"Stand or Pay!" Niggers BTFO

The NBA has finally lost enough shekels that the Jew owner are cracking the whip on their negro slaves. This is going to get fun if one of the niggers defy and the Jew has to fire him.

Kangz always seem to think they are big and powerful, until the leering kike who makes shekels off their nigger asses faces financial consequences:

"The National Basketball Association sent a memo late Friday to all 30 teams instructing players to stand for the US national anthem, and warning teams there should not be any exceptions.

The memo, from deputy commissioner Mark Tatum, said the league has the discretion to discipline players who violate a rule already on the books stating that they must stand for the anthem, broadcaster ESPN reported.

The memo tells teams that 'the league office will determine how to deal with any possible instance in which a player, coach, or trainer does not stand for the anthem.'

It adds that individual teams 'do not have the discretion to waive' the rule."



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I bet the boomercucks can't wait to be given the "all clear" to go back to worshiping buck niggers.


this guy is 200% kike, the NBA must be getting financially destroyed for them to do this.

This, but I think the niggers have gotten so uppity now they really don't understand the Jew still has them by their ashen balls. Nigger won't stand? Send an expedition out to Apefrica and find a better behaved chimp, train it in ape hoops, and volià, new "NBA STAR."

Holy kike batman.

there's definitely no shortage of niggers that are willing to get paid millions of dollars to play basketball or football and be able to put enough of a show on to kept goyim entertained; and stand for the anthem. 1 nigger will stab another nigger for $20, i don't think breaking unity with the other niggers is going to be an issue for $1 million.

you're thinking rationally. Niggers have no ability to think rationally in terms of their own long-term financial interests. I don't think the niggers are going to obey here, simply because the Kang meme is now no longer a meme. They think they are in actually in charge, and not the kike who pays them.

Will get more interesting as the niggers begin to lose sponsors, since the people who buy their fucking trash are usually patriotard types.

Former kangball fan here, the reason why they're doing this is because teams will go into debt if ratings tank even lower, they lifted the $ limit on player contracts last year and teams are paying players 100+ million dollar contracts. They finally realized they can't keep an entertaining team and push a narrative simultaneously

Jesus, look at this kike. Add a beard and he could have come right out of "the Poisonous Mushroom." A money-lender so dedicated to his shekels he won't even pay to have his owned teeth whitened. Now that's a real Jew's Jew. When does ape hoop season begin? Going to be entertaining.

Top kek, as a non-burger, non-sports ball type, seeing all the various names for niggerball and the whip cracking is quite hilarious.

This is a distraction form amnesty, you stupid niggers!

As well as the NFL. I do think it is funny that he is doing this while trying to act like he did not try and force tranny bathrooms on people. In any case, it should be fun to see ESPN bitch about this. If not, the leftists they have been catering to will lose their shit and turn on them. All this chaos all because Trump made fun of these protestors. Fucking wew.

You can do multiple things at a time you stupid nigger. I'll never understand this mindset of you can only do one thing at a time.

Mate, we've seen that the Jewish Deep State is way too strong. NOTHING is going to get done as far as stopping the invasion and the destruction of ZOG. Anyone who has yet to realize that isn't paying attention. This at least is entertaining and the more uppity niggers and spics get, people will buy more and better weapons before the Cohen Act makes ownership of all firearms illegal. And then the Turner Diaries begin…

So now their forced to either submit to the rules, forsaking their so called protest, proving they are nothing more than fake attention whores that care only about the money. Or, keep doing this stupid shit and forcing more people to wake up to the fact American football is trash.

it's already started

Then go comment on another thread nigger because

it's happening.. again!

how many times have they been put in this corner? at least once or twice in a heavy public faction. maybe third time is the charm

The kikes are getting uppity because we're bleeding them dry in almost every conceivable way. Niggerball down, Talmudvision viewership down, MSM down. If you're doing an op offsite, you need to keep pushing this issue. Right now they're standing and locking arms, let them know you'll accept nothing less than standing straight, hand on heart. Then if they finally end up doing that, say "too fucking late now". Make sure that whatever you add to your list of demands, you'll never be satisfied with their reaction and keep the embargo going as long as you can. Keep bleeding their shekels.

