Over 1000 protestors are said to join the demonstration under the banner of "revolt against the criminals (read: the politicians)".
Over 1000 protestors are said to join the demonstration under the banner of "revolt against the criminals (read: the politicians)".
Other urls found in this thread:
Weak shit, with 1000 people you could pull off a coup d'état.
Never forget the words of Rockwell: revolution is a spectator sport.
97% of Americans weren't involved in 1776, 97% of Americans would have happily stayed under British rule. Normalfags won't do shit, they'll try and stay in the good graces of Government at all times.
Live updates.
Congrats you got first post for once
i have a question.
Most likely because this
Hes right you know. It will come to they who seek it stronger, shall have it. Kikes have used subversion, on all levels to do their work. We see it for what it is. A means of artificial kingship.
Everyone needs to think in no other way than to make sure kikes never become, officially, Lord. They are plastic "lord". We know it, (((they))) do too. This is why they're kvetching so hard.
The Black Sun is a bitch, but its needed. Through the muck of existence we all must flow, but some want nothing but filth to wash over our souls. All the anons posting here know wtf Im going on about. Most of you shills do too.
The Antifa Protest looks small.
3-5% fight, 15% support.
They are probably waiting at the end of the march where they will have the speeches.
most likely NRM will march do their speeches go home and antifa will destroy the city and attack the police im 80% sure that will happen.
I hope Antifa start killing police and attacking their families at home
Here we go
It is what has happened ever single time so far.
Gothenburg riots 2: antifa bogaloo hype.
3000 antifa
It begins.
200 characters of swastikas for sperg chat
highly doubt it
I think they are counting all their otherkin sexualities as well.
then you haven't been to Europe
Is this some Dugin shit or Zionist shit or real?
it's never real…
i seen some of the counter protest pictures i say there even less then that.
Sad considering they had people coming from all over Europe
These antifa and shitskins will all be dead one day, once the fire rises.
okie dokie, thanks for the info.
the boys look pretty good but they lack MUSIC….
I dont doubt there are more then 3000 antifa in europe, I just doubt that 3000 are at this event
I say there are no more then 500
RT has a stream also:
in the mean time
I wish people still had the balls to pull off a revolution.
If this were the 20's a lot of heads would be rolling in Europe right now.
There will be soon, don't worry.
3,400 communists marching in retaliation
I think the problem with only one country doing a revolution is that (((NATO))) will shoot it down pretty quickly in order to safeguard (((democracy))) and then we're back to square one.
It has the best chance of success if a lot of european countries do a revolution around the same time.
few stood against many
The Nordic boys are far more disciplined. They march in rank.
Is says 3 to 400.
Also, no proof.
The livestream is also empty from leftist screeching.
3 to 400
Listen to yourself
Language barrier, 3 to 400 means 300 to 400.
3,400 Antifa ready
Just to clear things up. The march hasnt started yet, they are walking to the starting point. That is why no drums, chanting or flags yet.
Similar view as the livestream but with English commentary.
Peter did some coverage in Sicily on the NGO but other then that I do not know what he is about. Take it or leave it.
He just went offline while typing this but said he will return when they get closer.
and Periscope version
10,000 Antifa
those are not antifa those are left wing cucks zero masks these people don't fight.
I'd wager most of what you see there is just average normies who feel good about themselves for "standing up to hate" and whatnot.
Antifa flags flying, these were organized by far left groups. Antifa is always 10% violent, 90% cover for the violent ones
Peter Sweden says about 700 Nationalists pscp.tv
well since the established politicians are shitting their pants
its def not according to plan
most of the guys have large familys aswell, seems pretty stupid to risk that and jailtime as some have allready done, for making some falseflag movement
that said they're pretty much larping but i'll allow it since it rustles some serious jimmies
Once again, mostly normies. "Anti-racism" is the standard position for the average normie and a lot of them will gather because the media has been shouting about ebul gnatsies having a march. They will no doubt have their same old, tired slogans when NMR arrives, but only a few hundred are dedicated Antifa.
the worst thing about rightwingers is underestimating the left
What a time to be alive. archive.fo/LR0LX
Fight fight fight
God fucking damn it, habbeing started when I was in another tab. What happened?
they changed path, police shit their pants right now
time to kill some cops
Europe needs to start killing police
Get in there, boys.
the fuck just happened ? fill me in
Police joined communists in shutting down march youtube.com
cuck cops took their drums and blocked them with a bunch of vans.
