talking points and then sprinkling them with a few anti kike memes in order to fit in.
I have to admit I get extremely triggered when commiecucks pretend to be anti semitic and hate jews. It's so stupid.
Chase Ortiz
Oh, also, for the audience, a reminder:
A historical review:
Lincoln Morales
ah fuck it, some people are too brain dead to get anywhere You're honestly worse than Holla Forums if you can't any kind of discussion beyond 'HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG' and you;re a jew shill'
you're killing what was once a great board
only sperg is you
No. Hitler started it and this excuse to make excuses for him is pathetic. They were hypocrites by not declaring war on the USSR. But the agreement between Germany and the USSR was secret so when they declared war, they weren't being hypocritical. Oh fuck off seriously. Hitler knowlingly invaded a country that he knew had allies who would intervene. This is de facto starting a war. You're just playing semantics, yes it was Britain and France who declared war but in reality this meant nothing other than that Hitler had declared war on those two. You're playing the jews game here, you disingenuous kike.
that second image is retarded And Hitlerism is just capitalism in disguise
It's clear that you're not interested in discussion, instead wanting to perpetuate a false narrative that making real NatSocs look stupid because nobody wants to associate with a mental retard like yourself
Mason Evans
I'm not from Holla Forums you moneygrubbing nigger. Your soul is closer to that of a Jew's for defending (((Capitalism))). Holla Forums would ban me for valuing the Fascist philosophy of Blood and Soil, and for my belief that the Eternal Jew is evil by their very nature. Holla Forums hates my guts for "Muh Spooks" and "Muh IdPol". (((You))) Capitalists hate me for saying that White Blood shouldn't be measured in dollar signs, and that White Men shouldn't work their bones to dust in the name of somebody else's (((Profit))), or that the traditions and cultures that define Europa shouldn't be put up for sale.
Fuck you both, Capitalist dog scut and Holla Forums cucks alike. You'll both be gassed for being anti-White.
Luis Mitchell
wat? lel
Those allies knowingly made an alliance to justify intervention solely so they could attack Germany, as evidenced by their unwillingness to declare war against another power which represented EXACTLY what the agreement stipulated.
You can't make an agreement to 'defend Polish sovereignty against all attacks', then declare war against one group who invades, not declare war against another group who invades 2 weeks later, and then say you made that alliance because you cared about the sovereignty of the Polish people, and think anyone is going to buy that excuse.
By your own logic, creating the alliance knowing that Germany was going to invade is actually de facto starting a war. lel, thank you for proving me right yet again Gommie.
Then so are you, sport. *teleports behind you* Thank you for admitting your defeat. Nothing personal kiddo. ;^)
Cameron Powell
same person.
leeeeeeeel, i can't honestly imagine how pathetic your day-to-day life must be. not that i've tried very hard, i grant you.
Sebastian Sullivan
No sir, I'm not the other poster because I believe Germany's decision to defend German people against mass murder instigated by Polish Communist groups was completely justified, I don't admire anything about the USSR, and in fact I'm not anti-Hitler.
I oppose Capitalism and Communism both.
Xavier Thomas
Mmhmm, sure ya do sport. Have fun talking to yourself, I'm out.
Christian Davis
The retarded kaiser gave it up himself, the kikes did this, clearly. Wasn't forced, chose the most comfortable path after the plain retardation that was printing more money hoping its industry would quickly make up for it, straight up delusion. Which was largely recognized as too much while Hitler was praised in Britain, the leading force behind the enforcement of the debt. Anyway, this is getting tiring now, irrelevant copy and paste drivel for someone who doesn't know how to argue by themselves. Yes, through great men that were dragged into a pointless war. We're speaking about Adolf. The sources being? Which partisans? Common claim everywhere is Polish jews and Polish Boshleviks. There are more cases of Prussians resorting to violence, with one case ending with two dozen civilians dead. Which may, but in reality wasn't. Nope. France supplied Poland with arms and weapons already, for fighting in the WW1 with her. Józef Piłsudski himself though dragging France into the conflict would be pointless; before WW1 France had a bigger reserve and a bigger military than America, after it though, it fell well above rank while Poland surpassed its numbers, so he opted for a symbolic alliance instead, its why Poland sought a formal one with Britain instead. In fact, it was Poland who, angered by the breach of the Treaty of Versiales that was Germany remilitarizing Rhineland, said they'd protect France and invade if it is a threat to her. The quote from Wikipedia goes:
Ryder Howard
Cont: Although it was a separate entity on a map, wrong. Yes, the Soviet union did this on purpose to give Poland credit for taking down communism, Russia following this grand act in expected brazen fashion by having tanks bombard the white house for those who opposed the transition, hoping this would boost diplomatic relations, although Hungary was the real leading force behind it, taking up arms against the regime - as did Poland when it invaded and split Czechoslovakia to stop them voting it out in the 50s, to get back at allying with the Nazis in the 40s. Not everything is black and white. This is just irrelevant, dumb drivel.
