Israel shamir-- strip Jews of all their wealth

For those who have never read his stuff, he's interesting. former Jew who converted to Russian Orthodoxy and is useful since he understands their language. He's had some good articles on Jewish Ritual Murder and was in charge of Wikileaks in russia.

Here, he's talking about the Giraldi article in unz that Valarie Plame tweeted out, and what the Jew reaction was to it. It's worth reading imo. In practical terms, could there ever be a viable way to strip Jews of the 40% of Us wealth currently in their hands?
"The idea of correcting or channelling the excessive Jewish influence is a reasonable one, but can this goal be achieved by keeping Kristol and Krauthammer out of media (an excellent thought anyway)?

The Jewish prominence in the US is inbuilt in the US culture and tradition. Karl Marx wrote that “in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression”. He said that all Yankees are Jews, behave like Jews, aspire to be Jews and even are circumcised like Jews. So it is natural that real Jews succeed better in being Jews than their Gentile neighbours. Werner Sombart added that Jews were prominent from the very dawn of America and they created American-style capitalism the way that fits them. The Jews are prominent now because America is custom-built for Jews to fit and suit them, he said.

This is what should be corrected, and then the Jewish scribes, these Krauthammers will be out of business of inciting wars. Stop subscribing to Jewish success model, and the Jews won’t be able to influence the Senate. Make the US Christian as Christ taught, share labour and wealth, aspire to God instead of Mammon, make the first last and the last first, love thy neighbour and the problem will be solved.

If this is too tall an order, make it a smaller one. Unseating Ledeens and Frums (and I think they deserve tar and feathers all right) will not do the trick unless the rich Jews are un-wealthed. Without excessive Jewish wealth, there will be no excessive Jewish push for wars. And provided that more than half of all US wealth is in few Jewish hands, freeing it will make a colossal effect of improving life of every American, even every person on earth."

Other urls found in this thread:

addendum- this guy was/is in regular contact with Assange. So if there were previously any doubt that Assange wasn't fully aware of the JQ and what they are doing to the West, he does know.


You should keep jews in perpetual money inflation cycle. As much money as they steal, you create it and more.
Satisfy their money grabbing minds with infinite worthless money.

Either a hasbara or not bright. Shamir is not taking the piss in his article. It's pretty clear that in the next 20 years, there are going to be revolutions of some kind in europe and the US. For all the "muh constitution," as Dr. Pierce says in "Turner Diaries," the Jew took over the country under those rules. It's worthless. So in a hypothetical new society, what would be the answer to the JQ?

Right now, the Jew's biggest threat seems to come from the left/BDS movement. Corbyn has even floated the idea of a "maximum wage." Ideally, the best solution would be "The Madagascar Plan" that the NSDAP was developing– simply put them on their own island in the middle of nowhere with no contact to outside world and no one to exploit and let them live there. Put putting a "maximum income" on them might be just as useful.

He makes a few good points in the article I'd never thought about. The Us began to become a slave to Israel once the average income of a Jew surpassed that of an average White in the late 1960s/1970s. If the Jew is not able to insulate himself from all the (((diversity))) they are importing, then they'd have to stop fouling nest if they would be trapped in the filth themselves.

Thanks for the resource OP. The usual reaction here is to scream kike and run away, but I think it's important to listen to what they're saying so we know what they're up to.

Absolutely agree. I think this is especially important for women, because "feminism" has put out the idea that in order for a woman to live a worthwhile life, she needs to have a career rather than focus on family. A man's model of success became a woman's model of success, just superfluous wealth and hedonistic excess has become the white man's model of success.

In regards to that example of women, you can even see that in places like this. People here will say that women are only good for pumping out kids, which pisses them off, and makes them want to be more like men to prove themselves. Anyway, this guy seems like he could be a good resource for people reluctant to examine the JQ for fear of being labelled Nazi.

He's a very good resource. Often, former kikes are best at exposing their tribe. Men like bobby fischer, brother nathanael, and that other Jew from the 50s whose name escapes me.