you're not wrong. the Deep State is a major problem. but it's not one we can deal with short of civil war directly, not right now.

what we *can* do is kill the "circus" portion of Panem et Circenses. if we kill the circus, the distraction, then the normie loses his opium, which forces the normie to pay attention to what's going on around him, and specifically to what is causing him withdrawal. this builds the awareness of the normie, who still slumbers. but the normie is slowly waking, and the faster we can accelerate this by encouraging the nigs to nog and the jews to jew, then the faster the normie wakes up.

the more normies that wake up, the greater our ability to tackle the Deep State becomes. truth be told user, you have to remember that the Deep State isn't just governmental, it's institutional on all levels. sportsball is just an arm of the jewish abomination infesting our society. it seems different from the so-called Deep State, but they are one in the same. sportsball distracts the normies, keeping them passive and complacent enough for the Deep State to do as it wishes. by removing the cover provided by sportsball, we peel another layer of skin off the Deep State, exposing the diseased flesh to the purifying light of the sun.

just remember, by killing sportsball we free the normie, and by freeing the normie we increase our ability to take on the Deep State.


the big question facing america and really the entire West right now is whether the Jew has pushed too far too fast (as they did in Germany) and ended up getting the "special treatment" from the Germans they always demanded. Or whether the Us is too far gone and we're going into a "Gulag Archipelago"/Judeo-Bolshevik phase. Whatever happens, I would be my life that over the next 20 years, we will see governments fall.

I don't even think it's fair to group all "boomers" as one, since despite how the Jews portary it, some of them were decent and went to Vietnam and did try to fight off the Jewish bullshit. IDK, this Dr. Pierce video sums up the whole "boomer" thing best for me:

4cuck had an idea of going after individual NFL players with tweets shaming them, i.e. "Stand, boy!" for the demeaning angle, and "Stand up for massa, uncle Tom!" for the keeping it real angle. The idea is to force them to give in to their pride and continue to kneel, thus maintaining the controversy and pushing normies away. I think this is a GREAT idea and should be applied to the NBA as well.

agree. this is the way to go. Their jew chimp handlers can't control them on twaater, and apes are easily enraged. As much as anglin is an untermenschen who should be exterminated, his site was good for useful idiots in troll campaigns like this one that has potential.

This is a really good idea.

Dubs confirm. Niggers can't stand being made fun of. Push them to openly mock the commissioner and call for riots if they get fired. Normalfags need to understand that sportsball is dead and they'll have to fix the mess they continue to ignore.

Chinese commie style loosening and tightening. Let the niggers have thier fun, but not so much as to turn whitey off.
We have an advantage the Chink resistance doesn't, free speech. Fire up those shill accounts and start meming thw niggers ignoring this diktat, or even escalating things by attacking players who do stand. Imagine a clearly anti-White, anti-America mini-chimpout in front of millions. Try to shill for it to happen at the superbowl and most of the country (and a sizeable outside audience, too. The BBC shows it live these days) will see it. I doubt sports commentators have the training to go immediately on-narrative and spin such an event on the fly, either.

ain't no body gwan be touchin Muh ends ya feel me? If my 26 illegitimate chilrens don't awwww helllllll naw.
I was just kiddin.
I don't give a fuuuuuuuck about kneeling or standing hold hands or doe see doeng. Gibs me Muh cash massa.

It will be memory holed like that Sudanese immigrant shooting up white people in a church recently.

for maximum spread we show it to some loudmouth niggers with large viewership. They will re-tweet it.

Also why are we not promoting diversity in sports. Why are black men disproportionately being targeted by white owners, it's shamefur.
We need nay require the NBA NFL etc to look exactly like the demographic breakdown of their respective cities.

What burgers should be protesting is that the boards of all these major leagues need to be diversified. Are enough board members black?