John Peterson
Embed related is good.
Christian Howard
Damn mongols know how to make a point…
Owen Sanchez
Strasser was executed in his cell for treason and left to bleed out for over an hour intentionally, so he could think about what he had done before he died. Thats what will happen to people like you. We are National Socialists, youre a Stalin apologist, which is a capital offense.
Lincoln Robinson
That doesn't refute (or even address) the claim. (the claim being that Stalin wanted to gulag jews, not that he did.)
William Cruz
We will people like this, mods are obviously beating off or something.
Aiden Morales
How 'bout no? If you're only producing things that directly benefit you and your community, the products you create are their own reward. No more busy-work jobs, just jobs that are actually necessary.
Ethan Morris
Youre just going to get shitcanned arguing against private property, its obvious youre a communist lefty/pol/.
Robert Gomez
The gods stand with you.
Landon Rogers
Have a webm.
Matthew Perez
There is a distinction between personal property and private property. I believe the means of production should be nationalized.
Grayson Watson
Why? Because (((Marx))) said so? The economy must be regulated to serve the nation first and critical industries must be under state control most of the time but your jewish ideology of class warfare to eradicate the middle class and business owners and turn everyone into a rootless deracinated mongrel is not acceptable. Commiecucks and (((marxists))) get the rope first
Ryan Rivera
In fact I invite you to present your arguments in favor of our current private property system.
John Martinez
Why preserve Class if it's Blood and Soil that matter? I don't advocate a globalist borderless world of mocha skinned mongrels, in fact my primary motivation is to preserve national, cultural, and Racial distinctions.
Charles Nguyen
(((Class warfare))) and (((materialism))) is a spook. A jewish trick to divide people of the same race and undermine the nation. Race and kinship are genuine bonds. (((Communists))) believe a Nigerian labourer is closer to me than a European property owner.
Because of natural hierarchy. The same reason there should be a leader. There should be room for exceptional individuals to achieve their potential. Class doesn't matter when all people cooperate and work towards achieving national goals You are just poisoned by jewish marxist poison and cringy nazbol memes trying to combine contradictory ideologies like (((marxism))) and Nationalism.
Holla Forums is very ignorant of the jewish menace. They should really pick up a book :^)
Sebastian Campbell
Ever had to run a company that produces something? No you didn't because that's why you think what you think is a good idea.
Isaac Thomas
Every fucking time. What a load of shit.
Henry Diaz
Nonsensical D&C. Leadership positions and military aside, there's no point to maintaing lower, middle, and upper class.
Bentley Morales
But you are a (((marxist))). Your end goal is a classless stateless one world global proletariat union and abolishing all states and ethnic barriers. Stop pretending to be a Nationalist you annoying shill.
Levi Evans
Ayden King
But I'm not, as I'm a National Socialist.
Honestly I still have to flesh out my understanding of economics. I'll just say I'm going to read much more and bid this thread adieu.
Brandon Watson
National Socialists don't want to abolish class. We want to preserve class as a natural and necessary form of hierarchy. Class collaboration, not class conflict.
Adam Clark
Who's maintaining what exactly? I'm all for helping the lower class but don't be daft.
Jonathan Rivera
Yes. Let as all live with only water and minimal things and live as animals again. Only the necessary things to live for awhile and die with a broken back, just because some bearded kike that got a lot of money from his kike buddies but never worked hard labor himself told you so. Let us be depended on people a lot, even the people that will just be lazy adding nothing at all but reaping the benefits of your work.
If you truly think you only need things that are necessary then undo of your electronic devices, live in the woods with just a tent, some self made tools and weapons and try to get along with your own produce. You won't though because you don't even work, you think you're too good for that.
