Why so racist Holla Forums?


someone needs to make the chink equivalent of shitted.com but for asians if this type of relationship ever becomes popular

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't really have a problem with whites and Asians mixing. Asians are pretty high IQ.
Elliot rodgers was the mix of a jew and a Asian, btw.

Whacha slidin' rabbi? This isn't cuckchan.

but japs can be our friends and can even live through the DOTR, as long as they haven't fucked us over like that gay nip from star trek


Do you still make comics?

Fucking disgusting.


Not news.

Glorified camwhore.

Might as well, since this seems to be the board for racemixing.

So I check her instagram and sure as hell she's living in chinkouver where ant people fraudsters, embezzlers and dodgy "business people" have made home ownership for whites unaffordable.

Women are opportunists when resources get scare and go for whoever have them, make no mistake about it. It's OUR FAULT for allowing the ant people to migrate their ant hill to Canada in the first place.

Now if the guy was japanese and she didn't look totally batshit, she'd have my endorsement as waps are the aryans of Asia, but as soon as I saw it was an ant person I knew she had an agenda.


Farm the rice and you pay the price.

You've outed yourself. Go back to cuckchan /vp/ Holla Forums etc, from whence you came.

It's almost as if she wants her kids to hate her, and then possibly kill her.

what do u think Holla Forums?

MONITORING EVERY THREAD MOTHERFUCKING DUGIN?!!!!??????????????????????????????????????

Dubs confirm first post kike

Wew. Holla Forums will ultimately lose because they turn a blind eye to shit like this when it is anyone other than niggers. Much like how Canada turned a blind eye to the yellow menace and fucked over whites to the point of possibly never fixing itself. This is your future and you fucking chose it.

Not bad.

Attractive women don't need to use makeup.

Nobody has said that if the chink were a jap it would be okay you fucking autist. Friends =/= okay with race mixing.
is just a first post kike, must be on the early shift.

The weak fear being strong. Their hapa children will be easy to hunt. They'll probably ask for death anyways.

This is actually why race mixing will never become massively popular. Race mixing generates awful looking mongrels nobody in their right mind would want to fuck, so the mongrels are less likely to breed. Evolution preserves the purity of races through physical attraction and natural selection.

In other words, the beauty of the white woman cannot die.

it won't; it presumably almost never happens
white male asian female, on the other hand…

The only concern is other races out-breeding whites, but that situation can be swiftly remedied with bullets and rope.

Cook the rice
Pay the price

I have to wonder are there more white people living now then ever before?

Stop making excuses for idiots pushing race-mixing. This is why you deserve the rope.

This is also a problem. We sit here and call for more white babies to be made while ignoring this terrible thing.

Why is it so common with celebrities then? Media has brainwashed the masses.

Awful compared to whites, but an upgrade for the non-white.

I have literally NEVER seen this IRL before and I've seen every other fucking mix ever. So worrying about the whole 2 relationships of this kind in existence really is irrelevant.

Whites were the majority world population before the first world war. This was way before the west was obligated by jews to give shitskins the gibs. Then we had a second world war. Then we let our trade get taken over by kikes.

Whites are now the global minority.

You left out the part where celebrities are jewish puppets. In so many cases you have literal brainwashing. Consider Micheal Jackson's daughter going off on twitter naming the jew. Suddenly she was imprisoned in a mental ward for no given reason. Afterwards she was doing a complete flip-flop on her online activities but in public.

Sorry I ruined your thread with a redpill.

And the kike slipped a first post in what a surprise

You know exactly (((why))). In fact why are you even here if you don't already know something so basic?

Oh look, another kike. This shit shouldn't be tolerated at all. Letting it slide just encourages it and gives the jew a new angle to use against whites.

The kind of people who will make this "popular" are already lost.

How the hell is any one of those posts except that first one supportive of race mixing?


You anime obsessed faggots who glorify slant-eye monkeys are responsible for this shit. This dumb bimbo dates these little monkey men specifically because you made them the "cool" guys of tech and gaming culture with your stupid fucking obsession with their primitive forms of entertainment. Slant-eyes are to tech and gaming culture what niggers are to sports and hip-hop. And for no reason, because white men invented it all, and white men have been single-handedly progressing the industry for decades. Slant-eyes were a blip on the radar back in the '90s, and a bunch of cuck-tier faggots worship them to this day because of nostalgia. I saw this shit when I was a god damn kid, and because of it I've always hated slant-eyes. You dumb fucks still can't see it.