Fantastic division point to split the mud-nation, and a great way to teach normalfags about how much niggers hate them and the destructive role of kikes in white societies.

It's getting fucking ridiculous. Millionaire athletes crying oppression now too and normalfags are ticked to hell, thank God.

Four days until hockey. I really hope none of this bullshit infects it but I doubt it.

That shit had my sides destroyed.

The problem with boomers is that there was nothing keeping the shitty dregs from making easy money and living a cushy life of consumerism. They didn't learn how to preserve or maintain anything. If it broke they bought a newer version. If the neighborhood went to hell, they sold their house for an inflated profit and moved. The get their pensions, and their medicare, and their social security, and the smug sense of self-satisfaction from having "earned" all of it, but they're just cattle being shuffled around from pasture to pasture.

I've seen shopping bags hanging from trees around my local bike paths and didn't know what they were. A few weeks ago I figured it out after my grandfather told me that in his old folks community they had to send out a letter telling the people with dogs to stop heaving their bags of dog shit into the nature preservation site behind the community. These disgusting fuckers are chucking plastic bags of shit into the nature reservation and it's getting caught on the tree limbs rather than 1) just taking it home and disposing of it or 2) tossing the shit by itself into the tree-line and off the path. Trees and plants love shit, but hanging it from trees in Walmart bags is boomer-tier retarded. That sums up perfectly the boomer legacy: A future drained of any life from crippling inflation, and polluted with mindless consumerism and Walmart bags full of shit.

It took one fucking generation to destroy a nation.

Well, true but I think you're missing the most important part in all of this– the Immigration Act of 1965, pushed along by the Jews Jacob Javitts and Emmanuel Cellars. Since the 20s, there was a law limiting where people could come from to keep the nation with the same ethnic balance, and everyone was pleased with it.

the immigration act of 1965 undid that, and opened us to to the swarm of subhumanity from the third world. Not sure that's even "Boomers," as they were in their early-mid 20s at the time. If you go back and look at it, Ted Kennedy swore up and down and that it would "not change the essential composition of the country." And now here we are ~50 years later, about to become a minority in our nation and with the children of those same Jews telling us it's a GOOD thing.

From the moment that act passed (the Jews pushed it because they saw an America that was full of hordes of non-whites as less likely to ever rebel against them as AH had done) we were finished.

The system is now so bad that a South African Boer family being hunted by niggers chanting "kill the Boer!" cannot get into US or Canada, but any drug-pusher/whoremaster/mental deficiency from the 3rd world can. Thanks, Ted Kennedy. Rot in hell.

TBH we should do everything we can to speed that day. Before they invent immortality, for sure.

I don't know how one can approach SJW bullshit in a game where players are allowed to get in fist fights

We should taunt Lebron James and other NBA players on Twitter and tell them they got cucked by thier (((white owners))) Get them to chimp out and start kneeling just to spite us.

Ten bucks to the first screen shot posted here. Don't be blatantly racist.

LeBrick gets enough as it is. I wonder if this will break him anyway I'm all for it let's do it

The "generation" thing is a red herring in itself. Most people of every generation is pretty shit. The "greatest" generation fought for all the wrong things and laid the foundations for all the shit that's going down. The boomers took the reigns and went off into la-la materialism land. Their children are just as mindless, feminized multiculturalists the lot of them.

There are a few good ones in each generation and the rest is shit. The generation thing is good for stereotyping a few trends, but it doesn't really say anything beyond that. Everyone's the problem.

The season hasn't started has it? My cucked city has a flat earthier nigger now. Funny how he said he was just 'trolling' after all his time pushing it. Yea right asshole.

It hasn't started yet. Preseason games are in a couple of weeks

This,nobody fucking knows about it,while Rhodesian kiddo got full cover for fucking ages

Yahoo news I think had some faggot write an article implying P.K Subban should take a knee for the anthem. I dont personally like Subban, but they are literally trying to manipulate people into shit. Rather terribly mind you, but the effort is real.

Do niggers even play hockey?

