How will wh*Te genocide go down in history?:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
How will wh*Te genocide go down in history?:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????...
never forgive
never forget
Get ready for extinction, wh*te boy
Speaking of Turkposting
Normal faggots are so tiresome when they're just operating on their social programming.
People might hate me but I like Turks, at least if they're from the Western half. Reasons are obvious.
Because you are one?
Let me tell you about Habib. Habib is a European, who is in his late twenties, but already sick of life the way it is.
Every day, Habib and all his brothers need to go to work with an armed mercenary caravan, which demands a huge cut from their wages, because travelling the streets without heavy protection leads to getting killed and eaten by the Ghouls, pitch-black humanoid creatures from the sub-saharan jungle. Two of his brothers were already killed, because they strayed too far away from the mercs once. There are no grocery shops the way people know them in the early twentieth century any more. The ruins thereof still exist, but those are mostly housing for less wealthy Europeans. The closest thing is a market that he goes to buy supplies in, situated in an underground basement below an old stone ruin. The reason is that it's small enough that what little amount of firearms the regular citizenry has, is enough to guard it.
Dental hygiene, cosmetics, central heating, all of these are things people in their time don't have any more. Lost on some digital drives in ruins, the knowledge that could lay out the foundation for the tech to create it still exists, but nobody has the time and resources to create it between navigating around a hostile environment like the one they live in now. He would also love to do something about it. The mercenaries, albeit for humongous sums of goods, are willing to sell them weaponry that they could use to cull the Ghouls and create some breathing space.
But unfortunately, there is a separate, better equipped police force, recruited from 'Europeans' like himself, who act on behalf of an educated™ diaspora of people in sealed-off small communities. Through papers handed out to the masses, they decree insistently, that actually, all people are equal, that Ghouls are just displaced refugees from warzones who are not to blame for their plight, and that considering them in anyway hostile is racist and thus immoral. Their intelligencia decrees that any doubts in the moral purity of Ghouls is a sign of low education and thus of low status. The police force that serves them won't lift a finger against the ghouls, but any concerted and trackable efforts to take them out, are met with excessive force from the police. Every time he raises the idea in front of someone he trusts, he is reminded that it is 2067 and that he should just go with the times, be more open and stop calling them Ghouls.
Nah. Because Constantinople belongs to us.
If whites were ever exterminated or just bred out of existence, I guarantee niggers would eventually have a religion or cult about the incredibly technologically advanced colorful white people.
That's like saying you like niggers, because Rhodesia belongs to us.
Sage and report for zero effort.
Habib has a brother, Amal, three years younger. Amal is comparably lazy, but lives dangerously. What time Amal spends less working, he spends indulging in his hobby, for which Habib has more tolerance of others. There are a lot of places simply referred to as the ruins. The ruins are decayed buildings from long ago and have little explanation handed on them on the public papers the people are handed out. Albeit strewn around and rare after having been systematically removed long ago, the ruins contain pieces of a technology only Amal knows how to operate. We know it as 'electronics'. Amal has built an abomination out of pieces of hardware he scavenged in one of many trips he made Habib look after him for.
But Habib and Amal often fight. Habib thinks his brother is a bit on the insane side. Amal believes that someone left these ruins behind. That long ago, an advanced civilization existed, going by many names. 'Europeans'? 'Europoids'? 'Caucasoids'? He describes them as people with bright skin and hair an eyes that come in different colours. Habib has long been convinced that those are just a myth. A story. Made up by conspiracy theorists like Amal, who dream of a better past that never was. Academic papers have decreed it so many times, it must be true after all. It fits the description in his eyes, as Amal also insists that the times when that civilization lived, were indeed better. All ruins weren't ruins, most of the buildings weren't even in disrepair. The streets weren't broken, hard-to-cross terrain but regularly repaired. Toilets were actually clean and weren't toilets but elevators, powered by massive powerplants operated from long distances.
Every time the two of them have this fight over whether or not the caucasoids existed, Amal holds up a memory stick and tells Habib to just give him a chance and take a look. But Habib doesn't listen. He is absolutely sure that it's just his crazy brother being crazy. If true Europeans had really existed, the papers would contain pictures of them wouldn't they? You would find pieces of their culture everywhere in the ruins. You would read about their lifestyle when they still existed. But there is none of that. Caucasoids never existed. Academic sources said so after all.
