Karma Reynoldson

So some bold anons have found lewds of the girl who claims to have "infiltrated the alt right". I have one such sample and was wondering if any of you have more, for counter.

Other urls found in this thread:

waarrestpdfs.com/records/31016674/karma l. reynoldson.pdf

Video spoilered because it's lewd.

Literally who?

Have you seen this one, OP?

Id like to infiltrate her



She got doxxed, pretending to be anti-racist now. Now she's doxxing other WN including those in the military.

Behind every Jew is a woman

I've dug up mention of a lewd Tumblr. I guess she's borderline infamous in alt-right Twitter circles. Has sent a fair number of lewds, allegedly.

she's way uglier than the pic. she's going to be 400 pounds in 10 years. you can tell this is the type to get fat and loose self control.

The term for traitor exists in every language


her body looks… weird.

I really hate e-celeb threads. The kikes always try to pull the, oh wow look how based X person is people go there, the blinds are pulled away, oh wow look how degenerate X person is, those Nazis must be as degenerate as X person.

I've heard it all before, take your e-eceleb shit to another board. Just go create another board, dedicated to e-celeb shit, I mean there used to be one called >>>/baph/ but that's all fucked up now.

>I mean there used to be one called >>>/baph/ but that's all fucked up now.

It really does suck that this site doesn't have an ecosystem of living boards like it used to. It's just not the same

gay faggot nu/pol/ posting lolis and blocking out real pussy to hide it from scared nofap Rabbi god slaves



I'd probably fuck her. I'd get drunk first though. And I'd turn off the lights first.


Cool. That led me here. archive.is/sdsTW

…which then led me here: archive.is/offset=50/a-spider-in-the-heliotropes.tumblr.com

Success: achieved.

Thank you based user.

lmao this brainlet thinks nofap has anything to do with religion

Better than expected.

The "never gets exercise" look. She's 18 and already porking up. She's going to be a whale in 10 years, possibly with mud children from different fathers.

She looks like the reddit cannibal pedo admin. Same vacant crazed eyes.

Yeah, because you only bang 10/10 models, incel.

1 shiny shekel say this woman is the OP trying to get raided for muhsoggyknee points. No one cares about your average body.

Germania even before Jews arrived was far more "prude" then even this board could be. The white man figured it out long ago but has not had the will in his mind to keep it, even though it was had.

She looks so soft. I want to be inside her, my BWC would convert her to the alt-right.

If anyone needed total confirmation that she was never ‘infiltrating’ anything and is simply mentally unstable, then there you go.

Washington, eh. I wonder where specifically.

It's like she still has her babyfat. Too bad we no longer have mods or we wouldn't have to discuss this.

I was going to say the same thing.

the scars are reason enough to gtfo and stay out, but she's going to chub up like a motherfucker in a year or so. this isn't even going into her crazy eyes.

Like watching a dead fish.

Wtf? My dick would go soft just looking at that disgusting pile of flesh.


I'd like to choke this bitch out and throw her down a flight of stairs…. as a prank.

would be cool to find the vids so i can complete my collection

Like clockwork.

Wow, /baph/ apparently got claimed and is now furry porn spam

Some furries set up their own board with a similar name. /baphomet/ is here:

I'd report you if the mods weren't unwrangled shitskin retards

ON I don't get this.
E-celebs or more likely some crazy bitch that did you wrong is not relevant.

I'm sorry this boyish sloot hurt your fee fees, I know your pain but we have bigger things to do here.

Also with a name like Karma, come on my dude.
Anyway standard procedure is to act on your best behavior and just discuss topics this ends up red pulling spies. Beware any girl who goes full gas the kikes race war now, on you out the gate.
Leftists are lazy and will rapidly try to get you to talk about your DOTR plans. Just be calm and talk like a civnat for a bit. Go high five Jamaica the based negro and smile saying "everyone should be proud of their people… everyone."

Autocorrect makes me more retarded than usual. Least I'm not chasing thots. :-P

Worst Skin-job I've ever seen on a Synth yet. Should've killed the Fab-specs director on the way out of the lab. No wonder it integrated so easily with the Alt-Kike.