There are a few, but not the nfl or nba types. Maybe handfuls leaguewide between AHL and NHL.

Hockey is almost 100% white because it's expensive and requires a parental commitment in driving their kid hours a week to practice and games. Something that the negro and other muds will never have access to. The NHL is still run by kikes though. They would love to replace whites with groids. You know they would.

Of course bmost people are just taking up space as NPCs but the problem is that the best men from those generations literally got kiked and instead of looking for higher goals ended up being boomers or dying for the kikes.

Of course most people on a generation are retards but the problem is that even those who aren't end up wasting their talents and passions as they get redirected to make money for ZOG.
That's the real pity,a person with the integrity and the dedication to rule his country and people is probably working as a manager of a macdonalds,a warrior willing to die for his people and culture will end up maimed as a kike puppet and a man who wants to uphold the values and preserve law and order ends up obeying ZOG as a cop.
That's the fucked up thing.

and at the end of the day, its bread and circus and every bit the obsession that the NFL is for the good goy maple syrup niggers in Canada.

Ratings are dipping but even more telling merch is down. Basketball was a gold mine because yooths could wear the clothes in the street unlike games played on grass. But all cause basketball merch is down like 27% last year, we will probably see a major manufacturer (underarmor) tank this year, and further merch dropping. It indicates a youth culture that even in the ghetto does not care anymore.

The demasculonization campaigns have worked and only casual clothing sells. Even nigs interested in girls don't want to sweat to get there, just sit around talking about kangism and making snapchats, they hardly even ha e the energy to dance when they are at clubs anymore.

Sports as a whole were always propped up by whites but now are losing to phoneposting on whatever social media you have. Sports used to be the social media that glued but now it's just normiebook an dick pics. We literally are becoming pic related from Wall-E, athletes are becoming a specialized class.

They do it for a piece of chicken from KFC, user.

Seems logical, one of the left's core strategies is to simply be implacable.

nigger shut up, hes done more than you have

Andrew, how the fuck do you know what I've done? It has to be you since anyone else would readily agree you are an untermenschen.

Naw, its all your fault. Boomers are ok. Really.

The mods should make a wordfilter for "done more than you".

They should be left alive until they can get what they deserve, die in their own shit and piss is too good and honorable for many of them.

True, boomers can´t be blamed for that one.


When was the NBA losing shekels? They just signed a huge billion dollar TV contract a year ago.

Source on the flat earth niggerball player?


The lmmigration Act of 1965 was passed during LBJ's term and with his support. He was voted (back) into office in 1964. Hardly any boomers could vote then, so it wasn't their fault. But they did nothing to reverse it when the problem was in its' infancy.

This has always been a question of LEADERSHIP.

the boomer is eternal. the strategy of waiting for them to all die is not a good one

It's fucking nothing. "Unity" is just a codeword for protesting against whitey. They're redirecting the protest to an area where it will still get in normies' faces but won't result in knee-jerk patriotism anti-sports sentiment. It's the right move for the NBA to try not to get in the trouble the NFL is making for itself, but it's ultimately bad for our cause that they aren't letting the nigs nog (unless they insist on doing so anyway or begin chimping out against the NBA)

Was he really Sudanese? Didn't Trump just the ban from Sudan? Needs to spread that.

From the thumbnail, I thought it was John Podesta for a second.

Honestly this whole nigger ball knee war seems like a distraction.

This isn't about OLD vs YOUNG. When I grew up our police used to drive mile'ed out old police cars and I remember newspaper stories about how they would be replaced "next year" or the year after, now take a look at your police forces. What you see is money being handed out hand over fist, and governmental waste. This is FAILED leadership and, failed governmental oversight, anyone who buys into the pictured meme is playing into the hands of our zionist government instead of facing responsibility. It was boomers jobs to manage the economy, it's debt, and what has occurred in industry. These Boomers have also had their pension funds raided, and their 401k's wiped out.

it wasn't

Oh, they'll nog alright. Much like the Jews, blacks have no concept of subtlety, nor do they know when to dial it back. Some team in a Kang-heavy city like the Pistons or Hornets will kneel in defiance of Silver's demand that they knock it off. He'll fine them for kneeling. One of the players will mouth off to the media and then he'll fine that player for defaming the league in the media. That's when all the blacks will start saying the NBA is RAYCIS an shiet and the Players' Union will take the league to court.

