
Anti-Circumcision Thread

Besides talking to our own family and friends, how can we fight circumcision?

I've argued about it on Holla Forums, /liberty/ and cuckchan. All three have a surprising number of apologists as well as some redpilled posters.

Post infographics.

Other urls found in this thread:

Execute anyone who has performed infant circumcision. Only a truly perverted and evil person could mutilate a baby dick

Start calling it mutilation

I should have said MGM in the OP. It's amazing how triggered feminists and basically everyone gets at comparing it to FGM.

But they have no counter-argument based in fact, just the hearsay that all FGM is basically chopping everything off. I get flatly contradicted just for saying some is minor, let alone less severe than MGM.

I just want a part of my dick back.

Why does this thread keep hiding?

This. Humanity will never reach its potential while a single Semite exists.


Suspicious. If you can't unhide it, the files are here

Have a bump OP

I'm not even larping on the internet in what I'm about to say.

When I have a son, I will explicitly tell the doctor to not circumcise him. If he does not, it doesn't matter who he/she is or looks like I will kill them immediately right then and there no matter the consequences I will suffer. Perhaps then doctors won't mutilate the genitals of newborn males.

Good for your son but most baby boys aren't that lucky.

Is it degenerate if I wanted to buy one of those "Tugger" devices which are designed to stretch and regrow your foreskin?

Yes, it is. You'd be better off trying some cosmetic stem cell treatment; just stretching the existing skin isn't going to do anything.

Use your brain, user. You don't need to be a doctor to understand entry-level physiology or human anatomy.

foreskin regeneration for ~$10,000 potentially as soon as ~2020, most likely available in Italy at first

No. I want to get one myself but it's too nerve-wracking so far.

circumcision causes SIDS

I'm sorry to hear what happened to you, but what the fuck? I had heard that circumcision for non-Jewish males in the US is quite common, but I never would have imagined that they'd actually just go ahead and do it without having a proper sit-down meeting with the doctor. That's really, really bad if that's what is happening.

It's not the father's decision. Better be prepared to kill his wife too.

As I understand it, circumcision is the default in many hospitals.

dont listen to this retard, simply tugging on your dick with even just your hands works if you do it enough
I've been at it for a few months, and I've actually been regrowing my skin, I have enough skin that I'm able to cover part of my head with it
if you actually did research into restoring, you'll know that theres a tiny bit of foreskin thats left, so it fuses with the normal skin on your shaft, so if you tug on the circumcision scar line, it'll grow the skin from there, with the outside being normal skin like normal, and the inside being the specialized foreskin skin
I can surely tell you after tugging for several months, my head has been quite a bit more sensitive and I'm getting the natural moisture back
if you're serious about getting your foreskin back, just search on the internet "foreskin restoration" and you'll get a few sites to detail exactly how to do it, the science and reasoning behind why it works, and even some "tugger" stuff to help you

Untrue, my gay boyfriend decided to start tugging not long ago, and it's already showing results.

They don't as policy, but it's need in the news when they accidentally do it.

In some hospitals if you say no, they put a tag on your son's wrist to say not to mutilate him. is right.

is right too.

Does it really? Any links to give to start off? Like, best ways to "tugger" your peen, or maybe the health benefits (or lack thereof)?

This is a reminder to morons: please keep stupid and irrelevant comments to yourself. This includes:
* I'm fine, what's the big deal
* My son's fine, what's the big deal
* Everyone does it, what's the big deal
* I like it
And other such worthless comments about your opinion or comments that are not relevant to the issue of widespread practice of unnecessary (male) genital mutilation of babies.

Context of the mp4?

No, it’s fantastic. Ignore the like selling you on non-existent stem cell treatments.

Fuck, if it isn’t the mods with their word filters, it’s fucking (((autocorrect))).

I've got a son on the way who's not getting the dick snipped and they charge extra to do it here. USA, west coast.

Not sure what third world shit hole you're posting from but the doctors at the hospital will not circumcise an infant without consent of the parents. Obviously this would be an enormous lawsuit and the hospital would get fucked.