Anyone read her shit? It's sad. She's not taking pics of her in the nude or videos of her masturbating because she's a slut, she's doing it because she's lonely and trying to replace a man in her life with Tumblr.
She can't even get a boyfriend, she's basically the tumblr version of a loveless 4chan virgin.

10 bucks says if you could dox her and get one of us to her, she's be disavowing the left and hailing Hitler as she deleted everything.

Seems like Olympia

pick one user

I fucked that up

Absolute degenerate (as if the sextape wasn't enough).


Bit out of my usual way. I'm sure she'd appreciate a nice friendly visit though.
hi fbi. nothing illegal


Her blog? reynoldsonkl.blogspot.com/
Possible arrest: waarrestpdfs.com/records/31016674/karma l. reynoldson.pdf

Take care user, may kek guide you in your travels

Trips confirm you must seek out this woman and turn her off the dark path she's taking.
You also get 10 bucks if it doesn't work.

That's not exactly what I was thinking. Olympia = unsalvageable.


Wtf, can't tell if I'm being jewed but she's doing the long con for being a fake alt-kike. She even has a thing for Sam Hyde.

we need to form local political/philosophical clubs and absorb these kind of women and make matches for our lesser members with them

everyone benefits, the whore has a standard to correct her behavior to and the useless nerd retards have an incentive to learn something and make something of themselves

I was twitter friends with her. Can confirm. Seemed like she was legit desperate for a man in her life, and saw the "altright" as an avenue to get that. She's a solid 7/10, so I don't see how that would be difficult unless she was totally bat shit insane or intolerable to be around.

Domestic Violence, sounds about right.

She's insane enough to have a thing for Sam Hyde so that's a red flag.

Talk about photoshop, in most of these pictures she looks like an entirely different person from that on the OP.

As always, sage e-celeb threads.


http:// motherless.com/E80A237
http:// motherless.com/034AB0D
http:// motherless.com/4D774F8

ARgggg this bitch is hot but horrible. She needs a good electrode cage

kill yourself kike Crowley beta wiz

What are you, gay?

Even mild cases of FAS exhibit many of the telltale symptoms.

Her name is Karma so she most likely had hippy parents who believed in sexual energy or whatever the fuck and probably breast fed her till she was 6 and watched her parents having sex.

Literally who is this thot?

Not surprised, women on the internet are by nature attention whores. That's why there are no girls on the internet.

Girls on the 'alt right' or any political movement is at least 88% chance of having lewds somewhere on the net.

are they gone forver?

If she was standing up you'd see how fat she really is. I'd muh dik it though. She's obviously a squealer.

This is why we need real National Socialism.

She was desperate to be given the kinder kuche kirche treatment by pic 1, and ended up having to hang around with implicit selfie hipster instead. No wonder she felt betrayed.

This user gets it

oddly enough, the cutting is only the minor indicator of mental illness in that picture…

That's a kike for all you fags drooling over this cunt

All you torkikes are retards.

"minor" compared to her deranged libshit affect, tardo

+1, upboat, (you), etc. Who would be stupid enough to trust a white woman named Karma?

btw haven't skimmed this but I didn't see it posted. Most recent post is 2013.


Women should just stay away from politics anyway. Female role is to be a homemaker not a leader. I don't know why even people on the right virtue signal how proud they are seeing women in the academia / military / politics. Both sexes have different responsibilities and going against their natural roles damages society.

So she's not full on degenerate. I don't care to look at this any more past this.



Thinly veiled porn thread

I'll take the hit fellas.
-t. Helicopter pilot user


That's not what you meant you kike.

Actually on second thought, I fuck trees.

All deleted

Reupload plz

Her body weight seems fine, she just has small tits for her frame. Also you're the one projecting interracial lust on her. No where in that video is there an inclination that she like niggers. That's all in your head. Clearly you watch cuckold porn. Get the fuck off Holla Forums, faggot.

Beware any women who aren't apolitical, because they tend to be attention seeking bimbos who've been drilled out but multiple dozens of guys by 25.