But the classes don't buy this nonsense anymore and understand having multiple classes is fine, if you worked you would understand this rather quickly, I know you don't. This is why "gender" and race isn't needed and it is a form of oppression and just a social construct according to the same idiots like you because the working class doesn't buy communism or marxism anymore so you scrape even lower. You keep scraping for the lowest in the barrel shit while killing people with the brains to run things, that's what your ideology is based upon and that's why it will never work, because it is not meant to work.
Hell I want my boss to enjoy the upper class life that he has, running a company and making it grow each year is hard work. The guy deserve the money he makes. Not all successful people are muh evil assholes like you communist fucks seem to think, some actually care about the people they hire and want them to grow too. My company gives free classes for example. I've seen a janitor become a company head for the some company within 2 years because he took those fucking classes and studied hard for them. This is something that wont ever happen under communism.
You're not, you proven this with each post. You don't have to be one but a basic understand can benefit anyone.
Yeah, it's needed. Read Gottfried Feder - Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money. That's what the economics of National Socialism are based upon. Gottfried is the father of National Socialism. Audio book here:
Yeah run while the stupood evil nazi are buttblasting you again. But seriously, if you truly are from leftypol just be fucking honest about it for once.
Kayden Allen
Excuse the typos, I'm tired as hell.
Thomas Jackson
they're delusional. they envision themselves holding the clipboard, but they're more likely to be on the list, just like so many useful idiots before them.
Logan Mitchell
Communism is meaningless in the CURRENT YEAR Western world. It's merely a blanket that assorted freaks and nutjobs can try and cover up their abhorrent behaviour with and join a group that accepts them. I mean even that lolcow Peter Coffin is a communist now to try and shield himself from being laughed at 24/7.
A lot of tranny communists have no real idea politically and just want a group that will say they're not complete freaks and losers.
Lincoln Brown
i'm bewildered that so many of them are so self centered and afraid to work to think they wouldn't be thrown in the gulag or have ample food in their perfect society. How much longer until Sweden collapses and becomes new Arabia?
Landon Mitchell
It's gonna be a third world country around 2030
Carter Taylor
And why are they fake?
Dylan Brown
I'm surprised how so many of them don't know the fact that homosexuality was punishable by death there. It's anti-revolutionary and reactionary to be a faggot, go back to Weimar if you like it so much. Dumb lefty cunts.
Asher Reed
wew that was a read. Thanks for the source
Nolan King
They give the argument that being a faggot was allowed when Stalin had control. This is true, but they don't wanna admit that it didn't stop Stalin or others to kill faggots or throwing them in the gulag. The lefty acts and speaks nice but is the most vile creature you'll find, much like the kikes.
Jaxon Collins
yeah its sad they'll never achieve communism without the actual proletariat they best they can do is freaks focused on identity politics rather than class and lumpen-proletariat jobless niggers and other employed dregs and marx made it clear that the lumpen-proletariat are to be culled later on if communism wants any chance of being successful and they generally do as the first to die after the revolution
Luke Perry
Ah yes, the infamous sophistry of the modern marxist. Hegel was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.
Elijah Watson
Dominic Price
It's actually just a way to gaslight the goyim towards Bolshevikism.
Like how the alt right is a way to gaslight the goyim towards Zionism.
Both are Jewish ideologies. Supporting either is a mistake.
Jose Reed
Can Holla Forums and Holla Forums both agree to support open borders for isreal?
Brayden Walker
Trolling leftists is so easy, their non-white allies will eat them quite literally when SHTF.
Bentley Torres
moar famous quotes pls
can i get that in jpg to go like
Hudson Morris
Parker Ortiz
Evalion and her autismo crew are raiding this thread.
William Bennett
Talking about 1940's fucking Russia when our wall hasn't even started to be built. I smell Juden.
Just look at the comments from that traitor, 'Reality Winner' yesterday'. The dumb fuck thinks, 'America invented capitalism'. That's how gone the enemy is. But then, they don't even know what sex they are.
Wyatt Anderson
The wall started being built about 2 days ago, unless those prototypes are not being built along the border. From the accounts of what's being built the wall is going to be pretty big.
Brody Gray
Theyre your capitalist freaks, making money in your precious entrepreneurs private circuses called private media.
Anthony Fisher
I'd say e-verify and voter ID are actually more important. More difficult for future administrations to reverse those.
Anthony Ramirez
Brah you need to accept the fact that some remain based magapedes have feminine penises. Always punch left, user.
Nathan Roberts
Because there isn't any source for the quotes if you look them up
Same as above
All the quotes except for the first which I posted only source from right wing sites