Found the Goon.

Found the cuckold who'd be happy to see a slant-eye fuck his wife because "muh cartoons!"

The kikes are pushing this shit hard. Why do you think Cuckerberg married a chink? They're planning to start the kikecycle again there.

This will increase as Asians continue flooding the top tier universities of white countries and continue becoming doctors and other high status professions.

Many driven and status-seeking asian men want white women because white women are the ultimate status symbol. They are desperate to prove themselves as superior and getting a white woman in their eyes is equaling that of a white man or 'cucking' him. Not to mention that an Asian man with a white girlfriend makes him high status among asian women, because they assume if a white woman saw something in him, he must be quite the catch.

t. alt kike
It's a (1) and done as well.

I used to watch my dad when he fucked my girlfriend. It was pretty hot actually.

Just remind her that wherever they go, when people glance at them with that odd face, they ARE disgusted by them. No one actually approves, they just pretend to because of the "das rayciss" shaming tactic.

But those posts don't exist, Mr. Shekelstein.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums.

Oh if you were inferring that faggot then no there is no excuse.

Forgot sage…

It's not just that. There's a reason why you find the bulk of these couples in the gaming community. It's because people glorify slant-eyes the way sports fans glorify niggers. Dumb white guys, like anime posters on here, are basically indoctrinating white women to have a lust for non-white men by constantly bombarding them with these things. If you have a little girl and you sit here down to watch niggerball every day, when she's in high school and college, she'll be fucking niggers. Sit her down to play "muh nostalgia" Nintendo shit, and watch anime and whatnot, and she'll fuck a little monkey man in college. Will they have long-term relationships and children with slant-eyes? Who knows. Doubt it. But "weeb" scum are the type pushing white women directly into the arms of slant-eyes. They're basically saying they're better. They're saying their culture is better and they're "cool." They're making them the status symbol. A slant-eye boyfriend is an accessory to a white women to show off in the gaming community, similar to the way a rapper/athlete is for a different kind of white woman. Stop glorifying slant-eyes, Holla Forums.

I'm a conservative
It's not like I loved her user. It was just party sex and I'd do her friend

Are you tired from trying hard, user? Do you need to sit down and take a breather?

This will probably become the most 'organic' yet damaging miscegenation in due time. Because smart, decent women look for successful driven men like doctors, engineers, or in the case of the non-university route small-business owners and self-made men. Since women have been deracinated, and asians continue churning out doctors and engineers and Ivy League grads, the best and brightest of white women will be more willing to date chinks.

Contrast this with the trashy or fat bimbos who have been indoctrinated into negroid culture that was artificially pushed into suburban white america in the first place. Those pairings are a devolution into the mulatto underclass, while the asian invasion into academia will create an asian upper class that selects white women for status symbols.

Slant-eye spotted.

Essentially its own punishment.

This. I've seen it firsthand with a "football" family and you can't deny the correlation between vidya and anime and the push for Asian ricesteaming and I like certain anime. It always comes down to betacucks praising nonwhites. And when you praise a shitskin, what are women supposed to think that are steeped in the contemporary culture? "Oh it must be okay to date them if they're regarded so highly".

No matter how hard you try you'll never be white, my self-loathing hapa friend

Filtered, slant-eye.

Koudenhove-kalergi in a nutshell

Did I hit a nerve, hapa? Of course I did :^)

Your very specific type of autism and assmad ranting makes it abundantly clear that you're a self-loathing hapa implying there's any other kind. I'd say you should stop being so obvious but we both know you can't help it.

White betas and rejects settling for asian women are the biggest threat to our existence. These disaffected men, instead of rallying to change society, run away from their problems across the globe to asia or import crappy replacement brides. They are the biggest miscegenation block, and go to any thread on here about asians and you will find these autists excusing their yellow fever and desperately trying to reconcile it with white nationalism. Asia and asian women are essentially a pressure release valve of caucasians. On the ground asian men get angry at these white betas taking their women, but the ones at the top, Like Mao Zedong, see asian women as bio weapons against the white race, who will breed hapas that have allegiance towards the borg and act as footsoldiers in white countries for a revolution.