I did fuck her. She's a lazy lay

I think she's kinda cute.

tbh she's pretty hot, and like most 18 y/o girls, a fucking idiot.

if she lived 20 years ago this wouldn't even be a possibility and she could just grow to regret her foolish doubts, so i feel sorry for her in that regard, but it is the current year so unfortunately she'll have to sleep in the bed she's made.

let's hope she can at least learn from it and find somebody decent to pass on those decent genes.

Why the fuck is this thread still up. Is it time to migrate again?

Karma Lorel Reynoldson

Kama Lynn Reynoldson

1602 Capitol Way S, Olympia, WA 98501


No one cares. You want to hurt a thot, stop giving them attention, retard.

Name: Karma L Reynoldson
Detention Date: May 4th, 2015
Location: Nisqually, WA
Charges: DV Simple Assault

military doesn't give a fuck what you do on your free time as long as you do it out of uniform and don't break the law

Lel she's a psycho crazy bitch probably with several personality disorders. I bet she sucks dick good

i'm sure the basis of this posting was a genuine interest in classical music, and that her claimed interest in classical music isn't just another way she's attention-whoring. definitely marriage material right there.

disposition of the court?

no white knight but simple assault could be a lot of things. that said, due to female privilege, for a white teen to be detained & charged, there's a higher bar than for a fucking white male, for example.

gas yourself


She must have not got enough attention with her whoring. That would make a girl angry, very bad for the ego. A fragile ego can't accept that it's her, so it must be those ebil nazees. Twitter won't get her anywhere but it will give her ego what it craves.

Classice honeytrap. Lonely, bit socially retarded guys taken advantage. Honestly, they deserve it because this is entertainment for them. If your'e serious about ANYTHING, you don't have young girls part of what you're doing.

Just look at that bio. She's hitting every buzzword there is. Good job Washington St. She gives away her weak spot though, 'overprotective older sister'. So find her and send gore.

You poor cuck… how pathetic can you be? That was four YEARS AGO and you SEE what she's done since but you got a boner so it's White Knight time. Your type goes into the bog with her.

shit thread. sage

So this is /r/the_donald / cuckchan tier shit.

Knew it. Her behavior screams for masculine interference, not childish rebellion. Her dad was probably absent or soft. She sees figures on the alt right as her escape from societal pressure, cutting herself and posting nudes was not okay, but I don't think she's lost, she's just what a victim of Jewish influence looks like in early stages. She is begging us for help, she thinks if she challenges us then we will come to her and fix her life.
If I lived near, I would certainly be willing to ward Her, I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss the borderline cases.

Hitler dubs confirm borderline cases will be retrained for integrity and given to the autists.

She has a conviction for domestic violence lmao


Make that at least 60, the sexual revolution started in the 1960s.

are you begging for a false rape allegation? or having your balls cut off? steer clear of extreme red flags.

she's a crypto kike feminist, looked around her tumblr page and it's full of that shit. "men need to be taught not to rape", "Kill all CISshit men" "My step dad beat me! Abloo Bloo Bloo” "cutting myself just to feel! lol!"

whack jobs like her can't be helped. (should also be sterilized so she doesn't pass on her crazy) she needs a padded cell, not your dick.

Once we get her sterilized and in a padded cell then is it okay to give her some meat therapy?

I blame /us/ for her acting out as much as anything. She doesn't have that sick iron spike in her heart like a Literally Who, so her hijinks seem mostly to be the yawing of a ship without a helmsman. Where was the strong white man who could have wifed this girl at 16 pedos get out and prevented all this pseudo-degeneracy? She should be on her third pregnancy by now.

Shame on us all. Even the married anons on this Sumatran gay sex chat board should have room in their homes for a spare white breeding unit. Somebody drop her dox so I can drive over and extend our invitation to dehumanise her self and face.

eh, if you keep her straight jacket and bite guard on… I guess? but once again, according to her info and posts she's "bisexual" and "racially colorblind" so she already ate out a few dykes and fucked a couple of nogs. is the STD risk really worth it?