How do you save a woman being assaulted by a group of niggers?
Throw 'em a basketball.



This is magnificent idea because you are basically getting free coal for the fire this way.


You guys really overestimate the NBA telling players to follow the already written rules. Silver just made a rule where if you sit a healthy player, especially if it's a superstar and on the road, you will get in trouble. He runs the NBA like a business and wants fans to get what they pay to see which is people playing basketball.



This is brilliant

yes he was but like many other muslim terrorists he grew up in the country he attacked.

bretty gud. 8/10

I had to see what was being said about this at TheRoot. Here are selected comments on the article from that site.



Media keeps bringing up Tommie Smith and John Carlos but in the greater scope of history they meant absolutely nothing. Young people had no idea those two existed.

this. The only thing niggers spend their money on is clothes and cars. They aren't paying for tickets to games or merchandise

Dey love dem air jordanz doh.

There's probably a higher percentage of niggers at NBA games than NFL or MLB, but they're still far in the minority. I mean, there's just not as many of them, and paying to go to a game is pretty low on the list of nigger priorities. Clothes, cars, weaves, weed, blunt wrappers and 40's are higher on the list than paying the rent, so they ain't paying whatever a ticket costs. They watch it on TV while getting high, that's about it.
White people support all major sports franchises, and they will all die without white people paying the bills.

Tell me somebody called this one already.


what site is that? Do you need an account? I have to go on there posing as a kang and helpfully mention that both the commissioner and his deputy are Jews.

we just brought them in to help pick cotton they contributed nothing to the creation of this country calling them Americans is ridiculous

TheRoot.com. You have to use your Kikebook ID to post there. They don't allow anonymous posters.

50% of the NBA is owned by Jews.

Hilarious how they're trying to shift the narrative, eh?

That said, don't think id call this BTFO - the Jew just came in to get his slaves acting in a way that accomplishes the same outcome but without it being so blatant as to put off the other goyim.

No, KIKES brought them in. Stop blindly accepting the kike version of history.

It's Jim Crow all over again, fam. smh

the kike team owners found out that they would be losing a shit ton of shekels so they had to do something fast.

Thing is, it was us, no doubt with Jewish (and Christian) support, who gave obsolete farming equipment the right to stay.

I've been meaning to look more into the jewish control of slave ships but I don't know where to look since obviously Wikipedia isn't going to say anything about that

It's hard for me to think of them as Americans when they take every opportunity to say fuck wypipo, fuck America, fuck your flag, everything is raycis, muh slavery, on and on and on. Blacks are blacks, Mexicans are Mexicans, Chinese are Chinese. Only Whites are American as far as I'm concerned, no matter what citizenship a non-White may hold.

They can either let the nogs protest the anthem, and do what that one guy suggested and turn their backs and flip off the flag; that will alienate all the white audience that spends most of the money on tickets, merchandise, and cable TV packages. Or, they can follow through and really put the screws to the black players when they inevitable remind everyone that dey wuz kangz an shiet, and alienate the black audience that, while much smaller than the white audience, still constitutes a key demographic for their marketing and spend enough money on merchandise that they'll take it hit if blacks decide to spend their money on something else. The fact that there's no strategy they can now implement to please both parties is evidence of the fact that race relations are at the breaking point and something has to give. I hope I get to see a black riot and mob spree where the niggers flood an arena during game time and loot the concession stands and team shop.

Amusingly, this is one of the few topics wherein black 'scholars' are valuable, because only they are really allowed to investigate and discuss Jewish participation in the slave trade - anyone else just gets called an antisemite.

They're only doing this because NBA can't afford to lose as many shekels over this crap as the NFL. kek.