BLM and Antifa kill pigs
Maybe they're onto something
These police must be killed
Have they arrested anybody or just blocked them?
the best thing any European Nationalist can do is kill as many police as possible, preferably their families
the pigs will never be our allies. ANARCHO FASCISM NOW
If anyone wonder what they say "NORDISK REVOLUTION, UTAN PARDON!"
the police blocked there route.
note to all the police, who is protecting your family when you are at work arresting nationalists? The Nationalists will fucking come for them. Believe Me. European civil war is near
usefull idiot
white nationalist dont threaten women and children in their homes
Any streams that aren't being (((fucked with)))?
Traitors need to suffer. Believe me that this policeman should have cared more about his family and stood up for the good goys
You gotta wonder how many of those were promised monday off or no white-guilt homework for a week.
don't worry backup is here.
Livestream jammed?
Bad quality, but still.
i absolutely guarantee it
let's hope some video footage gets out of this alive.
i wonder what our boys are going through at this moment.
antifa is yelling allah arkbar
Are they wearing pantyhose and carrying their wives' children in a baby sling?
good stream (as of current minute)
because police aren't there jamming the signal
also nothing is happening
at least it's something
Nothing happening here, it's far away.
the police are using signal jammers
they are not in the protest the jammers only work 300ft
My sister is on the antifa side. She just posted pics on goybook. Ffs
rape her
Derail stream
NMR Leder Simon Lindberg is said to have been arrested!
I hope you guys are learning from this.
Never split up from the main group, and if your boys get into trouble with the police, the guys in the back need to move forward to help them.
Also, it seems that the march was leaderless after the leaders in the front got arrested. You need leaders in the back to take charge if this happens. It seems like the head got cut off the snake.
Leader and 3-4 others have been arrested.
Confirmed by NMR live stream.
Peter's stream is up again
Police is discussing whether or not to shut down the entire demonstration.
This is (((democracy))) in it's true form.
nordfront.se (NMR's website) is most likely getting DDOS'ed.
they weren't supposed to change paths
AFA getting pushed back now
AFA screaming allah akbar and thowing firecrackers
look at these pussies being fucked back when in superior numbers
i want the antifag mob to turn on police and try to fight them so they get their teeth and faces busted
stream end ???
Some commiestream youtube.com
The NMR-stream is being blocked
One afaggot already got sent to bed early, kicked a cop in the face for no reason.
well, it is antifa.
AFA gathered on a bridge, throwing bangers at police and policehorses
NMR demands all members that have been arrested to be release, or NMR will stay where they are now. (Twitter)
And all the NMR leaders that have been arrested have been arrested for "inciting a riot".
NMR is completely surrounded by police right now.
RT stream also filming commies
Police jam NMR communications and surround them. But not AFA who are rioting and throwing smokeboms and powerfull firecrackers on the police constantly.
"The citizens of Gothenburg just attacked Antifa. Yelling they're the same as nazis."
Future elections will be interesting.
Peter Imanuelsen twitter.com
Police is cracking down on AFA right now.
which stream
Lol Immigrant gangs was fighting AFA as well on a Swedish news Livestream about 30 minutes ago.
Swedish news are all livestreaming this. They were ready to talk shit about NMR but they only have footage of AFA rioting. They barley know what to say. "Looks like they game here to riot"
It really hurt for them to say it, everything backfired as NMR is isolated by police and just having calm speaks about free speech in there. And the "peace" demonstrators are rioting in front of the cameras.
absolut kek'dka
Next to NMR the horse police have dismounted and horses are eating calmly on the grass.
Infront of AFA rioters they targeted by gasbombs and firecrackers.
New (semi) livestream.
next pic will be 6 million antifa ;^)
Video playback interrupted. Please try again.
this is very good. i dream of a clip showing NRM feeding plants and grass to the horses while having a picknick next to the cops.
just look at the boys ==BEHAVING THEMSELVES==.
at the beginning of the stream they just met up in such a chill and friendly atmosphere. and even then when they walked they were radiating patience, calm, and they were walking in COLUMNS ffs. and now while the HATE-FILLED, VIOLENT, THUGS that are ANTIFA are screaming and spitting in the streets, trying to find someone to punch and throw to the ground, the boys are just over there having tea.
THIS is how you conduct a successful manifestation, lads. if this keeps going the NRM will have PR advantage.
the Swedes awaken.
fuck you and your shitty formatting, Holla Forums.
controlled opposition is fine, since all you have to do is cut out the select people sent to control it and then you have it for yourself
the people you cut out cant even become martyrs since they werent even suposed to be there in the first place
swedes have always been terrible at revolts
its like this huge thing where all the swedes try to outcuck eachother, thinking that somehow this will covince people to like them
i wonder how many swedish women will be raped today by shitskins while the swedish men try to outnice the antifa
but whatever, swedes gonna swede
this isn't reddit you know
we have little tricks to spot the newfags
i don't understand what you're saying, user.