This is one of his best articles, were he reveals that another Jew discovered that–just as Christians had been claiming– Jews were indeed involved in the Ritual Murder of Gentile Children for their blood. And I'm sure it still happens today. I have no doubt that's where Madeline Mcann (((disappeared))) to

'Blood, betrayal, torture, and surrender are intervowen in the story of an Italian Jew, Dr Ariel Toaff, as if penned by his compatriot Umberto Eco. Dr Toaff stumbled onto a frightful discovery, was horrified but bravely went on, until he was subjected to the full pressure of his community; he repented, a broken man.
Dr Toaff is the son of the Rabbi of Rome and a professor in the Jewish University of Bar Ilan, not far from Tel Aviv. He made a name for himself by his deep study of medieval Jewry. His three-volumed Love, Work, and Death (subtitled Jewish Life in Medieval Umbria) is an encyclopaedia of this admittedly narrow area. While studying his subject he discovered that the medieval Ashkenazi Jewish communities of North Italy practiced a particularly horrible form of human sacrifice. Their wizards and adepts stole and crucified Christian babies, obtained their blood and used it for magical rituals evoking the Spirit of Vengeance against the hated Goyim.
In particular, he dwelt on the case of St Simon of Trent. This two-year old child from the Italian town of Trent was kidnapped by a few Ashkenazi Jews from his home on the eve of Passover 1475 AD. At night, the kidnappers murdered the child; drew his blood, pierced his flesh with needles, crucified him head down calling “So may all Christians by land and sea perish”, and thus they celebrated their Passover, an archaic ritual of outpouring blood and killed babies, in the most literal form, without usual metaphoric “blood-wine” shift.
The killers were apprehended, confessed and were found guilty by the Bishop of Trent. Immediately, the Jews took their protest to the Pope and he had sent the bishop of Ventimiglia to investigate. He allegedly accepted a hefty bribe from the Jews and concluded that the child was murdered by a Hamas mine in order to besmirch Israel, as there was no Tsahal ordnance found on the beach of Trent. “Simon had been killed by Christians with the intention of ruining the Jews”, said the pre-war Jewish Encyclopedia, in a clear case of premonition: the same argument was used by Jews in 2006 while explaining away the mass murder of children in Kafr Qana.
However, in 15th century the Jews were influential, yes, but all-powerful, no. They could not deal with the world like they did in 2002 after their massacre of Jenin by ordering everybody to buzz off. They had no American veto in the Security Council. They could not bomb Rome, and the word “antisemitism” was invented 400 years later. They were given a fair deal which is much worse than preferred treatment: Pope Sixtus IV assembled a commission of six cardinals chaired by the best legal mind of that time, for retrial; and this Supreme Court found the murderers guilty. See more for a Catholic version and a Jewish version of the events. The records of the trial have survived centuries and are still available in Vatican.
In 1965, the Roman Catholic Church entered a perestroika[i]. These were the halcyon days of the Vatican II when the modernizers uprooted the foundations of tradition hoping to update the faith and to fit it into the new Jewish-friendly narrative of modernity; in plain prose, the bishops wanted to be loved by the liberal press.
The ever-watchful Jews used the opportunity and pushed the bishops to decommission St Simon of Trent. They were happy to oblige: already in bizarre ritual, the Church leaders had found the Jews free from guilt for Crucifixion of Christ while admitting the Church’s guilt for persecution of Jews; the crucifixion of an Italian baby was a small matter compared with this reversal. In a hasty decision, the bishops ruled that the confessions of the killers were unacceptable because obtained under torture, and thus the accused were innocent, while the young martyr was anything but. His cult was discontinued and forbidden, and the remains of the martyred child were removed and dumped in a secret place to avoid resumption of pilgrimage.

And now we come back to Dr Ariel Toaff. While going through the papers of the trial, he made a staggering discovery: instead of being dictated by the zealous investigators under torture, the confessions of the killers contained material totally unknown to the Italian churchmen or police. The killers belonged to the small and withdrawn Ashkenazi community, they practiced their own rites, quite different from those used by the native Italian Jews; these rites were faithfully reproduced in their confessions, though they were not known to the Crime Squad of the day. “These liturgical formulas in Hebrew with a strong anti-Christian tone cannot be projections of the judges who could not know these prayers, which didn't even belong to Italian rites but to the Ashkenazi tradition," Toaff wrote. A confession is of value only if it contains some true and verifiable details of the crime the police did not know of. This iron rule of criminal investigation was observed in Trent trials.