Post them to her page and remind her that her kids will never look like her and will hate her forever for it. Linked with the self-hating happa page.

No smart, decent woman would be a twitch-streaming whore like the one in the OP, let alone even consider race mixing. And look at the thing she's dating, it's butt ugly even for chingchong. She's the female equivalent of the low-test sadsacks who fuck ugly asian women because they can't do any better.

You mean the craftiest ones cheat their way up the ladder of success until they land some unearned position where they proceed to do shoddy work.

Why am I not surprised. Kill yourself cuck.

Agreed and it's the foremost problem as (beta) white males are the largest racemixers of the two. You can't be pro-white or create a white ethnostate where we're free of foreign influence by racemixing, period. Every last one that steams the rice must pay the price.

Cuckservatives belong on leftypol as well

Careful with that edge, you might cut yourself.

sage goes in all fields

I know engineers and IT techs, streetshitters and ant people are the worst according to them, intelligent enough to feign ability, but in reality they copy/paste shit script and have zero ability to comprehend complex subjects and think outside constraints for solutions. They're formula zombies. Their only redeeming factor for why they're hired is "muh diversity" and they usually work for less (but you get a shittier job in the long run).

Leftypol spotted.

What's you problem user? cuck is a term that has been overused a lot lately.
It's more about domination and control. Kinda like if I made you drink water out of the toilet.

Chinks hunting for white women are like the rich chinks that buy up prime property in western countries. Driving up the price for white men, using their houses as status symbols and so on.

White women, if they were considered a natural resource, would be one of the most valuable resources on the planet. Also an extremely limited resource, as whites are 7% of the world population and child-bearing aged white women 2% or less.

White nerds settling for gooks are basically dropping out of life and picking low hanging fruit that is worth nothing because they don't have the drive to compete for their own damned women.

If white women, especially blonde white women were a natural resource, the tiny country of estonia would be the most resource rich country on the planet.

But whose fault is that? Dumb white women? greedy jews? stupid white societies following brain dead ideologies?

In days of old you could protect society from race mixing by traditional values and social shame.

Now nothing short of locking them up will keep them from the degenerate sexualised culture society embraces.

it was done at the end of a rope user, the hilt of a sword, the handle of a knife, the end of a gun…. "traditional values and social" ←— what a PC faglord

Except any white women who would go for a chink under any circumstance is retarded trash, so it's more like chinks buying up vermin infested sheds while the prime property continues to be reserved for white men only.

Saudis bring in 10/10s from facebook with a few tens of thousands of dollars, and literally shit and piss on them, make them eat shit etc.

Confirmed mudblood.

What a funny way to say 0/10's.

Except the general behaviour of "white women" makes them worth jackshit compared to women of any other race. I am not fighting for used trash.

Why aren't you gone yet you literal cuck, don't you have some nadzees to punch?

what a faggot. A meat cleaver would get the job done too.

one does not equate the other simpleton

They are model tier women, and you can say they become 0/10s.. well then thats still part of white genocide, because not having white kids due to a saudi rubbing shit on you still lowers the birthrate.

You're ancestor are rolling in their graves. Whites killed, and killed by their own hand

Let me guess, you're a shitskin so ugly that despite all of Uncle Schlomo's degeneration of society, despite pushing racemixing as hard as he possibly can for decades on end, you still can't find a single white girl brainwashed enough to touch your dick. Am I getting warm?

You might want to finish school before concerning yourself with the business of procreation.

does that even make sense to anyone other than you?

That type of response can only come from someone who doesn't in fact belong here.

99% of women who become models are stupid and morally bankrupt, which makes them pure 0/10 trash. So I guess you're right, they are model-tier women.

Don't worry mohammed the pedo goatfucker or is that Pajeet or Pedro?, you've already been reported for being an anti-white subhuman. Enjoy your ban though

Is this the hardest you can shitpost?

it is a bit confusing, he's very average looking…

I didn't even call you a virgin but thanks for volunteering that info


Smug anime girls are the ultimate argument. Keep fighting the good fight, soldier.