Police say they decided to stop NMR until police cleared AFA as AFA was throwing stones. NMR did not accept to stop and tried to march anyway, that is why there was some fighting between NMR and the police. Media panics as they cannot frame the NMR as the savages now because they stand calm an hold speeches and joking while waiting surrounded by police. AFA riots and look bad on livefeeds on all Swedish mainstream media. Citizens that came to see NMR "riot" now see nothing but the left going apeshit bananas. Also AFA is going to go home beaten blue by the police today.
Shit is going down right now
what is NRM chanting
Half are muslims in one stream they yell allahu akbar at the cops
They chant "people/racial traitors" And told police not to provoke them. Police attacked, maybe because they thought NMR was too close to their vans. I did not see if they managed to arrest anyone.
I'm so glad our politicians in Norway are sane. Everytime they have to do something or pass something "racist" they just say "look at sweden! do you really want to be sweden?!" and then it passes kek
They also said to police they will break out if police try to push them again.
Traitors to the people.
I think police might be planing to try to arrest everyone later today. As they are surrounded and they just closed the ring a little.
Stood their ground against police charge. Holy shit these guys are good.
They also look about 6 million times better than the police, who look like fucking clowns in their shitty outfits and lego vans. They even managed to make their horses look retarded. That's probably part of the (((game))). Make even police look retarded so that people don't get any feels for God and Country.
What the fuck happened? Two minutes ago the police were trying to stir up all sorts of shit and now everyone is just standing around scratching their asses.
Police got BTFO.
Has anyone a clear view of what exactly happened before the train stopped? I could hear turn left turn left,, then police stopped them. Weren't they allowed to go the route or what happened?
Did they stop when they realized their jammers weren't working properly?
Police say they decided to stop NMR until police cleared AFA as AFA was throwing stones. NMR did not accept to stop and tried to march anyway, that is why there was some fighting between NMR and the police.
Apparently, the police is "trying" to deal with the antifa blocking the road ahead of NMR.
So the police is just going to "contain" NMR for a while now, so we'll see which ones tire of waiting first.
>That's probably part of the (((game))). Make even police look retarded so that people don't get any feels for God and Country.
I don’t want to divert the thread away from topic but quite a few police forces have taken to decorating their vehicles to look as if they were designed by little girls, glitter and pink and rainbows and unicorns, it’s all done with an ulterior motive.
he's saying that peaceful demonstration is cuckoldry. your government knows that the majority of whites absolutely detest this globalist experiment they're pushing, but they continue with it regardless. your government doesn't give a damn and your PR faggotry to politely request they deport niggers will accomplish nothing
if you're on 8/pol/ you should already have learned this years ago
I see, sounds plausible.
No, they tried to break into the gathering on two different sides amongst the parked vans when a NRM member started to give a speech, but NRM shifted forces as necessary and blocked them. Numbers at these spots looked about equal, then slowly some more police came towards, but were then just standing around.
Any livestream that's not lagging like a somalian analog connection?
ITT: Larping keyboard mystery meat.
Swedish police is a shitfest of commie sympatising shitlibs with political motives.
Is NMR still planning on holding the march or are they going to call it off? It's been hours.
They are surrounded by police. It's totally out of their hands at this point
As of now, they are still planning on doing the full march, after they have gotten their people back from the police that were arrested for "inciting a riot".
this sounds retarded. they're obviously having PR advantage now that they're not the ones rioting.
live feed from a diffrent angle.
Look from 16:28 ish to get a diffrent angle on the attemptet push by police
even look at the most prominent public demonstrations in recent american history–vietnam. do you thing their largely peaceful protesting nationwide accomplished anything?
no. 50,000 americans died in some retarded ricenigger nation for no reason except for some politicians to save face, and the demonstrations managed to shorten american presence in vietnam by not one whit
Doesn't look like 1000 to me, but good vibes anyway. Germans need to stand up.
Why is the quality of the stream from such events in Sweden always so awful? Gothenburg is well covered by 4G, do the communist government have the networks switch back down to GSM+ during such events or do they use a blocking technology?
There's about 500 I think.
Are you sure? How do the mainstream media get their shit through then?
But how do jammers reduce the upload speed? I was under the impression you would have to block the band entirely, or are you suggesting they are doing that and peoples phones are just reverting to GSM+?