Also most doctors don't care one way or the other, they will tell you straight up there's no real medical benefit to it, at this point it's really just tradition and maybe the father would want the son to look like him etc.

I have a very bulbous swollen cockhead when erect and now as a circumsized adult male am very happy with the results I look down at.
I can't remember when I was circumsized or whether a shekel fisted rabbi sucked my baby cock but it's all water under the bridge now and my wife and past girlfriends have always loved how my big fat headed, swollen, circumsized cock made them feel during the act.

All genital mutilations on minors should be banned. End of story.

You want a personal story? I was having a kid and I asked about circumcision; I mean WHY would I consent to my child having a piece of his body sliced off? Whenever I asked these questions I got the "look"; ie., "you don't care about your kid and you''ll need to be watched" which NYS DID for the first year.

He's 16 now,and he's not mutilated!

A people that hurts their children in such manner speaks volumes alone, look at the muslimes, the kikes and some nigger tribes.

Ask people this
Normalfags will respond

There are cases in America where kikes just do it even when told not to.

So much Americans wearing a slave marking scar on their cock.
And they won't even question it.
Good goys.

You should have sued the bitch

This is something that we can use to unite people. The idea that doing it to a female is way worse than doing it to a male is the worst part.

You got as lucky as a genital mutilation victim is capable of getting, congratulations. Don't fucking do it to your son, end your fucking life the instant you decide to and preferably before you do.

Jews circumcise themselves too so aren't they marking themselves as slaves?

they are slaves to money and to their women.

I don't doubt it but can you sauce me? Would like to read about these cases.

Also were they done by accident (mixed up their babies / circ consent forms) or were they done on purpose (parents said no, doc did it anyway). Either way the doctor and/or hospital would be in for a huge medical malpractice lawsuit especially in the latter case.

you seem to misunderstand what is involved. It's not half of a persons dick, it's the foreskin. No sense crying over spilt milk now.

Also if you wanna know how kikes argue read:
It's obvious who is behind what.

They do it to fuck with the childrens brain. Why do you think so many kikes are mentally ill? It's not just the blood curse or being of a mixbreed the hundreds of years of circumcision also plays a huge factor. Mentally fucked people will make mentally fucked children and those children getting circumcised will get even more mental issues.

It is to lower the Americans to the level of the kikes and it used to make the kikes even more vile and extreme in their actions. Of course from this money is to be made too, beauty products, medical industries, "restoration" industries and the law are all owned by kikes. So if you wanna do anything against them or against it you're fucked either way.

On purpose, by kike doctors. Here is a recent one

I don't think your understanding of sexual anatomy is all that there right now. Either that or you're a huge bait which I'm biting.

The foreskin has the highest concentration of sex based nerve endings across the entire length of the penis. This also keeps the glans, the head part, moist as the glans is covered in a mucous membrane. When the foreskin is removed the head keratinizes and thus becomes partially calloused and as sensitive as the tips of your fingers. The foreskin also has an important role during coitus as it maintains a smooth transition of sexual fluids. This means thrusting isn't as harsh, nor does it have to be to stimulate dulled senses.

The reasons it was implemented for are few and far between. It was actually proposed as an anti masturbation effort by the same guy who said we should dab carboxylic acid on a woman's clitoris for the same reasons. The proposed benefits only reduce what fraction of a percent actually suffered issues. Any way you slice it there's just no reason to do this.

To Satan, their god, yes. Are we supposed to be enslaved to Satan, user?

Thanks, read through the archive story. Looks like the baby's grandparents (muslims) brought the baby to doc's appointment and had the procedure done without mother's consent. It's not clear if the doctor knew that the mother did not want circ done, although that won't help him in the criminal prosecution or malpractice lawsuit I'm sure. The grandparents are being charged criminally as well. These people are all gonna get fucked.

It's just one recent case, I recommend you to dig and find more because they seem to burry them in search result a lot. Don't have to tell you why of course.

Hey that's great, thanks. And I always thought that because I could last 30 to 45 per sexual session it was "me" and you're saying it's the calloused condition of my penis? Females have always complimented me on my staying power.