The expression on her face screams low self esteem as does her attention whoring. She probably thinks the ant-man is the best she can do which, now that she's despoiled herself with race mixing, is true.


my love

Not unusual for beta billionaires to go asian.
The alphas go slavic.


If you're trying to imply slavs are superior to asians, I'll let you in on a little secret. Slavs have asian blood, they were raped by steppes people repeatedly over centuries.

How do we know the guy isnt from here?
There are a lot of asian guys who love white women on Holla Forums.
Remember HWNDU? In real life over half of Holla Forums is asian.

ITT: lots of (1)s from Tenda Ling-Spencer aka John Bettendorf

here's his info:


She is obviously doing it for attention, the only thing women love more than dick. Regardless, all white women that blanda upp need to die as painfully as possible.

Kill yourself. Asians should be wiped off the face of the Earth down to the last fucking larvae, as should every non-white race.

AMWF actually pisses me off more than any other IR match because Asians are so beta and feminine that they are barely male and never deserve to touch a woman, not even of their own race. They should all rot in their mother's basement for years and years, never knowing a woman's contact or fun outside of video games or anime, until eventually hanging themself in the designated suicide forest. I actually have more respect for niggers and spics than gooks; "muh IQ" is worthless when your testosterone is lower than your female counterpart.

My fucking sides user.
I'm stealing this.

quit bumping faggot

asians have a high IQ but no sort of imagination. this really shows whenever you have upper level math classes with them. sure, asians can remember arithmetic and what not, but when it comes to actually thinking through logical problems they fall seriously behind whites and even spics. asians can't into math as much as they like to perpetuate. not surprising since the only thing they've ever contributed was the chinese remainder theorem.

There is literally nothing wrong with honor killings at all, you beta faggot. The only things wrong with Muslims are:
1) They aren't white
2) They practice pederasty, beastiality, genital mutilation, and incest
3) They are our racial enemies and are trying to conquer us
4) They worship the Jewish god (so do Christcucks)

Beating whores, forcing them to wear garbage bags so they can't show off their whore meat, keeping their whore legs shut, brutally killing them if they lose their virginity, arranging husbands for them, etc. is all good, there is nothing wrong with any of it at all (except vitamin D deficiency from burqa so the room where your wife is chained up should have large windows so she gets plenty of sunlight) and we should learn from these things and introduce them into our own society.

We have to work with them until artificial wombs can replace them, which will probably be decades still. Once that happens and we have artificial wombs and robot whores then women will be literally useless, except perhaps as a punching bag, unless they're fat in which case they're too gross to touch.
They only need an egg cell, a womb, and a pair of breasts to feast on while their teeth develop. White women aren't mothers anymore, this isn't the 1800's. They are nothing but a fleshlight on legs for use by anybody capable of worming their way inside, which could be as easy as wearing an expensive watch and buying her a couple drinks.

post tits whore, >>>/ck/

The key is raising better women, focusing on the proper education of children. 99% of the women right now are fucked beyond repair and only their wombs are worth anything.

ok, I lost in translation
you bastard

I'm white and discourage racemixing, but I consider Eurasians to be fundamentally our people - not quite huwhite but still welcome.

"Slav" refers to a language group, so technically you are not wrong since some mongolised people speak a slavic-like language. Unfortuately for you, we in Ukraine, Belarus, and most in Russia do not have asian blood in us, some do, but they are an obvious minority of mongrels.
In the times when mongols came, they didn't not stay themselves, but just demanded tributes, little mixing occurred in our lands.

Now get lost, yid.

Genetics tests refute your asinine claim.

Not bad, not bad. Send it off.

He looks like a child. I bet he's the idiot son of some mega wealthy fuck. That's all it could be. He essentially bought her.

Lots of retarded Jews in here.

Like you! faggot. Eurasians who did Stalin's dirty work in Germany? Get fucked. Mongrols are human garbage that should be used as fuel and slave labour.

I'll take an Asian hottie over a white bitch any day of the week, and they are better to simply cuddle with too.


Any significant pics or evidence?

That picture is of the wrong side my dude. That's the side wanting to bring in immigrants, the one with no care for color or racial cohesion, allowing niggers into its rank. I bet you have celtic blood in you. Gaut, how can you make a Celt love his own kind I'll never know?

that's not what Eurasianism is