Has there ever been any good 'redpill' type threads on the Vietnam war? I've always wondered what some of the actual ((reasons)) for getting so involved there were. I refuse to believe that everyone who opposed it were secret commies rooting for the Vietcong. Was it a big trick just to get Americans killed or was it just fear of communism spreading but not realizing it was also spreading at home. Guess I need to research it more, as it definitely was a seminal event but I won't derail this thread.
NRK is the Norwegian communist state media. Notice how every time something happens they cut to a tranquil scene. Interspersed with marxist experts.
Complete shit stream.
The policevans all have jammers, and NMR are surrounded by vans.
That's a problem we'll see more and more in the future I guess. How would you go about counteracting something like that? Drones?
Police want NMR to abort demo and get escorted out by policevans. NMR refuse and demand that their leader and the others that have been arrested to be released before they move anywhere.
Pretty much general fear of the gommunism dominoeffect coupled with the jewish eternalwar for the military industry. But here's a fun fact, The Gulf of Tonkin incident is what turned vietnam from low effort skirmishes into a full blown war. And Norway was the country who initiated the Gulf of Tonkin incident, by attacking North vietnamese radar installations. I'm sure you manage to translate the source no.m.wikipedia.org
if vietnam fell to communism the only nations that would be affected dowstream were other worthless small asian nations. the dominoes effect was just an excuse for the american government to perpetuate the war without getting too many goyim angry
they failed, but it worked long enough to get their military fully embroiled in the war anyway
((Military industrial complex)) fighting against ((communism))? So, kike swindle confirmed?
( ( (Swedish media) ) ) is raging about the NMR signs with picture of their journalists faces. They even wrote that the NMR call them "Jew-media".
Nice. It will open some eyes.
most wars are (((banker))) wars, user
it's cast in votes today, faggot. if the next door lady sees in the news that a bunch of nords want to beat up other nords and they have a political program, i bet she's gonna vote against them.
convince the people, don't frighten them.
By diminishing the SNR. Less data gets through without corruption.
If you want a complete blackout, yes, but that would affect a fairly large area around the demonstrators. It's enough to just to add enough noise locally around the demonstrators that communication and streaming gets crippled.
You "muh PR" meme would work a little better, TRS, if NRM weren't literal Nazis who put posters on lampposts saying "This spot reserved for race traitors."
Seems like Simon Lindberg, Leader of NMR is going to be released.
They are appearantly retreating to avoid mass arrest.
Standing around idling for hours taking orders from the police and then giving up. If this is the Nordic resistance we're dead.
You NMR guys, if you're reading this and you're not actual shills, you need to portray strength and confidence, not standing around with your dicks in your hands like cucks.
Ok, makes sense I am just not acquainted with the technology they would utilise to achieve this.
I think they negotiated to have Simon released and now they move as they said.
We will soon see if he is released or if it's a trap.
This is when the first troubles started, when they try to march left at the intersection: youtube.com
When did they do this? They fought the police multiple times.
They fucking fought the police when they tried to reroute their march then they held their ground for hours against repeated police attacks and only retreated when their leader was released.
NMR are by far the toughest org out there
They went back because half of the marchers are civies and they didn't want to subject them to police brutality.
go back to cuckchan you newfag. do you think trump will act in the interest of white nationalists? do you think trump will perform any different than HRC in any important issue? do you think he has?
voting is controlled emission of popular displeasure because all options given are controlled opposition
then what's your fucking solution ? beat up people in the streets ? this'll only give the police and govs excuses to arrest and imprison everyone and you know it. feels like if we follow you, the whole movement is doomed.
Ok, but from the last hour I've been watching it was just them standing around waving dicks, looking like someone completely contained and controlled by the police. At least fill the idle time with motivational speeches and inspirational music or something. Standing around looking like you don't know what the fuck is going on isn't inspiring in any way.
They did. There were a few speeches and they sung some songs. Were you even watching?
They were giving speeches and singing but real life isn't a movie and events like this are often far more mundane than you would imagine.
They did hold several speeches while surrounded, but was jammed and they were for the most part not aired. They also sang, police attacked then and they stopped and started fighting to defend themselves.
You are full of shit.
Hey, I'm trying to help. If you guys think half-assed is good enough, then fine by me. For me you come across as cucks being herded around by the police. Wake me up when you actually take to the streets and I'll come help.
I don't buy it for a second.
< Trying to help by talking shit on bros who are actually facing down the police.
You are full of shit.
its happening
my solution? i dont have one. but pretending that these meaningless demonstrations are a workable startegy is even worse than understanding your ignorance of a solution because it promotes apathy in actively searching for one.
although i dont have a solution i'm fairly confident that whatever solution is eventually thought up, organized violent action against foreign occupation will be necessary
might not be a bad idea honestly
Post proof, kike.