(I guess it's stupid to post entire thing, but it's important because this proves that JEWISH RITUAL MURDER WAS REAL. And it probably still goes on in some sects of Jewry. Andrew Joyce (who writes for Dr. Macdonald) contends that it was just a way for the local to rile up their area enough to have the leader expel them. But this book and other things I've read convinced me it was and is real.

The toaff book is very hard to get, I don't recall if there is still a pdf I might have but if anyone genuinely interested will look for it.

Madagascar is populated.

Your point? The Jews showed up in Palestine and that had also been populated for 2,000 years. Maybe the can change the name on the deed Yahweh gave them to MADAGASCAR.


As if that's a thing.

I've been reading Israel Shamir since I found this article and Not a very long time, really. I always find him interesting. He DOES write from a communist perspective, though. He admits to writing from the left, not the right. He seems to be supportive of Putin, and often seems to be speaking for him, though he says he's not. He's lived in Russia for a number of years now, and is a Russian citizen.
I looked into him. WikiLeaks (Kosher) says his place of birth is undetermined, and he may be using a fake name. Also, he was never really a Jew. It wasn't quite up to shrunken heads and lampshades level propaganda, but it was extreme enough to make me laugh a little.
They hate him because he calls them out in their name. He usually sticks to calling out Bibi and Co. in the Likud, but he'll call out the leftist Jews too, as in the article I referenced.
The article in the OP didn't impress me much, tbh. He really took a swipe at America.
This is article blew my mind when I read it. I couldn't believe somebody had written it and published it, too.

You'll never get the full truth about the jewish problem out of any of these Aut-Right types, Of course, there is some good in their writings, but it's all mixed in with BS about "BASED nationalist jews" and how the Holohoax was real in their minds too.

an economic skinner box for jews

Bumping for interest.

Sounds like bargaining to me. Some of these kikes see what is coming on the horizon: world wide extinction event for them.

There is a Pdf of blood passover in the /pdfs/ general thread. The one with gottfried feder's portrait.

no they weren't. seems like more russian subhuman kike subversion


Or dump the entire Jewish religion of Christianity for heathenry…

Not a techfag, and just upgraded to an Alienware Aurora R6 using Microsoft "Edge." ffs

Can't view webm's and haven't yet figured out why. I have a feeling I want to see that vid. Willing to withstand onslaught of derision for advice.

Get Pale Moon?

Kike monstrosity surely knows no limits, how utterly horrific. With the last part really bringing my blood to a roaring boil, nothing is sacred to them.

I'm guessing its a windows OS, you need the ActiveX control that can view WEBMs. Install VLC or MPC along with a normal browser and everything should work fine. If you've already got that installed, uninstall and then reinstall.

Still not working then you might have to use RegSvr32.exe

Not saying this is BS but do you have a source? Only thing I got in a google search when I searched for Karl Marx saying this was some hola forums link (aka this thread)

I really like that site OP. Ive read 3 articles on there and its some really interesting stuff and they don't just post articles that their user base 100% agrees with like what mostly happens on here. I love how they shit all over Chomsky but not in a shilling "lmao chumpsky is a hasbarafag" kind of way that we get here.

Gonna add this site into my rotation.

You're supposed to learn from this kike, not take christfag notions seriously. The NSDAP already solved the Jew problem with the 25 Point Plan for the abolition of unearned income.

Going for some Abrahamic theological shit is the direct opposite of what is needed. Fuck the Middle East and any ideas from that region. We need White ideas. All christ insanity ever did was soften up the White goyim. Jews literally took over White countries because of it.

This anti-Christian bullshit needs to be eradicated. Stop trying to turn the NS cause into an anti-Christian movement. Hitler knew not to do that, because Christianity will win every time.

Contrary to Varg's belief, Christianity and fascism are complementary. Look into the Iron Guard. Look into Francisco Franco and the Falangists. Look into Jobbik. Look into the countless pogroms perpetrated BY Christians in the past millennia.