Why would you want reduced sensation just for "staying power". There are some who are unlucky. Botched circumcisions are not uncommon. Why not just promote better foreplay techniques or oral techniques?

It's not what I want, it's what I know.
Did you knowingly forget this procedure was done when I was an infant or does the premise of the phrasing of your inquiry serve a purpose. Did they teach you that at the academy or the yeshiva?


Yes. The procedure is done while you're an infant without anesthesia. The procedure actually scars the developing mind and alters it as it develops.

Oh. So you'll just execute these people. And how will you accomplish that, dear?
Do you control a large country?
Do you control a small country?
Do you control a region in a country?
Do you control even a city?
A town?
A block in a town?

What you are doing is LARPing. You're talking about how you would solve the world's problems IF you only had power. But you have no power. You're just some guy on the internet.

Realizing this is the first step in changing that sad fact. Start using your noodle.

violence is the gold standard
you parasites will understand soon enough like your forefathers did

This attitude. This attitude in particular is the one people have to stop with. This solipsism.

No, it's not all water under the bridge now. It's not over. It was never over. It's not ever going to be over until the practice is heavily regulated or banned outside of medically necessary cases. Do you get it? Issues don't begin and end where they begin and end with your life - they existed before you were born, and will persist after you die.

I get it. There is nothing YOU can do FOR YOU. Everyone whose dick has been cut on knows that. My heart goes out to all the people trying to "restore" nerves and shit decades after they've been cut off, but it's a fruitless, futile gesture. The better effort is directed towards the kikes who continue the practice. The better effort is directed towards the establishment that continue the practice.

The best effort of them all is directed at people in general - people who will be having children, and impressing upon them the severity of the decision they're going to be pushed to make. The goal is that they make the right one. In the end pressuring the Docs / Hospitals / HHS will do little. Pressuring the people? Meme-ing that reality into existence where circumcision is hated? Entirely different story, and far more plausible in the long run.

Undermine people's confidence (or resignation) in the procedure, and it will crumble when fathers are vehemently warning Doctors in droves not to perform the procedure.

100% honest this is actual altruism. Maybe a tinge of empty vengeance - but we all know we're never getting what was lost back for ourselves, so how much can you revel in that? No, you're ensuring no one ever loses it again and they never have to wake up one day and realize part of them is missing and they've been experiencing sexual function entirely different than it was ever naturally intended.

You sound butthurt but I'm not sure what you're trying to say other than the tired old YOLOUR A JEWWWWWWWWWW!

I was circumcised, and when my mother heard the blood-curdling scream that her newborn child made, she vowed never again to let that happen. My younger brother is not circumcised, and I am proud to have taken that bullet for him.

Genital mutilation is disgusting. However if you're devoting your energy to convincing normies to stop doing it, you're spending precious energy on something other than the racial reality. You're talking about penis mutilation when you could be talking about White-genocide.

If that's what you want to do, I wish you luck. But you'll never rise to power or end genital mutilation by getting the lemmings to understand that genital mutilation is bad. Not one person IRL really cares overmuch about genital mutilation. No one's going to go to war over genital mutilation. (except this guy … if he's serious and not just LARPing.)
However people will go to war for their racial survival.

Anyway, if you want to become a foreskin crusader, just tell people that mutilating your genitals is disgusting. No one will argue with that except transgen-tards

This was inspiring as fuck. Dig deep Holla Forumsacks work hard attain power. Infiltrate and decimate.

We have IDs here, Shlomo.

I've been there and done that, the anti-circumcision thing, but frankly it's an unhealthy place. Men thinking and talking like victims, even if logically justifiable, is not my cup of tea. Some people ITT need a chill pill.

I'll offer some advice, on how to make desired changes real. Circumcision rates are lowest in states that do not subsidize circumcision through Medicaid. Maybe change your stance from control (ban x, kill all doctors, etc.) to freedom. Drop the sensitivity argument because a. Of conflicting evidence and misleading language (we're tired of the 'fine touch sensitivity' survey; no one jerks off by tickling his penis with a feather so it doesn't matter) and the conflicting evidence coming out more recently against it. If you think it's morally wrong then stick with that, without turning in I to victims and judges.