Tippity topkek faggot.
Saving a bitch nearly got me life in prison and labelled a pedo because apparently a 17 year old and a 13 year old is pedo. She was full GTKRWN when I was done with her too, we were going to have white children and go full varg without the faggotry.

I didn't make the law. I didn't tell the judge to throw me in prison. I didn't decide that because I fucked a chick in my highschool I can't join the Zog machine Marines. I ain't going to put up with this bullshit anymore.

Half these fucking women don't even give a shit about themselves, there's no fucking point in trying to save them they'll all turn into whores eventually, how about you focus on saving your good damned self long enough for artificial wombs to be created.

I've done it before, I didn't realize she was a goddamn nut bar at first, she's pretty normal except for the fact that she always had someone else to blame, but whatever, she's a woman. It wasn't until she started having some stress in her life, being unable to pay her own bills, then she started to crack and show the crazy. It wasn't fun to deal with, and she was constantly talking about how I was going to leave her because of it, even started to blame me for any of it happening in the first place so that if I did leave her it wouldn't be her fault ( in her own mind) but I stuck with it and pushed her to get help and start acting like a goddamn white woman, wasn't long after that she decided that she had enough of me trying to ruin her independence with good advice, and left.
Fast forward one month no contact, as she starts trying to meet up with me acting like it's a fucking coincidence she keeps showing up three cities over where I work, but what do you know, she started wearing more modest clothing, she wears less makeup, and she's learning how to talk to people without being a cunt. I follow the thread for a couple more weeks and I noticed that she has genuine changes in her behavioral patterns. The real big thing though was that she finally started going to the nut house and talking to somebody about all her fucked up shit, something she can't do with anyone she actually knows, because if they don't hug box her she thinks it's a goddamn conspiracy.

She will never make a good wife, even if everything about her changed, her past is so riddled with issues it's too late for her, cheating on me insured that, but she was an experiment that I deem moderately successful. If I can passively influence someone to the point of bettering despite severe anxiety and paranoia on a clinical level, then we have a weapon to fight (((their))) influence with.
How many young women are we going to let fall prey to this? How is just brushing it off as an inevitability going to help anything? Dismissing these people is what leads to more extreme degeneracy and mental degradation.

Looks like she deleted all her kikebook posts from this year. I'll give the situation about 2 weeks to simmer down and I'll begin Operation Thot Reprogramming.


Nigger, you're talking about dogfighting with an a-10.
Your mistake was not in doing It, it was going in I'll equipped. No offense but marines aren't the sharpest wits, and dealing with the damaged takes a surgical approach, and a healthy case of sociopathy.
If you're a marine kind of guy, we don't need you dealing with crazy bitches in the first place, we need you with calm, collected women, so we can ensure your feverish Lust For Blood stays on the battlefield, not in the neighborhood.

Meanwhile the crazy ones can be mentored into compliance by the big brain niggas, who will replace jewish psychotherapists. Your kind can keep us safe from threats outside, my kind can keep us safe from threats inside.


Second pic is kinda Challenge Accepted scenario for me.

Not going to age well, basically she's coasting on youth, this is her peak, its down hill from here, soft sags, marginal features puff up, she's going to become a gender studies/HR hag soon enough.

If the A-10's pilot is significantly more experienced than the adversary then he wins 9 out of 10 times, he gets only one chance to be on the opponents ass but it's all he needs.

Agreed. Poor genetics, all she has is fair complexion and youth.

MGTOW faggots are the faggiest faggots in the world. Also Jew-owned

Just don't forget to wash your hand before you eat afterwards.

Do you know what FAS is?

Yes, I've seen swami posting.

sure that censor bar isnt censoring out a dick?

aint it funny how whites have to be exposed to poison in the womb in order to come out with kike facial features?

Same thing.

I still would because she is white and I am desperate and lonely.