Waking the lion as his preservation instinct kicks in.
Pissed of white males rounding up shitskins and throwing them out.
Europe will start voting nationalist parties.
Internet has become a very double edged sword for (((them))). IT was thought up as a control mechanism but turned out to be a great information distributing device that can't be just SHUT DOWN.
The internet was invented for military purposes, a decentralized method to share information and commands rapidly.
He regrets being as strict with Amal as he was, as on the very next day after one of their fights escalating, Amal dies. Stayed a little too far behind from the mercenary caravan and got dragged away, killed and eaten by those Ghouls that educated sources insist are exactly like Habib. Struck with the loss, he picks up that memory stick Amal kept holding up, uses everything he collected from watching Amal operate the machine he had set up in their room and gives it's contents a look. And there it is, all that he would have needed to start believing Amal's stories. Pictures of happy families, that looked the way Amal described them. Videos of bright-skinned people making various comments about things happening in their time at the hands of 'Arabs' like Habib, in an eerily similar fashion to what they suffer from the Ghouls now. And more and more material on them. It all existed after all. It was real, caucasoids were real and he was lied to. He believed the lies and dismissed his brother, and now his brother is dead. In either a nervous breakdown, a fit of rage, or something in-between, Habib spends all of his life savings on firearms and ammunition and baits the same Ghouls that got his brother into trying to ge thim, and kills most of them. The last one, he and the cousin he took along to help him, capture, and while slowly cutting off that Ghoul's appendages slice by slice, he squeezes the info out of him, that Ghouls like himself were actually brought here by Al Mahhab, the local Imam. Still not satisfied by killing this group of raiders, he and his cousin head over to the mosque on an hour when there aren't many people here. As soon as the Imam is alone, he confronts him about the Ghouls and about the Caucasoids. But as soon as he stops talking, policemen enter the room. The Imam, unbeknownst to him a sephardic Jew in disguise, picks out a Qur'an, throws it into a prepared, rusty metal bin and lights it on fire. Needless to say, Habib is soon publicly decapitated for Qur'an burning and life continues as is. Little by little, life gets worse every year. Just like that year and the year after it and the year after it. Nobody raises their hand against the diaspora, because everyone simply accepts that life is as bad as it is, and nobody questions, what educated sources say.
That comes after the conclusion of picture related.
itty bitty baby
Without the USA's support Israel would be toast.
Also, speaking of religions worshipping technologically advanced and colorful white people, that's exactly what many ancient nonwhite societies had, especially in South America, but elsewhere as well. What a (((coincidence))).
Evidence of Atlantis when?
Then white guilt would become black guilt, the Jewish role in the matter would be (((forgotten))),and the process would start all over again.
LOL who we kidding niggers would need empathy for that plan to work. The kikes will have no choice but to straightforwardly exterminate them
But who will they kvetch at endlessly to do this?
No-one, they're speculating on what tech the last whites leave behind being enough to carry them through without having to actually confront any niggers themselves. The problems in their plan come from having an entire planet of ever-breeding niggers as enemies and no realistic perspectives at taking them all out. There's a reason people say they're short-sighted. The world in which they win, is a dark-skinned idiocracy where they don't exist either.
That's one good thing you can say about niggers, they definitely hate the kikes. At least they do if they have the mental faculties to realize that jews aren't white.
Well, if it's successful, there won't be any history, nor any modern civilization to speak of. Without white peoples, East Asian would collapse. Without us there'd be no one to innovate and advance humanity, nor even keep up the status quo. We are the global economy. We are innovation. We are the backbone of modern life. When we're gone, in a few generations we're be nothing more than a folk tale of old, like the "native" Americans who spoke of the pale redheaded people.
History will remember you by your faggot head being on a faggot pike for all to see your feckless faggotry. Go back to half, faggot.
The same way all propaganda does, written by winners, and blaming the victims for their own destruction. See: National Socialist Germany, or what your history books call "Evil Nazis." Whites will be canonized as racist slavers whose hatefulness brought about their own genocide.>>10683015
Officially, maybe. But the Nazis were also officially classified as evil irredeemable human beings, yet here we are.
It will probably only be the Chinese writing any history, and they'll have to invent a new word to describe whatever this suicidal mass delusion we're experiencing now is.