Cut out the stupid "muh Christcuck" euphoric bullshit.

source now

You have no idea the damage you are doing to your mind in assuming that every idiot is a shill.
Tone. It. Down.
There is no point in crying shill, it just makes you and other paranoid.

Ok let's say you successfully spotted a shill. Let's say your guess was right. THEN WHAT?
What difference does it make?

The real point is to take apart an argument and teach others to recognize false reasoning. This is the internet, identity doesn't really matter, only what we do, what we say.

You can't defend your turf by crying "shill". The only thing that makes shills happier than their info being accepted is sowing paranoia. You aren't making them afraid to shill. You are playing into their hands.

deal with ideas, not people

You're so desperate not to appear like a fool, not to have the jew pull a fast one on you, that you actually become a TOTAL retard.

You NEED to look at yourself. You are going totally insane.

You need to stop evaluating reality according to what you feel, suspect, etc. and start going off actual facts that you can verify and connect to your own true experience.
Just because you can make up some hypothesis that makes any given thing a jewish trick doesn't mean it's true.

Let's say you're right in this case. THEN WHAT?? What are you going to do differently based on this amazing discovery?
Nothing, except be even more paranoid.

It makes you fucking difficult to reason with you because every single thing you don't want to hear becomes a jewish shill trying to attack you.

I repeat,


the reason you're so desperate to "detect" shills is because you have a totally unhealthy life in which this site is your safe space. You try to defend it like the physical home you don't have. You need to get your fucking shit together and have some kind of real social structure in REAL LIFE.

bad,bad news for you, this site is run by total and complete cunts. They censor self improvement threads constantly, they censor critical thought, they censor any criticism of identity politics, they censor proof of their abuses, and they do this 24/7/365 like they're paid to do it.
This site isn't a home fit for anybody. It's an intellectual trap.

raise your standards(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

u wot

Kike controlled shill spamming thread about kikes.

Kikes belong in woodchippers.

good job proving him right

you don't state any reasons or rebuttals, you just act like a territorial animal pissing all over the place

censorship and bans are jewish solutions.
real ARYANS use reason. The truth our weapon, censorship is for liars, for jews, because all they can do is try to avoid the conversation.

If we have people like this that are so weak that all they can do is cry to an authority to have them solve their problems, then we are letting a bunch of cryptokikes in the house.

reports, bans, and censorship are for kikes and their brainless liberal slaves

lel, no.

These are two of the most semitic comments Ive evr seen on this board.

Lel, and you are really bad at covering your tracks. Be less reddit.

reason? how do you know?

You have the jewish trait of ignoring all questions and just saying your opinion again and again. brainless liberal slave

you might be wasting your time, friend
Jews don't know how to answer question truthfully, so of course they can't teach their students how to do so either

The translators have made it available for free. Read it and share it.

Is he Brother Nathaniel's cousin or something?

What would a kike know about being White?


Kikes so assblasted by this thread.

Bargaining and also in position for backstabbing. Never trust a flip-flopping jew. Some of them will be coming around our way just as an attempt to avoid the next actual "this time for real" shoah. It's the same thing with traitorous plants who are used to turn opposition into controlled opposition.

This jew is smelly.

This user gets it. christfaggotry was spread into Roman Europe as revenge for sacking Jerusalem. They turned us into their golem ever since, and we've fought for millennia to remove the parasites. Christianity gives jews special place by being the "proto-christians," which regardless of how many Martin Luthers you throw at me won't change the fact it, and "all who come to christ are brothers in christ," prime the believing population into becoming pluralistic. Christianity engenders the exact opposite of what judaism engenders: christianity leads civilizations into pathological altruism, whereas judaism is special built to keep the jewish race alive over the long haul (something christianity will never do, it'll just keep infecting new minds until nobody gullible enough is left to assimilate).

Ask me how I know you don't belong here.

He sounds like another Nathaniel.

A rather simplistic platitude.

Men´s worth and purpose isn´t as petty as to work so women doesn´t have to.
No surprise that women that never have had to do much real work are the ones that raised spoiled baby boomers.
Work cleanse the soul, women should work, so that they have character, doesn´t grow fat and lazy. It is just that it should not go to the point they never have children.

That formerly White societies breaks down under the weight of the financialized economy and "diversity" (lack of jobs, rising taxes and costs of living etc) plays an important role.