If you can find a decent woman hop on that shit like a tick on a hound dog and never look back.
For the rest of us mere mortals, just try and keep from getting whatever disgusting STDs these whores have picked up

This is David Duke's daughter (with his ex-wife).

attention seeking, needy bitch who has probably burned coal

these are some of the worst chicks you can get involved with….everything has to be about them and they have to be the center of attention (hence her nudes and vids)
they have a childish mind that never grows up (yes user worse than most other women)….they believe in harry potter/hollywood shit and expect you to be able to know what they need because "true love" is magical
they are never happy in any relationship because of the jewllywood lie about your soul mate and they are quick to fuck around on you because they expect you to be a mind reader who can solve all their problems without them ever actually opening up and talking to you

jord. pet has a video on relationships that explains these kind of people….they are self seeking cancer and they will drag you down with them all the while playing pretend happy princess….avoid 100% of the time


The real question here isn't why faggots make e-celeb threads thinking anyone cares, its why the mods leave this shit open in the first place. Ban OP and anyone who didn't at least sage.

Women are highly socially adaptive, a sociopathic woman is going to do a significantly better job mind fucking the average guy even if women are usually lower IQ than men. The same advantage that men have over women in physicality, women have over men in the realm of manipulation.

Cutter & bisexual.


check this out starts at 05:15.

There's an insufficient amount of ludes on here to make an informed decision. The cutting shit means she's crazy, bi means she's a whore, but let's see if she's a talented whore, before we discount her completely.

It's also where 90% of my exes fall. I was retarded when I was young.

She's got that Alison Rapp look. Ask her how much her boyfriend charges for fisting.

Milo, just send her the BBC shirt, k?

Seeing all of that, makes me wonder if she has more than a 4 second video up on motherless.

Why haven't we made a carfax for women? As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a legal repercussion for spreading what is true. Anyone could host a site that allows men to tag names, DoBs, kinks etc. If anything it'll steer women away from being a whore lest she be seen as one by her peers.

all women are whores unless proven otherwise

I miss a lot of crazyeyes but this bitch is obvious

reported for eceleb


And your point is?

Made y'all a webm of it

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but this webm is total shit. I'm not going to bother trying to make one since the content isn't worth it

Would get sued into oblivion for some bullshit reason. Its also almost as bad an idea as that people rating app that was floated around a year ago.

No, you're right. Straight FFMPEG stream rip… it threw some errors but I didn't give it the proper once-over.

Yeah except for her political views which are inline with coalburners. Go back to cuckchan..


I still don’t buy it though, her video parody of Laura Loomer legitimately made me laugh, and no genuine progressive has ever achieved that. I think she is just mad.

Uncle Jim has your answer:

Not always. I have a talent for getting sociopathic women fired. It's like I'm the guy who gives no fucks and never underestimate their tactics, while all the numales cower in fear.

I like it. Subtle.


That's a damaged bitch.

That explains a lot.

I've dealt with a real Cluster B narcissist ex-gf before as well, it's just not worth the emotional and mental rollercoaster they try to put you through to change them, in the end the best case scenario is you may be able to change a few things about them for the better but you will never see any of that benefit because of the bad blood created by telling them otherwise, it will only benefit their next prey. Nothing they do makes sense unless you look at them as both self-hating and extremely attention seeking at the same time. They're only worth the temporary sex but not worth the chance of getting sucked into their immature games.

This is basically spot on with nuanced variations in psychopathy

Oh and if anyone anons are caught with one right now or in the future here's a tip: never be afraid to tell her the things you are looking for in a woman and that you won't compromise on those traits or you'll drop her in a moment's notice if she tries to fuck with you; that is the only real power you have as a male, don't give it up. Always stay jaded and confident in yourself enough to leave at any time. Look past the beauty and pay attention to the red flags and jot down a tally and decide the pros vs cons of wasting anymore time.

This is the exact mindset you need to overcome any female, know the power game from the start and already line yourself up for check mate.

wait what's her lastname?
I heard a witz

Only self improvement and book threads are off limits. Doxxing some whore? Now that's politics, and relevant to the movement.

And why would I want them?

She works for the merchant - the big-nosed tribe.


can some one tell me why no one has executed jim yet?

Jew Bane?

But are you also a socio/psychopath?
Detachment for either sex is a powerful tool for manipulation.