Looks like a AFA derail post to me
Where is Antifa?
well, i'm trying to do with what we have. i don't seriously think that you can't get your laws with your votes. this is just alien to me.after all, the west is free, right ?
Shills have been hitting this thread hard it seems.
where ?
He got relased. He was on the nmr livestream
there's a handy infographic floating around showing that popular support of a legal motion does not correlate with the probability of the motion being passed as law which means that the government just doesnt give a damn what the people care about
maybe once but i really don't see it, at least not for the last half a century
peaceful demonstrations are bad. might is right and politics is the art of the possible. once we manage to install a sympathetic leader we'll have a fighting chance, but i cant see us getting that leader without fighting initially anyway
I love how they are unapologetic National Socialists and don't PRcuck
Sweden has National Socialist history.
NMR stated they will be back to demo in the future. But most likely not with any permit that time.
You don't actually need a permit anyway.
They did a pre-demonstration two weeks or so before this one and it went swimmingly.
Getting a permit is more of a way to signal that "we will be here there and then". A PR move from the resistancemovement.
Set vans on fire
Nordic Resistance Movement is not cucked nor controlled but they are a bit retarded in the sense that they want to establish a Nordic Federation. As a Finn I say fuck your federation. That idea has nothing to do with ethnonationalism. One volk, one nation. It's pretty fucking simple.
That being said I do 'mire their aesthetics.
It also ensures their right to be somewhere if the demo clashes with another public event.
Which is even more discouraging.
More like 1-2k with shitloads of media publicity and bussed in foreigners from denmark, germany and norway.
Also fun fact, the Admiral in charge of the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, George Stephen Morrison, was Jim Morrison's father. But I'm sure there's no significance to that whatsoever.
Either way, there were significantly more counter-protesters than NRM protesters. This is why you don't advertise your demonstrations many weeks in advance like that. Anyone with a brain would have realised this after the Charlottesville debacle. NRM should consider themselves lucky that the police actually did its job, otherwise they would have got BTFO and/or jailed for killing/seriously wounding antifa/Jihadists.
These kinds of rallies are almost always lose-lose situations. They will never work as long as the critical mass has not been reached. Critical mass means 10s of thousands of people, >50% of the local population willing to attend, even members of the police force being sympathetic to the movement. Until then, stop the fucking rallies.
March on, Vera!
They had a massive amounts of MSM attention all those weeks, you can't ask for better exposure.
The only reason those antifaggots show up is because the police is there, even the police admit to it. Without the police the antifaggots would not dare come close.
Frankly, he has a point. 1,000 men vs. Sweden's "feminist government"?
Here's Poland rejecting the manufactured migration. Yeah, link, I have no clue how to embed here. 150,000.
Then you go do something you fucking spectating faggots
Cool pic.
inb4 ultra-right
Click on >show post options & limits
We'll have our own 20's and 30's, user; and it won't just be the digits that match.
Question: is this a legit event or arranaged theatre for the masses?
pregnant minister is a cute!
Because defilement / controlled op groups show you their actual beliefs, coded in plain sight.
As National Action used pictures of the British flag burning (revealing their wish to destroy the country), and White men in skeleton form/skull masks (how they actually want White men to end up), so too does the "nordic" incarnation of the controlled op use a rune associated with death.
The death of the Scandinavian people.
What the utter fuck are you actually talking about?
That rune, the Teiwaz (please correct spelling if necessary) represents the god Tyr, for whom Tuesday is named after. Tyr was once considered the ultimate god, the Creator god from whom other gods descended, but his status varied with time and across cultures.
I wanted to say that just in case somebody out there takes you seriously for even half a second.
I am starting to think that there is truly something wrong with people who watch things like this on their televisions or computers and cannot believe it's real because they themselves have never left the comfort of their mother's basement. False flags exist, but do you honestly think Sweden got about a 1000 or so people to pretend to be right wing just to, what? You think that many people can keep it quiet? Ever heard of a livestream? Because if they use this an opportunity to "justify" further oppression of whites, well there are far better ways to do something like with far fewer people involved, and even the powers that be are catching on that their people are pissed off.
Shit I can't wait for my old work contract to end so I can join without having to worry about getting fired.
lmao thats some weak ass shilling
In this video ordinary gothenburg people attack some ackbars on antifa side who had been throwing rocks with a slingshot. Notice how cucked white antifa comes to the ackbars defence after the angry citizens attacks them.
Also notice the height difference between the untermenschen and their nordid superiors.