Actually, you can. They call it a Burner account. Took me less than a minute. Pic related.

Some people are spreading bullshit on how the NFL ratings "went up 3%" recently. I bet they're fucking with the numbers.


lmao look at that ridiculous jew

Checked for that page was taken down quite awhile ago user.
The Jew fears exposure of their sins.

And I was hoping this would last until at least the Superbowl, too.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was true. It has dominated the news cycle, the NFL has been in a slump in general since this bullshit started last year, and it is an opportunity for progressives who wouldn't ordinarily watch felontackle to signal political opposition to Trump.

That doesn't mean this whole situation is not disastrous to the NFL. What they're doing is trading core fans, people who keep the sport funded through merchandise sales, ticket sales, television subscriptions, and a steady stream of sponsorships and ad revenue that is based on the number of eyes on the product, for people who will not stick around past the weeks that this shit dominates the headlines. The longer this shit dominates the headlines the harder the damage will be for the NFL, ESPN and other kike sports outlets, and anyone who advertises with the NFL (because these ads are not going to convert to sales, but they're going to cost more). Remember that Kaepernick's jersey was one of the best selling last year, but that still didn't provide enough shekels to make it worth it to renew him.

That figures. Well, there are plenty of archives, anyway.

amazing how quickly they took that down. If their Golem ever fully turns on them, they know it all collapses.

Maybe not, but if anything the next generations have done everything to promote the multicultural agenda. At the end of the day, when the public actually had a chance to dictate policy, brexit for example, they voted against policy, particularly immigration, and guess what….the older generation came out in numbers. It is not a Cohencidence that the majority do not vote, and democracy is a sham.

At least it forced them to tacitly acknowledge that the kneeling down, is, in fact, meant to be disrespectful. A lazy re-branding won't make any difference in how it is perceived, whether kneeling, holding hands or whatever else. Potential fines, and the inevitable screeching that will arise, will also be useful in starting food-fights within the left.

They aren't allowed to kneel but can link arms together which a pointless rule since linking arms is just as disrespectful. Give an inch they take a mile.


Sports ball was a mistake

niggers were a mistake

No, niggers were intelligently designed. God is just evil and/or insane.

Actually, niggers were supposed to be wiped out by the Great Flood, but Noah's curly-haired, big-nosed, degenerate son (((Ham))) brought a sheboon aboard the Ark anyway and had niglets with her.

As a leaf I did notice that the programming seemed to wear off during any (((NHL))) strikes. So thanks, (((Bettman))).

Nonsense, the Thursday Night Football game was down 14% from last years week 4 Thursday night game. It was a good barometer because the curiosity factor of fans to see whether the players would protest was gone after Monday. The "boycott the NFL" movement was at full steam by Thursday also. Losing 14% of an NFL audience is shitting the bed. That's why the commissioner had an emergency meeting with the owners and player reps on Friday. The only big ratings day/night this week was Monday night because of the curiousity factor.

It's probably the peak rating, where people tuned in to see how much kneeling would happen.
Recall the south park episode, so long ago now, where the stands are full for the girls volleyball game.

> but Noah's curly-haired, big-nosed, degenerate son (((Ham))) brought a sheboon aboard the Ark anyway and had niglets with her.

The boycott stuff didn't really start gaining steam until Monday after the fans witnessed the groids kneeling. It was jimmy rustling to normalfags. 1st week of week 4(Thursday) is down 14% from last year. We will see similiar numbers tommorow.


this squared.

Just look at how they tried to idolize P.K. Subban during the Stanley Cup Finals this year. Fucking disgusting… I saw some commentary on another forum /r/hockey pls no bully talking about how hockey needed a "cool athlete" like Subban for PR purposes. Fuck that - if hockey becomes shitted, then it's over. Truly the last bastion for white men in major US sports.