Well I knew it couldn't go anywhere when I started. I knew that I could play her games and live an occasionally uncomfortable life with an otherwise great girl, or I could try and help her, destroying the relationship I'm the process. I didn't want that, but I knew it was the honorable choice. I predicted everything that would happen from that point on, I knew what fights were coming, when she was going to leave, I knew she was going to cheat on me before she did it (it would ensure I never looked back, as she knew) and I knew the person shed do it With, her beta orbiter from work who I couldn't stand because he was a spaghetti dropping coward, because of course what would piss me off the most? (Well, a nigger obviously, but like I said, she's an otherwise alright girl, doesn't like em)
I wrote out a game plan, I documented everything, and I began to expose her to it.
I think it was better than just letting her run wild, potentially ruining lives because she was always too scared to look at herself critically. I don't like the "I recognize the problem, but I'll let someone else handle it" mentality.

Dubs confirm. My ex resisted alot of my standards (mostly in dress) up until she realized I was dropping her ass, and she suddenly started dressing trad as fuck to win me back.

That goes for any women though, it's like dancing, the man leads, the woman follows, she sees and feels You, and knows that if she disobey your lead, it will ruin it for the both of You, she has a few moments she can make it her own, but it's something the man allows.
But also like dancing the man must maintain himself, be firm in form and gentle in touch, stand upright with chest up in masculine display, be someone worth following.

Nigger nobody cares that this chick wants to write a book on us, nobody cares that she's begging for Nazi penis to impregnate her in her prime, this is about creating a standard course of action. this is one of the many discussions that must be had in a white nation to maintain our people. Maybe she's a jew, I don't know, I don't think she looks the part, but the question still remains, how do we deal with the abused? Hasn't pizzagate got you thinking? Great, we find the rapists, kill them all, free the kids….now what? You think the problems end there? It is possible to fix these people, especially in cases as mild as the threads subject.

Lewd? More like ==UGLY.==

Tell us more. Such skills can come handy.


Look at those eyes. Supreme Gentlewoman syndrome.

More like you get murdered in your sleep, get decapitated and stuffed in a fridge.

Don´t be a fedora. How you help people get them to dehumanize themselves and face to the bloodshed.

YouTube comment section simulator: the post.

lmfao I remember this slut from when I was on twitter. HHAHAHAAHAH

What's her phone number?

(eat shit MGTOW, she is hot and perfectly fine except being brainwashed)

It all depends if she's Jewish. She could easily be turned away from the nonsense she's been force fed with a good man. If she is Jewish she will never turn against her own kind.

She's objectively potato looking you pathetic fuck.

Translation: I'm a thin-skinned crybaby and someone hurt my fweelings

Fuck outta here. This isn't a "freestyle" battle rap.
So you browsed kym and reddit?
fucking lol

Want to hear a funny joke?
Religion of Cuck™

get the fuck out of here

third pic is a red flag. AVOID AVOID AVOID. look at the text.

Good looking girl, although her figure and tits are absolute dogshit.

Essentially a reverse butter-face.

it looks like her breath smells like cat piss and dogshit

They all have those eyes. That's the classic, brainwashed stare of the thoroughly indoctrinated. Go look up pictures of cultists like the Moonies or the Jonestown group, you'll see the same vacant gaze. They're no longer open to reasonable discussion or debate. There's nothing behind those eyes except "the message."

you are going to have to accept some "damaged goods" to get by in this life

you are going to have to learn the art of healing

we are all damaged

She's already fucked up 2 of her 3 goals.

There are things that unacceptable, such as having a lot of naked pictures of yourself online, cheating or having sex with 3rd world trash. It's not complicated not to do that.

Nah she's pretty lost user. I wouldn't date her despite the fact that she's a solid 8/10, any girl that posts their nudes all over the internet is fucked in the head.


Nothing to see here.

solid 8? grandma face and skinny fat is going to age off a cliff in a heart beat, 7.5 max.

i came


Mistress T has a daughter?

She just looks like a Chelsea Clinton clone. Do not allow the a Clinton in any capacity to be allowed to breed. We cannot have any more of them on this planet.

good luck - 8/pol/ fervently opposes any attempts at IRL organising