You need to remove Jewish weapons against Whites.

"Jewish ritual murder" is he the guy that says that in the 1100 the Hasidic Jews were killing babies, even though the Hasidic movement didn't start until the 1700's?

What a load of crap. According to Putin (video I saw, with subtitles) Russian Orthodox is essentially tied to Religion of Cuck™.

So this guy Israel Shamir is essentially J-Street. Worse than a kapo. Of course he lumps all Jews together, to hide what he is or the path he took.

His magic solution to Jews succeeding in the USA is to just take money from them? What an ass.

Once a jew, always a jew. I wouldn't trust him in the slightest

Still ass blasted about Rockwell? You leftypol kikes are pathetic.

Pathetic. If you're not a shill, which is highly unlikely, then fuck off to some patriotard group. You'll find it more to your liking, cuck.

Rockwell was a loser just like all White Nationalists working for Jewish interests.

If you kill yourselves you will be helping to save the White Race.

Then White can finally create a normal pro White group not run by Jews.


mods disrespecting quads of truth

mods trying to shape the situation by deleting tons of posts

….yeah I bet this site is run by white people who really support freedom….

DAILY REMINDER: Censorship and bans are 100% jewish trademarks, the truth does not fear investigation, contradiction, or anything else

The mods are jewish, the proof is everywhere all the time. They stop us from discussing things constantly, they can't argue or put together a rational train of thought, all they can do is what the jews do, stop the conversation with manipulation.

This site is controlled opposition, the constant bans and deletion and defense of degenerates is proof enough, then look at this thread:

REGARDLESS of whether or not they are paid by kikes or are kikes themselves, they are breeding a horde of paranoid retards that can't reason and support their views and just cry "shill" whenever some one disagrees with them for any reason.

There will be many threads coming about this problem, bump them and show your support, do your part to support free speech and increase the strength of our movement against the jews.

This site is controlled opposition to distract you with news stories, celebrity threads, identity politics, memes, etc. and to stop you from thinking about actually fighting back

This is a war. This is the war to end all wars. Things are much worse now than in Weimar Germany. Why should we expect to get out of it without bloodshed? The next war will completely overshadow WW2. You are not going to win by sitting behind ironic memes. This war cannot be won by information alone. YOU are going to have to PHYSICALLY FIGHT. Many of us are going to be killed. This is the nature of war. But there is no other alternative. Our people are being ground down into insane animals by the media and we can't survive another generation of this insanity.

Ridicule the posters who say things like

And above all, speak out against censorship and treat the censors as your mortal enemy, because they are the only thing stopping is from getting physical momentum and forcing change, they are the only thing stopping us from permanently removing the jewish/plutocrat menace from the Earth.

nice arguments

oh wait, you're just acting like a territorial animal pissing all over the place and you actually don't even have the intellectual ability to represent your point of view

Alternatively, you can push for this while encouraging these kikes to waste money on unproductive ventures. Soros is now losing millions if not billions of dollars.


wir mussen die juden ausrotten.

>hey stop hurting my feelings I'm actually a very special boy, just ask my (((Poppa Jim)))

Me coming back and reposting my message after you deleted it is not me censoring you.

I think you should get a second opinion about what's going on because your point of view is extremely clouded.

If you feel "shouted down" it's because your point of view is weak and you are too weak to represent it. My point of view is strong and I can support it well.

You got to comfortable here, too complacent. Too bad for you, you need to improve yourself or step out of the way of the people who will actually make things happen….or face the consequences of aiding the enemy by your selfishness.

No, strip them of their life and then take their wealth.

but wealth defends life

so you have to take the wealth first


Planning a raid are you?

The only counter argument to pilpul is violence.

Tone. It. Down.

My "point of view" is that every last kike and shitskin like you should be turned into fertilizer.

The only counter argument to pilpul is violence.

just wondering

how do you know it's a kike and/or shitskin?

wow you sure showed him

This is something that would have happened a long time ago if we had a smarter aristocracy less influenced by the concept of philosopher kings and moved the republic toward a direct democracy before jews took over. There is no reason for billionaires like Soros or Adelson who made their money through degenerate gambling to be influencing elections.