You're right. I wonder how many of those that burned their jerseys and got upset will just go back to watching their niggerball when they realize how empty their lives are

I grew up watching Paul Kariya and Teemu Selanne with the Ducks since where I lived we didn't have a hockey team. They were plenty cool enough for me and I never once thought hockey would be a better game with black people in it. I just looked at players like Mike Grier of the Oilers as flukes, not something I wanted more of. I don't understand where this mentality comes from that you have to have blacks to have good sports but it's sick on a number of levels. It's even weirder when it's not even blacks advocating for more blacks to play a sport, but cucked whites.

It's the Jews, user. I'm convinced of it, especially related to your point about cucked (((whites))) being basically the only ones advocating for it. They can't let white men emulate white men or else we'll get too emboldened.

Niggers tonight are doing the link-arms BLM thing, so still saying fuck you to trump, whitey, cops and USA but technically "standing up" so they don't piss off lex jewthor

Fire them all. Just dear God, fire them all. The niggers are a mistake.

Ha, Damage done.


As Grapes says, ban fighting, and you'll just get more stick work and eye injuries.


Don Cherry is hilarious.

Pol should encourage the kneel then. Kick the kike right in the shekels.

The NHL is pretty gay at this point. They've done a top-tier job making it a pussy league and fighting keeps going down more and more each year (check out hockeyfights.com if you want autistic indepth stats on this).

Off the top of my head without looking into it in depth there are about 20-25 or so in the NHL (out of 30 teams/600ish players).

Dude, here in Canada they shill Subban like he's the second coming of Christ. When we was traded from Montreal I thought that half of the hockey commentators in this country were about to commit suicide because it was now harder for them to hook their daughters and wives up with him.

>it's another kebab doing it
I hate being constantly annoyed but yet here I am.

So he said no kneeling but what about other forms of protest?

I stopped watching or even following hockey about five years ago. Used to be a Wings fan. Just curious, one of the funnest games I ever went to was Wings vs Leafs. Is it any fun to have that happen more often now that the Wings are in the east, or does it not matter because they suck now? I don't even live in Michigan any longer.

Oddly enough it was the Wings that the Leafs played earlier tonight. As for your question: it's not as fun with the Wings not being the juggernaut that they used to be. It's a shame since I always had a soft sport for them especially when they had Yzerman, Lidstrom, Federov, etc. By the way, Datsyuk is gone. He was gonna retire early or some shit so they traded his rights to the Coyotes (now known as Arizona, not Phoenix) but he doesn't play in the NHL. Oh, and the Wings no longer play at Joe Louis Arena; they play at a new one named after the Little Caesar's chain. Babcock now coaches the Leafs.

It's really watered down. Back when we hate the Avs/Wings hatred was when it was still awesome. Pretty much since the 2004 lockout has been just progressively worse. The 2010s have mostly been like watching the refs act like farting next to someone is a hate crime.

God damn that sounds gay as fuck. Glad I stopped watching. Too bad about Datsyuk , he was a great player and all around great guy.

I stopped watching because it was obvious in the playoffs that the refs were deciding games. Powerplays convert a good percentage of the time it's easy to apply the rules unevenly and decide games. Sometimes it got really fucking obvious, usually to try to even out a game rather than straight up decide it, same thing in my book though.

Honestly segregation is the only answer now.

If segregation did come back blacks would be mad because it would mean they'd have to be responsible for creating and managing everything in their own communities instead of sponging off Whitey. Really, blacks don't want to spend time around whites, talk to whites, trade with whites, send their kids to school with white kids, or even see a white man if they can help it. Maybe they like white women around, but only for eye candy and club sluts, the way they deal with white women is completely dehumanizing. What they want is access to our facilities, paid for with our money. The reason they couldn't have their own separate facilities and companies at the same quality as whites' the second time would be the same reason they didn't have those things from 1865-1965: they're literally incapable of doing so.

Blacks don't think far enough into the future to know that them managing things would go to shit. They wear crowns when they run in office in Detroit and they love it. They equate being in charge = power = better = gibs and they are not entirely far off from that either. Pushing the segregation topic isn't a bad idea.


Anyone recall when this nipette/gookess (I'd need a weeb/kpop fag to tell me, can't tell) went full redpill and then got vanned into a psych ward the next day? Feel bad for her desu, she was just using basic logic but I assume she was too sheltered to understand the dynamic of negro as pet of their JEwish masters.

she's very obviously from worst korea

I'd rather have Japs around rather than north koreans as they're benign and have benefits while also on a base level recognizing how crucial it is to have a homogenous society. Which will mean they're less likely to harbor parasitic races on the scale our current western civilization does.

thank you weeb friend. I thought so as well, but reference to "Jap. videos" threw me of..

Mike Grier grew up wealthy as the son of the New England Patriots director of player personnel. Went to an expensive private High school in the Boston area. He's an outlier.

Blacks shouldn't be compelled to stand for the national anthem. They're black. It's not their anthem. It's a white anthem. Blacks are a nation of their own and they see themselves that way. These blacks are saying this is not their anthem and they don't want to have anything to do with it. They don't want anything to do with the US flag either because it's a white flag. They're the ones that are right and everybody else is wrong.

I support the blacks on this. They're right to reject white symbols. Colin Kapernick was right. But here is where I come in conflict with these blacks. They need to stop being entitled to white money and white territory. Like the anthem, gibs aren't theirs either and neither are white communities. They need to stay in their own communities. Until they become black separatists they're not my allies but regarding this one issue they're right.

I think you could attack that across multiple sports and angles. No blacks, women or trannies in Nascar, or hockey.
Hash tag: steer towards equality
Hash tag: too white on ice
Go after all of it.

From the thumbnail, I thought it was John Podesta for a second.

Then why don't they pay their own taxes and stop consuming our welfare?

They should stop playing white sports too.

Until the NFL NBA owners are forced to APOLOGIZE for their pets' actions, the boycott should continue into the long night.

Because slavery is the historical issue that allows them to never have to get their shit together. They're convinced that we owe them welfare forever, on top of reparations, which they consider a separate payment that they'll likely also demand to receive forever. It's the exact same extortion hustle that the kikes have used against Germany for 70 years and into perpetuity. They want this on top of the welfare, section 8, medicaid, food stamps, school preferences and affirmative action that they already get.

Hell, look at South Africa, that country is 92% nigger and they still get affirmative action there, and they'll be blaming Apartheid for everything bad that happens to them forever. There was even some nigger bitch who went in front of the EU Parliament to demand reparations for niggers in Europe because muh colonialism. This is what niggers do: extort, whine, cry, blame others, and demand that their entire lives be subsidized. They're the same everywhere in the world.

"Worst Generation" title should really fall on the so called "Greatest Generation" that kikes tell us to venerate.

It doesn't make any fucking sense. Back during the day in slavery's peak, only the 1% whites owned slaves. That's it. 99% were working class and subsistence farmers and owning a slave back then would be like owning a lambo today. Worst part is the fact that nobody alive today in America was ever a slave or owned one, whites were the first race to end slavery and lead the charge to ending it around the world, and it's far more likely blacks are descended from black slave owners, who made up a very significant percentage of slave owners than whites as a percentage, than any white today. A good example of this is Obama, on his father's side is slave traders of Africa, on his mother's side is Jewish slave owners. They use this stupid "guilt" when it makes no muster in sense, for if it did, we would throw the entire families of criminals into prison for the crimes of that single criminal. But I guess the liberals want all the blacks in prison, which I don't mind. More of them went into the pen under Obama than any other time under any other president but they won't huh? Because they know.

This shit aint logical.

There are no words, phrases, idioms, or otherwise that'll ever be able to fully grasp how fucking ludicrous that is. The same cattle that bleat about their paychecks and hours will sit there and justify this in the same conversation. (((Capitalism))) truly is the gift that keeps on giving

So all it takes is some jews to lie to your face and you'll happily go back to giving them billions in subsidies and getting your weekly dose of nigger worship and alcohol advertising? MAGA!

For the last time, kikes AREN'T whites, they're ARABS, and chattel slavery is THEIR deal.